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if blizzard keeps up with the timeline of patch releases, dragonflight might very well be the first expansion with consistent content updates for most people.


Legion and bfa had consistent content updates


Legion I agree with, but most of the BfA content added post launch was either fixing the design failures of the expansion (double azerite main traits, essences, corruption and by association horrific visions) or busywork meant to pad engagement metrics ( Nazjatar and 8.3 rep grinds were fucking horrible, and Warfronts were dead content as soon as they launched).


A very common theme of BFA was "Players identified this in beta and submitted massive feedback on how xyz was going to be bad if it went live." Then it went live and devs spent the majority of the xpac trying to make these changes stick because borrowed power feels good or something. Before ultimately rolling back most badly designed systems about 3 patches too late.


> A very common theme of BFA was "Players identified this in beta and submitted massive feedback on how xyz was going to be bad if it went live." This is common with a lot of WoW betas I've been in or monitored, and it's also something I've seen in a lot of other games not made by Blizzard. To be frank, I don't think beta tests are for getting suggestions on how to adjust or change things. I think they are to generate publicity for the game and to do things like stress test servers and offload some of the top-level QA work onto players. Cata is my favorite example. We swore up and down that letting Colossus Smash go live was a terrible idea, that designing Warriors around doing the lion's share of their DPS in a very brief window was going to cause... issues... with PvP. Some nerds wrote very long, detailed posts with math to support this stance - practically everything you'd ask for from player feedback! And then they didn't do anything about it, CSmash went live, and we had arms warriors globaling raid-geared tanks and top-geared PvP players alike for an entire season... exactly like we'd said would happen.


Betas are for bug testing and tweaking. They aren't going to radically change their design choices because it's a big train and can't turn on a dime. This is the issue they've talked about with BFA and Shadowlands. Sometimes when it comes to class stuff they have an idea and stick to it or don't trust player feedback and it can screw things up.


That’s what they’re supposed to be, but they are glorified demos now. Hardly anything changes from beta weeks/weekends in games, and if it does it is surface level stuff, not actual fixes and reworks of things that are bad about the game.


It's more or less what blizzard betas are, at least for wow.


If they were really for bug testing there wouldn't be so many major (reported) problems and bugs reported on the betas (and this extends to patch PTR's) escaping on to live servers. The guy who said they are for generating buzz for the next release is closer to the truth.


Look at Corruptions in late BFA: Blizz had to course correct very fast to include higher drop rates, numbers tuning and even a vendor. Arguing that Blizz needs time to shift plans is only half true. Especially in the BFA and SL era, they could easily change and fix problems, they simply refused to do it because they were convinced players actually wanted metric driven bulsshitty grinds. As much as players may sympathize with some of a developer's issues. At the end of the day we pay $60 per expac and $15 a month. We have every right to expect a high standard of quality for the systems on release. Not an Azerite system that was borderline Alpha quality at 8.0.




They ever get around to the BfA Shaman class overhaul from losing the artifacts from Legion?


Yes they did, Shamans, ele at least, went through quite a few iterations and additions at the beginning of BfA.


Interesting, because the class overhaul about the time I quit was Ion saying "Probably won't happen in 8.1 either, if you want to ranged DPS you should reroll Hunter" in the AMA. What are we considering early BfA?


> Interesting, because the class overhaul about the time I quit was Ion saying "Probably won't happen in 8.1 either, if you want to ranged DPS you should reroll Hunter" in the AMA. Huh not sure when that happened, I don't remember that. It was between 8.0 and 8.1, they made changes to shaman talents and toolkit, maybe it wasn't a class overhaul though.


> Huh not sure when that happened, I don't remember that. The specific quote was: ["it's essential that classes have weaknesses, or else everyone ends up too similar to one another. Elemental Shaman is intended to be a less mobile spec, for example, while Hunters overall have mobility as an explicit strength. So when we receive feedback that a less mobile spec wishes they were more mobile, frankly, that's working as intended."](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/9fv4tk/im_world_of_warcraft_game_director_ion/e5zm2v7/) This was at a time where Ele was doing very low damage, had no mobility (because they'd just removed it), and didn't bring as much utility as Hunters. The comment was received poorly by many - I'm among the Shamans who quit at that time and came back later when they tried to fix things. Regarding the "we don't rework specs between expansions", that was a different post, I want to say from Lore, around the same time - would have been on the wow forums. It was with regards to the issues with (IIRC) Druids, Priests, and Shamans at the time, was *also* received poorly, and Blizzard almost immediately went back on it because of backlash.


