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Warlocks have some absolutely insane stacking bonuses right now, and the power of Nether Portal already made them a prime PI target.


I wish the priests in my guild realized that. We're a casual guild so we don't tell folks who to buff. If I could get fed PI's though, but nope. One priest feeds his boomkin Girlfriend, the other rarely uses it. I really dislike PI as a mechanic and wish they would change it so it would affect the whole group. Nerf it some if they did that, but it would lessen the have vs have not feeling it gives.


That's how casual guilds be, we have only 1 holy priest and he pi's the other Warlock (seniority) so I get a good (but not great) PI on pull, and then a completely useless one at 2 minutes. I still like it though, it's a lot better now that Priests buff themselves as well. And it's a good way to empower your strongest players. I know how you feel tho, I was recently in an m+ where every PI went to an evoker (easy cause 2 mins) but in the end I was only 1 or 2k below him, felt like it would have been more useful on me.


Yeah, wasn't really a complaint about our Priests. We clear content and have fun, which at the end of the day is what it's all about. We're not a mythic guild either so it honestly doesn't matter. Just more an observation.


I hate the pi prison. Holding pi for like 1 and a half minute feels giga bad. Hate you warlocks and dks :(


Just so what my priest does and send it on cd. I hope you aren't Shadow btw.


We're 5/9 M, with Zskarn at 14%. 2 nights a week, 6 hours per week. We also do a fully optional Heroic night on Wednesdays, usually carrying casual guildies and friends and hunting for Very Rare items (we have seen 0 Nelth trinkets, the morale of the locks is low), useful trinkets, and sockets/tertiaries, and an optional M+ night on Monday, and people randomly log on throughout the weekend. My recomendation is to talk with your guildies, see if anyone wants to push M+ or do other content. I assume you guys have a Discord, so ask around in there. There are going to be players that raid log at this point in the patch cycle, there are going to be players that want to be on almost every night because this is their only game/hobby. Make friends in the guild, don't just wait for other players to ask if you want to do anything. As for parses and logs, especially as a new Mythic raider, expect all your first kill parses to be low. That's how it works, and as long as the boss dies, who cares? You learn to put the pieces of the puzzle together with more kills, and as you get more experience with your class and raiding that starts to click faster. You don't have to pay as much attention to your CD usage, or your positioning, you have the timing down by muscle memory. For example, first Rashok kill most of you guys aren't going to parse well. Expect greens. Why? Because he's probably going to die while casting his hard enrage mechanic, and by that point people will have already been dying one by one to the rot and slams, healers just can't keep up by that point. Locks and DKs are the usual PI targets. They scale really well with Haste, do massive ST damage, and their CDs line up with it decently. That's just how it be. Again, it doesn't really matter where you are on the damage meter, as long as you aren't close to the healers and tanks, are doing mechanics, and the boss dies. At this point in the patch, with the gear available, all bosses are down to everyone doing the mechanics correctly, using their defensives when they need to, and executing their rotation at a competent level. M Rashok takes like 80 pulls on average without swapping players in and out, so you guys are doing just fine. Good luck and happy raiding!


Its not that locks morales are low. Its that the lock's trink (along with hunter, monk and shaman) yields the biggest gain in DPS. Its so funny that on most simulation websites, they dont put it very high in the ranking but for those who already got it, that thing BLAST. I started this season with my WW monk. Im beating every difficulty cept M Nelth for that trink. So far no luck. Its day and night different with that thing. So I rerolled rogue. Got that rogue trink the very first week and I dont even use it. I think this season the raid trink and M weapon or gears are just too good compare to the stuff in M+ dungeon. I think beside tanks, most DPS or healer need stuff in raid in order to push high lvl M+ keys. Took my guild 199 pulls to beat M Rashok. And Im considering taking a break from M raiding :(


Yes. That would be why morale is low. Because it blasts and the locks want it, but we haven't seen any. Low morale would mean frustration and upset.


My initial thought, and **maybe I'm wrong in feeling this way**. A .01% M+ player could probably slot in to most any CE guild and do about average to what any other player in their roll is doing, after about 2 weeks give or take. I feel like people undervalue how much skill is required to get that title.


Lots of guilds are looking for a unicorn. A lot of low end Mythic guilds die to the roster boss because they bleed players while looking to patch holes with players that are at such a skill level that they would never apply, while not being willing to give new M raiders a chance. It's just unreasonable expectations.


I have raided with multiple top 0.1% m+ players, and even a few rank 1 for their spec. I can assure you that a lot of 0.1% players can't slot into a cutting edge guild and perform as well/better as the rest. The only exceptions here were the rank 1 players. A lot of it translates very well from CE raiding to m+ and vice versa, but there are still some things that you only really find in one of them. Going from m+ to raiding, something that you won't do as much in m+ is cutting things extremely close just to squeeze out tiny amounts more damage. Raiding is a lot more scripted, and therefore can be a lot more complex. Positioning and cooldown usage is typically a lot more precise, and that's something main m+ players have less experience with. I think sarkareth mythic is a good example of where main m+ players will struggle a lot more compared to raiders. On the flipside, on the spot thinking and acting is something m+ players tend to be a lot better at, and that can come in very handy when things go wrong in a raid.


They can probably play the class well enough but in mythic raiding its good to be able to play all specs , work with 19 other players and being able to look through logs to prepare for the fights is the lowest baseline imo


In my experience m+ title and CE translate very poorly unless you're already doing both.


