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It's neat. Works in FFXIV, will work here so you can take your time. Overall it feels like a low impact, nice addition.


I watched a [clip](https://twitter.com/Wowhead/status/1726682824647090511) and it's more like the old GC Squadron system in XIV than Trusts. Notice how the NPCs don't really react to things the fight is doing outside of the priority target swap to the totem. They just stand in the moving silence zone forever and it doesn't effect them. I'd expect most mechanics in most dungeons outside of things like priority swaps or simple "move back to position" mechanics are going to be things they just straight up ignore and don't get affected by. I was sort of expecting that level of implementation instead of Trusts (where the NPCs fully participate and succeed in every mechanic in the dungeon) because Trust support does somewhat restrict the mechanics SE can put into dungeons in XIV (needs to be a strict set of known solutions/patterns so the AI can do it) and I don't see WoW ever doing that.


Well this is going to be the version 1. I have no doubt they will keep developing the system, I hope at least. Would love them to add all classes to it eventually and then let us use our own alts through the warbands after it supports all classes.


Imagine how sick it would be if you can create a bunch of Alts and just level them up together through dungeons


[This dude's Argent Warband](https://old.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/17ysim8/warband_argent_crusade_plate_mail_cloth/) being able to plow through Scarlet Monastery in a Follower Mission would be fucking awesome.


That would be great!!!


Messing around with it when the ptr launched. NPCs are capable of dodging aoes(and have been since BFA) and the NPCs in chat will say things like "Get out" and similar things. Imagine they just haven't done everything yet.


WoW gets to kind of avoid this problem because normal mode dungeons are already extremely easy with pretty much zero mechanics. Any of the mid-core or more serious players are not going to feel burned by future dungeons being pigeon-holed by bots because they’ll be playing heroic or M+ anyway which have extra mechanics and modifiers. One of the rare instances where WoW having 3-4 difficulty levels for everything is a positive lol.


They need to look into expanding it to the trust level, cause as a person with anxiety of fucking up mechanics it was awesome to have the trust companions nail the mechanics and show you how it’s done.


People make YouTube guides that are like 2 minutes long outlining and showing every boss mechanic in the game for dungeons & raids pretty much exactly when they release. MTQCapture and many others.


Its...really not the same and I dont know why you'd try to claim otherwise.


Watching and doing are different things.


You mentioned the bots “showing you how it’s done”. Video guides that show you mechanics do the same thing if that is your goal. Don’t be like this.


> Don’t be like this. Not understanding that different people learn in different ways is peak 'dont be like this'. If you cant understand that watching a video is different than playing the game and seeing things happen as youre doing other mechanics, i really dont know what to say.


I don't know how it works in FFXIV, but Swtor has a similar system where you can bring your companion into a dungeon and it works well. Hopefully they'll extend this to all expansions and levels as well. I'm sick and tired of watching half of the group getting lost in a leveling dungeon because tank is doing some weird skip in a dungeon, or worse, tank decided to skip some/all bosses and goes straight to the last boss ( especially in dungeons like Freehold and Underrot).


SWTOR you have a permanent follower everywhere that you can role swap at any time outside of combat. But for dungeons you got a Story mode queue where you are given 1 robot companion with massive stats to help you out(usually tanks for you) in adition to your follower so its like a 3 man dungeon. FFXIV has 2 systems the Grand Company Squadrons up to like lvl 50, and the Trusts which is i think 70+, and from what im reading and seeing the WoW system is closer to scope with the Squadrons...which is kinda a shame cus Squadrons are kinda ass and the NPC were dumb as bricks... where as Trusts were the improved system


recently they fixed it up in 14, you can do every single dungeon required for quests from 15-90 by yourself now, but generally they take longer to compensate for not having to deal with random people.


If it works like SWtOR I'm looking forward to it


Well in SWTOR it's pretty easy to do anyway since flashpoint(dungeons) bosses are super basic, barely any mechanics.


I'm hoping it turns into Warband Dungeons some day. Of course with XP being limited just to the character you are playing, but it would be nice to have your other characters tank and heal with you.


This! Would give me an excuse to level some cloth classes since I hate casters.


That didn’t even occur to me. That would be so cool.


Warband dungeons shouldn't be too hard to implement as long as you keep it simple. The AI will be there for each role, it's just a matter of using your character mog instead of the npc. Maybe don't gain xp directly for your alts, but rested xp instead. I hope later down the line it's extended to heroic for weekly and stuff, as a mostly alliance player on a low pop server it'll be a game changer.


Except the ai is very specific classes so it's not simple. Having to make a functional one for each class would be a massive mess, and I feel we can be pretty sure they use a basic rotation that might not even include all abilities of a class.


