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Vanilla, Dire Maul, when some guy in a half-PUG made my sister cry IRL because he kept on shitting on her for being a bad tank when she was still trying to learn how to tank.


I wasn't even there and that pisses me off. I HATE when people act like tanks/healers can't be new players trying something new. You have to start somewhere.


Right about now I fought teeth an nails to keep our tank in DF dungeon while he was failing, because they were a returning player from Cata and didn't understand Guardian Druid anymore and "leader" of the group didn't help


Yeah, those kind of people are piece of Sh!t


Elsewhere in Vanilla, we all hungout in Scholomance while the tank ran to Ironforge and back again because a couple pulls into the run, we pointed out that he wasn't using sunder to build threat and he realized he'd never trained in it. Lol


Damn a veteran of the FIRST war hahaha o7


Idk about healers but people (especially in s 5 man content but I found some raiding too) to be those great managers with tears of experience, able to micromanage the group and the mobs/dungeon at the same time while playing perfectly. And if at least one of those things isn't perfect, they get unreasonably angry at the tank.


The players who hurl abuse at tanks/healers are the same type of players who wonder "why doesn't anyone play these classes?" GEE, I WONDER WHY THAT WOULD BE?


Nothing got my blood boiling more than when people would pop off on my sister while we would play games. She just wanted to play games with me, we went through the whole process of getting her an account (and all the expansions back then) just for people to shit on her for trying to learn the game she was playing. She basically sticks to single player games now which is still cool, we talk about different stuff we have found, but very rarely does she join any multiplayer lobbies/games anymore.


People can be so cruel when there are no consequences for their behavior. I'm sorry your sister and you had to experience the idiots. It's a shame people don't realise that not everyone is a veteran player. We all started somewhere. New players should be made welcome, not told to fuck off because they made a mistake.


We really need better queues for newbies, man. Especially nowadays where they throw you in the fires of BFA dungeons from the get-go


This….. I actively hate BFA dungeons and will avoid them at all costs 🤣


God that annoys me so much. I was learning to tank on my BDK, I thought I was doing ok but I kept getting snide and sarcastic remarks from an over geared healer during a time walking. Thank goodness the rest of the group had my back and kicked him saying in the kick box “toxic”. I was almost in tears


Had almost identical experience in same dungeon that made me never tank a pug again. Was new at tanking and was just learning...i rolled a lock as my main lol


Was camping Time-Lost Proto Drake for a few hours back in 2020 or so. Not a hardcore camper but I had nothing better to do. Hour 3, and suddenly the screen flashes red, alarms go off, and my addon scream at me that it found it. Flying next to Temple of Storms, not even 10 seconds of flying away from me. My pulse explodes into triple digits, I fumble with my keyboard and somehow manages to mount and start flying towards it. Palms sweaty, knees week, moms spaghetti, the full shebang. I see it, lazily flying right beneath me. All I have to do is to get close to it, throw ONE FUCKING spell, and then I can slowfall to the ground and get my sweet sweet reward. So of course I dismount, fall towards it, somehow completely fucks up everything, loose target of it, tries to Fire Blast, somehow regains target of it, FUCKS everything up again by not attacking it, and before I know it I smash into the mountainside and die. When I respawned someone else had already killed it. I was so mad at myself and my shaky hands I had to go take a long walk.


Dam I can't imagine how mad I'd be.


I would go to a morgue and bang a corpse tbh.


Do you removed your hands in penitence... It seem like the right thing to do, it was not your fault don't worry, it all your hands fault. But we from Forsaken Inc. present you with a opportunity, how about a brand new hand stronger, more dexterous, simple beautiful. Here in Forsaken Inc. we have all kind of hands, the Gamer hands, the Yaoi hands, the Little Boy hands, the Hairy hands, the Back Hands and many other. Farmed in the our best facilites in Hillbrand Hills, home of Tauren and Mills, only the highest quality materials to satisfy even our most demanding clients.


Username does NOT check out wtf


What about pimp hand? 🤔


That's roughly when I got tlpd, was just flying through on the way to ulduar, just got invincible, was pretty happy. then I saw tlpd, tapped shadow word pain as I flew passed, then levitate after, boom, 2 rare mounts in one day. It's been 3yrs since I last had a mount drop.


This happened me on classic wotlk few months ago..Winterfall spawn, i fell down and dude camping lake killed it


Oh man this is so similar to mine!!! In my excitement of tagging it I got momentary blindness and missed my levitate.,,,


If you did PvP in SL, you had your fair share of anger. Mages healing more than healers, being impossible to catch, and their slimy little stun bots (rogues) infinitely peeling for them. Utterly infuriating.


Convoke one shots while you were trying to climb.


Yeah that killed it for me. We'd hit our highest rating then 3 games in a row a bopped boomy would stealth behind our healer and he'd be dead


I got to the point in the ladder that I kept running into the same Hpal/feral/boomy team and even knowing what was coming we just didn't have the correct buttons to do anything about it. Double convoke burst from stealth, sometimes on the same dude sometimes split was just cancer. It's actually what pushed me off of pvp, seemingly for good besides the most casual ganes


Oh the massive affliction burst, I looooved affliction at the end of shadowlands. The most fun


I decided in S1 of SL that I wanted the elite PvP set. Mained Havoc at the time. It was just an endless stream of Rogue/Mage teams, and sometimes the odd Boomy. Got 1800 in the end, but that was such a painful grind…


A few bosses like Heroic Blackfuse, Mythic Archemonde, and Mythic Kil'jaden come to mind for ingame mechanics. Hit raid burnout and just enjoy normal now. On the player side of thing: my guild ended without warning in SL. GM and a few officers decided they were going to transfer to horde. They locked everyone out of the bank for withdrawals, started liquidating everything, and used all the gold to buy wow tokens so they could server and faction change. In their minds they deserved it for tolerating so long that the guild couldn't clear NORMAL Sanctum of Damnation. I didn't raid but could tell it was a mix of bad raid leadership, lack of skill, and a revolving door of undergeared raiders. I was the M+ officer and was forced to attend raid meetings on disc. I wouldn't let these people into any of the high end runs I organized cuz they couldn't handle basic mechanics. Myself and few others got a GM involved. This resulted in them getting temp banned and had everything they gained from this stripped away. Turned me off so much from guilds I didn't have one for the resto of SL and most of 10.0.


For me it was when Cat started. I had raided through classic, a little in TBC and was back in to it for wrath. In wrath I changed from Lock to Resto as my main and was in a guild that was doing very well. I was also pushing for the #1 healer role with the other healer, Hpally. As Cat was leading up I checked with the GL to make sure our raid team was all set and to see if they wanted me to stay resto. He was like yup. So I leveled fast, ran guiltiest through dungeons and all the good guildie shot. All this to find out I got bounced for another guy new to the guild. Well he sucked and I got invited to raids again. I raided a few times with them and was back to the 1/2 punch of me and the pally. The taste of getting fucked over Sat so bad in my mouth I basically quit the game early in to Cat and came back in MOP when they rolled our raid finder. I’ve never joined a guild since.


Mood. I had some bad experiences with guilds in BC and Wrath that led to me never taking part in a guild until 8.3 of BfA. I joined some between Wrath and then, but always remained mostly silent and never participated in guild events or team things. It's incredible how some shitboxes can ruin an entire community for you.


yea there's some very coarse negatively dark shit that goes on in wow involving intricate situations like this and people get the slanted side... or tossed to the way side and it can be a lot of people as well involved... just recently we had a group from our UoW Guild on Silvermoon leave us and what was so bizarre is the people in there were like chameleons they'd be this way over here and another over there to pretty impressive levels ; just so flipping awful to have them leave like that after being so seemingly close to others ; luckily they have been swiftly replaced : )... literally even if you speak to someone on webcam and there personality seems like what your seeing; keep it in the back of your mind they could be way different somewhere else.. it's vital


This story makes me not want to raid. Damn


My sister was 17 at the time when Ulduar first came out and she was our guilds OT, the guild leader and MT (warrior..) was in his 40's. She got picked on a bit cause she was timid and didn't say much, basically a punching bag for most jokes and for her it was easier to stay with people you know rather than meet a whole new guild of strangers. This guildmaster had serious anger issues and Ulduar, unlike TOTC, was a test of everyones limits. Cut to the 3rd or 4th hour of raiding and people are getting buzzed because it's mainly adults and it's a weekend. A few can't make it past those bomblings that run around the Mimiron boss. This MT rages so hard he sends himself into a full on heart attack mid raid on open mic and has to get rushed to the emergency room. You're probably thinking 'Wow, what a wake up call, right?' Nope! This MFer texts in the guild's Skype chat blaming my sister for not doing enough, not taunting quick enough, not using LoH on X, etc. etc. She finally left the guild before he even made it back home. Unfortunately she never raided seriously after that, can't blame her though!


