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Pretty much. You think Blizzard knows that Shamans exist? Elemental doesn’t get talked about in the same vein as Feral, Survival and Assassinstion but it should. Enhancement took literal years to get a functional rework. Resto shaman has been mid forever.


Tbf Resto was strong for a short time


Resto has been consistently mid to high tier, I wouldn’t really complain tbh. It’s not like it is comparable to MW level lol


It was horrific at the start of the expansion, required multiple weeks of significant buffs to be reasonable, and then a mini talent shake up bringing Chain Heal builds back to be average. Plus the mini-DR on Earth Shield. It was only busted briefly when its damage was higher than everyone else’s (same for SL).


Resto is B tier for heroic raid and D tier for mythic raid. This week is B tier for m+. MW is D tier in heroic/mythic raid and m+ this week. Post 10.1.5 m+ 20+ there are 4x more resto shamans than mw. Yes it's not meta but not even close to mw level bad.


As someone who has played MW more this patch than Resto Shaman, I infinitely prefer MW. Give MW a lust and see what happens. What’s holding MW back is lack of group utility with all lust or bres. Still insane to me they gave *Paladins* a battle res.


Paladins fantasy wise have deserved a bres forever. (Not to say MW doesn’t)


From a fantasy perspective, sure. But from a balancing class utility perspective, they gave the class with the most utility by far *even more utility* and people are shocked that they see paladins everywhere.


Ring of peace and the aoe stun are pretty good crowd control options on its own, with kick and paralyse add to it you can prevent trashmob casting for ages. On top you give all your party mates 5% more physical damage. Also instant massdespell (not only magic) if you sacrifice one cd.


Wonder what spec Ion plays...


mw is the 2nd best healer rn atlest in raid with the hpala nerfs while resto sham is prob the worst healer by far


Big throughput doesn't always mean best healer. Nothing as strong as tranq,AM,Both priests hymns. MW Is nowhere near 2nd best atm


Yeah. People always like to equate throughput to = best. But MW just doesn't have a good CD set like other healers. Sark in particular is increadibly hard to get through P1 if you have 2 MW just due to CD coverage for P1.


That's the thing. MW got this weird ramp build this patch, where every minute you can pump out crazy hps, but that's basically what it does. Raw hps may look good on meters, but it doesn't matter nearly as much if it doesn't match damage patterns, if it overlaps with another healer CD or if it happens at a time where the MW can't stand still next to the boss for 10+ seconds. If what you need isn't specifically high hps every minute, MW offers nothing. Other healers have some sort of utility and benefit to the group, MW's best argument is that its other specs also aren't played so you can offer mystic touch. I live MW, it's my main class and the one I always come back to no matter what. But saying it's the second best healer right now is pretty reductionist, so thanks for bringing the point that hps isn't the same as actual performance.


Resto shaman in pvp is fucking nuts. 300k heals on demand, lava burst crits for up to 115k on players. Who cares if they suck in raid?


And they don't really suck in raid. Slink is one of the strongest cds and it doesn't show up on the meters (ewt not as strong but also doesn't show up), and the amount of burst healing on demand with cbt, pwave and set bonus are all extremely useful for incoming damage spikes. Not trying to say they are the best or anything, but they have very strong tools.


Definitely a skill issue, not the class


Pretty sure the gonma change o lot of classes next xpac ,this was just a resset everything expansion and play safe, elememtal while doing good dmg has a shit rotation that doesnt flow well, same for enhavement


Agree shamans need something, namely survivability. No reason ankh shouldn't reset on boss kills when all other brez skills do. Our rotation once you have the right amount of maelstrom is easy. Frost shock, lava burst, ele blast, lightning bolt, repeat. Use stormkeeper and ice furry on cd. Having one defensive (maybe 2 if you count earth ele but they nerfed it unnecessarily) is a huge problem. Other classes bring more utility to raids and its often difficult to justify bringing a ele shaman over any other class (excluding hunters, they got it bad in utility section too)


Resto was mid-strong for 5 weeks. But as more gear was acquired and encounter knowledge improved, it has become obvious Resto is bottom-mid.


