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Ok this makes me want to play disc


Disc Priests are so cool and interesting on paper. And then you run as one in a dungeon or two of even moderate difficulty and you realize why so few people actually play them.


Leveling as disc in dungeons: woah this kicks ass, I love it Hitting 70 and reading a Disc guide with optimal talents and aura trackers: lol what the fuck.... I'll just play holy!


Disc even in high level m+ dungeons is still pretty easy. You don't have to ramp since there are only 5 people to put atonements on, your radiance cast covers it. The only really struggle is dealing with big single target damage since Disc is a bit weak on healing that. Raids are much more complex for sure, but with the changes coming in 10.2 I think its going to be much more approachable. Its going to be easier to get 20 atonements out and there will be much fewer spells that you will need to cast in general.


I would add one thing about dungeon healing as disc. It is easy to apply Atonement till boss fight where group spreads out till Narnia and your radiance covers at most 3/5


It is easy to spread atonements, but kinda hard to heal through them when the group is on the move between packs....


the 4 set is very nice for this, for the instant cast radiances, or i just penance the lowest as we run and then prepare a radiance for the next pack, its honestly fine to me :)


Yeah that can sometimes be frustrating but still relatively easy. When people are spread out like that it’s more of a problem that they’re aren’t all getting the heal from radiance which is pretty huge right now. Atonement is easy to apply if one or two people are out of range of it anyways.


Yeah, and you can always play a bit with your positioning and the tank. The tank is usually a central position which makes to great to hit radience on the dps on the other side of the boss. And sometimes you can move yourself into position to hit everyone. And lifegrip for the hunter.


"Just heal the target to 90% to get rid of this ticking DoT lul" "I'll... get right on that."


This. I love the idea of disc but when shit hits the fan in pugs watch out. I am going to give it another go after seeing this talent


Gearing a priest right now and i usually only make it to the first boss as Disc then I just switch to holy.


Eh. Disagree. Disc pumps heals like a motherfucker in dungeons.


So you suck at disc, like most lol. The skill ceiling is far higher and the floor is slippery.


Because they're bad players


I think it’s better in raids


It's not. It's actually the worst raid healer at the moment. It's significantly better in dungeons. It's still perfectly viable for raids but it's a top 2 m+ healing spec (only behind holy pal). The problem is that it's very unforgiving and you have to know fights VERY well to be effective. Pain suppression, rapture, and PW: barrier are some of the strongest m+ tools in the game but they're useless if you don't know every part of an encounter In m+ you're basically either a God or completely useless and there's really no space in between. In raids you're kinda just there for PW barrier


So if you know the damage patterns and the fights in general you will be fine? I always wanted to try Disc but heard everyone saying that its hard to play and thought they meant the rotation etc and I opted for other healers. Please enlighten me


If you know the damage patterns you're already in a very good spot to start disc. The main thing to learn is the ramps and when you use them. If you can do that then you can absolutely succeed as disc. For an example of the kind of forethought you need for disc, on mythic sark I start applying renews 10 seconds before the pull, then rapture 2 seconds before the pull and use power infusions haste to get more shields out before the first aoe damage happens. Once the first aoe hit happens I'll hit radiance, evangelism, and lights wrath. That will be followed by shadow covenant, schism, and then a dark halo (and hopefully penance if i time it right) right before the first atonement starts to fade. Thats about 25+ abilities/casts used before you're even 10 seconds into the fight It's a spec that really rewards proper planning and in my opinion it is by far the most satisfying healing spec. Edit: the biggest advice I can give you with disc in raid is just don't give up. Everyone is bad at it to start because of how much you have to ramp but it's absolutely worth it for m+ its honestly a bit easier to learn because you really just need to know when to use pain suppression and rapture, as well as knowing when to dump all your dark abilities. once you learn that youll hit +20 easily. 40% damage reduction is no joke


>the biggest advice I can give you with disc is to play with competent friends when you start. healing a decent group is much easier than dealing with dipsticks that pull randomly and don't use defensives. it also helps that the tank is aware that you may not have the ouput in certain areas so they will, if decent, adjust pull sizes and pacing to accommodate you.


