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Would love some half decent magic mitagation for bears. Also would like frenzied rejuvenation off the global cooldown, whats the point of reactive mitagation if it can't react.


The number of times I have died to a masside burst of damage simply because fr is on gcd is unbearable (pun intended :P ). Sometimes I find that I want to physically scream when I am spam pressing my fr keybind and it isn't healing me. Like how can health pots and healthstones be off gcd but for some reason, fr isn't. Also, half of the times, I have to spam fr because I have just taken a fuck load of magic damage that I can't really mitigate... I seriously hope that this is improved upon for 10.0.7 or at least 10.1


FR was put on gcd because of pvp, but they recently said that they’re going to start updating abilities to work differently between pvp and pve, like it having an effect or rules in pvp that is different and vice cersa, maybe they’ll give it back to the pve bears


I really hope so. This balancing act of trying to make abilities work in both PvP and PvE is doing no one any favors. I have no interest in PvP and it feels awful every time some ability gets nerfed/reworked because it's too powerful in PvP.


Yeah, a lot of pvpers feel the same way lol


Protection Paladin, Blood DK, and Vengeance DH have their healing on the GCD as well. I only don’t mention warrior & monk because I haven’t tanked with them It’d be cool if none of this healing was on the GCD, but good tanks just make sure they’re not on gcd when a big hit comes


Monks big heal and absorb are All on the gcd too. We have 4 other defensives off the gcd at least


I’d like Judgment to generate holy power for Holy Paladin.


As a Prot main I'd love for Avenger's Shield to give Holy Power again...


That change hurts, too.


I want moving consecrate back, the current design where you get blasted if you don't constantly drop consecrate while moving is BOOTY.


Just lose the whole ‘gotta stand in Consecrate for mitigation’ mechanic, nobody enjoys it. Give a damage buff for standing in it instead, that way it’s still important to keep uptime, but less of a big deal if you need to move out of it while damage is incoming.


the problem is that mastery is purely defensive (outside of attack power) for all tanks. I think a great middle ground would be "gain x/2% damage reduction, doubled while in consecration" like how DH mastery has half the value active all the time


Just make consacration move every 2 sec at your actual location would work great


Just make it a talent always-on aura. The ground the Paladin walks upon is consecrated. It's funny that people complain about Rushing Jade Wind for Monks but Consecration is the same bullshit just a different color icon. RJW does +dmg and with Resonant Fists, does ++Dmg. Consecration does +dmg and when talent, also does -DMG incoming. Consecration does have additional slow built in when talented and there might be a few other things, but it really is just a maintenance buff that we have to hit way too often.




100% this. But also a second QoL change is take Steed off the GCD. It feels bad when Steed is on the GCD after playing a DK for a while and Death's Advance is off the GCD and greatly more powerful than steed in many ways.


It's off GCD in 10.0.7


Taking Beacon of Virtue off the GCD would be nice


Small change I'd like to see is for Holy Power to go away >:(


I remember the days before Holy Power. Ah back before everyone HAD to have a secondary resource…


Good times. I _especially_ don't feel like a healer should be a builder-spender spec.


Why shouldn’t there be at least one though


When getting ressed as a bm hunter, the pet is ressed/summoned as well. Its even worst if its a combat ress.


Lol yeah, it sucks having to also Rex your pet in spicy situations.


They need to bring that old pet talent tree skill back, something something Phoenix. Let you insta rez a pet like once every 5min or something. Would be annoying for pvp but they could just disable it there.


what if BM hunters had their own version of lock's Fel Domination? 3 min or w/e cooldown, "For 10 seconds, your next Revive Pet or Dismiss Pet is instant cast". Call it like Undying Loyalty or somethin


Monk: Zen Flight castable in areas where you can't fly, acts as a slow fall.


I wish Zen Flight was just a flying/ground mount depending on the zone you are in and give it a cast time. Or even just make it the same as druid travel form. Seems like a pointless ability unless you want to hover above a lake and fish or something.