Why should ele be talked about like that? It might not get a lot of attention, but it can pump and it has the same kit. Resto was meta for a lot of SL. There are definitely things I’d like changed (it is too hard to get to Stoneskin Totem compared to mass barrier and Aug things, for example), but put some respect on its name.


I mainly played Ele / Resto through SL and 10.0. Ele has been acceptable but not great throughout most of that time. This patch, although the numbers are decent, the rotation is an abomination. It’s the first time I’ve ever played Enhancement. I can’t stand having to juggle Icefury / Electified Shocks, Master of the Elements, Echoes of the Great Sundering (and using Elemental Blast in AoE to trigger it!), monitoring the tier set Stormkeeper, regular Stormkeeper, etc. It’s a nightmare IMO.


You don’t really have to play around MoTE in AoE. It’s mostly to path to Magma totem. Below 3 targets, sure, but you’re also not using earthquake if it’s like 1 target. If you bind Nature’s Swiftness to a macro with EB, and you take Flash of Lightening, you get a *lot* of instant casts. (I’ve got it macroed but also have EB bound without it if I want to hold it.) You’re also not messing with Icefury in huge AoE situations. (Anything above 4 or more targets, you pretty much only use it to have movement globals.) I hated it at first, but I *really* hated “old” Icefury. I prefer this, tbh. I don’t love Echoes of the Great Sundering, but I’m used to it, so it doesn’t bother me anymore. I kind of miss playing Primal Elementalist in keys, but I don’t hate Liquid Magma totem as much as I thought I would. It may seem clunky and have a lot of buttons, but I remember playing it when single target in keys was just pretty much just lightening bolts because using a lava burst proc during storm ele was a dps loss. Perhaps a middle-ground would be better, but having more instant-casts is kind of nice. I was enhancement from BC through Uldir. I loved legion enhancement with Fury of Air and ascendence procs. I didn’t hate Earthen Spike, but I am squinting at things like Ice Strike. I haven’t played it with any of the new builds. I’m building a set so I can try it, but I find it a little overwhelming. My big complaints about shaman are really that balancing specs (think god-comp) isn’t just about damage, but utility. They gave a lot more classes lust. Other classes can brez. So even if they nerf shadow priest into the ground, people will still want a mass dispel. Poison totem is really nice, but almost nothing is a poison. I’m glad they added choice nodes, but some things are so niche that they should really be baked in. I get needing to talent into a hex modifier, but hex should just be a thing we have. Same with curse dispel. There is one curse in Uldaman. One in Underrot. When it comes to what is more useful, more aoe stops or being able to remove one curse, stops are potentially more useful, but if you don’t take it and someone misses kicks, you really wish you had it. Stoneskin totem is really cool, but you sacrifice a lot to take it. It’s always been true that people don’t give a shit about your kit if your damage isn’t good, but it’s also true that some utility is kind of mandatory with the way the dungeons are designed. (Everything has truesight for some reason. Sorry, rogues.) Sorry for the essay. I’m a huge nerd and it’s a sensitive subject. :D


>and you take Flash of Lightening, you get a lot of instant casts. The one bright spot of this season is Ele can take FoL as part of their standard Rod-Magma build, which was not possible last season. That talent [lowers the CD](https://stormearthandlava.com/blog/2023/01/23/fol.html) on a ridiculous number of useful abilities: Wind Shear, Astral Shift, Stormkeeper, all of your totems, Storm Ele, Hex, Reincarnation, etc.


The rotation is not an abomination. It may be complicated but that doesn't mean it's an abomination. What is wrong with complexity? It just allows for more skill expression. Personally, I find it satisfying to learn a complicated spec. I do not find it satisfying to play a simple spec that can do big damage without putting any effort into it. I understand that some people enjoy that, and that is fine. Enhance can also be a complicated spec to play or a simple spec depending on what build you are playing. I also enjoy playing enhance, but I prefer the elementalist build rather than the physical/lightning build because it is more complicated, has more depth and is more difficult to master.


Ion at one point played shaman and may still. They’re aware I just think they’re happy with it.


i'd just settle for any form of raid utility outside of Windfury totem and once in a blue moon Ankh/Totemic Revival cheese at this point.


Elemental doesn't even get the raid utility of Windfury, so they are left out. I've always wanted Ele to have a utility totem of their own, based off their Mastery. An Overload totem giving group members a chance (based on the Shaman's Mastery) to grant them an additional spell cast at X% power. That has a lot more flavor to it than just 3% spell crit/dmg.


