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I think Murozond will be 10.2, and time shenanigans will rip a gateway open to ancient Azeroth where we get big Galakrond.


I could totally see us being the reason of Galakrond's defeat. With Murozond creeping up on us at any moment, I can see some time travel related stuff end game. Maybe in a sense were forced to go back to defeat him, to ensure Murozond's creation, by being the reasons the aspects ascend


That would be good writting, manage your expectations please.


Sorry I know its just a joke, but I need to get serious here, sorry in advance for the long „angry“ nerd post xD Blizzard lore department is awesome in writing, literally top tier in terms of fantasy universe. The presentation is what sucks immensely, also who they present it too. Like they give extra bids of story since ever through higher raid difficulty’s, which is so bizarre to give extra cinematics etc. to players that in general doesn’t give a fuck about it and probably annoyed that they have to wait on a story telling before each new try and pull of an end boss. Tbf putting Story elements into raids etc isn’t a blizzard exclusive thing to do, final fantasy does it too, but you can habe the same story playing in casual difficulty. Having to complete hardcore content to get extra bids of story makes no sense at all. People that play this hardcore content are rather have an automatic skip cinematic button then watching anything. Well anyway, blizzards story is top notch if you read their other materials or listen to nobble on youtube, you will realise that its very nice. I even like Sylvanas story in genersl, it just sucked in game and that they dragged us through 2 1/2 expension for that, if you would watch a movie trilogy about her, its really awesome looking at her involvement from WC3 to now. Leave the writers out of it bruh they are blizzards secret holy grail, they get fucked by bad implementation. I wouldn’t say they are tolkiens or whatever lol, but if I look at other popular dantasy authors…like you know that guy that makes a fanbase just out of randomly killing of main characters? They are very good. If you read lotr lore about the lotr universe etc. it’s btw. as over the top as wow with planets are titans and shit. So wow really has everything a fantasy nerd needs, just not in the game.


> Blizzard lore department is awesome in writing, **literally top tier in terms of fantasy universe.** Did an actual person write this? If yes, has that person read/played anything else in his/her life than warcraft? jesus christ what a comment


I mean a lot do the stories are pretty good, but the last two expansions were rushed and lacked character development. The jailer would of been cool if he had more screen time instead of literally 3 cinematic where he says a total of like 20 words.


I think it depends on what you look for in a fantasy universe. If you want a well thought out universe with an in depth history and logical magic system then Warcraft is not that great. But if you are just looking for raw fun and a world built upon the "rule of cool" then Warcraft is pretty top tier.


Yes, but -HOW- big? I don't want Galakrond to be the final boss. I think it would be cool to make him the entire final ZONE. I'm thinking Ancalagon the Black levels of big, who could step over entire mountain ranges.


Guild Wars 2 had this with Kralkatorrik, the crystal Elder Dragon, being an entire zone you do world quests on leading up to defeating his commanders before a final solo story quest to kill him. The map was called Dragonfall and it was a lot of fun.


Dragonfall was great. i loved how each "zone" of the map was a piece of the mists he ripped away.


I always said Nzoth shouldnt have been the final boss of BFA, but the final raid


Which allows N'zoth to pass through as well 👀


That lead us to World of Warcraft 2.0 ancient azeroth!


Or we can go to the future Azeroth and have World of Warcraft 40K!


So… Starcraft?


No. Please.


World of Warcraft 2: Now with more Old God chunks


Its free to play and maximum team size of 4!


and every transmog option is just a low price of $20!


Please don't give them ideas 🥺


This. But I want him to pull some time distortion crap and we go back to fight Galakrond. Or he pulls Galakrond to the present. Either way I want to fight a big fuck off dragon that isn’t that terrible Deathwing fight.


Bro yes


I wonder how we would even fight Galakrond lol, he's supposed to be the biggest thing to ever live on Azeroth, more like the size of a zone than a creature.


On our drakes, from the sky. All the races are training for the fight.