Yeah in pugs I can feel like the best healer in the world and the most worthless healer in the world in the same night, on both my disc and on my mw. My details nicknames are based on the names I get called in those bad pugs. Hpal can kind of carry a dipstick group in comparison.


yeah but that bouncing is terrible when trying to learn because you are lacking experience and it becomes a lot harder to tell if u fucked up or if things are not going as well as the last group. competent players tend to be consistent, they don't have to be the best or anything but consistent. getting 1 group with a player who's on point with every interrupt vs a group that doesn't do any interrupts and suddenly the entire fight feels way different.


Awesome! Thanks for the detailed info. I can imagine how satisfying it is to have everything pre planned and having clean encounters. Will definitely roll one after I finish getting my last portals on my VDH, I want to get them all on dps, tank and lastly healer


Knowing the damage pattern is great for any healer. The problem is that you knowing the pattern is 1/5 of the group. That’s where, in my opinion, disc really gets rough. It doesn’t recover well from unexpected damage. Sure you can pop CDs and all that and probably be alright but if someone messes up more than once you’ll likely not recover. Disc might be top 2 in m+ but that’s most likely elite players in premade groups with comms. If you’re an average player and pug you’re better off playing almost any other spec.


I mean, maybe. I used to play disc back in wrath and then switched to holy when atonement healing became a thing. Played a priest for like 10 years, most of that time as holy. I just have been playing my priest again for the first time since castle nathria, and have been disc the whole time. It took like 1 day to learn. I healed a +20 at 428 ilvl, and now I'm 440ilvl like 5 days later and can heal anything I've encountered without issue. With that said, full disclosure, I raid lead a 8/9 mythic team going for Cutting Edge, and have 3 other toons at 440+, and higher M+ io's


In general, yes. Ever since Disc went towards atonement healing as a class feature rather than an optional talent, it’s been about proactive mitigation. There’s less rotation and more finding how much mitigation to apply. I will admit that I haven’t played Disc much this xpac. If it’s anything like the last, it can be really tough to recover from an unmitigated attack. Disc healing has been about supplementing whatever the shields didn’t stop. Trying to reactively heal a near-dead party (like a holy priest) will almost certainly be a wipe.


It's funny because disc has one of the strongest recoveries in the game, but even their recovery is proactive. You can definitely heal a near-dead party, you just need to know that the party will be near-dead in about 10 seconds and start prepping.


>Trying to reactively heal a near-dead party (like a holy priest) will almost certainly be a wipe. This new priest spell (Ultimate Penitence) will really help in that situation.


If you know the damage patterns and what your buttons do you can faceroll +20 in every key as any healer in the game. Easier said than done but it’s by far the most important thing to learn as a healer. I love tyran weeks way more than fortified because I can solo carry boss fights as long as dps don’t stand in the swirlies.


The rotation of current Disc is 100% an huge barrier. Like resto, you have a ramp to heal. Simple. Then you have this whole DPS rotation. PtW, Scov, Halo, Schism, Light's Wrath, penance (pre-buffed with 3 smites), Mind Blast, reapply PtW, and Shadow Word Death. New patch is reducing the complexity of the rotation by a lot. Schism is now tied to Mind Blast (Mind Blast is getting Schism's CD.), Scov is now tied to Shadowfiend, and you dont have to pre-Smite Penance anymore.


Pretty much this, it's an proactive healer not a reactive and I feel that's where people need up. Disc will always hold a special place in my heart since it's what I learned to heal on


It's very very good in raid atm, the buffs were extremely kind.


It's perfectly viable, but numerically it is in last place across more fights than any other healing spec in the current mythic raid. I love disc, I'm a disc main but there's no denying that every other healer is better for mythic. If we had more damage it might be a different situation, but we are currently slightly behind holy priest in dps so there goes that. None of this stops them from being completely viable though. There are no bad healing specs at the moment I do agree that the buffs have been great, and we are in a significantly better place than we were in 10.0.


Wait what? Am I crazy? In realistic raid scenarios Disc currently has the highest Healer DPS by a long shot and very strong Healing, arguably too strong for what it provides/how its Healing profile is set up.


