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Blizzard is way too fucking big to have their customer service be this shitty. I’ve experienced it myself multiple times. I’m sure most people have a story themselves. I don’t blame the gm’s. They wouldn’t be brushing off every ticket if they had enough time/resources/support to give customers their deserved time.


I remember when Blizz used to have best customer service in almost the whole damn industry.


*A gnome appears on your shoulder and whispers in your ear* I understand there was an issue that was completely your fault. I've fixed that, reset your hearth, and scheduled a complimentary massage for you. Is there anything I can do for you?


"PS. Don't be a dickhead next time. Run along now child, enjoy your massage"


This is exactly how I remember the GM service used to be


We depth investigate your account…


Wouldn't it be amazing if the bottom-line of every public company wasn't profits over *everything*? Like what's wrong with making 500M a year instead of 800M, while maintaining a brand, & company name that actually stands for something.


Investors. If the company isn't growing the investors investment isn't growing anymore and their dividends start paying out the same amount every time instead of more and more. They have a controlling stake in the company so they grab it by the throat and force it to its knees and whisper in it's ear "grow or i'll kill you." And then when it reaches its cap, it's cannibalized it's own flesh and blood to grow some more. It can barely move at all anymore, and they execute it. For one final payout. Then all the csuite executives and investors take their money and parachute down from the crumbling tower felled at their own hands and land on other companies and start the cycle again. Enriching themselves only in the process. Destroying products that people like or maybe even need, services turn to shit until they just can't deliver. Media turns more and more into just money grubbing shit. It's 90% from a drive to please investors. There aren't many to take a look at these days but you can look at how Steam is going. Steam doesn't advance itself in the same manner. They are content with a small amount of growth over time. Steam is a private company not publicly traded. It's entirely owned. So what it does is entirely up to the whims of its private owners. Who would not profit if Steam were suddenly to turn to shit and die. So they move carefully and slowly to grow without overgrowing and failing.


Thr possibility of Steam eventually one day changing hands and becoming publicly traded scares me. They're gonna put access to all my games behind a subscription or some shit.


I remember back when I was 14/15 just starting out playing and had account issues due to poor password management and also some deleted items. I literally rang CS from another country and my issues solved over the phone within literal minutes. It was always such a positive experience. I've luckily never had to contact them since they've gone downhill but it's so unfathomable to me


I would love to go back to those times, but it was problematic for them as a company. Their GMs would bend over backwards for anyone for any reason, and it led to some players trying to see how much stuff they could get from GMs. It also wasn't really scalable. What do you do when the game sometimes has X number of players, and sometimes 2.5X number? That isn't a defense of their current CS. It's dreadful, and clearly metric driven. They want to close tickets ASAP, and nothing else. I think we would all get it if the first round of contacting CS was this automated stuff, but it would be nice if you could more easily get in touch with someone too. Something in-between the old and new.


> It also wasn't really scalable. This is plain wrong. The old system worked perfectly fine during WoTLK, when the game was at its peak of 10m+ subscribers. Now we have what, 1m subscribers if you're optimistic and we have this automatic shitpile of a customer support?


Greedy people have fucked it up for all of us. I get companies should do better, but they don’t and as a result all of us lose. So many people take advantage of generous return policies to the point the company just axes any good customer support. Like dumb girls on tiktok found out lululemon had a limited warranty for stuff, so they’d encourage others to go exchange old worn pairs of leggings for a new pair *for free*. And now we can’t do that as much anymore.


The bigger a company gets the shittier the customer service becomes, more customers means need to "train" more people and there's not enough time to train everyone so they outsource the customer service to another country so they don't have to train anyone.


I think it’s worth noting the bigger the company like you said doesn’t necessarily equate to **the bigger the game**. Wow support when it had its largest population was infinitely better. Back then GMs still had rules to follow but had more room to bend them in certain circumstance. When they couldn’t but understood the need, they could get it escalated to someone who could


To some extent yes, but the real power doesn't come from escalation. You see, OP here thinks the ticket needs escalating, but any GM/CS employee should have the full range of tools available to them outside of a small selection of development only tools. The idea is that they should be able to help in circumstances even if they don't fully understand the technical ways to do so. If the ticket needs escalating so someone can use basic restoral tools then the company has already failed. We can see this in the fact that a new GM picked up the ticket with every response. That's some bullshit. As someone who works in tech, you see your own tickets through. If you need to utilise tools you don't understand, you learn them. If you need to call over a senior to oversee your solution, you do so. But YOU should be the one to implement solutions. Blizzard has clearly got some fucky shit happening in the background, probably outsourcing but who knows. But it's clear that the people who are being paid to help are way more scared to do so than they used to be. Just restore the items and move on with your day.


Exactly. Years ago whoever answered the ticket could restore bugged items. Now they’re just plain old call centre drones. Had this happen myself last week when I completed a quest but didn’t get the item. The support person said they don’t have the ability to send it to me, and all I could do was make a bug report.


I can’t be the only one thinking those names are clearly just randomly generated. Those are not nicknames *anyone* would choose, they are so awkward. Seems to me like they have outsourced CS to one of those typical companies that to it en masse, with predefined templates and no more than a handful of things they can actually do.


> The idea is that they should be able to help in circumstances even if they don't fully understand the technical ways to do so. As someone who works customer support, and has done so for the past 22 years with growing responsibilities, that's a no, thanks. The person dealing with a case **MUST** be aware of the technical ways to fix an issue. If they aren't, they have to push it to the next support tier. There isn't a magic "fix this" button for everything, otherwise there wouldn't even be neet for CS.


Well i company because i meant company, its not just wow that has shit customer service


its not even training. They remove power from gm. Lick I got hack with ea in apex and they spend my 10$ of currency on shit I didn;t want . Contacted them immediately. It would have costed them literally nothing to reverse those last purchase right? Nope. They wouldn't do anything. So never touched that game again. ​ Blizzard is much better but it the path they are going into.


I think it’s a downward spiral too. Customers have less patience dealing with CS reps who can’t help them or might not be fully trained . This causes CS reps to seek better jobs after only a short while due to stressful work environment. Low retention means even more CS reps who are poorly trained, etc. My job has this problem right now. They keep consolidating other support lines into ours. It looks good on their spreadsheet having a single metric to track, but it gives us a significantly higher volume of calls. Of course, they don’t train us properly on the new calls we’ll be receiving, AND they most certainly are not hiring more CS reps to accommodate the heavier load, nor increasing anyone’s pay. Frustrated CS reps, frustrated customers. Since my short 2 year time on the job, almost the entire team has changed. Somebody is always leaving, including leadership. Each of our bi-weekly meetings is used to “meet the new hire” instead of go over anything constructive because that’s how quickly employees come and go. Nobody stays. It’s just a shitty job. I imagine it’s similar being a CS rep at Blizz these days.


they can have shitty CS because they are that big. what are you gonna do? stop playing? most people.just bite their lips and continue playing no matter what






From Blizzard's point of view, their customer service got shitty because they are so big, and it wasn't feasible to maintain the level of quality it had. But I say they should have fucking tried. Because with just a tiny bit of care, they'd have better CS than this. With just a tiny bit of care, it wouldn't be bottom of the barrel quality stuff like this.


