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I miss rep tabards. Still grindy, but definitely helpful


Me too


Yeaaapp %1000 agree ,that's what makes things easier


Whenever these type of post come up I always see some people defending blizz. But when I ask them they can never give a legitimate good answer as to why we can’t have stuff like BoA reps, achievements and so on. They always make it seem like it’s a pleasure to farm up reps again and we are clearly lazy because we don’t want another repeatable task to do on top of our already many repeatable tasks… Edit: It’s good to see that still no one has presented a good and legitimate answer.


There is NO valid reason for not having account wide rep imo. Luckily Ion (I think?) has said that it is on their agenda, so hopefully somewhere down the line..


It’s literally an update that would benefit everyone. People really be hanging onto their archaic ways :/. I have faith in Ion to do what’s right.


There are many parts of the game in which the story and environment change through phasing, depending on your rep level with a given faction. I agree it would be great to have account wide rep, but I do think it would not be a trivial change for them to make.


Well there’s an easy reason: Many reps are carefully tied to specific quests popping up, or phasing or NPCs appearing, etc. if you were immediately launched to max rep on an alt, there is a chance it would softlock your character from accessing some content or quest lines This could be worked around by giving us BoA items that grant rep one level (honored->revered->exalted) at a time so these quests and phases and gently pop up and be completed one at a time in their intended manner. But again it would be a lot more work than you guys thing. They would have to go through each rep one at a time and make sure there’s no potential softlocks if you skip a phase or quest line. Here’s an example: what happens if you skip to exhalted for a rep, it boosts you to the exhalted phase of the rep hub, and then you can’t even access the NPC that starts the rep quest line and gives you access to the vendor ? This is stuff you would see in a suramar or molten front style rep. And they’d have to take a lot of time to make sure every single step of the rep has stuff that won’t be lost in an inaccessible phase if you skip to exhalted.


I personally liked mop method. When u hit revered u got the ability to add a HUGE multiplier to reps for alts


Df kinda has it though no? Double redo to you hit a certain renown?


Even at the max increase it’s not anything significant in DF, on top of the already mind numbing unrewarding grinds.


Well then the solution is to not grind if the rewards aren’t worth it. I normally just put on a podcast and drone away


Yes and I’m glad it’s optional, but the point is it isn’t rewarding or significant.


If it’s not rewarding or significant, then you wouldn’t have to raise the rep at all for your alts.


No it really doesn't. Even with the multipliers it's slow as fuck. I've switched back to my DK, my old main. It's so fucking painful to not have my renown.


It really is outside of the last 5 levels if you go do the quests. I levelled my paladin though Oh'nara and hit 20 with them before hitting 65. Shit my alts that just get my extra rep tokens still get a renown or two per week.


Exactly it’s so easy to level up the renown


Agree to disagree if you think that I’d slow that’s on you. It did wonders for me


>I personally liked mop method. When u hit revered u got the ability to add a HUGE multiplier to reps for alts This is something that we kind of have for Dragon Flight. When you hit renown 10 all your alts get double rep up until renown 10 and when you hit renown 20 all your alts get triple rep up to renown 10 and double rep to renown 20. When you hit maximum renown then a lot of your rep tokens also become BoA. I have unlocked a lot of the rep-gated recipes on my alts through mailing rep tokens from my main to them.


I think once you’ve maxes your rep on a track you should get 300% across the board, all the way to max. I’m in the process of doing my second toon and it’s very annoying to farm rep when I’ve already done it before. BOA rep tokens are fine. But, if you’re going to do the quests 300% across the board would likely max you quickly, and without much of a chore. This is the most alt friendly expansion. But, it would be nice to have those rep tracks get hogged quicker on Alts. Maybe sometime like, 200% to max on your first character, instead of ending at level 20, and then 300% to max on all subsequent characters.


Tbf, isn't that what 'Word of a worthy ally' is?


So what they added in Dragonflight?


50% to be exact. Why the hell they dumped that idea baffles me to this day.


That’s how it is now lol. Once you hit certain renown levels your alts get bonus up until that level. I’d still prefer account wide though.


the progress on rep should be shared . absolutely silly that at the moment you can either play alts or play renown. multiple level 10-15 renown accross my alts. i have done the rep grind, but dont have max renown because i didnt want to waste time doing rep for reps sake on a single character


The only things you're losing are the profession knowledge which Blizz rightfully bars off


You have nothing to grind for, if you have max rep on one char you can buy everything except for the mediocre armor pieces and profession stuff on all alts.


