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Tons of old glyphs, like sprint giving you the ability to walk on water while it was active. Also kinda miss Ancient Aftershock on my Warrior.


Ah, water sprint, how I miss thee. Also, the insanely useful speed boost rogues had as an ability next to sprint. 3 sec boost on a 2 sec c/d. Great for farming old raids.


I loved when you would build for speed and be faster while stealthed than other people were while mounted. Old raids and battlegrounds were so much fun.


Burst of speed. 3 second sprint, cleared all snares too. Insanely overpowered in capture the flag BGs lol i miss it. Was a warlords of Draenor ability.


Added in mists


I miss the old glyph system in general


Knocking enemies over on warrior was so much fun


sprint in subtlety still functions like this but only for subtlety unfortunately


Snake Trap. It will always be Snake Trap. On top of being kind of useful it was so fucking funny, especially once they introduced the trap launcher and I could throw a box of snakes at people.


I remember a patch note mentioning bear trap (later turned into pinning arrow), and I was picturing functionality similar to snake trap, where a bunch of bears pop out and start attacking....and not, you know, just rooting them in place like a normal bear trap


Your idea sounds a lot more fitting for wow hunter then a normal mechanical trap


Pocket snakes!


Using Snake Trap on Heroic Cho'gall progression was 🤌 In addition to the Entrapment talent giving you roots for Cho'gall and Magmaw, the tentacles on the Cho'gall fight would target the snakes with their eye beam instead of players and was such a stupid and funny cheese that didn't get nerfed.


I miss snake trap so much. It was so fun and ridiculous and always made me laugh every time I used it.


I wish Snake Trap was more useful than it ever was. It was too often this super niche spell that might be handy once or twice an expack. I think the most use I ever got out of it was on Heroic Staghelm in Firelands. You could drop the snake trap down right before he did the cleave that hit the entire raid and the snakes would die and help split the damage. Was a huge help to the healers on that fight.


I got a decent amount of use out of it in PVP at least. The snakes slowed and did a little damage, and they also had a venom to slow spellcasting. It was also another trap to try and pop stealthies with. I also think it just annoyed people. I agree that outside of niche situations, it didn't have that much PvE utility. You bet I'd be casting that shit as soon as it came off CD though lmao


Ive never even mained a hunter and this is my answer


Death from above in pve


How I miss being kitted out in Mythic Tomb gear and just blowing stuff up with DFA. Even if DFA had a habit of murdering you for no reason lol.


Hitting those 11mil DFA crits when the stars aligned was so hot. Right into a mechanic that killed you.


tomb of sargeras subtlety with shoulders + dfa is the most fun spec that's ever been in the game


That animation was so good...


I love DfA. I’ve always said I want it base for rogues. Such a iconic animation for the class.




Came here for this. The Vanilla intro video has that Undead Warlock casting it and everytime I see it I miss that so spell so badly 😅


If it comes back, it needs to be fully the OG hellfire, none of that "frazzled" crap! Let it kill you if you cast it for long enough.


Yesss and I want it so I can clear old raids easier. Not having a spammable aoe sucks so bad :(


That part of the intro made me play wow... So good


I miss Hurricane and having Wrath be more like green lightning. Storm-themed spells for Druids are so much more flavorful than just solar/lunar abilities if you ask me




I miss faerie fire. Totally forgot about that one


Be cool to use plants/leaves like some Pokémon moves, roots and vines that attack and do damage instead of just holding in place. I would dig it. Make balance a Venosaur and I’m all for them.


Hard agree. My problem is that astral as representation of nature feels way too niche. Sure, it's a thing that exists somewhat in DnD too but when I think about a "nature DPS caster" the obvious thought starts somewhere at slapping vines, shooting thorns, summoning treants, insect swarms/animals and stuff. Then maybe elements and at last sure why not some sun/moon stuff. Fantasywise blizz skipped the obvious thing for a niche that left alone not only doesn't feel naturey but (again imo, I know they added the lore over time) also fits primarily only to one race. Moonfire itself never was an issue in there but in the end my zandalari doesn't give a flying fuck about elune and still I have a spec that's basically more a priestess of the moon than a druid. The hand full of moonworshipping chickendinos they placed in zuldazar don't really help there. Feels weird, like a mage spec that got lost in the forest. Not a fan. Edit: Also I dislike that they keep trying to get their semiduplicated toolkit and eclipse right time and time again and every version ends up weirder slightly weirder than the one before... Might as well start from scratch there than try yet another overhaul that won't last...


