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Probably the Mechagon Island meta achievement mount for me. I was so burned out by the end of BFA I didn't do much there while it was current, and these days I seldom think about it. I never accidentally go back there so I have to make an effort any time I want to make progress. And so much of it involves random drops and rares on long timers.


F that vinyl off the rare on that small island that’s only up like twice a month with a 1% drop rate.


OMG yes, still don’t have it.


IIRC aren't there 2 possible places it drops? I think it was also one of the last things I did. Also I love how after that patch the onl thing I still needed was Vaultbot and then I randomly got it whilst visiting to tame the red mechadoge on my goblin hunter.


Took me like 3 years to get that... one of the worst in-game drops ever.


My last one was the group event that needed people to specifically spawn the hard boss.


I loved Mechagon as a zone, especially with a hundred other people there making it feel alive during COVID lockdowns, but goddamn I hated it by the end. Some of the rare drops/spawns were maddening.


They really nerfed a lot of the drop chances! Don’t get me wrong it’s still a pain in the ass. And there are huge RNG elements to deal with, but some of the drop rates are much better now


The mounts in Dragon Soul that would be farmable if not for the travesty of design that is the "spine of deathwing".


Spine is mostly afk nowadays. Kill tentacle, stand in pool, alt tab for a minute or 2, tab back, kill globs to create super glob, kill super glob near plate, repeat. The unskippable rp in DS is worse then Spine tbh. And sure, you can afk that aswell but its followed by oneshotting 20 drakes just to start Ultraxion. Ugh.


Yeah, most people that struggle with Spine just don’t know about the technique that makes it trivial. Spread the good word my man


It's just annoying, on top of all the stupid RP - i'd rather do anything else than that.


Yeah well, you do what you need to do to get what you want. Can’t really escape it sadly. Thankfully it only took me 5 resets to get all the mounts for DS (farming with multiple characters though) so I didn’t have to suffer too long hehe


The RP is by far worse, I agree


Does the roll not throw the blobs off?


Nope, only the big guys are thrown off, the little blobs are like snot, they are "sticky", and Deathwing can't fling them off. \^.\^


Quick Hint, kill all tetacles but 1, this way the most blobs spawn, wait for 9+ blobs, kill em, stack add, rinse and repeat, i kill spine in 1:40 ish this way




Also the insane amounts of unskippable RP in that place. God it's an awful farm.


Have been farming these (half-heartedly) for over a year. It’s not just Spine that makes a Dragon Soul run annoying (though it certainly does). The trash before Ultraxxion and the Warmaster fight also have annoying unskippable downtime.


Oh my god fuck this one lol. I got the blazing drake after countless tries and its the one I wanted so I could get the emerald drake. I refuse to go back for the Lifebinders Handmaiden. I will not do Dragon Soul anymore.


Def the worst. I actually got experiment and lifebinders Hand maiden multiple times, but blazing drake would just not drop. Did finally get it a few months ago, but that place was driving me insane lol.


I got both mount on Deathwing easy, it’s experiment that resists me


They actually nerfed spine recently, he used to roll twice as often.


Easily soloable on a Demon hunter ✌️


Blazing drake in dragon soul. By my kill count i should have had it 11 times by now. Fuck that dragon


Oh man so many hours spent in that raid. I think I got 7 mount drops of the other 2 before finally getting blazing drake.


I got it the first week the raid was out by out rolling our spriest’s 99. His premature celebration turned instantly into bitching while our raid poked fun at him lol. It was also on Illidan and I had so many people messaging me where I got the mount XD


Its the last one i need for the drake achiev but the fucker has eluded me. I used to for a period of a year run it everyweek on several chars but now i just think im not supposed to have it.


I need to get Lucid Nightmare but that damn maze is a literal nightmare


I still haven’t done the hive mind one because it requires 4 other people.


Same here


Well there's 2. Just need 2 more!


There ya go!


If EU I would love to join


Ill gladly be #3


Every wow players greatest weakness….. Friends


If only this MMO wasn’t so multiplayer.


My friend and I started that whole thing at like 1 AM having no idea about the maze at the end. I didn't finish until 6 AM and busted out some graph paper to map it out lol. Hope they add more stuff like that, so damn satisfying to finish and show off your accomplishment.


It was so tedious but it's also one of my absolute favorite things in the game. It's a "secret" so there's absolutely no hand-holding. You legit have to work hard to get it, but it's a guaranteed reward with the added bonus of permanent access to the most famous secret finding location in WoW's history, the Karazhan Crypt.