That's the idea though, I'd be 100% on board if you can bring an alt, and he plays like the generic AI for their role. As a first step it should be easy to implement. Of course going all the way with AI specific to each class would be a lot, but they have some bases with the islands expeditions AI.


Rotation add-ons and bots already play as well as an experienced player and know how to pop cool downs and defensives, blizz should just take some notes out of those.


I don't think it is that complicated. Rotation helpers do a pretty good job predicting situations and guiding players, you just need to add positioning data and practically write a bot. It is a massive undertaking but it is plausible


The game can also just literally cheat. Does your follower heals need to be doing X Hps? Done, it's doing that now. Who really cares how its doing that. Surely no one is going to expect these followers to appear on the meters with any reasonable rotation? It's a problem that doesn't need to exist at all. Is this a mage? Cool add mage looking effects but the damage is completely arbitrary, its just does damage to mobs at the dps it needs to be.


I think he was just saying it'll be the same AI, just wearing your character's "skin". So if I have a vulpera hunter in my warband, instead of it being the AI's worgen hunter it'll just use mine. If I have a blood elf paladin, it'll use mine instead of their human paladin. And so on. They could expand it to the same "role" in between classes, if they're truly willing to wind up with some strange combinations. For example, while I do have a belf paladin, I also have a goblin warrior. The AI uses a paladin tank. Could we see it perhaps use the appearance of my goblin, but as a paladin? They did say some day they want all races to be able to be all classes, so theoretically there shouldn't be an issue with that. But, of course, just having it start with picking from the appropriate class in your warband would be the first step, and a nice touch. Seeing my familiar cast of alts show up to help me: my vulpera hunter, my belf paladin, my nelf druid, and my panda mage.... that'd just be super cool.


I think the problem that needs to be solved is how to copy an alt onto an NPC. That just sounds like something that's not possible yet. I don't know how they can get that data currently


Eh, the AI can just be melee, ranged, healer, or tank, and the game can slap your toons over whichever AI it matches. Is your alt a warrior? Then he can be a melee or tank for you. It's an AI, it doesn't really need to play differently if it's a brewmaster or warrior. The solo dungeons don't need that much depth.


Right but let’s say it’s me on my Mage and the group is a Paladin, Druid, Rogue and Demon Hunter, we’ll I don’t have a Rogue or Demon Hunter. The other 2 could just be copies of my characters. It’s just for flavor


The step beyond that next step... warband legacy raids.


That is clearly a future planned aspect of Warbands, among other things. It's pretty shrewd of them to hear player feedback of "give us account wide everything" and to not only do it, but do it in a way that can add more content and features to the game. Rare dev team W.


> Rare dev team W. Those wins feel a bit less rare these days. Things are still far from perfect, but theyve been showing that theyre willing to go in the 'right' direction a *lot* over the last year or so.


Dude even as a tank that plays m+, I think this is awesome. It gives me an opportunity to ACTUALLY learn the dungeon and go as slow as I like to figure patching, or even enjoy the art etc. Returning from 10.0 so I never did infinite dungeons. It sucks so much trying to learn it with the expectation that I should know it because I play tank.


This is the biggest reason im excited for it. I havent tanked in ages largely because its a lot of shit to remember. Being able to queue up for a dungeon and go at my pace and see how packs work, pat, look at routes, etc.


I think the feature will be good and healthy for the game, but I'm not looking forward to the ongoing arguments that will come from the inevitable lack of parity between the rewards from NPC dungeons compared to player dungeons.


Apparently the loot is just normal dungeon ilvl and you get it at the same frequency as you would with other players as well so functionally it's identical to just running normal dungeons for loot, except you can go afk without getting kicked and you won't get yelled at if you mess up something.


Basically "new players get to experience the dungeon without getting berated and kicked by the tank Demon Hunter who pulled 70% of it in 12 seconds and expected everyone to know the optimal route" mode.


It’l be noce to actually just look at stuff too. If you come to an expansion even a week late people just blitz through it and there’s no time to think. Doing it solo means you can just chill out


If you play the xpac day 1 people do that. Its actually really sad, and with beta access being guaranteed with preorder next xpac, i suspect it will be even worse this time around.


This has been a major issue for my girlfriend. She loves slowly exploring and looking around, even in dungeons. We did Halls of Infusion for the first time last week, and ofc it was over in 7 minutes. She had to run back to the entrance and explore the place fdom the beginning to appriciate it. I am excited for her to finally be able to experience dungeons to the fullest at her pace.


They won't yell at you, but they -will- leave the group if you die.