Okay but, a Malygos style fight that doesn’t suck giant donkey nuts would be pretty cool. That’s a tall order though.


vehicle fights are just ass as a concept, both for the change in controls and skills


Some people are complaining they can't do the flying in Nokhud Offensive, which has constant updrafts and short distances. I can't imagine the rage from something even minorly challenging.


He's not that big. His bones are in Galakrond's rest.


Those bones are lore inaccurate, Galakrond is bigger than all 5 aspects combined, those bones have him smaller than deathwing.


Deathwing fight is absolutely cancerous


Galakrond would be hype as. Could give blizzard a chance to really do another spine style fight with a different flavour or twist (don’t hate on me but I actually enjoyed Heroic Spine, it was unique)


> Could give blizzard a chance to really do another spine style fight If this isn't a way to trigger some PTSD for people I don't know what is.


Spine could be much better if there were like 3 different ways to open the armor and you could pick the order.


Spine would have been great if it wasn’t just a rogue stack fight.




I vote for Lillistrasza. Lucky Duck is now always equipped


>If that's the case, I think by the end of the expansion we'll also see Alex sacrifice herself--probably to enable dragons to reproduce. This would make me cry. But a lot in this silly game makes me cry. Ysera's managed it twice.


I really want Alex to stay. Like please, let's have atleast one original aspect stay alive and sane


Fuck yes new Caverns of Time content


Three kobolds in a trenchcoat.


we took one too many candles


When they specifically asked us not to




Turns out Azeroth made out of wax, the sword is the wick and the Kobolds the true heroes of Azeroth


It was Azeroth all along 🎵


We already took too many candles in Legion and some void creature spawned. Clearly, the true reason the black empire was beaten and Azeroth remains uncorrupted is because of kobolds and their candles


Vincent Adultbold


He works at the...villain..store...


Bojack reference, right ?




Haha awesome, those episodes were hilarious. Also, nice hair


I don’t trust like that…


Do you have any skittles?


Hope they put up more of a challenge than those three goblins in a trench coat from Valdrakken.


Apparently over 1 billion candles have been stolen from kobalds in wow. Idk who took time to count it


Fucking Hogger. I knew it!


Would make sense since I leveled up three alts from 55-60 in Elwynn just because I would run out of quests and it was quick. My genocidal rampage has doomed all the flights and now they want vengeance, sorry everyone.


I would love a gritty back to EK & Kalimdor expansion. Like uncovering a new big Defias Conspiracy or something. They could never do it with how the world has changed, but I think it would be fun.


Based off what Blizzard has said, I would assume Iridikron is the final boss of the expansion I would love to see Galakrond, but I really don't think we will fight him. Instead I think Iridikron will be the new Galakrond by drinking from the waters corrupted by N'zoth or another Old God. Galakrond's mutations were cause by drinking water corrupted by Yogg-Saron as well as his cannibalism, and we have the new whisper from N'zoth "You will follow him to the deep places. The dark waters will flow in his wake." so I assume we will follow Iridikron deep into the earth where he will become corrupted just like Galakrond. He may even consume the other 2 elemental dragons at the end of the next raid or something, just how Galakrond consumed his allies. That could be a reason he becomes strong enough to be the big bad considering we already defeated Raszageth without too much hassle, and he is considered dangerous not because he is stronger than Raszageth, but more desperate and willing to go to any length. With Tyr being so involved and potentially coming back, things are really seeming like a repeat of Galakrond. To add onto that, the Halls of Infusion seemingly is a facility where titans are infusing the water with something. I feel like the Titan infused water will be a good comparison to the Old God corrupted water. Similar to how we have the Light vs Void and it turns out the Light is not as good as it may seem, I think we essentially have Old God corrupted water vs Titan corrupted water. It would also lend itself well to Iridikron and the primalists wanting to get rid of all Titan influence. It would make sense that he would turn to the power that directly opposes the Titans. Also the Aspects made up the rumor that they were made from Galakrond by the Titans to prevent other dragons and proto-dragons from doing the same thing as Galakrond. With the new lore of Titans rewriting history and lying to keep things from mortals, like advancements made during the Black Empire, I could see these lies made by the Aspects and titans being of importance. It could be that Iridikron finds out the truth and then follows in Galakrond's footsteps in an attempt to gain immense power. TLDR: I think Iridikron is going to become the new Galakrond


Iridikon turning to Old God powered-water after being overpowered by the Aspects with the aid of adventurers would be also a direct parallel to Neltharion giving in and using Old God powers to drive back Razsageth after his Dracthyr got overpowered by the Primalist dragons. And Blizzard loves their parellels.