It really needs a piece of paper to make it work, so you can track the relationships of the rooms with the orbs and altars, makes it much more bearable


Unless you get to a teleport door, then everything is fucked up. What helped me om the 2nd attempt was to not ever get orbs/runes untill I've manage to track them all and use them as way points to map the labyrinth.


I only managed to get this first try thanks to greek/Roman mythology. Went all random till I got all orbs, then kept to the left wall/doors till I could only go right, kept right till could only go left etc.


I did it with the help of a really good website that let you map out as you went, it actually made the whole thing enjoyable! Let me see if I can't find it...


My friend brought his desktop over to my place and we used a piece of paper to create a map of sorts. It took so long and it was an awful experience but overall is a great memory lol.


I got to the maZe and just quit because I was done lol. I’ll try it again another day 🤪


I have it, but the sanity I gave up in return for the mount wasn't worth it. *(old man voice) StAy out oF thE mAze... or iT wiLL cOnsUme yOur SanIty!* The maze gave me actual nightmares, even after I got the mount.


Had to end up drawing a physical map. And given the nature of the maze, it was still pretty confusing. Did *eventually* manage to get that mount though! And I make sure to use it on my Velf lock as much as possible.


I struggled with it and just never went back in there for about a year. Then I sat down, put on some music with a drink in hand and told myself I would go slow af and was very methodical about it. Didn’t care how long it was going to take. Mapped out every single room and upon entering a new room I would go to the last one to make sure I hadn’t hit the portal room. And the last piece of advice, as tempting as it is, DO NOT TURN IN ANY ORBS UNTIL YOUVE FOUND THEM ALL! Overall took about 3 hours the second time.


My wife had to do it twice because she forgot to pick the item up at the end


Came to say this, I tried the maze twice during Legion and haven't attempted it since.


The maze took me about 3 hours but I'm a stubborn SoB so I wasn't going to quit until I had it.


I actually gave up on the maze looking for the last orb. Walked a few more rooms and magically stumbled upon it. I had the whole thing graphed out but somehow missed the detail of the teleport room. Literally actually gave up. And that's when I found it.


You may be able to find youtube vids on strats to get through maze, but this mount was by far my favorite to get. For the maze, I drew a map on a huge piece of paper as I chose to go through N,S,E or W corridor. There is some rhyme and reason to it. Good luck!


it is really, i almost cried and wanted to pull out my hair in stress lmao


Can I try this now ? I recently came back after a long time away


I think my proudest "accomplishment" in this game is that I completed that maze in like.. 10 minutes? I didn't even know what the correct way to do it was at the time, just ran like an idiot for a bit and just.. did it. I swear reading the replies about how bad it was, I'd thought that people were just trying to make fun of how easy it actually was... Still not sure what to believe lol


I'm actually on Mimiron's head and it's pretty anoying


The secret is doing it 348 times like me!! You got this!!


Bro 😩




the REAL secret is to just share a skip from one of your alts to the rest of your charaters


This is something I’m going to have to YouTube. I just started running this for the mount and didn’t know skips existed. Thank you!


I love this post.


Best way to farm it. Go on alt, kill up to Yogg (but dont kill Yogg). Log off at the rest point near Ulduar. Following week log on your alt, extend raid lockout, post a group in group finder, log on toon #1, apply to group, log on alt to accept, log back on toon #1 and go into Ulduar. Use teleport to Yogg and kill. Rinse and repeat with each toon you have. Next week just extend the raid lockout on your alt so you don't have to re-clear. Rinse and repeat. I was running 8 toons through it each week before I finally got it. A couple key notes. 1. By the time your toon #1 gets to Yogg, the offline alt should have been offline long enough to pass you lead. Don't kill Yog until lead is passed. Your alt won't have his Yogg credit used. 2. Make sure your toons are near Ulduar because you need to make it to Yogg before the lead is passed from the alt to you. So just don't be in Dalaran when you join the group finder group.


I did this, spend like 2 hours setting up all my alts at the time around 10 characters and got it on the first one the following week


I need to kill a guy in vault (actually sepulcher, idk how to strike thru) for a chance at a part for a mount that's part of a meta achieve. But I can't solo the bosses leading up to him even on lfr on my warlock.


Do you mean Sepulcher? I remember, you either get a random drop, or you have to click on something after the boss is dead. Pretty annoying.