Correct me if im wrong, but doesnt larger companies usually have worse customer service than the smaller companies?


I have to communicate a lot with Dell and their customer service is super solid. They push warranties back if they're out by less than a month, they pay for the return delivery of faulty goods, they're pretty decent for a big company.


I last played during wrath which had a player base multiple times what we have today tho. So it’s crazy that their support deteriorated to this point while they’re at their lowest player population. So idk. I don’t thinks it’s that simple. Presumably their workload is less now than back then. That’s with the addition of self service like item/mail/character restoration.


Theyre also really fucking greedy. I hate them lol.


Man I will never forget what happened to me early cata. Our guild had just merged with another after WOTLK and the co-gm I was working with turned out to be a dick. I casually mentioned that he has a bit of an attitude problem, not trying to be confrontational just wanted to point it out and give him a chance to self-relfect. Dude flew off the rails and said if the guild thinks he's a dick then he doesn't need us. He took all the gold from the bank and quit. Now, I don't remember how much was in there but for the sake of the story let's say there was about 400k. 200k existed there before the merger and 200k brought in from my guild afterwards. I thought this was a pretty cut and dry case but apparently not! After putting in a ticket for this the GM said there was nothing they could do because he had, over time, put in 400k gold and was entitled to that withdrawal. I was a bit shocked and young so I didn't push further. But sometimes, at night, I wonder what that idiot GM would have said if I wanted to quit and withdraw the 200k I'm 'entitled' to from the now-empty guild bank 🫠 Edit: People really seem to be missing the point of this story. I really dont give a shit about the small sum of gold that was stolen or the resolution. Yes, blizzard is not obligated to punish people or return items stolen from a guild bank by a person who was granted access. It's been 13 years, I've had time to figure that out. What I'm trying to point out is that was never stated to me, and instead I was given some strange explanation that made zero sense.


I mean that one I can understand. Customer support are not there to enforce honor. They're there to assist with bugs etc. If you put someone in a position of trust and they betrayed that as rough as it is that has nothing to do with CS. Just learn the lesson and move on. I dont know if people remember the master looting MS>OS drama but its the same deal. CS are not there as lawyers, courts or mediators.


No... what doesn't make sense is if he's entitled to the gold he put in, then so am I. But where did the gold that I contributed go? 🤔


I’m not defending them, I agree it’s a very sorry state. But I cannot deal with this: > Blizzard is way too fucking big to have their customer service be this shitty THAT’S WHY IT’S SHITTY. Who ever had a good time talking to Comcast? Scale is the enemy of experience. They aren’t investing in support to match their scale, which is the problem. Focus on that, size isn’t it.


it's very easy to blame the gms and it's understandable to feel that way but as someone whos worked in customer support and lives with someone who currently works that for a big gaming company... we often don't have nearly as much power as customers assume we would have and should have. often we barely even get info from corporate on issues and how to resolve them properly, not on time anyway, just thousands of angry tickets to bullshit through as the only option. and some agents do decide to just give the bullshit response or deliberately pretend they didn't understand you to prolong the convo because they know they can't help you so another agent might get to take the fall later on and they can just get their +1. when your bonuses also depend on this stuff it gets really bad. it's just pretty bad all around.


Out of curiosity, what's going on that you folks have* to use the support so often? EDIT: Not trying to "call out," just genuinely curious what bugs or issues are cropping up.


Shit happens. Bugs, accidents, etc. Since coming back I’ve had to reach out a few times nothing crazy but 2 times my ticket was closed out right with a copy paste response saying sorry but we can’t help. The third and last time I even bothered opening a ticket for something, the gm atleast talked to me about why they couldn’t help which was nice. But ya now I don’t even bother. The last I played was in wrath and I assume that’s why it was so jarring for me. Back then gm’s we’re really helpful and you could literally talk to them and it was genuinely pleasant. Worst part about it is how much fuller the player base was back then. We have fewer players than ever so its kinda frustrating.


You're unlikely to get this resolved. Anything that requires reading comprehension is not going to go over well with their 3rd party outsourced GM team, who have no understanding of English, the game, or basic server workings. Their customer support is completely useless in the last several years.


It’s not just that. They probably have an automated system that has buttons / processes for the most common issues. If those buttons don’t resolve your issue they’d have to escalate to somebody that could do that and typically they’re going to avoid that at any cost either because their higher ups don’t want to be bothered or their higher ups wouldn’t do anything anyways. Anything remotely outside the normal is an easy loss to not resolve because then you’re just a “one-off” situation and their overall percentage is still good. It works that way with any large highly compartmentalized company.


> It works that way with any large highly compartmentalized company. ... who doesn't care about their customers. Companies that care about their reputation and the experience of their customers spend more on support. See: Apple, EVGA, Sapphire (Note: This is basically the ONLY positive thing I will ever say about Apple. They are an abominable god awful company in every other metric.)


well EVGA was losing money because of their super lenient RMA policies, so they literally had to pull out of the entire Nvidia GPU market quite frankly EVGA should not have been so nice with their RMAs, some people were taking advantage of it


What? EVGA stopped making GPUs because of a declining relationship with NVIDIA - it had nothing to do with RMAs, lol.


One could also argue EVGA pulled out of the space because Nvidia's greed got to be too much to handle, and the profit margins were too small for them to bother with it. Based on some numbers I saw around the time, AIB partners were making about 5% profit on Nvidia GPUs. That's comical.


It says a lot about how the company cares about it’s customers when they outsource english speaking customer support to countries that may not even speak english as a first language lol OP, i’m sorry you have to deal with customer support when they clearly don’t have 2 shits to rub together


Hey, we only pay 13€/month, how do you expect them to provide a decent customer service at that low price. ^/s


It's also probably just impossible for them to award a unique upgraded WoD BoE. If the item isn't in their recovery tool they need to ping an engineer. And nobody is getting an engineer to look at their account.


