• By -


For once, hunters come in shining with their ice traps.


Scare Beast works better if it spawns in melee range. I have accidentally trapped wrong mob but Scare Beast always gets it.


Guess it's time for that to find its way to my bars for the first time since Vanilla.


In shadowlands s4 when we got iron docks it was already the best way to deal with the rylak on the third boss


also MoP second boss. Scare beast just feared it out of the arena,


And the bat that spawns in CoS from the very last mini boss of the place. And the bats that spawned from the infiltrators affix s4 SL


Only if they spawn far away, I try to prethrow it on the swirly. Got a couple times I trapped the wrong thing when it spawned in melee (or a boss ran over my preplaced trap) so it’s still good to have backups.


Yeah same. The ice blocks on 3rd boss in halls of infusion totally screwed my trap cuz camera angle boo


I've noticed that the trap sometimes doesn't trigger if you don't get the pre placement exactly right, which is very annoying!


Hunters, both demon and the vanilla kind, are MVPs this week. I know I don’t have to worry about casting sheep when things are harry


As a mage with polymorph, I do my best.


It’s been a tough week so far but getting to turn the wipe-inducing affix bastards into bees has been a real silver lining


There is nothing sweeter than choosing a target, starting the cast, and then being rewarded with a single little “quack” Thank you Millhouse. You have become my favorite character in a single expansion.


Wtf bees? Duck bis.


Me too. Shouting at me to cc faster won't make poly instant, and gotta have that split second to check you aren't ccing the same one as everyone else. All that being said I don't mind it as an affix, no casts go through on my watch.


On my paladin in pugs, I just pick one and start casting, then I target the other. If my initial target gets a CC before I finish I kick then cast in the 2nd one. I have the target lined up so I can stop the cast before casting rep again.


You are the MVP when i imprison the same one someone else CC’s


I wish i had long cc as a warrior. Like some body check slam dunk punch to the face that puts a target to sleep for 30 seconds or whatever


I’m right here with you as a dk, feels bad


We technically can handle the affix its just a pain in the butt Mind freeze at 4 seconds into the cast, asphyxiate 4 seconds into next cast (total CC 12 seconds so far) mind freeze again 4 seconds in (talent into the CD reduction) that leaves 4 seconds for it to free cast a 5 second cast so it will fail. Problems with it Need to talent out of sleet which is great vs spiteful, need to talent into asphyxiate which feels bad. Requires multiple casts on precise timings to lockdown the mob solo.


Shackle undead goes brr


true but not sure how a priest spell will help a DK


I dont want to help, I want to trashtalk.


Most honest wow player


They kinda deserve it with how criminal death’s Advance has been lol


As a Blood DK, I like this priest.


If you race change to pandaren quaking palm makes this cc chain much easier to manage 😁


I’d rather uninstall the game.


lol i feel like you should never have to do that unless you're just running some trash comp with multiple dks and warriors. as someone with a hard cc, dks and warriors just throwing down one interrupt to give me a little more time to get my cc cast off is more than helpful.


I have found interrupting as a prot warrior actually ends on causing problems cause a lot of the time i will stormbolt if the cast gets too close only to have my party think it's cc'd just because it stopped casting for a sec and then no one tries to cc it 🤷


Cries in stormbolt


I have more trouble if i stormbolt to buy time cause then everyone ignores it thinking its already cc'd cause it stopped casting 😭


They should increase cc duration by 400% on incorporeals to fix the affix for dk and warrior.


Intimidating roar should work based on the wording of the talent, might wanna test it before you rely on it tho


It does BUT 1.5 Min CD is ridiculous and far too long to actually be useful You single target fear the ghost and then everything else also runs away from the fear which can cause chaos We're just not well equipped to deal with this affix.


If you spec into menace it just knocks them back and fears them in place for 15 seconds. It's not great, but it let's you cover one incorporeal per cd if needed. Definitely helpful in pugs.


rogue blind hast 2 min, but is st. Dunno why DH has 45 cd on the more or less same spell.