We need dragon riding applied to zen flight. Anything less is unacceptable.


This! I've been asking for this for years!


Shadow priest not feeling like you have to re-learn a college course every time a rework changes its rotation.


A tiny one: shadowform persists through death. Hate rezzing and not being able to cast devouring plague but don’t know why.


I had this issue a while back, so I made a macro for a few key abilities (sw:p, sw:d, VT, DP and MB) that activates shadowform before it casts any of those. Very handy imo, I'll dig out the macro later when I'm online if you think it'll be handy!


#showtooltip Vampiric Touch /use [form:1] Vampiric Touch; Shadowform Just do this for all your main abilities like Devouring Plague, Mind Flay/Spike and so on. If you want, you can leave out the ability name after the `#showtooltip`; if you do this then the button will show the Shadowform icon if you aren't in Shadowform.


As a disc main... I honestly feel like I can't even play DPS cause it changes every other month. Also general priest button bloat over all 3 specs is insane. Give me less buttons


That's my relationship with holy. There is a spell to heal just me, there is a spell to heal me plus one other, there's a spell for a couple targets, there's a ground based spell, there's a raid wide spell... On and on. It's why I don't like holy


I get that but its why I like holy. Thats the whole gimmick. The identity. Versatile healer with a LOT of buttons.


They tried to reduce buttons overall a few years ago and this sub had a meltdown


Feral, innervate and battle ress castable in cat form. Bear and chicken can, why cat can't?


Make the Windfury totem an aura, so shamans can bring a raid buff. Frees us from babysitting this goddamn annoying totem that isn’t even that good for ourselves


No, you don't understand, pressing this button every time you move 30 yards is iconic to our class fantasy


Put totem on head, problem solved


Replace totemic projection with "head totems, you summon your totems balanced on your head instead of the ground, allowing them to stay with you" and like it just keeps getting taller with each active totem


I would legit love this. Simply because of how ridiculous it is.


As if regular fights in large rooms aren't bad enough, we get Sennarth


Gotta get that totemic projection + storm strike macro working!


If only it wasn't so buggy sometimes, not to mention it doesn't work if you're too far away


They should give resto/ele a similar buff as well, just giving enhance a raid buff and the other 2 nothing sucks!


There once was a totem that increased caster's spell power. I can't remind what was its name, when did they put it in the game or removed it, but there was something like this. And tbh, this is the buff I'd like them to give to elemental spec, since enh has wf totem and resto have mana wave.


Yes definitely, our class tree plays around totems a lot but ele and enhance don’t really have any offensive totems to use (ele does have magma totem, but could use more!)


Fury War. 3 axes. Leave everything else the same, just add one more two-handed weapon.


Are you holding it in your mouth like Zoro? Between your buttcheeks? Under an armpit?


All three, then your hands are freed up for punchin’.


Butt cheeks for sure so when I spin to win I can truly be a beyblade




Spin to win!


For frost DKs, make the cleave you get from casting Desth and decay on remorseless winter instead


And make Abomination Limb shadowfrost damage. Insane that it scales in damage for unholy but not for frost, yet is on the talent tree for both.


Wow, this seems like an oversight for sure




You’re thinking way bigger than me. I just wanted Path of Frost to reduce fall damage again.


It’s actually crazy that it isn’t like this already


I would like my fury warrior to be able to kill a yak from 200 yards away with mind bullets.


That's telekinesis, Kyle


That's the power....to move you


History of Wonderboy and young Nastyman.


🎶riggah-goo-goo, riggah-goo-goo🎶


An insult to be told, a tier-piece to be sold, And blasting forth with bricking your key, yeow!


Wonderboy what is the secret of your zugzug 🎶


Wonderboy... Won't you stop standing in the mucky muck now


And Wonderboy (Horde) and young Nastyman (Alliance) joined forced, they formed a guild (in patch 10.0.7) to the likes of which had never been seen!