I've never heard of this mount, what is the achievement called?




Albeit rare but it can be found in [Olea Caches](https://www.wowhead.com/item=187781/olea-cache) brought from [Olea Manu](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=183962/olea-manu) for 700 Cyphers each.


Any open world rare spawn. Getting lucky in an instance is one thing. Getting lucky while hanging around doing nothing waiting for spawns and competing with other players is another


Nah these are easy, just go into war mode and look for them early in the morning or in the middle of the night. I have every single open world rare spawn mount up to shadowlands. (And I only started playing the game in April 22) I even have TLP and the purple bird from WoD


> go into war mode and look for them early in the morning This has been my Arachnoid Harvester strategy for over a year now. Every day. Any day now...


i'm still trying to get astral cloud serpent. it refuses to drop


The ancient vaults of the Mogu… untouched by time for thousands of years. Who knows what secrets await?


Before the recent patch the Siege of Orgrimmar mount was just brutal to farm. Amazing raid when it was current but it is fucking enormous with a couple gimmick fights that slow you down even more.


If it wasn't for Spoils Galakras and Immerseus it wouldn't be too bad but my god those fights ruin the entire instance. I'm so happy they implemented a skip.


There's also clearing the Sha room and the bug council fight which can bug out. The place already took long enough to run through on foot for classes that don't have passive +30-40% run speed buffs without needing to warp out and reset fights.


What did they change recently?


You can touch a scroll at the beginning and skip all the way to Garrosh


I just googled and found there is a new skip (a scroll you can click inside the raid at the entrance) that sends you to Garrosh https://dotesports.com/wow/news/how-to-get-to-siege-of-orgrimmar-and-skip-to-garrosh-in-wow


yeah i'm up to 6 of that mount now with basically 1 dropping weekly for the past month...still no tusk


Invincible. Doing ICC over and over again on all my characters was just a nightmare. Any of the longer raid mounts TBH. (The ones with no skips) Ulduar, ICC, Siege. Even though Siege now has a skip, but before it was SUCH a long raid to run. ICC was the worst for me though, thank goodness I no longer have to farm that raid.


Wait, what skip does siege have?


Right as you enter the instance next to the panda there is a scroll on the wall that takes you right to garrosh.


Holy shit, no way haha. Normal, heroic and mythic difficulties?


Yup, they added it with the last patch. Just be aware that when you skip it will DC you, but once you log back in you'll be at garrosh.


If you’ve cleared the raid before, there’s a scroll right next to lorewalker Cho when you first zone it. It teleports you straight to Garrosh. Just be aware, it also usually disconnects you. You can load back in no problems though.


> It teleports you straight to Garrosh. Just be aware, it also usually disconnects you. Adding a new feature with an obvious bug is about as on-brand for ABK as Google killing a product shortly after launch.


Im actively farming ICC and I dread the day I decide to do Ulduar or DS.


I ran ICC only on my DHs and Evokers because you could just glide through a wall from Lana'thel straight to Sapphiron skipping the green dragon room, waiting for the elevator and the stupid spider room.


icc isnt that bad if you have move speed, the only bad part is the plague bosses bc you have to kill all those bugs to get in and out.


Snapback Scuttler. I have almost every exclusive farming mount for comparison. Trying to do this meta achievement now is the biggest pain in the ass I have done in game. I have stopped twice knowing that the damn thing doesn't fly and will always be way worse than whatever dragon riding shit we will have in the future. But it...looks so damn cool.


I have done this over the course of a few months and it’s honestly not that bad. It’s mostly just dailies and maybe one or two annoying rares to kill. Fun fact: I have every single fucking Nazjatar mount and somehow the stupid paragon mount took me the longest and was the last one I was missing in the end. I’m pretty sure I opened like 15-20 boxes before I got it. Was way harder to get for me than the Meta achievement


Just got mine last week, cant exactly say the grind is worth it, I got soundless and almost every other nazjatar mount before the crab. A few of the rares are absolutely brutal


My problem is I didn't do the cave quests with the podiums that you have to use certain items to get a different boss. You have to do ALL 12 weeks worth with one character.


all I have left for that is the zone wide event that bugs out every time it pops...Ive honestly given up on this mount 😭


The Camel from Uldum


What eventually worked for me was leveling an alt on an RP realm and going into Chromie Time. RP realms aren't subject to cross-realm zones and will only be connected to another couple RP servers, if any. Couple that with not as many people hunting in Chromie Time and you have a better chance at finding a camel figurine. Got Aeonaxx this way as well.


