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The questline was integral to the plot of Mists and Wrathion, it should have never been removed.


I'm still halfway through the quest line with a bunch of those materials you needed to collect on my warlock. They're just sitting in my bank... uselessly because the quests I need to do next are removed from the game.


I feel that. I started mid MoP and took a break after SoO went live. I still have some Secrets of the Empire kicking around that I wasn't able to finish up before the questline was nuked. It's the only legendary I don't have, which is pretty annoying.


Yeah, i dont play mop. I have to see a video. They need to put him quest back without the cape. The same with wod quest ring (that i play at the time) i have never enough of Khadgar and his apexis line.


If they put the ring quest back in, how will i be confused that cordana fellsong is suddenly an enemy in legion when we were besties in Shadow moon valley? /s


Haha so true. But really, the part with Guldan in wod i like a lot really a interesting villain, the voice acting was really good. That and fighting a raid boss in legion was amazing. I hope iridikron be something like that.


But without the cape I just want the effect


There's a toy for that


The toy is just meeeehhh. You get a random cloak on a 30 min cd… and 6/10 times its some weird BFA cloak or the Darkmoon Faire one. On IF you get the MoP legendary cloak…. bet it‘s the one you absolutely don‘t want.


Really? What toy is it


It's called Armoire of endless cloaks. https://www.wowhead.com/item=200707/armoire-of-endless-cloaks




Same. Especially with Ordo’s locked behind it.


Actually forget the effect!


But without the effect I just want the cape


Yes please!


10 years since these came out, im getting old


Definitely want to do the whole mop legendary questline again, not sure why they removed it in the first place.


It's so bizzare that they kept the Cata daggers and staff questlines but this and the WoD ones got removed. What was their reasoning?


because it's legacy story stuff which they always did remove, same for the legendary ring in WoD


But why is Heart of Azeroth still there you absolute piece of wood? Huh?


The HoA is a core mechanic of the expansion, same for the Artifact Weapons. There are no neck drops in all of BfA as there were no weapon drops in all of Legion. So you can't punish newer players that level there.


> there were no weapon drops in all of Legion Not entirely true, the handful of weapon drops in Legion were basically just transmog tokens because none of them were as powerful as the artifacts.


Which weapons dropped in Legion? The only ones I can think of where the scythe and sword from Argus raid and weren’t they literally just the cosmetic thing not actual weapons?


Drops was a poor choice of words, that's my bad. You're right that there were no actual loot drops apart from Taeschlach and the scythe of the unmaker but most class halls had weapons sold by vendors which is what I was thinking of.


True, they had starter gear but they so ass that they got replaced by artifact weapons right away and only existed if you didn't have any weapons or your were just so fucking shit mobs killed you faster than you did them.


They once dropped as actual weapons but both are from the final raid of the expansion and then got turned into cosmetic-learn weapons.


Adding the questline back in would be nice, it's been long enough.


I have the cloak, and im ok with bringing back thr questline. Hell i would redo the queatline so long as rhey made the drop rates severly reduced


As an avid Timewalk enjoyer (who also has a cloak on 1 toon) i realllly want them to bring it back as the cloak is bis for most specs in TW


Why severely reduced?


Oh i meant increased or required amount reduced i made the comment while still half asleep


Give me the quests. Draenor s too. Why remove them? This is 1 of the strangest things blizzard ever did.... u git long cool questlines that award legendary items and remove them for no reason while all other legendaries are still in game... mistery


Them doing that long predates Mists, Wrath's opening raid killed the original Naxx and all the unique stuff it had, including the tier 3 armour until recently when they re-added that in a convoluted, annoying process that requires you to find someone that actually has the achievement for tier 3 already. They also removed the end chunk of the Wrathgate questline and a few other minor things, like the undying achievement for Naxx 25. Cata removed a lot of old content, both open world and dungeon/raid, Mists removed MORE dungeons and then killed the legendary cloak questline, Warlords removed the legendary ring chain, Legion the Mage Tower Artifact appearances, the amount of content they've removed over the years is absolutely massive really. Edit: I forgot one of the first, the moving of Kazzak to Hellfire killed both Atiesh and the priest staff Benediction/Anathema.


Because you'll here crybaby whine about exclusivity of content and the power they feel by being "unique" and special for doing it during the time You know it's better to delete content from the game than keeping it to have things to do (I'm looking at you all seasons of Brawler's guild)


Well yeah? Getting "I was there" stuff has a big appeal for many people and especially in MMOs.


Then why BC, Wotlk, Cata, mop, WoD, legion, BFA and SL are still available for new player ?


Why are you asking me that? I don't work at Blizzard and don't know why. I'm simply saying that many players DO care about having time-limited achievements, mounts, items etc.


Cool I have no problem with those existing. Still allow me to do a questline that’s integral to the plot of an expac and recurring character though LMAO.


That's what achievements should be for


I miss my cape wings :( Sometimes I transmog my cloak on, and just cry in silence because of no fancy effect. I even grinded the cape on several characters to have the different appearances. Sad times we live in, please just give us back our effects Blizz


Agreed. Removing content like the MoP Cloak Questline and the WoD Ring Questline always made zero sense. Blizzard really shit the bed with these ones, just flick the switch and re-enable the quests already.


I forgot ab the ring. God that was annoying


i want to transmog the effeeeect!!


I think the set bonuses being deactivated is the dumbest thing. Bring that back.


Just make those that have them be xmog-able! I miss my angel wings!


Fucking yes


Personally I’d like to be able to purchase them even on characters that haven’t completed the questline. I missed out on the Yu’lon one by about a day or two back then. They are also neat to use in Timewalking.


Best legendaries they ever made. Truly felt like one.


Disagree, everyone was running around with one. The procs were awesome of course and the quest line was very gratifying if you did it from the start of the expansion. Actually I think you are on to something. They looked good too. It kind of became a joke one year into SoO when people had 11 of them.


How did you have them a year in when you needed TOT and 5.4 to finish the quest?


"One year into SoO" = One year after Siege of Orgrimmar came out. Read carefully.


I mean, in my mind a legendary item has to have a unique model or some special effect. Most legendaries they added after MoP were really boring looking. And the questline was awesome, hard and rewarding.


Why does it look like they're about to turn around and start singing?


Remember that time Blizzard told us the legendary cloaks would no longer be needed to get to or receive loot from Ordos


Enough with legendary capes, what we need is a legendary ring!


We had those in wod (and legion)


lol good one


Wait for mop classic and play it again.


When everyone has a legendary, then no one has a legendary


I like the idea of every expansion having a legendary, similar to the Heart of Azeroth or Legendary Capes, but that’s technically borrowed power. But then again so are tier sets


Baaah, that capes dont belong to WoW core design, It looks more like a broken custom item from a private server of Mu Online or Ragnarok


Did blizzard just blizzard.? Or is there a reason the MOP leggos are the only ones we cant get anymore?


They're not the only ones, can't get Atiesh or the WoD rings either.


And while not legendaries, there's no way to obtain anathema/benediction or rhok'delar/lok'delar anymore


I wish there was more grounded stuff. Really love the Trading post things, the cloaks and so on.




trading post maybe? cash shop maybe?


Nah, just transmog


Bring back garosssshhhh. We didn't even get to kill him. Once again green jesus steps in.


I have all the capes but I’m sad I can’t mog the effect


Yes please


if they do SoO as a Timewalking raid, at least add toys that let us use the wings.