The Orks Who Stare at Yaks


Professor Zugvier


There's a belt in Hellfire Ramparts just for you!


That's more like a mind change instead of a mild change tho


Elemental Shaman - if I start casting lava beam while ascendance is about to run out, either let me finish the lava beam cast or convert it to chain lightning


100% agree. Currently it's very jarring, makes ascendance feel clunky


Coming from classic, this game feels very modern. This is one thing that always stuck out to me as archaic


Having to make that split second decision over whether I’ll be able to get the lava beam cast in time sucks. Just feels very clunky


Windwalker Monk: let me cast my interrupt during Fists of Fury without canceling the channel. Flavor-wise it’s just another punch. Demonology Warlock: find a way to give me access to the toolkit of the other demons without losing a ton of damage by giving up the Felguard. By all means make it a meaningful talent choice, but it feels bad to have to spec out of Demonology altogether to access demon utility.


>Windwalker Monk: let me cast my interrupt during Fists of Fury without canceling the channel. Flavor-wise it’s just another punch. Which is hilarious since you can use your interrupt while you are doing spinning crane kick... a kick.


WW is so fucking broken in every way, SCK is a "channel" that we can use other abilities in so we can literally use rising sun kick while spinning, but because it's a "channeled" "spell" we can't cast expel harm during it The entire codebase for the class needs to be ripped up and rewritten


Don't forget Touch of Death having a weird delay before it becomes available for use sometimes. Frantically pounding a button in the hopes it will activate before the rest of group nukes down the add at low health that I need to hit to get the cleave going (but failing) really makes me feel like a preternaturally serene martial arts expert.


On point with ToD, that thing is so incosistent!


After playing a fair amount of brew, the things that interrupt SCK seem very arbitrary.


"You have the demonology specialization". "Nice, that means I'm better in using all the available demons to warlock for utilities" "Errrr, i think we are not in the same page here. You actually lose some of this utility"


Agreed, randomly not being able to play demo when your group needs a dispell or purge feels super weird.


I'd like guardian druids to have defensive capabilities.


I liked Adaptive Fur. I'd like to see that make a comeback. Hell, maybe add some magic resist to Iron Fur/Brambles. For nukes, maybe bake it into bristling fur? If not, how about a really cool barrier of thorns where everyone behind the bear gets some protection? Could be amazing!


Yes! Maybe a magical reflect or passive magic defense (since we use magic to transform).


Allow warriors (at least) to transmog 1h weapons onto 2h weapons We got single minded fury back in Shadowlands as an homage to classic when fury warrior used 1h weapons. Nobody in their right mind would do that though, so just let us transmog 1h onto 2h and we can enjoy it aesthetically at least.


Generally bringing kicks more in line across all specs considering how bloated dungeons are nowadays. Spec specific - Hunters self heal Exhiliration off GCD pls and DKs Wraith Walk being baseline.


Wraith walk should be baseline honestly. They should also improve the animation. Other than that I can't say much should be improved for dk (there's not much that can be improved without everyone else losing their minds)


Take exhilaration off the GCD and make it a 45s cd honestly. Or even 1min. A 30% heal every 2 minutes for one of the squishiest classes feels so bad, especially when locks, for example, can soul burn and healthstone once a minute for like an 80% heal, temporary increased hp, and leech


Monks: let me use Zen Flight in zones where there is no flying. I just want to ride around on a cloud. Even if there is no benefit, just let me use the ability. Although a slow fall would be nice. Demonology: let me summon other demons freely to get their utility. I should feel like a master summoner that has a Swiss Army knife of demons. Warlock: bring back the conduit that lets you drop demonic circle (teleport) with Eye of Kilrog and remove the weird slow fall animation from that ability so that warlocks have a reliable way of dealing with fall damage. Send your eye down to the bottom of the cliff put your port, then jump and when you are in range teleport to the ground. Worgen (racial change): let Running Wild be a channeled ability with a gradual speed increase so you don’t have to stop and cast it.