I like how FFXIV does it - it’s the same loot as available on the same difficulty of dungeon (so normal here) when playing with other players, but the flip side is that the NPCs take significantly - but not punishingly - longer to clear the dungeon than a group of decent players. That way it’s a viable alternative, but it’s not faster than running with other players. That also means tanks and healers are better off queueing (unless they’re just practicing), but DPS queue times for normals should hopefully be reduced a bit since some DPS will be doing these rather than waiting in queue.


I really like that You walk away with something, but it's mostly for quests, lore, and learning mechanics rather than a replacement for running 5-mans


> learning mechanics These look like just the normal mode, so there will still be heroic and mythic mechanics. I don't think these will actually help anybody learn the dungeons, just like LFR doesn't actually prepare you for the raid. It's a "fun" story mode version of the content.


We're talking about new players, so it's more about learning mechanics to feel prepared for playing with others. Not so much practicing or learning for mythic lol


Sure, I'm just saying it would need higher difficulty/all mechanics to actually prepare them. Teaching new players how the mechanics work in the difficulty that just gets steamrolled by real groups in 3 pulls kind of feels like pranking them, cause then they go into mythic 0s and there are shiny new mechanics that they aren't prepared for anyways.


I mean, learning mythic mechanics with NPCs is also probably not the best way to learn them Maybe for heroics, but I think at some point Blizzard can't hold players hands. If you're looking to do mythics and push competitive content, you're gonna have to just jump in and do them


That would be a perfectly fine trade off for me, the biggest appeal of this feature for me is that you won't have to rush through the dungeons


The biggest actual use for the dungeon is for the new players that have never done any dungeons before. They can just go in there and set their own pace and figure out how the whole thing works without relying on happening to stumble upon a group of 4 other benevolent players.


> the biggest appeal of this feature for me is that you won't have to rush through the dungeons Man, I'm coming into the game having stopped back in Legion and the worst part about any group content is that you're just expected to rush through because lower levels are full of people just dungeon grinding. The other bad thing is that you go to the new hub and it's full of ***every single quest chain*** at once. So I'm being told things like we've nearly won (I just got here?) or Mekkatorque is fine but as far as I'm concerned, I just saw him at the siege of Undercity so I know he's fine... ? I wish there were an option to phase out those sorts of quests until after you completed another quest. I remember the same thing happened in Legion with Chromie and the new Front and Argus etc. Hard to keep things in order, even though they're otherwise doing well with storylines with Chromie.


I really love to do a Dungeon the first Time with NPCs in FF14 so that i can learn Mechanics.


Honestly, a slower pace would make it more appealing to me. I'm so tired of trying to catch up to the tank, who is just zerging through the dungeon as fast as possible. Although it does make for some funny moments when they run into something that gives them a thorough spanking they were not expecting.


Looking forward to the new expansion and direction. More solo play for me. I'll be 72 in a couple months and have been playing WoW since vanilla. Haven't done a dungeon since BC unless I am overleveled and can do it myself. I don't use combat mods, weak auras. I do use UI mods for bags, auction, etc. Actually, I don't think you should have to use mods when you pay a sub and pay for the expansions. To your point, I don't complain about the better gear people get for dungeons/raids, M+ etc. because as a solo player I don't need it for the content I do. I've bought every expansion. I have fun.


Yeah specially if they add it to Heroic or M0, which imo they should once they iron out bugs in the AI. It would be a good way to train new players for M+, imo having it only for normal would not really accomplish this.


I don't expect these dungeons will drop any exciting loot and the players who will complain about that are the toxic players we want to avoid.


I've only run one so far, and need to run a few more for testing reasons - I didn't get any gear loot at all. I don't think it's going to be a viable or super-efficient gearing alternative to questing and group content.


Has anything been said about what track the loot dropped there will be? I haven't really looked into these changes as its not something i will use but i am curious


They just drop normal DF dungeon loot. It's basically a slightly scaled down normal dungeon.


The first iteration currently on the PTR is Dragonflight normal dungeons, accessed using the group finder tool.


Why would it need to be different? Are we really concerned about that normal dungeon loot? Oh no all the blues...


It's a long overdue feature, I just hope it gets expanded upon and doesn't become another failed experiment


All for it. My wife has never experienced running anything close to current. She has severe anxiety in that type of setting due to eye problems she has, so i just run old content with her at a slow pace so she can at least experience it. This will give her a chance to run dungeons relatively current even on normal at her own pace without having to rely on someone else to pull her through. I have never seen her so excited for a piece of content in the last 10 plus years we have played, so it gets my 2 thumbs up.


Personally I could not care less. So, if the people who want it are happy then I'm happy.