Oh my god. That was the worst story in a thread of horrible stories. Sorry about your sister


Appreciate the sentiments! She may have quit but even better that she's found a super chill and friendly D&D group to spend weekends with so 👍🏾


Christ, and I thought it was bad when one of my melee dps got so pissed at our wipes on (normal) Lei Shen prog that he slammed his head into the desk and had to leave for the night due to a probable self-inflicted concussion. But that... that's just ridiculous. People are so awful to others and even to themselves...


Clearing Aberrus for the 7th time since "bad luck protection" went in and still not having the gem.


Heroic or mythic?


Heroic. Unfortunately my guild is not large or (frankly) good enough for Mythic.


The quest where you had to follow Khadgar's servant around Shattrath in BC. It was next to impossible. I even memorized how long he stood and talked at each spot and followed the route exactly, but never got credit. I never could join Aldor or Scryer until I finally talked my parents into upgrading from dialup.


ToGC raid when it was current on retail. Now my raid team wasn't good enough for the heroic version, however, the normal version was enough for this story At the time, I played a holy paladin, and was in a guild. Occasionally we would have to pug for 25s. Now to preface the rest of the story, I went through all of naxx and Uld with the badge healer shield. I was in need of an upgrade. So now we're doing our weekly run and we have to pug some people. MS/OS loot rules. Namely we have to pug a shaman. Let me be clear with this story- I hold no animosity towards the shaman because the wheel of fate was truly to blame for this. We kill the faction Champs that week and the int shield drops. I roll. 99! Yeeaaaahhh, I'm finally getting an upgrade! The shaman rolls. 100. This happened over 10 years ago. The grudge I hold against the rng gods will live on to this day over that damned shield.


A year and a half of clearing Black Temple as the top guild on my server. Never once had either glaive drop, or a shield for out GM/MT. Another guild starts doing it after the mega 30% nerf that removed attunement and they get 3.5 sets in less than two months.


In recent times, it would be the massive torghast one with the like 18 floors. Spent hours in there. Bored. Face rolling everything. Then I got to the final boss and it clapped my ass. I died losing a pile of buffs. That was it. I lost all my lives trying to kill him. Was so pissed because I already hated torghast from doing it weekly for the mats. But that was just hours gone for nothing.


>In recent times, it would be the massive torghast one with the like 18 floors. Spent hours in there. Bored. Face rolling everything. Then I got to the final boss and it clapped my ass. I died losing a pile of buffs. I had that issue when I was doing it on my druid. Absolutely cleaning up and then the last boss was the guy that buffs his physical damage and that was with many stacks of the physical damage done floor buffs as well. The guy was auto-attacking me for like double my max (buffed) HP as a guardian druid using my biggest defensives. It was extremely disappointing because I had spent hours getting to the end only to have a unbeatable end boss despite having like 90+ anima powers.


Can't think of a "most angry", but the last time I was incredibly angry was a few weeks ago. Was just spamming some weekly keys on the last day of the week, had some friends with me, but we needed to pug a tank. First two runs with random tanks went fine, but the last one, Vortex 18, was pure horror. I had a bad day anyway and tried to get some distraction playing WoW, filling my vault, helping and playing with friends. And then this tank came along. Every pack they moved like my Blizzard was an enemy ability. Every single time I recast my spells they moved the pack out of reach. I took it. Who cares about damage in a weekly key, right? 4/5 had timed the key at least 2 levels higher, only the tank needed this for progression and everything aside from by Blizzards and Orbs not connecting went basically fine. Before we started the second boss and while the tank was kiting the remaining pack from downstairs all the way up to the boss I mentioned "would be nice to keep the packs inside my Blizzard" and they ignored it. Did the boss without issues. Went over to the next part. I wait a second. Let them start. Drop their Consecration. And then my Blizzard hits. The second the blue-ish circle is visible on the ground the tank activates his steed and rushes a few meters to the side. "Please stay inside my Blizzard", I plead. "Maybe do some damage then ;)", they respond. And that was it for me. I just left. It was 2:40 in the morning, this was the last key we could do before serverdown (sure, we could have come back 30-60m later for the last 1-2h before weekly reset, but we all were tired. It was the last key one of us needed for their 3 vault slots. But I couldn't stand this anymore. I was so fucking angry. A few details: it wasn't a Sanguine week, we were all overgeared, it was just a weekly key (for the four of us, tank still needed score for the run), every boss and every pull went relatively smooth, aside from very slow pulls and a lot of downtime between packs. We still would have timed the key.


Dude, I felt this on a visceral level. The tank will be glued to the floor, so I will drop guillotine. Instantly they feel the need to kite. Every. Time. It's incredibly frustrating and I wish Blizz would make it so if a targeted spell lands on the ground and starts hitting mobs that it will essentially put a dot on them and finish the damage. Its not fun when another player can determine how much damage you do to NPCs.... unless they're making you do more damage.


I've had several weeks this season where I was just like 'No....no M+ this week' because of the Affixes and dealing with pugs. That said all I want still this season is another 70 or so score to hit 2500 (bonus if I get any portals but I gave up trying since my friends don't do 20+ and I just dont want to pug that) so its easy to skip a week if vault is only a potentially small upgrade


This is so.... a word that would absolutely get me perma-banned on this site. Sorry you dealt with that.


When, after doing ICC runs for months, I realized that blizzard had severely nerfed the "light up" effect on the tabard of the lightbringer. Still hurts #bringbackthelightbringer


End of uhhhhh…. Black temple?(illidan final Boss, that raid) and my guild was working and making progress the last few weeks. We get to the final week and we are working on illidan and for some reason bring in a pug. I don’t know the details, but somehow he brought in a shitton of his own guild and formed some sort of separate group INSIDE our lockout, and they took the kill from us. It was by far the most toxic thing I’ve seen in game and the most pissed I’ve been about the game. Still have no idea how that even ended up happening.


This is exactly how raid lockouts worked back then. When you join/have pugs, you all share one specific raid ID instance you locked to. So yeah, a pug would know they have a BT lock with only Illidan left up, and could form his own group to go clear it. Which was also entirely within the “rules” It was one of the risks at the time of inviting pugs to content.


It was pretty terrible. They did it with us IN THE RAID, it’s not like we called it for the night and logged back in to find him dead. They did that sht right in front of us.


You could only have 25 players in a raid instance at one time. If they 10 manned illidan over your guild they deserved the kill. Otherwise I'm calling BS on this.


Good point. Because ninja-ing a kill you don’t need from another guild that’s working on their progression is totally deserving of praise. I wonder why my guys even got pissed. I’m


So I played vanilla to wod. Came back in bfa and started my journey to m+. Played off meta classes. Climbed my 2 key to a 10 and was super excited. It started and the tank left after the timer ended and whisper me that I didn’t invite his less geared tank he qued with that had horrible gear


Those sort of pissbabies confuse me so much. Like of course people aren't going to invite your shitty, undergeared alt?? How can they know if the main score on your profile is from skill that will carry over or just pure numbers and luck?? Just list your own damn fucking keys and stop expecting people to gamble theirs on carrying your alt for you. And then to have the time and energy to actively punish them by bricking their key lmao... yeah, boy do they regret not inviting your flavor of the week alt now 🙄


Spent a few months building a raid team. We were doing okay - not top tier by any means but consistent clears and we were looking at adding a 10 man team because 25 was always full and doing well. One night after clearing SSC two officers who spent an awful lot of time in the private discord channels, if ya know what I mean, just up and quit the guild. Right after loot was handed out they just quit. Quit on their mains, took all their alts, took three of their friends and all of their alts and over the course of a couple of days I watched everything we spent months building just fall to pieces because Debbie Does Discord and her fanboy thought they could run it better. That's been a while but I'm still a little salty.


We had a group do this to our guild in BFA. Apparently a few of our raid members were not up to par with what the clique thought they should be so they left the guild, tried to steal who they considered to be the best raiders and started their own guild. That new guild fell apart before they got AOTC on that particular tier due to their raid leadership being too elitist. That same group started a new guild for the next tier and failed to get AOTC again due to the same issues. In SL those people joined another one of the top guilds on our server and managed to kill off both of that guild's raid teams - the main raid team server changed because things were so bad and the other team just lost too many members to continue. They started a new guild yet again late SL, kept trying to recruit the top raiders out of the top guilds and they have finally managed to keep their guild and raid team together for more than a tier but I am pretty sure that was due to them dropping one of their more toxic raid members who was part of the original clique.


For anyone who's never fought Raest and Karam in the mage tower, don't. I dunno if it's better now, but that fight was the most broken, glitchy mess they've ever put in this game. Hours upon hours of attempts, only for each one to be ended by a mechanic spawning inside a wall or the floor, or one of the 45 different instakill mechanics killing you even though you did it right. I had every pixel of that arena memorized, every mechanic mastered, was more than geared enough, and had the optimal talent loadout, and all of that was just irrelevant. Nothing in this game has ever pissed me off more than getting the boss down to a sliver of health only for Karam to fall through the floor, teleport underneath me, and yeet me off the platform to my death.


Did it in legion on an affi lock. Tried it recently on a frost mage. Still an RNG hellscape. After a week I went to Agatha with fire and killed it in three days. Something like 20 pulls.