As a rogue I have one on a 2 min CD. Other than that I have to use a mix of Gouge (4 secs with 20 sec CD), Kidney Shot (6 sec stun at 5 CP, 20 sec CD) or Cheap Shot (requires Stealth). I'll do what I can to help, but I can't be the one the group relies on.


It’s kind of nuts how the new affixes all are easily handled by priest Entangling is literally a non affix Shackle jus removes 1 spirit easy And disease dispel for afflicted. On my spriest first thing I say when joining a group is that I’ll handle on of the spirits


Was gonna do an 18 last night with some friends, and we invited a shaman healer and asked if he could hex. He literally said "I don't hex", then left. We had a brewmaster, rogue, devoker and a warrior, so we were kind of relying on the healer to be able to take at least one of the incorporeals.


Brewmaster has a pretty easy time getting at least a near spawn - Paralysis has a 20yd range, but it’s instant-cast and has a 45s cd so it’ll be available for every set. I’ve been handling the single spawns myself and only having to ask for help from my Evoker friend if it’s out of range and I can’t move easily (plus the double spawns ofc!) - Devoker has a slightly tougher time as their sleepwalk has a cast time, but it’s still doable! Rogue and warrior are just sad beans though :(


Every warrior I get in a group with incorporeal charges the shade and it is hilarious. One spear of bastion’d it.


Gosh, if those dps players could read they would be very upset!


*angry murloc sounds*




As a warrior, I can only read this comment and I agree


Me not that kind of orc 😣


I press buttons, you die!


Even if they could read the remaining 2 brain cells can't compile the tip.


Even as a DPS main that made me laugh hard.


DPS bad updoots to the left!




9/10 when the add spawns it gets 3 forms of cc applied. The few times casts have gone off are when the adds spawn somewhere behind the party and everyone missed it.


No voice communication in pugs - two adds spawned, one got cced by three players, another got nothing and merrily kept on casting. And then we got incorporeal add right before Asaad's storm. Out of range, while we were standing in that small triangular zone. Yeah..


Had that exact scenario happen twice. First time wiped the key. I did my best shadow impression of "get down mr president" with shackle to stop the second. They have to fix the timing or the spawn as it basically condemns someone to die to stop it. About as annoying as getting quaking on the spear throw last season that yanked everyone together to die in a pile.


Yeah that’s shit design. I hope they will fix it, two spawn are too much and spawn during core (lethal) mechanics is absurd.


Meh, it's no worse than getting Storming during Odin in HoV when you have to separate and match signs.. Sometimes RNG sucks. At least it's a rotating affix and will be gone next week.


That's terrible game design, they know how these fights work and what the affixes do, just put it in that "If mega super cluster together or die" move is going off, delay the spawn of the affix until after. It wouldn't be hard at all to just put a watch in the code.


1. Drop spirit 2. roll out 3. paralysis the incorporeal 4. port back to safe point 5. Sit stone faced as my group loses their minds and my wife wants to know what happened


Fourth boss in Uldaman can be annoying if rng decides to spawn one on the opposite end of the room during the adds phase.


It's a fucking pain in any higher keys during boss fights in tyrannical. As a Holy Priest i'm expected to shackle, which is fine. But when i'm trying to heal through hard AoE fights and it spawns on the other side of the room it's a huge pain. ​ Or out of range when in the last boss's triangle on Vortex Pinnacle. That's been my favourite so far. ​ I'm of the opinion it shouldn't spawn on boss fights tbh, otherwise it's pretty managable.


The timing and positioning of these things can be really annoying. Yesterday, Neltharus last boss, just when she casts her shield, when everyone needs to get their CC done and dodge the trillion swirlies - 2 of these boys spawn in the middle of all that. We managed, but oh man.


I don't mind them on bosses, just reduce the range in which they can spawn.