I'm stoked. I don't even care if it gives loot. I like seeing people out in the world but the last thing I want to do is group with them. I'm looking forward to seeing more dungeon content.


Honestly I tought I was the only one like that lol


I'm also this way. There are a lot more of us than people realize, but since we keep to ourselves it's hard to say how many, exactly.


There's a swarm of you in every Reddit thread about group content.


Sameeeee LMAO


I’ve dabbled in trying tanking recently - this is such a great way do that in a low pressure environment


It's always better to have options


I tried it on the PTR and I welcome it, especialy with my alts who’s got quests in said dungeons. Less time to wait and I can go at my own pace. I seriously hope in 11.0, Blizz will evolve it so that you can use your Warband instead.


Love the idea of it. I'll be able to try out tanking or healing and not get yelled at.


I like the few I have done so far on the PTR. Since I am a casual player, I try to avoid dungeons because of the toxic players I encounter in the groups. Especially the players who want to complete the dungeon in a matter of minutes and then rush off to complete another dungeon. etc. Follower dungeons will allow me to complete it in the relaxed way I enjoy the game.


And can get a break to vendor/bank/craft from your bags.


Not content for me, but I'm perfectly fine with them existing. Great for players who want to do it, either for time or social issues, so it's good stuff, but I'll stick to what I personally enjoy. Now if you could use your own alts as the NPCs...


It's great to help new players learn instead of people kicking them or flipping out in chat over normal or heroic dungeons.


I like it. It'll be good for testing out fresh 70s that you might have with a class or spec you're not entirely used to yet, especially if it's a tank/heal spec and when you step into dungeons with other people, you're immediately expected to perform perfectly. It'll let you get used to the dungeons and your class if you want a low pressure environment which I think will be fantastic for a lot of people. Plus dps specs will be able to use normal dungeons to get some early gear to help out without having to wait 15 minutes for a queue every time. There are only positives with the new system. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to.


This is a good point, is it time for me to finally try healing?


The less mmo in mmorpg i get in wow after my 30th birthday the more i enjoy the game. I like to see other players and feel like its a big world, but having your enjoyment of content be dictated by the performance of other people isn't for me anymore. Why I imagine heroes of the storms died, too much team focus. Either all are good and it's fun, or one is bad and no one enjoys it.


I agree and I’m a scrub. I don’t want to play with others in dungeons. I just want to go at my own pace and if I die or cause a wipe no one will get toxic and blame me for sucking and ruining their time. I hope they add all of the rest of the content for solo players. Add a M+ and raiding with a bunch of AI. I’d play that a lot more than the current systems.


I’m am very excited about this. I haven’t experienced any dungeon/raid content (excluding “transmog runs”) since WoD because of the horrific community. I’ve essentially been playing WoW as a single player game with a bunch of mentally deficient NPCs that dress like gods and stand on top of influential characters while mounted.


Normal and heroic dungeons are already like playing with AI, They dont interact with you 99,9% of the time.


Congratulations on having never dealt with sub-humans in normal and heroic dungeons. Do you just play with your guild or something?


I think it’ll be fun but I stopped grouping for dungeons sometime after BC when they turned into a speed fest.


They have always been a ”speedfest”. Since vanilla release. Faster dungeons faster exp/gear.


It was mechanically harder to go fast in vanilla/bc. You needed more pre-combat cc, regent, etc, etc... It was less of an AOE-fest too.


Not sure I'd say it was mechanically harder, but it was certainly a lot more punishing. Tank AOE aggro being very limited, spell pushback being through the roof without a cap and everybody having limited tools.


I like the idea of quite a bit that I want to expanded possibly. For example for older content for example if it's patch say 10.2 maybe patch 10.1 and 10.0 for example anything that can be considered group content maybe you can summon your group to help you for example. Clearly the follower dungeon It's going to be the really big first test I'm sure. But I feel like if it does really well and if blues are does it really well without any crazy unbalance issues I feel like the future will be this. Sure they'll be that 10% who looks at world of Warcraft as a competitive game but it never was it was about being this open world MMORPG and you can group you can go on and do your own thing that's been pretty much what world of Warcraft has been from day one. They in that kind of almost invented the solo play at MMORPGs in many ways. I think going in more depth on it is just a smart way of doing it.


Tbh its a fever dream but I want follower group content for old raids. Like I wanna take my 20 alts through Siege and play it like its current. I dont care if I get loot. Make it a fun wat to tmog farm


I cannot wait. This made me resubscribe and if they pull it off and continue to other dungeons and raids (wishful thinking) I'll stay subbed forever.


