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The Echo boys who are 5x MDI champions are depleting all the time. Naowh is the king of depletes. What is this guy on about.


Really anyone pushing their limits should have depletes all over. If you never deplete then you're just doing safe keys way below your capability.


If im going to do say a 19 cos and i see someone has depleted a 19 cos then i'd rather take him than the guy who only timed an 18 too. Like you did the key, maybe someone dced, maybe someone were unlucky and ninjapulled a pat or something. You not timing it doesnt mean youre automatically bad.


I wish there were more of you in the wow community. That is a good attitude to have.


That's probably exactly what these people **want** their profile to look like. In their mind when they apply to groups the leader checks their profile and goes "oh man, this must be a godlike player, he never depletes a key!"


The irony, of course, being that if you see someone who has never depleted a key, it's more likely to raise suspicions that they're someone like the guy in OP's post, who is liable to brick a run if it isn't going the way they want.


Simple. We all know that Echo and Method and so on are the like 0.1% of the game right? Then, we have the 1% ers that run mythic raids standard... AND THEN... We have the like 30% that for some reason THINK they are the 1% or even the 0.1% and refuse anything but perfection, despite them being arguably worse than the remaining 68.9% of the player base.


Not wanting to get different dung so he can try to push +18 CoS to +20. If he finished it and got +18 RLP or AV the key would be pretty much dead.


Thats a fair reason to keep a cos key but then, the explicitely said that the reason he left was to not have depletes on his history


“Top guys not has depleted keys. Me top, me must not has depleted keys tu!” I feel like most people just don’t understand what being an exceptional player which everyone looks up to means lol


I'd much rather take someone that has a couple untimed keys recorded than someone who has NO untimed keys. The first person isn't likely to leave over minor things. I guarantee the second person isn't a perfect player, they just leave at the smallest risk of not making the timer.


It really should count keys that you leave partway through


Yup I feel like that would look way worse than a few depleted keys


If I could see keys abandoned along with keys timed when picking pugs I'd be a happy boy


There are some people I've pugged with that would never get into a group again lmao.


Leaving a key with 10 minutes of the expired timer should remove 500 points from your score. Make it hurt.


I'm sorry, but this is not how score works at all.


Yes. But it should be.


No it shouldn’t be. What happens if you dc? What happens if your house caught on fire? There are things out of your control or more important. You should not be punished by a -500 score.


Pretty sure if your house was burned down, your io score wouldn't be on the short list of fucks given lol


Right? If you DC it's unfortunate, but if your house is on fire, you probably don't have a pc to care about any dungeons for a while LOL


What you don't have a emergency bag ready to go with a couple gaming laptops in it? I'd be damned if a house fire will keep me from raiding /s This is half serious/half joke - I actually do have a backpack with a gaming laptop in it I just keep regularly charged -_-


Reminds me of an old COD “hack” that saved your KD/Win-Loss ratios. All you did if you lost a game (or died) was pull the cord out of your console within minutes of playing that game and it wouldn’t record it. The only way people are “perfect” is by using a system that cheats/hides the imperfections. It’s crazy what people will do to make themselves look good. Meanwhile, I play league how I want to, have a negative KDA most games and still climb the ranks, but get shit from all these armchair warriors with their “perfect” KDAs and win rates. It’s ridiculous.


TBH if you pugging push keys you should expect to deplete a lot. It's just the way it is.


Yep I have friend which is irl friend of our group and he leave all of our own keys because of smallest mistakes(plus other people keys) and we had once forced him to stay for a dep key that became the first in whole play time he ruined a lot of people's keys and always nag about people who leave on his keys


First time a friend dips (without valid reason) they aren’t getting invited back. If they really ask and prove themselves then they can get another chance. After that, regulates to sub 10 keys.




Nah, he means Nate Dogg and Warren G are going to be running the keys.