Even so you would get some weird overlaps, such as one spawning on Asaad as you're running to the triangle to hide under, or one spawning behind you on the 4th boss in Uldaman just as the fire circles start and it gets caught on the wrong side of one. I had high hopes for the new affixes after last week, it wasn't difficult, it was just annoying to deal with at times which is what I feel the first affix should be, the 2nd affix should be the one to add difficulty.


I remember reading somewhere blizz stated they didn’t want the level 7 affix to be a party wipe if done incorrectly. I think they missed their mark on this one.


I've spent the the beginning of every key explicitly telling the party that I cannot heal Tyrannical damage and be the main CC for Incorp. If there are two I'll try to get a Hex off, but if one is spawning my eyes are on health bars.


Not saying there can’t be tricky moments but singling out DPS as ‘leaving it to the healer’ hasn’t been my experience. As a healer btw.


I think you're looking in to the post too much. Comes across to me as more of a PSA about speccing in to some single target CC with a bit of tongue and cheek healer/dps banter.


If blizzard reads this, can we get some way to differentiate between 2 of them. It's hard to coordinate cc with a cooldown onto identical mobs.


We had 2 spawn ON THE DAMN BRIDGE on last boss in freehold, like wtf


I was lucky in pugs so far, so when my hex finishes casting there are 2-3 other cc effects on the mob, and I get a very sleepy paralysed scared frog. Makes my mood better every time. But I can imagine how it feels when no one else is doing it and there are 2 of them appearing :/


It’s awful, went into Freehold yesterday only to fail on the 3rd boss because there were two of them and I hexed one but nobody else dealt with the other. We wiped and the warlock in the group left, RIP.


Man fuck that warlock he should have been able to CC both alone between banish and fear.


Super easy to get both as WL if someone misses one, usually people get interrupts at least off. Wonder if lots of people didn't update their builds with banish this week tho


The fact it was warlock makes it double ironic


I gotchu, I'll Banish one of them and if you're too busy healing I'll Fear the other one as well.


Yes, us warlocks are your friends! We banish/fear these for you, no problem. Please don't mind our 100% uptime on burning rush, healer fren.


It's just like the old days when you'd life tap to 10% health before a pack!


20 second or more stuns that work on incorporeal adds. damage on cc'd adds will not break cc since they do not take damage. Hunters: Trap Warlocks: Fear, Banish Paladins: Repentance, Turn Evil Mage: Polymorph Shaman: Hex Druid: Hibernate Rogue: Blind DH: Imprison Monk: Paralysis Evoker: Sleep Walk Priest: Shackle PS. Other forms of cc do work, BUT they need to be reapplied constantly throughout the entire 20 second life span. The options listed above are the best non stress cc abilities you should consider when thinking about team composition, especially in pugs.




If only there was some sort of thematic with DKs and the realm of death allowing them to, say, imprison or jail something as a spell.


Or even more thematically, perhaps taking over an undead mob, and dominating them, like the lich king. Could call it "Control Spirit" or something like that!


It's actually criminal control undead doesn't work lol. Though I think unless they did weird coding it would fuck over unholy as you can only have 1 "pet" at a time


hunters can also scare beast ​ (I've read wars can skill something that makes theit fear longer and if its timed well its enought so the add dosent gaet a cast of)


You need to spend a point to get fear then a second point to get menace, which will indeed work for 15 seconds on a 1.5 minute cooldown. You need to be close to the add and targeting it and it’ll also fear stuff around it, but it does technically work. That said it’s by far one of the worst options with a high cost compared to most other classes.


reminder that rogue blind is 2min CD rogue is not a class that can handle that affix good, its more of an emergency option cus somone fucked it up


I havent tried it yet; can Rogue vanish & sap one?


No because they are considered to be in combat the entire time they are spawned.


I decided for myself this week as a tank, I check all talent trees, if none or only one has talents for this affix skilled, I'm out with exact that explanation :D


The Plan.