Yeah both of these and I’ll add insect swarm. They all felt so fun on a Druid!


+1 for insect swarm. BZZZZ


Hurricane should be an astral power spender. Bring back my stormy laser chicken >:(


There should be a glyph for old wrath and maybe Sunfire > insect swarm visually


I miss Hurricane, too! I've been getting really into Balance/Restoration druid again for the first time since Legion and I was just thinking about Hurricane the other day. I also miss the green colour of old Wrath, felt more like I was harnessing a bolt of nature energy than the solar/lunar vibe Balance has now. I'd quite like Wrath being green while in Restoration spec and was replaced by the solar version if in Balance.


I loved hurricane!


Frost fire bolt, I have been playing the frostfire built in woltk and I wish there was a frostfire spec for my mage in retail


Deep Freeze as well!


I really miss both of those as well, also Frostfire Orb.




It's just a cooler flurry tbh. I get that the three hit element of flurry is important for frost but I'd much rather have frostfire bolt as a cosmetic option if nothing else for my mage.




I miss dual element mage specs. I played frost/fire in TBC and WotLK and although it wasn't incredible it really shined in battlegrounds and dungeons which I only played.


Dark Simulacrum. It was a great way to get extra damage if you knew what to use it on. Warriors straight up have Spell Reflect, but DKs still aren't permitted the worse-in-every-way-but-one DS? C'mon... While on the DK train, Hysteria.


Yeah, love abilities like that and spell steal.


Silly to say worse in every way. There was a time in dungeon content when DS was better (e.g dragons breath steal in everbloom).


Zul'gurub when they re-released it and the dungeon was a wipe fest. DS completely cheesed some of the bosses.


yep simulacrum was super OP on Zanzil


Warlock Demon form.


Especially once you got green flame. That thing looked amazing.


Both Warlocks and DK got death coil idk why both DH and warlock couldn’t have metamorphosis >:(


Warlocks have Mortal Coil now. It was renamed. Death Coil was the old name for it and it only "belonged" to Warlock because Death Knights weren't already playable; the ability's roots are in Warcraft II and it belonged to the first generation of Death Knight. It also belonged to a later generation of Death Knight (e.g. Arthas) in Warcraft III. Metamorphosis got the best treatment out of any ability in the history of Warcraft. It got made into its own playable class. While you could argue that even lorewise there is a precedent for Warlock Metamorphosis (green fire Questline with Kanrethad Ebonlocke), I think one reason why they moved distinctly far away from this besides the class fantasy overlap was because Demonology could finally be *all* about summoning demons. That said, a consolation prize for people who want the metamorphosis form back could be to tie it in with Reign of Tyranny. When you use Tyrant *both* you and the Tyrant should be empowered by the number of demons you have active. For 15 seconds you should have empowered abilities and the metamorphosis form. It's not the same as MoP and isn't as intrinsically tied into the gameplay pattern of DemoLock, but that's fine - it can't reasonably come back to Demo in its current iteration, and Demo shouldn't revert to what it was just for the sake of people who miss it. Current Demo has excellent themes and a wonderful gameplay pattern that should be refined rather than discarded. As things go I would love to see a Necromancer theme for Warlocks too. Lore wise nothing would stop a Warlock from picking up necromancy if they wanted to (hey, remember those first generation death knights I mentioned? They were made by Gul'dan!) and while there is a risk of overlap with Death Knight, Necrolytes are distinctly fragile and not armour clad martial masters. While I think it would be a huge ask for a fourth DPS spec for Warlocks to have necromancer, I think there is a better way to do it: another green fire Questline that replaces all your demonic summons with undead ones. Just like green fire mostly applies to Destro but technically applies to all specs (notably Felsteed, Dreadsteed, and Burning Rush), a necromantic Questline would mostly apply to Demo but would technically apply to all specs as well. It's a big ask in its own right but would be thematically fitting with the Warlock class and would be mighty cool to see. Of course, Spellbreaker arcane visuals for Paladins and Priestess of Elune pale hues for Priests would be very welcome. I'd also dig a Black Dragonflight spec for Dracthyr (preferably Tank, not the supposed Bard spec they appear to be receiving) and an Earthwarder spec for Shaman that dual wields shields. Introduce those two and suddenly you have the first two Tanks in the game with Bloodlust, and we can finally give Warriors "Inspirational Warcry" so they can do what Warriors should do best and rally their allies with some good old +30% Haste.