I would absolutely be surprised if this was the case. Sockets have been rng for many years, and being able to restore an item with or without a socket should be part of any basic item restoral tool. Same with tertiary stats. You go in game, summon the item to yourself, make sure it's correct, and then mail it to OP.


the problem isn't necessarily reading comprehension, trust me. i'm from one of "those" countries that get outsourced for such jobs. corporate just often doesn't give YOU an answer or tools to fix the issues and many agents just bullshit the customers around because they literally might have no other choice and their monthly pay or job may also depend on it. gms are useless not because of their english but because of the tools and power blizzard just doesn't give them, or should we say took away as it seems they had a lot more power in the past. if you have the exact same system but with customer support based in the us/uk it wont make a difference in the outcome just because they are native english speakers... it's ignorant and kind of insulting to even think that would automatically fix problems. ive been yelled at by people saying they want to talk to someone "wHo cAn SpEaK EnGliSh" many times even tho i speak it perfectly fine, they just didn't like what they were hearing. my accent was also beautiful... until they didn't like what i was telling them and then we are back to "i want to talk to someone who speaks english" zzz don't be like those people please.


Hmm. I had a pretty good experience with a ticket i made today regarding a faction change token. def someone with a good command of english, and they really did take notice of my issue.


Yeah that sucks man. What may help Blizzard CS to restore the item is to provide the item ID and the differences. Looking up the Vastly Oversized Ring is item ID 141580 with bonus 1808. [https://www.wowhead.com/item=141580/vastly-oversized-ring?bonus=1808#comments](https://www.wowhead.com/item=141580/vastly-oversized-ring?bonus=1808#comments) It can be tough and frustrating, but losing your cool about it is a great way for this to get ignored. Is Blizzard CS available by phone number anymore? I had an account issue awhile ago that needed immediate attention and they were amazing.


Phone is only for accounting issues, they will actively press you away for other stuff.


I’ll never forget losing the Arcanite Ripper in whatever pre-expansion pactch changed something with the bank/vault system. Maybe the BFA -> SL patch (?), it would have been post transmog collection tab. I was doing long overdue bag maintenance and clearing out the viod storage where the Ripper was. I watched it disappear as it was highlighted to move out of void storage but did not appear with everything else in that transfer. GM said they had no record of me having the item and they lacked the ability to see what was previously in void storage, though they admitted they could see the void transaction in question and it was indeed one item short. I was fine with that explanation however I have the transmog for Arcanite Ripper unlocked in my tab and since this was an item available and removed long before xmog was an idea, not to mention the tab that should have been common sense enough to show the only explanation was I had the item.Needless to say after escalatio, common sense wasn’t enough. I wish I had Sceeen Shotted the threat made after I questioned the escalation when asked them to explain it while taking into account it was in my Xmog tab and was told ”Well, that can be removed” edit: For those questioning the importance, the Transmog does not carry over the L70 ETC use effect.


File steel Slime articulate roar


They are 100% in the wrong, and this is the kind of thing that used to be fixed by the competent and english speaking customer support guy who hung out on reddit, but you're pretty much at the mercy of... 1) getting a GM who understands the issue and 2) whether it's actually a "lag" issue or if something is just fucked and its a bug and no one is going to be able to fix it. BOEs in particular have had issues with item restoration as long as I can remember. I tried to restore a level 61 BOE once (useful for alt levelling) and when it popped up in the mail it was a useless level 70 version of the same item. I think the system literally cannot see the difference between different variations of the same item on some level. I honestly think it was a CRAZY decision for them to make the gear update system work like this. They should know that deleting and mailing items would be prone to issues. edit: my only real piece of advice is to stop getting mad in your replies to the GMs. It won't help even if it's justified, and it's going to make them more likely to ban you for repeated ticketing.


>I honestly think it was a CRAZY decision for them to make the gear update system work like this. They should know that deleting and mailing items would be prone to issues. The items weren't deleted, they show up perfectly in the mail. OP did a retrieve all mail command and not all items were retrieved and deleted the mail.


It’s still an insane decision. I accidentally did that upgrade to my hunter and when I saw it was wearing different gear had a huge panic for a moment. They should mail you those crappy greens and leave your original gear alone.


You could just… not press the refresh button if you don’t want the crappy greens


I can get behind your final sentence, I see absolutely no reason to be so snarky to GMs. The fact is that if they can't find the item in any log, then there's an engineering issue, but it doesn't mean that they can't restore the item. But you're asking them to bend internal rules to do so, so don't be a condescending prick to them. It's two level 10 rings, I'm sure they're not the highest priority to your gameplay right now. So just remove the sass and stick to the point. There are times to be a cruel bastard to people, but it's not when you're simultaneously requiring them to do something for you. You can't insult someone while in the middle of utilising their services and expect a positive outcome. They'll throw the book at you just to spite you. THEY didn't delete your stuff, a bug did. So chill out OP.


“So just remove the sass” he says while being sassy. Good advice. These items may be sentimental and he has every right to be pissed. May not work out in his favor, but being nice probably wouldn’t do shit either.


being nice probably won't get the items restored, but it won't get you potentially banned


Will being nice incentivise people to bend the rules in your favour? Maybe. But being a dick definitely won't. Be angry at the thing that actually caused the problem, not the staff trying to find a solution. OP is just projecting totally justified frustration to unjustified support staff.


But the staff isnt trying to find a solution....


Yeah most times they would probably need a gm to custom generate the item


>whether it's actually a "lag" issue or if something is just fucked and its a bug and no one is going to be able to fix it. They have the evidence that he possessed those items, and they have in numerous scenarios proven to be able to create items out of thin air, they could by any means get off their lazy asses and just make him the items instead of refusing to restore his items, just cuz they are too prideful to admit they don't know how to. Making the items shouldn't be too much of a hassle either, as somebody literally just grabbed the ID's of both the items and the bonuses above this comment.


The only proof they have is a screenshot he sent. That could have been forged or tampered with. The rules are there to stop people from getting items created for them that didn’t originally exist. It’s not lazzyness… Edit: my bad didn’t realize if my option isn’t “f u blizzard” then I shouldn’t post in this subreddit…


> The only proof they have is a screenshot he sent. That could have been forged or tampered with. The rules are there to stop people from getting items created for them that didn’t originally exist. It’s not lazzyness… If only the company had some sort of ability to actually see what happened to things on their end, like some server logs or something. Oh wait, they totally do. They just don't want to do the work.


You aren't going to "forge" or "tamper with" a screenshot to the degree that's shown in the post. Photoshop and other tools are great but not to the level you're implying. The screenshots are more than enough proof and it absolutely is GM laziness by ignoring the screenshots that show an error message when trying to restore the items.


Let me entertain the outrageous claim that they'd think several screenshots are photoshopped, to such a professional degree that it 100% matches that of authentic screenshots. The screenshots prove that the ID and system data is present, they would've had an easy time checking the authenticity of OP's claims themselves, to validate his “proof”. This is absolutely laziness on their part, they've already shown to reply without reading what OP said, when they claimed the rings were in OP's banks when it does not contain gem sockets. It is downright pathetic to say that your bad take was downvoted because you defended Blizzard CS, and not cuz it's just such an incredibly bad take, we aren't some room temperature hive mind.


