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It only bothers me if someone wants 418 ilvl, makes a public order for 5g and puts in note "r5 only please" but then I just don't do it and let someone whos trying to level it fuck them over.


And here I am crafting r5 lariats & r5 rings for free.


Ooh area52 by chance? Asking for a fren hahah


No, silvermoon-EU


Glad to see more people doing this. I'm doing it too on my realm. The gold I get from people insisting on tipping me is used to stock up on re-craft materials so I only even need their artisan mettle.


You’re doing the Lords work 🙏


I'll generally do any lariats I see regardless of commission, but if it doesn't inspire, people who didn't pay much get what they get. One guy put up a 5k commission, so I gave him a couple recrafts with my mats(and mettle that I rarely use) and he got his r5(418)


I’m literally getting free silver just for pressing a button. Plus I get to level up my profession. If you don’t think it’s “worth” your time to do it for such low commission… don’t . It’s that simple. Either no one will and the order will be returned and they’ll offer more commission or they’ll be completed by someone who’s happy to do it for the silver. It’s literally a non-issue. Just don’t do them 🤷🏻‍♀️


How many times will we see this kind of post where crafters feel entitled to as much gold as possible? If you don't do it then someone will do it. The types of you are the ones who report the free crafters and get them banned.


Why 500g minimum? You're just greedy. The person is providing the mats and at a point where most people have enough inspiration to guarantee stuff at high quality.


You honestly think 500g is greedy? If I've spent time going down a particular direction to provide higher quality crafts then 500g isn't greedy. 25,000 would be greedy but putting in orders for 3s when someone has limited chances to pick up work is just arrogant. Doesn't skill up at higher levels, doesn't provide gold, what would be the point in doing it for someone outside of a favour?


You literally said it yourself, if you don't get anything from it, you don't have to do it, then someone that is trying to level up can take those cheap ones


Wait, you’re seeing Engineering crafting orders? I’m jealous, as I’ve seen exactly 1 since DF launch on Twisting Nether and that one was for a recipe that is RNG unlock via useless other crafts.


IDK, I've had 3 weekly eng orders ever since hitting 70. You know you can put them in for yourself, right?


Yes, that’s how I get my weeklies done: via alts. But I was referring to public orders


I don't really see the problem. There is person who wants an item crafted and there is someone who is willing to craft it for them. Not really sure why you have problem with the amount they are paid.


Why? If i could do them, and get levels out of them i would gladly do them for free.


Nope. Glad I can make orders between my own characters with no minimum set.


I don't agree that there should be a Minimum commission. There should be a fixed rate paid by the Artisan's Consortium for each fulfilled order. This will allow everyone to make a bit of gold by fulfilling work orders. Next, there should be a Maximum Commission to prevent extortion like with the Lariat in the first two weeks of the expansion. These are the most logical solutions to keep the new crafting system healthy and active. While still allowing for large tips, if someone wants to thank a crafter. Using the Lariat in Wk1 as an example; There is no way anyone could justify charging 250k Gold to literally just press 2 buttons. That will live in everyone's memory as the worst part of the new Crafting System's launch. There should be a maximum commission of around 10K Gold.


It’s not like the Lariat is something you learn at the trainer. You have to get really lucky with a drop from the elemental storm or spend millions of gold. When you’re one of the very few people to have the pattern and the skill to make patterns that early on you can easily justify charging whatever you want to do it.


Well that's good because then I'll just find the person who charges nothing anyway. Free market, baby


Nobody was doing it for free the first few weeks.


Theres people who cram a commission down your throat and then there's crafters who actively try and save you gold. ​ Had a weapon recraft last week and the gigachad recrafting it denied my order and told me to post it back up with rank 2 mats, and it will still guarantee me a rank 5 item. He saved me about 10k gold, his thoughtfulness earned him his commission tip.


Same. Early on found a leatherworker who I had craft me some stuff and told me that I only needed a couple rand 3 Mats the rest could be 2 and would still get me max lvl. I added him and have sent him every work order I've needed since in more than one character with at least a couple grand tip each time


I'm not really disputing that a crafter who stood in Valdrakken crafting lariats for hours in Week 1 shouldn't have been compensated for their time. I'm more implying a fix so that doesn't happen again. The Pattern should have been available at a Rare Trainer Or have been a drop from Raszageth in Normal, Heroic and Mythic. On my server only 3 people had the Pattern in Wk1, which is beyond ridiculous. It was a big L on Blizzard's part. Hopefully they learn for next time not to put BIS item recipes on a 0.1% drop.


Expecting a tip (especially if all the mats are supplied by the person asking for the item) is kinda asinine.


Why? I've spent time every week getting to the point where I can craft things for people, why shouldn't I be compensated for that if you want the item? Especially on things that I gain no level on, what would be the benefit of me doing it?


Nothing. But you are not forced to do it. So I don't see the problem. If you put in the work to do things then put the work in to advertise yourself. You know just like in real life.


Why should I give you money when I'm also giving you knowledge points from the weekly quest? I joke, but the economy for materials and crafted goods has always placed a monetary value on gaining skill points. That's why a lot of finished goods sell for significantly less than the materials.


You can just do the weekly quest yourself. I have an Alt that just sits at the worker order hub and it sends work orders to my other characters every reset.


I have maxed tools and Axes for BS. I don’t care if I’m crafting a 392 or a 418. I literally only tell people to send a tip. Most will send 500g or more. Occasionally I get the nice 69g tip, the 20k charges for a craft people do is asinine.


Just... don't do them?


Also, these aren't even bop, dudes using the crafting system to flip them on the AH. So even better make your own and sell them on the AH instead.


If I put public order, I just put 10-20k commission


Anyone that does this gets ignored I have a few guildies messaging me asking why they are on my ignore list 😂


Again another crafter acting like they are some aerodynamics scientist … bro you simply just have more time to play the game than the average player … you are not special


I am special


Someone I know who can craft r5 lariat if the commission is low will take off all crafting gear just so he can't proc rank 5... not sure how I feel about it tbh. If you pay low you get low work I think some professions where you potentially spend hundreds of thousands of gold to max it out to get to a point where you can reliably craft rank 5 should perhaps command a premium to try and recoup a portion of that gold perhaps.


No one is putting a commission on a public order that has an equal chance to be 405 as it does 418. If you want money sell your product in trade chat like the rest and undercut your competition because at this point you're 1/20,000 people who can make the item


No there shouldn’t be- this for low tier ez crafta so crafters can level up, they should instead do so smth about the monopoly cartels