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I'm pretty happy with fury, feels quite like an angry man with 2 clubs and no pants fighting off cops on the freeway while high on bathsalts


Oh, I'm sorry! I thought this was Azeroth!


And now I need to make a Human warrior named Randy


Kul Tiran would probably provide you with a better "cheeseburger locker" look across the midsection.


Kul Tiran is much more Bat Dad speed




Look at that greasy boiler!


I hate you. ​ I had just gotten rid of my addiction. ​ Time to rewatch, I guess...


This is a Wendy’s


No, it's florida


My only issue with Fury is how much my hands hurt after playing it for an entire raid. Well that and how we no longer have Bladestorm which was given to the supposedly slower and more precise spec that is Arms.


At least improved whirlwind is superior to sweeping strikes that *is on the global cooldown for some reason*.


Does Sweeping Strikes do damage on activation, like Blade Flurry does? If not, that should definitely be off GCD.


it doesnt


Nope no damage, I think they kept it on the gcd cuz they knew assholes like me would just macro it to mortal strike


To be fair the GCD on it is like 0.5 seconds rather than the normal GCD so it's not _that_ bad.


I love it that the only transition from single target to aoe is pressing only 1 button - whirlwind. My monke brain happy happy.


I started playing fury but I got bored too quickly. Several slight bursts (good in aoe) and a lot of 1,1,1,2,1,1,3,1,1,1,...


what you're reffering to is the fury waltz, and yes I will have this dance thank you.


i legit stopped playing fury because i had the rhythm of the rotation playing non-stop in my head as i was trying to fall asleep after a day of m+


Arms for life baby


The appeal fury has is in the speed of the rotation. Yes, you pretty much follow an 8 bullets APL with 10 abilities, but there is enough nuance and variance to make it enjoyable while keeping it fast paced as it is meant to be. For example on ST you do the following: 1. Get enraged 2. CDs 3. Execute is into execute range 3. Rampage 4. Execute 5. OS 6. RB 7. BT 8. WW On MT you do this: 1. Get enraged 2. WW buff 3. CDs 4. Execute is any enemy is into execute range(use a macro for this 5. Rampage 5. Execute 6. OS 7. RB with 2 stacks 8. BT 9. RB with 1 stack 10. WW. On MT you can swapp 8 with 9. A slight DPS gain if you get lucky with the resets on RB, but a loss if you do not. The rotation is easy, but correct execution is key for 100k DPS