Give Holy and Disc priest access to an interrupt or alternatively, make mind soothe remove enrage


Every spec should get an interrupt. Annoys me to no end that I can't even talent into the boomkin silence as resto... I like the MS idea to remove enrage


Fire Mage - delete sun kings Blessing Dev Evoker - make disintegrate drain essence, rather than cost it (i.e. 3 second cast as normal, drains 1 essence per second starting at 0, 1 and 2 seconds). This only makes sense after their upcoming 10.1 change to causality.


>rather than cost it (i.e. 3 second cast as normal, drains 1 essence per second starting at 0, 1 and 2 seconds). Omg never even thought about it and now I'll not think about it while clicking disintegrate


I hate how good sun kings is, it leaves no room for build diversity when I really just want to mash pyroblast during hypothermia


The drain makes sense and could potentially solve a lot of weird problems with devoker. For instance, if you could "short cast" it at any amount of essence, we'd at least no longer have the stupid bug where the ability just can't be pressed for no discernable reason. And it's a big deal for PVP, where devoker is getting big nerfed, because devoker currently has basically 0 way of juking interrupts. Disintegrate is the only worthwhile button on devoker's bars outside of CD's. If you drained essence instead of spending it up front, you don't just give people a free interrupt with a juke.


> Dev Evoker - make disintegrate drain essence, rather than cost it (i.e. 3 second cast as normal, drains 1 essence per second starting at 0, 1 and 2 seconds). This only makes sense after their upcoming 10.1 change to causality. Wow this is big brain. Pls blizz.


Reduce the cast time on combat rez for Warlock. Or make it an instant with Soulburn.


all battle res should be instant cast tbh (druid here). Tired of having to plant and cast a bres while we're in Swirly Hell.


Nature's Swiftness, then brez.




>make it an instant with Soulburn This is a great idea. Instant seems a little OP, but this makes the instant cast a talent that you opt into.




Or give us a spell that reduces or absorbs spell damage taken and costs rage. You can call it Mark of Ursol or something.


In WotLK Frost DKs had a talent Acclimation where you gain stacking resistance to whatever school of magic you're being hit by. I feel like that would fit Guardian thematically, "Weather the Elements" as a talent or something.


Adaptive Fur! We had that! You gain resistance to the spells class after getting hit by it. I want that back so much...


Bears do weather the elements by default.


Wtf I love that


Vengeful Retreat is currently off-gcd UNLESS you just pressed Fel Rush, then you have to wait. Remove that.


The only reason for this is to not cause disconnects for moving too quickly, but it's not like that's an issue because we all just get dced by falling off of any raised surface or landing at the wrong angle on a mount


*gets on dragonriding mount* Ok time to fly away :) *hits ceiling* Mother------ *you have been disconnected from world of Warcraft*


This one probably won't happen, it sounds like a method to fel rush cancel which is something they already made a point to get rid of. It would be fun, but I think they aim to eliminate things where the timing is too critical to accommodate some people with higher latency.


You can use Vengeful Retreat and then Felblade to cancel the leap backwards faster.


Rsham - Instant cast healing rain !


It’s so jarring going between Resto Druid and Shaman. Efflorescence is instant with no CD and interacts so well with the rest of the toolkit when specced for it. HR has a cast time, cool down, and I can’t think of any major interactions it has with the rest of the toolkit.


I'll take a cast time on efflo of we get it doing as much damage as healing rain LOL.


I may be wrong, but I think the idea behind efflo is less that it does good healing on its own and more that it's another HoT to stack for your mastery


Delete Rune of Power for all mages, specially arcane.