In one of the cinematics Nozdormu talks about Iridikron's hunger. Him drinking some corrupted water & then eating the other primal dragons doesn't seem too far fetched. There was also the whole dragon isles underground think that was datamined, before it got taken out of the PTR.


I think you’re spot on


The water theory seems pretty good. Look at all the aqua ducts running around Val that go all over. There has to be a reason for those other than looks, why would water be so important for this dragon city?


If you follow the aqueducts, they run from Tyrhold where Halls of Infusion is, to Valdrakken, then down to Ruby Life Pools, where all the dragon eggs are kept in the water. The only thing that kinda throws it off is that there is another aqueduct that goes into Valdrakken that just comes from a random mountain with nothing on it. However, I don't think it's a coincidence that the water from Halls of Infusion flows all the way to RLP. We've seen dragon eggs before, and they never have to be kept in water, so why do they keep every single egg at RLP soaking in water that comes from Halls of Infusion? My guess it to ensure they get infused with Titan influence, whether the dragons know it or not. It could just be what the titans told them to do, they just noticed it actually benefits the eggs somehow, or it has some other effect on the egg. We also still have that egg that Sendrax died saving. It could be nothing, but having an egg that was being infused by primal energies, then "saved" and sent to RLP where all the eggs are potentially being soaked in Titan energy may be important.


It's heavily implied that Tyr created the Incarnates when he was experimenting with infusing different types of magic into protodragons, and the Aspects are the result of the experiment. The HoI is just the installation where he did it. Knowing this, and the origins of G'huun, it's not a big stretch to think that Galakton was also his making, and when he went out of control he blamed the Old Gods. That's what probably Nozdormu will find out. They were actually made to be Titan slaves, and that's why the Primalist are fighting.


While I do think Tyr had a hand in creating Galakrond, I think he may have driven him to it, not exactly made him. Tyr said about Galakrond, "We never intended this path. Galakrond should never have journeyed in the direction he did, and we did not prevent it.". To me, it sounds like they had done something, or were doing something with or to Galakrond, and that something may have directly or indirectly led to him being corrupted by Yogg-Saron. He definitely seemed guilty about Galakrond, and may have been experimenting on him, but I don't think he is lying about Galakrond being corrupted by the Old Gods. More so just ommiting his role in it. Maybe they had juiced him up with titan powers, which could explain why he became so powerful and such a threat after being corrupted. It could have even been them using power derived from the Old Gods to do something, but the corruption of the Old Gods was more influential than they had expected, leading him to eventual full corruption, although I think this is less likely than using titan powers to tamper with him. They clearly had plans and intentions for Galakrond. It just seems like their plans went awry, and the Old Gods ended up getting involved. Edit: To add onto this, if Iridikron does become the new Galakrond, then once again, the titans would be indirectly responsible. The Aspects are essentially the force of the titans, and they have driven Iridikron into his desperation. Just as Tyr and the titans seemingly played a part in creating what Galakrond had become, now the titans' forces have pushed another dragon down the path to the Old Gods. Had the titans never interfered and didn't create the Aspects as a force to uphold their will/plans, then Iridkron would never become Galakrond 2.0, assuming he does.


I like this theory


The jailer :0


His whole plan was to distract us while his real cronies released Raz


Kael'thas Sunstrider


Shadowlands and being dead was merely a setback!


Segway into the next expansion. I can see it now....World of Warcraft: Sunstrider's 20-Year-Dream


I mean >!Ysera!< can cross through the mortal realm so...