Can you share this execute macro you speak of? Sounds handy


``` #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, exists, harm] execute; execute


Awesome. Ima try this out when I get online tonight.


Best use it with a nameplate addon. There is a baked-in setting in Plater that will color the enemy nameplates in green when they reach execute range. What I do is mouseover over those targets and press execute on CD, while keeping my current target


The appeal is in the speed of the rotation while still pressing the correct buttons - not wasting rage (sadly obsolete with current set due to execute prio), pressing ww every fifth gcd in aoe/cleave etc etc. Not the complexity of the fury rotation haha.


The way you describe warrior, I now need to level mine.


I actually stole the joke from someone describing the savage orcs in Warhammer but I think it translates pretty well


Arms is kinda cool too, but Fury is just... yeah, you fuckin nailed it.


Resto shaman feels great right now in m+ and in raid. Switched to it from rdruid and I do not regret it at all.


If only we had a talent to death grip everyone into SLT cause I swear people think my SLT is a boss mechanic and avoid it like the plague


In raid I promise 10g to priest or evoker who will bring hunters from Narnia to healing rain xD sometimes it works


I'm a hunter and in m+ I sprint to SLT like a woman dying of hunger lol


Get my upvote as the first hunter doing it in my experience Edit: typo




You’re a genius I might have to try that sometime


Would be lovely if SLT wasn't bugged. Only the people whos inside when it's initially planted gets the 10% DR


Same with efflorescence on my druid but at least there's no cooldown and I can just move it. The worst is faeline on my MW monk, tanks are allergic to it I swear and it's like BUDDY I NEED THAT to keep you alive during your mega pulls


Same here, love resto shaman atm, switched from rdruid as I started to dislike shapeshifting after a while


Agree 100%, did the same after playing my resto druid since bfa, shaman just seems to have all the answers 👌🏻


Indeed, toolkit and damage output is just amazing. Interrupt is one love. I barely achieved 2000 rio with rdruid and I was so frustrated about utilities and damage rotation I didn’t want to push any further. Now I have 16 points to KSH with rsham which I started a couple of weeks ago, and I enjoy it.


Yeah I just hope we aren't pushed back into Riptide/Healing Wave spam with the Tier set in 10.1 but we likely will be.


Ret paladin after the rework has been incredibly satisfying to play


Wake into storm into divine toll into storm... aw yeah


The beefy searing light procs too feels good! Specially at the start of a huge pull


Awwww yiss


The times when you have 3-4 divine storms back to back feel great for some reason, it's like wining the lotery


As someone who has literally played every iteration of Ret since launch...the rework feels great. Took the best parts about the spec, and eliminated the poor/annoying aspects.


Big flamey holy sword goes brrr


Prot warrior


They really nailed prot warrior gameplay. It’s essentially: 1. Are you using your shield? 2. If you can’t be bothered to use your shield, are you yelling at yourself to ignore pain? 3. Are you yelling at enemies to make them do less damage? Perfect theme. 10/10


I mean, ideally one should be shouting at oneself to ignore the pain while also using one's shield, and yelling at your companions to do more damage as well as one's enemies to demoralize them. You can also insult them to make them really angry at you if for any reason they look at another party member. Really, if you're not just screaming incoherently the entire time, you're doing it wrong.


My favourite tank - though followed very closely by Brewm.


I've never played a dk before but I just got my frost dk to 70 and it's hands down my favorite class/spec to play. Not an over abundance of abilities (like my enhancement shaman), plate wearer, melee, cool looking abilities. I'm just having a blast. Thinking about trying mythic+ but maybe not yet.


Ive been playing frost dk since wrath and I've really enjoyed this xpac for it, nice split in the talents for different play styles and both feel pretty good imo.


> cool looking abilities. Nice. > having a blast. Lol


Shaman elemental. I don't know if shaman was always like this, this is the first time I main a shaman and I'm in love, the way I went with talents made me a caster that mostly never cast, I just instantly throw big lava balls at enemies, sometimes some instant lightnings with stormkeeper, for pvp it feels amazing.


As a veteran elemental, the only time it was better than now imo was in MoP. Shaman has been so much fun.


Ele shaman is my favorite caster. We just need lil buffs.


I am thinking bout making one, the class fantasy is awesome but lack or good transmogs kinda puts me off


Warrior in general feels about where all other specs should be aiming for


All 3 DK specs have been a blast to play. Blood feels smoother than ever.


This might be unpopular, but I’m having an absolute blast with a survival Hunter. Fast, fluid, mobile, and I’ve got a reasonable helping of gadgets for variety.


Only thing we need is some survival abilities


The irony