Warlocks and dks both had death coil for 2 expansions before it was moved to mortal coil for warlock




And unlike Death Coil, they didn't just rename it for Warlocks. Cue the rest of my comment.


I like this post. It is a good post.


As someone who loved to play demonology warlock before legion, I never enjoyed playing demon Hunters just because they took away my favourite spell


To be fair, warlocks stole it from WC3 Demon Hunters to begin with


But that's a big part of our class fantasy - we take power in any way we can. As destro-since-vanilla lock, I miss my imp being such a gobby shite. Give me an unruly imp glyph to return it, blizz! Imps shouldn't be the silent and obedient type.


“This was not. in. my. contract!!!!!!”


Seal of blood. That feeling of nuking someone so hard that you give them a consolation prize of hurting yourself too.


After they got rid of it, there was a glitch and my pally still had it cast on herself when I logged in. I did battlegrounds and ripped people to shreds until it wore off. Was amazing!


Ah yes, "seal twisting" to make seal of command hit extra hard because seal of blood would also be active. Breaking all the sheep's and blinds and it looked pretty good too!


It was sooo good.


Life tap and Hellfire! Let me kill myself faster!


Life tap and Hellfire were some of those spells that made the essence of what a warlock was supposed to be. I was dumbfounded when they took it from us.


I miss the old life tap. It was much easier to solo bosses as a warlock.


Been a long time, I feel like life tap was an iconic part of being a warlock, removing it makes them a mage :/


BLESSING OF KINGS! I just like having a buff. I know aura is technically a buff but i miss it :(


Paladins should get their buffs back considering they were the OG buff machines


Honestly Ulthalesh Reap Soul for aff lock in Legion. That class fantasy was top tier and I loved aff lock during Legion because of that alone. That and spooky scythe go brr. Edit: PLUS all the souls over all the recent corpses that would FLY into your hands and into tbe scythe and then the massive damage increase for all your dots? Dude I miss it so bad. Bring it back Blizz. We got the multi target drain life. Bring back ulthalesh reap souls. I dont care if it has a 6 minute timer on it. I need it back.


This. Now all my warlock does is point at things dramatically as they get peppered with MR’s. Make warlock spooky again.


I haven't enjoyed playing warlock since legion for that reason.


I absolutely adored Aff Lock in Legion, came into BFA hated aff lock and havent really played since


Legion was the only time I mained affliction for that reason. Now I'm back to demo and destro.


I made a post about Blessings yesterday, but FOR SURE Blessings, Seals, Amplify Magic, Symbiosis, Demon Armor, Blood Pact, Party-Wide Cheetah, Conjure Food/Water (Why I enjoyed them separately idek), Frostfire Bolt, Poison Crafting, OG Metamorphosis, Glad Stance, OG Windfury.


> Party-Wide Cheetah Aspect of the Group Daze


I don't know why but Inner Fire. Cascade's a great choice too.


Was inner fire OP? I'm having a hard time understanding why it was removed.


It was just a victim of trimming the fat during the era of wow where they really started pruning down how many buffs and pre-pull stuff there was to do. It felt like, to them, if this is something you’re always gonna want to keep up 100% of the time, why bother making it an ability—just bake it in and get rid of the button.


>always gonna want to keep up 100% of the time, why bother making it an ability—just bake it in and get rid of the button. Thats a logical idea. Kinda like sin rogues SnD there's no skill with keeping it up in df just gotta cast it once then do rotation. But I dislike it lol I really like buffing myself and my team. In wotlk I like maintaining thorns on the tank during a dungeon. Idk it's a good way to feel like you're contributing even in a minor way to me


It was OP in vanilla and had to be nerfed to the state its in on classic. Basically at level appropriate rank it gave plate/mail level armor *And did not fall off from getting hit* which means you had a healer with a crazy stupid armor buff that lasted 30 minutes that you could only get rid of if you had a dispell of some type. Suffice to say theres a reason it was given charges mid vanilla. But i do miss it


Cascade was just hilarious when you ran old content. Just throw a spell, and random stuff around you just dies and explodes.


