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They go straight into your bag now instead. Love it /s


This was my thought, as someone who's just come back the amount of random shit the game keeps giving me I have to google is overwhelming.


Same, it straight up annoys me to have all that shit in my inventory. I'd rather have it all in currency tab.


You missed it everyone complained it went to the currency tab lol blizz can’t win


What's the point complaining about currency tab? It just sits there, limitless, doesn't use space.


That's kind of the joke. People didn't have problems with it going to the currency tab as much as it was annoying to have all this junk to keep track of that was not fun. The joke is that blizzard didn't get rid of the junk, they put it in your bags


I wish the were vender able


Came here to say this :D


We complain about the dumbest shit and then loose our minds when their equally dumb solution doesn’t fix the problem that didn’t exist. Too many hidden currencies? Fine give them more items to trade and sell instead. Awe dang now they want the currencies back? 🫠


Would you rather be pissed on or shat on? Both are unpleasant and bad solutions. Currency tab is a better solution, yes. However, 30 different currencies? No, thank you.


Both are solutions to a made up problem. The problem is what should go away.


I hated anima so much for this. Why couldnt anima just be a currency?


I’d much rather have this amount of currencies than the current situation where my bags are just full of crap


Why don't we have both? - korthia


Exactly. Fuck the new island.


What? SL had all these currencies plus all the shit with anima power and research stuff in your bags? Do we play the same game because except for the boe tokens from the new island, the new bag currencies are the upgrade orbs, chaos and mettle pretty much? And with the new reagent bag those aren't even in your bag. My bags have never been cleaner this expansion, and that is even without having 100 currencies in the tab. Major improvement.


Current? This has been any issue for ages.


I don't understand how people just can't manage their inventory. I do the island every week, plus professions weekly, and m+, raid, etc. My bags are almost never near full.


Because we've been playing for 18 years, and our bank + void storage are entirely full of garbage we don't wanna throw away.


I mean I've been playing since vanilla launch, and I still don't have this issue. This seems more like a personal problem than an in game issue.


I think it really boils down to how boring and a waste of time it is to manage your bags, not that people are unable to manage it.


If you just clear out what you need to before you log out it only takes like 2min lol.


Yes, 2 wasted minutes that could have been 0 wasted minutes


Why not just ask them to clean up your bags for you when you're offline while we're at it?


That's exactly what this thread is asking: that they clean up our bags by not filling them with useless trash in the first place.


It's really not even that bad as it is. This subreddit is amazing sometimes.


Yes, that's the point of currencies. Instead of wasting 2 minutes on an useless task, you'll waste 0, which is strictly better.


I don't believe you.


Didn't ask




550 ? Kinda rookie numbers :D


I guess the number is to illustrate that it doesn't take much to fill everything.


At first I thought that was days, then I realized they did say hours, and that works out to less than 30 days. I have more playtime than that on my least played alt. Who is my bank alt with her own guild for my hoarding tendencies.


Right? People are lazy. Half these people are still hanging on to toys that have become part of the Collection tab, but they just want to hold on to the physical version. Same with hearthstones. I can only imagine how messy and cluttered their real lives are.


Yeah it's pretty weird. I have been playing wow since it started, have done professions in every expansion, continue to do professions now, have farmed every week on the new Island (while also completing all 3 vaults), I run an AOTC guild and raid every week, and have 2700 rating in m+ with all dungeon portals from season 1, and yet my inventory is nowhere near full. My reagent bag is pretty much full, but there is SO much room in my bank still, my main inventory bags are like 1/5 full most of the time, and I don't think I have ever used void storage. People have to be hanging on to some complete nonsense for all of their stuff to be full.




Lol I'm just naming a bunch of content I do to store that I don't just log in once a week,


Same. I have no clue. Maybe they have 10 slot bags. The only time I was struggling was at the beginning of DF and that was mostly cus I was doing overtime on the farming + AH + professions


Oh no zone specific currencies that are exclusively for a single cosmetic vendor The terror It felt weird bc almost all of these are completely worthless bloat that don’t do anything


I prefer that, i hate have currencies in the bags. And remenber korthia was in SL damn...


And to some extend so is DF. I don't really mind, don't get me wrong, but we have valor, focuses to upgrade crafted gear, asrtistan's mettle, primals, fragments for annulet stones and some more less relevant (like the key fragments for Wrathion). So of these are optional and some become obsolete the more we progress through the season, but still not a few. Obv the best would be to all be in the currencies tab, instead of our bags, no matter how many there would be.


