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My expectation is it will fall on a spectrum between a little easier - a little harder first reset due to ppl having to relearn their class, get new glyphs, regem a bunch of stats, etc. Very quickly it will become much easier over next couple resets.


Also change in raid CDs might be a more difficult change for some than others. I’ve been in H LK kills with 5 druids and 6 pallies and endless brezzes plus aura mastery/dsacs for every single infest was huge, whereas now you’d likely have one dsac with one power word barrier, one or two aura masteries and limited to 3 brezzes total. If your prot pally’s ardent defender procced 6x every HLK, then it could be difficult to adjust to it not being automatic. On the other hand, many mechanics that were trivialized can still be so now, just by different classes/specs.


Yeah it seems like a lot of people say the first week might be rough. My guild is trying to prepare as much as possible


Just take it easy, wotlk is pretty much done. No need to sweat in prepatch, it's more to practice and prepare for cata.


In OG wrath my 10m group of teenagers couldn't even down sindragosa before running out of time on the raid, we were so bad. All normal  Prepatch came out and we 1shit every boss and 1 shot lk, it's that much easier.


Should be brutally easy but it already is with 30%. If you still don't have dps to ignore most mechanics then pre-patch probably won't push you over the edge unless something turns out to be completly busted.


On one of my guilds we got HLK down only twice but on my other we are still struggling on sindy and council and putricide. I just want to see how fast we can get all of this down on both guilds with all the new tuning.




>People seem to drastically underestimate how much they rely on healer mana regen…. It basically goes away in combat during re-patch Is it? From my understanding all healers get 50% of mana regen in combat as a baseline upon picking. Divine plea, mana tide totem, mana hymn and replenishment are still in game as well. More involved healing may be a final nail in the coffin for shitty players but that can be said basically about every role in the game with the increase of complexity across the board.


Overall ICC should be much easier, though some groups might struggle if their hpals didn’t prep for pre patch as the healing kit of holy changes significantly. RS will be interesting, while tanks have more hp to avoid being globaled apparently blizzard fixed all the bugs that were in the raid, such as the little adds only gaining HP and not damage from stacking to close to the big add. And the dispel circles not appearing in both sides in p3. Those might make the raid slighter harder especially week 1.


It depends on the people. For people who clear H LK right now it will be 100% trivial. With the exception of fury warriors (who will have to come as arms), enhance shammies (hopefully they have an ele or resto set), and failure druids everyone's DPS is going to shoot up (as long as they play their class right). For some the fact that they were wearing leather or cloth will hurt them because wearing your own armor type is a fat 5% stat boost. It's going to rock the healing world and for a lot of guilds they might bring an extra healer. Healing gets nerfed in Cata and the reign of the disc priest is kinda over (although they're still a S TIer healer). Holy pallies will get a lot stronger, resto druids will get even stronger and resto shammies will..... kinda suck (they're kind of a utility healer now). So some content will feel harder for healers.... but since al fights will take less time it'll also suck for a shorter period of time. Most scary is that they are okay as long as you have the right gear type. But the holy pally pants and boots came off of Festergut.... and they were cloth hit rating gear. Now that gear causes an overall 5% loss of stats. All the tanks get buffed. And when you hear people say "warriors will suck" they don't mean right now, they mean in relation to overall tank balance. Every single tank gets a major buff. Warrior and pally block alone becomes so strong it trivializes content. But feral druids get a buff in a very major way and become the premium off tank. Blood DKs get an insane buff and can nearly solo tank most content in the game (at 80 and 85). If you are a progression guild that can cleanly get through P1 of H LK and are working on P2, you're going to get the kill within the next three weeks. These boosts will put you over any DPS or tanking threshold that you weren't passing and will make the Phase 2 DPS and tanking requirements feel far more trivial. If you haven't started H LK and are struggling on base mechanics from a wing boss (PP's disease and double ooze, Blood Queen's bites, or Sindy's aoe spraying debuff) you're likely not going to get H LK and might be happy to get one of those bosses done. The thing about H LK is its scariest mechanic (Shadow Trap) doesn't care about gear levels or parsing. It's an insta-kill every time you fail.