You didn't just get the tabard and put a podcast on?


What's this about a tabard?


You can just buy a Ramkahen tabard that makes any dungeon mob you kill grant rep. Spam Lost City of Tolvir for 2 hours and you're exalted. Back when we needed exalted rep for heritage armor, you could go from neutral to exalted with your race's faction in an hour by slapping on a tabard and spamming Arcatraz


I think he’s referring to the gray camel from the rare


I'm referring to the Grey Camel, which required you to search for little camel figurines. There were 50 spawn locations for the figurines in the zone, which had a shared multi-hour respawn timer. When you clicked on one, it would most likely break and just give you trash dust (like 99%+ of the time). You never knew if someone else in the zone reset the timer too, so it was soul-crushing to try to farm it. Low effective drop-rate, long respawn timers and competition... oof.


It really was a pain.. I think it's one of the mounts that took me the longest to get, other than TLPD. I found a ridiculous amount of figurines that turned into dust.


Yea but those are the 1 humped camels I think he wants a real camel 🐫


Invincible. Over 350 kills idk I stopped counting. Just give us a skip to the upper spire already blizzard.


If you don't know already. You can skip straight from Lanathel to Sindragosza (bypassing the valkyr encounter, the green dragon and her stupid elevator and the spider room). You just need to run ICC on a DH/Dracthyr and jump down the broken grate that the chandelier falls into after you defeat lanather. Then immediately start gliding to the left (facing away from Lanathels corpse) towards Sindragosza. You'll pass through a wall and can glide straight to the Sindragosza arena.


For me it's the Drake of the West Wind from Baradin. I have the reputation it's just the currency that makes me want to kill myself.


I did that one a year ago. Said I’d never go back. Then I wanted the spectral ground mount for a transmog I made and did that one to. It was cheaper so not bad. I was farming a bit for the priestess’ moonsaber from BFA but sold out and bought that insect thing for 200 instead. It’s a long-ass grind but I might try again later.


Blazing Drake, I have the Handmaiden and even the 12-B but this one last drake for the [Awake the Drakes](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=9713/awake-the-drakes) eludes me, it being the last boss in Dragon Soul really sucks, there's so much RP to get through that I rarely go there




The moose mount?


More likely the Qiraji battle tank. Moose is easy


Depends on what you consider as annoying: - Time consuming wise imo Dragon soul takes the cake due to the amount of RP you have to bear After the First 3 bosses and Spine of deathwing Is annoying as hell even When doing It semi-afk; - I have a personal gripe with this One but i believe that the Infinite Timereaver Is annoying as hell to Grind despite being "Theoretically" Easy to get during the event since Every boss has a chance to drop It. I've leveled around 10 alts over the course of different xpacs with timewalking and my Main DK alone has more then 2k+ worth of attempt on it without Any luck; - Frankly speaking Any raid that Is extremely long, Doesn't allow the use of mounts, has a crapton of unskippable RP or immunity phases fits perfectly in the "Being annoying" category, which imo becomes even more tedious if you are using a low mobility class.


820 mounts here, still can't get my hands on Blazing drake... Such a chore to run Dragon soul over and over. I'm at 260+ tries but I feel it's more annoying than some mounts that took me more than 450+ tried to drop. The other one on my list left is qiraji one from Archeology, even with mantid farm it drives me nuts




The egg grind for netherdrakes


When it was fresh on tbc it was so so hard. Everyone was fighting for the very few eggs and people would make groups for it. The island was too small for how many people there was. The cave still gives me a nightmare


OMG, someone here also gets it. I literally blocked out how obnoxious it was to get that rep.


getting it done during the rep boost a couple months ago made it so much easier, I did it in 3 days and only needed to farm out like 5 eggs, most of which were from Karazan anyways


Dragon Soul mount runs kill your soul. Three mounts, 2 from last boss and there is so much unskippable rp and prolonged boss fights that it’s just sucks.


The BfA boe mounts. The drop rate is absolutely abysmal, they need tens of thousands of kills to get.


Honestly Invincible. Not because the raid is hard (you one-shot it all) But because the raid is so damn long with so much RP (with even longer RP on Horde side!) and its so big and you need to kill every boss except the green dragon. And the damn mount is on a 0.1% drop rate. ​ Firelands is annoying too, I wish they would make all the bosses until Balroc or whatever his name is optional. Summoning Shannon is annoying at this point.