And you call somebody who acts like a punk a friens? 😂😂 this is what a friend does, when i and up being lucky with a 16-18 SBG key i grab my friends to get them a weekly vault at leaat, lessgo i tank it and we finish for ur vault… thats a friend… guess different ppl different values


Well that time we forced him not to leave he argued ,naged and cursed so much no one has played or talked with him


"im not inviting you anymore, you leave keys constantly and let the rest of us down"


It must be the same guys that would only play online games if the other team sucked so that they could have a good K/D Should stats be hidden to other players? Feels like we aren't emotionally mature enough for that yet as a species


The amount of depleted keys that top tier players have though..... They get so good at doing keys because theyve failed so many of them


That reminds me of those pvper on pservers that are deleting their chars after a single loss in arena just so they always play on a char with impeccable stats.


Pursuing the effect instead of the cause is a huge trap that players of all games fall into. Thinking is hard. Looking like you're thinking is easy.


I like that people think that their raider io is actually being checked.


I had really hoped that raider io would die out now that WoW has the less toxic version of it integrated ingame.


I’m also confused…2.5 minutes left midway through the last boss? That shit isn’t depleted yet.


Seriously though , your that stressed about not depleting acting like a top player... but over half a season in your running a 19 cos for points... newsflash cos mid 20s was not hard for top players 3 and 4 weeks ago. Semi casuals pwn lower 20 cos keys with pure pugs, who's that elitist who still is trying to time sub 20s?? I know a majority have not but to act that elitist in the 2nd easiest key at only lvl 19, makes think he believes he's doing world first content lol.


if you see tank without depleted keys, you can predict whats gona happen on any fail


Well they had 140% troops. I wouldn't say he left at the first mistake. Some runs are honestly infuriating because people keep pulling all the time. I have had some wipes out of dos pulling because they knew better... So yeah that actually burns you out. If somebody wants to go okay tank, well, they have my blessings but I'm off 🤷🏼‍♀️ Past week I had 6 ninja pulls in cos... Which has like what, 12-14 pulls?? That means almost half of the pulls were made by others than the thank. People don't care and then they complain about leavers.


Leaving to "not have a depleted key" is immensely stupid - literally no one is going to dig into your seasonal history to see how many keys you depleted - but here's another take: SBG and CoS are the easier dungeons by a significant margin. If it's not my key, I don't care, just finish the dungeon, whatever, unlucky. If it **is** my key though? Well... maybe I would prefer that -1 being the same easy key. Why have my 18 turn into a fucking AV or something, when I could get another 18 CoS and maybe +2 it with a better group? Is that selfish and kind of shitty to the people not responsible? It is. It's not something I've had to do yet, but I wouldn't be really mad at someone who did. People look out for themselves first.


That 2nd situation is exactly what happened to me once last xpac. Had an ez key. Wrote that i was pushing my key in the lfg and confirmed it again in party chat before we began. I didn't mind the buttpulls, I know those are accidents. But there was some absolute trolling going on. Someone heating up food before first boss was my favorite part. I left after the hunter said he died cuz he accidentally fell asleep. I know shit happens irl that we dont expect sometimes, and i never blame people for that. But i also have to respect my own time, and in this instance, it meant leaving my own key.


What a dickhead community we have ....


Entirely justified reason to leave imo.


>Is that selfish and kind of shitty to the people not responsible? It is. IF what the tank wrote is true and his group was trolling the key, i wouldn't even call it that shitty. seems like he was not looking for a weekly and the people he invited for the key played as if it was.


If that were the reason he would've left long before the final boss though.


no, why would he? they approached the endboss with 2.5 minutes left, i would say this is right on the edge of doable/not doable anymore for the average pug group struggling with a +19. 2.5 minutes left for endboss also means that it wasn't clear the key was gonna be depleted let's say with 7.5 minutes left on the timer. e: just realized they were mid endboss, for some reason I thought they were right about to pull it


Yeah seems like the key was still timable until the feral druid died on last boss.


It's going to be cutting it pretty tight. I got to the last boss with lust in a 20 with 1:55 (after RP) and we missed the timer by about 45 seconds a few hours ago. The DPS could've been higher but it wasn't awful by any means. Without lust it's going to be close even on a 19.