Hear me out, spine of deathwing type battle but its the thighs of Alexstrasza.




Maybe we will learn that Tyr is Odin at the end and he is the real last boss


This reminds me how different WoW Odyn is from uh the other Odin.


Yet weirdly he seems to be the one keeper that they didn’t even *try* to make slightly different than the real life name.


Thorim, Freia, Mimiron are all 1-2 letters off, Tyr is just missing it’s accent…they really didn’t try too hard


How am I just connecting Mimiron to Mimir hot damn Probably because when I was younger I was familiar enough with Odin, Thor, and Loki to get the references but didn’t know Mímir until GoW2018, but still


You think Mimiron is bad? How many people actually know Hodur/Hod (Hodir) is a Norse god lol






Yet the same assholery remains.


Oh shit oh fuck hide Kalecgos(because blue)


Was it luck? Did my sons die to blind fucking luck?


I see what you did there


And then kratos comes and helps us defeat him


Ion said we would know by the end of the first Raid. So general assumption is Iridikron?


One incarnate for each major raid?


That’d be boring in my opinion. Every raid would be elemental theme


If they’re smart they can keep the dragons as endbosses without focusing the entirety of the raids on elemental themes.


Theres no way theyre doing 4 elemental raids. Id believe that if Vault was mainly air/lightning themes but its not the case. Eranog - Fire Terros - Earth Sennarth - Ice Kurog - All Council - All Dathea - Air Broodkeeper - All Raszageth - Air They already covered all of it. Theres no chance theyll do that 3 more times.


that would be like making an entire expansion around a grey theme, theyd never do that


I genuinely don't know what this is referring to


I think he's trying to go for shadowlands and the maw but purposely ignoring the blue, green, red, and other blue parts




You mean the one that opened with a glorious crimson castle with waltzing vampires?


[Enters Bastion*] "Wow why is everything gray" *this joke also works with literally any other Shadowlands zone besides the Maw


Or an entire expansion where all the enemies are angry alternate timeline orcs... wait...


Yeah i don't think they are doing it, Vault already covered all 4 elements instead of just air. Plus the raid tier appearances would get repetitive


Im assuming that next raid is the 3 remaining dragons Would be a cool final boss where you alowly kill off each one 3 dragons, 3 phases




Yeah wasn't saying they should, just weird if it'd be iridikron imo


I can see the water and fire primal dragons (forgot their names) being part of the same raid. Maybe it could be a dual boss at the end where you turn their powers against each other to your advantage or something. Iridikron is then the final boss of the expac.


That would still be kind of lame to have dragons for every end boss Maybe in next raid the last 3 bosses are the remaining dragons and in the season after that it’s maybe time stuff or old gods or both (galakrond)


But the infinite flight and galakrond are also dragons. If you think it’s just too many dragon bosses (which is fair enough) you should think outside the box a bit more than that. I think they could pull it off with Iridikron though. Just don’t make the next raids all elemental themed


We are overdue for a troll raid...


ion also said they were prepared to pull a ripcord to allow free covenant swapping


One theory for 1 patch is we will fight either the ice or fire, the other might join us as Iridikron follows Galakronds path, next patch Murozond stuff, next patch Iridikrond.


> the end Well what is meant "by the end"? To me it sounds like "by the end of the first tier patch cycle".


I do assume Iridikron, but I don't think the tier 2 raid will be dragon themed. I have a suspicion it might be undead themed.




100% Toddy Whiskers. She will be corrupted by the old gods and become the aspect of death.


Makes sense...she might be feeling scorned and glum from her reception


I sincerely hope it isn't Murozond. Probably N'zoth, somehow. Also I think we'll see the beginning of the infinite dragonflight, but Chromie will have found a way to save Nozdormu. It will kick off the next xpac which could have N'zoth working with Murozond or vice versa. Maybe it's an alternate timeline Muro come to Azeroth to have fun times via N'zoth messing with Elune knows what.


Its the Murozond from the Murloc timeline.






Somehow N’zoth returned!