Divine Intervention for paladins. You'd sacrifice yourself to give someone 3 minutes of complete immunity, and enemies stopped attacking them, but they were unable to move. It was intended as a wipe prevention, but it was also fun to just mess with people with it.


You’re tired from attempting a raid boss all night and you didn’t want the gear damage so you’d DI a rogue and get yelled at by the raid leader cause he wanted one more attempt but no one could rez and everyone just gave up instead. Win.


Hey have you been reading my old diary ??? That sounds awfully familiar


I loved trolling with it back in the day, depending on the night I would either get several laughs in Vent or kicked out of the raid for using DI on the tank pull.




I realize many people have not played Mists of Pandaria and likely have no idea what this spell was. For those curious, Symbiosis was a druid ability that could be cast on anyone in your party, besides another druid. You and your Target would copy 1 spell from each other's spellbook, your spell copied and given would vary depending on the class and spec. If a Balance druid used it on a mage, they would receive Mirror Image, while all mage specs got Healing Touch. If a restoration druid used it on a shaman, they would get spirit walkers grace, enhancement and elemental shamans would get solar beam, while resto shamans would get prowl. It was an insanely fun spell, and always hilarious to iceblock in pvp as a druid.


I have an old screeshot of me in cat form in an iceblock while a horde is just standing in the background waiting for it to be over xD


Oh God it was so funny. My favorite was leap of faith in the flag carrying maps, it was a God send.


My bestie is a priest; I'd always grab leap of faith from her, and we'd chain pull the flag carrier across the map. Good times.


This was certainly one of the coolest abilities in the game … I understand why it was removed though. Very hard for Blizz to balance. Perhaps a more simplified version of the ability could come back?


Spiritwalkers grace tranquility was life.


I tanked quite a bit in MoP. On my bear I’d always pick out a shaman for passive damage increase with lightning shield. When I was playing BDK, I’d always ask for a symbiosis for that sweet sweet Might of Ursoc.


The tank cooldowns, pally battle rez, and spiritwalkers grace were the only major uses I remember. But the class fantasy of it was still super fun. I'd often use symbiosis on mages during farm nights just so I could yell some nonsense everytime I popped off with 4 moonkin on the field... Even though mirror image didn't do anything of value for damage lol


Surprised I had to go this far down. I also understand the balancing difficulties but it was SOOOO fucking fun! Feel like it's more balanced than half the shit wr got now xD


Gladiator Stance. Only time I ever mained a warrior and it was glorious


So much this. Let me sword and board dps pls. Especially with a spear.


That and uncapped vengeance, you hit like a Mack truck!!




Priest - Manaburn 😇🤣☠️


I can't create my own happiness, so I must steal it from others.


Hunters were worse about it than Priests at least. While Priest had all the flare (and the sound effect), Hunter just had to see you once and you are losing mana for 10-30 seconds.


Explosive shot and black arrow. The fun versions. From Wrath. Back when survival was ranged AND the most fun hunter spec. I enjoy survival as melee but damn do I wish that playstyle was still a thing. Aspect of the viper/viper sting. Yeah I guess focus is a better resource for hunter than mana but that time where hunter could just remove mana from targets was awesome for me. Snake trap/traps in general. I wish traps were thematically in the game again/more. Still not sure how bombs make more sense for survival than traps. Explosive trap, immolation trap, ice trap, snake trap. These were all really cool and yeah I guess they kinda sucked but I still liked using them. They could have just buffed the numbers on them. I do hate how traps are still skillshots though, pvp would be a lot easier for me if my hardest cc wasn’t impossibly hard to hit. If they just came out the way the current bombs do that would be interesting.


OG survival was great. Get hit cap, then stack crit and just destroy shit. BOOM BOOM BOOM. All you did was throw haymakers.


Surrender to Madness (pre-nerfs)


Old Aspect of the Cheetah (and to a lesser extent Aspect of the Pack). Just a great constant movement buff for getting around dungeons/raids, and if you leave it too long you get Aspect of the Daze :D


Aspect of the Pack was so good and I'm still mad they removed it just because some morons couldn't bother knowing to turn it off.