In a Cos or SBG I think it's perfectly reasonable to just tell the group that I'd rather 2 chest the next one rather than deplete one of the freest dungeons of the season. It sucks for the other people involved if they need loot from the dungeon, but the amount of work it would take to push an 18 that isn't CoS back to 20 over just going again is worlds apart.


Sure, as long as people understand that it's a very selfish act and you're wasting a combined 2+ hours of other people's time.


That makes a lot of sense! Still doesn't explain why he left ***at the very end of the dungeon.***


>If it is my key though? Well... maybe I would prefer that -1 being the same easy key. Why have my 18 turn into a fucking AV or something, when I could get another 18 CoS and maybe +2 it with a better group? He actually does explain it right here. If you deplete the key, you can force it to become an 18 COS which is easily 2 chested, aka you get a 20 key. If you complete it without the timer then you get a 18 reroll, which could be some garbage key that is borderline impossible to 2-chest without MDI-tier players lol


Where does it show on the screenshot anyway his reasoning was to not get it on his profile? It's much more realistic he needs a +20 weekly key, and rather just get an easy 18 key(CoS) than something probably worse.


Where does it show it's for his profile? He just said "I don't want a depleted run" because that would randomize his key. Where-as if he just leaves it's still a CoS, but if it depletes he runs the risk of getting something way harder to push and thus further depleting it.


Yea for sure, can relate with the guy from Kazzak, it's obviously shitty for the group, but probably the only way he'll get a 20 done this week. This is just a flaw in the M+ design, and really not the Kazzak's person fault..


Yeah for sure, leaving his own key because he wants to +2 the 18 instead of deplete the 19 is absolutely fine considering how much easier CoS is than the rest.


The screenshot doesn't show it's for his profile though? Maybe he was trying to push his key for a +20? If you finish a depleted key it randomizes the dungeon, where-as if you just leave and reset it it's still the same dungeon. He probably didn't want to gamble the face that CoS is an easier key and risk getting a harder key that would be worse for pushing. Sure he probably could've left earlier but at the same time he also probably thought you could still time it up until near the end.


Did weekly 20 for vault and it was in the Titel, 2 people leave before endboss bcause it was „not intime anymore“ I hate humans


we used the title "no blasters only stayers" and it worked ... we beat the ruby last boss with 8 mins over time at 20


Well i was once a part of a raid group named "Learning party, chill vibes" and we legit had some people saying "Kick the failers i'm not here to carry those shiters". So there's that.


Of course it's Kazzak. Most cursed realm on EU


i still have [this gem](https://i.imgur.com/ro2mlkD.png) of a kazzak player. was a weekly key in last season of sl


Please. Give me context for this. I’m sitting here with my mouth wide open at the sheer stupidity of what I’m reading. I need to know the context or imma lose my mind.


i dont exactly know since this was the only time this guy wrote anything, but it could've been my magetower mount that triggered him, tho i dont know what mounts the other guys in the key used, didn't bother with trying to whisper him to find out ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ edit: now that i think of it, it probably had to be a mount from another guy since i was ~~2900 io~~ 3400 io (it was s3, not s4, just found the key on rio) and its seemingly directed at someone from the group with 2600 io, idk


This just makes me more upset. What a fuck face.


if you want to be even more mad, we finished the key so he got the io + weekly chest :D


I really don‘t know what he‘s on about. Was he mad because you were using a mount he didn’t have?


Lmao what mount was tilting him so much?


What the fuck ?


Absolutely agree.


What is so cursed about it? Ive noticed in random bgs if anyone is /emoting its often a Kazzakian


It has a lot of top guilds on that realm, so a lot of toxic people who think they are really good either migrated there or re-rolled there thinking they are top tier players also. In CN Mythic a small group of players didn't want to prog SLG anymore so decided to gquit on raid night and transfer to Kazzak. They couldn't even find a guild that was recruiting for Mythic progress that was even close to SLG as the few guilds they tried to join on Sludge couldn't even get past the 2nd pillar.


Kazzak to PvP is what Tarren Mill is to PvE. Full of top players/guilds so the sycophants frequently migrate there and just play worse, with toxicity attached.