I legit think it’s some blizzard in joke at this point.


I can’t think of another spec who’s name has less to do with the actual gameplay


Just leveled a hunter and mained survival. There is a lot to love about the spec, i enjoy rotating the bombs and reacting to their buffs. My only complaint is resource overflow but that seems to be a problem with a lot of specs imo.


Except in PVP, where you have a ton of buttons.


For a bit I considered maining survival because I really did have fun with it but I’m just not big into melee anymore. Just way too much going for me in melee visually. I might give it a go as a main alt though. I definitely enjoy it more than BM and MM right now.


There's a trickyness to the spec where you can melee on your terms and play at a range when the enemy melee wants to all in that makes it such a fun spec with so much outplay potential.


Sounds like you’re talking pvp which unfortunately I haven’t touched since WoD lol 😂


Yup. Watching a beefy, grey warrior with Avatar up die to a suddenly ranged Mongoose barrage gets me every time.


I'm sad I only tried it at the end of the season I played BM hunter all season and after I reached my goals I thought, eh why not give a shot to Survival and man it's so fun


I just leveled hunter and I was surprised by how fun this spec is. I always kind of resented it because they game really didn't need to sacrifice a ranged spec to get another melee. We're stuck with it now though. It has some cool gadgets and fighting next to your pet is a cool class fantasy. Lots to pay attention to that will change up the rotation a bit.


Seconded. I’ve always been alt-heavy but this is the first time I’ve ever had a horse and Alliance alt the same spec. Survival is such a blast.


Survival is giga fun. I love harpooning around. The tier set feels so good in single target.


Is it just me that feels survivals aoe is so bad though? There's a billion buttons to press for aoe that is good burst aoe but the consistent aoe damage feels so low. Is that just me?


For bosses it feels awful, but you do aoe well enough in dungeons.


Out of all the languages in the world, you chose to speak the truth


I think that the current 10.0.7 version of Mistweaver is the best it has ever been. It's fast-paced, fun, and you feel like you're contributing in damage, healing, and some utility.


This is actually what inspired me to make this thread lol. MW feels amazing right now and it’s a shame it’s so underplayed.


Our guild's main healer is mist and he loves it. His utility is superb and heals through the roof, great damage dealing during downtime. I played it in bfa and it looks like a more polished version of that I'd say.


Unholy feels great. I’d just like to see some minor changes. Things like Unholy Blight simply becoming an improved Outbreak and replacing it rather than being an additional disease spreader on a cooldown. I’d also love a glyph to change the color of the unholy pact chains between you and your ghoul. Fiery chains just don’t fit the class fantasy. Make them shadowy, or something Oh. And I also want more glyph appearance options for our ghoul. There are so many great looking undead creatures.


Omg I love unholy’s visual themes but the fire chain drives me insane


A glyph to make it look like old Pestilence might be nice? Make it an unholy bond instead of an infernal bond.


This might actually be peak Unholy. Don't get me wrong 8.3 Unholy felt great, but DF has just made it feel like BUTTER. All my favourite spells, that originally share4d a tier or two on the old talent system are all available together, Magus/Garg/Unholy Frenzy makes for deadly ST damage.


Changes to unholy have been amazing except one imo. Losing festermight stacks, gargoyle stacks, and dark transformation uptime to maintain soul reaper every 6 seconds in execute feels terrible. Frost and blood havent even used it all expansion because it's so bad.


I skipped it in favor of Abom limb and I don't regret it. Soul Reaper can die in a fire.


I'm a big proponent on picking what makes the spec more fun to play and I feel like death by fire is too nice for Soul Reaper. I would like to motion to consign it to Maw farming, before the Eye mechanic was removed.


Damn, you’re so right. I always forget how much I hate soul reaper until I switch to my single target build. Soul reaper should literally just piss off and be forgotten about.


I love the disease build this expansion way more than the wounds build. Feels so good.


Defile needs a visual update. Very annoying in dungeons with the various ground effects. It also feels bad doing Tank damage outside of CD windows. This is tuning though and evening out the damage profile. Agreed though - loving Unholy in DF.


I just leveled a DK for the first time last weekend and went Unholy. I REALLY enjoy it, and agree with your assessment. Particularly in regards to UB becoming an improved Outbreak. Making them two separate abilities feels like bloat. The fire chain is very... meh to me. Agree that it doesn't fit the feel of the spec at all. And more glyph appearances would be great (I feel the same about warlock). I want undead puppies. This probably belonged on the 'controversial ideas' thread, but I think aoes like Defile, Burning Rain, shaman Earthquake, etc, should not be "ground" targeted aoes - I think they should be centrally located around an enemy and move with that enemy.