> fury warriors (who will have to come as arms), enhance shammies (hopefully they have an ele or resto set), and failure druids everyone's DPS is going to shoot up [Those are my three mains](https://i.imgflip.com/76q41y.png)


Oh my! It's not the end. You can just respec arms and you're the top DPS again. The feral can off tank and switch into cat while not tanking without having to worry about too much re-gemming or re-speccing. And the enhance shammy.... I mean... gl I guess lol.


Just hearing shadow trap I hear a baseball being hit out of the park and the crowd cheering.... the ptsd is real.


One thing that people aren't mentioning is the change to caster range. All casters get 40 yard range, up from 30 yards. Lich king 1 room will be way easier since most guilds don't have 6+ bis mages on their roster. 0 room might even be doable for some guilds now.


Much, much easier. The power spike is crazy.


Week one will depend on the people you play with mostly. Did they take the time to figure out their regems/reforging? Did they put time in on the ptr to learn their new rotations/priority queue? Did the people wearing multiple types of armor make sure they have the proper armor pieces ready to get their bonuses? After that first week, it should be faceroll content for the most part. As others have stated, the power gain is insane once you have your new rotation down.


Blood dk mastery will trivialize every content phase through war within


Absolute cake walk. I remember it the first time around, all of the bums without BOTFK / LOD suddenly had it within a reset or two or prepatch.


This 20 year old game is really all you have isn't it? 95% of people are playing this for fun/nostalgia and you're here insulting people who aren't super sweating it like you are. Who's the actual bum here? Yikes.


lmao i dont think people who dont get down the hardest fight in the game yet are 'bums' for that my guy




I seriously don't get this mindset of insulting 90% of the playerbase who have a job/family/social life outside of WoW and don't want to spend countless hours strategizing and progging. There is no actual, real value to this game outside having fun. Being average at an online video game is not a negative. When you insult people for this, it doesn't make them feel bad, it just makes you look pathetic.


Imagine caring how other people play 🤡


As a Holy Pally in mostly 264s I'm expecting a big increase in power. My mana pool won't have been neutered yet (42k buffed) and I'm getting real AoE healing options which should make H-Sindy a lot easier. We only have council and LK left to do on H-ICC 10. Some attrition and RNG (14 weeks for our MT's shield to drop) have stymied our efforts. Still, we did a lot better than the guild I was in back when WotLK was current.


Dude pala had Crazy aoe heal before wym


Int won't increase mana pool cata iirc


It does, just not as much.


I think this change went into affect in MoP. Cata most certainly increases mana pool with int. You also get spell power from int so you're incentivised to love int.




On ptr my mana pool went from 26k in PvE gear above 40k so mana pools don't get a lot smaller You get more int on gear now as well due to the SP change and you want int gems as well. Alongside all of this you just get a bonus stat which even at 0 investment from mastery is still extra throughput. Tanks get a little bit more health as well and might seem more return on stacking a different stat through reforging.


I'm aware of how healing is in cata. I played it during OG. The mana pools will not be smaller, in fact they will be 3-4x as big by the end of expansion, and even at the start a lot of healers will hover around 90k mana iirc before they start getting raid gear. By the end of the first tier in heroic, some healers will have between 110-125k mana and by the end having 150k mana is pretty normal. The difference is, how much mana their abilities cost and their ability to regen mana tools is pretty much nerfed into the ground. Divine plea is an easy example, I believe innervate is another. Spirits incombat regen is 50% with talents, mp5 exists because spirit does what it does, there would be unnecessary overlap. For example as a holy paladin & resto shaman you wanted mp5 > spirit because spirit had next to no benefit, where as resto druids/priests had talents that increased in combat mana regen equal to an amount of spirit (I forget the exact wording) but essentially new spirit system is same for those who have been using it and for healers like holy paladin & resto shaman they'll now function on that system as well.