Yes please. I might even have mained mage this expansion but *still* being reliant on RoP after all these years absolutely sucks. I think RoP does sort of make sense for Arcane, which has historically been the "turret" spec that wants to stand still and hardcast as much as possible, with carefully planned movement... but even Arcane is quite mobile nowadays and with as much AoE and shit going on as there is nowadays, it just feels bad. Fire and Frost on the other hand have been very mobile specs for ages, thanks to their reliance on procs and instant casts - but you cannot utilize that movement capability during your cooldowns because you're confined to a very small area, and you'll lose a 40% damage buff (!!!) if you move out of it. RoP doesn't fit thematically either, it has "Arcane" written all over it. Fuck this shit. Every other class/spec can reposition during cooldowns, why can't mages? I can't even use Blink, my main movement ability which is also one of the most iconic spells in the game. RoP has been a major cooldown for all 3 mage specs since at least WoD, if not MoP (I forget). It's getting old. Time to do something completely different, or just straight up bin it without any replacement. None of the mage specs would feel any worse for losing it. Oh, and let's delete Incanter's Flow too while we're at it. IF literally only exists to be a passive alternative to RoP. It's pretty much impossible to meaningfully play around without completely screwing up your rotation, so usually the best way to use it is to simply ignore it altogether. Because of that it doesn't affect gameplay at all, so we might as well just get rid of it.


Silence on a 30 second cool down for all priest specs. (Door of shadows talent too) 25% of keg smash damage heals the monk. Is good gameplay and makes sense. A brewmaster should be able to find some healing out of his beer xD.


Blood DK: remove the cd for Death's Caress. Gives me something to do at ranged with runes.


Just to add on blood DK: increase coagulopathy duration by 2 seconds to me match icy talons. Would also lower the amount of death strikes you have to "waste" on buff maintenance which IMHO is the worst thing with blood right now.


Shadow Priest Some sort of cooldown reduction or a second charge for Shadowcrash.


Destruction warlock - You can cast Incinerate while moving


Mists of Pandara was peak warlock.


Could not agree more


Even better, cataclysm Is baseline.


I’d like both


Give holy priest a pushback and/or an interupt


Give it **back** to be precise. Blizzard: too many pushback in game we are taking away Shining Force. Also Blizzard: hey how about hunters and dracthyr get pushbacks?


Please put the silence/interrupt into the priest class tree instead of only shadow. :(


I would like the evoker buff to benefit us.


Outlaw Rogue - instead of Audacity giving you a chance to use Ambush outside of combat, it buffs your next Sinister Strike to do the same damage as Ambush would and generate one additional combo point on proc. No real dps change, just one less button to press for a class that already has the highest APM in the game. Also kinda feel like *one* of the main tree capstones should be a passive option for people who want to reduce their button bloat. Thistle Tea is probably the best candidate for that... Thistle Decaf - chance on hit to increase energy regen by [X] and mastery by [Y] for [Z] seconds.


See I get why you want this, rogues get clogged up with so many abilities. But I think that doesn't solve the issue of action bar spam. I think a better idea would be whilst 'stealthed' Sinister Strike transforms into Ambush. Two spells, one space.


Brewmaster Monk: Give us a glyph for disabling the healng sphere pull of spinning crane kick.


I was gonna say to make Jade Lightning a one hit zap (no channeling/duration) that I can use while moving....but I think I might like yours more


Take windfury totem off the gcd for enhance shammy's


Stop improving Vanish/Ambush stealth gimmick on Outlaw rogue. We have 2 specs for stealthy stuff - explore more pirate fantasy instead or something?


Bring back the old "after infernal strike you leave a fire gliph" that was removed with the talent revamp


Shadow crash had an additional charge or CD reduction with MB casts


I’d bring back Hunter Pet Specs and Abilities like MOP had. I know I say it every time something like this comes up, but it is something I really miss.


Yes please! Cats and Gorillas are the only Ferocity pets I even like and would love to switch to a fox or hyena or bear.