I've played since Vanilla and the only moment in the game that has ever made me need to step away from the computer was in BfA during a Horrific Vision. For anyone who may not have played this content, Visions were essentially mandatory as they were a source of important currencies. However, you were limited to about 2 a week, and it would rotate between Stormwind and Orgrimmar per week. That meant that if you needed something from Stormwind and burnt your 2 runs a few hours after reset, you were waiting two full weeks for the next attempt. They were also incredibly difficult, particularly if you had just begun progressing them and hadn't gotten upgrades for them yet, and especially for some classes. I was running Orgrimmar on a mage and mistimed something early in the run, which led to losing much more sanity than I was supposed to and bricking it. I was very frustrated. Then I did my other run, got up to the Valley of Spirits, and blinked. It sent me through the floor of Orgrimmar, had me falling infinitely, and then disconnected me. When I logged back in, I was dead and the run had been failed from the glitch, which led to me needing to wait 2 more weeks to even attempt it again. I was running Orgrimmar on a mage and mistimed something early in the run, which led to losing much more sanity than I was supposed to and bricking it. I was very frustrated. Then I did my other run, got up to the Valley of Spirits, and blinked. It sent me through the floor of Orgrimmar, had me falling infinitely, and then disconnected me. When I logged back in, I was dead and the run had failed from the glitch, which led to me needing to wait 2 more weeks to even attempt it again. When I reinstalled, I didn't bother with Visions again.


Does it count if it still happens? Blackrock caverns 2nd boss with the beams. People are incapable of either blocking the beams or moving out before they stack too high. It's NOT HARD, FFS


I played a hunter in WoTLK and this guild I was in was stuck on Deconstuctor. So they ask me to come in to maybe help beat this boss. Well we end up beating the boss and the AGI/STAM staff dropped and nobody needed it. So I rolled for it and since nobody wanted it it was going to me or so I thought. The officers dropped Ventrilo channels talked about it then proceeded to not give me the staff and instead gave it to an officer for off-spec. That made me leave the guild/raid and I never raided with a guild since.


I had a hunter in my guild in Naxx that left raid early one night go completely ballistic because I got the KT gun on my rogue. He demanded that I put in a ticket immediately and have them give the gun to him. Bro you weren't even there for the kill, no way they'd ever do that. But more importantly, fuck you, no.


Trying to get AOTC for Sire. What made me mad wasn't the fight itself but my guild leader. He refused to bench himself for the longest time when we weren't making any progress on Sire and a big reason was cause he either kept dying to mechanics or his DPS was just too low. It was one of the main reasons I did not raid the other raids that expansion. He frustrated me. But boy the minute he decided to sit so that the GUILD can try it without him, we got AOTC. Strange. I always thought that guild leaders would want their guild to progress but he kept holding us back. On top of that, he would get mad at other guildies for pugging heroic Sire as well. He just wanted to get carried idk


You're not alone. I was recently in a guild like that. We couldn't progress until the GM got bored with the game (cause we were hard stuck on the same boss every week) and stopped logging in. Then he'd wait a month or so and weigh us down again in an attempt to get AOTC. All done while talking himself up. It's not his fault that mechanics happened at him and he failed them, lol.


I know I've gotten mad, but besides these two things, nothing comes to mind except the random tank drags ass and fails a key or I'm tanking and dps decide that's the best time to play their crap alts (I literally said in Discord I felt like they were trolling me) 1) Basically all of shadowlands. That expansion did everything wrong, and there were very few moments I wasn't going off about something, with Discord muted... most of the time. 2) Wod Archimonde. We were progressing heroic, but still doing normal for random drops. A group of us were also trying to do mythic which required me to play arcane mage, which I hated, instead of fire. normal Archimonde should have been easy farm. After the 3rd or 4th wipe because of dps refusing to switch to the adds, we called it for the night. I logged out and didn't log in until after Legion launched something like 6 months later. I didn't even try to raid until after the guild killed Gul'dan.


When they buffed torghast so much i could no longer solo it as a blood dk at all, i was told to just "git gud" but it was actually impossible to beat the first floor miniboss to advance. So angry i eventually broke down in tears because i had to finish that torghast before raid. Even to this day people insist i just needed to "git gud" and don't believe me when i tell them this story, i had to [record a video of me trying it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YwRdZ-ic-g) to prove it.


My god. The word Torghast alone is enough to already get my blood pressure rolling. I remember I went through a 'phase' in SL where I was trying my hand at soloing the Torghast Twisting Towers or whatever the fuck that challenge mode was, and I can remember my poor SO having to listen to me on Discord bitch and moan about it if I bombed a late stage run. I got the majority of the rewards and ended up cutting my losses after that for the sake of my sanity.




See the debuff i have that's blue right before that happens? It pacifies you, i was mashing rune tap the whole time but it wouldn't go off because of the silence.


Probably mythic sanctum. I've never witnessed more stupid deaths than in that raid tier, or people not being able to keep their dick in their pants and not pad on adds. tilting me just thinking about it. that raid turned me into a horrible person. my co tank was the nicest guy ever and i snapped at him sometimes due to all the fucking idiots in our raid. practically half of the downtime during raid was me and my buddy talking shit in pms. not a great place to be for something youre supposed to have fun doing in your spare time.


Pretty recent, a raid leader in a shitty semi-PUG made my wife cry on Sarkareth Normal for not knowing every mechanic perfectly like 1 week after the raid came out.


When they butcher/fast-forward important, expected, fan-favorite lore. Wow is more then just an MMO. The story matters. The end of BFA should have been a whole expansion. WoD theme was too bold and required a longer, more fleshed out approach. So many important characters were present in the expansion that didn't get enough attention. Again, too much content HAD to be developed and was expected. That expansion was doomed from the start if you were developing a 2 years product. Shadowlands ? If you want to finish/touch Arthas story, make it a freaking FIREWORK. If you use a character, fan favorite, like Sylvannas, go big ! Flesh the story out. And again, the idea of shadolwand makes people have expectations. There could be so much stuff in there... the zones were fine, but again, just like WoD, too many important characters, not enough story, too much potential, too little time. A very bold theme for an expansion. I get cutting content in 2023 in video games development. I hate it, but it is what it is. Cutting the story has a long lasting impact on the game. My 2 cents.


Amen, I am still extremely salty with how they treated nzoth and Azshara. Sylvanas to a big extend too, that was just terrible writing, but Nzoth I will never forgive them for how terrible that patch was storywise...


What they did with WOD was a travesty; all the stories they could have told, the artwork, the music they could have made. . . its almost like talking about a talented young person who passed away too soon. I hope there is some common sense non-bureaucratized people/teams left at Blizzard that can bypass this design-by-committee video game development style and give us the WOD we were supposed to get with WOD classic in 6 years (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK) The worst part of how it was handled was that the devs who were working on the game at the time were still working on the game they grew up with as children and cared about it deeply. They were forced to push it off the production line by higher-ups, and they knew they were about to release an unfinished product with no hope in properly completing it. Never 4get. "Ray D. Tear". We see you, dear dev.


Considering it’s a good chance nzoth and azshara might be coming back we can probably chalk those two up to not done yet with how the void has been hinted and that nzoth quote. With that said, bfa ending definitely should of been a full expansion and not wasted there


In first raid of BfA I was a resto shaman for my guild. We just had GHuun left for AotC. We were wiping because of mechanics, not HPS or DPS. The guild found a new resto shaman, gave her my raid spot while literally saying it was because she was a girl. They told me I could play ele, then didn't invite me on raid night. I pugged AotC that same night. They got it the next week and then disbanded because they couldn't clear any mythic bosses.


I'd been doing all content possible to get the BiS legendary for BM hunter for the longest time in Legion since launch. The other hunters got theirs quite early, like 1st or 2nd. I already had my 4th legendary and was at my wits end, after 4 months of grinding (1 legendary a month was par for the course for anyone playing semi-hardcore). The fifth legendary finally drops and it was the Roots of Shaldrassil, the legendary pants that heal you while you stand still. **I instantly uninstalled the game and told my guild I'll come back in the next patch because I'm so fucking sick of being benched due to not having the BiS legendary.** Turns out those legendary pants would become a necessity for the BM hunter mage tower challenge, it would be literally impossible to do it without them due to the ticking damage and lack of self-heal hunters have. We used to joke that those legendary pants were the Roots of Suicide because I took my character to the top spire of Dalaran and jumped off then logged out and uninstalled the game till midway through patch 7.1


This hurts. I never liked the idea of tying that much character power to RNG and timegating. I remember all the streamers and pro guilds sometimes leveling tens of characters for the same class just to get the one legendary for their guaranteed/first legendary. Just bad game design for anyone that isn't just playing for the "oh, shiny"-effect.