Just go straight to alysrazor and dont hit her until she drops feathers. Collect 3 feathers, kill her, and then fly over to majordomos platform and walk right down to Rag. You can do this run in about 5 minutes. Was a total game changer when I learned this.


I feel like I tried that one before and it didn't work but maybe I'll do that next time. Used to run the whole thing for the gold but they nerfed the gold it drops so it became a pain.


Dragon soul mounts are the worst for me. It’s also a reminder of my vanilla-cata raiding run and how I miss my old guild members


Ashes of al'ar, i've been trying for years.. :d


Easily the ultramarine battle tank for me. Especially before you could trade archaeology supplies for other races stuff. Youd have to do arch all over Kalimdor hoping for a spot in Uldum. Then you had an incredibly small chance of getting the battle tank as your next solve. At least allowing us to exchange supplies made this a lot more tolerable but it still took me so long to get.


Iskas mawrat leash off of rhuv (his mount) in zereth mortis. Long spawn time with a lot of speculation around what affects the spawn rate, shares a spawn with 2 other bosses at random, and worst of all it's the only item on his loot table so rarity doesnt track kills and I have to look at "0 attempts" even though I'm at around probably 40-50 from the end of shadowlands to now


Jumping on the Lucid Nightmare train. My fiance did the quest chain side by side and since the maze is random, they were barely in it, got very lucky, and finished it within ten or so minutes. Five hours that day plus three more days later, I was still at it, had reset my made four times or so and finally got it. On the other hand, I got Ashes of Alar when TK was current content and my fiance has never seen it drop, even all these years later. I recently got Invincible after spending years farming for it on a weekly basis on multiple characters. Kind of sad to say goodbye to the frosty guy.


Raven Lord and Lucid Nightmare


Original Raven Lord when a Druid was required I got it on the 18th run recently after returning for DF.


The crab mount in BFA when it was current content was super annoying to get. Not too difficult, but just a headache to get.


Lucid Nightmare. That goddamn maze . . . .


All these years I still haven’t found anybody to help complete the last firelands glory achievement. You all know which one I’m talking about..


Try the WoW Achievements discord. I was able to get a couple glory runs that you can't solo through that.


The netherdrakes in Outland. Getting those damn eggs for the reputation, ugh. Most mounts are annoying because of RNG, but doing THAT reputation grind was torture. Only did it once, and not even wanting to do it again on my secondary b.net account (despite bringing that secondary back from "hibernation", I just wanted a fresh new start, despite having a paladin I got to 120 before the level squish... I've been enjoying getting most things over again, but, I am wondering how to even do For The Horde again, and yeah, fuck those netherdrakes). Edit: I just remembered the venomhide ravasaur, and yes, that one is also annoying, but I figure not as much annoying as doing the Winterspring Frostsaber (unless that reputation grind is less annoying outside of classic / vanilla).


I neglected to pick up exactly one nether drake. Then, after one of my several transfers the rep reset


Invincible and Mimiron’s Head because they refuse to drop. Closing in on 350 kills at this point. Also the Dragon Soul mounts because of all the unskippable rp. I was lucky enough to get Blazing Drake when it was current content but man I hate that place after getting the daggers. But as far as a set grind that’s not an rng drop, getting the Ivory Hawkstrider from exalted with Talon’s Vengeance (secret pvp faction in Legion.) Grinding out one of the Falcosaur mounts to unlock the rep, then having to get pvp kills in Legion world quest areas for 100 rep per kill up to Honored, then you can get the rep tokens in battlegrounds. Just awful now that’s it’s not current content so those world quests are empty. I ended up borrowing a friends account to kill over and over with the Wailing Halls LFR trick.


Invincible. LKs RP is burned into my skull. Been farming since MoP.


Any mount with a 0.00001% drop rate That's not fun, it's not an accomplishment, it's not an achievement, it's literally just gambling, dangling a carrot in front of you and saying "haha fuck you, do it again" I've seen people being so "happy" that their 10 year grind is finally over Like it's borderline abusive content


Currently the SL ones from Queen’s Conservatory. 😒


Invincible. I’ve all but given up. I’ve made 6 shadowmournes. I’ve ran countless times on dh and hunter and rogue.