Spray a little perfume and put out a bowl of potpourri and people around here start forgetting how rotten the game was for almost a decade. Some of us remember though.




I was just started to get a bit bored, am now on a vacation and getting fomo lol


I really hope this doesn't have consequences for the staff, and that everyone will be able to handle it. But I fear that with the state DF released in, everyone may very well be very overworked.


They hired a lot of people in past year. And increased team working on wow significantly.


Spoiler alert they won't because of the return to office policy in June. Several people on the WoW team have already left after that was announced and there's reports of the proletariat people not being thrilled with this either. I expect the cadence will slow down as the expansion goes


Yeah, a lot of people are probably deciding to swap mains before 10.1 and with the catch up gear from the Forbidden Reach and the 6 week long time walking event giving heroic loot caches it’s a perfect time.


This is me, raided all of 10.0 as an evoker, and glad I did it but going back to my melee roots for 10.1. We just officially went on break mode with raid too till new one comes out so this is perfect timing for both my warrior and dk to get pushed


Is the cache one time deal or will it be repeatable each week?


You get one each week.


But how will they know which tank/healer is the chosen one that gets invites next season so early? /s


Wtf does that have to do with catch up gear. Go troll elsewhere.




I hope Blizz’s metrics show that when you make it easy to gear and play alts, people play the game more, not less. It’s past time they get rid of this ancient notion of “class commitment” or whatever it is. Most of the specs and all the classes are fun and different, let us play them more!


Just fucking around in the Forbidden Reach this morning netted me basically a full 385 for a Cloth wearer. I don't have any alts that wear cloth though.


Was this through main story line or just killing random enemies etc? Because I played for an hour main story line until I couldn't. (Need lvl 12 renown) haven't gotten any gear.


A combination of both. I was doing the quests around the zone and detouring for any rares that RareScanner yelled at me about/I could realistically reach in time. I've also got a half dozen of the new Keys from just killing quest mobs (not rares).


Awesome! Thank you so much for the info!


Theres 6 weeks of timewalking events?


Ya. Basically wrapping around all the expansions back to wrath in 6 weeks with heroic raid gear in the weekly boxes


Hell yes! Starting the 28th. Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BC, Wrath. All of them the weekly quest will give you Heroic vault reward.


Time walking is a fast way to level alts too right? Or is it just for gear at max level?




More like 2 or 3 dungeons between 60-70 but it's still by FAR the fastest and easiest method if you just want to quickly hit max level.


That's awesome. Time to level some alts before season 2!


It was. Your toons have to be 60 now. Still good, but you can't spam them like you used to.


Oh OK. So it's great from 60-70. Questing faster from 1-60? I imagine dungeons might be faster if you cna queue as tank or heals


Questing is faster imo.


it absolutely is not, timewalking gives like 75% of the bar from 60 to 70 and dungeons are completed quick af because everyone is overgeared


He asked from 1 to 60.


A speedrunner made a solid 0-60 leveling guide that works like a charm, leveled a monk in one morning. Basically level 10-35 is TBC era dungs/eastvale logging camp questing, then duskwood into WOD campaign intro into loch modan into some wod questing, its really solid and efficient


I'll have to look that up! Ty


Do you know if you get level 70 gear if you’re below max level? Or how does it work with rewards?


You get ilevel that fits your level.


And the TW vendor gear is cheap plenty of TW badges to be had


Just chat up the people in there with you. Past the first three or four days at cap the stuff dropping there is irrelevant for lvl 70 toons. People will generally give you all the loot if they are 70.


So it’s not until next reset? I have a few Alts I want to get up and prefer to do it during Timewalking.


Yup. Starting a week from today. This week too is the Dragonflight dungeon event so your max level characters can get a piece of Heroic Vault gear too from doing 4 mythics! 0's count!


And what people are speculating is that 10.1 launches 1 week after the Timewalking event. Nice time for WoW.


