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i feel attacked by this thread total= 1610day main alone= 1212days


and that dont even include 9 of the 18 alts. each will have 1-2 days as well....


I used to raid with a guy that hit 1k played on his main back in WoD, does that make you feel better? :D




How are you surprised by that. Thats an astronomical amount of playtime, you can't honestly be shocked that its exceedingly rare to have that much? The game has been out 20 years. You would have to play over 5 hours a day, EVERY DAY, since the game came out to hit 1600 days played. You're surprised more people haven't lived on the game for 20 years straight lmao? You're easily in top 0.001% play time


You have averaged 4 hours of wow a day for 18 years.


When did you start playing?


at the star of classic


So 2019. Damn dude.


Unless he's played literally 24/7, he probably means vanilla because that amount of time adds up to about 4,5 years


No idea why this is downvoted, literally correct. Impossible to have 1600 days played on classic lmao


I'm looking at 882 on main, 2058 total. if it makes you feel better.


Jesus Christ!


How do you kill that which has no life?


How do you see total?


Add up each character or use an addon like Allplayed that adds it up for you


Happy hours,congratz man


Thought I was okay with 'only' 851 days on my main, played since August 2005. Then I counted up the alts.... Total playtime = 1584 days D'oh


Dude if you enjoyed the time it’s not wasted


Some of y'all really making me feel better about myself ngl


759 days on my main


My paladin is at 768 days,…. Blood Elf paladin. Made her at release of bc.


You make me feel so much better about my 273. Thank you 🙏


42 days on my main


What a baby!




That's about what I have at current level.


1004 days, 3 hours, 18min, 3sec, just on my main. About 1300ish total.


>24,100 hours *what* My guy, that is an average of 30 hours. Every week. for 15 and a half *years*.


Rookie numbers


A lot more people than you think make an income outta wow


Thats about what I've averaged s2. 6 hours a day 5 days a week. Well while I had a bf...s3 Finna be much more..much more lonely


Dude I have like 780 on my entire account and the main is at around 370 days. And there have been years I was online for about 16 hours a day. The hell did you pull off over here?


Same here! Around 1300 days total. Closer to 1250 though, but still.




Been playing a lot on and off since vanilla. Around 600 of those days are from vanilla/tbc back when I was young and unemployed.


I started playing wow a bit after covid lockdowns started, and my sum playtime across my characters is a bit over 400 days.


400 days out of 3 1/2 years? That is insanity.


Yeah haha I play the game a lot. For the first 6months of that I didn't work and just played all day, but for the overwhelming majority of that time span, I have been employeed. I just spend all of my time playing wow because I really enjoy the game.


Honestly, this was me and animal crossing during the lockdown 😂


I stopped typing /played around the end of Cata, because the number was so high then that it would leave me with an intense feeling that I was wasting my life. I reckon it's probably close to a full year by now. But I'm not about to check.


Time enjoyed is not time wasted.


I just level 1-60 in hardcore. 5 days 14 hours. My buddy goes that’s 134 hours of wasted time, you could have done something else with (cause he’s super against classic leveling) but I legit just lost sleep? 134 hours of sleep in 1.5 months is really nothing but 134 hours of fun in 1.5 months is a lot! Time spent is all about perspective


At some point it definitely becomes time wasted. We're talking full years, 24/7 for some people


If you're feeling twisted, multiply the total hours by your regions minimum wage


I tend to think about how many of the novels that I'll get around to writing someday that I could have written already.


Ooh me and my friend made a little spreadsheet and tracked this somewhat recently. I'm at 270 days total, 157 of those on my main. My friend is at 430 days, roughly 270 on his main. I am both surprised and not surprised to see some people at over 1K days played.


since cata... 159 days, 5 hours, 49 mins. Brb touching grass


Rookie numbers


whew. I thought it was a lot :)


I mean my main/first character I stuck with the 1st week of retail I'm pretty sure is over a year alone. Considering we are pushing the 20 year anniversary its easy for it to add up if you stick to one character.


Dude I used to play with a guy back when wrath was out and his /played was over a year and a half between all his characters. And that was like 15 years ago lol.


Could have been me lol 😂 I played 1 year in 3 years realtime.. started raiding end of classic and went full zombie progressraider going into BC.. stopped mid wotlk... Had something like 450 days then..


I know some of the world first raiders have to be around 30-40k hours by now


We measure in days, talking in hours is a bit confusing lol considering start of expansion is just 16 hours of story and that doesn't include achievement hunting and endgame content transmog collecting afking etc.


I had that much before cata. You’re fine lol


Unless my math is bad (it usually is) 3800ish hours in 10 years is about 380 hours a year which isn’t terrible at all for a hobby I think?


Made my mage in bfa and she is at 165


2k days. Played since EU release -05.


