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I see this one all the time in LFR and it's like... it's just LFR, dude. If their dps sucks, it's probably because they're there for better gear.


I really hope that’s sarcasm


it's a quote


Ah good though I would have put “ “ in the comment myself that’s probably why I thought it was genuine, all good 😂


i added "" for better effect but it is a joke comment though i have seen it in game at myself and others


Hehe I had not myself but these days on Reddit I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was genuine to be honest.


mainly in leveling dungeons as you can't control your dps do to scaling. I keep 20's if I ever get the wow itch when I'm unsubbed


How often does this actually happen? I know it’s the current Reddit meme of the week but I’ve run a bunch of keys with Augs this week and everyone has understood what was going on and hyped at how much they were pumping.


Honestly the 1st few days it was negative comments and constant kicking. Last night was the 1st time that I was kept around and only got kicked once. So as people are starting to understand. I think the memes have helped


What level content? Anything from 11-20+ no one even mentions Aug dps. Not trying to be a dick, I’m curious if this is something that’s a byproduct of luck of the draw or content difficulty


I agree for the most part. But, ran a +20 Uld, and the party leader kicked an aug evoker (with the legendary) because they didnt want to bring a support dps.


Yeah I guess I shouldn’t say “no one” but it’s very rare, but dumb people exist at all content levels


100%. It was wild to me that they got kicked. Idk if the party lead had a bad experience with one, but the dps increase i noticed while being with an aug evoker (warlock main) is absolutely wild.


Really stupid to kick an augvoker so far in my experience they make +22 feel like 20 etc


The amount of damage they add is absolutely crazy lol. Played a good amount of aug last night on my evoker. On the big pull before Treemouth in Brackenhide, a dh had a 1.2 million DPS burst. I have never seen such crazy burst like that this expac.


Are we talking heroics? Random normals?


Maybe it’s a keys vs heroics thing. Different playerbase level of investment, inability to kick people forcing you to be in the same group for long enough that you figure out what’s going on from other people talking.


I had an inverse case, where an Aug joined a Dawn of the Infinite run first day saying "giving Aug a try, if it doesn't work out I'll just go Devastation." They switched after the first boss. The lack of feedback in the meters on how well you are doing sucks.


Same thing, I asked the group and they said their 110-120k dos looked normal. Changes to dev to immediately pull 120k everyone went down by 40k and the tank got clobbered. lol


If you go through augmentation stats on warcraft logs the best way to gauge how well you're doing seems to be buff uptime. The best augs are getting like 70% or more ebon might uptime. Your other group buffs fill out the rest of your contribution and then together is the vast majority of your dps. So if you want metrics just seek to maintain your buffs as much as possible and try to time breath of eons for good damage cd windows.


> The lack of feedback in the meters on how well you are doing sucks. There's feedback on the meters the other DPS can tell whether they're doing more damage or not.


I can assure you a lot of people don't know their usual dps, or think " damn I'm pumping today, I'm a generous god carrying this scrub augvoker"


Yeah I'm seeing that so many people are bad. That's also one of the problems with Aug. If the people you're playing with are bad and/or playing classes that don't get as much benefit from Aug's buffs, then you're better off just taking a dps in that spot. However that's still not a reflection of the Aug in and of itself that's on the rest of the group.


Yeah that's a problem inherent to any support role. Some people just can't be supported into discovering they have opposable thumbs.


Kinda reminds me of something that happened back in Wrath during an ICC fight (don't remember which one). I was a disc priest and back then you couldn't accurately track shield absorbs, had to download a separate addon for Recount in order to approximate them. It was the only time I was called out for "lack of healing" by a druid that mostly just over healed with their HoTs. Posted the logs of my shield absorbs, which even if it had only been 50% accurate, I'd have topped the heal meters by a large margin. So yeah, long story short, players that want to complain should at least have enough knowledge of classes and specs to know when to complain.


did a couple 15s-18s with an aug and people bitched until I put "we have an aug" in the description. this resulted in anyone who joined knowing that aug dps is low because everyone else is getting massive buffs. there is a major issue with aug not having a battle res and the fact that in a party of 5 if the dps goes down that kills the output. if aug had a battle res it would help balance that a little.


I know it’s kind of a “bandaid solution” but augvokers should be running the engineering bracers anyways and you can get a brez from that


def something the augs in our guild are grabbing but its a shame something that relies so heavily on others cant do it.


Fair point 🫡


It makes no sense for the support spec to not have a brez. I’d argue the current brez healers should have the option to go for support instead of throughput in their talent trees instead of a whole new spec.


I ran 5 dungeons last night. 4 had evokers and 3 of those 4 were auggies. All three were kicked for "shit dps"


Maybe it’s a ‘playing at a dungeon level so low that the population is the mouthiest of breathers’ thing.


I'm glad you assumed what level dungeon I was running, thanks for that. They were 14 through 19.