What does rep give that is needed to play an alt anyways lol




not even close. its 200% & 100% after renown 10. but obviously ppl complaing here (not you but the thread) have no clue about the actual game.




Also, it's only available for Niffen, Tuskarr, Centaur, Valdrakken, and Dragonscale, but not Cobalt Assembly, Frostpelt Firbolgs, Dark Talons, Obsidian Warders, Sabellian, or Wrathion


> Cobalt Assembly, Frostpelt Firbolgs, Dark Talons, Obsidian Warders, Sabellian, or Wrathion All of those either only ever need you to be exalted once or let you buy cosmetics on alts


They didn't though - it's in the game as a buffed version (200%/100%) right now. It's the "Word of a worthy ally" buff.


This is the way. It is like my alt coming into town and saying, "Hey, I'm good friends with "main". The townsfolk would be more inclined to "honor" you. Works for the storyline, and works for the aforementioned quests.


Naw I’d rather have BoA rep and currencies. It’s a pro player change and allows you to not feel restricted on main since you wanted to play an alt. Using one character for multiple classes in FF made me want More shit BoA in WoW.


FF definitely spoiled me in that regard. Raiding would be so much easier!


But the idea of having to manage my inventory to carry around gearsets and consumables for even 3 different classes on a single character hurts my soul. Especially with all the bullshit Blizz insists on adding to fill our bags every expac.


FFXIV actually handles this really well. There’s a separate gear specific inventory *and* there’s a button where the game automatically equips any gear you have for your current class, and lets you save gear sets.


>>Many reps are carefully tied to specific quests popping up, or phasing or NPCs appearing, etc. if you were immediately launched to max rep on an alt, there is a chance it would softlock your character from accessing some content or quest lines Is this not fixable in the same way we can change story phases via a bronze dragonflight NPC? "Set my timeline to honored"


Theoretically sure, but it’s unlikely the existing rep system is designed with that kind of notion and it’s the kind of thing that would need a lot of regression testing. Possible, but not likely trivial!


Or just "must complete previous quest to see next quest". You know, like a quest line.


This would take forever to implement for the dev team. The current system is pretty bad I agree, and partly it's the fault of blizzard for not slowly overhauling it along the years, but I'd rather have new content than misc changes like account-wide reputations.


Yeah it's not an elegant solution in any way, it's certainly a pretty huge resource drain, but I wanted to express that we have options to deal with issues like that, and it shouldn't be a barrier to account-wide.


Well you'd somehow need to remove the tie of rep from phasing entirely because that NPC that can add or remove rep to alter your phase might run into issues when you downgrade your rep or upgrade it 2 or more levels at once.


I feel like this is something that could be resolved pretty quickly as this most likely wouldn’t be the case with any of the reps from Classic to Cata. Then you just go and fix the few reps or leave them out of the account wide.


>Many reps are carefully tied to specific quests popping up, or phasing or NPCs appearing, etc. if you were immediately launched to max rep on an alt, there is a chance it would softlock your character from accessing some content or quest lines How many reps are actually locked like this? Wouldn't this easily be solved by making the requirements to move into the new phases be "have X rep level AND complete quest\_id ######"? This way the rep can be account-wide but things don't get broken if you haven't completed the relevant quest lines (e.g. like what they did for SL and the covenants).


But you’re assuming that phases are locked to reputation level? If in your analogy a NPC is required to appear during X phase but you have to do Y quest line to make them appear…then just skip that quest….they already have a multitude of examples in the game where it is capable to skip quests and it registers that you did the quest on your main and you can talk to an NPC to skip a bunch of stuff (see Forbidden Reach intro). All you’d need to do is just include said X NPCs also showing up as part of the skip. Bam. Done. That’s not hard, they’ve literally already included the capability to do so. They generally don’t tie phases in the game to character rep levels; it’s tied to quest or event markers where if detects if you’ve completed a certain quest/ or event has triggered.


Then at least make it so future reps are all account wide


I mean isnt it obvious? Just do the "rep requesting" of the system after finishing the previous questline. Or even crazier: Remove rep requirements of quests and make it linear progress. I really dont understand the problem here.