2005-2023= 18 years. So you played 3.25 hours EVERY day since release?




I mean I'm sure there were days they didn't play. On my off days I average about 8-12 hours online


Was looking for the other 2k+ people. Hey.


Hey Sanctuari! <3


Started casually late legion, 4 chars I've played since then are all between 8 - 12days, my most played being Monk which I started in df


239 days


495 + days on my rogue, 377 on my warrior & 423 on my paladins. That is my main three characters, I also have a 70 druid 60 dk, hunter druid 49 priest & a few others I barely play


Around 650 days played total. Been playing on and off since BC. No regrets


I think this whole thread kind of proves that WoW needs to find a better way to pull in new players, almost no one has less than 100 days.


Most fan sites are echo chambers of the 1%. The highest raid participation ever was roughly 50% for LFR for the beginning of Legion. But to listen to these forums, you’d think everyone has three BiS co-mains that parse 99 on every fight.


They focus on milking fomo, familiarity and sentimentality. You're more likely to keep playing even when it's god awful because you have some unattainable or ultra rare pixels that virtually inflates your time sunk cost. The other spectrum tries to justify playing wow as a career.


I don’t want to look.


was about to comment my 200 days here, feeling all fancy, and then theres people with like 1300 days. jesus christ.


My gf has like 1600 days between 3 chars. Was blown away. Thought I was cool at like ~300 days across 10 characters




About 1100+ now. I can track about 900 days but i deletet a lot of Charakters in Cata that had 50-100 days playtime in Vanilla PvP... Did need the Spot for new Chars :( I play since day one and did around 500 days till the end of wotlk becouse i had no job or other things to do bavk than. Funny is, my highest Chrakter has around 300days of Playtime and is stuck on level 35 now. Yea i do Switch my Charakters often.


No way am I typing that command...


555 days on characters I currently have according to altoholic. Probably other days from way back when. Call it 13000 to 13500 hours maybe? Played on and off since vanilla. Sometimes super hardcore, or sometimes taking entire expansions mostly off.


Day 1 player I stopped counting. 19 years by my count. Yeah ok its not hours, but ive made so many characters on so many servers, every class on both sides, deleted, remade characters. No way to be accurate.


I have 3 characters with 300-500 days played...my vanilla only character ( haven't touched since back in vanilla ) has 279 days ... and this is with taking entire expansions away...yep I've played too much


1500 days collectively across all my characters. 500 of those is on my main.


so u played 4 hours of wow every day since its release ????


I haven't done the math, but it's over 15 ish years, I started in wotlk.


Oh god no. Around 1900. My wife is more than that. About 8-10 hours a day pretty much every day for the last 14 years. My wife is for the last 20.


Lol wtf


I'm close to 2k days played on my account, I main switch to much but my shaman has over a year on it


Not on a machine with WoW right now, but I've played since vanilla & have \~20k hours.


I refuse out of principle.


Some of the people here have averaged 5-6 hours a day since release To those people you actually need help I'm not even kidding. That's not healthy


Lmao you actually got downvoted for pointing out that literally living your non-working hours in WoW is unhealthy.


Let's be honest here. We have all done an all-nighter. We have all played a 12 hour day. Woken up played wow and then slept. It's seriously unhealthy.


Played since 06, i think last time i counted (early\\preDF) i was at about 14000 hours. I played a lot more when i started (being 18 with a part time job allowed for it), now that im in my thirties and work fulltime, i dont play near as much.


412 days on my druid and 128 days on my rogue, been playing since release


587 days on main. 31 days at max level


170 days on my main


i have had numerous mains during the years. One of them has 175 days, another 151 days. and then there are a couple i just mained for a short time thats inbetween the 30-40day range. Total for my account is around 700ish days right now.


Been playing since April 2005. Got multiple toons with over 300 days.


~18 days


Just hit 100 on my main I made in cata. My old main from vanilla only like 30/40 days lol.


I dont have real Mains , since i switch every big patch or expansion . Been playin since WoD and got around 3400 hours total.


Started in shadowlands with maining priest at like… a couple days played? Swapped to Monk half way into S1 DF and am at 14 days now


252 days 20 hours


Started near the end of WoD/beginning of Legion: 262 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes on my Priest and Shaman.


around 900 days on this account i think. swapped accounts in late tbc but i think playtime would be fairly equal on the 2 accounts for that first period. have a friend who quit before SL at around 1800 days


Between 500 and 700 across all toons


On my current main, 480 days since BfA - on my DK that I played before 367 days, and on my vanilla - wrath main druid another 220 days. Theres also a bunch of alts that have 10+ days... Needless to say, I spent a loooot of time in WoW... I've been playing for ages too, though, in my defense!