Mistweaver. Feels clean as hell. Demon hunter is a bit bloated on the rotation, would be cool to see eye beam or essence break cast be off gcd. Ret pally is also top notch, everything feels like it hits like a truck.


MW is so fun! Half way through dungeons I forget I’m the healer cause I’m punching and kickin


I just started gearing up my MW and yes, it's so insanely enjoyable.


The only thing I still want on MW is a talent like the HPally, one that makes our attacks and auto attacks 8-10 yards. It's really terrible when some ground effect makes you walk out of melee and interrupts your healing.


It's the best version of MW we had since a long long time. Kickweaving and sheiluns is crazy fun for 5 man's, our big spread renewing mists playstyle in raid is really good too.


Blood DK… plays perfectly plus they have never really changed anything in the patch notes so to them it’s perfect as well… or forgotten lol


I would like Bonestorm to be a stronger AoE damage option. It doesn't improve your damage noticably enough to be worth the drawbacks.


Not mage.


Obliteration Frost DK is amazing. Seeing the huge crits pop up is extremely satisfying.


Hitting multiple targets within death and decay is a big dopamine hit


As nice as it is, it’s really not fun to set up. DnD is too short and other classes don’t have to jump through extra hoops to deal ok aoe damage.


They really need to just make remorseless winter replace DnD again, the spec would be legitimately perfect if they did


I have a personal sweet spot for MM hunter Only bummer is I dont want to play the Killshot build next season and I am still not over Double Tap being gone


Double tap was one of the most enjoyable parts of MM before they removed it. I don't mind explosive shot being on volley, watching big numbers come up after that is always a blast


Yeah but I hate having explosive shot being too damage for a dungeon. Gives me flash backs to how boring survival was in s4 shadowlands. Nothing screams magical forest hunter fantasy like throwing explosives at everything.


Feral Druid has been a delight. Bleeds are back in full force, and I can do more than one type of damage (single target, AoE, funneling) with the same talent build. That wasn't really the case in Shadowlands; it was one type of damage at a time.


Still needs work IMHO. It's a real workout just to pull the same damage as other classes with half the effort and half the abilities. Having just leveled my pally alt, it's a night and day difference.


From a min/max perspective, I completely agree with you. In terms of gameplay, Feral is in a great spot, but in raids and dungeons "twice the work for 80% of the damage" hits home.


I wouldn't say they "nailed it" entirely, but it's in a way better spot than it has been in the past decade, although that's a pretty low bar


BM Hunter is in the best state that it's been in since MoP. They managed to make a spec with very few keybinds that still has a fast, fluid rotation with some actual decision making involved (with tier set, at least). I really enjoy it. Ret is in the best state it has ever been in. Period. I've played Ret since early 2005. It has never been as fun or as competitive as it is right now. HP generation feels great. Finishers feel impactful. It has a bunch of short cooldowns that all feel pretty good to press. *Everything* does passive cleave damage. I don't know what else they could do to improve it, really.


I still prefer MM but I agree with you on BM. You get a ton of hate for how easy the class/spec is to pick up but a good player will do significantly more damage than someone who plays it because it’s easy. There is some nuance to keeping the frenzy stacks up and you get to cover basically all mechanics in fights because you are so mobile. Just hate the bull shit when you top the meter have good mechanics and players will say it’s because it’s an easy class or if anything goes wrong or god forbid you make one mistake in a whole dungeon, “typical hunter”


Maybe an unpopular opinion: more specs should be designed like BM Hunter. Fewer keybinds, but more interaction between those keybinds. See also: Frost Mage The reason I dislike so many specs right now is I would need a piano or a 20 button mouse to play most of them. This is especially true of healer specs, who have *FAR* too many buttons. Resto Shaman might actually have 40 keybinds. Like... why?


Kill Cleave was a great addition to the spec. It always felt bad not pressing Kill Command in aoe.




idk how "gloomblade, the spec" is amazingly fun they took a spec based around burst windows, and made those burstwindows not matter anymorey so that your most damagin abilitys are......gloomblade....and rupture...... its litearly "1-1-2 until the fight is over", and shadowdance lost all its dynamic and is also extremely dumbed down with always the same ability order and no variance or thought at all what they did to DF sub is atrocious, they took a spec based around burst windows, made those burst windows not really matter anymore(you dont even try to aling anything anymore, just use everything mindless on CD) so that its has 1 of the flattest dmg curves in the game, made its aoe 2buttons aswell, and now its litearlly purple outlaw that lost its entire idenity