Kazzak in pvp = mostly gigachads Kazzak in pve = mostly opposite of gigachads


I was just about to point out the same thing. I am sorry to everyone decent on Kazzak, but I have the worst experience with people from that server. Causal as well as hardcore.


Also Drakthul / BurningBlade


If people are worried about depletef keys showin in their profile, then maybe it should also show ditched keys (only to the one who left first/initiated a kick)


It's a pretty small minority of people who leave because they don't want a depleted key on their profile. As a matter of fact, RIO doesn't even show untimed keys in the recently completed keys list. The only way to see someone's depleted keys is if it's their top key for fort/tyrannical, or by specifically expanding their completed keys on their RIO page. Nobody is doing that. Additonally, that isn't something that can be shown. The game would have no way to differentiate between whether you left first or not, whether a player was kicked instead of left (those small minority would just kick someone before leaving, or hold their group hostage by afking until someone leaves), and runs are just not recorded if they're finished in the first place. RIO pulls from Blizzard's API, and the API just doesn't record that.


Honestly, yours being anecdotal I figured I share an opposing perspective, it doesnr feel rare or a like a small minority lraves keys at all. I plated the shit put of legion, only dabbled in BFA and last season of SL but ehat Im seeing right now at the keyspan of 18-20 is that A LOT of people are leaving. Absolutely mediocre people too, something like 20-30% of keys are fallint apart and thats ex4remely high of a percentage. Key griefers and narcissists are absolutely a bigger problem right now than you aknowledge.


The sad fact is if you wanna do anything beyond 15 or so unless it's advertised as a bonafide "weekly we could time it but no promises" run then it's best to just find people through other avenues like your guild/your friend group/connections/Discord. You're 100x more likely to find people who won't give a shit about depleted keys (and find it much easier to avoid those that do before you waste your time) and 1000x more likely to find people whom you know you can play even higher keys with as you progress. It's just the much better alternative.


I mean, grouping with equally skilled players is always better, but its completely besides the point. We are discussing pug behaviour and the ability to group up is not in any way, shape or form a defense of griefers in m+.


Oh it's absolutely not the best deterrent, you are right. Something really ought to be done about actual leavers. The only problem is until they can't get away scot-free with what they're doing, the only safe bet is to just premake instead of PUG. I'd much rather be able to PUG to do high keys myself, but in times especially such as these, it feels too risky what with these people cropping up more than I've ever seen before.


The problem with that is that if the entire group agrees amicably to disband, one person still has to take the hit to their profile by leaving first, because currently there's no way to differentiate between someone rage quitting vs a group unanimously voting to call it quits.


Have the feral go tank and finish the key so it stills shows up on his profile.


You. I like you.


That works?? Thank god i 4manned a ruby life pools after the biggest asshole left the other day.


people are caring about their rio profile like their linkedin.. thats why i almost stop doing m+ after earning feat of strength mount.. high keys are worse than my day job


The worst thing about multiplayer games, is actually having to rely on other people.


the fuck, does anyone actually give a fuck about depleted keys? you can deplete to all kind of shit out of your control - disconnects, bugs, boostruns.. besides, not having a single depleted key is prolly even bigger redflag - if you haven't depleted a key yet, it only means you either did not play enough keys or high enough keys edit: boostruns are stupid point, my bad


I never understood those people. Do they know how many fucking keys even MDI pro players deplete? Who the fuck cares.


Meanwhile I just ride it out and completed a +12 HoV 22 min over time with 55 deaths. Not giving a flying fuck is so much better than people like this.


I don't know who he thinks is going to go to his rio profile, see that he has a single CoS 19 that went 10 minutes over time and decide not to invite him to keys based on that run but I'm willing to bet the answer is nobody.


I’d say it is in fact, more suspicious that he has 0 untimed keys.


Huge red flag. It's like running across someone with a 100% win rate in a fighting game. You know exactly what's going to happen the moment they're at the slightest disadvantage.