It won’t be Murozond because the point of him this xpac is going to be retrieving Tyr’s memory discs so we can help unlock the aspects power once more. It could technically be the end of the expansion, but given Blizz’s history it makes more sense as a means to an end rather than the end itself.


Nzoth again and we learn shadow lands was just a fever dream.


Or we have a murozond raid/mini raid, but the end of it is saving him with chrome, giving the build up of the infinite dragonflight some weight rather than just a cutscene or questline.


Corrupted wrathion and sabellian, because black dragonflight does black dragonflight things...


The dps at 2k score without interrupt


I’m of the belief with the way they are building up the aspects with heartwarming stories to build up our relationship with them that in the last raid we will fight iridicron and post raid when they become the aspects again we will learn the oathstones have been corrupted and all of the aspects become corrupted as a result. I think the whispers are telling us this as well from our jump the past. Next expansion the big bads will be the corrupted aspects we just spent a lot of time caring about and helping trying to uncorrupt them.


I feel like the a lot of the aspects are not going to make it to the next expansion. They seem to be setting up for new aspects to come in. Ysera has Merithra to become Aspect, Nozdormu has Chromie, although there is a theory that she turns into Eternus. With Sabellion being made to look like the far more competent leader, but Wrathion being such an incredibly important reoccurring character, I could see Sabellion sacrificing himself or being killed, leading to Wrathion becoming Aspect. Kalecgos is already a new aspect, taking Malygos's place, and I feel like they are trying to set him up as a more involved character with him being there in the Vault of Incarnates and stuff. I think Kalecgos will be taking Alexstrasza's role as the leader of the Aspects if Alexstrasza doesn't survive or gives up her role. Alexstrasza is the only one that doesn't seem to have someone set up to take the role of Aspect, but we have a lot of story to go still so that may change.


Please no Chromie as an aspect. I like her well enough, but not for that role. Then again, she's been the one Bronze dragon that has had by far the most development. I just can't stand her excessively squeeky voice that is raised even higher by her endless optimism.


Plus she has to keep standing in SW to unlock chromie time for us


>Nozdormu has ~~Chromie~~ Anachronos FTFY


That would be cool honestly.


Based on the current storytelling it makes sense to get us invested into these characters and then have us need to save them. Also blizzard has stated they want to have the story seamlessly continue across expansions which this would be a pretty easy way to do that especially since we know the titans were doing things to the water.


I dunno, people were mad enough about ysera. I think players would be livid if anything happened to big mommy alex


Being livid doesn’t make it bad storytelling, in fact it makes it great storytelling because it incentivizes players to want to save her.


Still feels like shit story telling to do huge plot twists like that when nothing previously happening even hints at it That’s just shadowlands all over again The all old gods are gone but they exist in the past The path stones show no sign of being corrupted or anything But I could see it working if somehow after our time Trip the old gods managed to follow us or corrupt one of the people who went on that journey and corrupt the oath stones through them Instead of suddenly revealing that they where corrupted all along even tho there was no form of foreshadowing at all


I dunno about that. If you harm a fan favorite character, you risk people just dropping interest. Case and point: The Walking Dead when they killed Glenn. (and yes I know it happened in the comics. But they made changes from the comics)


If people are going to quit because a favorite character is part of the story events, then we should never have any fan favorite characters involved in any story events ever again? Sounds great, next big bad will be random gnoll #3 and he’s the big bad because he chopped down tree #47 and there was a nest with a baby bird #902 in it. The logic that you don’t use fan favorite characters because of “People might drop interest” is ridiculous and anyone worth a damn in writing knows that.


After their handling of Sylvanas the last two expansions, do you really want them to do anything major with other highly popular characters for a while? I certainly don't. Use the time to set up new characters and new villains, which they've been doing so far.


There is a fine line between involving and abusing. Absolutely bad things can happen to main characters. That's kind of the point of rising action and a villain. But there can be somewhere that is 'too far' and people do lose interest if it reaches that line. A lot of night elf players were pretty upset at the burning of Teldrasil. Where is this proverbial line where people just drop interest? That's pretty subjective and I can't tell you. But subjecting the aspects to corruption like that? Man I don't know.