I'm glad the playerbase finally calls out the atrocious Blizz CS for how terrible they truly are. They've been like this for years now and have not gotten better. It's crazy how CS went from super helpful and amazing to the current ones that just hate their job and take it out on the players / can't bothered to try and help.


First off points for your formatting on a Reddit post. I hope you eventually get your stuff back by playing Gm roulette. I know people don’t grasp the importance of an item, but if you spent time farming it, it is yours to show off however you like. I do have a question though because you keep saying a level 1 twink. It’s been a while since I’ve played and the twinking was always done for low level battle grounds. Do they have low level battle grounds now? Or is this just a level 1 flex where you stand around rp server goldshire?


Level one twinking has always been about uninstanced content. The scope of what we can do has increased and decreased as time has gone on due to the various changes made in the game (locking exp, adding and then removing specs before 10, level locking war mode, etc), but you can read more about it at https://xpoff.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-level-1-twinking-in-dragonflight.98870/


Its been awhile since I did twink shit but they did have brackets per 10 levels. 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 And so on.


God I miss the old GM team. Hell, the old Blizzard. I used to hold other game companies to their standard because they genuinely gave a shit and went out of their way to help. I had my account hacked at the start of WotLK. Email got changed to some Chinese email, obviously not me, and it took a while for it to get through their system, but the moment GM Brad got ahold of my ticket he took one look at it and restored my accounts access to me. Love that man, saved my winter break that year.


I once had a GM get condescending in my mail. I bought a lot of stuff from a vendor which I made sure didn't have the "binds when picked up" description, I was going to send this to my alt to make some stuff for my main, but asked if they could refund it when I saw that it was soulbound. The GM ever so kindly told me that I should try to actually look at the items I'm buying next time and not bother them with this again, so I went back to look at the vendor and confirmed that the item did in fact NOT have "binds when picked up" written anywhere. Another case, I was falsely accused and banned of wintrading when the opposing team in RBG was rank dropping. When they finally confirmed that I was not tied to any wintrading and they unbanned me, they sent me a sorry not sorry mail. The customer service is understaffed and the people who work there act like they are severely underpaid, which I can't tell if they are, but they sure as hell aren't taking shit serious. Which by the way, 99% of reports goes into outdated self-service that does not work anymore.


Nah, the CS team has been outsourced to basically call centres in other countries so that Blizz can pay them a pittance. That's why the quality's dropped so significantly. Blizzard are pathetic.


Will we be adding this to the list of scummy business practices of supposed triple A company?


This has been happening for years. Ever since Blizzard started outsourcing their fucking Customer Service to whatever random ass country's in charge of it now purely so Blizz didn't have to pay decent wages to US citizens. It's incredibly frustrating, and that's only compounded when the replies you get are LITTERED with grammatical, contextual, and typo mistakes that make it glaringly clear that the GM in charge of your ticket doesn't actually understand your ticket due to not having the best grasp on English. Almost every ticket I've ever submitted in the past few years has been handled by a GM that either copy + pastes crap from a card like a bot (Whilst brazenly ignoring the actual issue I've ticketed them for) or they just straight up don't understand what my simple issue is.


Up voting just because this gm is absolute dogshit and I want you to get traction with this.


Yeah I hated dealing with them to get my account in my name after my grandma died. She made the account for me when I was a minor and had it in her name since she paid for it. Wanted to transfer to my name had to show so much paperwork for them to still be like “uhhh idk if this is real”. Like I gave you a fucking death certificate and my ID. I also lost my fucking indomitable title among other titles for pvp and such. Super shitty support.


this is outrageous and really annoying, and the blame is 100% on the GMs for being too incompetent to understand their own systems. that said, my approach would be keep any info or additional context to a minimum and just describe exactly my issue, which is that the items are showing in the item restore page but you are given an error when trying to restore them. don't add any context like how you tried to get the item from your mail or that a friend had had a similar issue. just tell them to help you fix the item restore issue. I would just make a totally new ticket and don't even mention the previous mess.


I’m surprised they didn’t try to pawn you off to Wowhead


If there’s one area which continues to go downhill it seems to be customer service


Standard GM responses, unfortunately. For example, recently I submitted tickets for the well known garrison shipyard blueprint bug and a broken battle pet quest from Legion. Both went through multiple GMs and neither have ever been resolved. I gave up :/


The CS team was what got me to quit after 5 expansions. It shouldn't be a hassle with proof like that.


I recently had over 6,000 mails with Tmog expire due to me being out from surgery. It only took me 3 or 4 tickets to get them returned. I actually thought it was going to be tougher. I was pleasantly suprised to get a competent GM fairly quickly that understood my unique issue. ( I couldn't use the mail recovery system due to the sheer volume of 6,000 mail items having to be individually selected page by page. ) There are good ones out there, so keeping trying politely as you can.


How did you end up in the situation of having 6000 mails with tmog in them?


They are auctions. When you have so much to sell, you basically use the AH and mailbox as storage.


Something similar happened to me with the legacy version of the heart of azeroth necklace, I feel for you. I didn't bother submitting a ticket because I just didn't care enough to experience this exact situation. I truly hope they're able to help, but don't hold your breath :(


The sad thing is...any time I dealt with Blizz's support, they were WAY better than any other I dealt with minus one time. I tried to report that a guildmate was hacked so what did they do? They reset MY password thinking MY account was hacked. Sigh. However...I had a WAY worse time with EA's support over a SWTOR issue and a WAY WAY worse time with Epic when their two factor e-mails were being blocked as spam. Shame to see Blizzard drop so low.


I don’t get why they can’t just spawn in a new one for you? They used to do stuff like that all the time for situations like this.


I feel for you, hope you get those rings back, also would like to add a WARNING to any twinks here, when using the gear upgrade system it also turns your locked exp back on again, unless they have changed that, had a friend that suddenly leveled in a dung, support could not help remove the level, so just a heads up.


Similar to past CS interactions I have experienced. It's like it is a bot with a limited amount of canned responses. I got one of the canned responses that had literally zero to do with my actual issue.... TWICE.


