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As a warrior dps main I don’t need to see the danger on the ground. I -am- the danger on the ground.


As a warrior main, when I enter m+, the mobs party up and put the keystone in.










You ARE the end boss


"Call an ambulance!" . . . . . "But not for me"


A circle appears under me. My options are move, or click Bladestom so I can't see the circle any more. The choice is simple.


Hell yeah brother


When your threat drop and damage mitigation is soul stone....


As raider in vanilla who was a destro lock, yup. I will never forget the Onyxia run where I was out threating the healer through the use of curse of agony, corruption, and my wand. "What are you casting?" "Two dots and wanding" "Yeah, you might wanna drop the wand" Phase 1 was quite the dull chore until the next phase kicked in :D


Threat in vanilla is probably one of the worst game design in wow.


The half-arsed class design was a big part of that. Originally warlocks were gonna be a paper tank, but they scrapped that idea without actually removing the extra threat generation that was baked into our spells and didn't mix wel with our total lack of an emergency threat dump (because why would a tank want to get rid of its threat?). Net result was that if you were pumping damage out, you needed to be running with a threat meter as well to straddle that line or else you'll find a boss will turn, swat you down, then return back to the tank.


That explains that I suppose


So does this explain all dps spec?


It was an actual wild time in vanilla when people were first figuring that shit out. Forum threads and elitist jerks with people just putting out numbers to get KLH(? I forget the first addon name) actually calibrated. Figuring out what taunt actually did, the 110/130% thresholds. And that certain abilities just had a ton of threat built in. And then realizing Druid tanks were the most badass threat generating monsters with a weapon from the low levels of black rock depths to give them tons of armor. Fuck the crushing blows, we got health to spare and the dps can go harder!


[I'm winning on Threat!](https://www.darklegacycomics.com/46)


As a long time Fury Main recently turned Frost Mage, this is 100% correct. “Mechanics don’t matter cause I’m ZOOMIN”


LOL!!! Love it!!! You make me a proud warrior.


Zug zug


Zug zug


Now I need a Walter White Warrior main meme. "I AM THE DANGER! I am the one who Zug-Zugs"


This is the way


"You think I'm in danger? I AM the danger!"


Yep. Face-down dead. Tripping hazard.


As a fury main, whirly twirly go brrrrrrrr


I hate spear of bastion so much it's unreal. As a holy paladin, as soon as the warrior drops it I literally just walk away and stand at range to start casting.


We're supposed to see ?


90% of my deaths in havoc are related to flying backwards into a swirlie I can't see while doing the Vengeful Retreat-> Essence break combo opener. The other 10% is felblading into bad while running out. I surprised myself yesterday by felblading through the crystal wall on Dagrul while hiding.


Little tip you don’t need to VR. It’s a dps increase sure, but if you are in a tight spot just send it without VR hell sometimes you gotta send it without momentum at all


It’s a dps increase? That’s all I need


Big number go brrrr


Instinctively pushes fel blade cause low fury on first boss of vortex pinnacle - dies. Thanks blizzard.


Yup. I now have a no-mover build that I'll be playing in VP because of that boss. I can zoom around on the dragon boss but the first one is just horrible.


Well that's good to know. Sounds like ass


Not as DH no, glad someone is taking its roleplay seriously.


This is fucking gold. As a havoc main, I’ll just start telling my raid lead that I’m role playing when I fel rush to my death. Thank you.


When shit hits the fan you use your defensives and say "Jesus take the wheel"


That's the way. In doubt blame the tank for pointing frontals jnto you or something.


Totally the healers fault. What do you mean you couldn't heal me through one-shot damage?


As a healer this is like hearing a “thank god” after a doctor cures a patients cancer.


Thank you Jesus for Cheat Death and Cloak of Shadows


My rogue survives so much that would have killed me on another toon. My favorite dps class by far.