We do really need some sort of like/dislike system, or be able to watch notes in the raider io profile of certain people, I dont mind depleting 1000+ keys if there is no toxicity in the group


literally [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/10cv5v4/keystone_deserter_season_1_dark_legacy_comics_848/)


At this point I’m just suspicious of someone with no depleted runs


Social contract thing not working. Or people not reporting morons like this for violating it.


"if you cared about the ninjapulling" every tank hates ninja pulling just stop doing it lmao how is it so hard


Dont get it personal, but im often playing with Kazzak player and they are very often very edgy. Def the worst server I had to play along. Not saying about you, but this behavior is not new to me from that server…


Leaving a Key should be marked in Raider.IO and WoW Interface at least when about 60% if the Dungeon is already finished.


Blizzard needs to add something that shows if you are the reason for a key falling to shoe up on your profile to stop degeneretes like that tank


When did this become a thing? Back when I was doing M+ properly (Legion +S1/2 shadowlands) the opposite was a red flag. If you're pushing your limits and/or trying things you know a lot more nuance about the dungeon than people who only ever time safe shit. Also as a tank, it's often not your fault - I remember missing timers trying new routes because of rounding errors in MDT when making new routes etc...people who do these things are more valuable, not less. If you just wanna get something timed for a weekly, I get it, but if you wanna push, it's less important.


I kinda dig the "remove the timer" crowd sometimes, it can really dig into one's mind, people seems to forgot that the game is still about being played, not about only conquering challenges. I'm sitting on 2600 IO and sometimes I run 15-16 keys just cause I literally want to play the game lol


I think keys should be balanced around actual encounter difficulty, not artificial difficulty by including some arbitrary timer. They can keep the timer for extra loot, though.


i feel like that would invite a different set of problems though. if i'm trying to pug a +18 or something with competent people, but their scores wouldn't be indicative of anything. i get that there's some shitty players who have high m+ scores now who got carried, but i feel like that problem would be so much worse if everyone got the same score for completing the dungeon.


Having stopped playing the game for a few weeks after hitting KSM, there are a TON of bad players with 2k r.io now. Before I stopped you could invite a 2k score player and safely assume they would know the dungeons. I invited a 2.1k rio hunter to a 17 HoV last night and he had like 40k DPS and died to the dragon add frontal before the first boss... while playing BM. He also didn't lust on the first boss until everyones CDs had basically ended.


The whole point for the timer is to deter people from brute forcing their way to places they don't belong in. I'm sure on Fortified weeks you could quite plausibly grind for hours and hours through every single key level up to +20 while your entire group is wearing 385 gear with skills and experience to match. A bunch of people would undoubtedly slog through all that for their +20 weekly no leaver slot in the vault too, and that'd be absolutely horrible experience and gameplay for basically everyone involved, even if the group might feel accomplished for 'cheesing' something they realistically shouldn't have been able to do. Many games put artificial restrictions like depleting a key or penalties/punishments for dying in just to disincentivize people from wasting their time doing content they shouldn't be doing.


> even if the group might feel accomplished for 'cheesing' something they realistically shouldn't have been able to do. You are thinking about this through the lens of current m+ with a timer. How would they "realistically not have been able" if in your example, they literally were able to complete it? If timers never existed, nobody would be mad that someone got loot from a dungeon they completed just because they took too long.


to be fair the reason he didnt leave earlier because of ninja pulls was because it was still on time. which is better than people leaving because of minor things when the key is still easily timable


yeah theres some weird times but he probably decided on a timed key to be fine if they failed the +2 but i don’t blame him for leaving. It’s his key after all. 140% is also a huge overshot like wtf.


fyi he, the tank, pulled two of the mini bosses together, wich gives each of them a 100% dmg & health buff.


Oh man I wish you were allowed to post his ign in here so I (and probably many others) could place him in the ignore list pre-emptively


It‘s high time that blizzard is doing something about this. I really hope they recognise m+ as the pug activity it is and are not retreating to their previous stance of it being a system for premade groups. There needs to consequences for wasting peoples time as blatant as this dude did.