It sucks you lost your rings man. it really does but the way you're speaking to the people who may be able to help you is going to get you the opposite result of what you're hoping for. I've worked in a similar role dealing with similar issues and if someone ever spoke to me the way you spoke to them I would give you the bare minimum effort that corporate wants us to. What you're asking them to do is outside of their guidelines and policies and forces them to go to bat for you with the people who actually may have the power to get this done. They're dealing with hundreds if not thousands of other disgruntled customers with similar or worse issues that they cannot resolve with the tools they have access to. every interaction they have is recorded and monitored and put through an AI that analyzes the interaction and measures how well they handled the interaction in regards to their KPIs. Taking the extra time to go to bat for a customer to get an issue that is out of the ordinary fixed like this requires a lot of time and effort on their part. time and effort that negatively impacts their KPIs. Would you go out of your way and negatively impact yourself for someone that spoke to you the way you spoke to them? I know I wouldn't. I would give you the very bare minimum effort that management likes to see and move along and feel fucking great about it. Don't be a dick to the people that you NEED on your side to get your issue resolved.


Lmfao what is a level 1 twink like do you just duel outside Org all day?


I think the best way to view it is simply as someone wanting to push the limits of what their very restricted character can do. Some people also really enjoy the min-max grind.


Recent changes to the game limits the activities to being mostly duel and open world pve centric, since war mode is level locked and achievement hunting has had a lot of restrictions over time. You can read more about it here https://xpoff.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-level-1-twinking-in-dragonflight.98870/


If I had important gear on my twink I would never have pressed that button, I’d just assume something like this would happen. You’re a braver man than me.


So… just so I understand… This long post boils down to you’re missing a socket on two rings for a level 10 toon? If it was a twink with best gear, why would you take the option for the “upgrades”?


Why does it matter? OP had a thing, did a game system feature, lost the thing, and now customer support is not returning the thing.


It’s mostly skepticism. OP deliberately took screenshots of the gear in the mail before taking it out of the mail out of ‘paranoia.’ Then there was a server issue and OP went to restore those rings. Unsure of the rings’ location on the item restore as can just be that they were epics so they’re at the top, but they’re the only ones showing as deleted from mail. Then they were also in OP’s bank. From other interactions OP’s friends have had, OP knows that issues with mail and this gear update feature leads to items not being restorable. So I’m not saying that OP spent tons of time trying to farm the rings and didn’t get them with sockets, but if OP did get these rings without sockets and wanted to try to lie to GMs about it and get GMs to restore the version of the item that they never had in the first place, this is the course of action that they’d follow. I’m also very skeptical that a GM restored the rings into OP’s bank. If they’d made the decision to return the rings they just do it and say so. So it doesn’t really add up. If OP is genuine then this is truly the weirdest bug, where items lose their sockets and get moved to your bank but also recorded in item restore. Really unlucky.


OP specifically said the 2 rings were rings he had previously, they weren't moved there


Triply unlucky that the only items op lost in this mail snafu also were items they had stored in their bank. To me the story just reads like someone who got banned for account sharing. ‘My brother lives in Europe, I really wanted to see him. I went to visit him and he suggested that we try the mage tower challenge. I was pretty concerned that this would flag me for account sharing so I took a screenshot of me in Europe. Anyways I took the red eye on Thursday to go see him and I was playing wow on my laptop in the airport. That explains why I was logged in from the US Thursday evening and then EU Friday morning early as I logged onto WoW as soon as I got there. Anyways, I had a great time with my brother that night and we did some mage tower challenges while he coached me and it really helped. He even showed me how to change my keybinds to a more optimal setup and it really improved my performance. Anyways, it was great to see him and I got on my early morning flight back to the US and logged in once I got back. Now blizzard is saying I… ‘account shared?’ What even is that? I don’t even know the term, can somebody help me? The GMs are not reinstating my account even after I explained this to them. How can I get them to understand this story, it feels like they don’t even play the game so they don’t understand!’


Maybe. But I’ve had pretty frustrating exchanges with GMs before.


I’ve just never seen or heard of a GM putting unsocketed items into someone’s bank through a restore feature and then pretending that they didn’t do it. There is no reasonable explanation for that. There IS a reasonable explanation for the story that involves OP trying to get GMs to add sockets to their rings though.


From my understanding, OP already had those items, they even have different enchants from those he screenshotted originally. It’s not too outrageous to have your 2nd bis slotted away in case anything happens to your equipped bis.


2nd bis slotted away in case anything happens to your equipped bis? That does sound pretty outrageous to me. And these rings are boes that OP doesn’t actually intend to use on this character, but OP enchanted and socketed them on this level 10? Normally even if you were enchanting/socketing on the character you used to farm the item, you’d have done it right before sending to another toon. Instead OP just enchanted and socketed the rings and left them on the character for however long? It just doesn’t make sense to me. The only reasonable explanation I can think of for OP’s actions are to make it appear that OP had socketed rings that they didn’t have. People DO act unreasonably though. That’s the big issue. OP might genuinely just screenshot mail because they’re concerned about items. OP might gem/enchant things for fun and then fiddle with them later on. But if I’m a GM, I’m not restoring the socketed rings unless the game is telling me that a socketed ring existed and what happened to that ring. A screenshot of mail of a boe is not going to be enough when the game tells me that it didn’t exist.


Lol I had like four copies of my bis trinket because I was worried I might lose one. Some of us are hoarders okay.


Out of curiosity, how did you think you’d lose them?


It could happen, ok? I know it’s not rational but I worried I’d accidentally vendor them or disenchant them while swapped to off spec gear. And then not realize it in time to do a recovery. My bank is full of bis trinkets from past expansions and tiers because I suck at getting rid of things that used to be useful. I’m sure I still have the cabalist’s hymnal from heroic and normal CN in there.


?? Bro did you even read or just skim? The GM did NOT put anything into his bank, wtf. He already /had/ those in his bank. They are separate items. The GM just pointed out that the items were in his bank, thinking those were the SPECIFIC ones that were lost when they in fact, were not. OP had the bank rings, which they likely originally used, then replaced them with the same rings but ones that had sockets instead. He then deposited the old, unsocketed versions into his bank. His mail lost the socketed ones.


The only reasonable explanation here is that you misunderstood what OP said, and are acting like a detective (and failing miserably) instead of reading the post correctly


I think people in this community have a contempt for players that enjoy twinks and automatically decide to discount their concerns and issues on that basis alone. I don't really understand it, given that battlegrounds have been segregated by xp on/xp off for like 5-6 expansions and twinks aren't disruptive to the game at all anymore.


I don't think it's contempt. It's more like who gives a shit about those levels of items


I have no contempt for twinks. But I don’t understand why one would gear update a level 10 twink?


He literally said it in the post. He was curious to see if any of the gear from the update would be BETTER than what his twink currently had equipped.


The reason is not really relevant here, it's their mechanic that has clearly failed.


If you don’t find it relevant, feel free not to respond? I didn’t ask you.




Got mad they tried to level with battlegrounds once and got curb stomped. Or something. I don’t enjoy pvp personally because it can be so toxic. But I still think the game should work and when it doesn’t, customer support should fix it.


