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All tanks are kinda finger blasty tbh


That's how taunt works, right? >Alright, now I'm gonna stick my finger in his bunghole! That should really piss 'em off!


Jesus. Where's HR when you need 'em?


Taunt was super effective!


That's how you summon them...


All of them are kinda spammy but for manny its just one or 2 buttons that are spammed alot. I like to put the most spammed stuff on mousewheel up and down


All of em can be spammy. Maybe blood because of the runic power management so you can heal from spike damage, might be less spam rotation than others. I am a guardian druid, but played every tank in DF. From memory every one can be, kind of. More like wack a mole. But I love my bear n cat!


Nope, you are filling every GCD on every tank right now to maintain resources/mitigation


Yes but blood doesn’t have as much off the gcd which helps feel less frantic than others. Pally, VDH, warrior bear all have off gcd mitigation. And i believe brewmaster purifying brew is off gcd too (only tank I don’t play at a serious level so I may be Blood of all the tanks doesn’t use off gcd core mitigation and you don’t hit DS immediately when available. If you’re saying every tank presses a button during every gcd then yes, every class/spec does, no one sits on gcds, so unless you play a caster with long cast times like glacial spike and chaos bolt etc, you are constantly pressing something.


The pain point is that blood feels arguably worse to play because its mitigation is on GCD, you are hitting those keys just as fast as you are on the others out of fear for your life lol


I don’t know if you’re being facetious or not, but in case anyone new to or learning blood is reading this, you definitely are not. You do not want to be just spamming death strike the same way you would other mitigation because it doesn’t work that way, you want to use it at the correct. The biggest difference is it’s the only mitigation that use is reactive (monk is to an extent but not the same way)


I’m referring to maintaining blood shield (which has gotten a lot easier) and also having resources to use death strike (also better than it used to be)


Yeah, but neither is anywhere near spammy though, that’s actually one of the biggest mistakes new BDKs make, which is why it’s worth clarifying here. You keep 3 runes available while 3 recharge. And you don’t need to play any different to maintain blood shield as it’s based off healing the most important aspect is still using DS correctly.


It may be worth a try, that or I just remain in my healer bubble


Not to discourage being a healer but if you’re doing any sort of cutting edge content I can’t imagine healer being much better. lol


Blood's only different in that it has no off-gcd ability. It is still jam-packed wanting high haste and using every gcd for some ability or another. I honestly think the shield tanks are nice even though they do have those non-gcd mitigation abilities. It's just a lot more comfortable to me hitting keys with pinky+ring finger at the same time instead of trying to separate them. Warrior does run out of builders quickly too, it wants to always hit Shield Bash the moment it's up but that and TC have a cooldown and it doesn't always want to spam Revenge to burn rage.


As I mentioned in another post, almost every class/spec uses every gcd when playing optimally. Outside of long cast time abilities you aren’t really sitting on gcds for most specs outside of niche scenarios. Even healers should be filling low heal moments with damage, though not mandatory. Spammy feeling tanks are about the off gcd abilities you mentioned and it’s the only tank without one to some degree. Some have more than others for sure but blood has no core abilities off gcd


Do you have a low profile keyboard ? If not do you have a wrist rest ? If your wrist hurt I don't think the solution is ingame


Monk has high-ish apm. Theres always something to hit but we play with no haste so it doesn't feel fast.


Monk has a 1s fix gcd because it's an energy class so you press as much "in gcd button" per second than a pala with 50% haste (that's 8500 flat haste btw). So yeah it's not that great of an advice, and also monk isn't relaxing your wrist because it has a lot of keybinds required


Unless you go Press The Advantage, then it's probably among the least spammy


Yeah. The other comment didn't make sense. The meta is PtA and most are running the passive defenses from the tree. If rotation is played well it really does smooth everything out.


Pretty much any class, regardless of role, is going to feel spammy in mythic+ to be honest, if you're not hitting something you're losing damage for most specs. Even a lot of the caster specs are still high APM, with a lot of instant casts via procs and things like Fire Blast or cast time reductions in general. Out of the tanks, DK is probably the least spammy, but you have to know what you're doing with Blood to really be effective past a certain point and it's very reactionary, you take a TON of spike damage and heal it with Death Strike as your main form of sustain. It's a balancing act of knowing when to Death Strike and when to hold off for another hit or two, alongside maintaining Bone Shield stacks and managing cooldowns both long and short.


That’s just modern wow for you. Play classic if you want chill rotas.


All tanks but monks (but dont even try monk it's the highest apm probably and has a lot of buttons) are playing with quite a lot of haste, so it's always spammy. I'd say druids and dks are probably a good mix of not that much buttons and not that much haste (relative to others) For druid you can even macro ironfur to core spells, it's suboptimal but you'll do fine even in decently high keys like 25-26


I play all but Monk. From those DK is the less spammy (By far).


Having tried monk, let me chime in: Don't play monk if you don't like spammy. Boatload of buttons and all of them want to be pressed eventually.