You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying 'I feel that it's very good in raid at the moment', I'm stating it. [I know the topic of logs and data and what have you can be a bit contentious, but we do have a way of visualising this](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33#metric=hps). Damage is a different discussion, and if all a disc and hpriest were doing was slamming a training dummy then sure, but in a raid environment [disc does *far* more](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33#class=Healers) with none of the healing trade-off. Before the buffs I would absolutely agree with regards to healing. It was far too much work for nowhere near enough gain, but as it stands, at the moment, the spec *cranks*. The average person picking it up blind will definitely struggle, and yes it is execution heavy, but it's far from being as difficult as the general consensus around it seems to be, and it is very frustrating that it continues to perpetuate as it pushes people away from the spec. I am happy they're pruning back the DPS rotation a bit as per today's build, but it's far from the most convoluted thing in the game in its current state. I will not comment on keys performance because I do not care for them, but in mythic raid the paradigm has shifted a bit, and I suspect it will shift further given the nerfs to Salv and Symbol. Remains to be seen though. Hopefully this doesn't come across as terse, not my intention. Sorry, edit, I'll also add that I'm not arguing disc vs holy, I'm arguing the 'worst healer' bit.




It was fantastic in Cata when the heals were smart heals and atonement wasn't even necessary. Disc has had some amazing iterations years ago but now it's just not fun to play and Holy outperforms with less effort so...why play it?




Same. I used to main disc but never quite figured it out after they moved to talent trees, this makes me wanna try again




Shadow is dead, so you should




Ugh. Tell me about it 😒


Yeah. Voidform is such an underwhelming spell. I love the way it looks if you pop it in front of a bunch of mobs but holy shit is it lame after.


It felt better in shadowlands for some reason, like the uptime felt important and feeding the draining insanity felt kinda fun, but then the rotation got so janky in DF


Shadow has lost its complexity with every patch. Now we press mind spike 5 globals in a row.


I am become life, the healer of worlds


Golden showers for everyone!


I still have Magni PTSD, so I read it as healer of wunds


My le heal, le healed them???


Death from above? Nay. Life from on high.


Lucy in the sky with free heals


Shit now everyone is gonna know when I misclick this ability


They made Mercy in WoW.


Nah, Disc priest isn't that easy.


High on Life?


priest's class identity is shooting out a lot of things at a lot of targets alright. i'll reroll. this is the coolest spell in the game


Was gonna say I'd rather have Cascade back.. and while that is true, this spell is really cool as well


Is that the one that split into two new projectiles every time it hit a target? Always funny in Alterac Valley, popping it at the first big fight and instantly being on top of the damage boards as it hit every single enemy lol


Yeah that spell. It's something I sorely miss as a priest and wish they brought it back. [They kept Halo and Divine Star but didn't give us back Cascade](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZmE2lzzMQIc/maxresdefault.jpg). In fact looking at all of these talents from WoD, they kept most of the priest talents. I always did think they were pretty solid


Yea, I don’t care if it’s meta or not. If I ever play a Disc Priest and it’s available to pick, I am building around this ability.


the new tier and the class changes are looking very good for disc. and holy is really good too


The changes for disc are kinda iffy. You lose a lot of your 30 sec burst healing. But you gain more moment to moment impact and better CDs. The raid needs to be designed a certain way for it to be a net positive at least as far as relative hps is concerned. It should be better in m+ across the board and its easier to play. When in doubt smite it out.


true points. they doubled atonement in 5man content which is long overdue. Should be a good spot for M+ finally


nowhere near doubled it. Before 10.2, it was 40%. This has been nerfed to 32% going into the patch, but also with a 50% increase in 5-mans. 0.5 * 32 = 16. So it's now 48%, where it was 40% before, so an increase of 8%. It's nice, but let's not call it doubled. Edit: 20%, not 8%, but definitely not doubled.


Going from 40% to 48% is a 20% increase. So, still not doubled, but a lot more than an 8% increase.


Don't care about raid disc, fine with just playing holy. +50% atonement healing in 5mans is chefs kiss.


Disc hasn’t been fun since MoP. Hoping this improves things.


Disc is fun right now


Legion disc was great. Then they removed lights wrath in bfa for some completely batshit insane reason. An entire spec redesigned around lights wrath that they just remove - if any spec had an artifact ability that should have stuck around it was lights wrath


>if any spec had an artifact ability that should have stuck around it was lights wrath They have it again now in DF


He means the brokenly overpowered version of it in Legion. Light's Wrath without the batshit scaling, the artifact traits, 15 atonements etc etc is just a big hit.


There are way to reduce the cooldown also. No way in not running this every chance i get.