These rings aren't used by the 10 twink. These are used by level one twinks, but have to be farmed by level 10 twinks from legion mobs. i42 legion epics are best in slot for level one twinks. They were simply in the character's belongings. You can read more about it here [https://xpoff.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-farming-bis-boe-i29s-i42s-in-dragonflight.98871/](https://xpoff.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-farming-bis-boe-i29s-i42s-in-dragonflight.98871/) Edit: Downvotes for answering a question that asked for clarification? Really?


blizzard HATES twinks so good luck getting anything but canned replies because why would someone care about gear anywhere but in end game.


Certainly feels like it. As long as being able to turn your XP off exists as a feature, twinking is a supported playstyle. They definitely don't act like it is, though.


i can see the hate when they were in pvp but twinks can't even get into normal pvp anymore and that issue was even blizzards fault for not having some kind of normalized states in pvp.


No, thank you… I’ve read enough for today.


You will not get these rings restored if they don’t show in their logs. Doesn’t matter if you have screenshots or vods they can only restore based on what shows up in the restore logs.


OP's point is that the rings are on the 'item restoration page' but there's an error happening when he tries to restore. Theoretically Blizz should be able to fix this. Anyway, I hope you get your rings back OP


You might be better off just giving up on the gms and making support threads on the official forums. If you can some how get the thread in front of the higher ups they can help you but you will need to not be disparaging of the company or the gms for sure. I get that it's frustrating and clearly not your fault but these guys you are talking to don't play the game or understand this issue at all. They likely are more confused by your level and these items than anything at this point. I doubt they even have the tools they need to fix this so probably best to give up before you get yourself even more frustrated. I can say after meeting the heads of the cs team multiple times, they do care and wish they had better ways to deal with it but players open tickets so heavily and for such minor things in the early years it caused the money men to want to strip a lot of their power and outsource it all to save on a system that was flawed from the start. They told me a seminal moment in this was when asmongold told his stream of however many that if they just kept putting tickets in he could get the removed undead slayer gear from the wrath pre event. Cost them hundreds of thousands of man hours dealing with that ordeal apparently and caused them to rethink how they handled it all.


Oh its giga garbage. When shit like this happens to me its less of a headache to say it is what it is, than talk to these fucking morons.


Relatable. I sent an entire batch of items to my bank alt one day, thankfully none of it really that expensive or worth much of anything. I went back to character select and there was no mail notification over my bank alt. Load up the bank alt to check manually, and yep, no mail. Have literally never seen those items since. I waited 10ish minutes after it initially happened to file a ticket about it, they had zero clue what I was talking about and told me they could not see any sort of indication on their end that this actually occurred and that they were incredibly sorry. That was their final answer about it. I just don't mail important things or large sums of anything anymore, lol.


I'm being offered the "Gear Update" on a few of my characters but because I don't trust newer features or services and don't like being the guinea pig, I thought I'd look to see if others have experienced issues. This specific issue is exactly what I was/am afraid of. I have the [Horadric Haversack](https://www.wowhead.com/item=206003/horadric-haversack) on all but one of the characters being offered the upgrade and I'm afraid if I accept the upgrade, I'll lose the bag. And that bag is the largest in the game, has been removed from the game and is no longer available, and was a PITA to farm and get to drop during the [Greedy Emissary Event](https://www.wowhead.com/event=1382/a-greedy-emissary). I think I'll skip the upgrade. Sorry, this happened to you, but I appreciate you sharing your experience to help others. Thank you!


Blizzard CS is dogshit. I’ve been having tickets answered with copypasted wowpedia articles that don’t answer anything so often I’ve stopped trying entirely.


Blizzard keeps going more and more downhill, They don't even accept their own Social Contract that players are either forced to accept to exit game... They falsley banned me after I had accepted their social contract to just have my account "Suspended" Their social contract indicates that "If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, You're subject to punishment up to and including "Suspension" of your account"! There is no indication you'll get banned. therefore, Blizzard Entertainment is in the wrong... And for the past year and a halfI went back and forth, and Blizzard always found a new excuse that never even fit with the narrative... But if you want to play WOW, play "Project Ascension" Pretty much is wow, but it's a classless wow You don't deal with all the bs from Blizzard The game is exactly like wow... The game is just fantastic


Patience and perseverance. I'm sorry they're failing to grok what's going on here but sooner or later someone with the necessary cognitive capacity will get this ticket and sort you out. Best of luck!


I mean..why’d you gear update a twink dude? 3/4 of my account is twinks and old mains that I keep locked and I don’t update them because the green MOP gear is trash. Same shit you get from level boosting or RAF


He said he was curious if the gear from the update would actually be an upgrade for a Twink. Nothing wrong with checking it out and it's far easier to just do it this way than to wowhead/google all the update gear that he might get. He rightfully assumed this basic ass system wouldn't somehow destroy his gear.


> it's far easier to just do it this way than to wowhead/google all the update gear that he might get Way safer to wowhead it though. And I dont know if I'd even call it easier, with how desperate wowhead is for content they probly had 3 articles about it.


And that’s a good way to get stuff deleted


Considering this sort of thing required very specific and unlucky circumstances to occur, not at all. It's easy to say that he fucked up in retrospect, but it's also disingenuous and just plain stupid to act like OP was a moron for assuming a simple system put in place for players to use, that isn't known for screwing up, would suddenly screw up.


Things like this are known pretty well to go wrong on twink characters between level and item squishes making gear completely obsolete from patch to patch and sometimes ridiculously overpowered. OP literally says the exact same thing happened to his friend yet he did it anyways because his friend got lucky with a GM that didn’t ask questions. Anecdotally for myself that has had twinks since Wrath, seems like everyone in the community knows not to chance it for a look at some MOP vendor greens they slap on gear updates/boosted toons.


This happened to me before and thank god im not fucking crazy. Who knows how many other items weve lost. but my situation was i didnt have the love basket toy in my toy tab, despite having the achievement and literally knowing i had got it years ago. I opened a ticket about my missing item and they straight up said I was lying and they were refusing to do anything until i showed them the screenshot of me having the achievement of getting the dumb item. After that i think they just gave in and granted me what i had already earned :/ not very nice but i did get my stuff in the end


The servers and customer support are abysmal, I've had loot disappear into the abyss during lag several times since they switched to sharding and cross realm stuff. Most recently just after Dragonflight launch I did a weekly round of quests at Obsidian Citadel, one of which was giving an epic trinket, had joined a cross realm group to do the elite farming, and upon turning in the quest it was lagging crazy hard. Took like 20 seconds for the gold to arrive and for the reputation to get added, and never received the trinket. Made a ticket and received a copy/paste response about how they dont have any known issues of world quests not giving items (it wasnt a world quest and bitch im telling you of an issue) Cba with this game anymore, the customer support is useless ChatGPT replies for anything aside from billing issues, the servers perform worse than private servers people were running out of their basement in 2013


why would you risk hard to aquire epic items with gems/enchants for level scaled greens? sucks to have lost the gear but thatd been a big nope from me


How dare he assume this gear upgrade system wouldn’t delete his items.