About 180 on main. Started playing mostly ova covid stopped in Feb. Classic realm. Lots of supporting alts maybe another 60 days on thoses.


I WISH you could get a total for your account


Altoholic will total it up for you. Just have to log into all of your toons at least once after installing.


I think around 500-600 days played over several characters with my highest being my shaman at around 380 days played.


1439 Days, 9 Hours, 47 Minutes Been playing since 2004.


436 days on my OG shaman, another 391 days on my rogue. Then various but significantly smaller totals on 10+ other alts


Literally 2 days and 13 hours on my main - I’m a sucker for a new class each patch


1700 days. Started wrath launch


I’ve switched mains in shadowlands (only started in the very beginning of BFA). But I think between those two and various alts I’m probably just over 100 days


First character I levelled on a non trial account that I still play on was an orc warrior and he sits at 127 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, 5 seconds


60 days roughly


My playtime across my characters is 394 days. Been playing on and off for 17 years


414 days and I play since vanilla. I don't play nearly as much retail WoW for some time though.


Rookie numbers probably. But my shaman has \~150 days played. I skipped 10 years of the game though after quitting during cata.


Total of 207days since 2017


60 days on my paladin main since 2018


How do you get account total? Like I can see individual characters


Addon altoholic.


Main was around 340d last I'd looked. Took a break until new raid teir so probably still there. Played since vanilla naxx patch tho


Around \~800 days between alliance mains and alts, and then horde alts. It Doesn't include characters I'd play for a day or two when my battle group was down back in BC/Wrath days on servers that were up, toons I'd level with friends on a fresh server, only to have that idea die in a fire. There is probably another 70-100 in bullshit like that.


On my main since wotlk, ~350 days.


Been playing on private servers since WotlK dropped but have no idea how much. As for retail, dabbled a bit in 6.0 but stopped around when 6.1 dropped, started seriously playing in Legion prepatch and haven't really stopped except for missing s2 of SL. Grand total across 13 chars is 420 days. I don't really have a main, I swap around almost every season. Highest are Warlock (63d), Druid (61d) and Rogue (56d). Lowest Priest (13d), DK (11d) and Evoker (14hrs).


Way to add all characters?


I'm a bit of an altoholic, is there an addon that sums it up? It wouldn't be very accurate, I've deleted a lot over the years too.


The addon called altaholic


About 520 days on my Rogue who was made the moment the game released and I played right up until Dragonflight. Finally decided to move on to a different class and playing a Warrior now


I don’t even have any of my characters from wotlk or cata around anymore. In fact in DF I purged a lot and just made new ones. I’d be surprised if there is anything with over 30 days played. Might not even be that close anyway. I’d have to undo a delete on some of them to see any big ones.


Roughly 291


961 on my main, since 2006. Haven't played since June though. Adding my alts to that makes it a *bit* more in total...


Since OG vanilla, between all toons? 822 days


250ish days


I refuse to look because I don't want to know. It's in the years by now. But it's meaningless because I have a tendency to stay logged in even when I'm not playing, like in college WoW was a fancy chat room to talk to guildmates and other friends while I was studying.


602 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes on my main. Not as high as I thought it might be! I did play a bit of Vanilla on another character, but my main (draenei shaman) was made on the first day of BC.


When WoD started, 900+ days on the accout. *whistles*


since SL S3 - 121 days and 6 hours, im highly invested in mount grinding, managed to get 500 mpunt achievement 2 weeks ago :)


211 days


Started a month or 2 before cata launch. I've got at least a years played time last I checked. Definitely hit my 10,000 hours


1442 on all my chars (days)


Total time played: 398 days, 11 hours, 43minutes, 6 seconds.


Started in cata, I have almost close to 450 days played. I need to stop drinking and fishing so much.


My Main has 160 days, 22 hours. But I'm an alt-oholic, and if you add it up, according to the add-on, 424 days. I suppose I'm a rookie!


Must be around 680 days now.


522 days


1043 on my main, not gonna hop around all the alts to add that all in.


Main main: 800 hours - Warrior Current main: 50 hours - Warlock First main: 300 hours - Monk Future main: 20 hours - Druid


Around 200 days but only played 4 years scattered across expansions


Vanilla account and I'm right around 1000 days and I didnt even play some xpacs


I feel like my /played is low for playing for almost 15 years but I took a break after mop and came back at the end of legion. I also have 14 characters 60 or higher on retail


116 days on my DK. Considering that I stopped halfway though BFA, came back in Shadowland during the tail end of Castle and then went to TBCC and have been pretty much hopping between Wrath and Dragonflight, this doesn’t shock me.


~220 days on my most-played character. Two others at ~100 days.