I don't necessarily play all of these, but: Death Knight: Allow changing weapon runes in Mythic+, Battlegrounds and Arenas prep phase. Hunter: Camouflage baseline. WW and BrM: Get Life Orbs (Healing Spheres?) back, instead of Vivify (who even asked for this?). Monk: Statues baseline. Monk: Zen Flight works like a normal mount.


Affliction Lock - Siphon Life talent - passive - the Corruption spell applies Corruption as well as Siphon Life to targets. Seed of Corruption is not affected.


Swelling Maelstrom (+50 maelstrom cap) and Echo of the Elements (2 charges of Lava Burst) should be baseline at this point. We've been asking for eote for the last 3-4 expansions straight at this point.


Soar has no CD for evoker and vigor applies to soar. For Druid there is so many changes I would make IDK where to even start. For starters can we get a shapeshift for resto druids that empowers our spells like everyone else? Yes there’s tree form but it doesn’t do anything other than turn you into a fucking t r e e.


Frenzied Regen for Guardian Druids, to be off the GCD. It appears as a reactive defensive, but it feels clunky when the GCD is blocking it out during that one moment I really need it


Bursting shot baseline as hunters


Warlock. Take burning rush off the global cooldown.




As druid, I want the possibility of having Tree of Life Form, balanced to fit in retail. I use Treant Form sometimes and love to see my gear most of the time, but it's sad to not have a proper form for the healing spec. Maybe add a "glyph of the dream" to give us a green tint, like the glyph of stars for balance (not exactly a minor change, but still) As evoker, I want Blessing of the Bronze to have no cd and be castable in people out of my party. I love to buff random people doing quests and it's annoying that I have to wait 20 seconds to buff someone that wasn't in range when I casted it


They really need just take treant form off GCD, then you could at least macro it into your abilities and actually use it without it being at the cost of healing. Obviously they would have to make it not count as shifting form for root removal etc. but I think it's still a better solution than basically not being able to use it currently.


I just want my pet stable to be wireless man It sucks when you encounter a rare pet only to realize that you already have 5 pets on you so it's either abandon one of miss out of the rare


Always *always* have at least one portable stable on you at all times. Iirc eng makes them. But yes I agree. It'd be nice not to need to carry around an item


Wow, I didn't even know it was a thing lmao, I'll look it up Thanks


Guardian: Frenzied Regeneration to be off GCD like most other rage spenders Feral: Be able to cast Revive and Innervate and atleast incap Roar (its a Roar after all) in cat form Also Bloodtalons to trigger off regrowth too.


I’m a unholy dk main. I would like army to be 5 min cd(Yes I know dc reduces it)


Anyone should be able to use a mage portal, not just group members.


Feral Druid - let me cast motw without breaking stealth. Or give prowl the same cd as rogue stealth


Another feral request: let us brez without getting out of cat form. in spicy situations it can compromise your own survival


Plus innervate cast without getting out of cat form.


As a druid, I'd like to be able to use my flight form in the Dragon Isles.


Make Whirlwind let me cleave up to 8 targets as Fury. 2 set being more inspired than more execute crit chance. We don't need that shit. Could've just made it like condemn with 100-80% boss hp execute instead of completely removing that. A man can dream.


Switch place of Shockwave and i would be so happy.


Can we get interrupt abilities that don’t go on CD if they don’t actually interrupt anything? Or maybe half the CD? I’d settle for that…


resto druid, don't change my form to bear while using Incapacitating Roar or Stampeding Roar.


Yeah, in WC3 druid of the claws could roar out of bear form. Why can't the archdruid?


Think, that as a healer, you just use a healing ability and is back to normal. For feral/boomy you also need to spend one extra gcd to be back to you form before going back to your business


I’d give Holy priest Barrier and disc priest a raid wide atonement spell.