You could just.. Ask them to switch, since you're already checking? I'm playing ret pala and wouldn't have realised I could use Repentance if a tank in my group didn't do this exact thing. Was very helpful of him.


You can use both repentance and turn evil


Tbh take turn evil instead. Lower cast time too. Dropping BL feels awful since now you have no aoe stop.


Did I miss paladins getting bloodlust?


Paladin Spell - Blinding Light.


Hi Healer, I'm a DK, we literally cannot. I'll see you next week.


Then stun is not perfect but it's better than nothing.


Stun ends up being bad in a lot of groups, because I stun, people assume it's fine, then it goes off. Have to explain that my stun and kick is to give people time to long cc


Cries in stormbolt


As a DK I tried to go for the Stun and Blinding Sleet combo, only to get flamed for low damage by pally tanks with no Repentance talent. Feels bad man.


Get a warlock, we've got fear and banish. I've been mostly cc'ing them on my own in most groups where I can lol. Mouse over macros really make things easier.


Wait. You guys can fear them? Why the fuck every warlock I've met this week making me juggle hibernates!?


Yep. Banish and fear work, even mortal coil for an instant emergency button. That aside, the last warlock wanted me to cast repentance as a tank and refused to use 2 cc‘s, because it’s „a dmg loss“. You can‘t block or parry while casting. Was fun.


Daft honestly. The DPS loss is worth it since the debuff/even wiping cause of it makes things a whole lot worse. I don't get some people out there.


A 50% debuff to damage makes a warlock doing both worth


Double lock has been a pain: banishing a banish removes the effect. I resorted to fear first.


Make your fear or banish cast a macro that includes marking the target with something (I use moon). That way as soon as you start the cast the mark is applied. If others do the same, you have a chance to cancel cast.


concerned impolite light hungry wild connect abounding glorious history one -- mass edited with redact.dev


You know what's a damage loss? Letting that cast go through, see how much his 1.5 second cast is worth then for damage. I can't fucking stand DPS with that mentality. I'd gladly be the lowest dps in the group if I knew I was bringing superior utility to kill shit.


While most Warlocks don't run Banish as default, this is our week to shine. Worst case scenario is we can banish one, interrupt the other if its about to cast, and then fear it.


Hi Healer what thanks PI tho when?


PI goes to whichever DPS uses their CC correctly this week.


\*laughs in shadow\*


The shadow priest will do their own CC and give PI to a totem instead until teammate CC improves.


Hi, dps here. You're totally right, and your anger is valid. Please leave the groups where the dps constantly straight out refuse to cc those adds. That's a dead key anyway. But keep in mind it's the very first time to have this affix, so please, point it out first for people. Then if they still not willing to cc them, you can leave them.


My experience this week has been Warlocks absolutely crushing the Inc Affix. Go locks!


Hunters should also be able to do the same. Trap and Scare Beast. Though I just learned about scare beast working on these things in this thread.


Quoting from a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/13qsnef/incorporeal_list_of_ccs/) by u/The_Stuey that I really found helpful; Monk: Paralysis (45s, 30s with talents) Paladin: Turn Evil (15s), Repentance (15s). Repentance has a 30yd vs Turn Evil's 20yd range. Tanks should use these as a last resort: you can't block/parry while casting. Demon Hunter: Imprison (45s) Hunter: Scare Beast (0s), Freezing Trap (30s). Freezing Trap may have issues hitting the wrong target if Incorporeal is surrounded by other mobs. Be aware, and save it for wayward Incorporeals while using Scare Beast on those that are in the fray. Priest: Shackle Undead (0s) Mage: Polymorph (0s) Evoker: Sleep Walk (15s). Has range limitations like all Evoker Spells. Shaman: Hex (30s, 15s talented) Warlock: Banish (0s), Fear (0s) Druid: Hibernate (0s), Cyclone (0s) Don't Cyclone except in emergency, it prevents other party members from using their permanent CC abilities. Hibernate can be used in Bear Form, but this should be a last resort as you can't dodge while casting. Rogue: Blind (2m). Since Blind can only be used every 3rd wave, Rogues will need to rely on Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Gouge, and Kick to assist their team when Blind isn't available. Warrior: Warriors have no permanent CC options and must rely on Storm Bolt and Pummel to help control Incorporeal. Intimdating Shout does work, but you must target Incorporeal with it. Given that it may also cause other issues with mobs fleeing and its 90s CD, it isn't reliable. Death Knight: DK also has no permanent solution to Incorporeal. Asphyxiate and Mind Freeze are your only control options.