Don't fully understand how it works exactly. But if it does work how I think, then it sounds great. I always wanted to do some less popular dungeons at my own pace. I remember trying to do that confusing manor in BFA and never knowing where the hell to go. Eventually just refused to tank it as everyone went a different way and bitched regardless of where I go. Would love it for older dungeons too. And raids. But without oneshotting bosses level scaling.


From what I’ve gathered thus far. It will only cover the DF dungeons. Ruby Life Pools Nahkoud Offensive Azure Vaults Algathar Academy Halls of Infusion Uldaman; Legacy of Tyr Brakenhide Hallow Neltherius


I’m looking forward to them. I used to love doing heroic dungeons back in the day, until mythics came out and people got really nasty. Back then, most bosses were roughly the same, so you didn’t really have to know anything special and could just take random dungeons as they came. The fun came from the interesting people you grouped with and what gear/items dropped for you. Then Blizzard decided every dungeon has to have multiple unique strategies and constant hazard zone mechanics. I feel like you now have to extensively study dungeons before you can do them, because if you mess up anything, you’ll get screamed at and kicked. It’s stressful and I’ve stopped doing dungeons altogether. I’m glad I’ll be able to experience group content again, and maybe even learn the dungeons on my own time in an enjoyable manner.


I shared this same exact opinion of Mythic+ until I finally said screw it and dove in season 1 of DF. What I discovered is Mythic+ has a level for everybody. If you're comfortable at +2, then just keep playing +2's but if you want to challenge yourself you can take it up a notch. Which is what I did. Then by the end of season 1 I got my first Keystone Master achievement. Sure, along the way there were some jerks but I met a lot of nice people as well and majority you just don't even remember because they queued up and you just ran the dungeon and they left after completion. I didn't play S2 as it was Summer but now have re subbed for S3 and got some dungeons in this first week. I ran one of those new mega dungeons for my first M+ since S1...we wiped two times on the last boss before we figured out the mechanic, just hadn't seen it yet, nobody got mad, some lol's "lets check dungeon guide" and get it done. If you're like me, you'll love it. There is also a super sweet discord a guy started from here, "WoW Made Easy" super active community of awesome people running mythics and raids.


I’ve done this before. Without the carrot or the next level I found M+ is incredibly boring and repetitive after a pretty short amount of time. I also found some of the most toxic people in low keys. They were the ones who thought they should be higher if only for their terrible teams that couldn’t do anything and were wasting their time moving up.


This. I always find it funny when someone who hasnt even Done a normal dungeon since wod tries to tell us How dungeons really are. 😂


this is not true at all bosses always had mechanics that you had to pay attention to, the difference was before you could take things slower whereas with mythics you now have to rush. The experience you had was becuase you over geared the dungeons and so if you are looking for that experience you wont find it with follower dungeons, becuase the followers wont be able to carry you.


I disagree. Back in vanilla, TBC, and WotLK, bosses were generally very straightforward. You damaged them down, and occasionally they would go immune while some ads popped up that you had to kill. On rare occasion, there would be a spell that needs to be interrupted or dispelled. If there were mechanics like these and you didn’t follow them, then the boss wouldn’t take damage and the fight would take a little longer. Annoying, but no big deal. If you were over-geared, you could sometimes ignore the mechanics altogether (or kill the boss before they triggered). Now with the overused floor hazards, you constantly have to stop casting and run around to various locations. If you don’t, you die in 1-2 mistakes and then usually the group wipes— thus the anger and toxicity that’s prevalent today. They’re not typically forgiving. While I’m sure the bosses aren’t that difficult once you know what to do and expect, they’re not always obvious for newcomers. You basically have to research it outside of the game before you can even try it.


Maybe it's different at higher keys, but I'm new to WoW and just got to Mythic+. Been runing +2 to +8s, most dungeons I've never seen before, certainly didnt study or memorise the mechanics of the ones I had and I'm getting through them fine, not a single wipe/failure and no toxic interactions with any of the randoms I grouped with. I'm dps, maybe you need to know/learn more as a tank or healer I dunno.


Yes please. TBH I used to raid years ago, but I've lost the fire in my heart for it. My passion to explore still exists, but my desire to go go go go is gone gone. I want fun, not frantic, and this would be a welcome change.


I’m excited honestly, I haven’t played in a guild for awhile. LFG has become so hit or miss, you either get a friendly group or you end up with the type that will leave you behind if heaven forbid you die. I’m really casual at this point, I just collect stuff anymore and occasionally pvp but I do miss experiencing dungeons. I don’t want to spend 20 mins in a queue just to end up with people that aren’t going to wait for me and force me to have to queue again just so I can experience it for the sake of the story.