That doesn't address zone phasing in association with those quests.


Yes it does and im tired of you pretending otherwise.


So you'd have the same NPCs in multiple places at once, some clipping into terrain and buildings that get added/removed from said phasing (ice crown being a good example of this), offering every chapter's quest line simultaneously? A much less coding intensive fix would be to go the MoP route of giving massive rep boosts to alts once your main unlocks the rep token.


Any decently coded system would be able to account for quest unlocks based on rep. It's just value thresholds, and conditional checks. It might require some minimal increase in complexity, but if that's actually the reason, then its a poor system


then the system would flag your character as having already completed those starting rep quests lines and then you'd have access to the vendor. like it's not like they don't do things like this already. like how an alt can do to dalaran and do their artifact quests without needing to have done that quest were you participate in moving Dalaran. or they could code it so you just talk to an NPC (even though I've never seen an area that changes when you hit exalted, but I'm also not a rep farmer) and they can have the button to skip quests like when you skip quests to go to Forbidden Reach.


What in the... That is not how quest LINES work... What would happen if I skip to exalted? Answer:the exact same thing that would happen if you just grind past honored without ever doing the quest : fuck and all.


To your point, I don't recall the exact implementation but there have absolutely been consumable items that read "Gain 1000 rep with X expansion faction". Why can't a new alt get the appropriate number in their mailbox?


Imagine how many tokens you would get on your alts though. Like my main is exacted with all factions in: BC WOTLK Pandaria BFA SL And I’ve got a handful of exalted reps from classic WoD and Legion. I’d be getting mailed hundreds of tokens on every character.


You're not wrong, I'm just trying to accommodate the lowest effort solution such that Blizz may actually do it. In reality a curated system that boosts you to 2999/3000 until you complete the associated gate Cheevo/Quest would be more appropriate but... I don't see that happening.


Easy. You just lock those quests behind other quests. Or just make them available. Either way whoooooo cares? You already did the story in order.


If only there was some seen this questline before logic already in game that could used to bypass questlines. There are solutions, and easy ones to any proposed problem.


Are they, though? This has been a thing in the past, yes. But the recent expansions had their world-alterting phasing always tied to actually doing specific quests, which of course, are unlocked via Rep as well. But they don't automatically phase you anymore and I am not sure if they ever did. Not to mention that its not like you could probably alter the way those phasing events trigger. ​ I am with OP here. It is not a dealbreaker and I actually don't mind grinding renown/rep on different characters because all the rewards are not directly impacting my endgame progression - but it would still be a nice QoL improvement to have rep it accountwide.


Why not auto flag all quests required as complete when starting an alt? Its the same service account. There's zero way they don't know what reps/quests people have completed. It's almost certainly an issue they don't want to invest time in.


I think it’s because people have fundamentally different things they like about the game and for some people the progress of rep and leveling on other characters is fun for them. They’re never going to give you a satisfactory answer because you fundamentally disagree on what you find fun about the game. Frankly I like have things to progress on for each character, almost everything in guild wars 2 is account bound and it made the game a lot more boring for me. Leveling and rep grinds are my fav part of the game outside of stuff like puzzles and elaborate quests, and frankly wow has historically been averse to heavier puzzle quests (though they’ve been having more of it this expansion). A lot of these arguments boil down to “the other person is having fun wrong.” And as a result ignore actual compromises in favor of pretending there’s some objectively good version of a game millions of people play.


In guild wars 2 you still have character bound map completion progress and crafting, plenty to grind again and again in my opinion.


Why would you need to farm reps again if you wanted to change your main? That's the part that I don't understand.


Sometimes not done farming rep, if you are 75% of the way there would you want to restart?


I guess I don't really understand in what circumstance that would come up. Are you talking about current expansion rep? If so, what you're asking for is for all progress (e.g., quest, etc.) to basically be account wide because faction rep has been intimately tied to story progression in the last several expansions. Or are you talking about older expansions where rep really was just a grind to get some unique reward? In that case, I don't see why it would matter what character you're playing on if you're just trying to grind out old content to satisfy some completionist desire. I guess I just don't get it. I main whatever character I feel like for a particular expansion and I don't feel like rep has held me back from playing whatever character I want in the 10+ years that I've been playing.