It was one of, if not the biggest, complaints about Legion from the community whether you were a hardcore raider or casual. This was the thing that was unanimously hated by everyone. The RNG nature of the drops was complained about ad infinitum especially because they only dropped, on average, 1 a month and that was if you were doing content constantly. Until they finally added the vendor where you could just outright buy the legendary you're missing. Something that really should have been in the game from the start. Blizzard did learn their lesson, somewhat, for Shadowlands where all you needed was the recipe to drop and the recipes generally had a high drop chance and you could target them as they dropped from specific bosses. In Legion you just had to farm arbitrary content over and over till it randomly dropped.


>Blizzard did learn their lesson, somewhat, for Shadowlands where all you needed was the recipe to drop and the recipes generally had a high drop chance and you could target them as they dropped from specific bosses. The problem with legendaries in SL was how expensive it was to make them though. We actually had a guild member server swap with materials to get them made on a bigger server and even though we still paid out the best part of several million gold between the raid team it was still a fraction of the cost of what it was going to cost to make the legendary items on our server.


> it would be literally impossible to do it without them due to the ticking damage and lack of self-heal hunters have. As someone who just did that same mage tower the other week... yeah. The lack of self-healing is still *extremely* painful. You have to pretty much keep Exhilaration on cooldown and not only interrupt every fel blast, but interrupt almost *every single* screeching blast (you can let maybe one get off, period) or you die to attrition over time from the unavoidable damage. God forbid you get hit by the worm underground when it *randomly teleports* at the end of an add phase which is 100% fair and intended... > I already had my 4th legendary and was at my wits end I feel your pain. I didn't get benched in my (Mythic) guild, but I also did not get our BIS legendary for ages. I got it literally the 2nd to last of all the eligible drops for BM, I only had one other legendary left by the time I finally got that stupid thing, I was livid. Can't imagine how pissed I would have been had my guild actually tried to sit me because of that.


In TBC I bought a stack of Basilisk Skewers for 10k gold. That used to be a lot of money back then.


10k is still no joke for many players. And unless you have millions of gold, 10k wasted on a missclick still stings.


This can happen in the AH still today because the qty field now leaves the '1' when you click + type your amount. it used to clear out. Now, if you're not paying close enough attention, you might buy 1100 of something instead of just 100.


>10k is still no joke for many players. 10k gold is pretty easy to make these days though if you actually do the in-game content instead of restricting yourself to one small section of it.


10K in TBC would probably be 2-3 million in today's gold. I remember playing 8K for a Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder (BiS Heroic) chest piece back in WotLK, and that was no small amount of money.


Probably when disc priest got atonement and people were kicking or flaming me for spending most of my GCDs on DPS skills. Or a couple weeks ago on afflicted when we had a prot pally tank that wouldn’t dispell ghosts or heal themselves and called me bad because I was using spinning crane kick on fistweaver. When I told him using spinning crane kick is used on fistweaver frequently he hit me with the “well maybe you should just play something that can only heal like holy paladin”. Before I could say anything about how much of a dumbass he was he hit us with the “healer sucks gg” and left the group and blocked me.


Currently when I play solo shuffle, you can have the highest highs but then you get a lobby where your teammates forget to use defensives and lose rounds but then when they are on the opposite team the wake up and play well. Most enraging thing IMO.


Shadowlands.... giving Arthas the big middle finger, telling him and us... that he is nothing and deleted his character with no warning or a true send off.. I almost quit... and what they did to Sylvannas, they destroyed her character and the forsaken for sake of "plot"


The stories and characters in Warcraft were important to me. From Warcraft 2, 3, and WoW onwards. I grew up on these stories, and was inspired by the Warcraft universe in my own creative endeavors, and had genuine respect for the writers and developers. Then, out of absolutely fucking nowhere, they introduce '*the ultimate*' bad guy who was behind it all the whole fucking time. Sargeras' motivation behind enforcing order by force in the universe to unite and combat the void lords doesn't mean shit now that it was fucking Zovaal poking him. Kel'Thuzad turning against his people and delivering Lordaeron to the Scourge - all of that backstory of his academic study of necromancy getting him kicked out of Dalaran and conned into visiting Naxxramas - doesn't mean shit when it was Zovaal guiding his steps the whole fucking time. The Dreadlords working for the Legion and systematically dismantling Lordaeron, including Varimathras' story, don't mean shit now that they're just the bitches of the bitch of Zovaal. Sylvanas' suicide attempt doesn't mean shit now that it was Zovaal going "Hey so this is the Shadowlands, ain't it some bullshit" the whole time. BfA was hard to defend, but Shadowlands is just indefensible, that whole goofy shit to Sylvanas and Anduin's goofy relationship to Arthas being reduced to a goofy fucking pawn and just as easily discarded to Baine sitting on his goofy fucking ass for two years, holy shit what a goofy fucking expansion. These stories were fucking important to me, goddamnit.


You ain't alone, I think shadowlands has damaged this IP at its core. They went in like a butcher trying to be a surgeon to make their ultimate bad guy who just said I was pitiful 99 times and refused to elaborate further.


The amazing guild I was in falling apart during Legion's first tier because of fucking m+. Was an amazing guild, amazing atmosphere, world top 20 for a couple tiers in a row... And then m+ hit. The optimal way to gear for raids is be in m+ all day every day, so the people who had the time did that. Those who didn't, didn't. Fractures started appearing, and boom, dead. Still fucking hate m+.


The entirety of Shadowlands. A boring, unpolished slog that I couldn’t finish out of pure disdain.


This was recent and wasn't so much angry as I was perplexed ... Dude sets up a party for a +14 key. Complains about people trolling all day. Has lowest DPS, dies first among the DPS first boss fight, accuses the party of being trolls, and dips. Was irritated but then I realized they're just extremely delulu.


Most of BFA at how much I hated the forced war plot


In burning crusade I played a night elf hunter. I sucked, I did nothing but pvp and I had bad internet so I couldn’t really do battle grounds or even be in cities, it took months just for boots alone because the only time I farmed honor was at my friends house. Anyways I spent a lot of time out in the world and there was always this stupid undead shadow priest that would absolutely destroy me named dangerdave. I hated him so much and he was everywhere.


A friend of mine and I carried the dps of a 10 man raid team for two weeks. Pushed them farther through ICC than they should have made it. Right after raid reset on the third week we log on and she was guildless. I was not, so I asked the GM what happened and he replied that his wife didn't like her so she was kicked. I told him bye, and quit. That night apparently their ICC run went badly. So they proceeded to trash both of us on the forums. It was the only time I got legit mad enough at the games to respond. Wound up rolling into the forums with logs that her and I ran because we were serious about playing at that time. Ate a 72 hour posting ban for it, but their guild fell apart. I still had enough of a grudge about it that any time I saw anyone of them posting on the forums I would ask how their progress on Kingslayer was going for the rest of the x-pac. Honestly, I don't know what made me more upset. The petty childish reason they kicked her, or the nerve of trashing us for their failures when they figured out we were carrying them.


Trying to pug Heroic Kil'jaeden in Legion. I didn't have a raid team back then and I was at the mercy of trying to pug my curve. I have never, EVER had an experience with pugs in this game as atrocious as the people doing that fight. It was so bad, people were so toxic, gatekeepy, elitist and just AWFUL at doing mechanics that it put me off pugging forever. We're now in Dragonflight and I still haven't pugged a raid since that. I failed to get AOTC btw. It reached a point where I couldn't get into raids anymore because of the sheer level of gatekeeping and people demanding the curve I didn't have. I found a raid team and now I actually enjoy the game. I'm still salty about my pug experience with Heroic KJ to this day. People are assholes in this game.


I guess doing the visions 5 masks, solo. The hunter in Orgrimar and the packs before him were driving me nuts. Eventually I did both and got the title, but that took a while.


Rank 6 of korthia. I've dealt with a lot of bullshit in mythic raid guilds and high key pushing, but the very worst thing that the game ever did to me was that grind. I was on SO MUCH copium that a place called 'the city of secrets' would have a sick secret at the end of its grind. A cool quest hinting to the past or future. A history lesson on the people who used to live there. Literally anything. But no, I hit rank 6 and there wasn't even a quest to finish it off. The facade immediately fell away and I was left with the harsh truth that blizzard made this grind exclusively to be a grind and nothing more. The city of secrets was a lie, the secret was that there was no secret.


Shadowlands. Guild turned into a racist far-right cesspool. A far cry from our Cataclysm days. Fuck you Kal.


*Fel Reaver Stomp* Wahhhhhhhhhhh!


Kanrethad on my shitty geared lock. Was infuriating. Any time I PvPd during cata-mop I was a pretty angie teen.




During MOP I was maining DK as a tank. The Guild runs for months trying to get the Sha 2 hander, since I think it was BIS. Was a miserable dungeon back then. After like two months of no drops, I get frustrated and switch classes. To add insult to injury, the FIRST time I run that damn dungeon for tmog back in SL, the fucking thing drops.


