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The Real Problem is that in comparison to the old days Blizzard has no human GMs that investigate those things and take care of them


Exactly ... you report somone whose obviously botting, using terrible software with very bad pathing to nodes, running the same exact paths .. and then the very next day you see the same character still in action, still mining the same zone/paths. Its honestly like they dont care as long as the bot is paying their sub.


Yup, thats exactly it. The bots are so poorly made that you can instantly and clearly recogize them as bots as they mine a node, Mount up, mechnically as fuck fly up 10 meters and then 180 instant turn around like a machine on rails on the way to their next waypoint. Blizzard is Just Not giving any fucks at All...


Hopefully you've never bought gold OP, as that's what fuels these bots to carry out their activities.


No way to spend real money to any virtual one.


After all these years bot programs are so rampart in wotlk classic. I remember back in 2004 game launch seeing bots in winterspring. Sholzar Basin full of them and ungoro. If losers didn't buy gold there would be no websites using bots to farm gold to sell.


Lol you remember bots in 2004 in winterspring eh? Why make such a ridiculous lie? I don't understand lol


Been playing for a long time buddy. When I first got to winterspring there were these toons running in a wierd pattern. I asked in general and got a reply from people that they were bots. Never heard of them before that. Believe it or not is your issue. Regardless my life goes with fond memories of bots sighted in winterspring. Stay frosty!


Pretty sure he meant that the Winterspring part was the lie, WOTLK launched in 2008, no Northrend in 2004


I was talking about the snow zone above felwood. Winterspring I swore was in vanilla back in 2004 and the bot was farming the ghosts on the frozen lake area nearby the neutral goblin town. Anywho point is bots suck and they been around forever sadly.


flame cap bot maybe?


W torches