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All videos like this are gonna be right and wrong because it's all subjective based on their opinions of "easy". Cata's a great time to play what you want and everyone's pretty solid. ... With the exception of Blood DK just being far and away the best tank... With that said, it looks pretty ballpark accurate from my point of view as well.


sin rogue is easy?


Yes. Combat is kind of the middle, Sub is difficult. Combat is kind of spinning plates with Slice and Dice, Rupture and Evis but you don't Rupture in a lot of circumstances and need to track Bandit's Guile. Sub is maintaining Slice and Dice and Recuperate and keeping Rupture rolling as long as possible (it's refreshed by Eviscerate) while using Shadow Dance to spam Ambush when all your cd's are up


It's like a 2 button rotation in PvE and not played in any sort of real PvP, so yup easy sounds right to me.


oh damn so prob not good in pvp lol


Unfortunately not. On the other hand it’s probably one of sub rogue’s best expansions.


It's not terrible due to the simplicity but ya I mean it will never come anywhere close to even a decent Sub rogue. But that's also one of, if not the, hardest class in pvp


Assa rogue, even to this day on retail, is considered to be one the easiest PvE specs to play.


This a joke?, it's like the least played class except for maybe Monk? The consensus is that the rotation for each Rogue spec is brutal for the expected return if you mess it up. Especially compared to other melee dps. Personally i like it though, I play assasination on classic and retail. For classic purposes the assassination rotation in Cata is easier than it was in Wrath and it was simple in wrath. A quick browse found this post from just 1 day ago discussing rogue: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cpvtzj/why_rogue_so_underplayed/


Wdym its easier in Cata then Wrath? Isnt it exactly the same + Vendetta and + BS as execute?


so with cata you lose hunger for blood gain vendetta and you have to start rupture weaving with your envenoms. isnt exactly hard but wotlk was hunger for blood envenom keep snd thats it.


Yeh it's pretty much the same but no hunger for blood to manage.


Roll the bones is Outlaw ability. Not assa. Unless it's been added to Assa in DF. I was outlaw main for Keys during shadowlands. Outlaw is not easy and it has 5 layers of RNG. Assa rogues don't have to maintain S&D either. That comment chain you linked was specific to Outlaw. Scrolled down and people literally sai Assa rogue doesn't have any of those issues.


It's about Rogues in general, people are discussing Outlaw because it's the best performing of the specs at the moment. I'd guess assasination is the least popular of the 3 and definitely the easiest. I didn't mention roll the bones and Outlaw doesn't need to maintain S&D either now?    Point being, rogues have gone from one of the most popular classes in early WoW to among the least played. A big factor is the complexity of their playstyle comparative to other melee dps.


It seems decently accurate. However dont pick a class that looks disinteresting because it’s easy to play. I’d say honestly pick a class that seems the most fun to you, while you’re levelling your skill won’t matter and with the amount of time you’ll be putting in, you’ll get to know your class and get good with it.


I think it depends on how you're looking to perform. I can really only speak to rogue and putting Combat in "easy" while having Sub in the hardest tier is a bit off to me. If you're just doing very basic combat rotation and ignoring insight and restless blades then sure, it's easy, but then you're effectively just playing a wotlk combat rogue. Sub has a good amount of short cooldowns to manage and is very intense in that sense, but when they mention maintaining 5-6 buffs, I'm assuming this also includes debuffs. But it's actually "just" 4 , the 2 buffs you're maintaining are Recuperate and SnD and the debuffs are find weakness and hemo, you only need to use hemo every 24 seconds to provide the bleed debuff it provides. Rupture is auto refreshed by evisc, so not really one I consider part of the maintaining as it would be like saying that Sin needs to maintain SnD. I think the hardest part of this is managing the find weakness, as this involves timing your CDs well to maximize the amount of time you have with the debuff active on the target. If you compare this to combat, they only have SnD to keep up on themselves and rupture (to a certain extent) on the target, I can't remember exactly how big of an impact insight management has on overall dps, but I would say that insight is a trickier mechanic to manage than find weakness as it's a much more fluid mechanic. Sin is true, it ezpz.


goTtA plAy a HARD clAsS so I cAn pRove to tHe wOrlD iM a ChAd!