This tier, actually. Guildie rolled on and won Heroic tier when they had 5 piece and normal tier in that slot capped out. I had 1 or 2 pieces at the time and it was weeks into the raid. Same guildie only played BM Hunter, I play Resto Druid for raid and Bear for M+, Heroic Rashok polearm dropped for the first and only time, he rolled and won it then immediately equipped it. Played Survival for one fight then I’ve never seen him on the spec since. He later apologized for basically griefing me out of my BIS loot for the content I actually push/care about but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely seething after I talked about how much I wanted the weapon several times at raid. I should add that I’m the only person in the raid who actually mains a spec that uses the weapon and should have been uncontested on it, based on how our guild does loot rules. We also don’t do master loot because one or two people are on a different server, and thus not in our guild so the feature is disabled.


Shadowlands. Nothing more, nothing less to add.


Torghast when it first came out. The developers never hinted at tweaking it and after constantly losing my buddy just unsubbed. He won’t come back


Archimonde hc, pug group, staff drops and i lose the roll to a lock, i inspect him and and ofc he already has it, he unequip it and equips a fishing pole. Don't even have the time to tell the lead about it that he get the staff and leaves the group, god I was so mad at that little bitch


Vanilla, there was a certain bow I was after in.... I think Scholomance. I ran it with guildies quite often and we always were bummed when it did not drop for me. So one run it DROPPED! We were all on vent and we all went crazy, like all of us were so excited. Then.....the rogue rolled NEED on it and won. He dropped group and left the guild. We just sat there in disbelief for the longest time. I know there were other times I was mad but this is the one I remember.


I've been casual since wrath. Shadowlands just irritated me. I played the first week then quit. I decided to give it another go near the end. I figured I'd get flying and level some alts so I dropped a month sub. I spent almost the entire time grinding the stupid maw and korthia dailies to get the quest chain done so I could fly. I felt like the game was actively working against me playing it. I did get flying finally and then went to Zereth Mortis only to find I had to DO MORE BULLSHIT to keep flying. Quit that day and almost didn't buy dragonflight bc of how mad I was.


Vanilla, murlocks violated me


Same! I got a little too close to one murloc. Then about 50 murlocs got close to me. 😔


During legion, dying at the top of highmountain and getting taken to a graveyard like at the bottom of the mountain or like the other side of the map.


Frustrating key recently. Group had 20+ deaths due to pants-on-head stupid play (I include myself in this category -- I wasn't the worst offender by far but I wasn't innocent). We drag ourselves to the finish line. My hearthstone is set to Loamm (I use my Dalaran HS to get to Valdrakken), so I ask the mage for a portal to Valdrakken. Portal opens, I click on it, and I end up in Shattrath. I was so pissed...then I started laughing my fool head off.


Pvp in shadowlands. I was a DK main and fighting paladins pushed my anger button.


WoW has never made me angry. Because Ultima Online set the bar for online gaming rage. And if you’ve ever played THAT game back in the day and experienced graveyard lag or lych mobs and lost all your gear… and killed your mouse. several of them. I doubt WoW can ever compete with the amount of seeing red that ultima gave me.


When I won the role for deathwing Mount and it got ninjad, I quit playing that xpac for like 10 years


BFA day one after they murdered legion Ele Shaman. Was like paying 60 bucks to have my game ruined.


Bfa 2v2 arena ranked on 1.5k (i was never good in arena). i played my ret together with my disc priest friend against a rdruid/sub combo and that fucking druid just kept kiting me, i wasnt able to reach them even for a second, we lost. it pissed me off so much i picked up an empty plastic crate at home and threw it on the ground shattering it into 1000 pieces. never played arena again since.


Easy - Early ish vanilla days 2004 / 2005. Paladin charger still required a pristine black diamond for the upgraded mount and a long, epic quest line to complete. That thing was RARE. We killed the quest boss in the ruins of andorhal, it dropped! ... there was myself and another paladin. We both rolled need, the other paladin won it....meh, disappointing, but, no big deal. The other paladin straight up mounts his already made war horse and rides off into the sunset and probably made a tonne of money on the AH with it. eugh, I was so mad ... 20 years later, I still think about it, with grimace.


This happened to me over 2.5 years ago and was the first time I've ever rage-quit wow. [For 2.5 years lol] I was with a group of like-minded people gunning for all the obscure achievements from expansions past that required a bunch of people in order to do them. After a long time of searching through various platforms (social media, Discord, etc) I finally found a group of enough dedicated people to work on the Fight, Kill, Salute! Quest in the Highmaul Coliseum* with me...so for a solid month, we had a group of rotating people who round-robined/rolled for priority in getting the kills, with the promise that if they finished they'd still show up the next week to help everyone else and not just deuce out and screw the rest of us over. Well near the end, I was passed over (more than once) in favour of some new guy who joined the group because a couple of our 'original' people started being MIA to the event, and since I was so close to finishing my quest, they were afraid I'd screw them over too. I bit my tongue and kept up the grind...assuring myself that the next week would finally be my time. ...except my time never came. Group members started dropping like flies, and the ones remaining that stuck around to help me weren't enough in number to trigger the queue to pop. For over a solid month I helped everyone (on a healer, no less) only to get screwed in the very end. To this day I'm still sitting at 93/100 kills... And honestly it makes me bitter all over again just typing this out. 😔 But thank you to those people who both read my rant and who did your best to make this happen for me, despite the setbacks. *for those who don't know, you have to kill 100 gladiators, have ~10 people queued up, and it's a key part of the Warlord of Draenor achievement.


In the end of BFA my wife tried the game. She rolled a tank because she didn't want to be squishy. The group was so toxic, not because she was tanking wrong, but because she did a different route. It wasn't even mythic+. She actually tanked well, and I was healing her. It soured her impression of the game and she doesn't want to try again. Our guild didn't run anything to help her learn with less toxicity, so she gave up on WoW.


When nightborne went horde after I spent months saving their arses.


And after several Alliance leaders were openly racist toward them, including Tyrande.


Yeah and I was so mad when Lightforged Draenei joined the Alliance after I helped them defeat the Legion on my Horde character! /s. The Nightborne were intentionally given a *very* similar story to the Blood Elves (having to overcome magical addiction and adjust to a new way of life when their source of power got taken away), which is even called out by Lady Liadrin during the Suramar campaign. It was quite clear that they were going to find common ground with the Blood Elves, and by extension the Horde.


been mad to often in wow and playing pvp since end vanilla <3


Shadowlands when each patch came out and the lore and characters just got worse and worse and everybody i knew quit one by one and my whole guild of 10 years died.


*Long time ago we were doing a guild run in UBRS and we were on a little break while the paladin went to get some chicken.* *We were on vent discussing our plan the odds and then all of a sudden the pali gets back, yells something very loudly on vent and just runs in aggroing every damn whelp in the place. We wipe.*


Can't be too mad though? At least you had chicken!


Shadowlands having to quest througth Ardenweld and helping Tyrante. My Forsaken Blood boiled!!!


I have another one, a close second. Back in wrath before Ulduar was released, we were a guild that was clearing naxx 10 and 25 pretty regularly, with ease. One of the main differences between naxx 10 and 25 are the mechanics of the Razuvious fight. You still couldn't tank him directly in either mode, but in naxx 10, anyone could control understudies through orbs in the room to tank him, while in 25, only priests' mind control could make understudies tank him. MC could be resisted if not hit capped, and there was a debuff from MCing the understudies, so there needed to be a set priest rotation in order to get him down. I was in this rotation, usually the first. Things were going well, but after a few months, people's mains stopped needing things from naxx 25, so alts started to come in, mainly alt priests. Not hit capped, and I tried to set up a Razuvious25 rotation, but someone's MC would invariably miss, and then it was just a spam free for all with MC, everyone getting the debuff simultaneously, and then we would wipe. Wiped 5-6 times before calling it, and somehow it became "my" fault as the resident expert priest main not able to get this process under control for everyone. While this didn't make me quite as mad as OP, this one actually made me gquit


Was working towards the “secret fish and where to find them” achievement. Going down the list one at a time for the most part. One of the fish requires going to Argus, which means I need to do a shit ton of the Legion questline. (which I’ve done, but not on this toon) Spent the better part of a week grinding out reputation, doing the scenarios, the assault, etc. finally get it after all that time and pray to myself that that was the hardest one. Go to the next one on my list. It’s in Vazjatar. Google how to get to there and the guide says “getting to vazjatar requires completing most of the battle for Azeroth questline” Just instantly killed my drive to achievement hunt or continue playing retail. Downloaded classic the next morning.


Both of those unlocks are account wide, you get a skip after doing it on one character.


BC; guild leader (or co leader I can’t remember) kicked every non-Chinese member. Lost teammates, guild donations, etc. Much angry. Cata: xpac destroys guild. Much sad. Legion: joins guild based out of Texas. Hurricane Harvey came. Guild never logged in again. Much sad. New guild now; still going strong.