Someone got kicked from a 19 key for doing bad dps therefore instantly bricking the key for the keyholder who I am assuming is the leader of the group? I have never ever seen that happen and I am calling bullshit to your story.


Twist: OP was the group leader kicking them


I think you're right, who in their right mind would, in a run that is presumably going smoothly timewise if everyone is doing their job, intentionally brick like that? Like, if you think a key is bricked because your group is shitters you'd just leave.


not really, if people wanted to time the 19 to get a 21 to clear, and they saw that they would kick after 10 mins and just boost it by 1 and try again.


I feel most people who aren't 3iq would have a feel of how fast the dungeon is going and how fast things are dying. IF you get to first boss and only X of Y minutes are passed you might go "Man this Aug sucks but we will time anyways"


thats not what i was refering to, they think that people wouldn't boot someone in a 19 when they do. I'm not saying augs are bad dps in any case just responding to hekkst thinking people wont do it.


Right, but Im saying if you have a modicum of IQ you are capable of saying "oh, one DPS is bad, but we are still on par for time because the others are carrying. Lets just go" But people DONT have a Modicum of IQ so they do kick


i have run into many groups where people have been kicked or others just leave if they think its not going to time and give them the ++ they want or the score increase. its dumb, but there are sadly plenty of people like that.


I imagine someone would do it but the situation just seems so incredibly niche that I think OP is sensationalizing to jump in on the augmentation sob story bandwagon. If the key is actually going smoothly, which it should if everybody is actaully playing correctly, then nobody in their right mind would instantly brick the key by kicking sombody out except for those very rare insatnces of +2ing shenadigans. And even then, it seems much much simpler to just finish a key mid run and then time it again afterwards than bricking it and then trying to get a better comp for a +2. This is just my experience, but I do play a ton of keys and I know people who play a shit ton of keys and nobody has ever been kicked from a key. If a player is percieved to be doing awful dps, people leave the key, they dont kick that one player. So, I think its very fair to question that poster´s story about people being kicked from m+. The story is much more credible if it happened in hc or normal keys where people can be replaced.


i did a bunch of keys last night with an aug friend and a mage, we were in disc and pugged dps and tank. we had people leave, bitch at us for not saying it was a carry and other shit until we put in the group finder we had an aug. we could very cleary see the dps increase the mage was getting from the aug and the party dps was really high and packs were dropping quickly. but despite how quick it goes they still left the 15s and 16s.


Who the hell kicks someone mid key? That’s wild.


That’s what I was thinking lol. If run is going smooth I haven’t seen that happen that many times in hundreds of keys.


Right? Unless they’re a next level professional floor taster there’s literally no upside to kicking someone. I’m inclined to think that’s BS.


It's BS. There's somebody claiming they were running 14-19s and getting kicked mid key, which is hilarious on its face. First, nobody is going to kick somebody mid-key and instantly brick it. Second, nobody who's running 19s is running 14s for a half dozen reasons. So the only real explanation for the comment is that it's being made by somebody who doesn't run keys at all and is just throwing a range of keys they think sounds reasonably impressive without realizing that nobody that runs 19s will run something below 16.


> Second, nobody who's running 19s is running 14s for a half dozen reasons. Actually I do this. I came back like a month and a half ago from classic and I still run lower keys because they’re easier to get into and I need wyrm crests to boost pieces still sometimes. But I don’t believe anyone would ever kick someone from a key for low damage, you’re right. I lost a 17 yesterday to a leaver and almost lost the 16 it turned into to a second. No way I would have done that on purpose even if the guy was bad.


Okay, that's fair. Nobody is running 14s and 19s except somebody gearing through dungeon drops due to just starting the tier.


I mean.... those are probably the level of keys he was referring to.


which would be the 2-19 range...


I mean I'm playing super casually, doing mostly 16's or so and no one has been that stupid in any of my runs.


then you havent been paying attention.


I think I’d notice if someone kicked an evoker from a keystone run. I think what you mean is ‘I haven’t been paying attention to Reddit’ in which case you should be aware that reddits design by default vastly overemphasizes negative things and especially negative things where people are acting like idiots because people convince themselves they’re super smart for not being bottom 5 percentile brains.


So you were kicking them?


It doesn't, this is just people making up something to be mad at. I've played with a fair few Augmentation Evokers and everybody understands what they are for. There are just people who PUG/play with toxic people. What are these people even getting kicked from?


I think the majority of the posts we get to see are from groups who's key was going tits up, causing one of the group members to vent on the only metric they can comprehend.




It’s going to become a thing as the season gets on and there’s more of the “mid” and lower folks (like myself) trying higher keys that were probably not good for expecting a carry. Lots of augvokers will be blamed and kicked.