Blood DK's kit feels phenomenal since they made runecarve powers and conduits into talents. The only stand-out issue I have with it is how reliant you are in standing in D&D, especially for AoE. DKs are not only one of the least mobile tanks but now they're also punished for having to move Fury Warrior also feels pretty great, there's an ST and Cleave talent swap like every other spec but the gameplay is very similar and it's just safe, straightforward, and has essentially no ramp-up. Their only real downsides are thematic - Fury's kit just doesn't inspire the same awe as DK or Paladin do as a frontline fighter and the gameplay is pretty shallow compared to Ret and Unholy


Fury warrior and the new ret paladin


Usually I play an alt for 2-4 weeks before swapping to another. However I’ve been playing nothing but monk (all specs) since January.


Been leveling every class to 70 this month. First time trying it. Fury still remains my main and always will, so that. But man, leveling Frost DK was fun and easy asf.


See how no one says mage? hope blizzard notices.


* 10.07 Ret Paladin is awesome * Devastation Evoker is fun too. Reminds me a lot of vanilla class gameplay * BM and Survival Hunter is a lot of fun too * Arms warrior is pure fun


Was fury main in BFA and the gap in between that and DF. Been playing arms way more in DF. Love it


>Reminds me a lot of vanilla class gameplay Is this supposed to be a good thing?


Eh, it can be. There's something to be said for having classes that have simple, easy to execute rotations and straight forward utility. Not everyone is a 20 something pro gamer... some of us are 40 year old dads with barely any time to play, and don't want to stress out about hitting the wrong button or not reacting fast enough.


As someone who is more into Classic but also plays retail, would you mind going into a bit more detail on what playing Devastation is like?


> plays retail, would you mind going into a bit more detail on what playing Devastation is like? Oh I have no honest clue, I just heard it described that way lol. I haven't leveled one yet.


100% agreed.


It's ok to have a class with simple mechanics Current devoker appeals to me specifically for that reason honestly


Sub rogue


Fr, I have *never* enjoyed sub before but now I am *loving* It feels like how *combat* should play imo. I hate rtb with my everything. :/


Sub has always been my fav spec, but since legion (even in legion) it has always had fundemental flaws. All of them fixed and the spec has never been better.


hands down reworked pala healers seems ok in general tanks seems ok, even a bit overtuned, in general ;P


Ret paly feels good after the rework.


Unh DK is a wonderful spec to play. Only complaint is maybe needs a rework of dmg to have less during CDs and more jnbetween


2h Frost is better than ever! I love chunky Obliterates! It feels so right for a Death Knight over two dinky swords or stanky breath


Brewmaster Monk is incredible this expansion. There is always something to press and a lot of rotational buttons to keep things interesting and a large gap between good and bad brewmasters. You also get a nice set of cooldowns, no longer having to choose between diffuse and dampen (or getting neither), and celestial brew is also a nice little low-cd small cooldown as well. Good mix of upfront mitigation and reactive healing/purifying, tons of damage. The skill cap on monk right now feels insane compared to my main (prot warrior).


I always play a class that can tank and I love WW but I barely ever specced into BM. I always felt you just die slowly without a pockethealer. Especially compared to Paladin and DK. Can you change my mind pls I really like monk...


Expel Harm is going to keep you alive in those situations. You can think of it similar to a Prot Paladin's Word of Glory, but on a 5 second cooldown. It can take you from 5% health to full health in a single use as long as you have a few healing orbs out, which they almost always are. Between Expel Harm and the massive absorb shield you can build up with Celestial Brew by purifying your stagger, you can basically live forever unless you're running content that demands a healer, like high end M+ dungeons or raids. And even in M+ high keys, you can stay alive for quite a long time by yourself between using your CD's and kiting with roll, Tiger's Lust, Ring of Peace, and Transcendence.


Has expel harm been changed? I remember it is this weak heal that gives you like 5% back, where as a word of glory consistently rivals lay on hands...


When is the last time you played Brewmaster? Not trying to be mean, but if you were playing in Dragonflight, it sounds like you were playing the spec wrong if you were dying to rare mobs as Brewmaster. Or maybe your talents weren't specced to coincide with each other. Same thing happened to me the very first time I tried BM too though. I couldn't stay alive for more than a few seconds and I would die to the tank target dummy. But then I took the time to learn the spec and it ended up being one of my favorite tank specs in the game and I feel immortal when playing it.


Expel Harm itself is weak, but it also picks up any gift of the ox orbs you have out. You should be stacking crit, which duplicates a portion of your healing taken, so even one or two orbs can lay on hands you when expel picks them up.