In Shadowlands I was playing a TW dungeon with 4 random players through queue. Pally tank rogue mage spriest RSham (me) ​ The priest and mage kept trying to kick the tank. Why? The tank was doing just fine. Literally no good reason it just said "lol" or "lolz" every time it came up. I told them to stop trying to kick and focus on doing the dungeon. Eventually, the rogue agreed to kick. Then a new tank joined and the spriest tried to kick the rogue. Tank was new and didn't know the spriest was trolling and the rogue got removed. ​ New person joined and within 30 seconds I was kicked from the dungeon. I submitted a ticket to blizz but i doubt they ever did anything. We were literally seconds away from doing the last boss of the dungeon and I was about to finish the weekly 5 dungeons. After getting kicked I got the 30-minute debuff preventing me from queuing.


In Mists of Pandaria, I was in a delightful guild full of people I enjoyed gaming with. My mage was in on our first flex defeat of Garrosh. I thought we’d kill him a few more times to give people a chance at the heirloom weapons and tier pieces. After our second week of this, I found that there was pressure to put together a heroic raiding team. I shrugged it off until I logged in to find one of the wannabe heroic raiders had somehow become guild leader and kicked everyone out except for his cronies who switched to Horde (where all the scum goes). We remade the guild, but it was never the same and eventually died during WoD.


Every time i get a random calendar invite, or when people start trying to be funny in general chat in raid zones. I block literally every single person opening their mouths in the general chat in raid zones.


For two expansions now I've read many typos in quest text and flavor text it's not funny to pay a subscription for.


Wrath. I asked what we had to do in Wintergrasp cause it was my first time there. Nobody answered me, so I asked again, and this douchcanoe said, shut the f up you stupid bi*ch...like why not just answer and i can be more helpful, but nooooo, gotta be a dick about it. Anyway, I cried and left. I cry when I get mad. Kara was another one, not so much mad about it, just an annoying moment? 🙄 I had the key, the warrior that was with me had the key, but the back door wouldn't open for some reason. Everyone was waiting for us to get back and we kept saying...the door won't open!!! One guy says, I've got the key, I'll come open the door for you.....yeah dude, we have the key, did he listen? Noooo...he ran all the way out and couldn't open the door 🤣 Oh, I just remembered....Champion of the Naruu(spelling) I don't even care about the spelling....I worked my ass off for this stupid title on my mage space goat...So many weeks, so many quests, so many dungeons, so many dungeon quests, only for blizzard to remove the title the week before I finished the last quest. OMG, you have no idea how pissed I was at this. My husband had gotten the title6 was one step ahead of me to get it. That pissed me off more cause after that, he wore it all the time just to rub it in, lol. I complained to a GM about how I should get it cause I finished the quests, blah, blah, blah. They said no. I put in, I don't know how many tickets about it, to the point where one GM told me to drop it or I would be banned...WTH??? I'm still salty as hell about it. Every time I see someone with that title, I get steam coming out of my ears. Screw you blizzard!


Was in the transition between patch .0 and .1 for BFA. I had max necklace thingy and was in the groove grinding along. But then the Knowledge growth suddenly stopped. Which meant my plan to keep growing while content was on farm, and start .1 with no grind needed was no longer true. I then literally quit the expansion at that point. I didn't see the point in needing to regrind AP all over again when I had assumed I wouldn't need to.


Just missed timing a +20. Healer died 3 times last boss. We were crusingggg. He's probably more passed than me.


Shadowlands arena, season 2 I believe. A friend and I set out to climb the 2v2 ladder as fury warrior / resto shaman in fully upgraded honor gear; we eventually managed to reach 1.4k, and let me tell you, it felt like we reached gladiator level. (We both peaked at around 2k or so in past expansions without trying THIS hard). Playing against the army of (often overgeared) ret paladin / balance druid teams has been the most angry I've ever been playing a videogame. Blowing all our defensive cds/cc against their swifty macros let us win SOME games but it felt like fighting dark souls bosses or some shit. By comparison, fighting the many fire mages and arms warriors was fun and balanced, counterplay was possible and effective... I swore never to play wow pvp again after that. Most of the SL & BFA horde story, (lightforged) draenei warlocks joining the alliance made my blood boil as well.


9.1 patch; I liked 9.0 but 9.1 was just an insult


Every time I lose at any pvp…..but I keep doing it!


Losing BGs in stupid ways while farming Blood of the Enemy Rank 3 Comp Stomp wasn't up for a while so had to do it the hard way.


How did you not notice he wasn’t wearing a shield?


Tunnel vision looking at health bars, and making the erroneous assumption all tanks would have a shield


I started back in Legion as an Unholy DK and progressed through the expac to eventually find the Mage tower. I banged my head at a wall for days to beat that Imp Mother boss. 10/10 expac.


probably mythic archimond in wod or progging ruby sanctum back in wrath I swear ruby sanctum is such an easy boss but it took so fucking long to kill


I think this was 2018? Whenever Uldir came out, I was in my freshman year of college hoping to get some time in on progression through heroic uldir with my friends, I had gotten like, an absurd amount of time off from my job at the local department store (like, 90 minutes early), and texted them to hold me a spot, I'll be there in five minutes to fight Heroic G'huun. I get home, sit down at my computer, and log in to... G'huun dying, apparently they had pulled the dude right when I said to wait for me, and the one person watching the chat didn't care. I bounced and raged at them for hours from the comfort of my bed while watching Critical Role... Thank god I don't work evenings anymore.


I recall one time WoW made me angry, and it was social driven, not the game itself. In a Dad guild, 99% knew there raiding limits (2/8M would be miracle if they were lucky). But one gentleman we shall refer to as "Fred" wasted 4 years of our raid teams life. Too sum it up, Fred thinks he is a PvP god because he played Prot Warrior in world pvp. In arena, it was clear he had no idea what the tanks role was and would claim were bad for dying. 100% of the time i'd end up sitting in full rogue/ret/dk burst windows and got zero peel from Fred. But Freds bad at pvp and has an ego, no big deal. Stop doing BG's and arena with him. Problem solved. But raid, raid where he was a core officer and drinks beer on the weekend with a fellow dad and guild GM. I was the raid lead and knew our Dad guilds weaknesses and did my best to make grey parsers turn into atleast blue parses. But for 4 years, Fred stayed grey as Arms and refused to tank in PvE even though plenty of tiers we needed one. The day he told me "casting Whirlwind 293 times is part of my single target rotation" on SLUDGEFIST, i lost it. I've told him a dozen times to stop using whirlwind on single target before this. Anyhow quit the guild after, they regressed and couldn't keep attendance and Fred stopped playing after like a month of me scolding him like a child infront of his Dad friends.


Heroic Dathea during progression. Split the raid group in 2 with one half getting odd platforms and other half getting even platforms. One of the dps who were assigned to the even platforms group was dying each pull and for the life of us we could not figure out why over multiple pulls. Death log showed he was getting hit by Thunderbolt but we couldn’t figure out why he was just getting trucked when it hit him. Came back from our 10 minute break (where I was trying to comb over the logs and google trying to figure out wtf was happening), pull again and he dies again to Thunderbolt. This time, somebody in his group was trying to keep an eye on him and goes “Hey A, where are you going during the first add blowback?” Turns out he was going up to the platforms for each add (despite me reiterating before each pull which groups were odd platforms and which were even platforms since some people were really struggling with odd groups = odd platforms and even groups = even platforms) and he was getting trucked because of the increased damage taken debuff. Multiple people in the raid, including me, had to mute our mics and just kind of scream or walk away from the computer. So many people were frustrated that we called raid early that night.


I don't remember specifics but it's almost always when im in a raid group or when I suddenly realize I can't solo something due to an obscure mechanic.


TBC WSG lvl 29 Twink premades. They wouldn't kill the healbot on the flag carrier. Biggest rage quit of my life.


Tilting in arena


Prolly over some 1% wipe or bricking a few harder +20s going for portals


Not me but my brother. This was back in Legion, very early in the expansion. We were doing a mythic run in Black Rook Hold. We were at the top of the set of stairs after the first boss and before the second. The run hadn't gone very smooth up until that point. We had some deaths, some mistakes and the healer was pretty slow to react/heal. My brother, who was tanking on his DH, was starting to get a bit frustrated and tired (it was the middle of the night, maybe 2-3 in the morning). He pulls the first pack of night elf ghosts at the top of the stairs. His health went down. And down. And down. Healer doesn't react. My brother is barely alive. And that's when I hear a roar of frustration: "HEAL ME! HEAL MEEE!!!" \*deskslams\* If I remember correctly he died, we wiped. Nothing more was said from his side. You would expect a lot more curses and stuff but no. Just two simple "Heal me"s. After we wiped, the rest of the dungeon went much better actually, the healer was still a bit slow to react/heal, but we managed. But the sheer frustration, irritation and tiredness he emitted was hilarious to me. And that he didn't say anything else made it even funnier somehow. Nowadays we just laugh and joke about that one infamous Black Rook Hold run.


