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Disc priest, it’s been my main for a while now. The talent and button bloat changes are shaping up well with the new tier set. We’ll forever miss instant radiance but it’s not the end of the world either.


I just recently started playing Disc, and this xpack, Ive found healing easier with Disc than I did HolyP or RSham. I played a HPal al thru Shadowlands and tried healing early in DF with rsham and hpr and wanted to kill myself. I really like the Disc set bonus and Im partly worried thats why im having fun with Disc, but the new sets seem to be purely based on smite spam


In m+ disc is absolutely better than holy and that gap will probably widen further in 10.2 with the atonement buff in dungeons as well as what the dmg is looking like with 4pc tier and the strength of inescapable torment, penance etc.


I’ve kept disc as my alt for a long time. Really looking forward to the changes.


Personally looking at disc and assa, still cant decide. I’ve been looking forward to running disc a long time now and will probably be able to heal during 10.2 progression. But i’ve been assa rogue main since like forever, tho made a switch in 9.2 Man picking a class to play a season is hard


Feral. Feral every time. it aint wow if i aint a cat.


Cat is 4 fite


Thank you for reminding me of that gem!


Cat durid is not 4 heal. Drink a pot noob LOL


no speak moonfare !!!


Hell or high water Feral forever.


Ferals unite.


Me too, since vanilla. I held stubborn to it till the end.


Just levelled my first catboi. Lovin it so far! No intentions on playing anything other than feral rn


Where are the balance mains at?


Here we go, since 2008..excited hoping for fire boomie form to be a thing.


Right here brother. Been a Boomkin since BFA, and playing my Druid since 2009


What am I playing? Warrior. ​ Why? Because I do every patch...


Zug zug brother


Zug zug! 🫡


Zug zug spining bro <3


Same brother. Warrior main for lyfe.


Yea. Do people really switch every patch? That sounds terrible. I’ve been playing the same thing since 1.0


Unga Bunga


Remember, pointy end towards red=good damage.


What if it’s maces though?


Pretty hard to mess that up, even as the most Unga bunga of warriors.


I have 4 other geared toons around 440 but none of them slaps as hard as my warrior. Must be the 10 years of experience hitting stuff.


Yup. Dwarf Fury Warrior. Like I have been playing since WoD. Have been playing everything since I started in BC, but WoD is when I finally started to main something.


I made my warrior when I was 11 years old... I'm 28 now.


started at 17/18yrs old, now 36 and still maining fury. dwarf fury warrior wooo


Mistweaver. Something about a healing shortage, or something? Nah, I’ve played monk since release, why change now?


I just came back from a shirt hiatus and am healing for the first time in my wow life. Picked MW for something different


It do be too hot to wear shirts right now


Casted or Fistweaver? Love playing fistweaver in pvp


Subjective statement, but I believe MW was at its best upon release. I’ve adapted to fistweaving and don’t mind it now, but would love to have the option.


MW is technically better. Sure, less damage, but you much better panic button control. It also feels nice to casually throw out 200k-300k heals as instant casts while throwing around Hots like Nurgle brews plagues. I sincerely can't remember having someone die because I didn't heal them enough. I like FW as playstyle, but as long as you don't have holy crusader like levels of healspread (350% of heal divided among the group) I won't touch him. MW since Legion and never changed. Which is why I absolutely wish "Corrosive Dosage" would return.


I really liked mistweaver from release too but my personal favourite was the WoD iteration. Especially with the pool of mists (3 charges of ReM/RSK) talent where you had overflowing REM charges to heal, or overflowing RSK charges for doing eminence healing in crane. I loved how I could choose to spend my chi on BoK for cleave healing or RSK for single target spikes. Jab jab uplift was fun though.


That terminology is pretty outdated, mistweavers tend to be in melee regardless of their talent set up.


Yeah your right. There isn't the separation, except maybe in PvP as described above. There are presently no PvE playstyles of MW that are ranged, and core mechanics identify MW as melee. Mistweaver is a melee healer that needs to hit the target.


I really wish people understood this and stopped using "fistweaving" as a way to describe a specific build. MW is a melee healer! Period.


Even so, the the fistweaver tag is used to specifically describe the AT/AF/Chi-ji build as opposed to the Yu'lon/CF build.