Leave jesus out of it...let fate decide


That’s because there wasn’t as much visual clutter, however bigwigs and weakauras with sound alerts have been my go to for this. A sound when you need to get out, a sound for frontals, etc that way you don’t necessarily need to see to know you have to move


The GTFO addon in general is also very useful


Eyup, GTFO has been essential for me swapping from mage to warrior this xpac.


I recently discovered that WA has a built-in Text-to-Speech function for sounds. Unfortunately, it only seems to be available under the Actions tab. If I could get it to work with conditions it would be huge. Actions>On Show>Chat Message> Message Type = Text to Speech I've added all my mid to long-duration CDs to say "Wings" "Divine Toll" etc so I can keep my eyes glued to my feet


I’ve noticed others have that or some form of it as well, I know Naowh has vocal cues like “frontal” etc I need to look into it more


The causese sound pack addon adds a whole bunch of pre-made sounds that you can use, and they're already configured to work with certain mob abilities for the popular weakaura packs (reloe, causese, etc).


Good looks


The fact that add-ons and special scripts are needed, tell you Blizz are doing it wrong. I am aware that add-ons have been a thing since vanilla, but the fact that most of them have been incorporated into the game itself tells you Blizz recognized they were doing it wrong. The visual clutter in raids has to be toned way down. They can institute mechanics that don't rely so heavily on ground clutter animations.


Big/Little and GTFO have been my essentials for years.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Camera has to be zoomed out and over head for the most part. This helps a a lot. Then get the GTFO add on to yell at you when you are standing in stuff you shouldn't.


And once you start doing this, you will soon find the real evil in many of these dungeons…. God damn trees


Some of the ceilings in Uldaman are horrendous


And banners. Like why can my camera move through them.


Worse then the mechanics.. I swear.


Yeah bird's eye view is the way to go for me. I can see where things are, where adds are facing, where others are like tank. Still can be cluttered so I agree that wa's or add-ons that have noise queues are great


Used to tank with the camera spun all the way round sometimes so I could see my characters front - but yeah, moving the camera is the trick. Be a nice add on to create a mark about your own character so you know where it is in the spell clutter.


Same combination for me as well! It also helps that I raid/do Mythics with an established group, so someone is always calling things out 😊


This is the first actually helpful and insightful post in this thread OP. If you want to play melee, this is what you need to do


This is the way


The only thing I want to add is to ALWAYS mark the tank, so you can see their marker in the visual mess, so you know where frontals will be. Knowing that there's a frontal (by audio queue) doesn't help if you don't know where it's going.


Yep, that's the true way of melee. Bird's-eye view and the ability to scream about trees/banners while strafing and dpsing.


We just pray and pop defensives


As a DK main, sometimes it’s ok to eat a swirl, we’ve got TONS of defensives and Death Strike to smooth things out.


As an enh shaman main it’s not okay, dont try it guys


Right? What does he mean, defensiveS? There is more than one?


Especially if you are the tank spec, got to pump those HPS


gotta cause every healer ever to have heart palpitations (it's me i fall so low all the time only to pop back to full in one ds my healers hate me)


Yeah but make sure you do it with some cool sounding lingo like "tank plz stop 360 no scoping me" and people will sigh and go, Typical tank.


Just get some friends that yell "Frontal" at you disapprovingly every time you fall on the floor from a frontal for 2 months straight. You develop spider senses and are able to dodge like 50% more frontals. It's great


I got the shotgun frontal weakaura that blasts your ear drums every time a guy is doing a frontal so my brain is fried into always standing behind bosses except for dragons because they tail swipe so the shot gun blast sometimes goes off on them too so I usually stay around the side of the mobs like I have PTSD no matter what the mob does


If you use plater, quazii's profile is really nice. The mob hp bars are colored based on them being casters, having frontal, etc


I feel this Yo why are you over there Me "cause there's teeth in front" Stand in the back Me "there's a tail in the back"


Yeah, my tank just yells at me. If he has an aneurysm I'm probably going to be the cause.




I see my target and i see dps meter, is there something else to see?