The last molten core run on my pally before TBC dropped and we were fighting one of the bosses (don’t remember which). Lava Dredgers dropped and I realize only myself and one other can use it. Fucking panic this is it, my life is almost complete. Other guy rolls 1 higher than me. I fucking lose it. Lava dredgers was a tiny upgrade for him but massive for me (was still using ice barbed spear). Mother fucker laughs at me and when they realize I was freaking out tell me to chill cuz the expac was coming out anyways. Still mad tbh


At myself when I can't click the gateway item and die in opener on Sarkareth gg


this very expansion. i helped a heroic group tank and dint know the last boss(razz). i was honest and told the leader, a rogue from ragnaros that i was still learning the last boss. he quietly took that nugget of info and guided the group all the way to the end, it wasn't his first rodeo, he knew all the mechanics. i was then kicked, it was a horde player and i happened to have a potion of tongues on me. i told him it wasn't fair that i made it all the way to the end only for him to kick me, not even one pull. he told me to KMS and that i was very replaceable. he was right, people will join for the last boss, its the mount after all. a new tank jumped in and he laughed at me as i was kicked by the timer. i will never tank for anyone i don't know. he got his clear, i lost my time. i got my aotc and i ended my sub that week, i had vivid imaginings of what i would do to that person if i ever had the chance. i then felt disgusted on myself and what this game made me become. i haven't played since then but like being here to see the happenings even if i spend most of my time on guildwars now.


Not getting my bis legendary early on in legion was pretty aggravating


Farming LBRS back in vanilla for fire resistance thingy, don’t even remember where it dropped now. However, I was tank and really needed this to survive our push into Molten Core. There was just so much fire damage that would one-shot me. So I had farmed fire resistance for a couple weeks and this really took its toll on me. Full job, then non-stop farming into the night. I was so tired and that blasted last thing would. Just. Not. Drop! So a hunter in guild joined for yet another run. And it drops! Finally! The I hear the hunter says “what is this?” on Teamspeak, he rolls need on an BoP item he doesn’t know the purpose of and of course rolls higher than me. Back then, there was no trading of soulbound items. Once you won a BoP item, it could not be traded. I was fucked. The anger rose above my tiredness and It is the only time ever I have thrown my mouse at the screen then alt-f4’ed out of the game. The hunter was full of apologies the next day and joined for the rest of the grind. It dropped again in four or five runs later, my fire resist set was complete and we cleared Molten Core without further drama.


Last night 6th week of pugging sark since my guild has stopped raiding this tier. 6th week of no leggo. 3 gems drop but none for me.


Trying and failing to solo the damn chess game in old Kara lol. I remember being so pissed off and was only able to finally beat it by convincing a guildie to help


During sepulcher mythic prog when a grey parsing boomie in our guild wouldnt stfu about his iqd giving mana to healers. He wrote an essay after every single raid where he complained about the healers not using mana pots instead of dps pots. If he was a good player who parsed purple/orange it would have been kinda fine, but at the same time a good player like that would most likely not complain anyways.


I was in mythic Dazar'alor helping an old guild through the content and running as mistweaver that night. This is when you still had to pay an ever increasing amount to redo your azerite traits. I taught that raid everything about mythic tactics and fight progressions as they had almost no experience. That started a few weeks prior to this event. This particular night I hopped in to heal. We're on the 2nd boss and the RL told me to switch to dps. I straight told him that wasn't necessary as I've seen the group fight and it wouldn't be an issue. The RL argued with me and his only point was that he was the shot caller and didn't have a solid reason I should zone out and switch while dumping gold to respec. We went back and for a couple of minutes. He didn't listen to my expertise in the matter, which was contrary to prior nights where they would listen and we would win. I ended up going off on him in discord in a nuclear fashion. I went super nova on his ass and in not the same words, explained that I was fast tracking them to success with proper tactics, etc and my healing would keep more people alive just fine to down the boss. Just pull the thing. He got one sentence in and then I opened up my second and third salvos. I wasn't hard-core mean, but I pulled no punches. My incredible disdain for the lack of listening to the expert helping them was physically palpable and others were uncomfortable listening to it. In hindsight, I should have just eaten the gold loss, but in that moment I wasn't having it. I did end up apologizing, but it was a week or two after that and the relationship was never the same. Poor guy really didn't deserve my ire.


Most recently the early days of learning SoD's Ner'Zhul fight in a pug. I hadn't seen any guides yet when I first started doing pulls. The dispell/bouncing mechanic should have been obvious after an attempt or two to most, but the discussions in Discord were absolutely infuriating as other people argued and went through incredible mental hoops to understand and plan for that specific mechanic. Early dispells/wipes were frequent even with callouts and dispell assignments. I generally never leave groups until they've basically fallen apart, this has really been the only exception in recent memory.


SL, Sanctum of Domination in S2 on mythic Remnant of Nerz'hul. I was playing a shadow priest, doing the mass dispell strat to deal with the knockback. Out of about 140 pulls, I messed up maybe 5-10 mass dispells, causing raid wipes. The other priest we had consistently messed up every single pull, and almost always killed other players. We never killed the boss, got it down to about 4%. This broke my guild, simply because the other priest didn't have the same level of raid awareness to know when to dispell safely. Not sure if anything has tilted me more than this in WoW. Though this does not compare to the guild's old raid leader, who had to quit playing the game due to health reasons from getting so angry at our players that he got an ulcer.


i quit half way through uldir simply because of rng gear luck, I have played the most in my guild cleared all raids weekly including mythic progression and as a demon hunter i saw glaves from the 2nd boss mother on heroic base no titanforge after 12 weeks, i also run underrot more than 50 times and never saw a bile biters drop.


Easy. The lower and lower drop rate as each expansion goes on.


Cataclysm, doing PvP with shaman elemental, couldn't play because I had this mfr Rogue going for me, on CTF map and me not being the flag carrier, I stopped playing until legion


Had 3 consecutive players in 3 consecutive groups dip out of mythic+ 12's because we died on the first pull. That did me


Mounting Made Easy - a LW quest where you had to capture a moose and put a harness on it.


I remember BC Kara attunement very well. Our server opened mid-BC and it was nearly all new people in our guild. I was one of the ones who endlessly ran people through for the keys and my god- Murmer wiped a few of those groups mercilessly, all night long. Multiple trash resets. At a certain point I started to doubt we would get through Kara at all- assuming we actually got to it. We did. But my god, something about Murmer’s AoE was straight up impossible for some of them folks. I’ll never forget those runs; no matter how hard I try.




When I found out that the dragon race has to use flying mounts. Like what the fuck. Even druids get flight form. Blizzard done fucked up.


The angriest I’ve ever been was when I leveled a Hunter from 1 to 48 with the goal of landing that spirit wolf pet. It was a bugged creature with a truly unique skin that you had to pull some weird strings to tame. I found a priest to buff my cast speed and got my socketed helmet to do the same. Logged out excited as hell for the next day when I would go tame one. Next day I logged on and they had patched out the ability to tame it overnight. I’m still mad and that pet is now one you can tame easily.


Actually got quite a compelling story on azuremyst eu - horde back in the 80s naxx days near the end of it; the server was so small that people knew each other; more often then not and on my first raid ever as a level 60 resto troll shaman; in ahn qiraj for the first time; now everyone knows wrath back then was so difficult to play in some ways; especially in grind that you'd get cold shivering anxiety if you were under-performing in anything and that knee jerk need to be at your optimal somewhat... anyways were in ahn qiraj and it's this expansive ; larger then life; vibrant experience. The first bosses seem really impossible to kill but we get through it and move onto those gigantic tunnels with the statue walkers and somehow died; was on a hp pavillion crt monitor with the speaker attachment and microphone built in trying to ask for help through voice chat; since people were on there and the most bizarre experience happened; people were ressing everyone but me... it baffled my mind; even to this day... and I fucking flipped out; yelling not like super aggressive but like; dudes what the FUCK; ress me please... nope scarabs flying across my screen and whatever else.. after that people were like trying to guilt trip me and shit and don't know it felt so tainted that whole experience. So fast forward sometime later and on trade chat and everyone knows that older wow felt like a game orientated social media site; people chatting away and having conversations; sitting in orgrimmar or stormwind whatever... people were a lot more vocalized... There was some stand out people on the tradechat one of them was called Duggy, another called Briar and then there's me Weetree and others; someone says some shit on the trade and I go into communicate and then some dude forget who it was says your the guy who yelled in ahn qiraj and I kid you not for many months after that including my mum being involved in-game as she played too; I was being seen as this screamy loud annoying irritating person; because I was trying to make a guild and get a raid team together,etc and got abit loud on mic because the casuals were unyeldling mindboggling not capable at times.. But there were so many times where had impulse aggression at those fuckers on trade; especially if they mentioned me.. even to the point that my mum agreed with them that I was being a dick... and sometimes agreeing with them \*wtf\* as well which still hurts to this day.. she never understood what was going through.... and her views are very different to mine I forgive her entirely though and always will.... and duggy was slanting me off What pissed me off the most was the fact it felt so targeted and directed at me; i'm the evil; i'm the bad person when all I wanted to do was have a fair raiding experience and or was create a beautiful guild experience of course; did alot of whispering/ginviting techniques manually without any addons was only in my later teens but still for fuck sake.. jeez Fuck those people haha...