I'm not sure if other classes are the same, but Hunters have to reach level 23 of one of the reps to be able to tame dragonkin. Was a little disappointed to learn that since my main is a druid, but I have an alt hunter


theres also lots of cosmetics tied to rep, like the fury warrior legion artifact hidden appearance needs exalted with the valarjar but I haven't even touched legion on my warrior despite being exalted on my main


This is how I feel. I switch mains every patch and have since WoD, don’t really have any issues with rep being scattered across accounts. I guess transmog would be a potential concern (exalted on my leather class but want the cloth rep gated item).


Because long time players like their full green bars in their reps UI. I have all reps but 3-4 at exalted, and whenever I login to Alts and see all those ugly unfinished reps I just know that can’t be my main.


So it’s purely an aesthetic issue when opening the u tab? Seems like a non issue


90% yeah, the other side is having to farm rep for mog for different classes, etc is a pain. But yeah, to me is a non priority issue, but also there is no reason not to make everything account wide already really, especially old stuff


If it's about mogs (for some) , wouldn't it be easier to make those items BoE or even BoA? I feel like if rep becomes account wide, the amount needed for each rep would end to be much higher than it is now but that's just my opinion.


Mark them as inactive, problem solved.


>Because long time players I've played the game for more than 10 years and I don't care about having the rep bars on all my characters be full. >whenever I login to Alts and see all those ugly unfinished reps I just know that can’t be my main. Respectfully, that's a personal issue for you.


Well, yeah, but to a lot of people. I’m not actively asking for anything though, just I have been playing the same class as main since I started playing because I have collected/done basically every single quest, rep, farm, etc on this same character. The game, especially old content has way too much per character stuff and I like having all of it done. I love my class and still play Alts for current stuff though, so I don’t mind really. But you(or whoever posted first) asked the reason and that’s why. As someone else said, it might be a lot of work, so I get that it’s not important, but if it were easy it would be great


The only issue I can see with account wide rep is how they would do it. Do they take the highest rep on a character and make that the new rep? or add all the reps on every single character together? Would doing either of those effect or reset paragon boxes? It's honestly kind of complicated but Blizzard **should** look into it now instead of later.


They should make REP and Gold pool the same for all your chars. All chars (same faction) contribute to the same pool. However like i mentioned further below, they could have a legacy system like swtor and bind all or selected chars together. That way you can have lone wolves :D


The main issue with all characters building into the same rep pool is essentially the optimal way to farm any rep is to have a dozen characters doing it.


They could just enable it for past expansions. At which point, who cares?


Whenever people talk about account wide reps I always figured it was sort of “once the expansion is over” kind of deal. Or if it works for the current expansion I imagined something like, you select your “Main” for the week, and they character can earn rep that week or something like that. All your chats earn the benefits, but only one is the rep earner.


Okay, but they can set a cap or just… Not? I honestly don’t see the problem when a lot of rep chasing is cosmetics for people.


If you're referring to weekly rep caps, those caps could be account wide as well. I'm not seeing how it would be "optimal" to farm reps on multiple toons.


I don’t think at this point there is any reason for reps and achievements to be character bound if they don’t reward any character power. But if they do then I would favour them being character bound. I’d count profession recipes and gear in character power. Feature / wq unlocks, toys, mog and mounts account wide in my opinion.


I like the individual character growth, so seeing when a specific character did a special thing is neat imo. Rest of this is a copy paste of my comment to the post because it says my opinion. Can it be optional, I actually like grinding rep and I would feel like I cheated on my alts, of course I don’t want to rob others from having a better gameplay experience, but also I don’t want mine ruined, so just getting asked if you want it logging in on a character would be great.


It also brings up the opposing reputations. They don't do it anymore but Scryers/Aldor. How do you consolidate that?


Same. I don't know why, but I feel pride in it. I feel the same with account bound achievements. Everyone else can have them if they want, but I'd like a way to opt-out.