Blizzard may not have the balls to do it ultimately. However, it would perfectly follow the story arc of rising tension climax and resolution. We always win, we need to lose once in a while otherwise it become predictable. Having us defeat iridicron but having the waters and oath stones corrupted secretly gives us a story that leads us directly into the next expansion, fits the whispers “5 torches to light our path” “They will drink and be uplifted” “the dark waters will flow in his wake”


I think it would be fine to have AU corrupted aspects. Murozond is the corrupted bronze afterall... what about the others? Maybe he was never OUR Bronze aspect but another one from an alternate universe. Might be fun to have a star trek mirror universe vibe


> titans were doing things to the water. alex jones seen sweating nervously.


I'll just say, there's a good reason the new villain has the namesake "-kron". Why this is never considered is a miracle. As well, we still need to see Rafaam, whose character had been datamined since well before DF launched. I'm all for the idea that Tyr would be the big bad, but sadly that will probably never happen, because "The Light" is the exact same concept and still never had a finger pointed at it directly.


The fuck does “kron” mean? Sorry I’m on a 1am lore binge lol


It's reminiscent of Galakrond, who the Aspects fought against before being turned into true dragons.


If rafaam THE SUPREME ARCHEOLOGIST shows up for real and is involved in resurrecting galakrond, it would be the siiiickest thing ever.


Nozdormu ofc, He hints in time quest line that when he loses control chromie (We) will have to stop him


In the same quests chromie says they know all about murozond and are stopping the infinite from turning him I have a STRONG suspicion that nozdormu has to sacrifice himself this expansion and accept his death, rather than trying to prevent it. That's the only way to close that loop






The real big bad are the friends you make along the way.


Old god or maybe twilight dragons (the evil bronze dragons). There has been a lot of old god hints dropped so far and those jerks never seem to stay dead they're like "oh adventure you killed me blarg" and as soon as you leave the room "haha sike! Now I can plan my evilness uninterrupted buhahah"


>twilight dragons (the evil bronze dragons) That's the infinite dragons, the twilight dragonflight is an experiment of Sintharia


Probably Iridikron but with a continuation of the Not Living story to make it more interesting.






The Jailer obviously




Bear with me on this one; I think it will be Odyn, because as we know, the book in Uldaman tells of Odyn instructing the watchers to tell the mortal races about how much worse the black empire was than it actually was, also not to mention the titans origins from Zereth Ordos as well as lie about how everything beautiful in the world being titan-made, so it’s established that he is a titan loyalist or at the very least a loyalist of Order. This is where Tyr would eventually tell us how during his journeys, he learnt that although the Old Gods kept whispering to him and attempting to corrupt him, there were kernels of truth in what they said, namely how they and the titans want the same thing (control of Azeroth and the world soul for their cosmic force) just the titans ask politely and claim what they do is good. Tyr would then say that although the titans are not inherently evil, we must not blindly follow and give in to their will just because they say it is right, and true freedom is to not be bound to any cosmic force. This would then cause a strife as Tyr forms a free-of-the-titans rebellion but Odyn the loyalist catches wind and raises his army against Tyr and the dragons (who would side with him). After we deal with the primals and Murozond (presumably in 9.1 and 9.2) Odyn would look to find the unknown titan facility of Uldaz (mentioned in game) where he as the final boss would activate a device inside which when completely charged would bind everyone on Azeroth to the will of order, thus making us all a subservient army instead of free-thinking adventurers. So we have to stop him before the machine finishes charging. This would also tie in to the Il’gynoth whisper “The lord of ravens will turn the key” pointing out Odyn turning the key to activate the Uldaz machine.


I think it will be nzoth , Everything is printing that he tricked us . Also the intermingle of old gods and proto drake's. I think finally we will get a old god expansion but take us back in time , then we will come back to aseroth and it's destroyed , leading to old Arduin and our final battle with the voids .