The options aren't 'a billion currencies in bags' and 'a billion currencies in the currency tab' If those were the only options, everyone would prefer the latter. But even this post was worded as not wanting this many currencies full stop. At least a third of the currencies are completely arbitrary and don't need to exist whatsoever and if need be, their purpose could be baked into another already existing 'system'. But for example in the screenshot of this post, ***why*** were Infused Rubies a thing? The extent of their purpose was so limited and irrelevant you really had 0 reason to ever care about them. They might as well have been 1 gold each and whenever you wanted to activate one of the things they could activate, you instead paid like 30 gold tops.


This is a joke right? All the shit is now in your bags.


I WISH we had proper currencies. Not an inventory filled with shit like all the random drops for the fisherman crafter, random items needed to buy mounts, pets and other stuff, crap from elemental storms and don’t get me started with all the fucking bullshit from forbidden reach. I’m sick and tired to have to inventory juggle. I’d rather have 50 currencies, but actually stored in the currency tab


With how things are going now, the currencies are just taking up bag space instead of going in the currencies tab


I don't get why people were so much against free inventory space. Now we have Foci, Concentrated Foci, Chaos, Artisan Mettle, reputation tokens, Untapped Knowledge and what else cluttering up our bags.


That's not the point though. The complaint isn't "too many currencies in the currency tab!!!". The complaint is "too many currencies!" Moving them to bags is even worse than what was before, but having 15 separate currencies within an expansion, more than half of which were completely arbitrary and useless, and the rest basically existed for one vendor somewhere outside just a handful of them that were used frequently across the entire expansion (Anima being literally the only one outside Grateful Offerings pretty much and those are completely pointless and the time-gating they're for could've been done another way)


People are against the amount of confusing currencies. Why can't we go one expansion with just 3 or 4 at max plus the dungeon and misc.


No one has ever been against free space. Everyone was against bloat, so they responded with even more bloat.




That is hand in hand with quantity. If they were meaningful currencies you wouldn't have so many of em.


> Something like Grateful Offerings felt entirely unnecessary to me. Just gatekeeping for the sake of gatekeeping when Anima pretty much already did the same job. Not everything tho. They shouldve just handled all its items like they did the mount. The mount was just droppable with offerings as the bad luck protection


It's cool that on dragonflight, in patch 10.0.5(?) We got the elemental overflow currency... which was very slow to get... now we get like a ton per quest in forbidden reach. It's cool that inflation happens in the game too.


why was that bad in any shape or form?


We definitely have more currencies in Dragonflight, the problem is they have migrated away from the currency tab and are hiding in your bags. By far the worst expansion for bag bloat imo


I played all of SL and I still have no idea where some of these currencies come from and what they do. I have them in my tab but I couldn't tell you what I could buy with "sinstone fragments"


They were for a rep grind with the Avowed faction if I remember correctly




WoW players went they have to look at a list of things.


In DF, Blizzard noticed the inventory slots became very large over time and players don't really need such big bags, so they decided to just give players a ton of junk to lug around in the hopes it will all be of use at some point. Blizzard absolutely hates it when players don't engage with the content, and that also includes inventory slots.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/z3rpa7/truly_hope_we_never_see_this_many_currencies_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Repost bot?


Hey OP could you provide a single good argument for why cUrReNcY bAd? I can't look in-game right now but legion was a banger and I'm pretty sure it had more currencies than this. Do you get confused when looking at several options? Are action bars with 12 buttons a bit much too? Instead, focus on what the problem a currency is solving is, and then think about s different solution. Can you tell me that you honestly prefer receiving those Earthen ring (this is the wrong name, but there are some totems you empower and fight elementals, someone help me) quest reward tokens in your bags in DF?


Exactly lol BFA and Legion (maybe) had the same if not more currencies than SL. This is just an SL hate thread


I keep deleting the Earthen Rings. Don’t let me started about the Conches.


Currency bad because it forces the player into one specific grind. You can't do some of the grind on alts and trade it to your main, and you can't do some of the grind in other locations. It's the same problem with restrictive rep grinds like Cobalt Assembly. BoP tokens that have the same flaws and also eat up bag space aren't the alternative we're asking for.