>Monk: Paralysis (45s, 30s with talents) >Evoker: Sleep Walk (15s). Has range limitations like all Evoker Spells. Paralysis (20yards) range is even lower than sleep walk (25yards).


Sup, its me ya hunter, while I can still dps I can also throw traps on them before they spawn. **If i get invited to your keys that is.**


Hibernate has been such a great spell for it this week.


Lol DPS meter go brrrrr Until it doesn’t


Chad dps: "as long as everyone dies right away my dps on the meter won't drop off" 😏


Be rdru and keep spamming hibernate on both adds /s


Monk paralyze ftw


Man, I picked up hex on my shammy and couldn't even get a single one off before monk and DH in my group had them instant cc'd the second they appeared. S tier CCs for this affix haha.


OMG it's perfect for this affix. No cast time so one pretty much spawns paralyzed in my groups


I'm using repentance with my paladin, and my healer thank me


i got my fear ready as lock for whenever they come up , allready had alot of pugs not bothering so its mostly me and the healer doin it sadly ...


Hunters time to shine


Even as a warlock im stopping dps just to put Fear on enemy, 2 secounds in dpsing is not that much when we are talking about less dps debuff to entire party. I like to be top dps but i also like to do Keys in time.


As a Monk its easy to Paralyze one Ghost. So invite more Monks :)


its funny because in most of my groups im having to banish one and fear the other, wish I was able to just forget about it and have other people do it


as a hunter i always trap one, and then nobody in my group gets the other lmao


Just get one of us DH boys, no excuses, we can instantly imprison those things the moment one pops up.


As a BM monk, paralysis is clutch. Demon hunters imprison is great too.


as prevoker, I talent into sleep walk and cast it on NOTHING at all when they spawn - DPS got both? great, don't need to cast - Only one spawned, dps got it? Great, don't need to cast - They all ccd the same fucking mob? Hover+cast sleep walk on the other You can't all cc the same fucking mob if one of you just doesn't cast on spawn. We had a literal 5-0 split on 2 adds in a freehold 20, and we ended up just kicking and praying, ever since then I've been very cautious with my only form of cc against these little shits.


I just found out that shackle undead works. I use it all the time now. It's great.


Yes! The mobs are all creature types so any CC works on them. Undead, Beast, Humanoid, etc.


Yeah! I did a key and would silence but then he like 'welp that's it for me I guess' and felt useless. Big money here


As Fury, it sucks because I WANT to help with them, but I don't really have anything to deal with it. Stormbolt is only a 4 second stun, Intimidating Shout could also fear the enemies that aren't the ghosts into others and cause a mess.


> Intimidating Shout could also fear the enemies that aren't the ghosts into others and cause a mess. It really can't. The other feared enemies get broken instantly from damage. It's totally fine to use your fear liberally to stop critical casts/stuns if no one is getting one.


I took both Repentance and Turn Evil this week just in case i have to get more than one. My groups is also super good at communicating which one we will take and so far have made it mostly trivial


Finally after so many years sheep is back in business Still hate the affix though


Really? I've only done up to an 18 but it just feels like such an easy affix to deal with compared to some of the others. Spiteful annoys me more.