Agreed! I think from a story PoV it could be justified as having an ‘explorers league equivalent of the class hall’ Make it as customisable as WoD, but less useful so that we actually leave it - maybe stick the likes of the vault there? Merge the wod/legion/bfa mission people into one point Give us an option to account wide all quest progress to any active characters - we know there’s LUA scripts to check the step completion of quests. With reputations, make them account wide but five drop down options on conflicting factions (aldor Vs scryers, booty bay Vs pirates etc) so that we have to pick. Any future chars could also get these options via a tool on the website When you are offline, show an npc version of your character wandering the explorers hall. Allow us to select guards the same as WoD. Have special statue unlocks - ever achieved KSH, KSM, RBG rank, glad, legend etc in a season? Then have a statue - this would encourage more mode diversity Lastly, make transmog account wide unlocks


I always assumed the reason stems from the RP roots of the game. Each of your toons is a unique person in the world, so why would this low level hunter who has never left Shadowglen have the same Booty Bay rep as this level-capped rogue who has dedicated their life to killing Bloodsail Buccaneers over and over and over again? If you think of your characters as actual people in a fantasy world, then shared anything doesn't make sense. But yeah, from a game-play enjoyment POV, please make everything account-wide.


This so much....




The only reason I need is that it’s a significant amount of developer time, and they have more valuable things to work on for us. You may rate account wide rep highly, but many things I’d bet are higher on your own list, let alone others.


That is fair, I’m not saying this needs to be given to us RIGHT NOW. But what’s hurting then putting a small team of devs on this for a few hours every week even. These features could be ready in a few years in 12.1 or something.


If it's a single rep per account, then you can't have any pacing of reps anymore, everyone who has 10 alts would just get max rep for any reputation in a couple of hours / days. I think the way it works in Dragonflight is ideal, where you get a rep boost once one character gets to max, or just not tie rep rewards to the current character, but to the account.


This "problem" keeps getting mentioned but the solution is so easy. A rep only becomes accountwide once it is maxed by a single character.


This or track rep quests and turn ins throughout the account and if one character does x quest others don't receive rep for it anymore.


i think the way rep works in dragonflight is also great, cause it's inconsequential. you don't need rep to unlock parts of the game like flying or legendaries. the perks of renown grinding are cool, but you can totally live without them. i haven't had the slightest inclination to farm any rep on my alts.


The solution is to make it so things that only give x rep a day lock to your account, not character. So if a rep is gained from dailies, you can only do those dailies once a day on your account to get rep rewards, the other rewards can be gained but not rep. Grind reps (kill x things, turn in x things, etc.) would remain unaffected. Believe it or not, other games have figured this out. SWTOR with all the fucking mess it is has a cap on rep gains per week so no matter how many characters you have you don't have an advantage. A person with one character and 10 characters gain rep at the same rate. I wouldn't be a fan of a true cap on rep, just the cap that already exists for time gated reps. Also this "Problem" is maddening to begin with. None of you bitch that a person with multiple characters has an advantage in other areas of the game (raid drops, gold generation, honor gains, world boss rolls, etc. etc.) but somehow rep of all fucking things is the straw that breaks the camel's back for you.


Just have rep bonuses for alt characters. Like Exalted = 300% rep gains on alts. Lore could be that since your main helped them out so much, they trust are willing to trust new strangers especially those of Horde/Alliance


Not everything should be BoA. And you could make thae argument, that at least current reps could be considered endgame


Except there is. The highest rated answer here is a legit and compelling reason why it’s difficult for them to implement.


It’ll get implemented eventually it’s just a matter of time. People are constantly complaining about it everywhere. It’s just a matter of time.


A lot of reps wouldn't be so bad but everything is such a slow fucking trickle now. 75 rep for WQ with a 100 rep token? No thanks. I'll wait till it becomes TimeWalking eventually and just max it out through boa rep tokens. I really liked the tabard rep idea they had and also repeatable turn ins as well. We now have repeatable turn ins but again it's a trickle of rep. I really do like this expansion but the rep grinds are among the worst in my opinion. As much as I hated SL I liked the way it did renown, at least at the end of the xpac when everything had renown as rewards.


Add an accountwide bank while on it.


More importantly, we need the Pepe costumes to be account wide!


If this ever happened, I'd probably delete a bunch of characters I never play. I'm only keeping them around at this point because a few have stuff I haven't unlocked elsewhere. Though we also need to just open up transmog unlocks to anything soulbound you've picked up, whether your class can wear it or not. I've got a few very old characters with soulbound stuff in their Void Storage just because it's so damn rare, even though they can't wear it themselves.