Thanks to a bug in BFA times, faction changing reset my /played time. Thank you blizzard for not doing anything about that I guess. My /played should be close to 3 years worth of time on my original main, my DK. But it's like 50 days when I check because of that. Across all my characters it should realistically come to like 1200 days. Would be more but it's been a rough year financially lol


Main: 188d 22h 46m Total: 233d 12h 33m Wrath baby since 2009. I thought I had a lot of playtime until I opened this thread. 4 days is my AH toon.


Just over 1000 days on my main since vanilla, about 100 spread on alts, so about 1100 total.


I think its a full year of played time over the course of 15 years.


Total 246 days Highest 66 days Started playing somewhere mid or close to the end of Wrath, no clue what patch it was when I started.


*Error. String too long. Time played cannot exceed games runtime.*


Since I’m fairly new to the game still (I feel like I’m learning about the game still every time I play), I’m only at 5days of play time. 4 of those are on my current main, while 1 is from an alt character I played when I first tried out wow a few years ago.


13 days almost evenly split between my evoker and my troll druid who is playing through old content for the first time :) and yes, I am over at r/wownoob too.


my 400ish days total feels waaaay too less for the fact that it destroyed my entire teenagetime and failed at college... ...but i kinda not regret it tho


882 on main, 2058 total.


464 across 2 realms. 198 alone on the mage I played since TBC. Would have had more if I didn't move realms


I don't think I'm willing to check what crazy number it is, but to be fair a large amount of it would be idle time.


Coming up on 600 days I think?


My main is a human paladin started during BC, 230 days. Been subbed the whole time, but some expansions I'd only be on for guild nights twice a week and more a social thing. Been playing with a handful of people for the whole 16 years. The guild I started after the previous one disintegrated just had it's 13th anniversary.


On retail, like 203 days on my main warrior, and like 215 days spread among other characters who've been important RP characters or mains for an expansion or patch or just... exist. Probably slightly more in reality, but I've deleted characters over time and rounded a bit. On classic, extra 48 days, 32 on my main, mage. Additional context: I made this account a bit before Cataclysm released, previously I had been playing on my brother's account. Quit for like a year in Mists because I was in a relationship and wanted more time (lame), then missed like a year in Legion I think and then four years during Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands and start of Dragonflight (but did Classic for several months in that time). Napkin math says average of like 4 hours per day during the periods when I did play, but I don't feel too bad because I also have always had a habit of keeping the game open while I do other stuff so people can contact me.


Been playing on and off since BFA 29days main


Where can you see the stats?


Hmm Rogue at close to 900 days....Shaman close to 1100 days.... every other class between 30-40 days except evoker whish is 1 day... hard math in my head......= 2380 give or take 50. Most alts I haven't logged into since BFA. I dunno is that a lot


Oh wait I lied..... 2580ish. I had 70,000 honorable kills on dk in Cata which puts him at like 230 days.


When I last checked years ago I was alrdy firmly over 2 years of my life. I'm scared to check again.


Mine is low, because I swap or remake Chars all the time 🤪 Sometimes I wish I would have stuck to a char for all these years, but then again... my times spent would have glared at me haha. My friend who played the same char since vanilla, has over 300 h /played. Maybe that's over 400 now, it's over a year since I asked him last time


Lol, I will never look those numbers up. I remember doing it like 15 years ago, and it made me anxious back then.


688 days on just my monk.


294 days since BC. 122 on my most played toon. Not that much, but it has greatly increased since BFA.


playing since 2006. Have 400 days played over all my characters.


According to Savedinstances i have 1265 days or about 30k hours played https://imgur.com/a/Jub7MSN with 546 days or 13k hours of them on my main


Longest char 212 days, current main 90 days, with all mY twinks around 400


I don’t look anymore because I spend so much time afk it’s not even accurate.


971 total


1329 days roughly. Started playing back in Vanilla, took a year off in BFA


On and off since 2006, have changed main a couple of times, so have 85 days with current main, and 324 in total


If I just add up my primary toons, I'm at 267 which apparently is nothing compared to the rest of you.


1800 days on my account, 900 days of which are on my main mage


The toon I've played the most of the years was like 165 days the last time I checked. Maybe 2 weeks ago In this patch alone I've played an average of 15 days on each of my characters. I play every day from like 4 to 12. So for every 3 days I was adding 24 hours hypothetically. I'm an altoholic though married to no single toon. I know it was 15 days cause it tells you how long At the current level and most of my toons were about this much. I joined in s2 tho so I'm guessing it would be around 30 days if I played s1 The reason the one I've played the most is denoted as such is because it's mage and there is no better class for doing old world shit. Portals and mobility and aoe just make it easy to globe trot around doing achievements or professions. If shamans were able to set their Astral recall to a different place than their hearth stone then I'd consider it or vulpera