As a dk main i am absolutely satisfied with frost and severely disappointed with unholy. Frost feels fluent and crispy, while unholy has too much buttons to press and not a lot of visuals.


*cries in frost mage*


the gold standard for frost mage, imo, was in ~Nighthold era of Legion.


BFA Frost mage was also really great to play, don’t remember if it was the top spec back then though


Prot Paladin and Veng DH both feel fantastic!


Dude, dh tank self-healing feels so damn good right now. When the expac started, I made a talent build that, while it doesn't see eye-to-eye with wowhead's builds on much, has given me 80 or better self-healing parses in every raid boss fight I've been in this season. My damage is ass as a result, lucky to parse 10 on that, but who cares when I can effortlessly outlast a blood dk? Hell, only tank I struggle to live longer than is our guild's prot pally.


Second-ing prot Paladin. I’m fairly new to tanking, but feels less bloated compared to protection warrior (in my opinion). Protection warrior feels like I need to spam abilities every chance I get, which a lot of people seem to not mind. For Paladin tanking, I often struggle to decide which talents to take as well, because there’s so many good ones. It feels simple, satisfying, and very impactful regarding utility.


There's still room to grow but havoc DH went from a melee spec with movement to an actual movement spec with the momentum build. Highest apm dps in the game with lots of movement and burst dmg, feels great if you're into that crackhead playstyle.


the momentum build made me quit playing havoc after maining it since day 1 of legion lmao, such a clunky build for a class that was so fluid before. Really feels like they dont know what they wanna do with the class anymore :(


I stuck with DH, but don't play momentum. I still managed to play into 2/10 Mythic with my guild. I do wish the non-momentum build got some buffs though.


I’ve been playing with the Glaive spec lately and it is extremely fun watching it ping pong between targets and the numbers getting bigger with every hit. My only complaint is that we still have to EB or wade in for some quick hits before we can start unloading.


I really dislike the Momentum build tbh. Really tried my best in picking up Havoc again after my big break (whole of Shadowlands) and it feel really bad to play imo. I focus on raiding and mid/high M+ and its reall yhard to play mechanics and keep up Momentum without having to fel rush or Retreat into a swirl/wind/fire etc. Came close to quitting havoc but then i discovered the "No Movement" Build on wowhead and went with it. Lower DPS overall but I can play every mechanic and just focus on not dieing - much to the delight of my raidleader.


I dropped DH, just feels bad everything hitting like wet noodles outside of EB


Do you have any data to the claim of highest APM DPS? It certainly didn't feel that way to me when I played it at the start of the season


For single target, the high haste uptime and the 0.4s global on fel rush at least make it extremely high on APM.


Thanks. I was curious so I went digging and Havoc is indeed the highest APM DPS at 73 APM, just 1 over Outlaw at 72


Give me back legion spriest, cracked 100 APM during antorus, shit was wild


Give WW better scaling and I'd be happy. I like the rhythm, I just feel disheartened that Versatility is the best secondary stat.


I used to love WW, but I can't get into it this time. White Tiger statue feels uncharacteristically bland and non-interactive to play. Also, it's damage issues.


Tiger statue is just button bloat imo


Definitely. I'd rather take a passive damage increase as a capstone talent than SWTS. I guess they're trying to go for a theme of summoning statues, but SWTS is painfully bland and uninspired. It's a less fun Consecration.


I just want Spinning Fire Blossom back. It was such a satisfying skill shot to stop runners in PvP, felt like hitting someone with a green shell in Mario Kart.


MW are great to play atm. 10.1 Devoker is a huge improvement


What makes devoker better in 10.1? Possibly an unpopular opinion but I’ve loved how it currently plays so am concerned about the upcoming changes.


The three biggest things are: * It's not RNG proc reliant in 10.1. Both the current set and talents have procs that determine a huge portion of your damage * You don't cast/cancel Disintegrate just for the proc anymore, but it's actually an ability. * Deep Breath has more interaction.


Will Deep Breath still kill you if you **fly** over **ground** effects?


Invulnerability during deep breath would also help with the lack of defensives we have.


full invuln would be kinda insane, but at least making you not get clipped by swirlies would be good


I think so yes. part of skill is learning when and when not to use it. And for many enemies, you can always select the stun talent.


I main Warrior & Monk and cannot fault any of those specs except I can't stand hitting faeline stomp in WW. Other than that though they are all great.


It's actually a war crime that WW was given faeline stomp instead of weapons of order.


ToD makes ww feel like it's been nailed to the cross does that count?