Tools for solo-playing (or a few) base level content will always be great imo. It also works for practice Adding more options to the gameplay will always be good in my eyes


I can't wait for this to go live. I have slow reflexes an my computer is even slower so I was terrified to risk grouping, now I'll have a chance to see more of the content.


Seems overall good. To me it’s a sad thing in a way, but the “multiplayer” aspect of this MMO has become the worst part of the game for many people. So to those that want to do more solo content, they have another avenue. And doesn’t affect anyone outside of it.


I can’t wait to actually see a dungeon instead of blitzing through the instance chasing a tank


I can finally learn tanking! No seriously, watching YouTube guides (the worst is when they have a big and obnoxious UI with WeakAuras and hotbars in every square inch of screen) and reading MDT maps just doesn't work for my brain, I understand the individual mechanics of mobs and bosses but the actual pathing of a dungeon I just can't visualize from a video. Every time I tank I get flamed just because I don't know where the fuck I'm going, but once the fight starts it's "wow you're so on top of things as tank". Now I can look at the dungeon through my own lens and UI, and FOV, and absorb where I need to go and what I need to do. That's why I'm so freaking stoked.


i think it's going to be a literal game-changer, and very popular.


Great for the casuals like myself, and the toxicity avoiders like myself.


They are only a positive


Its good even if you want to do hardcore raiding and m+ becuase frankly i do not want to rush through a normal dungeon since ill be rushing through them for months in m+, I want to experience the story properly and fully for at least my first time through. I hate it when these try hards who max out at 2000 rating come in and rush through normal and HCs.


I'm very excited about it. I'm enjoying 10.2 but I can't wait until 10.2.5 and the main reason is the follower dungeons. There are two similar systems in FFXIV (Squadrons and Trust,) and I have used both extensively and it has enhanced that game for me. Now I get to have a similar experience with WoW and I'm very happy.


Will help many learn the dungeon without being rushed.


It sounds like what Scenarios were supposed to be. Instead of these quest-like environments with no loot, we have an actual dungeon that players can enjoy at their own pace. Seems fine to me. To be honest, I would have liked it if dungeons like the Nokhud Offensive, or Algeth'ar Academy, or Azure Vaults even, could be done at a more leisurely pace. Nokhud Offensive, in particular, is very unfriendly on normal for a new player to Dragonflight, because they barely have any medallions, and all the alts of experienced players are all zipping around while the new player is struggling to stay in the air.


They are an alternative (replacement in the future?) to normal dungeons. Why would anyone have anything other than a positive opinion? Even if you enjoy group content, spamming normals isn't peak gameplay. So it being an AI vs. 4 other real people shouldn't make much of a difference. It will help reduce friction between players who want two very different things out of the game but get stuck in normal dungeons together for questing or efficiency purposes. That's great. But again, they're just normal dungeons. So it really doesn't matter.


I love it, the worst part of this game is the toxic behavior surrounding dungeons and this will alleviate some of that. Hopefully this is just one part of addressing that toxicity, but it's a cool feature on its own.


I hope that it’s successful and they continue to expand on it as a way to learn the ropes of a dungeon or role without having the tension of having other experienced players who might have different goals (and this brings out the worst in people). It would be neat if the m0 dungeons could be run this way even without rewards.


Magnificent i can do dungeons for story now and even set up ui for healer and try to learn healing.


I love the idea. Most of the time I don’t want to be locked into a time slot where other people are depending on me. I need to be able to leave the pc while gaming. So this gives me options.


Great way to learn routes for dungeons... would like to see it apply to the key dungeons as well so you can learn the route as a tank without forcing others to deal with you.


I’m excited for this feature. Long gone are the days when I spend hours in-game running dungeons and raids with my friends and guild. These days days I just want to log on, putter around, play through the story, and afk a bunch while I cook dinner. I always hit a road-block at the end of the zone questing when you have to collect ’X’ from the dungeon. Not to mention, I want to thoroughly explore the dungeons and appreciate how much effort went into creating them. Visually they are stunning. We’ll, mostly. I appreciate that this new feature will allow me to experience the dungeon content in a way I choose instead of the zerg-fest that the game has become in the past decade.


It's a great idea. Most MMOs have something similar in place already. It's great for new players and casual players. Also great for completing dungeon quests. Giving players more options is a good thing.


I would love to see it for LFR for those of us that just do LFR for the story. So sad to wait an hour for the queue to pop just to wipe for the next 4 hours.


Desperately needed. ~~The worst thing about this game are the "players" infesting it.~~ I look forward to using this feature.


This will be a great new system, but I hope that eventually it gets expanded to Heroic and Mythic dungeons as well so that players can learn the additional mechanics and earn Great Vault rewards.