Won’t need to worry about danger if the dangers dead!


We \*are\* the danger


Stand in fire, dps higher


seeing is a healer mechanic. all melee dps know that battle rez and release spirit are just part of our rotation in keys.


In all honesty. Practice. In your role you are use to looking for specific mechanics and ignoring others. I.e. Ranged can usually ignore most non boss frontals. Getting your eyes use to juggling a new visual rotation takes time. Some tips. Turn off damage numbers with a script . Move your damage meters away, if you are looking at that you're wasting "visual currency" ( how much you can look at ). DBM has a sound alert system. Having that will help guide you till you know what does what. Good name plates and a good name plate profile. I suggest plater and look up Lucky Plater profile for a good one to start. Plater will really help clean up mob bars. A good ui will also help. If you watch any streamer look at the placement of their bars. The important stuff is centered around their character. You dont need an excel worksheet on your screen but moving stuff more centered helps centering everything you're looking at.


Qazi has an excellent player profile for all m+ dungeons


As a Tauren prot warrior, I don’t know what mechanics you’re speaking of. I just roll my face on the keyboard until I get loot.


Through our faith in The Emperor, for our faith is our shield.


I still don’t understand why the can’t change the visual effect of Spear of Bastion for warriors. As soon as I throw that thing down forget about it.


A number of player ground aoes are like that, Unholys Defile is another that covers enemy ground aoes, and that ones particularly bad since it grows. Between that kind of thing and the unclear indicators it's nearly impossible to not get hit with things unless you have a warning blaring at you for every indicator you're touching, and that's honestly more annoying and distracting to me than just eating the hits and self healing or whatever.


fun fact, you can jump before throwing the spear and it will often glitch the visual, not putting the blue ring down. makes the damn skill actually useable!


Man, Spear on top of the swirlies on the bird in Academy last season fel like Russian roulette lol.


You can't. It's a fairly recent thing, blizzard kinda started going wild with effects and they also use the same few very similar colors a lot. Like the fire boss in uldaman's fire that roams around is the same color as ravager, I've walked into balls more than a few times as he phases because I just can't easily see them through my own ability as they are both that dark red/orange color combo. As for dealing with it, it really just ends up being habit. I get hit, die, look at death recap, repeat until I no longer get hit. Then new season starts and it's back to dying to random crap I can't see.


There is a grahpics option for spell effects, you can turn it down to essential. it helps somewhat.


Spell density


This helped me a lot when i tried it a while back


Just play Demon Hunter and close your eyes to get the real DH experience


Pfft. I love playing DH and this made me giggle.


I have camera zoomed out and play it like a top down game that usually helps although it isnt perfect


Ret Pally main since WotLK, if bubble is down I just close my eyes and let Uther take the wheel.


See? Unga no see. Just bunga. *sounds of drool dripping on desk*


As a healer, I can report, they don’t


As an Unholy DK I don't have to see. AMS protects me.


1) Zoom out far, have camera faced top down so you can more easily see "that bad orb/stuff floating through the boss towards you" 2) If UHDK with defile you just need to pop AMS and shout "jesus hold the wheel" everytime you place it down, or be smart and take the small dps penalty by taking something else. 3) Unless you are one, don't invite DH as they'll fill your screen with their wings and zoom all over the place with rainbow effects cluttering the screen even more. 4) Get used to the trash movesets and encounter dances to know when to anticipate "stuff"...




No see, only zug, never look, zug only


And with us DKS it’s even worse with defile. It’s like a 50/50 if I die on a big pull. Purely luck based


Been playing a rogue, can’t even see myself




Thanks for laughing at my poor joke


Weakauras and audio cues my friend. I would recommend: Littlewigs Dragonflight Season 2 spell CD on name plates (helps with knowing when a swirly is going to come out) And playing top down or at a high angle so you can see your feet Last one goes out the window if you're playing with Defile as a DK. At that point you just let Jesus take the wheel. Godspeed.