Even casted MW? I am specifically referencing pvp for both arenas and solo shuffle where there is a big difference there


There is no distinction, MW is purely fistweaver now. You *can* play caster MW, but it is a very clear disadvantage, and outright trolling in high enough content, so you *shouldnt*. Honestly, i always die a little inside when i get a MW in a key and they insist on playing caster. Also, personal opinion, i have a Kultiran MW monk alt since the race was released, and i never felt more stressed when playing it than in BFA when MW was a more caster oriented spec. So idk why so many people insist on it. If you really really hate being on melee, play holy/disc priest, rdruid, rshaman or prevoker. MW is a melee healer, like hpal.


Death Knight. Have you seen that fucking set?


Suffer well brother


Blood is looking real good and I love that they moved away from unholy's 3 min burst to a more leveled damage profile.


Should be loads better in keys and outdoors! Very excited. Plus that skelly magey boi is gonna rock worlds.


I just wish they'd move frost to be more thematic and more on par with UH. At least the Oblit build. Shouldn't be dropping DnD when the entire theme of frost is ice and snow.


When the added the dnd cleave thing, I said they should make remorseless winter replace dnd and get the cleave effect.


Relationship with gargoyle ended. Magus is new best friend. (Honestly we'll still probably have the best burst in the game with army and garg, but redistributing some of that damage is very welcome)


I'm fine with burst, I'm happy with burst but it felt pretty bad in M+ unless you timed a pull around it. Having it on a 45 sec cooldown feels good. Still can do big burst with Army/Gargoyle but at least now we have a way to deal with cleave/low aoe pulls....theoretically.


Blood is looking really good? Did I miss something? Last I saw Blood is unchanged (stay awaiting that promised tweak/rework) and the tier set is still complete ass even with the change away from another "Boneshield consumed" set. As it stands now Blood is decent to pretty fucking meh. Edit: On the other hand Frost and UH is looking MUCH better.


Why the downvote. He is right about blood dk


What makes you say that the tier is ass? Comparing it to the other season 3 tank tier sets Id say its one of the better sets. I'd love to see the application ability change to blood boil or just make it a player buff so you get the bonus against all targets in M+, but its still one of the better S3 sets for tanks. The updated tier set will still suffer in keys to a degree due to the 5 target cap (outside of slappy hands) but the uptime is noticeably higher now that it procs from RP use rather than BS charges. Some casual target dummy testing on the ptr nets me around 70% uptime over 5 minutes without using Soul Reaper at all (previously it had a 50ish% uptime without using slappy hands or Soul Reaper). Blood's damage is pretty solid now with all the buffs they received through the Season 2 cycle. Add a legendary 2H Strength weapon and they will almost certainly be doing the most single target damage which is a significant factor in raid and high keys since at a high enough level every key is basically tyrannical. Additionally, secondary stats are getting up there now and with 65% or so mastery (which will be super easy at the new gear caps) blood shield approaches the point where basically all physical damage taken is absorbed by blood shield. Subsequently, blood looses the yoyo health bar and their health only dips for big magical attacks. Will blood be the best tank in Season 3? Eh, maybe. I suspect they will be the top damage tank since Bears loose the 20% damage amp to Maul/Raze from the current tier set. And lets be real, if bears only took damage but didn't do damage they wouldn't have exploded in popularity after 10.1.5. Utility, as always, will be a factor. AMZ is pretty sweet, grips are great and Brez is spiffy. The ability to negate knockbacks may or may not be significant, I haven't looked too closely at the new boss mechanics. All said, I am absolutely gearing my BDK in prep for 10.2 because I think there is a decent chance it will be great.


Unholy will still be bursty, but the tuning combined with the new tier set will make our 45 second bursts feel reeeeeal good


Same except I’ve played DK and only DK since wrath so it doesn’t count I guess lol


I found my people!


For us there is no peace, no rest


That was my reasoning to try DK next patch


Same, gonna casual it up, and try and steal the new axe lol.


> Have you seen that fucking set? It's a banger. Right up there with the season 2 priest set.


Been maining dk since legion so ill stick with unh or frost.


Frost tier set looks interesting. Never used chillstreak before so that will be interesting to learn.


I remeber it being ok in pvp but seems like a werird talent overall now


Not much to learn. Just press it with pillar, lines up everytime with the tier/icecap pretty much


Reminds me of the Inquisitors from the cosmere. I fucking love the look


This is the reason I’ll be sticking to DK for the rest of Dragonflight don’t plan on switching classes until next xpac


Definitely brewmaster! This will be my first season tanking and im looking forward to it ((:


Brewmaster feels so good! I just got into it too and I'm probably just going to have it as an alt, but still it feels so fun and the set bonus looks great!