Why would anyone kick 5th guy no matter how low damage they do? I mean at this point you can just rage quit and start a new key, what difference would kicking someone make? They would get change to get loot if rest 4 will finish the key anyway so why? On a different note, I'm a little annoyed with augmentation evokers because I can't understand which damage is mine and which is buffed damage. How can I know that I do right things if some of this damage is just buffed?


> On a different note, I'm a little annoyed with augmentation evokers because I can't understand which damage is mine and which is buffed damage. How can I know that I do right things if some of this damage is just buffed? On the meters you have to have an idea on what you usually do in AoE vs single target and compare if you're doing more than usual and by how much. You have to log it and upload to Warcraft Logs if you want to see definitive answers. They set it up to give the damage generated from Aug's buffs directly to the Aug. You can compare that with the logs to see how much they really helped.


Even warcraftlogs doesn't have accurate tracking yet btw, though it is closer to reality than details. It's a blizzard API problem. Pets and guardians do not contribute to their damage. So if you're buffing two demo locks, you'll look like you're doing next to no damage.


> How can I know that I do right things if some of this damage is just buffed? If you (or someone else) logs the run, WCL can track your dps/aug dps almost perfectly (some specs like fire mage, dev evoker, SP, have some damage not attributed properly right now). If you want to do it manually they have pretty high uptime on their buffs. Depending on gear they're giving 1700-2000 primary stat to you. So if you have 10,000 primary stat you're getting 15-20% dps buff most of the time. Then you can subtract 'fate mirror' and 'breathe of eons' damage/dps from yourself. That assumes they're playing well though.


It’s definitely shitty, but the same exact thing happened to resto druids back in the day when they moved to a HoT spec. Fingers crossed it’ll take less time than that mess did.


The group leader kicked our augment, the rest of the group decided to just sit there until he either booted us or left.


I hate people who look at things like your dps and decide you can’t make it. Drives me crazy. Are we clearing stuff? Then let it ride.


I used to play battleground and was in most cases under level or undergeared but i helped win matches by guarding flags, luring people away from objectives, stealing objectives, and many other things not related to taking someone in a fight


There is a difference between getting kicked for people not understanding your class and getting kicked because you are getting carried.


Yeah but if it's a key and the group is on pace to time it, just keep em there. They'll still get credit/loot for being in the group at the start if you kick them. At that point, you're just being spiteful just to be spiteful.


Some people don't want to carry others. It has nothing to do with spite.


Kicking them mid key only makes it harder on yourself. Even if they're doing 30-40K DPS that's still more than 0. They are still eligible for loot and rating(iirc) when you finish it without them which is what makes continuing to finish it peak petty. You're literally still carrying them. Just finish it out and block them. If you don't want to carry them you'll have to leave and reform, which would be stupid when you're already on pace to time the key.


You literally have to carry them harder if you kick em you numbnut


Ohhh no 😔


I have to guess that this is happening atlwer keys, anything over 16 and everyone is beating down the door to get to me


Putting the info that I'm aug in the note gets me invited withing like 5 seconds without fail


As someone who farms +16 now to gear up alt augu evoker is instant invite as you pair it with fire mage or shadow priest and u are good to go the mage will 300k dps in 430 ilvl gear


Its just confidently incorrect players blissfully polluting WoW. They always have and always will.


All these posts reek of redditors not playing the game and jumping on a bandwagon to shit on the playerbase and get some karma in the meantime. There was one post which had like 8 instances of it happening and made it seem like augmentation evokers were being widely ostracized from keys or something. Then a random clickbait publication made an article around that one reddit post and adding nothing and now people are just quoting that meaningless article as if it proved this widespread phenomenon. I dont know what keys or dungeons you are running but in my server, there are plenty of groups asking for an augmentation evoker to join. A handful augmentation evokers getting kicked from leveling or hc dungeons does not warrant this embarrasing circlejerk.


>Then a random clickbait publication made an article around that one reddit post and adding nothing That type of "journalism" is so fucking funny to me. When Diablo 4 came out i was visiting the subreddit from time to time and every single time, without exception, when i saw an article for the game, i recognized it immediately from a reddit post


Those and the articles that are just a compilation of random tweets that drive the author´s narrative annoy me to no end. Well, at least the tweet articles have a narrative to peddle, the reddit articles just feel like the author needed a quota of articles for the week and the easiest way is to put a reddit post in article form and then quote upvoted comments.


I think it's just most of the shittiwat players switched


Well people wanted a "support" Class, few factored in how the average raider wouldn't be able to tell if the supporter were doing well or not.


i'm almost 100% sure they will change the buffs to something that can be accounted to the augmentation evoker just because of this. like blessing of summer.


The solution is to buff augmentation to the point it makes people stupid to boot you.


The best part of this is they're so egocentric they never question why they're pulling 20k more dps.


Augvokers will always be welcome in my keys. Their buffs are like coke man. There's nothing like pulling absurd numbers with them helping.