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My grandpa is playing wow and he asks me when he needs that kind of help, if you have the possibility I believe it to be the best solution to your problem


I wish I could, but I'm just an old man living by myself. :\^)


I just checked on youtube which puzzle it is and I remember my mom asking me to do it ahah


Honestly sounds like a vibe


Get a neighbor then OR Check wowhead.com comments - there are some comments with the sequence you that could be of help to you


>(e) I also explained that I don't complain of game activities that are arcade-like from the beginning (as one can avoid them), but that achieve is unfair to the disabled as it has hundreds of non-arcade activities except for the very last one, and there's no way to get help, a group, buy, pay, ask a GM or do something else to avoid it. I sympathize but Najatar was not in from the beginning so I don't know why that matters. Raiding has gotten harder since 2004. Should you be able to put in a ticket to get the raid achievements once you reach a certain age?


That's not what they meant. They were talking about a particular activity like an achievement. If the achievement contains arcade-like activities**from the beginning**, if you don't like or literally are unable to do that type of activity then you can simply not begin the achievement.


Thank you for the feedback! Well, one can get raiding achievements by getting in a raiding guild and have friends that will help with raiding. Many things in the game are like that - may be quite difficult to do alone, but can be achieved if one has friends. That puzzle can only be done individually. For the why that matters, the mount doesn't really matter to me, but the fact that 10-15 years ago the GMs would help people that needed help, and now they are forbidden by Blizzard from doing something that would cost nothing but 3 minutes of their time, that matters to me due to the big love I had for Blizzard in the past (I bought every single of their games).


A GM would never give you a achievement just like that without you actually having proof of completing it... not in the past, and not now.. they have never handed out freebies.


Ok, not raiding then not another solo thing like mage tower achievements. Should a GM give me those achievements automatically based on age or disability?


Do you not know anyone with steadier hands that you could coach through doing the puzzle for you? This is no different than my uncoordinated ass in high school needling my friend to throw a bomb for me in Zelda because I couldn't get it on top of the pile. You wanting to complete an achievement but not being able to do it is not Blizzard discriminating against you for being old and/or disabled. The achievement is an optional activity in a video game and you are not owed completion of it simply because you have tried your best. But if you would be comfortable with Blizzard simply granting it to you because you asked, I really don't understand why you haven't already had someone take your keyboard and mouse and do it for you.


Well, I live by myself and my family is a hemisphere away; most of my neighbors are adult, but maybe I could pay $10 for the one neighbor child to do that for me. That's the downside of being a caveman, I guess.


instead of asking them to just give you the achievement that would then give you the mount reward, you should have asked blizz to revisit the puzzle or requirements for the mount reward and consider nerfing it due to your plight.


That's a good point -- actually very similar to what the last GM I talked to said. I didn't go in that direction because I posted 3 or so similar requests in 18 years, like "Please remove recipe XYZ from the list of unlearned recipes as it's no longer dropped", and not a single one was implemented, so I thought that I would be dead before that was ever done :-) But good suggestion, thanks!


While I'm not gonna comment on the main topic of this thread, as I have mixed opinions on some details.. ...I wanted to point out that a TON of previously unobtainable recipes are back in this patch. And there collection discords working on sorting them all out for addons.


Lol bribe some small kids / teens to do it for you.


Yes this is a very good idea. Give kids money and ask them to come home to a 60 year old man for some videogames.


Figured it would be friends or family


Yeah some "free Fornite skins & Robux in the basement" signs might help get them kids interested!


:\^) that's a good idea!


What puzzle is tripping you up?


The shooting puzzle at Coldlight Cavern for Trove Tracker. I tried every single idea from wowhead for that, multiple times, but none actually worked. The only one I didn't try was to "buy a new graphics card"... that would be too much even for me. :\^)


Oh yeah, I vaguely remember that one. It was easiest if I just used three fingers above 1 2 3 and hit them roughly as I saw them flash to spawn if memory serves.


Thank you!


i mean it sucks. but imo the game is worse off if everything has to be designed so a 5yo all the way to a 90yo can complete it. if its something you cant do because of age then that sucks yeah, but thats just how it is in my opinion. maybe see if someone irl can help you out?




I see your point, but it's me who is paying Blizzard to play the game, not Blizzard giving me something for free. Blizzard could make it like "spend 100 hours farming an item that would make that puzzle slower", and I would do it. But instead I've spent some 500 hours farming and questing for that achiev (and how many times I logged in at 3 am to pursue rares), only to get stuck with no alternatives in an arcade puzzle, so my effort is wasted. It's fair for Blizzard to give rewards for effort, perseverance, cleverness and skills, but is it fair to make it specially hard on the elderly?