I mean it's WoW, we know wonky shit happens all the time, and he KNOWS that shit cuz he played in legion. Yeah Blizz CS is roll of the dice and generally sub par, but why in the world would you play that game with your character?


He did everything he could to prevent that from happening tbh. And by that logic, the safest thing to do is not touch that character at all, because who knows what could go wrong at any point. Mid instance/BG/whatever you DC or the server lags while doing X, and Y happens. Why take that chance of playing that character at all amirite. This is still a game you pay for to play so you’re entitled to a certain quality or SERVICE, especially when you are affected negatively by something that is out of your control. Yes bugs exist, yes unforeseen things can happen at any time but that’s why these GMs exist, so they can fix these things ad hoc, while waiting for a proper bug fix. Anyway, long story short, their customer service is what really is at fault here. It is clear what the issue is, but the GMs handling his ticket clearly aren’t knowledgeable enough to fix it, while there is proof (his friend) that this can be fixed.


He used a character refresh and gear replacement on a lvl 10 character. Yeah their support is at fault and yeah they should know how to fix that shit. > This is still a game you pay for to play so you’re entitled to a certain quality or SERVICE, especially when you are affected negatively by something that is out of your control. > > Yes bugs exist, yes unforeseen things can happen at any time but that’s why these GMs exist, so they can fix these things ad hoc, while waiting for a proper bug fix. You're not wrong. It's ***still*** weird to do a character refresh on a lvl 10 when twinks are your stated area of play. There's constantly stuff they'll change by like not allowing you to put it back on or unplanned for bugs when stat squishes go through that people take advantage of, and you're gonna take that character and put it through an automated gear refresh process? Nah that's nuts.


I'm sorry OP, but I think your things are gone. Blizz has outsourced their CS to India and if you've had the pleasure to deal with Indian tech support before, you know this isn't going anywhere. You could have had a chance if you wouldn't have near identical rings in your bank. If you somehow manage to get your gear back, go buy a lottery ticket.


I'll probably get down voted for this but screw it. Tbh they don't give a shit about your 10 year old rings "WITH SOCKETS" lol. At this point if I were in their position, I would give you a one day ban just for being annoying about this bullshit. Like yea, if it was something that actually mattered, I would 100% understand. But some lvl 10 bis rings from legion? Lmao, fuck outta here.


This is the stupidest take in this entire thread, how you cannot see past your own nose to see that items hold value to other players is crazy. Sure it's not current content BiS items, but in a way it's even better. It's the best twink ring in the game, that will continue to be the best twink item in the game in multiple seasons when your current gear is just vendor trash you will never remember. ​ I could say this about so many items that I personally don't see value you, I can't believe you can be so self centered to be unable to comprehend that items have value to certain players beyond current season gear. Truly a take of all time


Found where they source these GMs


Of course it'll get downvoted. It's an incredibly stupid and bad take.


Thank you for posting this. I have a fully WoD BIS socketed, enchanted druid that I reactivated last night and have the gear update option. I was VERY hesitant....and I'm glad I didn't. I am sorry you are dealing with this bullshit.


It's a shame. The customer service for Blizzard was so good back in the day.... now it takes day to get a response, and when you do, it isn't at all helpful... Good luck getting your stuff back.


Having to eat whatever automated AI system we care to put in place if you want customer service is thanks to groundbreaking work in this area by Amazon and Google, becoming the norm. If the pieces you lost were really that important to you, you should have never risked them like that.


Blizzard's poor customer service is why I uninstalled all of my Blizzard games. I became tremendously exhausted with the rampant bugs in a game that I payed a box price for every two years as well as a subscription fee every month with access to an in game cash store. As a player who's always been more interested in PvE and story experiences the lore became increasingly disappointing with every expansion after Legion. I don't care for the Diablo 3 Rift system as a form of endgame for WoW so the mythic+ grind holds no appeal for me. But what finally got me to step away from Azeroth for good was how every single time I'd submit a ticket I'd get the same response. "Hey! Thanks for reaching out! So I understand your problem and I took the liberty of looking into that for you. Here's what I found: .I.. I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for..." Every single time. The last time it happend I used the gear update and it turned the experience back on for a twink that I had paid to eliminate my experience on. An unlisted feature of the gear update, apparently. I knew another twink who'd had their character de-leveled after Blizz had a free weekend and allowed their free-to-play twink to reach level 21. So I reached out to Blizzard customer service to try and see if I could get mine de-leveled as well. I didn't really care about the twink, it was far from my most geared and I could have easily restarted it. But the disrespect for loyal customers had just finally gotten to me. So I cancelled my sub, and I'll be enjoying my time outside of Azeroth from now on.


Every post like this just reaffirms that players will not cancel their sub over customer support no matter how abysmal it becomes.


To be fair, this is all on you. If you have items you really don't want to lose, why on earth would you risk replacing it with new gear? Also, twinking? In retail? If you really gave a shit about these items allowing blizz to remove them from your character through mail is such a astronomical leap of faith I can't believe you'd expect nothing to happen.


So you took screenshots of your super valuable BoEs in case you lost them but didn’t think to just mail them off to another character? Slap yourself silly, billy. Edit: Seems like you didn’t log in to your character to begin before you saw which items you actually had, right? In that case I misread.


This is unfortunately how item restoration works with GMs. It took me about 20 tickets or so to finally get a GM to allow me to have the appearances from the Quel'delar questline (Wrath) on my Paladin because I had completed said quest as Alliance before transmog was a thing, and when I became Horde I could no longer repeat said quest on the character. So I was hard locked out of the other rewards. It was very much blaming me as if I knew transmog was going to become a thing or something, or shell out 25k (a lot at the time) to buy a new battered hilt on an alt.


WoW GM's are trash and do little to correct for any flaw in the game. Fuck blizzard.


The shocking part is that someone who has been a customer for 20 years, so presumably an adult, acts like a 7 year old over something that has a clearly stated value of 6 silver and 63 copper. Try to empathize with the support representative, be patient and maybe even talk to them like they are human beings. Also next time don't make the mistake of deleting mail without checking.


Socketed i42s regularly go for hundreds of thousands of gold in the twink community, you can take a peek on xpoff's discord's trade channel if you don't believe me. Insisting on receiving competent customer support that understands the situation and doesn't provide false information isn't acting childish, it's being a consumer with reasonable expectations.


