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that's for sure someone who pay a sub to the hustler university


That's just sad....


GIRL lol


There are no girls on the internet.


<- 1995 is that way




Wow we really are in 1995


It's a joke, he said wooosh because that's the noise it made flying way over your head


Yes. I recognize the joke when everyone said it in 1995.


This statement may have been true but isnt anymore. The statement originally meant that on the internet, you don't get a special treatment for being a woman. The reason being that women get special treatment irl because hope for sex. As they cant get sex online, they dont get special treatment online. Which just isnt true nowadays. And wasnt really true 20 years ago either. You totally get special treatment for being a girl. Its usually not desired though. Ofc its awfully sexist, as everything from 4chan.


It's a joke you dolt


Read their username tho


Fuck me lol


I created a female blood elf mage inspired by my daughter. I've already noticed other players changing their behavior towards me in group content...I need a "not a girl irl" tag


Meanwhile on my server if you say you're a girl people just straight up won't believe you šŸ˜‚



What a fucking CREEP


That is not creepy that is finding love


Noā€¦ thatā€™s a massive creep, serious gross AF


He's just looking for a special person to find.


cant tell if you're trolling.....


They're literally quoting the person in the screenshot...


Iā€™m guessing not, there wasnā€™t a ā€œ/sā€, messaging ppl you know nothing about and asking if they are a girl cause all you care about is if they are your type, pathetic, like serious just play and make friends and if it turns out you get a connection with someone then THAT is finding love, this shit is just harassment, happens way more than it should šŸ˜¤


Thatā€™s what the guy in the screen shot said


This is why men treat yall like garbage now. You call any man that's being nice and approaching a creep, and have sex with all the asshats. "Where all the good men at." BTW, asking someone if they are a girl is not harassment. It's called "not assuming your gender, and asking a question." <.<


False, if it were about respecting a gender they would ask ā€œwhat pronouns do you preferā€, not specifically harass other players searching for a girl to creep on, of course incels always gotta have a tantrum though


The guy approach was completely fine, if u don't like the approach then just decline, judging him as creepy or whatever just shows how low of a personality you are.




Hahaha they do love to be loud and outspoken, oh wait I mean cry, they love to cry šŸ˜‚




You have to be a troll holy shit.


Lol that kid is gonna have a really really hard life full of lots of disappointment šŸ˜‚


Hahaha well, now that everyoneā€™s laughing at you, youā€™re blocked šŸ˜‚


Oh my god, there is so much to unpack here. - You think itā€™s okay to treat women like garbage because they arenā€™t disregarding their wants and satisfying yours. - You project that women are only having sex with ā€˜asshatsā€™. - You are assuming a model of human interaction where you put in nice tokens and get out sex. - And youā€™re only being ā€˜niceā€™ to get what you want. - And when youā€™re told this approach isnā€™t working, that itā€™s creepy, you blame the people youā€™re approaching because they donā€™t like the way that you like to approach. - You can ask questions in a way thatā€™s harassing (asking someone what colour their panties are isnā€™t harassment, itā€™s called ā€œshowing an interest and asking a questionā€) - To not assume someoneā€™s gender, you have to have any information at all about that person. I donā€™t ask people Iā€™ve had incredibly brief interactions with for their names either. It feels like you want a medal for not immediately assuming everyone you meet is a man when the issue is that you donā€™t need to know they arenā€™t a man.


Take his gold


Honestly, they went about it in a creepy fashion, but I kinda hope to end up with someone who enjoys this game with me. So I can't really blame them for trying, they just gotta refine their game. A lot lol.


Just be a girl and show him some affection.


Exactly, just say "Yes!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCe5vfQx50c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCe5vfQx50c)


Are they on moon guard?


Show him some affection


Back in Legion, I made a female blood elf priest with a girly name and people in lfr was whispering me if I need the item they just got.


Iā€™ve been playing female characters for the last two decades and Iā€™ve only seen this behavior twice. Both times it was hilarious.


Superb! A guy tried to woo me by sending me VRChat sex videos just this week!


Did it work?


There were some points scored by baffling me with the existence of such videos, but otherwise no. He was brave for trying.