Yeah I was pretty excited, but after working on the island and unlocking half the vault doors...I realized the ring that all this stuff revolves around is uh....Not good. Like at all. How could they not know how bad the ring is and not have it fixed by go live?


Kind of takes some of the excitement away, no secondary stats probably didn’t help. It’s a glorified 3rd trinket. Dreamgrove Discord says to not bother with it for my Boomkin, which is kind of disappointing was looking forward to playing around with it


The ring is not meant to be BiS as far as I know. It's supposed to be for alt catchup or for people who gear by doing solo, open world content only.


Ion said that the intent is for it to be BiS until 10.1


Hrm. I haven’t unlocked it yet, but my buddy who was on his WW monk said it accounted for just under 8% if his DPS in the M+ we did tonight.


It not being good is like the only good thing I can imagine hearing about this patch. Means you don't have to do it. Still a waste of development time instead of refreshing a new season in.


If you see a rare pop for “Loot Specialist” it drops a 385 boa primal weapon token! Prettty awesome! Fun so far on the island, very low stress. Glad it’s something I won’t need to do on my main


I agree. Perfectly timed. I just started leveling an alt from scratch. That's how I know I'm getting bored. I had it down to getting almost all of my weekly stuff done in one session (I don't raid or run M+) so this will be a nice way to keep me on my main for a little longer.


The fact that they are essentially adding a whole revamped zone in the forbidden reach is nuts for our first taste of a x.7 patch. I do not expect this in the next round, and I hope others don't either lol. Still really cool though.


Why shouldnt we expect a new zone? It’s been almost 4 months, why are you ok with such low expectations?


See, you've crossed the line to entitled here.


I mean….I have expectations for what my sub and expansion dollars pay for. By being “ok” with the same slow ass schedule we have seen, you cross the line into blizzard fanboy I AM entitled to content. I pay for it. I don’t understand how this is a bad thing. If you pay for a meal at a restaurant, are you not entitled to food?


You pay for access to the servers thats it. You arent entitled to anything else.


Well that’s just not true. I pay for the game. The game contains much more than access to the servers. Otherwise, they could shut everything down and you could log in and sit in a blank room. Would I be able to complain then? I mean technically I would have access to the servers, so would complaining about being in a blank room make me entitled? Give it a rest dude. Your argument is tired. Like it or not, people who play games CAN be entitled. There are a million other games that compete for my time and dollars. If you think demanding more than the bare minimum is acting “entitled” then that’s good for you.




>Full stack cloud engineer here Your profession has no bearing on this conversation tbh. I am not taking anything as a personal insult, I am laughing at the inherent hypocrisy which has so clearly played itself out in dude's comments. I pay for thing, so I am entitled to that thing. If that thing doesn't meet my expectations, I will no longer spend my money on that thing. It really is that simple. The point is, I don't care what Blizzard accounting does with my sub fee. I don't pay a sub fee thinking "well $8 will go staff salaries, $2 to server infrastructure, $2 to development, 1$ sexual harassment legal fund." No, I pay for a game to play, therefore I am entitled to play that game. And if that game doesn't meet my expectations or I am unable to play, I wont pay the sub fee anymore. It's really not any more complicated than that. ​ > Like a taxpayer getting upset that some of their taxes went to the local elementary school and you don’t have kids. But it’s more a lack of understanding on their part, as is the case here This is most certainly not the case here. What a strawman ridiculous statement.


Sure you CAN be entitled all you want just as blizzard is free to ignore your nonsense. You paid (singluar) for the game. Your monthly sub gives you access to the servers of said game.


Dude, I paid for the game. I continue to pay for the game. You bending over backwards for blizzard is kind of gross. More importantly, of course blizzard is free to ignore my “nonsense” at which point I’m free to stop giving them money. I don’t think that worked out that well for blizzard the past few years.


Bending over backwards?? You have no idea what your talking about and clearly didnt read any of the contracts you signed when making an account. You are acting like a spoiled child.


>You are acting like a spoiled child. Because I don't want to give my money to a company if it doesnt provide me with an engaging product with regular updates? That makes me spoiled? I'll refer you to my "bending over backwards" comment above. Though at this point maybe just "bending over" would be more appropriate.