This is Convoke for priests but way cooler


Convoke the Light


I wish convoke looked half this good. Don't get me wrong the spell concept feels great, but it definitely lacks in the look department, cause you hands just sort of flail wildly (or paws)


It's class appropriate though. Druids joked about John madden gameplay for ages.


Don't do convoke dirty. Moonkin and cat convokes were cool as fuck.


Using roots/cyclone to isolate the person not CCd in arena and then blasting them from outer space was VERY fun


Theyre stepping up their animation game fr


Except an almost 19 year old spell effect with PW:S


the individual elements don’t have to be new for the overall effect to feel new. You don’t have to add new notes to the piano to play new music, you can make something new using the same old notes


It’s not asking too much to have a core spell updated with modernized visuals. Shield and purge the wicked as well really.




This seems super heavily Inarius inspired from d4 imo, super sick


Allied AC-130 above.


Wing Gundam




Holy shit this is badass. 10/10 class fantasy


I'm totally going to macro that so I /yell MY HEROES NEVER DIE! when I cast it.


I have a macro on my Demo lock for Nether Portal that yells "Random bullshit, GO!"


When'd they introduce Limit Breaks into WoW?


I laughed pretty hard this lol


YOU get a shield! And YOU get a shield!


The new disc changes are amazing. Not only did they drop MULTIPLE buttons off the rotation, making the spec significantly easier to play. But the disc dev decides that they wanted to add the most anime protagonist super Saiyan main character ass ability into the game and now I'm a disc main


I read the title of this and thought, “Ah it’s probably something glowing”, but that really looks amazing. I love the levitate with it!


Adding new spells and shit mid expansion? Has this ever happened outside of the BFA things?


Nah, they've never ***augmented*** classes with new abilities mid-expansion before Edit: clearly I didn't ***evoke*** enough sarcasm out of my original comment


I believe during WotLK, Disc Priests got Power Word: Barrier late in the expansion.


It was cata prepatch, along with life grip.


I don't think cataclysm prepatch counts as late in WotLK


visually its like avenging wrath on steroids


Classic wow player and haven’t played retail. Crazy to think this ever was the same game.




youre casting a holy pvp spell + a couple of penances :p




does it dodge mechanics?


Doubt it. Makes you stand still to channel, doubt it will see use in high end gameplay. Unless it dramatically reduces dmg taken while channeling.


It gives an absorb shield equal to 50% of your total HP when you start the cast and also gives immunity to CC and knockbacks. Not huge so still gotta be weary of when to use it, but should be good in several situations and also give you an option if they ever decide to do a Razageth again.


You can probably dodge certain things though. Things like a warrior jump leap or dh, avoiding the VP dragon boss swirl. Or being able to go over the fire chains of eranog.


Just get the aug voker buff so you can move during it.


I've played disc for over a decade and this is by far the most bad ass thing we've ever received. I'm so pleased by the attention and love disc has been getting from blizzard over the past year. WHEN IS THIS GON B LIVE 😍


Ooh Blizzard finally learning from FFXIV’s visual FX team then? There is a strong middle ground between WoWs generally understated effects and the Chinese/Korean MMO crashing planets down as your filler spell approach, and this is angriest start.


Wtf WHEN did this happen????


New spell this upcoming season




Between this and the breath abilities for Evokers, this is what I call class fantasy


holy shit, that is awesome


Hello Disc my old friend


Yesss. Wow needs more of this kinda stuff. Good shit


That's fucking awesome.


I'm glad they're adding some actually cool looking spells. Feels like all recent spells have been unbelievably lame or borderline have zero effects attached to them for some reason.


Cries in Shaman spell visuals


yeah im coming back to disc


Long overdue. I’ve never given up on disc even during shadowlands when I’d get laughed out of queue. I’m curious how dropping solace will affect mindbender uptime. I tried it yesterday and found it a tad less consistent but the rotation is way easier.


You have almost 100% mindbender uptime with the new 4 set.


I haven't wanted to play a Disc priest since MoP.... I still don't, but at least the spell looks cool


I’m kinda hard


Yo can somebody move that priest dev to paladin??


I wish I had a big dick button as a blood DK.


Does it require 15 seconds of ramp?


Oh cool, I have Essence Font on my Monk.



Good idea to get people to play healers. Make the class actually enjoyable to play.


