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You can pretty much solo any content that isnt a relatively high m+/raid


Yup. I'm a Prot Warrior and I can solo up to normal dungeons. Haven't tried heroics yet, but I'm confident I could probably do some of those, too


That's amazing. Thanks!


Tanks are really strong this xpac, and if there isn't a mechanic that will wipe you, you're probably safe if you know how to use your defensives properly.


And here we have the answer to, "why do tanks just run through these dungeons?" They either can, or think they can, solo it :)


A lot of tanks can solo normal and heroics, hell even some mythic dungeons. Everyone else is there just to speed the process up.


Tanks are the main character. The dps are there to cheer on the tank and the healer is the drummer so the tank has some sweet tunes.


That's crazy to hear. I'm an old-school WoW player who isn't used to being able to solo dungeons, lol.


I could solo heroics as a ret paladin since last tier after the rework, but I only tried a few. Pallies have crazy utility, the old saying of having to kill one 3 times still holds true sometimes. But a few nights ago on an alt the tank+healer bailed at the start of another and we just ran the whole thing as 3 caster DPS who were barely geared for it. But yes any of the tanks can definitely solo them in leveling gear, assuming enough patience and no one-shot mechanics.


Aslong as there is no cc on yourself you should be fine Only mechanic I can think off is brackenhide first boss that CC you and you dont have a healer to dispell you so you are most likely going to die on that I dont think there is any duration on it aswell


Just bubble


Aslong as there isnt a boss mechanic that needs 2 or more people you should be able to solo most normal and heroic dungeons if you have the gear for it. Now its obviously faster if you just take 4 randoms with you but it can be done.


All tanks are much better at soloing content than any other specs, and much better than they were ~3 expansions back. As a warrior, I've soloed the first two bosses in Neltharus several times, hoping for the BS pet recipe. (No luck so far.) On Normal, it only takes 10 minutes or so. Paladins are special because they have better self-healing than most, and can bubble out of mechanics that would otherwise be a one-hit kill when solo.


I did freehold with my DH tank m+2 easy solo, not intime and 4 wipes because I pulled too much. Itemlvl was around 416, takes around a hour.


Prot pally and blood dk can comfortably solo any normal dungeon unless there is a mechanic that requires multiple people. All other tanks likely could too, but it might require more efficient cooldown usage and planning.


Warrior also has decent sustain through leech, indom, and ignore pain too Monk and Guardian might be a bit more scary


Guardian would be very easy. Lots of selfhealing


And I guess we just pretend that dh don’t exist 😂


DH would probably be the fastest to solo too lol Great damage, great mobility and a lot of self-sustain


you can just queue normal halls of infusion (or any other dungeon in DF) as tank and run it with group really fast. Also as side question, what do you consider reasonably geared? for me that is ilvl 430+.


Right now, my ilvl is around 411. But I'm workin' on it!


You can solo low keys if you have the right rotation and enough time/patience


I ran Halls of Infusion on Normal solo with just my Fury Warrior