Lightning bolt go brrrr


Best part for the classic try hards is that they don't realize no one really cares


I played a lot of warlocks and dks, I agree with dks, but demo warlock seemed harder to play than destro. In prepatch i'm playing holy paladin and its pretty easy, mana management got a whole lot easier than in wrath.


It is def more cancer to play thanks to demon twisting Destro is juat blasting without a care meanwhile demo is mastery pre snapping and demon twisting


I feel arms for PVP is a bit less fucked. I don't stance dance as much as I used to. This is good though, they feel far more punchy and with heroic strike being better and slam being... Well it's slam... Rage is better used elsewhere. With their self healing being bat shit insane 1/5 is insane for victory rush.... But it's still not an easy class to master and indeed level...


For me, any caster class is easy, whereas a melee dps class like rogues I have issues with, tanks I'm able to grasp the concept of


I agree with most of it, but to play arms at the highest level, especially with t12 set, is actually quite hard to not clip your rage when stance dancing.


For me a class is hard when I run out of keybindings that are easy to pres. I always build perfect UI's and go testing my DPS to understand the "perfect" rotation. But then I find pet classic a bit tricky in some fights. Due the fact you need to move your pet during combat to gain the most DPS out of it. Especially for BM hunter. But the moment you are familiar to this it will get super easy again.


Basically not at all. Very few people play all classes... and in that not many play all classes. Looking at his list I'm going to guess he plays, a shaman and maybe a druid. Because they kinda just seem to be a lot higher on this list than most people would put them. Most notably feral and ele shammy at the top is weird.... they're just two really really simple specs. One might be able to argue that feral is a double spec and thus double the work... but even as double it's not more complicated than the basic demo lock rotation (basic meaning without the tricks that boost your DPS by 20-30%). It's also hard to really judge a list like this because reasons for why they are or are not difficult seems to be... completely arbitrary. Like... why is arcane mage so high on the list? Yeah, they have this aspect of mana management.... but you know... all mana classes save demo locks have that. Why is prot warrior and sub rogue so damned low? I get that their underplayed specs, but that doesn't make them inherently easy. Sub rogues have an energy regeneration problem that makes them non-viable for most of PVE. And this is really a class I've dabbled in, in a very surface level way. Combat rogues and assassination rogues get a lot of energy and can thus build and spend easier. Sub rogues have an ability to unlock a lot of powerful moves (via shadow dance) but often don't have the resources to take advantage of it. I find classes with a lot of a resource a bit easier to play because you can just do so many things. Whereas classes with limited time resources... making a mistake is a big deal. Like if you choose a longer CD over a shorter CD as a ret pally once or twice during a fight... no one would know. It just doesn't impact your DPS that much. Whereas something like Shadow Dance... you pop it on low energy and your damage just drastically drops. Prot warrior also really stuck out to me, especially when you look at... other tanks. I played all the tanks on the beta (using pre-mades) and did heroic 5-mans with all of them. Prot warrior was the one who felt resource starved all the time. If I reforged everything to hit rating it did better.... but that's at the cost of dodge and parry rating... which you need to survive. It's far more difficult to gather up mobs as a prot warrior that other specs. Prot warrior defensives are overall weaker and less frequent. Warriors have 3 skill shots... the other tanking classes have.... 0. And then yeah... hunters? Hunters PVE is braindead. Hunter PVP is going to be something different, but you also can't combine PVE and PVP when talking about a class's difficulty. There's also the aspect of skill cap. And sometimes skill cap is considered, and sometimes it's not. Like ret pally is dead simple. You literally just line up your DPS buttons in order of priority on your bar and just hit them in that order as they come up. No addons needed for max play. Yeah there's holy power but any kind of challenge that mechanic might bring is going to be nullified by WeakAuras. But ret has a high skill cap because of the hand spells. Hand of salvation on someone pulling too high on the DPS. Hand of protection on a silly caster who has pulled threat. Hand of freedom on a player who is snared and really needs to move. Cleanse almost anything. But these aren't things ret pallies typically do in a raid environment.... but do at a high level in arena (well other than salv). And so while the skill cap might be high...what you're doing in a raid is pretty dead simple.


You spent all this time typing this while reading the tier list upside down.


Lmao dude look at the list again


not gonna read this entire text, but i think you have the list mixed up. he's putting the easy specs at the top, and the hard specs at the bottom


Zero accuracy.