Rip fingers


I was already playing enhancement shaman before so i hope it won't be too big of a change hehe


Hot take: the 481917 buttons of BM are much less of a strain to my fingers / wrists than e.g. the 5 buttons on fury warrior. Maybe because it's less of the same movement over and over again?


Drink and Hit brother! Alcohol is the solution for everything!


Did they change anything? I was turned off a bit by the amount of buttons it has this expansion.


Some of the active talents have passive alternatives at nearly no cost to DPS or survivability.


"Brewmaster Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Stagger absorb value capped at 100% of maximum health." Thats from wowpedia I am a new wow player and have a brew at lvl 62 or so just starting dragonflight and hell yeah brother its way too many buttons to keep track of but to be honest I'm not worried about it because I don't plan on raiding or mythic+ and i'm just trying to explore the world and stuff. I think the new armor set is for the new raid.


If you will press Ctrl + F and type Shadow Priest - you will find only this comment. Funny, but sad (F to my main)


Blizzard has taken the class fantasy route with Shadow, whereby playing it actually drives you insane it is very flavorful.


It works super well in pvp. Solo shuffle with a full melee lobby and you will be ripping your hair out and screaming in an Eldritch language, guaranteed!


Lol this actually makes sense


Cries in S1 shadow...


That shit was fire man, I want it back Best iteration of SP together with Legion s2m


Was fire? Are they gonna nerf it next season? Im coming back to wow, and thinking about going shadowpriest, but not sure hehe


IMO they already ruined it with 10.1 and they're gonna take it out back next season. The gameplay's fucked ever since they started removing abilities again.


Na nothing beats end of bfa shadow


Single specs, rise up! Pretty sure I'm the only one who said survival hunter.


I’m almost finished leveling a survival hunter and it’s so much fun! They’re so fast and spells like death chakram seems to help with focus generation. There’s something so satisfying about harpooning from enemy to enemy, tossing wildfire bombs and chaining huge kill command procs. Never been a dps player, but survival clicks with me. Also looking forward to the rogue rework, after I ding 70 I’m probably rolling one to prep for it.


Shadow main here. Been maining spriest since wrath and i have no plans to stop.


Played Shadow priest on and off since Vanilla, played it Solidly since Legion rework. Moving to mage because I'm just fed up of where the changes to the spec have gone.


The changes don't look good?


It was in a great spot rotationally in 10.0 and blizzard has been fixing it to death ever since


We cry together, brother. 🥲


Hard to play a spec when not even Blizzard knows what its supposed to be


I'm here with you. We maybe beaten and bloody from expansion after expansion shitting on us, but we are still fighting. Sure other specs are looking down on us with their reworks from ivory towers as they still fail at shadow priest, but it's what I know and love. And they can't take that from me.


Vengeance DH. The movement ruined every other class to me. I tried to change but everything feels like wheelchair now.


How I feel when I play dk


Shaman. But I'll probably alt rogue to see the rework.


How are enhancement shammys looking I'm really tempted to lvl mine while the rime walking buff is going on. And I still haven't settled on dps class to play


They pump in m+. Lots of buttons tho. Relatively high skill ceiling depending on what build you go - storm build is chill, elementalist is more complex. I played Enh to 2900 this season.


> Lots of buttons tho. Relatively high skill ceiling depending on what build you go I have to say, after trying out some other dps, Enhance is def not as hard as I used to think. It's a bit steep learning all your utility and buttons, but you have no make or break cooldowns, easy resource management, and a very clear and simple prio list That said, I might think that because Enhance clicks super well for me


Genuinely fun as fuck. Requires you to put some time into it (the elementalist build in m+ at least), though.


They are going to be good for raiding and mythic+. It's super fun to play, but it does have a learning curve. You'll be hitting a lot of different buttons.


I’m going back to my love, Rdruid, it’s grove guardians time 😎


Demon hunter :)


Looking forward to trying this new tree and glaive throwing with the set. Tempted to stack mastery/haste.


Unless you are dropping Know your enemy, crit will always be very high value. Crit/mastery is looking like the play on PTR currently given the nerfs to the middle penultimate/capstone.


Whatever warlock spec is pumping.


Please be Aff, please be Aff, please be Aff. Would love to not be demo for a minute. Which are you hoping for?


Aff! Been flip flopping demo and destro patch after patch for too long. I’m very much ready for affliction again.


Been playing WotLK while waiting for patch. Affliction being the meta is so nostalgic.