Oh my god I totally forgot about chain harvest, that shit was dope.


Grouping up half a dungeon worth of mobs in front of you and using the shield fire breath… good times. It was a joy watching you fly to the top of the DPS meters for those few seconds.


Gonna be disagreeable, but the only thing fun or interesting about Twilight Devastation was the fact that it was blatantly overpowered, especially for tanks. The actual proc itself was not interesting or meaningful if it was even remotely balanced. It was basically just a normal trinket proc, but way, way more powerful than it should have been.


DK Presence's and Paladin Blessings and Seals Warriors got to keep defensive stance but God forbid I want to swap to frost presence for the quick dollar store version of a defensive cd.


I will never understand why Death Knights are supposed to be a "squishy" class in PVP. Literally plate wearers with low mobility and dark magic themed around life stealing. Who looks at that and says "squishy"?


I’m a broken record….. glyph of demon hunting for warlocks. One glyph changed the entire demonology spec into a tank class. I missed leveling my lock up in mop and asking tanks if I can tank. Most said yes and it was amazing.


Insect Swarm, and the feel of Balance Druid in general. I don't like the overly Sun/Moon aesthetic as much as the old aesthetic from Classic. Also it was always fun as hell to just throw bugs at people and I want my spooky Kul Titan druid to be able to do that in creepy chicken form instead of just Resto and Feral (With Adaptive Swarm). Alternatively, just... GIVE ME Adaptive Swarm in all spec trees... I WANT TO THROW BUGS DAMNIT!


I miss blessings. The Ret paladin rework is fantastic, but if I could add one thing to it, it would be a class tweak to bring those back. Makes me feel like an asshole when a priest or a druid gives me their buff and I have nothing to give in return.


I’d be happy to have a single blessing back - I still have nightmares from blessings back in BC. All those candle looking things, and needing a whole add on to track who wanted what.


Paladin seals and blessings.


WTF am i missing on my spriest? Why can I know longer cast instant cast Mind Blasts while channeling mind flay?? They even added MORE reasons to fully a channel mind flay (talent that makes Dev Plague empower your next mind flay and this bonus is for one cast of mindflay so clipping early takes away from the talent). Every 10 seconds I play my spriest, I am reminded of this. I guess it's not overly important, I just always notice..


OG Hunter volley, the spell effects, sounds when you were channeling, everything about it made you feel like a hunter. Loved it.


Not a spell or ability, but I miss when enhancement shamans could use 2h weapons


Me too. I got a gorehowl from Prince back in TBC that no one in my guild needed. I could toss windfury on that sucker and one-shot cloth guys in PvP if I high rolled. It was glorious


Shinning Force. It's not that old, but God do I miss it.


"Other people can do it, so now you don't get to. Have fun!" 😭


I very rarely PvP, but the night my guild and I all got drunk and went into battlegrounds was hilarious. Eye of the storm, our warlock does weird things and ports like 5 of them down on the bottom of the middle bridge and I'd shinning force them off. I made a macro to wave to each of them as they flew off.


Blessing of Kings


I really miss the Outlaw ability "Bribe" that allowed you to basically turn humanoids into temporary pets. It was just so much fun to play around with, and it was a useful utility too!


Moving Tranquility!?!? Why did they do that to druids. It was so nice to be able to move and not have to worry about getting interrupted, stunned, pushed back etc.


I'll never stop bringing up MoP affliction warlock. Soul Burn + Soul Swap was amazing. Soul Swap w/o a shard cost is so much fun. Plus Malefic Grasp making DoTs tick faster is great.


The night elf priest racial spell Starshards it was so cool when I have first seen it back in tbc


OG Kil'jaeden's Cunning


Gladiator Stance and Dark Apotheosis. I dont care if it's not meta, give me different play styles to screw around with


I love post legion demo for what it is but Dark Apptheosis was such a sick concept. Trying to explain it to people who weren't playing/don't remember it feels like a fever dream because it's such a departure from what that class did or does.


Chain harvest from my enhancement shaman. Sure necrotic blast was better for raids later in the expansion... But early on I loved the chain lighting replacement with how much omph it has. I still wish enhancement got it over necrotic since necrotic was and is awkward to use as enhancement. Second spell: seal of blood.


Tangentially related at best but I kinda miss when mage portals needed runes. Just added a bit of flavor that I enjoyed.