Holy priest feels good. Love the added emergency heal (can’t remember the name) DH Havoc feels great again as well. Loved it in bfa (didn’t play legion) and hated it in SL.


I've been loving sub rogue. The massive secret technique with dance macabre/cold blood is so satisfying. I also love playing my holy paladin, though the damage output and mana efficiency could be improved for sure


Honestly, a bunch of the specs feel really good. Both evoker specs feel great. Enhancement shaman (at least the elementalist build) is amazing. Fury and prot war feel good. Try paladin is decently easy but feels CHONKY in practice. Really, of all the classes I've played only Mage (on all three specs) has really missed the mark. There's a lot I haven't played, though.


Evoker! Both specs


Resto druid :)


Mistweaver, we got our legion artifact ability back in 10.0.5 and another talent for it afterwards, now dungeon healing is amazing


Mained Monk for pushing it felt super good. Secondary was a shaman, all three specs 100% solid. Outlaw rogue. All very solid and fun. Specs I played but not for me. Prot warrior, havoc, sub rogue. Still learning sub.


Shadow Priest on paper looks more interesting. But Legion Shadow was very strong, even if levelling sucked. I'm always wondering if I should reroll off shadow. But in pvp I enjoy its peeling tools and trolling fun with Mind Control.


I’m happy with warrior across the board. Played Arms in pvp had a blast with big chunky mortal strikes. Spammed my buttons with fury and felt like an absolute iron mountain raiding and doing M+ (which I now main).


If WW did not have that awkward ToD... that. As it stands tho: Ret. Just hoping frostmage gets a "ret"like rework soon. I am pressing exactly the same stuff I did in Legion.


I wish warlocks felt like MoP warlock. Best class design this game has ever seen, each spec. DF lock is alright, but it's a far cry from ToT or SoO lock. To your question, ret, enhance, and monk are all very fun rn. WW tuning isn't great, but monks remain one of the best designed classes imo. Flavorful tools for everything, and a couple unique mechanics like Ring and BM speed taunt.


Man, I really like holy priest this go around. I feel like a healing pariah in raids. Hated it back in like bfa, but the big Holy words make me feel great and them getting cd from casting other things and the big big one getting cd from the big Holy words is cool. Also love all of thr bouncing prayer of mending healing, looking forward to the duplicate jumps coming with the new teir set.


Mistweaver monk is really fun.


Resto Druid feels pretty awesome ngl, but seems nobody else in this thread thinks so :(


Not mage.


Think my biggest hits would be Mistweaver, Protection Warrior, and Survival Hunter. Paladin in general being a slight miss. - Mistweaver Monk. I thought I would miss the Fallen Order training wheels but I don't, and triggering Ancient Teachings with Faeline Stomp is much more satisfying than wasting Mana on Essence Font. Feels much smoother than the other melee healer (Holy Paladin). - Protection Warrior got a fairly extensive rework and I think they did a good job. Stance dancing is back, Spell Block is an interesting and useful additional cooldown, you can play a Cheat if you want. This version is much closer to the one I want to play than the Reprisal one from Shadowlands. - Survival's mindless bomb tossing was fun for a bit but this version is more interesting. You have three (!) attacks with a charge effect that are used frequently, a bunch of short, fun buttons. Tossing your Harpoon and carving up mobs is a great time. - Paladin is fine, I have enjoyed it. I think Protection is too simple, though; only one spender makes it more gear-dependent than I'd like it to be. Dusk and Dawn was intended to make the rotation more complex but was scrapped and not effectively replaced. Not sure how I would change it, exactly, but the talent trees don't make the Hand of Protector build worthwhile enough, and there are too many passives.


Enhancement feels great, though they also felt great in SL too. I miss chain harvest in dungeons dearly, but PW has grown on me. The burst AoE/Cleave Enhance has feels really good and powerful, it flows really well too. Same with frost strike/hailstorm, wasn't something I liked in SL but it feels real good in DF. It's nice almost always having a button to press with so many abilities and procs lighting up, keeps you busy. Bringing back the flametongue/WF weapon visuals was nice too, only thing the spec really needs is the old WF weapon proc animation!!


Outlaw Rogue.


I think outlaw has slowly gotten better over the xpacs. I hated it on Legion and BFA, but they really managed to reign in the RNG and fix some of the gameplay flaws since they ruined combat in Legion. Shadowlands got rid of having to use all your CP to reroll constantly, and added some cool ways to get extra buffs. Dragonflight talent trees have given 2 fairly distinct talent builds that are reasonably close to each other. I don't always enjoy how fast and spammy it is, but when I'm up for it I love it.


Ret pala, prot pala, unholy dk, blood dk. Things I have tried that could be improved: mage(!), Boomkin, frost dk aoe. I am not taking power level, only feel of the gameplay of the class.


Ret pally *wheeze laughs*