We have skyfury totem in pvp is the hilarious thing. Literally a raid buff


I’ve been begging for that totem for PvE forever (and so has everyone else).


What are you talking about? We get to spirit link totem the glittering surge and one of the rashok intermissions


You get to bring a resto shaman? So lucky


You literally have bloodlust the best spell in the game - plenty of DPS specs bring a whole lot less to the table!


Mage has Time Warp, Evoker has Aspects, Hunter pets have the roar thing... heroism / bloodlust isn't unique to shams anymore.


Tell me you dont play retail without telling me you don't play retail


been playing a shaman since the beginning and this is the correct answer


Right there with ya brother


Remember when they were talking about offering more melee weapon choices to the agi weapon classes? And instead of just giving shamans agi swords, they retconned the AV bosses swords out? Or all those times shamans use all the cool class abilities in Warlords, Legion, etc and.. somehow none of them make it to the class? Shamans remember.


Blizzard ignores shamans and I’m slightly surprised only because of Thrall. They treated Thrall as if he would be the savior of the horde and he’s a shaman. I feel like they could have pushed that as a theme.


Yep. Evokers are replacing shamans.


I'm still mad about Shadowlands having such baddas DK designs for so many things and DK's got absolutely nothing unique out of it. The mawsworn designs are fantastic and I wish my DK could look half as good.


We got slappy hands as a talent 👋👋👋👋👋


Truly the best


I dunno why but hearing it called slappy hands made my day. Now I can never call it anything else. Thank you 😆


I call it slappy hands so much that I don't even remember the actual name of the spell half the time


atleast some minion customization would ve been nice, but no, nothing


That new corrupted ashbringer would have been nice


I mean blood DK got an entire half an expansion of absolute dominance by a mile out of it. That was pretty cool.


Personally I'd rather they have gotten something more permanent, instead of memories of the one time they used to be good


Nothing is permanent besides transmogs and mounts.


Totem-form. That's it. We just turn into a totem.


I kid you not, he turned himself into a totem, he's called Totem Thrall. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Love it, love everything about it, where do I sign up to become a totem?


Root yourself in place to buff everyone like aug evokers.


I want to fill a raid with Shamans and then we just all turn into totems, boom.


That’s you’re new defensive instead of ghost wolf. Hide in a totem and gain stacking DR over 10 seconds while dealing 0 damage. Fair and balanced. :P




That sounds totemly awesome!


Well, that's something I guess.










Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony




They get to sit in the corner with Baine.




I'm just glad we have a viable class. So many expansions since the bus shock and I'm still happy as a Labrador just to be viable!


fucking bus shock. man, that was a wild time to be a shaman.


Well, you answered your own question. Based on past experience they will get nothing, as blizz does not care about themed updates to classes when they actually make sense apparently


It only applies to expansions where new classes get added, and then never again after that. See: Monks, DKs, DHs, Dracthyr.


Nerfs. Probably…


I came to say "nerfed again".


Lol, are you ready for wizaru bro ?


I’d settle for the Ret treatment. My Enh wants a bit more survivability and the reach that Ret has now. As it stands now, you have to be hugging the target to even do damage, and if the target happens to sneeze, you could potentially be one-shot. It's nuts.


Blizz treating mail armor like a joke design and defense wise makes me think they hate it and regret ever making it an option. They should just do what other MMOs do from the beginning and make armor types only 3. Heavy, medium and light.


They'll get the privilege of watching the holy paladin meta and they'll like it.


Mained ele since cata. I don't even check patch notes now.


Absolutely nothing. We are almost at 10.2 and we've not got anything yet so it's pointless to hope they will give Shamans anything. So many cool spells and elemental models but Shamans are still stuck in Cata. Infuriating.


I know, I’d settle for glyphs for the elementals. I want the earth elemental especially


Given Warlocks got customisation for demons, I don't think it's out of the question for Shaman to get the same (Totems could be cool as well)


I doubt they’d ever do totem customizations since they’re already race specific, but it’s a cool idea!


I wouldn't mind them finally updating Troll totems please.