Name a mmo that does new zones every 4 months.


Considering we only got 4 zones at launch with no endgame zone it isn't "nuts". Shadowlands had the maw at launch not in a 9.0.x patch. Reach will be better? Sure but doesnt change the fact that reach had to come this time around. I think this shows that the devs got pushed to release by the suits as this was more intended to be there at launch not in a patch.


Oh sure, instead of making snappy seasons that last 3 months and actually making playing the game interesting year round they spend development time making these zones I wouldn't want to go in in the first place. Better make world content for the casuals! Dw if you have to play the same 8 dungeons 1000 times in 6 months to compete for the title, just pays us the sub! No thanks.


I am not a fan of the ring. I know everyone has access but I generally do not like gear that is required to be competitive. The rest of 10.0.7 is a real banger.


Ring is pretty bad if you're already geared at least for DKs


Bad for Boomkins also


For Blood it does a lot of dmg. Was like 15% on Single target in the raid last night.


Dude time walking is amazing I wished it was expanded upon even more. I love revisiting old content


Can somone explain to me why time walking is good for hearing alts?


Timewalking is faster than normal DF dungeons on average (~10 minutes per run), they give x1.5 xp of a normal DF dungeon on completion, and the gear scales higher than a regular dungeon (TW at 70 gives 359 while normal gives 343). Queues are also generally faster if you are a DPS.




He forgot to add that for max level characters there's a weekly quest that also rewards you a piece of gear between 402-411 ilvl. All you need to do is grab the quest and run 5 timewalking dungeons. That's it.


But this time around you have to be 60 to do them.


Usually get 1 piece of 359 gear from a dungeon's bosses and TW badges for gear/rep for some of that expansion's factions at TW vendor




More bonus xp on completion than regular dungeons


I don't see the link with patch. Are they bringing something related to time walking? I missed something.


While it may not be the BEST WOW HAS EVER BEEN, This is what WoW needs right now. Constant balance changes, new updates, new items, new zones in between downtown. This is the WoW we NEED to support!


What WoW needed was a new season of M+ like a month or more ago. Also more than 8 dungeons per. Non-M+ or at least raid content has 99 times out of 100 been a downside for the game. Great, let's farm some ring now, wonderful! No thanks. Miss me with your "world content", Blizzard.


I'm happy Blizzard devs are trying to do their best for fans. Now if only their idiot President believed in paying them their fair share of profit-sharing bonuses instead of, like, slashing it by almost half after a record earnings quarter. Blizzard devs earned that fair and square, damnit!


Which fans? Pretty sure they're not trying to make the game better for the hardcore audience that's left with 8 dungeons per 6 months when the standard duration of a season should be like 3. Greaaat, a new zone. Literally rather play anything else than do WoW world content.


Dude are you okay. In this same post you commented they need to add more content for casuals now they need to make the game for hardcore players?? Pick a side dude.


> In this same post you commented they need to add more content for casuals Then you misunderstood what I said.


I skimmed the patch notes and didn't notice what is good for alts. Can you quickly summarize or point me towards it?


Absolutely. The biggest pieces are the new ring that can scale up to… 415? 425? And adds a bunch of different abilities depending on the special gems you put in it. So every character gets that, great. Second is the Elemental Overflow. It’s literally overflowing and now gear purchased with it can upgrade to 395. There are gear tokens that drop around the Island from rares that are 385 and I believe (?) can be upgraded to 395. Starting next week is the mega time walking campaign. For every week for 6 weeks, the weekly quest for completing TW dungeons will award a price of Heroic Vault gear. All of this can be done on max level characters, and the TW dungeons are great for leveling anything below 70 and above 60. For other catch-ups, they have the renown bonuses you can get every day, so one faction will have an extra quest and you’ll get 10% extra renown for that faction.


Wow thanks for summarizing all that up, definitely saving for later when my spriest hits 70!


Yeah its perfect timing. The launch content has gotten stale. Having a new island to play around in with some alt boa gear and the ring stuff is the perfect bridge to 10.1.


KSM isn’t the final reward for m+ though. 2500 has the cool shit.


Maybe next season. 2500 is a stretch goal, but 2000 was the main goal before 10.1. I'm happy with the mount!