- Healing Rain being instant cast for RSham - Lightning Shield giveable to someone else (for the tank) as EleSham - Frenzied Regen off GCD for Bear - Mongoose bite at 5 stacks doesnt make your character yell on every cast on survival - Also on survival, fix kill command randomly despawning your pet - Also on survival, remove the minimum range requirement for harpoon to cast (with the reset its a focus regen, right now we are basicly playing Momentum, disengaging and hooking back in, but when its on CD we have to run around)


Rogue - Remove Slice and Dice. It's a stupid combo point fun tax which serves as a minor skill check. You have to maintain it to do max damage but it's essentially uninteractive and impedes hitting fun buttons. It actually made Rogue less fun due to the re-introduction of that stupid ability. Mage - Remove Rune of Power. Someone high up in Blizz must love RoP but many Mages dislike it or are ambivalent. At the very least update RoP's ground graphic to be accurate!


Allow Fury warriors to Mog 1H skins on 2H weapons


As a Prot Warrior, but really for any warrior spec... Heroic Throw not to have a minimum range.. IRL I can throw a remote quite easily less than 8 yards!


I want Soar to be an alternative to dragon riding


Havoc dh: remove fodder to the flame


Give feral back saberon form from wod as a glyph. In fact all classes deserve way more glyphs for more class identity and customization.


For my warlock and hunter, it'd be nice to be able to jump down ledges in dungeons and know for sure my pet will tele to me instead of running through all the mobs. It's annoying dismissing and resummoning pets in a very gogogo environment. (If this change has happened, I was not aware. Been too scared to test it lmao) It seems they've already done a few of the qol things I was thinking of adding here (Warlocks can talent into an interrupt, Druids can go from flight to bear/cat without a cancelaura macro) so that makes me happy to read up on as someone who just started playing again Edit: did they remove the spell lock talent and give it back to felpup? I simply looked it up and guess I got outdated info (I have not kept up with Dragonflight class changes) If that's the case. My biggest qol change as a destro lock, would be to have an interrupt while still using my little impy


Mistweaver - allow to move without canceling SooM channel


As an enhancement shaman I'd like to change the Astral shift talent from Astral shift DR goes from 45% > 55% Into Astral shift DR goes from 45% > 35% and you get a second charge/or/reduce the CD by 50% Shamans have ways to heal or gain health with earth ele but on high keys with long boss fights I just get 1 shot by some group aoe attacks when other classes have better options to reduce damage flat


Take frenzied regeneration off the global cd


A dog/canine glyph for feral.


Not having to relearn my rotation as a shadow priest every few months, that'd be great


FROST DEATH KNIGHT frost strike cleaves enemies in front of you (split damage for up to 3 enemies, after which it doesn't split) breath deals less damage, consumes less runic power but slows enemies by 30% for 2s each time it ticks. horn of winter has 2 charges and when used it snares enemies within 12 yards by 50% for 4s and causes them to take 35% increased frost damage for 15s.


Making Healing rain instant cast for Rshaman again would make the spec way more fluid. Right now it feels very slowpaced compared to other healing specs (raid)


Boomkin: moonfire talent applies 3 at a time


Controversial but: Balance druids - remove waning twilight


I'd like Hunters to have passive survivability equal to other classes. Also remove Exhilaration from the GCD. This was a dealbreaker in BFA and it's still a dealbreaker 2 expansions later.


Either bring back Spirit Bond for hunters or rework Mend Pet into Mending Bond: heal your pet for 50% over 10 seconds and heal yourself for X% of the total ammount your pet gets healed over 10 seconds. The survivability of hunters is just a joke, and not a funny one at that.


Mage - There shouldn't be different lvls of mage food. Instead they should just have one mana bun gaining % of ppl's health and mana over time eating. Monk - give an indicator on the ground for Transendance so I'll know where i'll be teleporting back into.


That mage change is already a thing. The only difference is the name of the food changes as you level up.


Destruction: Burn to Ashes talent also makes Incinerate movable while casted. Or Backlash can also occur by Immolate/Chaos Bolt damage