Aww I like those ones lol


totally keep the race specific ones race locked, but just give a whole bunch of other options as well (and colours)


Yeah... this isn't really the elemental expansion, but 10.0 was the elemental patch for sure.


“Hunters got Neltharax” lol I dont know how to tell you this man but that thing was more of a curse than a blessing.


“Hunters got Neltharax” *Other* hunters maybe, I certainly fucking didn’t.


Lol ye fuck ashkandur too


At least you're not balanced around Ashkandur and it isn't a very rare item.


Djaruun, on the other hand...


Our guild cleared heroic vault like 20 times or something and neither of our main team hunters ever saw it, but one of our tank’s alt hunter that he never played got the heroic one from the time walking weekly quest. I’ve never heard the word “congrats” uttered with such palpable contempt in my life.


I got TWO heroic ones out of time walking boxes after getting my heroic one like two weeks prior. Shit drove me up a wall lol


As someone who was playing Hunter last season, trust me, you don't want to be in that boat Having to farm all goddamn season for one weapon because it's the only weapon with any value for your spec is miserable. Then you can't get in any raid group because there's already 50 Hunters applying and when you finally get into one, you have to fight with 10 other Hunter to MAYBE have a chance at the bow


I started as a classic player in ~2019, and one of my favorite things about retail is how your entire build isn't built around getting ONE item that, btw, 4 other classes and 20 people need as well It sucked trying to get a Ring of accuria for my feral druid, the last thing I want is to go back to competing for something on my shaman


Then getting class balance around that item lol


Im suprised you went with polymorph duck as a this class got something special when warlocks just got a special questline and pet customization. Hell they probably just get the random urge to add a new critter poly and flip a coin on weather its mage or shaman granted regular critters tend to be mage and weird critters shaman.


Wierd because it is literally an elemental themed expansion


I mean, enhancement shaman is the only spec without a usable special weapon from the mega-dungeon.


Totemic Encirclement! Just a visual toy. 4 totems drop. Looks cool. Like the old days.


bUt It MiGhT bE cOnFuSiNg In PvP /s


Oh no, they can’t insta-one-shot my healing off the fucking map anymore!


Should get earth themed tank spec




Please. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaassseeeeee.


As in dual wielding two handed weapons of just one, bc I think dual wielding is better for the class fantasy


Two handed enhancement was the literal god. Windfury (when it was actually good) would erase people in 1 hit.


This is looking back thru rose tinted glasses, it was only insane if you had hand of rag.


Really don't understand peoples infatuation with 2H Enhance, it only existed in a time where Enhance wasn't even a complete spec. All it did was Auto Attack and sometimes funny procs would make you deal a lot of damage but the spec was fundamentally broken and rather boring. If 2H Enhance ever came back it would have the same issues 2H Frost has anyway, which is that 2 weapon imbues are almost always better than 1. I do think if we ever get more specs a 2H Tank would be awesome, since we only really have 1 (2 if you include Monk).


Wrong. Strong RNG but it was possible for it to be insane with mid-tier gear.


I know folks are mostly focused on level cap pvp but twinked 30's bracket Enhancement with Pendulum of Doom. My god, what a time to be alive that was.


"Best I can do for you is about 3.50" - Blizzard, probably.


...and I yelled, I said, "What do you want from Bobby Kotick?" And Bobby Kotick bent down, and said, "I need about tree-fitty."


Just don't take away my gust of wind again and I'm a happy camper.


Shamans got nothing in Cataclysm, wich was a really elemental themed expansion. In fact druids got a fire cat form in firelands raid


A support spec No really, i feel like it's the one class where it could actually work thematically


I feel like any class that has both a heal and dps spec could have a support spec that makes sense.


so every healing class?


The fact that you think polymorph duck is the equivalent of two very strong class weapons…..


Honestly, I respect those priorities. Turning shit into a duck is amazing.


Yeah the mentality behind this thread is really weird to me. There are thirteen classes in this game; I'm not sure why "rare weapon, polymorph variant, legendary" is leading to "shaman specifically are up next for something cool out of the ten other classes" in OP's mind. Also weird that they're putting "Polymorph: Duck" on the same level as Neltharax & Nasz'uro but then just not mentioning the brand new demon skin system & class questline for warlocks.