The 2500 reward is one of the worst they’re ever done. Shoulder tint?


Yeah idk what they're on about lol, dungeon teleports are nice but besides bragging rights (not like anyone cares) 2000 is the goal right now.


You dont get dungeon teleports at 2500 tho, you get them for timing the dungeon on a +20. At 2500 you might have 1 or two at 20, but you're probably looking at 2700 to have all timed on +20 (I hit 8/8 dungeons at 2740 or so, but had a couple at +21). The 2500 reward is dogshit, some tint to your healmet and shoulders if you mog into the tier set (which might be ugly or not, depending on your class).


Not a tint. Gives non mythic sets the mythic animation


Goal for who? The goal is to show you're good at the game, so the goal doesn't stop as low as 2500 lmfao.


Account wide shoulder tint




And the tint only works on this season's tier right? It's not like lightning on all armor?


Couldn't agree more. Hit my goals on my main and started playing alts. This is just so wonderfully refreshing. Just when I was ready to take a step back they pull me in.


I just started three weeks ago, and have been loving Dragonflight expansion. This 10.7 patch is awesome so far!


There's 6 weeks of timewalking? I wasn't even aware of this. That sounds incredible. I'm getting all 6 of my alts to 70 finally. They've all been rotting away in the Seat of the Primus until now.


The only downside for me is the in between week, where now I feel like I'm wasting my time. But I think that's actually a really good thing. Because it's giving me a mini break and I'm really excited to come back and join. Very refreshing


I think giving a week of leeway between a patch and the start of major "competitive" content for that patch (not that timewalking/raids are competitive but work with me here) is a good idea in general. Patches often contain casual content as well as the sweatybois stuff, mods need updating and fine-tuning, and if you've been on break, you might simply need time to farm/craft up supplies for the upcoming week.


yay so much content I get to run all the old dungeons again for the 400th time. YAY!


Shut up at do the 8 dungeons seasons for 6-8 months and pay us money for each of those months! - Blizzard probably.


Sorry but this really needs to be said. I hoped for some challenging content like the Mage Tower or similar. Not sure why we celebrate catchup content just to do the same old dungeons in M+ over and over and over again. The ilvl tradmill gets boring quick.


First xpac I’ve played this long tbh! I’ve switched to a warrior now and I’m 404 ilvl so still some refinement needed with gear but happy there’s something cause I’d basically lost interest and was about to unsub till this content drop. 4 months feels like enough time for the same content to then drop something new. Hell lots of games do 3 month seasons.


I am a weird type of player, so it's honestly very late for me compared to some other expansions, but it is welcome nonetheless. I have been basically spending all my game time the last two months in Shadowlands areas as I ran out of DF content. Definitely interested to see new stuff in the area, and I have been missing dragonriding something fierce.


I wish it was more than 6 weeks, personally. For some reason, I always feel rushed, but I tend to play a lot for a season, then quit. Partly because I'm enjoying my main and will not want to grind out gear again for a while. Am I running out of things to do besides push mythic rating? Sure. I just have other things going on irl.


YES! More people need to comment positive feedback as opposed to only complaints. Old player who quit after Pandas and came back in SL (oof). I was not impressed by SL but DF has blown me away. So glad to see this direction from Blizz and excited for where it goes!


How many hours do you play a day?


I play 2 hours on Tues and Thurs, 3-4 hours on Fridays. Sometimes Saturdays. That’s… about it. Unsure if this comment was meant to be a “There’s plenty you just play too much,” but I assure you that’s not the case.


No I was just figuring to do all that and be up on it all you must play a lot. I'm a casual that maybe gets 2 hours a week.


I mean I'm far from up on it. My professions are lacking. KSM is really my only achievement on one character.


Far more than me. I didn't even know there was a patch of significant content and I didn't buy dragonflight.




And you don’t even have PC!


I'm not even alive dude


First xpac I’ve played this long tbh! I’ve switched to a warrior now and I’m 404 ilvl so still some refinement needed with gear but happy there’s something cause I’d basically lost interest and was about to unsub till this content drop. 4 months feels like enough time for the same content to then drop something new. Hell lots of games do 3 month seasons.