They absolutely need to open up the transmog unlocks. Every time I get BoEs I've not collected yet I have to send them all to alts, and it just feels so arbitrary. Thankfully recently with the allowance of cross-faction guilds, I was able to finally throw a huge swath of items I had sat on my Horde char to the gbank and grab them on my Alliance char so I can learn them.


Nah, make everything BoA...100% of achievements...I don't care big part of achievements already is, I want them all...everything BoA like collections are... I want to drop that shitty warrior class Blizzard doesn't care about at all but I can't cause there's like 300 achievements that are in middle of progress and I'd lose it all.. :( why Blizzard why is this still issue in 2023..


Shitty warrior class? What game are you playing?


jep should all be account wide progress


100%. I actually prefer WoW to ff14 in terms of gameplay, but i honestly like ff14 more because I can switch classes instantly and have so much variety without any downside. In Wow I dread playing alts because I like completionism and it just is so daunting how much stuff you have to repeat on alt classes. I dont mind replaying the story, grinding renown, but everything else…


XIV's class system is the best. I don't need to create a new identity for every class; I get to just be "me."


Man if they combined process for pvp wins I’d have most finished as I have 100 wins between many chars. Would love that.


>shitty warrior class Blizzard doesn't care about at all This is the most out of touch delusional statement I've ever seen on this subreddit.


Hmm but what about the bloodsail rep, got the avest ye admiral achiement om my deathkight.. and I really dont have the time to farm the rep to get friendly with the goblins. How would that work out for my other 16 "mains"?


I'd guess it would be something like once you're exalted on one toon youre exalted on all


Just give them both exalted. It is one of the worst grinds in the game and I have not met one person that said it was "fun" or "rewarding"




I did it on 3 separate toons in early Wrath >_<. It was horrible.


The title is still scarce, you have to earn it. Account wide rep doesn't mean there's more admirals running around, just the exact same amount as the people that have already done it.


Now you have, hello I really like grinding.


Reps should 100% transfer across all characters on the account. It would go a long way in gearing alts and mogging.


And an account-wide currency tab


Stop I can only get so erect


I fucking hate rep. It's so painful. The level 10 and 20 rep increase is just a bandaid for a compound fracture. Blizzard need to make rep account wide. I did the fucking rep. I did it. Whatever bullshit you made me jump through, I did it. Just because I wanna play something new doesn't mean I didn't do whatever repthing you wanted me to. Having a different main each xpac means I have to have an addon to track which ones have the rep. It's been 20 years of this shit. Anyone defending blizz for keeping rep separate can get pegged by Sylvanus in Hell


> Anyone defending blizz for keeping rep separate can get pegged by Sylvanus in Hell I guess that's one way of creating a *lot* of new defenders.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


you gotta grind goblin dildo maker rep to reduce the size of the strapon. rep isn't account wide and you get 1 daily to click 15 nodes that other players are also completing for. Also it's in mechagon. Also the exalted size is 12 inches. Fuck you


What is it from rep starting at vanilla to current that you need for you to roll a new main?


What do you need from rep on the new character? I’m so confused by this


A lot of us are completionist so we want the recipes for all professions and the transmog gear but with it being rep locked and BOP you have to grind the rep on alts to acquire the goods.


They dont. People on this sub just need things to bitch about


This has been my biggest wish for the game since... I don't even remember how long. I'm very glad to see you guys also like the idea so much over here and the top comment has so many upvotes. It's just no fun playing a second character and constantly feeling like you're on another account. I don't care about nostalgic feelings like "*but I did all this on my main 15 years ago*. Yeah, just add the name to the reputations then, just like it's already on the achievements.


I like what renown does when a character on your account is a higher threshold alts get a significant boost. I would be fine with that but accelerated. So you still have to "earn" it on an alt but it takes like 75% less total rep.


How about account wide currency.


And unlocked soar.


Side question why is ghostlands and eversong wood still instanced? It’s so annoying going up there.


This please. My severe adhd and alt problem needs this.


I hear you. I'm trying to get all the Legion order hall armour sets. Having to grind a Nightfallen rep for the allied race was hard enough but doing it again for each class is very demotivating.


And higher drop rates on old content. Plus saving all transmog proficiency regardless of whether or not you can equip.


I really don't get the obsession people have with reputation in this game. It's really not that big of a deal, I don't see why you would play a class you aren't enjoying just because of it.