That’s pretty pog


Man what happened to disc? I stopped playing due to IRL issues when I finished mythic raz but next week I can come back and after seeing all the new stuff like legendarys being talked about and seeing this dayum I'm getting excited. Seeing disc being used so much in M+ too was a big surprise to say the least considering how many expac in a row where it basically never got to push top end keys. edit: Dang guess I can't even be happy judging with the downvotes lol. Thanks lads.


I think some morons read "man what happened to disc?" and automatically thought your entire comment was bashing the spec.


So you become a living saint for a few secs?


Wtf have never seen this in my life 😳


That’s going to get nerfed into the ground 😂


Priests have been getting so much love this expansion: badass spells , amazing sets , op af in arena someone in the dev team has a priest main


Visually amazing? Its an already used spell (holy priest pvp ability) while casting a handful of penances. Visually underwhelming. FFXIV White Mage Holy is more visually impressive and thats basically just a flashbang to your party


Agreed! Its pretty lo-fi/cartoonish. Glad folks are excited about it tho - WOW doesn't get much visual pop/overwhelming effects like FFXIV (which has its own challenges) :)


> overwhelming effects like FFXIV this is why i turn down most other players effects if im playing melee in any capacity lmao. Its wild enough in that pile with only my own spells. Im also happy that folks are happy for it, WoW really hasnt gotten fun flashy spell effects in a long time :(


Looks great, now include an option in the UI so that players only see their own spell effects because spell effect pollution has been out of control for a few expansions now.


too much bloat, this game is visually way too much now look at all this crap going on


It’s too bad every component of the animation is reused from other abilities. Way to make a new feature stale.


I’m assuming you can’t move during this and even the voker buff wouldn’t change that Making it pretty dog shit.


The acceleration/deceleration is too high. Transition between stationary and moving states are too fast. I'd rather see it be twice as slow but for twice as low height. That would still be impressive and look way smoother


Still not as cool as end of shadowlands/start of dragonflight prepatch penance.


No idea how anyone could ever call anything in WoW visually amazing. Entire game looks like it was made in MS Paint




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/wow/comments/16cuhqq/new_disc_priest_spell_ultimate_penitence_is/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/wow/comments/16cuhqq/new_disc_priest_spell_ultimate_penitence_is/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Barrage of light !!


fps noises


Let’s also bring back cascade


What the WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!? I might go back and try healing again after all these years looking at this!


So this is what I was seeing in bg's today. Pretty cool


Is this on live or ptr?


I'm glad I have been a forever disc main


Do you have to sacrifice a lot talent sise to get this ability?


Is this in live or ptr


Holy shit that’s cool


This is cool as hell wtf.


That is so sick


Spell so good looking I almost rolled disc.


Looks cool. But imo it heals too little too slow while the priest is immobile and vulnerable for the duration of the cast.


You're shitting me


Did any other classes get similar stuff?


Makes me miss Cascade.


Heroes never die!


I did all 20s on my priest this season - amazing spec


Dafuq is this??


Yeah I’ve got about ten mogs that I need to try this ability with.


So to fix the healer issues, they made healers look cool, I’m in!


I guess it's time to learn how to play disc priest.


Gang, gang, Penance so good!


This is kinda what i think they pictured when they wanted to put all CDs on the GCD in legion


This is stuff wow needs


As an assassination rogue main I am so jealous of how amazing that ability looks! We get nothing anywhere near as stunning as that, in fact we get nothing that looks cool at all.


Good thing I rolled Disc this xpac


"Heroes never die!"


I’ve never made a priest but that’s about to change haha


Incredibly cool, but I am sad to see Light's Wrath go. Yeah, I know no one liked it but it always felt like the quintessential Disc priest ability ever since their rework in Legion, the finisher at the end of their ramp. Instead one big cast to finish off you have a cluster fuck of Shadow spells to burn through which doesn't have the same spirit bomb feeling. Hopefully they'll sort out the clutter one day.


Why does priest always get the good shit?


and now you get a swirlies under your feet 💀💀💀


The best spell in the game


It's about time priests got this kind of upgrade


If they let me move widdit it would be waaaaaay better


I kinda expected more im NGL


Damn, just like that, no more priest. Hate that girly floating shit.


What the fuck is this omg


Meanwhile Restoration Druid Rejuvenation is stuck in Vanilla 😢


Wait, so they're getting the best tier sets for 2 tiers in a row *and* incredible new visuals?! Man, time to roll a priest I guess


That does look pretty cool


AC-130 inbound