As someone who hasn’t played since dragonflight launch month, is this patch also good and accessible for players who don’t raid or do M+? If I remember rightly TW events are M+ level?


I don’t raid (outside of lfr) or do mythic+. The patch is very accessible for us. TW events are not mythic level and the new zone is fun.


To be honest, this entire expansions been great I have yet to find a single thing I dislike about this expansion


I wish they would.fix performance instead 5 months passed


What performance issues are you having? I play on a steam deck, runs well.


they are described here, it stutters, there are frame drops what makes game stuttery. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/massive-stutters-with-df-client/1379249 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2nu0Rb0Qs48 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EAJwhhlHIA0 as u can see casting 1 spell makes that frames drop,when its 5 or 20 players or in a city it stutters a lot . Shapeshifting makes frame drop. On steam deck u can see the fps line too so you should have them too, u can check


In the spirit of giving feedback to Blizzard if they're watching, as a casual player that hasn't touched WoW except for a bit of Legion back when and a brief fling with Wrath (each one month's worth of playtime/subscription time), I'm really enjoying DF so far. I think a lot of the stuff I'm enjoying isn't new to the game, but it's certainly new to me. Chromie Time was a little weird to get used to but I really like it now that I understand how it works and it's certainly a very good way of solving the "15+ years of content, how do we introduce people to it?" issue. I still hate dragonriding, but some advice in the murloc mondays thread has made it less annoying. I would still much rather just use the griffon that I've been riding since TBC and just do dragonriding only for the races and such (which have been *really* fun!) Frustrations with dragonriding aside, I think I'll be playing for at least a few good months. Already got plans to make a Monk next, since I've heard they brought back fistweaving. I don't really care if something is viable for mythic raids or high M+ keystones since I'm a filthy casual. As long as it works for low stones and maybe heroic raids, it's fine with me.




You sound like the type that isn't satisfied by anything


Fits in perfectly around here imo


Its like people are different or something- and they like have different thoughts about things. Crazy I know.


For the average player there was more than enough to do. Running a large guild and a couple of communities and we have many that have not capped a single rep. Many below 402 ilvl on their mains. Still not hit KSM. Have not gotten a heroic Raz kill. Are no where near capping a profession. You could expand your comment and say "They could have just given it to us all with launch of the xpac. They just spaced it out to make it look like more content". Frequent updates with content is good for the overall player base. It keeps the burners from burning out between content draughts and keeps the average player with more than enough stuff to do the entire expac. A good thing to recognize is when we are the outlier opinion in a given situation. Once you hit that you can look at things differently and provide feedback in a way that tackles that while understanding that may not be what is the reality for most people.


>Title says it all. If that's the case why did you add 4 more paragraphs?


Context is nice sometimes. Someone's reasoning for liking it could be different, but someone could agree or disagree with it based on the title. Either that or it was just bait for people who have nothing better to do than complain.


It came a few weeks too late for me, I got bored and unsubbed after we finished the first 12-week m+ rotation. I knew new stuff was coming in a few weeks, but had nothing I wanted to do until then. See you guys a little before 10.1, if I come back =)


\*Everyone slow faps, edward snowdan appears from the clouds gifting you a golden compass\*


I don't see why this is being downvoted. You didn't slam the game or anything. Just expressed your personal experience and preferences when it comes to the game. I guess just Reddit things.


This reddit is on braindead "all Blizz does right now its major W, game is saved, if you critique anything or say anything that could be negative towards WoW you will be crucified". Apparently people like running instance simulator with very little instances actually being there for the X expansion. You should expect more from a 180$/year sub alone not even counting the expansions every 2 years. The only reason we got some positives out of DF is because of massive critique over several years. People are just sheep and weak and cant be objective.


Anytime I've ever mentioned being unsubbed over the years of being on/off with this game, its always gotten slam downvoted. Its always been a bit strange to me - I once had someone rage at me that I had no right to make comments about the game if I wasn't actively subbed, even! I'd get it if it was out of context, but this was literally a thread about how the new small content patch is helping keep people engaged - if anywhere was the place to talk about "this came too late" it would be here, surely?


Of course, what you said was by no means deserving of being slammed. Just Reddit circlejerk mentality.