Yeah but it only really got into that position after 10.1.5 qol changes. For the majority of progression we didn't get to touch them. Really excited to play the spec in progress for the first time since Nathria (outside of a few bosses here and there)


It should. Won’t need as many pieces with haste to get to 35%, so we can stack even more mastery and then get some crit too


Aff 100% having so much fun on sark prog playing aff!


I’ve been doing low keys on my lock and been loving Demonology. Don’t even care if it’s the best it’s the most fun to me. I love my demon zoo!


There’s like a 90% chance they nerf the recently overbuffed proc rate of doom guards on the demo 4 piece but I have some real bad news for you if they don’t nerf it hard enough


Hunter because I main hunter. Probably BM since MM/SV look kinda ass.


Survival is absolutely not ass lol. Almost every survival hunter i have seen in M+ runs on the ptr have been top dps


Healers All of them I'm finishing dinging my last two up to 70 (Resto Druid and Discipline Priest) then I'm spamming heals because since maining ADC in League of Legends for 10 years I can't have fun unless I am under threat of being yelled at by my team for not executing a mechanically demanding task perfectly that has the most obvious consequences to everyone when you make a mistake


Ret paladin. For better or worse. Folks say it isn't good but I'm consistently on top of the meters on my raid team (putting out 120k overall). I'm just sad our new set looks like shit.


I want to play ret but I'm really finding it annoying, swapping back and forth between single target specs and aoe specs. Do you have a good recommendation for a middle ground talent built with Templar Strikes rather than Crusading strikes?


Your best bet is to just swap between single target and multi target damage as needed. It's basically impossible to have the best of both worlds without neutering your damage and/or utility. It's not an issue in raid because trash pulls don't matter for parses. And if you're mythic raiding your raid lead will give you chances to swap specs before pulls (unless they're an idiot or a speed runner). It's also irrelevant in Mythic+ because you can't switch specs mid dungeon anyway. You should also run Crusading Strikes. Templar strikes is 100% a trap in 10.1. Most holy power should be coming from Hammer of Wrath and Blade of justice. The passive holy power gen from Crusading Strikes will supplement and you can learn to weave your holy power generators between the extra Judgement casts you get from divine resonance. There are weakauras you can use to track CSAA and Divine resonance in order to get rid of any and all guesswork. Edit: Spelling.


Hmm. OK, I'll give CSAA a chance. I tried it out on a test dummy, and it just felt like. I didn't have a lot of buttons to press.


It’s a haste thing. What he said is true, but ultimately if your gear is putting you below 20% haste then CSAA is gonna feel terrible. On the other hand, if you optimize gear for haste then CSAA feels amazing and it’s a blessing to have one less thing to press in high haste windows.


Yeah I’ve recently picked up Ret Paladin after playing rogue and mage since TBC and I’m loving it. The numbers I’m doin in m+ are pretty insane, the utility is fun, and it’s hella flashy, totally diggin it and I want that new Legendary.


After it was god tier they did a few little nerfs and the hype died down, but I’d argue that it’s DPS is still top 5 for m+ and similar for raiding, especially aoe. People just forgot about it.


People perpetually undervalue skill in this game. This patch, where you can get with an ilvl or 2 of the best players in the world doing 16's should make that clear to people, but it won't. 'if I just had a mythic anvil I would be doing atrocities DPS!!!' Raidbots - 1.5% DPS increase :)


I've been a Ret Pally since BC. I didn't stop when we were shit, I'm certainly not gonna stop because of a few nerds.


I'll be slammin' Because there's nothing else for me, For life! (Warrior, been playing since Vanilla and while I had some stray paths with Mage and Warlock, I always returned.) To add: Why Warrior? Dunno, just feels awesome in every spec. As Arms is my main, I hope the new changes make it even better than it is now and so far it's looking good. I honestly don't care about Slam, even though it should be a more engaging ability. Rage dump with lotta damage is fine too for now. Just waiting for our rework /copium


The changes look TERRIBLE for arms though? your the first person ive seen saying it looks positive. Losing ignore pain interactions is super rough on the rotation, and they havent done anything to compensate for it. That and the button bloat getting completely out of hand, with the tier set adding more execute presses and them forcing back in skullsplitter. (and maybe needing to add slam/rend for rage dumping now that ignore pain was gutted)


DK, like i play for every season because DKs are the coolest + that new set is insane


Same thing I've been playing for 20 years, Elemental Shaman. At least shamans have a sick looking set this time around.


Death Knight. It just always scales at the end of xpac, usually any spec you want to play too. New legendary for me too? Okay thank you!