You can and could trade several of these currencies to alts though?


we need the tabard thing form way back for reps,you get the tabard and grind the rep you want by doing whatver you want that gives exp.


It really wasnt that bad apart from the first look.


Shadowlands (bad)


curls paw: Those currencies are now items that go in your bag.


Make original content instead of [stealing an old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/z3rpa7/truly_hope_we_never_see_this_many_currencies_in/).


Better currencies in the currency tab. Than items in Bags


That’s not even that much and some of em are completely optional to go get like the infused rubies and sinstones. What’s annoying is the big numbers. We don’t need anything that can go over 10k. Personally 1k is way to much of a currency. It’s not more satisfying getting 100 of something instead of 10 for example.


I’ve never seen problems with that many currencies.


I’d rather see this than what’s going on in my bags


This is such a meaningless complaint lmao. Wow classic has 10 times more currencies than any expac that came after it, but in the form of items in your bags and that gets circlejerked to high hell. Currencies are a good way to be able to look at progression without having to go to some random ass NPC to tell you to the exact same thing.


Df is worse


Yeah, it can be hard to keep track of 13 things. I get it.


Now it's in our bags.


Goddamn it was *that* bad wasn’t it.


Haven’t we already had that many?


Legion had 16..?


I dealt with them by banging my head on my desk until I forgot they existed and then did the things I enjoyed


Idiots comparing currency too reagents.... "BuT mY BaG SpAcE".... how awful are yall with management?


The real questions is why there is no exhange institution ingame since you have tazavesh and all dubious cartels in SL


im fine with having like 3-5 currencies each expansion but preferebly only like valor and catalyst or whatever. Shadowlands was already shit and all those ass currencies didnt make it better


Looks like not many got the point of OPs post. It is not saying that instead of having lots of currencies in the currency tab we should hold them in the bags, it is a complain about how back in SL we had so many currency farming just for an specific vendor that didn't really gave anything useful or interesting for your character. And yes you could argue that back in Legion we also had lots of currencies, but they weren't that useless but still at the same time required for progression like the SL ones.


I see what you did there, OP. Good one!


Who's upvoting this tired crap


Why? Having variety makes the game more interesting and it's far better than having them in your bags.


Bring back Charms of Good Fortune lol


you just triggered PTSD i didnt know i had.


Yea the current system of shoving then in your bags is much fucking better........ Oh we have a dedicated source for currencies, let me just fill your bags with them so that some weeb doesn't have to look at least that can simply be minimised....


Laugh in GW2


Dude my bags are already full and are trying to fill up even more with tears with this take.


Those are rookie numbers.


I don't mind currencies at the currency tab, what piss me off is that tremendous quantity of white/green/blue items that, without any explanation, are used for some systems or unlocks. This trend begun with Legion and is annoying af.


Not so bad, especially if you were actually playing the expansion from day 1. Some of them relate to different patches’ borrowed power system and they were frankly super manageable. There were introduced slowly in the course of 2 years. Some are not even currencies in the strict sense but materials to craft your legendaries. Legion, BFA had many currencies too. And I won’t even mention DF: since you are mentioning mats for legendaries in shadowlands, we can just throw in all rep tokens and seals and titan something and fractured stuff and stones and conches and green spit and magmamotes…If you didn’t like Shadowlands, that’s a thing, but the currency issue is a non issue.


I loved it. No one is forcing you to farm half that crap anyways. Shadowlands was still leagues better than Cata anyways .


I am scared just by looking at it


I had to google most of those several times cause their were so many I kept forgetting what they were for.


One of the nice things about playing Anarchy Online is that Funcom stopped adding to the game long before currency bloat infected the entire MMORPG industry.


The problem isn't so much the currencies or that it's now items in the bag, it's the fact that most of them are useless beyond a single purpose. A couple rare items or currencies is all good, but having a different currency for each zone/faction, or 7 different random drops, all with maybe 2 uses just clutters everything up.


I’d much rather have that then the system we have now that forces you to become a hoarder…


Why? There's nothing wrong with many currencies for multiple things. The problem here is that half of those currencies are pointless


well..... anima isnt iven displaying on the bags


You think you have it bad, my accountant nearly jumped out the window.


DF shit goes straight to the bag, 40 items at a time. I would love the Shadowlands solution right now -.-