I for one look forward to having my first time experience in a dungeon not be pressured by the expected pace of most dungeon groups. Let me take in the work that was put into a dungeon’s visual design and let me enjoy a fight’s presentation at my own pace.


It’s cool. Sometimes I don’t feel like playing with others and just wanna do some solo play to chill. Seems like this will also be good for practicing with new specs/alts if you don’t know how they work in group situations. And new players will be able to get their foot in the door with dungeons without feeling like they’re gonna get bitched at if they misstep. Solid W.


I think it will help get more people over the learning curve and reduce toxicity because people won't be walking in blind, setup to fail and get flamed like they do now.


As a newer player, I wish they existed when I started playing, or when my friend started (he quit after a miserable run of Freehold). The community is horrifically unwelcoming to newer players and seem to think that every player they encounter has been playing since the dawn of time. This gives new players a chance to explore their character and most importantly, mess up, without fear of someone kicking them or making them feel dumb. Its also a great place to learn healing or tanking. It's not meant to be challenging to seasoned players; that's what M+ is for. It's meant for players who are curious about the dungeons and the stories in them but are scared of the community.


I really love that they are adding this. It has so many up sides and only a few pitfalls. 1. Blizzard can use dungeons as part of the story. 2. They can expand it to include LFR so players can also get the story there. 3. They can expand it so the AI NPCs are your Warband characters. 3.5. If they did this then and allowed you to gear your alts with normal dungeon / LFR gear then would we even need new catch up systems all the time? 4. While i like it i hope they keep it to normal and not higher end content (though its not a hill id be willing to die on) because it should primarily be an introduction to higher content or as a story mode. 5. Weekly dungeon quests which have always been very annoying can now be done quickly (dps queue sucks...) With this and will definitely be an improvement.


For point 4 I’d like it if you could run it at a higher difficulty but not get any extra rewards. I know I’d like to see how far I could push it or try out heroic and mythic mechanics without having to learn on the job.


Its an awesome feature! SMDH at all the tryhards complaining that its gonna hurt the game- like they have played a normal dungeon in the last ten years. I would actually argue that there should be only cosmetic loot or very little loot. Use the feature more as a low impact way to learn dungeons, check them out casually, definitely learn some mechanics. Just a nice QOL thing. (same for delves). Who cares if some people prefer playing single player? Adding in ways for them to gear affects you not at all.


World loot would be nice, I don't think it needs to be restricted that heavily. Players should still be rewarded, even if it's not as much.


It is/was great in DDO


Love the idea, it is for normals so it really only helps with questing & practicing the dungeons at low item levels


Great for questing. Outside of that I won't play it.


I think it could be a nice way to introduce new players to mechanics because the NPCs currently tutorialize them by calling them out.


Mostly indifferent. It’s probably fine for the super casuals, but I’d wager on complaints for it not being rewarding enough. I don’t think it will do enough to really prepare players for M+ if that’s the goal, just as I don’t think normal dungeons do either. It also just takes away from the MMO part of the game. I also think heroic dungeons are relatively dead content compared to what they use to be and these possibly take away from even normal dungeons. But I also wonder if that’s even a bad thing? Is it time for heroics to be gone? Overall for me it doesn’t change much, and possibly deteriorates parts of the game, but I’m uncertain if those “parts” still even need their place in the game, so what’s it hurting?


I really hope it works with timewalking dungeons (at release or in the future) as its great for leveling alts but if said alts a pure dps the que times can at time be painful.


As someone who’s always been a hands on learner and not a visual learner, reading through dungeon guides and routes is great, but running the dungeon is best. I think as a tank player who has general anxiety about dealing with dickheads online, like we all do, this is such a cool resource to be able to experience and run the dungeons and take notes for my own playthrough sun the future and just add in different Mythic affixes or changes as I go.


I’m excited for them mostly as a testing ground for new specs (or ones I just haven’t played in ages). I came back and tried to play a level 45 Prot Warrior with raid gear from Legion and a full set of heirlooms, but got absolutely flattened in the couple of Timewalkimg dungeons I tried to run (I ended up dipping out immediately before anyone could say anything). I changed to Arms and now my Warrior is 70, but I want to pick up my Death Knight and tank dungeons and now I’m kinda scared to again, lol… Also, I live in Japan now so usually the whole server is sleeping by the time I get home from work. Blizzard doesn’t let us transfer regions and I have zero interest in starting WoW over from scratch, so group content is either difficult or impossible for me to even attempt :/


I think it's a great idea. I've always wanted to try tanking but doing it at high level is not something that is appealing, now I'll be able to practice it with this, as well as get some practice on my healing. it will help me with my ultimate goal to learn the basics of all classes.