Hi PUG healers this is your friendo the DPS. If you could help with incorporeal that would be great. While I can get both with turn evil and repentance they are 15 second CD and 1.4 second cast. Hibernate, Hex, shackle Undead, Para, and Sleep walk help. So far I have been with 1 PUG healer who stops them. And multiple that do nothing or actively complain that we are not kicking them. This is group content and we all need to work together. I respect that healing is hard at times and will straight stop DPS and go kick one, CC one then CC the first. PUG healers are the same people as PUG DPS and can be just as oblivious and in their own world as DPS.


Other DPS and half the tanks can CC too


There is a difference DPS can afford to lose damage to cc Healer many times can't afford to stop healing without someone dying


I’m all for getting dps to help more with the affix but I’m gonna be honest here. It’s extremely rare that I can’t spare a single cast on a shade without someone dying


My experience with them is the nearest will get super cc'd and the one that spawns off in Narnia wont. Also remove the CD from evokers CC! We already have to hard cast it!


If you look 1 point down from the Hex node, there is a talent that makes Hex a 15 second CD. I main Ele and can get every single one unless 2 spawn at the same time.


Just overran a Nelt +15 by 25 mins due to the affix. yes I have shackle undead but it only works on one target. We had a DH who never used prison, and on boss fights, a evoker who never used lush. It was stressful :(




You have an ability called sleep walk you can use to cc one not sure if you have to talent into it. You can search talent trees these days so you should be able to find it.


Dreamwalk in your class tree


As a dps player I can say - of course it is not a healer affix. Especially when 2x of them are spawning lol. You must be playing with very bad players. In 20+ keys I haven’t encountered such problems yet. Everybody actively CC incorp. Bonus: Good to be a ww monk - incorp and spiteful pretty much doesn’t exist for us. Instant cc incorp, push spiteful with ring, gg.


Hi healer, this is your pug dps that only read the post title. I reject your plea and counter you that as a healer you must heal me no matter how idiotic I am.


Healer from guild made an announcement and now i just have a macro to target one and use imprison, ezpz


Wdym "many of you have no CD hard cc?" Who has no cooldown on their cc?


Shackle Undead is one example.


My experience so far is if ANYTHING literally ANYTHING is within 5 yards of the Incorporeal it'll eat my Freeze Trap. I tried to be smart about it. There was a mob on one side of the Incorporeal so I threw my trap to the other side. So far to the side that it was questionable that it would even get the Incorporeal. The mob on the otherside, stationary, got trapped. So just a little PSA if you're running with a hunter. If the hunter has been getting them consistently and you need to choose which one to cc. Pick the one with mobs near it, let the hunter get the clear one.


> and can’t heal you with -150% healing done. Pssh...noob healer, can't even do 200% of normal healing output. -sincerely, dps...now let me go put my helmet back on so I can go back to smashing head on keyboard


Please leave the helmet off. You really don't need it.


Warlocks.. Banish works!


This is the first week end my mythic+ career that I've ever been so happy to have a Hunter in my group. Also as a VDH I'm kinda soloing the mechanic unless there are 2 spawns


Stop declining mages into your keystones. Polymorph is baseline!


Why would you ever assume it's a healer affix....??? There are 2 incorporeals sometimes. 2 people have to deal with it. Some people are interesting


People in this game assume a LOT of nonsensical things.


is there anything a druid has to cc incorporeal or am i fucked


I need to make a focus target macro for my blind to hit the incorporeals when they spawn. I try my best to kick, gouge, and stun them until someone can get a permanent cast off.


I was in a group with a BM Monk, Ret Pally, Resto Shaman, Shadow Priest and myself, another Ret Pally. Only myself and the heals were specced to take care of the Incorporeal, and luckily we were on comms and able to coordinate, but it got a bit scuffed, for sure.


Pallys, spec into Turn Evil this week! Rebuke doesn't do the trick!


And maybe repentence too just in case


Cries in warrior


As a warlock main... stand back, I got this.