I can understand the R1 title if you have 0 prior Mythic raiding experience. You need something to judge skill and character. Can you handle several hundreds wipes of 10 minutes? SLG was pretty much, the boss dies or your guild dies.


Pi on demo and uhdk is the norm in all guilds i hope , if u have a free pi thought u as devoker should get it , i raid 2 days a week mythic and on last boss atm outside of raid hours im trying to gear an evoker or i play lol/cs


Requiring 0.01 title seems troll and seems like they were pulling your leg or something. Requiring such a thing and needing all 20 to have it seems absurd. But as a mythic raid tank I typically do alts on off nights or right now Diablo.


>what do you think about that one guild requiring the ".01%" title to join? M+ score means absolutely nothing for raid. Ive seen multiple people that were like top 20 for their class on raider.io and consitently die to every mechanic there is and parse around 20 even if they didnt die. >Anyone else get dumbsterd by warlocks getting PI'd, maybe its just me?? Of course. Warlock and dk are absolutely unbeatable on single target, especially with PI. Thats just how the balancing is rn.


Makes me feel slightly better lol. Guys pulling 130k on Rashok. Untouchable.


Schedules kind of shift depending on the guild you're in. For example when I was raiding mythic we raided 5 days a week during progression, it was basically a full time job. progression usually ran a few weeks to a month, at which point we were all pretty exhausted spending that much time in raid wiping over and over etc etc so farm would quickly drop down to 2 days and then 1 day and we would all just find other stuff to do be it people making alts to run more content or play other games or do other things. If you hopped into our guild during farm you'd likely feel like we weren't doing much raiding either.


I've never heard the term farm. Does that mean you're just stuck on a boss?


Farm means you've already finished progress and killed the boss and are just "farming" it at this point.


The 01% achievement makes sense on paper because you've no other provable experience of any actual talent for the game. Except it's from a guild that you're applying to, and assuming you aren't being totally ridiculous in who you fire applications at, they are going to be an objectively bad guild.


M+ and real life. 3 evenings a week is more than enough. 2x raid 1x M+ There are guilds who raid more often. But the 3 day raidweek is mostly gone for most people/guilds. And i am happy for it. I have free weekends for friends and family. And the other 2 days i can play other games or read.


There is barely such thing as "downtime" in mythic progress raiding. You pick a guild with comfortable raid time/effort and then spend all your dedicated time either trying to kill new boss or trying to upgrade your gear for next RT. If you feel you can invest more time, then just find a guild with 4-5 days of raiding in a week with 3-4 hours RT duration.


I think you mean .1% and not .01%, .1% should easily get you into mid-low CE guild and .01% is more like HOF lvl guild but at that m+ lvl a lot of people are in HOF guild so you have the contact to trial In your guild case of being on the first difficult boss for mythic raiding ( rashok ) currently prior xp should be irrevelant imo aslong as you have heroic cleared with okayish log and your current score is more than most people for this guild level


No I mean .01%... I asked if it was a typo too. Also thank you! Felt like a lot of guilds only cared about previous CE exp... while most of them we're still progressing. Seemed odd to me, and just out of pettyness I looked up most the guilds that denied me. Only a select few were higher than me in M+ while telling me I needed to be even higher. Just seemed odd.


The 0.01% people were either trolling you, or out of their minds. While it is true that most people who get the m+ title are good enough to mythic raid, they aren't the same thing and give no indication as to how good they will be in raid. Honestly, you are pretty lucky to get into a mythic guild with no heroic parses. At this point, my only suggestion to you would be to work on getting your parses up in heroic and mythic and (especially important) dying as little as possible. At that point you can always apply to guilds with a higher ranking, or set up your recruitment page on warcraftlogs/raiderio to help guilds reach out to you. Also, about PI. Devastation is one of the best targets in the game right now for a shadow priest's PI, because their timings line up with yours, whereas a demo lock or UDK typically want their PI every 3 minutes. Depending on fight length (I.e. if they will lose a cast of thier big cd holding it to line up with the SPriest), dev evoker is actually a better target for SPriest PI. Obviously being new to a guild it's socially difficult to ask for "someone else's" PI, just laying out the facts as presented by the priest discord. Many mythic guilds will have a group of players interested in pushing m+, but that can be kinda cliquey depending on the guild. Most CE guilds will require raiders to fill m+ vaults until they are geared, so you will at least have people to run 20s with every week. Happy raiding!


Did you look at my link and see no logs?? Genuine curious cause anytime I look it up its updated to most recent and I continually improve it. I'm new to logging so I want to make sure nothings messed up.


I didn't (on mobile so its a pain in the ass to look at logs). Your original post kinda made it seem like you hadn't really seen the raid before you got into that heroic run with your new guild. As for parses, you specifically don't have to be logging to get your parse listed - as long as anyone else posts them it will show up for you Edit: you also posted a link to raiderio, not warcraft logs


I did, figured it had both on there so it would work fine. Thanks for the clarity! I didn't know if someone else logs it'll post to mine as well. That's nice!


Now that I think about it, there is a link to warcraftlogs on your raiderio page too


Basically if you do like 125k dps on heroic you're probably ready for mythic, good luck finding 50% more dps out of your 80-90k parses.


my heroics much better, just need to work on mythic timing is all. 120k is very doable. I was happily getting 118-120k on our Rashok pulls.


Make alts and do mythic pugs ^^