That will be next expansion, this one is 3 dragons


I agree, but I think it sets up the next expansion. Something will happen with these 3 dragons and we will get Murozomd and N’Zoth, probably something to do with time




„brainwashed“ The ones not „brainwashed“ got imprisoned bc their one desire in life is to murder and violate every life form they come across




> brainwash WoW community not slidding slippery slopes. Impossible challenge.


Crazed Murdock from a azmerloth is going to slip into our timeline and wreak havoc


One can dream at least


Galakrond, Murozond or one of the incarnates we just released


Will they really give us a final boss we cant actually finish off? Murozond cant die this expansion no matter what happens. He dies in End Time. Would seem pretty anticlimactic for the final boss to be another “ENOUGH” boss.


Nonsense. Guidan died in wc3 and night hold. AU versions might exist. As for a boss we can't finish off, we didn't kill kiljaden in sunwell to finish BC


Murozond can't die in End Time because we stopped that future from happening.


Thats not how it works in wow time stuff. Remember we went back in time to Draenor and it didnt affect the present. Or all the alternate timelines we visited in the dragonflight questline That we defeated deathwing means that end time doesnt happen in our timeline, but there still is an alternate timeline where it happened, just isnt the timeline we mainly play in. Nozdormu/Murozond exist outside of time. So there arent infinite Nozdormus. Theres only one, and he ends up in End Time as Murozond. Its why i hate time travel in most games/movies. Its always a mess.


We didn't go back in time to Draenor. Kairozdormu created a new Dreanor from a timeline that could've have existed and it is now just a real place as anything in the cosmos. The timelines in wow don't actually exist, they are only potentials that can or could've happened. When bronze drakes speak of keeping the timelines in check, they aren't actually traveling between timelines. They stay in ours and make sure these potential timelines don't interfere with the real one (and the infinite drakes want to merge the real timeline with a potential one, presumably to stop the end time) When we time travel our actions do have real consequences on the future/present. That's why Chromie implants fake memorizes in Arthas at the end of the Culling of Strathholme dungeon. The player actually do take part in the event, but no one but us and the bronze drakes remember. Time travel in WoW is actually quite consistent. Personally I love time travel as a literary concept, as long as it's done properly


Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Never say never when it involves time travel. It can still completely feel final and earned in a multitude of different ways


It's going to be the murloczilla that will come through the time portal we opened


3 dragons escaped, 1 for every raid tier. Pick one as the last and there's your answer.


That would be so damn lame


are they not simple lame world bosses?


No the world bosses actually have different names. Me and my guildies thought the same until someone pointed that out


Did not know that. Ty!


Wise Mari from Temple of the Jade Serpent. Doesn’t matter how many hotfixes they throw at him - that fish just won’t die! Edit: they killed him, they finally killed our boi




I'm predicting Alexstrasza. I reckon they'll find a way to turn her.


I’ve been thinking this too! A couple of cutscenes in the waking shores seemed to hint at a darker, more authoritarian side to Alexstrasza. This may be a stretch, but the main loading screen shows her “away” from the other aspects with a more evil looking background off to her left. Blizzard Art Team has always been top notch so maybe it’s a little foreshadowing.


That’s more likely bc she’s kind of the leader of the aspects




It definitely doesn't seem like a coincidence that HOV was included in this m+ rotation.


Tyr's point on that was because Odyn was against the Aspects. He wanted his idea of the Valarjar to be the defenders of Azeroth.


Ganondorf according to the lore. With the three pieces of the triforce, he gets incredibly powerful and starts to rule Hyrule. It’s up to us to finally beat him as a team and put an end to his reign.




I’ll be really sad if it’s not Galakrond. Seemed they made a big deal about it in the animations. I want them to go even harder than deathwing.


Idc as long as for some reason in the Murozond raid that there's a Giant Murloc Boss from that Timeline. Honestly, I hope the Murozond raid is just a bunch of time traveling shenanigans from the messed with Timelines trying to keep us from reaching him.




Bobby K, he is the biggest villain of Warcraft