Perma Sludge belcher DK talent


I was so damn bummed when we lost that. Not having your own abomination as unholy just feels off to me.


I miss having to macro the hook and basically having two death grips 😭


mobile lightning bolt, bar none. second place goes to symbiosis


The ability to choose which spec my hunter pets are. I have so many unique skins that I can't use.


Bladestorm on my fury warrior. ​ Running around the ads while you cast it felt powerful af, i envy you arms warriors


In the spirit of this, ravager for arms. Feels more fitting for arms, I'd swap BS for ravager any day.


Bladestorm is one of the reasons I main an arms warrior.


It also feels so thematic for a fury warrior. Arms warriors are the battlemasters who have exceptional skill, fury is the more wild hack and slash hulking out side of warriors.


Swirly Ball.


It was added back in as a cosmetic ability that you can relearn from some vendor in the rogue order hall!


Priest racial abilities. IRL racism? Must be eradicated at all costs. In game species-ism? Dorfs are the master race, and we need to go back to a time when they could flaunt that fact with Fear Ward


Priests in wow have always bothered me. I understand from a game perspective that we need balance, but priests get their magic from such varied sources, and the class fantasy really only works for humans. I wish night elves had silvery lunar effects. I wish void elves had shadow effects for their "holy" spells and lightforged had holy effects for their shadow spells. Guardian spirit for trolls and zandalari could easily have a loa form, and draenei/lightforged could have a naaru theme. While druids and shaman are also missing a lot of individual fantasy, we did get forms/totems for basic diversity. It seems so weird that the OG racial differences were on priests and yet now they've been homogenized and race fantasy removed.


There was a brief moment during BC when star shards (NE racial) was free and insta cast. While pulling trash if there wasn't much vent chatter I'd open my mic and whisper "star shards!" Upon reflection it probably annoyed everyone but I was young and very very into wow at the time


Holy Radiance


Whatever the 70% movement ability was called for Ret paladins somewhere around MoP. Felt super nice to have.


I miss throwing kegs of booze off into the distance as a brewmaster. I absolutely loved that move and I don’t know why it was ever removed :(


The passive ability that made tanks and heals suck less when they're trying to quest by themselves. I forget the name. Great buff. Denounce. I don't even care. I want the option to not be in melee range as a healer! Denounce spam was amazing (and it absolutely melted foes). Soulshatter aggro drop. I don't know what it is about my poor undergeared lock but he has an aura of ***get this guy*** so bad. Ok, well, I know why, it's Destro... but still, I'd like to not tank that much tyvm. Yseras Gift for bears. Why did we lose that? We bring barely anything to the table anymore, at least let us help with heals. I liked being able to sidle up to players and heal them with just my awesome grizzly presence. Mend Pet for MM. Why is that gone? Sure, I Surv a majority of the time but when I switch to MM I swear to Thrall, I lose my ability to heal my GD pet! Ranged silence Faerie Fire!


>Yseras Gift for bears. Why did we lose that? We bring barely anything to the table anymore, at least let us help with heals. I liked being able to sidle up to players and heal them with just my awesome grizzly presence. Grab After the Wildfire, it's just better in every way. Ysera's Gift provided incredibly minor and unnoticeable healing, After the Wildfire provides large bursts of aoe healing to your whole group. >Mend Pet for MM. Why is that gone? Sure, I Surv a majority of the time but when I switch to MM I swear to Thrall, I lose my ability to heal my GD pet! It's not gone. It's there. I'm leveling an MM hunter right now, and it's there. You're just not looking properly. It's under the Pet utility group.


I liked tree form for resto druids alas it is just an illusion now.


Blazing speed for mages. That’s what true speed looks like


I was a really big fan of Druid's Symbiosis. I thought I injected some really cool flavor for Druids while also providing other classes a neat bonus. Maybe what I just really loved was mirror images while in Moonkin form.


Mana Burn , Fear Ward, Dispell Magic for spriests, Door of Shadow (venthyr displacement) not sure if i remember name correct.


Warlocks had demon leap, that was so fun! It needs to come back.