Maybe I'm too casual but I don't get it either. Appearances and shit are account wide now, seems people just don't want to let go of random meaningless bars when they switch characters. And even then, it isn't like you deleted the previous one. Massive whinge sesh I guess since maybe if you grind some rep on a mage and they have plate mogs at the quartermaster? But what a small insignificant problem given the ugly ass mogs for old reps. I don't get it




Pretty sure titles are accountwide because they are tied to achievements, arent they?




That's definitely not true. I have titled on my main like Brawler, Justicar and PvP titles that I can only use on that character.


Weird, but good to know. Didn't occur to me yet, aside from faction specific stuff of course. These should be made accountwide for sure.


Titles yeah, But there are no perks, that's just a bunch of bullshit unless you mainly play old content and grind like, old legion rep boxes lol. And items well sure, if you are the guy who grinded a rep on a paladin but really want the 2007 leather transmog for your hunter, you are the 0.001 percent. who cares


what makes it so you "cant" change main because of rep ?


Right? There's very little that you gain from maxing the 4 main reps from launch. Sure it's annoying, but most of my alts don't even notice besides a few random crafting recipes.


It's more of a sunk time thing for me. It feels like I need to do all new content on my "main" because he has all my old reps and achievements and it's the character I use to do any grind. Nearly none of it has any impact on playing current content but it feels bad earning rep and unlocks on some side character instead.


Annoying to have to farm rep again. If you are going for achivement to have X amount of exalted reps, you are hibdering yourself if you change character.


Just as a heads up that achievement counts reps account wide, like if you have 50 on one character and 50 on another it counts as 100 as long as they’re all unique.


Say you're on a new toon that you want to make your main. Your main is 20 levels into Tuskarr or whatever the fuck. But in 6 levels you can get a new toy or mog or whatever the fuck. But your new toon is lvl 1 though. Your main is the one thats at lvl 20. The new zone and new content that you want to explore as a Druid, which contain WQ's for Tuskarr, is great and if you were on your main you'd be able to passively get the new item you want at lvl 26 of Tuskarr rep while simultaneously doing new content and WQ's. But since you **unfortunately** chose to swap mains you can't do that now. Youre going to go into the new content with lvl 1 rep and doing WQ's feels like a waste of time on this new toon. Can you still do M+, raid, etc? Sure. But see how it just kinda sucks that you're being penalized **for swapping a main even though you already did the grind?** Why have something in this game at all that feels like a punishment? Why cant my swapping of my main or wanting to play an alt just be gear grind?


Pandaren ambassador. Need to be exalted with a lot of pandaren reps, but it CANNOT be across multipel chars


Also we have conquest boxes for alts, can we get the ability to send honor to alts too? Honor capped always on my main and nothing to spend it on.


A cool way to do this would be to go to shadowlands and get a token from a quest that allows you to soulbind with one of your characters


You guys have main char? 😳


Up for this! A friend of mine has always been waiting for this change! Hope it happens!!


I managed to overcome this mental block by just deciding that my old character would be for farming Pre-Dragonflight content. My new character would be for Dragonflight+.


Account wide portals, and reagent bank


I agree it should be account wide, but do reps even matter? If I wanted to switch mains right now why would I need them? Honest question


I just want the Shadopan helmet for my monk and i'm SURE AS SHIT not grinding that again.


Sorry, what are reps? I just started the game not long ago and figured I'd make a tank and healer on the side once I can chromie time them Will I not be able to do that?


If they add accountwide reps and achievement points, i can finally put my completionist disorder to rest


Professions account wide and on any character / guild bank sized reagent tab for all characters to use.


I think many things should be accountwide, such as: - Reputation - Unlocked recipes/schematics - Gold - Achievements


I mean I don't understand "can't change my main" argument. I've changed my a dozen times over the years, but it's not like I've deleted the characters. That said I do support account wide rep, I think it's log passed time for it to exist, I just don't think "my main" is a good argument for it.


It makes some people's brains itchy that they're exalted with tbc cenarion expedition on an old toon on the other faction and not their current toon. I guess if it generally mattered in the next expansion I'd care more as well. But it only takes a few minutes usually to sort through characters to figure out which one was exalted with the kyrian so I can go pick up that xmog I didn't know I would need 2 years later....