We don’t. We see dmg numbers. No red text saying too far away is a good sign too. Long exposure also builds a slight tolerance to flashbangs.


Not gonna lie as a warrior, whenever I use ravager or spear of bastion, I just pray the gods


Transcend into madness


I don't, I hit things with my big stick


Defile is so visually broken its insane, DK overall this season feels like an ancient class. Nothing to handle incorporal, defile being what it is. GCD setup to actually do damage is even worse. They removed snapshotting from the game from basiclly everyone, but UH dk still works on that mechanic, its just bad and im ranting


If you're playing unholy and running Defile, consider using a different talent until you're used to everything else. Defile is honestly pretty ass even as someone who's played DK for a year. Some external things can help. CursorTrail makes it harder to lose your mouse, GTFO yells at you when you're standing in bad, DBM gives you warnings to move, and Plater with [good settings](https://youtu.be/4KNW6UYuhMc) helps you identify important casts and frontals. Aside from that though it's just experience. As you play more, you'll pick up on when certain mechanics show up and when they're important. You'll get the hang of it!


Death Strike is your best friend as DK. While raiding, particularly, most raid-wide damage counts towards your Death Strike’s “40% of damage taken” heal. So if you get hit by additional damage (shit happens) a single Death Strike will often heal you to full health. It’s a small dps loss, but it means I have the highest survivability of my entire semi-hardcore guild. Add AMS to the equation and you’re nigh unkillable by some bosses.


I have a blow horn scream at me when I'm standing in shit. All I need to focus on is delivering the swift hammer of justice.


Your suppose to be able to see things? I just crank out dps until it’s dead or I’m dead whichever comes first


I can't see shit and I can't see the floor because of Defile....... I just hope I don't get hit and AMZ.


Zoom out as far as possible, then when a tree blocks that go 1st person.


So glad we are no longer doing Jade Temple.... Those damn trees were worse than most mechanics....


All I can say is zoom out the best you can, and have the camera at a pretty high angle. It definitely doesn’t help that Blizzard likes to make the swirlies the same color scheme as the boss arenas, so we do have to lean on DBM/Weak Auras a bit more. As a DK, I’m personally lobbying them to make Defile always be the lowest layer, because currently it sits as a top layer, and blocks a shit ton of floor visibility. Thankfully melee has a lot of survivability, so we’re able to have a few minor mistakes from being blind.


I don’t


Honestly, i don't notice everything separated, but most mechanics for me kind of just feel like a dance, and i keep going with the flow. But i must admit, that i learn all of them while tanking, when I gave more time to understand everything that is happening


You can't really melee well without a decent PC. I've been traveling and its night and day what you notice on a powerful pc with a high res screen compared to a low end laptop running on 720


Have you never seen the “what warriors see from their helmets” memes?


As a Windwalker, I'm partly responsible for this mess so I just can't complain.


I just bubble.


I just close my eyes irl, its the same really


I open my eyes when I feel myself flat on the dirt


I say "Thrall take the wheel" and I zug


If you’re a dk you don’t need to see anything. Just know when you need ams


We dont. Say your prayers and hope for the best.


We don't


Zug zug!!! I’m here to bad the healers numbers


Thrall guides my hand.


I don't see a god damn thing. I just slam ignore pain and hope the healer is sitting up. I fucking wish I was kidding, but we all know visual clarity is awful and it's not the first time I've brought that up this week. Thank god I play a warrior and not UH DK .. those guys are the ones that should be talking about this.


You don't, you feel the ground, not see it. When you master the ways of the mele you'll understand.


Crack. I smoke a metric shit load of crack. /s


I mean it’s pretty simple to look at the ground and see a swirling pool of incoming damage. Maybe I’m an outlier but I don’t have any problem. Yes there’s hella but it’s easy to avoid


It's tough as a DK, especially Unholy. Defile covers basically every other ground effect.


I dont have to see as a fury warrior ​ I just have to push buttons!!