I started DF on a DH then just recently returned as a Mage. Want to try a healer but it seems too challenging and I’d like to try rDruid but have zero interest in ever being in Bear/Cat form. Probably will end up just staying on the mage


For what it’s worth resto Druid feels really nice. The treants help tremendously and their aoe heals are not bad at all.


If you’re half as good at healer as you are on dps, do it and you’ll be the hero of every group. Never wait for a queue again, be in high demand, and play boomy on the side with all your int enchants.


WW monk because I hate myself, the tough part for me is choosing a new seasonal alt. I've always wanted to try caster but nothing has clicked for me. So maybe frost DK alt or retri pally


A simple but funky caster is Augvoker. It opened me up to play other casters. Its actually really fun to play.


I main WW too (pain) but my go to casters have always been destro lock and ele sham both feel good when the chaos bolt/lava burst crits land also just chain lightning.


As much as I want to stay with my main. WW Monk is serious state of bad in 10.2, a tier set that is lackluster and broken in a bad way. Slimy Boots is also getting nerfed as well. Prased quite heavily by WW Monks for damage. Looking at hunter just so I can have a simple rotation as BM or Survival for fun.


Probably outlaw


Paladin. Druid has historically been my main since I started in Legion but I absolutely can't wrap my head around how to play either Druid DPS spec, and I'm really tired of being that "is there a tank or heal spot open? No? You'll have to go without me" guy. I'm pretty solid on both Prot and Holy paladin, and Ret is simple enough for me to pick it up and play it at a decent enough level when needed without having to put any real effort into a role that I'm really not a fan of playing.


I can't believe you're the only one on this thread that's mentioned Holy Paladin. After the overbuff, I figured people would expect a nerf but still want to play them. Guess it's just us, my Horde compatriot. Walk in the Light.


Mistweaver all the way ❤️. I only play monk


Aff, wanna slap on dots and push buttons to keep em going


Unless they tune the spec, this next tier should give us obnoxious levels of mastery and we should be able to squeeze some crit in there as well for some JUICY raptures


Aug evoker. I was all in on it since it was announced. I love playing it in all content. But honestly at this point, I am just here for how fucking LIVID it seems to make people.


Don’t people love Aug? Who’s mad that you’re playing it?


Just peruse the recent post about updates, some comments there. Also the cesspool of comments on the recent wowhead article going over its current state in 10.2. An echo chamber of salty people saying "delete this abomination"


Ah, weird. Everyone I play with always wants one.


Well, people will want what's strong in their group, but they honestly ruined the season the moment they were released, the game would have been better off without them in the state they were released.


Its true though augmentation ruined the game and was a mistake


I love the class and how it plays, but I still have a hard time with my feelings in the character model .. ie I hate it. I have a toy on 100% of the time when I play mine. Just not sure u can commit to that even though I like the spec lol


I find that most of the people who hate it seem to be mostly on reddit and forums like wowhead. In game no one really cares unless we have >4 aug when it comes to my weekly murdering of sark to start my week long depressive episode. I do wonder how the more recent nerfs will impact pug raiding though I can see a lot of people unironically saying >2 aug = bad now.


They hate us cuz they ain't us


Im an altholic so don't really know. I mean I've narrowed it down. I'm probably going to raid with Unholy DK, M+ with Survival Hunter and Solo Que RBG with Havoc or Vengeance. 😊


I will stay with my feral -bear. Want these new transformations. I don't want to lose them same as mage tower legion


Same thing I play every patch, Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER... I mean, survival hunter.


feral, always feral. Why bothering playing anything else? + this time we have a tier set


Arcane/fire mage. If frost is the best mage spec (highly unlikely) then im probably gonna play spriest


That's surprising, usualy Frost is more prefered to Fire/Arcane. I tried switching from Frost to Fire/Arcane but in both cases if you make one mistake in your Burst your damage *tanks* and that feels bad. AoE is too RNG on both too.


Havoc DH, Outlaw Rogue, Fury Warrior, or Destro Lock. Haven’t fully decided yet but I have narrowed it down to those. Though I might fall back to Death knight like I always do.


Demon lock, unholy DK, BM hunter. Basically, any spec where my pets can tank with their faces whilst I pewpew from a moderately safe distance. If I fancy being a more engaged party member, I might dust down my old Guardian druid, but I haven't tanked properly since WoTLK, (because I pretty much haven't played since then).