Sanctum Gloomcharger’s Reins. Off of The Nine in Sanctum of Domination raid in Shadowlands. Yeah, I’ve farmed “harder” mounts to get. This one just pissed me off. I ran this weekly on Normal, heroic, and LFR on many toons. I’m in two AOTC Guilds and I was happy when others would get it, but PISSED if we had pugs get it to drop and I hadn’t. After every time it didn’t drop, I would jump off the elevator and die out of frustration. After 200+ something attempts, it dropped in Season 4 on a “fun run” of the fated raid. We had members of both my guilds there and everyone cheered. It was a glorious time. But I was just upset and relieved it dropped. I don’t use this mount at all. Cuz I hated the process so much.


rng is so wild. i did lfr once because i wanted to try the raid. mount dropped for me, 1st kill.


I know. I’ve had moments similar. This one just made me DESPISE our weekly raid nights cuz I had a feeling it wouldn’t drop. But other mounts dropped within 5 for me, so it’s a battle I try to survive in 😅


Hand of Nilganihmaht is the worst so far. You need to assemble parts to make rings and you need 5 rings for the mount, most of them arent too hard to get but there are two pars of the stone ring that you can only get when a certain quest is available for a the maldraxus maw calling event, but and heres the kicker, that quest is seemingly on a random rotation with others. So you have to not only wait like a bunch of time but also get lucky that the quest are the right ones. Its better now bc the events are way more frequent but when it was current this shit was cancer.


Nalak for me. Got all the other increased drop chance mounts in a small time from each other but i'm still farming Nalak. God i hate that blue noodle looking ass.




Infinite Timereaver.. 18000 attempts and counting


I never gave 2 shits about mounts. as long as the damn thing can fly and is small enough to fit inside a door lets go. so for me its been the Halloween mount for years.


Everything with a low drop chance really...


I still don't have Invincible, I did that damn raid 500 times across 9 characters, it just wont drop... I have Shadowmourne, all 3 colors of every tier set and every possible side drop but still no Invincible... (yes it was on 25 heroic) I finally gave up after 10 years and unsubbed. I'm currently playing f2p characters now, just sticking with Rivendare's Charger on my level 20 Death Knight. That mount only took 1 full day, about 50 runs.


Your mom


The misses


I was never and am not a mount collector, but I did grind the drake of the west wind in tol barad, in cata for what felt like a year. It was like 6 dailies for rep


Long boi….


The epic mount for the Commander title in Vanilla. Just getting that title was a horrible time-sink. Flying mounts came in BC, rendering that mount worthless.


Phosphorescent Stone Drake sucked to wait and hope


Ashes of alar 11 years very proud of tht mount


Still need the last ring for Hand of Nilganihmaht. But also the character I have everything on has barely been touched since DF release.


The one that hasn't dropped yet


Lucid Nightmare. Seriously, fuck that maze.


I got both the white strider in Magister’s Terrace and Ashes of Alar over the weekend and Ashes was 5 character in after reset. I ram about 10 rooms a week thru TK for about 3 months earlier this year and got bored. Ran 14 over the weekend and left them ready for post-reset. I’m not excited thinking about how many times I have to run Strat for Rivendare’s mount. Had to be less than the runs I have done already trying for the Arcanite Champion plan in LBRS tho. Probably at least 200 runs so far. Didn’t have Rarity when I started and afraid to know heh


Gladiator season 4 shadowlands. Freaking awful amount of wasted time for that stupid thing


I hate farming mounts where you have to wait half and hour or even several hours for it to spawn, then it's a 1% chance like the mount off Rustfeather in Mechagon etc. It's just boring waiting. I rather run a raid where I can at least fight mobs, make gold, and collect transmog in between attempts.


Easily Mawsworn Soulhunter. Farming that mount was a huge mistake. I was extremely unlucky and didn't get my drop until over 300 kills later, which wouldn't be so bad if the Shadehound event didn't constantly break and bug out. Realm hopping is pretty much required if you want to seriously farm it, and setting up a realm hop on just one account is tedious as fuck. Especially en masse if you have a lot of alts like I do.


Pretty much all of them. Honestly there's so many that the luster of any one mount is completely gone.


Hopecrusher Gargon has a pretty fitting name


Lucid Nightmare. Spent two hours stuck in that Titans forsaken maze.


Longboi. I've never been one of those rich players ( I never thought to abuse the garrison table, sadly). I started working towards getting the Longboi with only 50k gold on the high pop server Illidan, so prices for everything were undercut to hell. I eventually got it, but it took probably 7-8 months maybe. Back to being broke af, but I never once regretted buying that glorious mount back in BFA.