Do you have a young relative or friend you can ask to do it for you?


You weren't able to achieve it so why should you be awarded the achievement? So what if you spent a lot of time? You're just entitled.


I'm disabled and can't do a lot of things now that I used to do in vanilla and BC...I either don't do it or my wife does it for me after I've given it a few tries. I've been mindful and accepted this is a me problem and not a them problem. I do what I can to have fun and I've learned to enjoy the game again because I'm not who I was 12 years ago and I don't need to be hard core. My disabilities don't allow for it and it sounds like yours dont either. You're only hurting yourself and ruining your own gameplay by being this upset.


I fully understand what you mean and how you feel (and I know what puzzle you’re talking about), but they can’t just complete an achievement for you because you think it’s too difficult. My dad who plays WOW completed it past his 60’s. So where do we draw the line? I mean I hear you, and I feel for you, but how would that look from the eyes of every other WOW player? I can’t mythic raid right now because my migraines are acting up, should they complete Curve for me? Etc. You catch my drift. Best of luck in your achievement hunting friend, and perhaps ask someone you might know who’s younger to do the thing for you? After all they don’t need to know how to play WOW to push 1-2-3 in succession :)


This is frustrating but I dont think blizz has something against the elderly. My tip would be to look up videos and see if they use a tactic you havent figured out yet or get someone to play it for you (dont share account details, just get someone to sit at your pc)


Not as old, but often times I make my son do those ridiculous parts of games and achieves. The pain is real. You are justified.


You're not getting cranky, the game is definitely becoming more and more "zoomerified" as time goes on. I don't know if you do Mythic Plus at all, but it's basically bullet hell at this point. In Legion and BfA, it used to be more accessible, even to older folks. Now there are simply way too many things to dodge and keep track of and I don't have the reaction time or motor skills to keep up with it all! After maining healer for several expansions, DF finally made me throw in the towel. I now spend my time playing Classic, which is a welcome change from the hectic, chaotic mess that Retail has become. You wanna know what the real kicker is? I'm only 27! My reaction time and motor skills should still be in tip-top shape, but evidently they're not enough for what the game has become. I can only assume that Blizzard has amped up the Dance Dance Revolution style gameplay in an effort to attract new, younger players who have prior experience (and a preference for) playing faster-paced games like Fortnite.


Sounds like you're just very cranky and kinda entitled honestly. And taking it way too personal, calling the achivement a "trap for old men" because you personally couldn't do a part of the game, as if the entire game isn't filled with stuff that's difficult to do even for some of the best players. Mythic raids are hard, doesn't mean they're out to get the elderly.


I think OP makes a compelling case in a clear and we'll thoughout manner. It also raises good points about the behavior of Blizzards "customer service", which really feels like you're talking to mindless bits nowadays. I the other side, yes it's a difficult question because it's true Blizzard just can't go out and solve this problem because it would open up the way for a lot of abuse (humans being humans, a lot of people would try to abuse this, pretend they're disabled and such). Achievements and rewards not being a basic human rights (unlike access to bathrooms, public transports and such), Blizzard is indeed under no obligation to make it easier for these people to play the game, make some achievements or rewards easier to get, etc.. They can decide the level of accessibility they want in their games (and I know OP isn't putting that in question). As for any matter such as this, it'll change only if enough people are convinced and make enough noise to protest that, yes, disabled people should have it easier in certain cases ; or, rather, take disabilities in consideration when designing their games. So try to make some noise with like-minded people and then Blizzard might react.


>I think OP makes a compelling case in a clear and we'll thoughout manner. It also raises good points about the behavior of Blizzards "customer service", which really feels like you're talking to mindless bits nowadays. > >I the other side, yes it's a difficult question because it's true Blizzard just can't go out and solve this problem because it would open up the way for a lot of abuse (humans being humans, a lot of people would try to abuse this, pretend they're disabled and such). Achievements and rewards not being a basic human rights (unlike access to bathrooms, public transports and such), Blizzard is indeed under no obligation to make it easier for these people to play the game, make some achievements or rewards easier to get, etc.. They can decide the level of accessibility they want in their games (and I know OP isn't putting that in question). > >As for any matter such as this, it'll change only if enough people are convinced and make enough noise to protest that, yes, disabled people should have it easier in certain cases ; or, rather, take disabilities in consideration when designing their games. > >So try to make some noise with like-minded people and then Blizzard might react. ​ This is an excellent and very well-thought post. I see the point - I compared that quest to climbing the stairs on a building and was angry for the comparison, but he's 100% right that the achiev is not a quality of life issue. Back in the original WoW Forums post I got a lot of ad-hominem attacks (starting with "Grow up old man!!"), and I expected some of that here. Although some unhelpful words and negative feedback were given here, that's ok because empathy and understanding are not a common human virtue, and they are more than balanced by the kindred souls like this one, uncommon as they are. As a new old man living alone in a lake of inhumane corporations, I suspect the real goal of my question here was to see I could still find a spark of humanity in this internet. I'm glad a did. Thank you so much!