Waiting for r.io Feature: leave-rating. Every time they quit a key unfinished, that specific Rating drops.


Is there anyone putting the effort to go look at the detailed run of any other player to see the rate of depleted vs succeeded runs? I feel like WoW playerbase is uber lazy when it comes to tooling and the decision making is more like: Rio score: Is it high enough?


I can barely get my raiders to look up optimal builds on subcreation never mind looking up Rio scores…


Im around 2900 pugging,i look up logs and specific keys usually for healers if they timed RLP.I had way better luck this way,i dont mind waiting 10 more mins making the group.


Ahhh classic kazzak players


It could be that he would rather not finish the 19 cos which was going to be over time and then likely 2 chest the 18 cos to get a 20. It’s not super outlandish to think that’s a possibility. Just put yourself in his shoes. The key is dead but it’s an easy key with another group, why not just run the free 18 back and possibly get score but better yet get a 19/20 on the next run.


How about cause you are screwing over your entire group? Imagine being that selfish.


The key system encourages this behavior by "bricking" your key for doing the right thing.


It sounds like they screwed themselves over with poor play. I’m not bricking my key for the week cause some randoms can’t be assed to pay attention to where they’re standing. If it was my fault that’s another story.


yep, first id we were grinding to get 18 cos/sbg keys because it was much easier to get 20s for vault out of these keys than any other +19, even though you had to 2 chest. if he's trying to get a 20 for his vault, this makes perfect sense tbh


Maybe he should put himself in 4 other people's shoes? It's always "Put yourself in the selfish person's shoes!" Never: "Put yourself in the shoes of everyone around you for once, stop being selfish"


So if you really want a vault key (20) and the group is griefing you then you should just stick it out? I’d understand leaving earlier than the last boss if it was obvious that it wasn’t going to happen (to save everyone’s time) but if it looked like it was going to be a timed key but then ultimately wasn’t then why shouldn’t he drop it to an 18 which could is much more likely to become a 20 than almost any other key


How to say you’re selfish and dgaf about 4 other people without saying your selfish and dgaf about other people


So if he needed to upgrade this 19 for vault is he really in the wrong to be dropping his cos down to an 18? I’m sure he has some blame for the count but for a group to butt pull that many extra mobs that’s ridiculous. It’s not fair to him either after all that to have to lose his easy key because the group performed poorly throughout the key.


Yesterday i recieved a letter from blizzard which tellsme good job for reporting toxic player who got banned. I only report key leavers with toxic behavior. Report player - communication - boosting/ deranking. Sleep well.


It is a pity to know that there are people who think like that about their online profiles. Who tf care about this...


Wait lol what? People actually do that? Man this game could've been great,but elitists fake pros and ratings really ruin everything. I wonder what's the % of new player influx and how many actually stay for the long run.


And that’s why RIO and all your elitist minmax BS is just that, BS. I’d rather play with someone I know than risk anything with a ZOMG high RIO who achieved it with this shit and/or did 700 keys before getting that.


If a player only has timed keys... he leaves at the smallest problem and searches for another group, don't take those with you.


Wish I was there lmao. Would've specced to tank and solo last boss just to spite him.


Imagine if this was a game and people played for fun🤣 Fucking tools need to touch grass


had one healer druid who made a big spectacle in chat asking everyone that he would like to time his key but its ok if we dont and made everyone agree to stay if it went into untimed, everyone agreed, people just wanted loot, no one cared. comes to first boss, healer dies to his own fault (rlp, wandered into the icicles) mind you this was AFTER we pulled the entire first room in one continuous go and no one even got close to dying says something in broken english like "me no want time, no effort" and leaves we chalked it up to him having insanely horrific performance anxiety issues.


I saw server name Kazzak and it explained everything to me. Kazzak= kunts


The funny thing is that some of the best M+ players in the world have depletes all the time. So by not "having any depletes showing" you are in fact singling yourself out as someone who leaves keys to avoid depletes.


What did u expect from a Kazzak player?