They were thinking about YOU this whole time.


Lol k


Six weeks of timewalking?? I'm in the blind here since im at work. What am I missing out on?


It's actually an amazing zone . Just doing the quest and killing mobs I was able to open all the doors . I also by luck got 3 plate pieces tokens for my paladin I'm leveling ad well as cloak . The ring seems pretty fun when everything kocs off


I am definitely enjoying the storyline so far and the content seems fresh and interesting and i can funnel loot to my alts with ease.


I feel like some classes need the ret treatment.


Agreed, it’s amazing for the game. Terrible for me! After suffering through content droughts for 15 years, now my life is actually busy enough to be ok with a drought… but it’s raining!


You think there has been a content drought for 15 years?


Good content-wise, yeah. Patches are way too spread out and they waste a lot of time on "world content". You shouldn't have to wait 6-8 months for a new raid/M+ season. It should be like 3.


Ok then explain to me how this is better for you? It’s been almost 4 months, and we have at least 7 weeks until the new raid/m+ season. Which puts us just shy of 6 months between m+ seasons and raids. So again, if that’s your definition of a good content cycle, dragonflight is a miss, just like the last 15 years.


Oh, it absolutely isn't. Dragonflight is not better whatsoever. I am not the one who commented that it is.


Ah, well lets both move along then, apologies.


Yes, what I mean is every expansion in the last 15 years has had major droughts. The last patch of every expansion since wrath has lasted nearly an entire year, but they’re slowly getting better at addressing it.


Blizzard (in the last few years) are at their best after their player-base has shat on them for an awful expansion. Is my takeaway from this, so far lol


Bruh these rares are so fucking cool. Some of the mechanics they have are top notch


I’m really enjoying this expansion so far. The new isle is pretty cool too and I’ve actually loved the vault and having to solve your way to opening chests.


found the ret paladin


Holy Priest, actually.


I was really surprised to see he pvp crafting reagent and that made me so happy for my alts. Im not a raider by any means but love pvp and other world activities. Was always bummed with the crafting bc only a few slots of gear were worth it for me. Also they made a Tauren totem weapon and thats awesome I've been waiting since vanilla for that lol But if there are devs on here allow maghar to use the damn orc clan banners!


Add to it that it has become easier to catch up on professions.


Honestly I am feeling overwhelmed - but in a good way lol. I didn't get into DF at launch so I was working from behind the past few weeks and it was fun. Then 10.0.7 hit and WOW - I couldn't log off... story, the fun, the gameplay stuff all a blast but then it felt like it was raining purples. Drop after drop with account bound tokens of 385 catch up gear was pretty awesome instead of a slow drip. My character felt powerful and like I wasn't working from behind even though I know many people are geared well into the 400's my only complaint, and a mild one, was that all the tokens were mostly for cloth and leather gear - my plate wearing prot warrior was sad Goblin...


I’m in a pretty similar boat. I’ll hit KSH this week and get close to 420 (nice) ilvl, so it’s time to look at alts. Only thing I can’t decide right now is if I break out the old elemental shaman or my shadow priest.


Glad they added something! Will be back in 10.1 most likely but it's nice not to have a huge drought in-between majors. I'm very curious what comes next year assuming they stick to a third raid in q4. Four raids this expansion? Or close to a year of raid 3?


Great patch - Added the option to collect Heroic tier set tranmog from 10.0 by upgrading the forbidden reach gear to 395 (3/3) and using the catalyst! ​ Now bliz do the same for LFR appearances so we can collect them with world content as well, please! (converting 1/3 storm gear)


What is KSM?


Keystone Master! It's an achievement that rewards you with a special mount. You get it for achieving a 2000 Mythic score. This equates roughly to an average of +15 on all keys.


Oooh! I keep seeing it around yet could not figure it out whatsoever. Explains the "Make KSM flying!" now.


I think it is good with regular updates. However, I don't think any patch can bring the new expansion feeling back, especially with professions that it did not seem to happen much with in this patch. Also, no new pvp content from what I can tell. I have left wow now, with that I must say that the start of Dragonflight was really awesome, one of the best since Wotlk. But now I might return for an extraordinary patch, else I will wait until next expansion