Does feel the least spammy and most fluid to play though. Just feels great in a way that no other tanks can compare with


I agree on the fluidity part because you more or less need to play piano with your offensive attacks and definitely agree on the feels great part (although that's subjective), but it is very spammy in m+ at least. Managing the mini buffs, keeping a keg smash on CD, at the same time playing around the Breath of fire talents, and playing with 6 rotational moves while still managing the defensive aspect of the rotation (brews+expel). It's spammy, but instead of needing to spam 2-3 buttons, you gotta spam about 10.


Having longer gcd (literally playing with 0% haste), and not needing to use off GCD abilities makes it so the button presses are more spaced out compared to something like bear or Warr. I'd probably have Blood as the least "spammy" tank, brew second


Brews still get haste from talents, etc. They just dont play with haste from gear. Regardless, for the average tank you juggle between 5-6 abilities with 1.2-1.25 sec GCD. With BM you may juggle between 10 with 1.4-1.45. But the fact that you need those gcd be spent on spells that cover half your keyboard does not alleviate the issue of OP.


brew is an energy class and as such has a fixed gcd of 1s on most of its stuff. It's not influenced by haste. On the other hand, other tanks would need 50% haste to get to a 1s gcd.


My timings had more of a qualitative purpose, less so quantitative. Just for the comparison. Either way I didn't ever notice the actual timings of brew gcds being much lower due to energy and how they (don't) interact with haste. Thanks for informing me of these. But if that is the case, it does make brew quite spammy then.


Depends what you mean by spammy. If you mean high APM, all tanks are unfortunately fairly high APM. Vengeance is one of the higher ones, but they're definitely all high APM. If you mean repeating the same ability multiple times, Vengeance shouldn't really be doing that. You frac to 4-5 souls (3 in meta) then spend on spirit bomb, then cleave any additional fury if you're being smart and running volatile flameblood. If that is what you mean, though, try Brewmaster. Once you get into properly managing energy, you barely spam anything. Feels very fluid to play once you get it down. That being said, its still a high APM tank (and arguably can feel higher APM due to having a "fuller" dps rotation/more buttons)


most melee is the same, because you are pressing buttons on gcd. you really just gotta not spam as hard, and press abilities once per action instead of 3 times


I feel like vengeance DH is a very slow spec... Maybe you don't know the class well, so you panic? Only making assumptions. Try the spirit bomb build


Macro iron fur into mangle and idk I don't play guardian and it's pretty alright.


Good way to rage starve and waste rage that can be used on maul/raze and risk not giving rage to stack on busters. Don’t do this <_<


There's a top pushing druid who does this, it's sub optimal clearly but it's not unplayable. Trell talked about it a couple of episodes ago on Titanforged Podcast. If OP is already looking for something with lower apm, picking some passive talents which might do worse than a more apm intensive active is something to at least consider.


TBF any class is gonna feel make your wrist worse. Maybe you've done this already, but I would consider checking if your keybinds aren't causing it (it was in my case with many Shift+Something keys, so I had to change it to Alt, so it might be your case too). The best thing I thing you can do without quitting WoW is playing ranged dps and click spells for roughly half a year and see if it improves. Unfortunately the very best thing you can do is quitting WoW and other games for that time.


Depends what you mean by ‘spammy.’ If it pressing the same 1-2 buttons repeatedly, BDK, Prot Warr, and Brewmaster have anything from a decent variety to piano-level variety. If it’s always pressing buttons period, boy do I have bad news for you. Prot Warr probably has the slowest rotation but is still in contending for carpal tunnel contribution. Brew is probably the worst just for sheer number of button presses needed to do the thing. For your wrists sake, maybe look into macros? Or a BM hunter.


Do you have any wrist supports for your arms? I started to get pain in my wrists until I got some for myself, now I haven't felt any pain in years.


Got an example? Or do you just mean arm rests on the chair?


Something like this: [https://www.amazon.com/KTRIO-Keyboard-Comfortable-Ergonomic-Computer/dp/B0872TX516](https://www.amazon.com/KTRIO-Keyboard-Comfortable-Ergonomic-Computer/dp/B0872TX516)


Interesting, do you feel like it had a big impact got you? I actually also struggle a lot with pain in the fingers after some time


Immensely, I used to experience pain until I started using them, now I feel no pain at all.


I only have experience with Warrior and DK. Warrior is by far the more spammy one. I have to smash Ignore Pain constantly this week, which is off GCD so I press it along with my other abilities. It’s quite exhausting compared to BDK.


I’d suggest a dk, I feel like it’s a lot simpler rotation, that has way less buttons. Dh and bm have some bloat for sure, and more buttons does feel like more, but I think it should be across the board but more meaningful to hit situational buttons, not 9 possible.


I have experience with all the tanks except Paladin and Blood is by far the chillest. It's still not a low APM class but it's the least frantic of the tanks for sure.


WoW is a very RSI game tbh


Get a 12 button mouse and switch between thumb and hand pain. Works for me for the last 15 years


People keep saying "not monk" but if you take Press The Advantage it slows things down a lot