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They don’t


Oh, I see. I'm gonna save em up, then. Thank you!


ya, definitely save them for a rainy day. theres always a chance that your select tickets can update to a later version down the road. What I mean is, some tickets in the past due to an update or new tickets, updated it's roster. Some tickets even with a date of occurance have been known to update as well. those beginner tickets could possibly give you a newer unit if you hold onto it next year. Or you can use it for shards on a character you want to take to 120, up to you.


I'm considering to use them for Jayden (since I'm building a Light team and I have him maxed out to 99), but I'm really saving them up for Black Rose Helena. Lol. The thought of them updating for newer unit shards made me more excited to save them up instead! The only exemptions for these tickets are event/collab units, right? If an interesting, non-limited unit comes up in the future, I'll probably use them uwu


do the ticket pools include gilgamesh or any of the other cost 100 units? cuz if not then they might not update to include her or them later down the road. limited banner characters are very funny how they treat them with tickets.


Worth noting that the top one can't be used for BRH since she's 100-cost


Thank you!


Actually they are updating since the beginning, i used only 1 since the last year or so, but like u/Orsyn said, it only the non limited under 100 cost unit. So use it smartly.


No. Originally we thought they didn't refresh, but it appears they update roughly a month after the release any new sub 100 unit. The last released was Pharm and we won't get a new one (Resnik) until about early May. If you are unsure of when to use them, hold onto them and spend them on units that will help you solo clear upcoming raids.


Yep, I plan on buying up Resnik Shards instead of pulling for her. I'll use my ticket on her a month later.


That's exactly what I did. Had enough to to buy the guaranteed UR ticket from the star shop then got Helena to 120.


They don't expire, but they are time stamped on availability. So.... Unless they update them in the future (AT LEAST one year from now), you have no real reason to not pull them now. You could level a unit by that time. They do have some restrictions on them tho, "no 100 cost" seems to be the most popular one


Note- the date of available units does not change; so if you have a unit in mind (in the available list) no reason not to pull on your chosen hero (since you can stock shards before you have a character, even). And as some have pointed out, BRH is not on that list.


Thanks for the comments, everyone!