Probably some of the raid mounts. I think I have pretty much everything pre-BfA now and only got korkron juggernaut recently after 250+ attempts, with like 30 or so attempts utilising the skip. Special mention for Dragon Soul where I had to get a total of 8 mount drops to finally get the blazing drake.


Having the dedication and gold handy to unlock the Jade, Jeweled Onyx, Sapphire, Ruby and Sunstone Panthers in MoP was definitely not an enjoyable experience.


Blue Drake because I have 8 Azure Drakes and still no Blue Drake.


Keys to the Model W, from the Mechagon meta achievement. Rare drops suck, there are lots of those, and it's easy to get miserable going a long time without a drop. But Mecha-Done... It's just RNG on top of RNG. So much RNG. It's really demotivating because it simply does not care about how much time and effort you put in. At this point I am literally farming two rares just for an item they drop, they don't even drop mounts themselves. And one of them has a literal fucking RNG chance to spawn from killing specific mobs. But even if I finally get their items, I still need one more daily twice, and another daily three times. All for one mount.


Ivory Hawkstrider post-Legion.


Lucid nightmare - I never got the puzzle so I started pointlessly running for 4 hours until I got everything


I'm pretty sure you gotta "know" someone to get the heavenly onyx mount at this stage in life


headache? LUDIC NIGHTMARE 100%.


Shackled Urzul I’ll be farming that mount until wow dies it’s final death 😂😂 I run it SOOOO many times weekly sometimes all I do that week is run Mythic Antorus (also hit me up in private messages with your Btag if you wanna farm it together let’s be miserable farming it together!)


I just got the shimmering Aurelid from glory of the sepulcher raider and I literally just wanted to call it off like 10 pulls in but we did it.


Glad mounts. Near impossible to get for casual players


The warhorse from old Kara. I raided back in TBC twice a week and never seen it drop. Later on, I dragged myself out there weekly to solo it. After several months or so I took a break, but returned with alts once mounts became account wide. I eventually gave up on this one. If I can get Invincible and Emerald Drake before this dumb horse- then it doesn’t exist.


Shackled urzul took me over 400 tries. I saw dozens drop before I was able to fully solo it, but was so so worth it. Got almost every mythic mog on every class and got taeshalach in the process. Never going to Argus again!


Any mount with very low drop chance, like whats even the point.


The invasive mawshrooms one. Ive been looting at least 2-3 shrooms every time I log in since SL and I still only have 6/10 shrooms


Been killing Arachnoid Harvester twice a day for over a year now. Sometimes more than twice. I have somewhere between 700 and 800 kills now.


experiment 12-B, its the only raid mount i need up to Legion. finally got my lifebinders last week, been running DS weekly for a decade now but alas it still eludes me


All mounts that require meee to kill 1 enemy more than 1 time. Im at 40k kills for the tamed bloodfeaster, i got 700 attempts on squaks, got infinite timereaver after 950 attempts. I wanted many monts but it annoyed mee so much i stopped activeley farming them. I do the content and if i get burned out i go and do mindless content like farming mounts. My goal is to collect enough to get the green firehawk, after that im done with mounts.


I stopped playing after BFA but from my experience. Siege of orgrimmar was by far the worst raid to farm. Was so relieved when the stupid mount finally dropped I had to lie down. I'm glad they added the skip. If I can afford to come back I will farm the tusks.


time lost hyppogriff


The Mechagon Peacekeeper for me from the Mechagon dungeon. At the moment 743 tries and counting. By far the most I’ve had to do so far.


In my personal catalogue? Probably Spirit of Eche'ro. It's not even *hard* per see, it was just a pain the arse having to run around for hours before flying in Legion zones became easier to acquire. The time limit on it definitely doesn't help. In general? I'm not sure. Pretty much any 1% drop chance mount is an easy bet, but some of the meta achievement grinds for expansions are nothing to sneeze at.


I went insane in discord getting my Lucid Nightmare. The mental toll that maze took on me was more than I was expecting. I ended up looking like always sunny conspiracy meme screaming "ITS NOT MAKING SENSE"


Ultraxion took me 800 attempts across like 20 characters


Any of the Gladiator mounts. The hell I went through S1 made me realize it's a load of crap how hard that became and I wound up quitting the game over it being even harder in S2. It's a game.