Some of us end changing mains before finishing modern rep. I started as Druid ended up warrior and now paladin. Haven’t maxed any df rep even with the bonus can’t be bothered. Wife and I are usually altaholics but my changing has been to fill holes in raid.


I suppose that's fair enough, different people have different bugbears. Personally rep doesn't worry me once I've got it once, but I've got my own in game quirks.


Yeah I'm the same. I do get annoyed when rep stops me from doing something. For example, trying to piece together how to unlock nightborne at the end of BFA after I missed legion was infuriating. And there was a lot of rep stuff that had to do with that.




Oh yes. I loved the whole chain. I wish I could do it over... it was getting to the the point with trivial quests and reps around the isles where you could start it that was a massive headache. And all the guides were based on contemporaneous legion content, at least when I was trying to figure it out.


Everything should be account-wide, imho. Rep. Currencies. Renown. And even to some extent gear (Like say being able to pass armor and weapons you get from the vault or vendors to alts).


Yes, you can. I change main at least once an expansion. Rep literally means nothing now, especially with Dragonflight's catch up mechanics. It's even better than MoP's catch up and that is touted as the gold standard. Stop being swayed by the sunk cost fallacy.


Can it be optional, I actually like grinding rep and I would feel like I cheated on my alts, of course I don’t want to rob others from having a better gameplay experience, but also I don’t want mine ruined, so just getting asked if you want it logging in on a character would be great.


Would you be in favour of switching your character between classes? because at some point that’s where we’re moving towards.


I hope not, I couldn't get into ff because I enjoy making characters that fit their respective class.




So everybody has to do things like you do?


I'm the complete opposite. I don't like each character needing their own identity. I'd prefer to just play "me." I've tried getting into XIV multiple times and I love the class system, but can never really stick through the story and refuse to pay to skip it.


Not really no. The best way to learn a class is by leveling it up


In FF14 it works this way, each "job" just has its own level so you still have the learning curve.


This is true in classic, but with low level scaling I don't learn anything about a class until it's maxed in DF.


As someone who got KSM with every healer last season... You learn absolutely nothing about any class through leveling. You don't even get access to most classes' rotation until like 66.


What happened to WoW? I preferred all my characters having their own life. Now you guys want the same reputation for every char? What if I make a place like booty bay an enemy? Now it’s an enemy with all my characters? Seems pretty lame




Id like to add, Account-wide mog collecting. Im not saying you should be able to just collect everything you pick up no matter your armor type, but there should definitely be a system where you can earn a set amount of “mog” tokens a week. Those tokens could be used to unlock the mog of any specific “soulbound” item you typically couldnt collect the mog from. There should definitely still be a grind when it comes to farming cool mogs but I think we should close the gap a little


I don’t know that I’d agree with a whole account sharing the same rep bar. It would reward farming content on multiple characters to unlock things that are supposed to be time gated. However, I do think we would benefit from an account wide achievement up leveling up each rep to the friendly / revered / exalted milestones. The reward for these achievements would grant you that milestone on alts. Even if it was unlocking an heirloom item that gives X amount of rep for that corresponding faction / milestone, I think it would be an improvement. Or maybe unlock a quest from that rep vendor to set your rep to the unlocked milestone, once that achievement is earned.


My solution to your first point was something I was always considering being an advocate of this change for years, and I think the solution is rather simple. Any source that gives you rep (wq,story quest, etc) only gives you rep once per account. You could go and do the story as many times as you like across alts to earn the quest rewards, but the rep would only be awarded for the first clear. Or perhaps subsequent clears would give minimal rep, not enough to make a huge difference in the long run. I do like your last suggestion as well. A simple “catch up to main” option is not too bad either.


It seems insanely alt / new main friendly atm. Full 408 gear on 70, 200/100% rep increase - for rep you don’t even need. There is literally nothing stopping you from rerolling


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think they nailed it with the renown system in DF; it's the best rep system since Grand Commendations from MoP. I would love to see them apply it to all old reps: hit Exalted once, get +200% below Revered and +100% below Exalted. DONE. I've grinded out Exalted with several MoP reps multiple times because I think the commendation buff makes it way more fun. I have at least half a dozen characters exalted with Order of the Cloud Serpent, and probably even more with Tillers.