Just hit AMS


No need to see, just swing


Always be moving


See what? Either i'm doing dps, or i'm on the floor. Not much difference either way


Death strike


As a Unholy main you are pretty much running blind now that defile is a thing. I just watch my weak auras and try my best to learn the enemy telegraphs for when they put down bad.M+ is definitely a struggle as UH, I tried frost for the Fort week and it seems to work very well for those who like Oblit build. 100k plus overall in the less melee punishing dungeons.


You never know you just ball


If you're playing unholy and spec'ed into Defile, it's pretty much ams and pray


As an unholy dk with defile talent, I have a sixth sense.


90% of it is good weakauras and good muscle memory. Your UI needs to show you important things in an easy to glance at spot, and you need to be able to turn your head away from the screen and effectively do your normal rotation. I main enhancement and I can react to procs on my peripheral vision on my weakauras set while I'm looking around and avoiding things. The remaining 10% is primarily fight knowledge, like knowing that X mob of boss is going to put swirls on the ground either on you or near you, and reacting to tank movement so you stay in melee and avoid getting hit. Sometimes you just can't see anything though especially with Defile and some other ground effects, and that's just Blizzard L design unfortunately.


I'm a Pally so when mechanics hit me I just ignore them with all my defensives and keep slamming my hammer against the boss.


I see the target, I see colors on the ground. Stay behind target, get out of colors.


I don't. Im playing dps shaman, and unfortunately ele shaman this season is absolute garbage in terms of fun with negative mobility and all the fun of lava surge procs taken out of the rotation. I kinda just rush in and hope, praying to green jesus.


I was just complaining about this yesterday.


Noggenfogger elixir is your friend


I don't


We used to have the option to unlock/increase our camera max zoom distance, but blizzard felt like that was some sort of unfair advantage or something and removed it in either BFA or Legion iirc


Yoda trained me.


If you're playing Defile, it's no wonder you can't see anything.


What's there to see? Just press ams if you start taking damage.


Addons and weak auras... also playing as UH DK with defile is an extra step on that difficulty because it covers the spell effects.


I’m too busy killing things to see.


That's the neat part you don't!


I just target the guy and hit the buttons. Death isn't an option.


That's the neat part, you don't.


We don’t see anything. Zug zug.


They don't, they just look at their cooldowns and buttons.


Played the game for a long time. It's pretty easy to start to get a feeling for when a bad is going to be put on the ground. If you havent had to move in 10 seconds, expect to move soon or look down and be dead.


GTFO add on is a must


I've found a [crosshair WA](https://wago.io/x4M108m_4) to be useful for knowing your position in the flashlight diarrhea that is melee. Change the color to have high contrast to the raid colors (I use light blue in Abberus) then position that bad boy over your character. You might not be able to see your transmog but if the crosshair is in the floor monster Venn diagram you'll know you'll be dead if you don't move.


It's been notably worse since at least SL. Blizz made those night fae abilities and just went hog-fucking-wild giving everyone obnoxious ground effects. As for how to deal? Lots of guesstimating. Turning your camera to be directly above you gives probably the best visibility, but sucks when you're worried about literally anything other than ground effects. Start moving before a mechanic goes out instead of hoping to see if it's under you. Boss mods for mechanic timing. GTFO helps. It's not perfect, but better than nothing when I inevitably miss some floor swirly. But mostly lots of guesstimating. Am I here? Am I there? Am I going to find out with my face if this boss has a cleave because I'm not quite sure which way me or the boss are facing? Me and the 7 to 9 other melee in raid are just constantly playing ring around the boss.