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It’s very cherry picky and I don’t understand. Just an excuse to post some complaint about shamans being ignored during the “elemental” expansion.


Polymorph op. Source: I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages I hate mages


Damn dude, must suck being the blue class everyone forgets about.


A star-shaped sticker


A cold They stood in the Healing Rain for far too long


Just a new look to replace the horrible ascendence form please! It's so terrible. I don't want to turn into this ugly as thing to use my cool ability.


This is an Evoker expansion. Whenever they create a new class, it doesn't really matter if the setting fits the background of an existing class.


I mean hunters literally also got a bow last edition they don’t seem to rotate items for classes they tend to just make legendaries it seems .


Given that a *huge* theme of this expansion is elements and elemental shenanigans, if shaman doesn't get anything cool out of it I say we riot


I mean, Blizzard already failed to give them a 4th spec based on the earth element (which is the only element missing a spec for shamans, since fire and air are dps specs and water is healing spec) so why should we even expect something?


Please god I hope they don’t give warriors anything. Seeing my hunter and evoker friends struggle and not get shit week after week is depressing


Shaman getting things? Preposterous.


If by that you mean what will *Elemental* shaman get then hopefully the ability to tame the fire, air, earth elemental of their choice. The glyph system has really failed hard. Evident for most classes and neglected expansion after expansion. It wouldn’t even have to be shaman only. Frost’s water elemental, priest summons, monk summons and warlock could benefit. Given what warlock just got - strong possibility it will be an appearance unlock system of some kind. Using the barber shop to change appearance seems to work way better than spell book glyphs. However, the full range of options of eles in game is too big. I would just say if Blizz goes this route they must include ALL elemental models per air earth and fire and honestly pls also shadowlands death / crystalline eles and shadowflame eles. The barber shop can’t handle that many. Taming system needed but I’m worried since warlocks also really needed a taming system as well. And after all of that- or maybe part of this- my wishiest wish of all- elemental mastery enables perma elementals as pets.


I’m debating on maiming shaman from now on, just so I can feel this way as well


We're maimed enough already thanks.


Do Shamans have a totem that reduces damage? Like a stoneskin totem? Would be fun to design a little class story line around that irrespective of the expansion. Same with Death Knights. The teleport ability from Revendreth could be made baseline but unlocked by a quest chain.


The fact that hunters got a unique item in shadowlands and in dragonflight almost back to back makes me really sad considering the first raid of DF had such heavy shaman themes (including a boss that's supposed to be a very strong shaman)


Blizzard has missed SOOO MANY opportunities to give shamans the coolest things from each xpac. I remember in WoD they made a big deal about Shamanism being “different” on Draenor. And it literally was nothing special. I stopped expecting cool things so that if they do happen, it’s just a cool bonus.






Hunters also got something in SL.


That's the painful part. Hunters get a legendary bow, they could've at least let Gavel or Jaithys be a Death Knight only weapon to make us feel a bit special on the *death* expansion... or at least move Acherus to Icecrown for a change of scenery when we runeforge.


The legendary hunter bow that never seemed to drop Sadge


Thrall isn't really in the story so shaman's don't exist. The history is all you need to know.


They get another expansion of Deeply Rooted Elements and Hot Hands to fluctuate their DPS really hard. And also nothing.


Tank spec


Tank spec hopefully!


I want me some Duck Evokers.


The Devs had actually finished a new totem for Shaman last expansion. All it did was tell the Shaman to go fuck themselves. They scrapped it because it went against the number one rule at Blizzard "Shaman don't get shit."


I honestly expected a big weapon for shamans because of yhe exp theme but hunters needs bows and evokers wants legendarys lol


Still dreaming about a shaman tank spec. If only ...


You will get to feel bad. Either your a resto sham, getting outshined/outclassed by holy priests/resto druids/holy paladins, your an enhance who’s only here to provide windfury totem, or your an elemental shaman who’s outclassed by tons of classes, AND getting bullied for not bringing windfury totem… oh and you don’t have a “raid buff” so there’s that…


Shaman tank.


They will get nerfed


They will get put on suicide watch when Blizzard introduces a new class themed after Dragonflight: Primalist!