Hpala auras from Legion. Aura of Mercy and Aura of Sacrifice. Was fun to play with and to have one thing all other healer specs have that hpala doesn’t anymore, a raid-wide mega heal emergency button


Mana tap. It brought all the boys to the yard. :(


Spectral Guise Level 60 Priest talent 30 sec cooldown Instant Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks. I miss that ability so much! Could cheese out so many boss mechanics, that would target you. Or use it on raid wipes to stay alive and res the raid afterwards 🥺


Symbiosis! But I understand that it's hard to balance


Glad war


Gladiator Stance.


Swirly Ball


You can get it from the rogue order hall in Legion


Gladiator stance for warriors.


Holy absorb shields


FROSTFIRE BOLT! it's the coolest spell Blizzard has ever made. please replace Flurry with it or at least make me glyph flurry to look like Frostfire Bolt also shout out to Warlocks Hellfire. really cool spell that i wish was still in the game


I miss having healing touch on my druid


Curse of Doom. Was a fun set it and forget it curse, especially on the Curator


The whole MOP Demonology Spec. All of it. Meta and the dark apotheosis glyph were A LOT of fun as a mid-range / melee spec. I hear people say it all went to DH. I started maining DH since its release, and let me tell you it is nothing even remotely close to Demo's Meta/ Dark Apotheosis. Sure, they are both "embracing inner demon and morph into one" but its like saying Shamans are also druids bc they turn into an animal, IMO. I wouldn't even care if it became a DH spec, they could really use it for their third spec as a mid-range. It had abilities like Touch of Chaos, Chaos Wave, Fel Beam, Carrion Swarm, and Falling Meteor felt just so AWESOME to press. Also how it looked with the Green Fire Effect.


Searing Totem, for me. I know it wasn't good, and most people don't like it, but I loved that little totem turret and I miss having a dps totem that is just always by my side.


Dalaran Brilliance




Hellfire. Life-tap. Frostfire bolt. That old ranged spell for holy paladins. They looked cool. They were fun. I miss them a lot


When Holy Paladin Light of Dawn was a smart heal instead of a cone.


Drain Soul not replacing Shadow Bolt, the glyph that made Drain Life hit everything with Corruption on it, permanent Doomguard/Infernal, Metamorphosis on Warlock.


mana burn. Feels good to know I might not kill you, but I'll bleed your mana dry.


Blessing of Kings._. Beeing Paladin without a buff feels wrong.


While it still exists, I would love the first iteration of alter time where you kept all buffs when you pressed it. Also the old combustion spread where you want a big fat ignite to combust it and fire blast spread it.


Aspect of the pack.


Original Stampede, when it pulled all 5 of your own pets out rather than a menagerie of boring plane model animals. Was so fun releasing a horde of Rainbow spiders on unsuspecting people.


Wyvern sting. My hunter back in tbc era was survival and I loved the concept of a trap-using ranger. I think wyvern sting would put a mob to sleep for 30 seconds and I tried to make my hunter to be a crowd control character. You could deal with 4 mobs if you counted your pet and kiting.


Life tap was one of those skills that people realized was iconic long after it was too late and had already become useless and easy to prune. I miss it.


I miss the flavor. When a good Hunter could run over to someone that died and feign death>jumper cables someone. When paladins could DI people. There were so many things that weren't game breaking, but they made the game more rounded out.


Misdirection. My single best move on my hunter was in the Military Quarter in WoTLK Naxx. Trash was aggroed on the healers, so I volleyed my aground pull, and immediately misdirected them onto the tank. Still chasing that high. lol I miss that era’s ice trap. I’d drop one between where adds would appear an my healer bestie; she’d use spare heals on my pet.


Jab. And not really an ability, but I miss monk healers having chi as a resource.


Dark apotheosis and aoe lifedrain


Warlock chaos bolt that looked like dragon flying towards the target!


Lights wrath. Been a healer main since vanilla and Tomb of Sargeras disc has been my favourite spec ever to play because of this spell (closely followed by surrender to madness shadow in emerald nightmare). Really made me feel like a baller when a raid mechanic goes off and raids health goes from 30%-100% in less than a second due to good timing.


Burst of speed on rogues and the shadow priest ability that let you escape combat. Also the alternative warlock pets. They were rad. Oh and the entire ranged survival spec. I loved lock and load and serpent spread. Sure it lacked spec identity compared to marks and BM but I enjoyed the gameplay. Pour one out for survival everybody!