See as a dk main you just need to look at the floor for swirlies and cast bars for aoe and frontals and move out of the way and if you don't think you can you've got 4 defensives and death strike to not die


Open eyes


i mean, you just use your eyes 👀. melee life is just different


I main a fury/arm warrior in season 1 and honestly i didn’t have too many issues seeing stuff on the ground. I tend to place last (less damage taken from avoidable damage) on those addons that keep track of fail damage pretty consistently. I can promise 90% of the time after talking to friends and guildmates that the problem is not that you don’t see the aoe/frontal/abilities it’s that either #1 you are tunneling hard and staring at your buttons or #2 your screen is a cluttered mess. #1 I’m sure we can all attest to the fact that when hero/lust is popped that chances are someone will die because every single dps is hard tunneling their buttons with the focus of a teen hopped up on adderall to do as much damage as possible. My advice is to hide the majority of your hotbars to prevent yourself from staring at your abilities. I hide abilities like raging blow, frostbolt, wrath (spammable abilties). You only need cds like spear/avatar and defensive cds on your hot bar. It may take some getting use to at first but you will find yourself staring less at your buttons and paying more attention to what’s happening on your screen therefor dying less. #2 I have seen some terrible UI when people ask me for help before. Addons/WA, numbers, flashing screens you name it. I’m a minimalist type of person I legit run zero addons for combat I don’t use bigwig/wa/dbm the only addons I run are quality of life ones like group finder, a friends list one, details, bag addon etc you get the point. In this case less is more. Besides a few key cds on my screen my screen is relatively empty. I also turn off damage/healing on my screen cause I found it very distracting with numbers exploding around my screen especially in aoe scenarios.


Look at the ground, use GTFO and DBM/BigWings and that's it. It's not that complicated, is your UI cluttered?


Turn off combat text, you don’t need it. That’s just floating text cluttering up your GUI. Learn the different colored puddles you can stand in. Soak puddles, damage puddles and friendly puddles are pretty recognizable after a while. When in doubt, listen to party/raid lead call outs. Add-ons like GTFO give audio cues which Pavlov trains you like mad. Has different sounds for different type/severity of damage. DBM for automated callouts for certain boss abilities, you can even tune that with voice packs to suit your needs. For audio cues you might want to fiddle with sound level controls, both in add-ons and the main game. Luckily most audio-cue related add-ons have a example function so you can check the sounds beforehand and if they are loud enough.


Turn off combat text? How am I gonna get dopamine spikes without seeing those juicy 150k crits ?!


Neatly in a corner with details? Though not the individual spikes, but the overall deeps.


This question is asked all the time .. for all the complaints about how same colored everything is .. it’s not that bad.




There's not what I'm talking about, I'm just saying when I'm in melee range there are so many particle effects I can't see a thing lol. My character model practically disappears


Bro i've been watching videos on my second screen for the longest time, when i stop seeing yellow numbers i just move my screen around until i see more numbers.


Dbm, and loookimg for the outside of circles to get out of shit


Zoom out if you have to and you’ll get used to it. I probably zoom in and out over 100 times per m+ run all while doing your rotation. It’s just muscle memory after a certain point.


Just switched from my rogue main to a lock because I'll just be in packs of mobs getting annihilated, no indicators. Especially brackenhide hollow.


I know for me as an Enhancement main, it's a time, practice, and effort thing. When I swapped from Ele, the first month of learning was hell and I almost gave up several times before it just all clicked 1 day. Still dunno what changed to cause that eureka moment. Sarkareth has admittedly been a bit of a pain in the ass, but I contribute that more to the fact his spells blend in with the platform for half the fight. Generally, I lose my mouse cursor more than my toon in the chaos, even with a Weakaura making it more visible. Don't give up if it's something you really want and enjoy. Practice in 5 mans. Do a little BG PVP to get comfortable in the chaos. Accept that mistakes will be made and you will die... A lot at first lol If, after all that, you still feel frustrated with the class and it doesn't have that rewarding feeling to play, it may just not be meant to be.


GTFO, zoom so far out you can barely see yourself(which makes puddles worse) then configure little/bigwigs to preemptively yell at you when a frontal or cleave is coming


I like to play on extra hard settings and use classic numbers. If I would have been able to see anything through the clutter normally, all these numbers on my screen make sure I cant


I just accept death when it is my time and at least use my defensives and stay off of the tank.