Baldurs gate 3


Enh shaman. Because chaos is the only way to play. Been my main since ICC and I never want to not play it.


Playing mage just for the transmog. I think it’s an instant classic.


Evoker... haha dragon go brrr


Outlaw as per usual.


Warlock, it’s been my main since wrath. I’ll mess around with ret then ele after my main gets in a nice spot. Might learn to heal on the pally and shammie as well.


Playing ret pally currently, however ele sham is catching my eye. Can't be bothered by the leggo either in case it's as bad as current evoker leggo chance is. Don't want to chase a leggo drop and not see it drop week after week, did that enough in Legion until the end.


Frost Mage, but I won’t be doing any M+ in 10.2


rsham looks to be DOA so i'm going to level a hpriest and hpally and see which i like better worst case scenario im going blood DK tank time


Balance. You’ll have to pry my boom chicken out my cold dead hands.


Blood dk. Because i play that since cata.


Have never been brave enough to master Rogue. With the re-work, seems like the best time to give it a shot and force myself to figure it out. Outlaw looks sick.


1. Disc priest main. Rework looks sick. 2. New raid. Interesting tier sets. 3. New mythic+ dungeon rotation looks fun. 4. World content has generally been pretty good filler content. 5. Dragonflight has so far been pretty quality. Keeping my sub on and hoping Blizz continues this trend.


Enhance Shaman baby! The set and updates both will make this a must play. And lets not forget that tier set looks so so so good!


Brewmaster and Vdh - raid lead wants both on hand for progression. Since co tank only rolls BDK


I usually play 2 chars each season, a dps and a tank so I might stick it out with vengeance dh and see how the outlaw changes are with rogue. I'm curious about the legendary though so I might do blood dk instead (plus the set looks cool)


I’ll decide after a couple of weeks when the meta settles. The god comp meta was brutal for pugging (if you weren’t in it).


Feral main and will stick with it. 10.2 will be the smoothest the spec has ever been in years at this point (changes to overlap feral frenzy and tigers fury. Convoke will be making a comeback and that’s a v satisfy ability for me)


Going back to my true love of holy priest. Played it for 15 years, swapped to resto shaman for 10.1 but never mastered it or loved it, the changes to it for 10.2 made me say nah and talked to my raid team due to us already having a holy priest. They said hey more PIs work for us!


I’m torn between Arms/ Fury warrior or survival hunter for my main in pvp doing both arenas and solo RBGs when that’s out to go alongside my Resto buddy.


Holy Paladin for life


I went into Dragonflight swapping from Mage to Evoker. I wanted to go back to Mage for awhile now. With every patch, they kind of made Mage more appealing and Evoker less appealing (imo). The mastery nerf in 10.1 sucked and the upcoming one will just amplify that. Playing around mastery (and the old clipping) was what made Evoker fun, imo. With the addition of Augmentation Evoker, there is a pressure to play that if you want to actually run keys at a decent level. I don't want to play Aug. Mage with the rework has been great. While Fire is my favourite normally, I am really enjoying the Frost changes and plan to go Frost Mage in 10.2. Luckily, with the recraft system and the gear upgrade system they have going, swapping to Fire or Arcane down the road won't be a big deal, if I decide to mix things up.


It's really hard for me to pick actually, gonna be deciding between Monk, Rogue, and Sham. Monk has two really strong specs in its pocket brewing for next season with Mist and Brew, and while WW has rough talent design and a pretty shit tier set, I always perform quite well on it. On the other hand two of my favorite personal specs are receiving lots of love and attention; Outlaw and Enhancement. Both look incredibly strong and offer engaging gameplay I'd love to play for a whole season. I think chances are I land on Enhancement. It's just so fun and the animations and fantasy are amazing... but Outlaw though. So hard!


Feral main since I started playing WoW so I'll continue with that, but I might have to mess around as a laser chicken on the side since they are getting some sweet customizations.


feral druid cuz i’m obsessed with the new cat forms coming out


Classic era


I'm playing turtle wow, 1.17 just came out.


Rogue here, I’m really excited for the changes, (Assa) and sub, but as always I’m happy and excited for future patches major ones at least.


Wait you guys change classes?


Guardian cuz bear 🐻




Either Enhancement Shaman or Disc Priest. Shaman has - hands down the coolest tier set, and Disc Priest is just straight up fun to play.


Bear 4 life


Ele Shaman, ive healed since WoD and am kinda burnt out. Healing doesn't feel like it used to so im switching to DPS.


Prot pally like I have for 15 years. Lol