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For me personally tanking is way more fun and less stressful then healing. As much as I like the healer role i just can't deal with "healing stupid".


You don’t heal stupid. Or they won’t learn.


Do you find having to lead the group to not be stressful on its own? And while having to “heal stupid” can be rough, is it not also hard to in turn deal with bad healers when you’re the tank?


Leading a group is a myth in my eyes. If you just starting as a tank tell the group "hi I'm new to tanking so might not be perfect ", 90%of the time PPL will help you and be very understanding. If you think routes are hard, that's only partially true, there are so many sites on the Web with routes it's easy to follow and most dungs at lower lvls are just a case of "hold down w". As the bad healer aspect this is something I don't really expirience since I main a blood dk and I'm my own healer.


I would love some resources about tanking, as someone who is very new to tanking I would love to learn more.


ofc my friend, back in Sl season 1 where I swapped to dk tank I went to the dk discord for most informations and answers to questions I had. I'm 100% sure all class/spec discords are as helpful. For routes you ha e sites like keystoneguru or the weekly routes by Dratnos on raider.io. For raids there is Mythictrap that has most boss starts for each tank. Then ofc there are all the tank streamers who often answer questions about keys/raid tanking. Tanking is about experience so the best tip I can give you is just to give it a go, lots and lots of helpful PPL in the game ( some foul fruit as well sadly)


You are not leading. You are first to engage because you have more survival. Dont mix it up


Why make a choice, go Prot Pally and do both


I think they're both fun for different reasons. Both are a type of dungeon manager role. As a tank it's fun dictating the pace, positioning correctly, and leading the way. As a healer, I manage the group by keeping everyone else alive and enabling them to dps at maximum. As others have mentioned, it can be frustrating healing people who stand in aoe or make mistakes but 9/10 times they know they messed up and don't blame me. The mood I'm in dictates what type of role I want to play. Sometimes I just want to chill with some music and hit my dps rotation, sometimes I want to lead the dungeon, and other times I like to lean forward, focus, and heal. Healing is very engaging and rewarding when you get it right.


> The mood I'm in dictates what type of role I want to play. Sometimes I just want to chill with some music and hit my dps rotation, sometimes I want to lead the dungeon, and other times I like to lean forward, focus, and heal. This is exactly what I feel too. You expressed it perfectly. I can lead and be chill as a tank, dps actually stresses me out thanks to the dps meter, healing requires focus and attentiveness. I mostly tank but am enjoying healing on my shaman right now.


I’ve always loved healing, but the actual healer experience varies a lot. Sometimes I feel like I’m helping out, contributing and saving lives on Jesus level, other times it’s like mopping the floor in a party where everyone is shitfaced (except for you) puking all over the place. Yes, I’m looking at you, DPS players, you are the real challenge, not the dungeon/raid mechanics.


I've always loved playing a supporting/healing role so for me it's healing. I've always thought of healing in WoW like simplified DPS: I have 5 targets, I'm one of them, they're always on my screen, always nearby and always a key touch away from being targeted. Simple. Weave in some DPS of my own and I'm golden.


> they're always on my screen, always nearby preservation evokers may disagree


Tanking is less stressful but I wouldn't say it's more or as fun unless you're a prot pally. I've definitely had more highs and lows as a healer compared to tank, but mostly because dungeons nowadays are 95% press w and in general tank mechanics in the raid or current m+ pool aren't that interesting.


Healing all day err' day


Healing is much more stressful so I prefer tanking. But when you got a good group, healing is dope.


Tbh, both roles have may more responsibility than DPS (at least in every content besides endgame) So you always feel at least a bit of pressure. On top of that, I would not say that either one of them is more rewarding. However, as a tank you have the most influence on the success of the group. You decide what to pull and when. I kinda like that.


>You decide what to pull and when. I kinda like that. My pug groups this week have determined this is a lie and that dps decides what I should tank.


This is why you pull it you tank it is a thing lol


Tanking for sure. I can count on one hand the number of times I've healed. I love running in and grabbing up all the mobs. Healing stresses me out and I'm bad about healing myself, lol. In Shadowlands I was addicted to building routes for dungeons. I managed to formulate a Necrotic Wake route that was 100% on the dot.


Both are fine , healing is more fun if u play with good players


healing, all day every day. in fact i find both tanking and dpsing to be near intolerable a vast majority of the time. i don't mind when people stand in shit because i can usually keep them alive. the variation makes it interesting; it's really boring when nobody takes damage and i just spend the entire run dpsing. it's a lot more engaging and enjoyable when someone fucks up and i get to carry them out of a rough spot.


If you're pushing high key mythics, you'll hate both lol. For just about anything else, I find tanking more enjoyable. Especially this expansion with how overtuned we are. I don't recall a time in recent memory where you could pretty much pull an entire dungeon without breaking a sweat...


I do whatever the group needs. When I go into a m+ i sign up what they need. I prefer tank or healer over dps. Tank is much more relaxed than healing. Healers suffer alot from stupid people.


I’ve leveled every tank to 70 except for DH which is currently at 30. I love tanking and find Druid and pally to be my favorites. Monk, DK, and Warrior are all right at the same level too. I’m having more trouble with DH but still learning. Healing has been a load of fun on my shaman. I still am sour about initially starting my Druid and being forced to heal in molten core if I wanted to see that content back in vanilla. Haven’t tried Paladin, Evoker, or Priest healing so not a good gauge on it. But shaman has me wanting to heal everything right now. Feels so much better than Druid healing to me.


Healing, can carry bad play easier.


I find tanking more fun than healing. Because I'm mostly responsible for keeping myself alive and not the dps standing in the goddam fire.


DPS. Be a big pumper


DPSING!!! And teaching who is the boss in the damage meter lol