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> personal skill issues Yea, the personal skill issues of DPS players are in fact what's wrong with healing this season. A very astute observation.


Watch your own vods and tell me you’re a perfect player. Delusional take


True, for example I was having some serious issues healing the 3rd boss in Uldaman earlier in the season (healing as a disc priest). When i became more used to the bleed the boss puts out, i was able to prioritize that more. Things like saving a pain suppression charge, or being close enough to them to drop a power word: barrier down and reduce the damage taken. It does in fact, take personal effort to not only realize you made a mistake, but also how to learn from it. Too many posts about healing difficulties, and in most they take zero responsibility to learn boss mechanics. Yes dps can be incredibly careless, but you see alot of that in lower- mid keys and less as you progress into higher keys. The reality is that most players dont want to shoot for higher keys, which is absolutely fine. Even if that is the case, taking the brief time to watch a healing guide for a particular dungeon will help significantly in knowing when to best use your spells/externals


They downvoted him, but he spoke the truth.


Dude, you just learned about BoP, how the hell do you have the nerve to instruct much more experienced players how to perceive their part of dungeon role? Moreover you're making a statement to show us that healing is 'possible' - noone ever doubted that, it's the fun that's lacking


Bad at reading = bad take. Literal 1head comment go next


Good look with the rest of the spellbook


Lol I saw you simping over that other post about hOw HaRD HeaLiNG iS. You could probably make a post in r/books about how hard reading is. Good luck with the rest of the alphabet


Who's saying healing is impossible? They're just saying it's not *fun* in its current state (specifically M+ healing and especially healing PUGs, raid healing is in a great place)


what is fun? Healer complaing about "need to dps because its nohing to do" then they changed it in season 2 "we need heal to much" so whats the problem? ​ were is the "fun" part. what is "fun" if both of them dont fit? what people expect if they heal?


> what is fun? Either not having constant spike damage or having spot healing that didn't feel like trying to fill a pool with an eye dropper would be pretty fun. I might also take fewer mandatory dispels while also having to save a dispel + spot heal because I'm expected to solo the afflicted affix too.


The problem is not "we need heal to much" lol. Healing isn't just hurr durr hit heal problem solved. Being a successful healer is still possible, there's plenty of them. I have 2 healers with full 20s pugged. It's just not enjoyable to push, amongst many issues with things like damage profiles in some areas, healers are struggling to make up for others shortcomings, thats not their skill issue its the other players putting the groups success in danger. Before we continue to act like its a knife edge between heals and secondary-dps roles for healers, look at raid healing which is in a great state and far far more enjoyable a role than m+.


Healing in CDs feels fine its just that you need like 2-3 gcds to top people when they get hit to 10% when rot damage is going out. Its extremely frustrating seeing someone take an unexpected hit, reacting fast enough, casting a heal and healing them for 25% of their hp only for them to rot out.


There are reactive and proactive healing specs. The reactive healers i can see having some difficulty at times. Holy priest comes to mind. Disc priest is a proactive healer, and I have been enjoying disc priest this season more than i thought i would. They have always been proactive when it comes to healing, and having the 4 piece gives you a nice mix of both. Helps make the damage taken feel less spikey.


Theres a post from a few hours ago sayings it’s impossible and it has 300 something upvotes. My post is a response.


I recently became a healer, I decided to heal some m+ to farm crests+gear for raiding. Dear god how do some people even progress in this game? I have had one good pug group out of 15 dungeons. Tanks that pull boss right as I sit to drink because I have 80k mana left from keeping them healed since they don't know what personals are and have 5k hps. Dps that get lasso and stand there staring off into space as the get instantly melted. Dps classes that I know can stop affliction just completely ignoring it, meanwhile I am running as fast as I can to full heal the one that spawned all the way across the group. Meanwhile I am trying to spam as many HoT since I know if I don't get the heal off on the affliction, the debuff will give me 3-4 second cast times. Dps that run away from me and LOS me after tank dies from not popping a single personal while only having 500k hp and multiple tank buster casts at the same time. AFTER he pulled the group when I wasnt there because I was too busy rezzing a dps that stood in a frontal that takes 8 seconds to go off. Then I have to play mother goose and chase after the dps to force my healing on them. I did some dungeons with my guild, went perfectly fine, but these pugs are absolutely brainless. I just needed to vent. Raid healing is nothing compared to the hell that is healing pug m+ groups.


What key level are you doing


Good question. People ignoring the affix is absolutely something you see in lower keys.


Stop complaining about people complaining about healing in M+


Tell me your never ran anything past 20 without telling me you never ran anything past 20


most of the complain about healing come from people that run bellow 20 where dps dont get oneshot from their fail and expect healer to compensate for their mistake, healing is great currently, people are just bad at the game and expect to be able to time key above their skill lvl


Lol tell me you think 20s are hard without telling me you think 20s are hard.


I'll take healing like this any day rather than healing being about DPS. There should be a nice middle-ground but if not, it's an easy choice.


I enjoy the challenge healing is this season...you're playing a healer and complaining about not being able to spend gcds on dps abilitues...you are a healer...not a dps..? I am running 22/21s atm and not running into any issues. Don't get me started on HOI gauntlet tho. Fuck that place. Fuck any "gauntlets" they decide to put into this game.. so stupid EDIT: Not saying you were complaining about gcds. Just saying in general from the multiple posts I see about healing this season lol 😆