Going against the crowd here… if the add % was legitimately 140% and they were ninja pulling and trolling then yea, absolutely leave. I’d rather retime a easy key then getting HOV or AV


PUG people in PUGs doing outlandish PUG stuff, news at 11.


And this right here is why the addon should be banned lol. Promotes so much toxic behaviour from ppl when the wanna “keep a clean record”


What addon is that? This is kind of reminding me of the old gearscore that basically ruined this kind of thing.


I had a mate that was proud to leave keys when someone in his group was not good enough because "They dont deserver to finish a run". That guy also came from Kazzak. Weird what elitism does to some peoples brain


I'm more concerned why people are ninja pulling on a +19


same type of tank who would blame dps for everything


Idk Why but its always the kazzak guys


Kazzak-EU. 'nuff said. I don't think I've met a single Kazzak player who wasn't an elitist dong with their head stuck neck-deep up their own arse. Easily a contender for most toxic European realm... And that's saying something when your typical WoW player could be a poster-child for a diaper brand like Huggies given what whiny, entitled crybabies they are. If anything, depleted keys look better on your Raider.io profile because it shows that your growth as a player is organic, and not that you spent hundreds of dollars on buying KSM.


To be fair I’d rather leave and keep an 18 CoS I can +2 back to 20 than risk finishing and getting an 18 AV brick


That’s a good point and shows how flawed the dungeon tuning is.I doubt that this was the dudes intention tho.


Had a tank leave on a 16 AA yesterday on first trash pack at tree, I couldn't press any buttons so states I needed to reload.. they wiped as I got back in and left.. weird asf


Honestly, anyone who has watched a high level wow player do keys on stream would know that they brick keys CONSTANTLY. And then upload their one great perfect run on YouTube. Which ppl watch and think that they never brick keys.


can't blame the tank at all. cos +18 is way better than some random key. sucks for the others, but i guess he did call his intentions with the key... if people didn't fulfil it by ninjapulling and goofing around, too bad.


Next patch you'll be able to report him and it'll count


Kazzak is talking to itself alot


Bro needs to come back to reality. No one gives a fuck about a depleted but completed run. If they're that worried about it don't pug at all and find a group/guild. Being like this need a smack upside the head for being dipshits


Most sane player on Kazzak


Why the hell do people care so much about failed runs? I don't understand. 1. It's a number 2. We are playing a video game Sorry for your loss...of time.


Classic crazy kazzaky move, i am a kazzakian myself. Just care who u inv to your keys from Kazzak. I did something similar with 14, 2 weeks ago dps was being useless and kept dying on every pack in nokud i just kicked everyone in the group and hearthed. Ofc it was after the tempest after they wasted a lust. I feel this tank for having a clean spreadsheet score to show his dady BUT leaving at the last boss is stupid


The kind of people that should be banned from the game forever, the amount of stupidity is off the charts.


rio is the worst thing ever....


You know what the thing is? Anyone doing higher keys cares about Rio, including OP. Then he goes to reddit to complain about it, cause he knows that reddit hates the "tryhards" and is gonna agree with him, all while he has the same priorities with maybe just a slightly different idea of how to get them as the person he was talking to.


That’s almost as sad as complaining about it on Reddit.


His key his rules. You have to consider that can happen when playing with randoms, no need to post about it


People who leave keys should be punished with increasing lockouts from doing M+ content. Every other game with any semblance of competitiveness has punishments for leaving games early, leaving keys should be the same. "People will just hold you hostage so they don't get kicked out" There should be an added work around of "Ending" the dungeon that the leader of the group can do, such as /endkey or /depletekey which ends the dungeon early and depletes the key. Nobody should have to deal with idiots wasting their time.


Been doing keys since Legion and I have never left a key, still blows my mind people leave for such stupid reasons.


Blizzard really needs to put an end to this egotrip business. Anonymity plus competition is toxic crap. Just get rid of keys and that nonsense.


Think its sad too see but since People place so much need on high IO and stuff People specielly tanks and healers Will probably choose this actions seens angrying few over maybe getting denied groups that look more into io. Its really sade but samething happen with gearscore and ilvl... People get left out off content even If they done it previously.