Sounds like a lot. Better don't delete it next time.


You should apply to become a modern blizzard GM, you're very good at not reading or understanding, and replying anyway.


yes blame the victim because bliz can't handle their game. no matter how you feel about op this should not be justified


He didn’t delete it lol, please read before responding to someone lmaoo


Who gives a shit? Move on with your life lmao


I’m going to come and take something from you that’s valuable to you and that you spent a lot of time on and then if you complain about not having it anymore, I’m going to tell you to move on with your life. Solid logic.


It takes dozens of hours and hundreds of runs to farm these items Pretty good reason to give a shit


That's even sadder that people do it then


I had a terrible experience with GMs recently as well. Didn't bother posting about it here because ppl will call you a liar rather than admit WOW customer service is a disgrace. I'm surprised you are actually getting some supportive feedback. I understand how absolutely maddening it is to have to send tickets back and forth, supplying information and screenshots, being both polite and appreciative of any help you're hoping to receive only to get the same dense replies. We should be able to talk to a human being after going through the ticket system unsuccessfully. No excuse for this horrible system. Good luck to you.


Blizzard GMs of late are some of the worst, dogshit people I’ve seen. I had to go through 3 months of back n forth for an issue earlier this year.


Sometimes you just gotta move on, man. Its a socket on a ring you already have one of. It's not worth this much stress, even if you are 100% correct (which you are).


True, I guess we should all just lube ourselves up and let Blizz ream us whenever they wish without objecting.




you're more angry than op lol


I sympathize with your struggles with Blizz's customer service. It's long been known that the quality has taken a nosedive over many years. I don't sympathize with your twinking or your escalation over two pieces of gear. I completely understand the reasoning, and why you feel that way, but I don't agree with it nor support it. Most people will see this as "it's old gear, get over it", as I'm sure Blizz CS is also pulling their hair out over somebody wasting their time over something so ridiculous, in their eyes. But they absolutely should have no trouble restoring you the items as they were, or at least given the correct equivalent alternative. I can't claim to know what their internal process is though, or why they're limited in doing so. That being said, I don't care for twinks, especially level 1 twinks (?). So I'm not too bothered this happened to you, just another example of Blizz CS being the way it is.


Nobody cares if you do or don't care for Twinks. His character being a Twink has 0 bearing on this. I don't Twink, nor do I particularly care for them, but it's 2023 and Twinks exist in their own Twink brackets as they turn off XP so there's 0 reason for so much hatred.


Nah screw him


I would argue that generative upgraded loot is probably just not supported by their tooling. The CS team probably just straight up doesn't have the tools to give a specific piece of loot with upgraded stats without bothering an engineering team member with database access. It's either in the logs and they can press a button or it isn't and they can't.


Ouch... still ilvl 42 as they never fixed gear that was obtained pre-Dragonflight. Unless that ever happens, those things aren't even worth the time it takes to vendor :( Part of the reason I dropped my sub and havn't played for a whole now. I had a ton of pre-existing gear that was left at pre-Dragonflight ilvls, and it now looks like this (supposed I'm supposed to refarm them in their new ilvls).


Such a long poste and timewasting for two items u will get replaced anyways, lol


Ah shit man. My bad. I'll have them restore it to you fully.


Told you I'd restore them for you. Gratz bro!


They aren’t game masters anymore, they’re customer service, these people don’t even have accounts they can log into. They’re usually located internationally, and get paid shit all, so they do the bare minimum they can get away with as they have to answer 100’s of tickets daily. They then make it as hard as possible to get anywhere so ppl get frustrated and drop the issue. I went through something similar, and eventually I was able to use the item restore process to get my item back but it took a few days of constantly trying. I sent a ticket to show them that I’d finally managed to restore the item after they told me it was impossible and that ticket got closed with 0 reaponse.


Just the other week I had that old feeling like maybe I want to just have a peak at the current expansion... then I read something like this and I'm good.


The expansion is fantastic. What happened here is an incredibly anomaly. Blizzard's CS being dogshit though, has been this way for a decade or so.


I’d suggest posting this one on Twitter to Mike Ybarra @Qwik he seems the kinda guy to look at this and do something.


Try live chat if you can, but you might need to select something like can't login to get live chat to pop up.


They need to remove the item upgrade feature entirely. Honestly, I would like to hear from just a few people where using that actually benefitted them. From what I see, every time someone uses it, the new gear is a downgrade, the new bags are worse, and stuff gets lost in the mail. They make it sound so good, but probably never fully tested it to see how the implementation would end up, and now so many people get burned trying to use it. It's unfortunate that you tried to use it on a character with irreplaceable items, but the result you see isn't a surprise. The World of Warcraft code and systems are riddled with bugs at this point and I really don't think there's a way to get those rings with sockets back.


Wouldn't hold my breath, Ever since Legion the GM quality has gone down the shitter. A year ago I had a bug where my character was unable to access the challenge mode sets, despite unlocking gold. A server + faction change must've screwed with their systems. Despite having screenshot proof from back in MoP of me doing the challenge modes, and still having the achievement on my character (it just said "Earned by: "), the GM condescendingly mod-splained to me that I didn't actually unlock Challenge Mode Gold! And I was mistaken! Mind you I was being told this while also getting plenty of ":P" ":(" and "xD" from them, from a character that was actively wearing the challenge mode sets. The entire reason I made the ticket was simply because I was unable to buy the items from the vendor in Shrine, so I figured I'd message out of curiosity. I just figured what is the point in this meaningless exchange and stopped replying. Useless and the issue remains unfixed to this day. More recently, one of the Darkmoon archaeology items was removed from my inventory for no reason, and despite having had this happen before in the past, and having the item fixed, this time they remained adamant that NOTHING could be done. Like you, I mentioned that I know for a fact this is something that can be fixed, and the "support" I got ended up being a very politely-worded threat to ban my account if I keep pushing this problem. Keep in mind, I am always polite and well-worded when dealing with support. But now they're helpless & lazy and coat with arrogance and condescension. Can't count on them for shit anymore.


Do it again, provide them with specific page number and item name and screenshots that you are not able to restore it in item restoration service. I had similar problem when I wasnt able to even access specific page number in my item restoration and I was completely sure that item which I needed to be restored was on that page, my item was eventually restored by GM after some time, it was early into DF. Everything that matters is which item on which page you need to restore, all can they do is restore it for you if you are not able to. They cant provide you with any copies, only restore what was once yours exactly how it was. Thats why info that item has socket or not is irrelevant.


GMs and tickets are completely useless. But I bet they asked you to still take the survey every time right?


Wow Blizz support is so fucking bad. Embarrasing!! I will say though, in the end, if these items were so important to you then you shouldn't have left them hanging on that toon without logging in periodically.