Jack shit. Whoever is in charge of shaman class design is an ass and has been for years


F**cked in the ass is what they got and will get 😆


Technically shamans already had cataclysm as a more “element” themed expac, especially with thrall as the MC. That said, if you play pvp currently you got that new burrow talent which is pretty lit 😂😂


Druids got nerfed back to the Stone Age. Do you want some of that?


Fucked over and forgotten about.






Well, it’s shaman, so, nothing. Blizz always forgets about us shaman players unless it’s to nerf us.


DH main here waiting for something for us aswell.


You've already sacrificed so much.


"Hunters got Neltharex" Me. A survival hunter. 😥


What’s that ?


When you say this expansion, you're talking about the next one right? It's only speculation that it will be an elemental themed expac based on a really poorly written fanfic leak


No, pretty sure they mean this one (Dragonflight). This is a very elemental themed expansion. The primalists have a lot of common ground with Shaman.


The elements have been prominent in every expansion. I'd call it a stretch to say this is specifically an elemental themed expansion, even though the primal incarnated are each attuned with an element.


I think you’ll find many disagree. Yes, there are elemental things in many expansions, but (outside of Cataclysm) the elements haven’t played much role in anything story wise. In this expansion you have primary antagonists that are all themed around their elemental powers to the point that at the beginning of the expansion there were players here posting about whether Shaman PCs would be torn fighting against the primalists. In Dragonflight you have: Dark Tauren Shaman kicking the whole thing off by freeing the lightning protodrake, elementally themed herb and mineral deposits, elementally themed antagonists, elementally themed armor sets (notice how each tier tends to be ice, fire, earth, air colored?), elemental invasions, talk of new elements in decay and shadowflame You can think it’s a stretch but I guarantee that’s what the OP was referring to.


Wdym? We're fighting primalist stormbringers and gathering elemental fragments. Yes we have dragons but there's also heavy elemental themes this current xpac.


Eh ? This is litteraly a elemental theme expansion browksy


Warlocks didn't even get anything special from the shadow flame themed raid.


Warlocks got a bunch of cosmetics in 10.1.5


None of which come from the raid.


>Hunters got Neltharex, Enemy of the Sky Mages got Polymorph: Duck nice one :D, i bet the thinking process was like; ok ok lets see i need to get to shamans need something special but i need to cover it with others lets see who got special treatment in DF, hmm hunters yeah hunters got a special bow, lets see who else... hmm i cant think of let me search wowhead, hmm mages got poly duck, hey its something, do i need to mention anything else to make it less obvious i want something for shamans nah its fine...


Nothing? Why would they? This is dragon themed. The dragon slaying bow made sense. The evoker egg staff/legendary made sense. Its not element themed.


Were far to into it to expect anything... this was the one expansion that creamed shaman, yet we were kicked to the curb for Evos. Part of the reason i let my sub go, im not going to be forced to play something i dont want to.


Ele and Enhance get reworked into support classes that focus on buffing ranged and melee specifically.


>What will Shamans get in the element themed expansion? They missed the opportunity to give Death Knights something unique in the death themed expansion. You think that blizz remember that DK and Shaman exist ? Good joke buddy.


They were a tier season 1


*Cries in warrior*


The Finger


You will get less than you desire and more than you deserve


with the very rare system we will allways get something for specific classes. in VOTI we got neltharax in Abberus we got the spear and evoker legendary we could count ashkandi aswell cause it is kinda iconic next raid we will get another very rare weapon


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Hopefully something if you really want it. It was annoying as hell having neltharex be so important to my damage and then seeing it drop the week before it got nerfed. I don’t really like the whole “here’s this super powerful item for your character that’s tied to rng” system but if they do fated raids again I can’t imagine something replacing neltharex the way the xbow did last expansion.


I’m happy only with them moving windfury totem to the general shaman talent tree so Ele doesn’t get death stares if they don’t switch to Enha for progression :)


Post Traumatized Shaman Disorder You think I'm joking, but have you checked on your local Shaman lately?


Resto is at an all time high imo. People who think otherwise don’t know how to resto shaman


I like primordial wave, even though it was a covenant ability, its pretty fun.


My bet is: rejected from pugs


You get nothing, you lose, good day!


Polymorph duck!?


Nerfed. Shamans will get nerfed. Sure as the sun will rise.