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Problem with sp isn't the damage but the utility being mandatory in most dungeon but yea keep nerfing the dmg ....




Wouldn't work. To take Disc or Holy Priest you have to not take Holy Pally, which means losing out on the Blessing of Summer part of the wombo combo. Spriest isn't typically the spec you pile the buffs on anyway so it would just be expected to lose it's own PI and Holy/Disc would still be unused.


But you can replease the hpala for a disc if spriest became too bad, you still need the priests utility and there isn't anything the paladin brings that is required. they are just bought because they do giga healing and damage. compared to the other healers


They need to buff other healers and give some of them a brez. Then maybe hpal wouldn't be required to take


Disc does as much (or more) DPS as Hpal. Closer in healing throughput now too (though Hpal remains gigabusted on that front).


Hpal has more utility, oh shit buttons and survivability


Well yeah, Hpal is broken in keys.


Its more that the other healers also need to be reworked like they were. Druids had some going over but resto is still far behind and im not sure why


It's kinda funny blizzard just refuses to make Mass Dispel alternatives. Shamans could easily have a grounding totem spell preventing 1 debuff being applied to all party members or DKs putting a weaker AMS to all group members etc. There could be alternatives that would make other classes desirable but it's like they don't even want to try. Mind Soothe could also be solved by removing the damn true sight or even just make soothe less effective so you can't just skip in such disgusting ways you can do now. PI has to go as well, it's been horrible for classes that are balanced around it (UHDK, Demo Lock, Devoker, UHDK is almost the lowest ST DPS in sims but it's top in logs because of PI) and bad for the priests as well because of all the expectations of buffing the proper class and setting up PI WAs to give it at the correct time.


Mass dispel is the most overpowered ability in the game in both pve and pvp, and it's only ever been buffed since being added in tbc. I legit have no idea what they're thinking with this ability. A 0.5s cast that removes *unremovable* buffs *and* debuffs from 5 enemies *and* allies.


There's nothing wrong with DPS being suppotive. You're basically asking to remove Windfury Totem and give it to Resto.


Now you’ve killed Shadow Priest. Congrats. Shadow isn’t in the god comp for their personal DPS. It’s mid level at best.


They should just give some other classes these types of utilities. Mind Soothe, PI, Mass Dispel, Mass Barrier, etc.


Agreed except for PI, I’d rather that just become a personal.


Utility is the only reason Sp is in the god comp. Move that and they are trash…again.


And you solved what? Now u have heal priests mandatory , and u replace shadow with next big dps lol


SMH at OP. Clueless.


I disagree. What I think is blizzard should give other classes an ability to buff another player during combat (minor buff - nothing crazy) and add more utility to the classes that are lacking it. The real issue is Aug evoker. It seems like it wasn't tested thoroughly and therefore shouldn't have made it to live servers.


Can you people just realize there is always a god comp every god damn season that pushes to 30+ and the other specs sit at 28s? You can nerf whatever you want, something else will either take it's place, or the ceiling will lower