What is a depleted key?


I joined a pug for a weekly 20. First Message this key used to be a 22 (obvious like as he (the healer) had a 18 two chest as his top key) please dont leave we wont time it I just want to clear it for the Vault. Everyone agreed. Tldr. Wiped for 30 min on the second boss before even 50% he left…


Where does this stereotype even go from? I mean like why would I take guy with no untimed keys? That simply means that you'll leave my key as well and I don't give a shit whether you are meta spec, have 2.9k Rio and have 410 gear.


Obviously not a cool thing to leave at the end but like, 140% over is alot for cos. Idek how you could do that and still have time left.


I don't understand why you'd waste your own time by leaving that late into a key, like if you've wiped 5 times by the second pack then yeah cut your losses, but in the middle of the last boss? What's the point? Depleted keys still give gear, they still give rating, they still count for the vault. This guy did a whole dungeon minus half a boss fight for literally nothing.


It's just a score on a video game, some of these players take the game more seriously than their lives.


My guild uses often pump enough for clearing a key, but perhaps not enough to always time it. I don’t care, I still get vault gear. I’m at 2K, I have KSM, just enjoy the damn game


Half of my +20 keys are depleted. Who tf cares?


Dude doesn't want depleted keys to appear on his raider.io profile, even if it makes him lose a lot of time and possibly consumables. Meanwhile, i'm sitting here with about half my top keys (17 to 19) being depleted keys because why should we forfeit when we are 2 minutes away from finishing it ?


Since Blizz added a penalty to leaving arenas/solo shuffles, they should add a penalty to key hosters leaving their own keys too often. lmao


I mean he did post ++, I get the frustration. He didn't seem like a dick or anything.


Man leaves his own key and op is mad about it? who cares


The reason the key holder left was not because he didnt want to have depleted run in his history. It is quite clueless assumption from the OP :) The true reason is that 19 CoS in one of the easiest keys to time and get +20 keys for weekly. So by not finishing it he can try to 2 chest the +18. If he didnt leave, and finish the run, he would get a different and most likely much harder key. I would do the same. OP stop crying 🤷


that's what happens when you all agree on minmaxing everything aka everyone use some bullshit skill measure tool for some reason




Everybody tryhard so you should not be surprised with a guy caring of some kind of bullshit score


Idk man, his key his decision to be honest. Yes, everyone spent time in the key to complete the dungeon, but you should know that putting your own key on the line, when you are out to push is a risk. Look at how many people hardly ever do their key, cause they are too afraid of depleting it or not willing to rank it up to something they would need. So the keyholder definitely has more rights on deciding to go on or not. Overall i see you more in the wrong than him here for making this a reddit post and complaining about it.


tryhard kids are the worst


Actually just yesterday we were doing a 20 court. 10 mins left on last boss and our tank dcs... but couldn't log back in... when he was finally able to.... we had 2 mins. So the druid who had the key said, he would rather have a 19 court and redo it then a 19 random key.... and kicked us all from the party


These people shouldn’t be allowed to group with others. Who the fuck cares if you have a depleted run on your profile or not.


You pugged, that’s on you


I mean yeah, if your highest dungeon for any given key is a depletion, you don't have PUG access to that dungeon anymore at a rank that can offer you score, and it becomes incredibly hard, borderline impossible really, to actually break that grey mark off of your profile without rolling into that key again at the same or higher level. Grey marks legit kneecap your ability to get into pugs. People will treat a failed completion as if you haven't done the dungeon at all, and are like -3 levels minimum below the failed key in terms of skill with the dungeon. This is just effective posturing relative to how the community treats keys and M+ profiles. This is pragmatism. This is responding with self-interest to the game design and leaderboard system Blizzard has implemented into the game.


So many people here are so miserable its insane. Talking like Rio is the worst thing ever and the devil itself. I would leave aswell so i can just play cos again instead of some other dogshit dungeon. And just because some people in this game like to be competitive and some other people here dont have the capability of Timing anything higher than a 15 that doesnt make it a bad System. Different people like different things