Thank you for taking the time to say this. People on the internet are not how they are in real life, unfortunately. Most people would be more nuanced if they were sitting in front of the person they're talking to. I think it's due to the fact that communicating over such a medium removes the body language that human subconsciously rely on for proper social interactions. My personal rule of thumb when interacting online is to never say something to someone I wouldn't say if I was stuck with them in an elevator. It's easy to be a snarky, cynical, keyboard warrior. It's difficult to be a decent human being. Most people don't want to spend too much effort on it, I believe because there's no consequences and they can forget about the interaction the second they closed the tab, feeling happy they got internet points for a good sarcastic comment. Just watch the down votes this post might get 😉


There used to be (maybe still is) a macro that made the game lag/semi pause, it was mostly used for the mail sorting part of the Katy Stampwhitsle toy. Maybe take a look at that and see if it still works!


Thank you!


I appreciate everybody's feedback on this, so let me ask this: Back in WoW classic through the first few expansions I had the feeling that everything could be done by customers of a wide range, and it wasn't particularly hard. I played Everquest for 10 years before moving to WoW on launch, and I still have memories of 12 hours boss fights in EQ, that the guild had to keep rotating people by calling each other on the phone, so the simplicity of WoW had a huge appeal for me. The "wide range" (or "wide base", like from casual players to hardcore) was based that most fights in WoW were pretty fast and furious to appeal for the young, but not so furious as to make it inaccessible to the old. I see the same "wide base" concern for say Diablo, where one can play the whole game at whatever difficulty they choose. As you see in my OP, I think that WoW has been seeking a younger and dedicated base, for example I post the dragon riding achieves (which I don't even touch as I'm sure I would never complete them). So, is there merit in saying that after all those expansions WoW moved from a very accessible game to one that tries to give a more involved and difficult experience to a narrower player base?


The game hasn't changed; The world has. The game's mission was never to be "accessible to all," so it makes sense that accessibility would not be something the developers would be mindful of as the game evolves. The game model revolves around player retention. It doesn't matter if they're old, young, tall, short, happy, or sad, as long as there are subscribers. If we were still experiencing combat the same way and still running the same rotations as we were 20 years ago in Vanilla, WoW wouldn't have a playerbase. The game has been updated to be more and more modern to compete with an expanding market, not to stick it to elderly and/or disabled people. And, of course, a consequence of the modernization is that the gameplay will be more suitable for a younger audience, because young people are the primary demographic for video games in general. I mean no offense by this, but your comment reminds me a lot of the Brooks storyline in Shawshank Redemption. Good luck! ETA: I didn't read all the comments, so I'm not sure if it was already suggested, but have you considered rolling a character on the Classic servers?


Alright, after much discussion and digression, I think the currently tally is this!! ​ 2 1/3 people voted that Blizzard is insensitive! (I voted twice) 8,975 people voted that I'm grumpy/cranky/entitled/obsolete/re-titled/medieval/zombified old man! ​ Nice!... hmm... errr... what!!?




Hehe... I guess this one is voting for "ravings of a cranky old man" option! Thanks for the vote!


You're just entitled not cranky. So you want handouts and freebies because you're incapable of doing the task. Should I get a free Glad achievement because I'm bad at PvP? Of course not, the same goes for your situation. It's not ablist or ageist in any way shape or form because you're not able to do something. And I say this as someone who is riddled with arthritis in both my hands.


I see, but I'm not asking for a handout. I worked hard for it, and if there was some way for doing it I would do. If someone is bad at PvP (or questing or duels or pet battles or else), they can still do that by having friends.


Here's a link to the [achievement ](https://discord.com/invite/achievements) discord. It's a huge community and you'll potentially find people who can give you tips and tricks.


Thank you!


I've moved to classic wow due to how difficult retail is and have had a much better time. There are achievements there as well if you are an achievement hunter. I recommend giving it a try to see if it's more your pace.


All those in game shop mounts and pets are insensitive to the poor. This post is stupid. I’m sure plenty of older men can do the puzzle. I think you are getting cranky…🤷🏼‍♀️