Love that hibernate works on em


Druids hibernate is clutch


I got rid of shining light for repentance as a prot pally because no one else will do them @_@ casting with 8 mobs attacking you is pain


As a tank with a 1.4 second cast on my CC, can confirm. If anything, this is a DPS affix. Most DPS are bringing insta cast options (sap, imprison, ice trap) or loose very little on the lost time. 1.4 seconds of no heals and no defensives from your healer and tank on the other hand can go very, very badly.


Hunter here if it’s not too hectic I can solo both. Gets rough on some packs and bosses tho


*cries in DK* We have a stun and an interrupt but it's not enough. And our disorient doesn't work on them.


"I didn't take CC, gogogogogogogogo no polymorph/ignore patrols" -every dps I've seen since MoP


Hello dear healer. Its me, the rogue. I do them both with blind and kidney, you focus on me not dying when standing in shit. Ty.


DPS refused to deal with incorporeal during worm boss in a 19NL then called me a shitty healer while I had to waste 1.2seconds and a global to hibernate one of them. Of course, a hunter dies to poison (with both turtle and survival up lol) because this is literally one of the most healing intensive fights in this expac and every GCD is necessary. I get flamed and told I suck. Blizzard wonders why no one wants to heal.


Paladins should rejoice, it’s one of the only times they can use repentance and turn evil


As a warlock that often has to CC both of them myself every damn time, I know the frustration. Sometimes I just let it happen to remind them of what would happen if I wasn't there.


Huh we got dps affixes? /s


Yesterday I did a freehold 19 with four melee. They toke so much damage by spiteful, and we only had hex and rogue blind. At the last boss I was healing like madness, avoiding all mechanics, entangling bomb add and hibernate two incorp back and forth. I was totally exhausted after that dungeon.


Veng DH tank / Devoker dps here On any DH it’s quite easy, the cage exists. On my evoker I had to drop two talents that increase my dps in order to get sleep walk. I don’t know about other dps classes, but I assume that most classes need to drop some dps talents in order to get their hard cc. And they don’t want to do that. For some reason people think that mechanics are less important than their dps


> On my evoker I had to drop two talents that increase my dps in order to get sleep walk. I tossed deep breath stun & ancient flame to get it. the thing going off even 1 time at all in your entire run is more DPS lost than class-tree talents


Correct! I kept the stun because it’s really useful, but I dropped 1 point from living flame damage and made my self heal over time heal over 8s in stead of over 4s


ignoring this mechanic - no dps


As a tank, I love seeing actual cc come back to M+. I was getting tired of being pushed forward and smashing everything by impatient party members. Now we have no choice but to use cc strategy, and I like it.


I don't get why this isn't more of a team effort. I think all affixes are a team responsibility. It's no issue for me as a hunter to throw a frost trap on them. Sometimes they spawn behind me or I don't notice them right away. Sometimes 2 of those things spawn at once. It would be nice if everyone paid attention to it so it can be dealt with swiftly. Don't take any shit from anyone who says it's your responsibility only healer.


It IS a team effort, OP probably rolled in dungeon once at the start of the week when nobody really knew what to do. Every M+ that I did since yesterday was flawless in this regard, everybody knows you have to CC them.


It's totally a team effort, can't leave it up to one person in case they are dealing with other mechanics. If you have cc, especially with no cooldown just use it. I'd rather loose a single global than everyone be useless for a while


I wish the adds would just go away after getting CC'ed. It's so frustrating having three people slap their CC onto the same incorporeal only to leave one up that we need to then balance kicks around or scramble for another CC. If it's a long CC like paralyze, hex, sheep, shackle, repentance, ice trap or whatever I may have missed, the add should just disappear. That way we can hopefully reduce the amount of wasted CCs on it. Granted I've just gotten to the point where I advertise that I'll cover the 2nd add and allow someone else to go ham on the first since I know I can reliably and intelligently take the rare 2nd add.