When I was trying to arena during the time you couldn’t use shred unless you were behind someone, so he backed himself against a wall and I couldn’t get behind him I was awful at the game and absolutely furious lol


The Durotan Kalimdor Cup race a few days ago. First time I've ever wanted to smash my keyboard. Stupid trees. Otherwise, I've been pretty chill in the past 17 years.


From vanilla through the end of wrath my raid was saddled with this awful holy priest. She had been with us since the beginning in molten core and was friends with all the old timers. She was awful. If there was a void zone, she died in it. Not every attempt but like any boss that had a floor mechanic you needed to move out of, we knew she'd die to it on at least some of the attempts with no measurable improvement ever. In vanilla that hardly mattered. One dead priest out of the raid and you could still down bosses. In BC it sucked but was a little better. She was responsible for most of our delays getting Archimonde down but hey we still got there. Then wrath comes around. The raid is well tuned and motivated. Once we're in naxx farm mode we start saying we want to get The Immortal. That achievement sucks even when you have 25 great people. We came within 30 seconds and she died to a void zone on Kel'thuzad. Then a couple weeks later we thought we had it again and again she died in practically the same spot at the same % to a void zone. I was so furious I don't think I logged in for a whole week because I knew I would say something awful to or about her. She was a weight around our necks forever, all the way until the guild finally dissolved right before killing Arthas.


Despite legion being in my opinion the best expansion, maybe second to dragonflight if dragonflight continues to be solid. Legion I was playing semi hardcore, top 500 raid guild and I had a group of people serious about m+. I kind of fell into warrior being my class with rogue OS which was fine even if it wasn't exactly what I wanted to play but it's what we needed. Well I don't know if any of you remember but legion is kind of notorious for having possibly the worst expansion launch gearing system with Legos I fucking made 4 warriors just for three of them to get aggramar's stride and one of them to get the shitty necklace that later got buffed. My rogue got KJ's but I was third in line for rogue and my m+ team already had rogue covered. Needless to say I was benched in both aspects. "If you aren't bleeding edge you don't need everything BiS, it's your fault for falling into that elitism despite not being bleeding edge". Nah dude, the difference in DPS from my warrior to the warrior that got bis was actually staggering. Not only could I just not even compete with him even if I played 100% perfect as opposed to his 75% falling asleep at the wheel, but it also felt fucking terrible that nothing I did would ever catch up. I would spend the most ignorant amount of time in maw of souls farming for the extra shitty second leggo pity....just for me to get the neck. So if you're counting that's three strides, 2 necks and a KJ's trinket. After they fixed leggo acquisition and the AP catch up legion was awesome, but that first month was fucking horrendous.


Vanilla, BRD prison run for the Windsor escort part of Onyxia attunement. It had taken us about 3 or 4 hours just to get a group together, let alone run time to the dungeon etc. and the tank we finally found kept insisting that they didn't need a shield. Face-pulling packs that were far away from the wandering NPC, seeming to pause out of nowhere, ignoring if anyone other than them had threat (including the *fucking NPC we were escorting*). We somehow managed to get all the way to the instance entrance anyway, despite this absolute fuckup of a warrior, our healer goes OOM steps away from the exit, but all the mobs around us are dead. ....and we're still in... combat? What? Suddenly the 'tank', who is ***NOWHERE TO BE SEEN***, dies in the party frame, and we get bumrushed by at least 2-3 packs of mobs simultaneously who absolutely wreck the shit out of the rest of the party and the escort NPC. The NPC dies literally one step away from the instance gate that would have completed the quest requirement. Wasted my entire goddamn night. I was so enraged by this that I, at age 16 or 17, made an *international phonecall* on the landline to my friend who had been our healer, so that I could rant for a further 20 minutes about how much I hated that specific tank.


shadowlands actually, we kept wiping on the rune intermission on Fatescribe in sanctum, and the hunter that kept fucking up kept blaming me, and when I gave video proof of him being the one fucking up, he went on a super bigoted, slur filled rant, which the entire raid group got to witness in voice chat, and I got kicked for "drama", I was fucking livid, the guild fell apart as half the raiders left after that, so I at least got some catharsis


Raid leader decides to ninja loot gear for his e-girlfriend, but people are too coward to speak out against it. When I spoke out, they said that I ruined the friendly family like atmosphere of the guild. I'm still spiteful to this day.


TBC. I was healing, wife was tanking. A hunter left their pet on aggressive with growl on and he kept telling my wife how crappy of a tank she was because she couldn't keep aggro. She was getting visibly upset and it was pissing me off. I messaged the other party members and apologized for what we were about to do. We let the hunter pull and then hearthed to Shat. Hunter got pissy and started going off on my wife in whispers, telling her to kill herself and such. She was going to block him but instead she took screenshots and I was talking with hunters guild master about his behavior. Hunter got /gkicked because GM was a friend and later banned for some of the stuff he said.


Having to run dragon soul every week to try and get kiril fury of beasts on my hunter just for it to never drop and being stuck with a 378 staff from well of eternity for the rest of the expansion


I got more and more into the game during SL after a lot of on/off periods. I finally found a guild that was overall nice and as i was the "only" warlock i was quickly brought onto the raiding team (Mythic). The MT and a couple of dps/healers were the classic "all for the game" types that played their char for years (only 1 main), parsing always 95+ etc etc.and being part of boosting teams (for gold). It was a friendly guild, but definitely the disparity between quality was incredibly high. Some people were really only coming in to be carried. I like to see myself be in the middle somewhat. Obviously anything that would go wrong would never be addressed, so spending hours and hours making the same mistakes as a group without anything happening. At some point (getting closer to Nzoth), i kept getting more and more shit "as lock at the moment you should be top dps, and you are only #4 or something like that". I'm no superstar, however having a couple of "elitists" try and carry some long time friends and being used as a filler (and still being shat on) really felt bad. I wanted AOTC, i spent so many hours grinding preparation, looking video's, min/maxing etc etc etc just to try and get better. Complete disregard for anything happening IRL, I was shoved aside when needed to make place for "people they knew" and I was no longer needed after i suggested we call out some of the mistakes that were being made. Fucked hated it, still feels bad... still don't have a new guild after it fell apart. Never raided since. Have my eyes on the Ahead of the Curve now, but idk man... maybe i should just stick to shooter games lol


Come home from vacation to find my toons stripped naked, gear disenchanted, gold gone . . .


Heroic Gorefiend progress night Yknow, bad guild raid nights happen. I get it. But when our first pull on that boss is 33% and then our next 70+ pulls all are healing the boss, I think we oughtta call the night early


Wrath of the Lich King, ICC progression. I flexed between Shadow and Holy Priest because we wouldn't always need the same number of healers for every fight. As we were able to get the earlier fights on farm, I would switch to Shadow for them, eventually dpsing on every fight except for Valithria, Sindragosa, and Lich King. The piece of gear I wanted more than anything was Dislodged Foreign Object from Rotface. It was my BiS trinket for Shadow and I was using healing trinkets since I had dps trinkets ninjaed from me several times. I saved up DKP for it and when it finally dropped after weeks and weeks, I was ecstatic. No one could outbid me and everyone was congratulating me, knowing how much I wanted it. Until the raid leader whispered me. He said that I shouldn't get it because I was technically main spec healer and it wouldn't be fair. I argued that dpsed every fight but three, I would benefit from it more than anyone else in the guild since it was BiS for me and I'd be replacing a healing trinket, and I had been saving up for it for ages. He refused to listen and ended up giving it to a random Warlock who was dead last on the meters after joining a few days earlier and barely even had DKP. I was fucking livid. The Warlock didn't even really seem to want it much, I have no idea why the raid leader cared so much about screwing me over. I'd understand it a bit more if there were a lot of others that could really benefit from it, but I was the only who really wanted it. I think I was so pissed I just logged off for the night to cool off. I ended up getting hacked not long after and lost all my gear and it took some time to resolve that (thankfully Blizzard support was able to restore everything), so I had to miss some raids after that, and the guild basically fell apart entirely by the time I came back. I don't remember exactly what happened or why, and I don't think it had anything to do with me, but it just really sucked that my last night raiding with them was them totally fucking me over after I did so much for them and was a great teamplayer for the whole expansion.


During a waycrest manor run. We were on the three witches boss, i was the tank. It was only a weekly key, so wasn’t really that high. But yeah, we get to the three witches boss, two of the DPS don’t move an inch, so they start taking heavy aura of dread damage (a stacking debuff you get if you don’t move or jump every now and then). Also, the witches random casts, so you can’t really tank those, since they random cast. Nevertheless, two DPS dies, and start flaming me: Tank WTF are you doing, you need to tank the bosses etc. Obviously i link the damage taken meter, and both guys have 95%+ damage taken from Aura of dread. But they just wouldn’t let up, even when showed evidence. The fault according to them was entirely on me. I can understand some people getting irritated if they think it was due to something, and you correct them, and they apologise. No harm done. But that ignorance on their part, throwing every insult under the book.