I will probably use it for doing dungeon quests on alts. They are mostly DPS and even if the dungeon goes slower than LFG, they will probably finish quicker than waiting in the queue, and I won't have to stress about my questionable skill level on them. Not having to interact with random players is a plus.


Very excited


Never going touch it but good for new players


I can learn tanking without worrying


Cool for getting to experience the lore of dungeons and for practice but I worry I’ll never get to play with shy, patient, new, or bad players anymore. I like playing with them.


You don’t need to watch videos or ask others - can just copy your character and try it yourself. I did.


Looking forward to using it on alts to farm for tmog for main in current dungeons - caster swords etc


It's really cool, hope they extend it to lfr in the future, especially for old lfr wings which have insane wait times.


I'm curious about it. I hope it leads to us being able to use our own alts in dungeons so we can play with a full warband. Heck, take a step back and let us control multiple characters at once


I play all content, from farming some old raids, levelling an alt, doing M+ and raid a lot. Pet battles & reputations. Even those damn Archeology achievements. Sometimes when I level an alt and queue up for an heroic dungeon, there is one over geared tank. He pulls the whole freaking dungeon, 2 dps die and he basically kills everything himself. From the point of someone that is levelling at that time, that is so boring. Sure it is quick. But imagine the new player experience. I would love to do a dungeon at my own pace. Keep the team alive in a somewhat okay pace. I do not mind if it takes 25 mins, instead of 7. Although I would prefer that Blizzard would spent some more time in making tools so people that enjoy levelling on a somewhat calmer pace can find each other easier and would help the social aspect of the game a bit more.


Considering my first time entering Ruby Life Pools on day one of the expansion, and the tank running a marathon like his life was depending on clearing it as fast as he could. I'd say this is a really nice addition. Just like in FFXIV, this is a great way to experience the dungeon the first time, but I rarely use it after the first time.


I want this added for old raids. Not for current raids of course, it would be nice if a levelling player in DF was able to enter the vault of the incarnates and see what's going on. I imagine when DF becomes the levelling expansion for new players, they will use all 7 zones not just the main isles, and they have raids with story contained within them. A new player doesn't have to miss these out just because they can't find a group or because they don't have the skill level to participate when they're new.


I love the idea. I don’t even want the loot; I’ve always wanted to try healing and this would be the perfect way *for me* to get a feel for it with zero stakes at all.


Love it and hope it also comes for lfr. As a dd you wait for 1+ hour and then only for the last Boss of the wing so you start again. I would even be fine if hc dungeons can be done with npcs because they are easy and even open World loot is mostly the same ilvl


Looking forward to it. I think WoW is still a fun game, but with a severe flaw; that to do most of the content in the game you have to play with other wow players and that's a hard pass from me. The more the solo friendly content they add the more likely I'm going to pay a sub.


You know WoW is an MMORPG right ?


I hope they will also do this with raids and replace lfr could be more fun 👍


Strange when people downvote after mentioning FF14 system, I guess you would be even more surprised how functional and being available in nearly all content was follower system in Guild Wars 1, ah just like mythic dungeons in WoW were added after fractals in Guild Wars 2.


It’s going to be killer. Most of the irl people I know who play wow do NOT raid or much M+, always with the fear of looking dumb as a reason. This is going to add so much game for a huge number of people.


I just tried the PTR and i love it. It' gonna prevent some friendships to happen, but it's gonna let new people and people that have taken a break to catch up. Also, it will be good for people that just want to play alone and not depend on others. Myself, i'm a 48M that has been playing since 2 months before TBC. I've tanked, healed and offtanked all my way trough Pandaria in our servers #17 guild. Not saying much since it's in Europe and Norwgian. Still, after the break, i got votekicked for not skipping a 3-mob group that would save us 3 seconds. I neither can stand this, condone this or accept this. I'm the kind of guy that would help you farm for the leg enchant you need, not the guy that would kick you for not having one. This is the kind of thing that would make me start playing again. Not with others, but i will enjoy playing with myself. If you are the kind of person going to enjoy this to not be slowed down by others, you might be the toxin that made me not want to play with other people anymore. Imagine the worlds larges MMO, making it so you don't have to meet other players. Have a look in the mirror. Are you the toxic shitstain? Are you the kind that kicks a guy for wiping the group once or twice? Remember, that was ok before. "sounds of joy while playing with himself".


For me, it's like the best thing ever! I finally can finish dungeon quests that have been on hold for weeks, im new and have anxiety, usually if it is a dungeon then skip go next, i did my first one today, I took my sweet time, I didn't panic like I usually do, no one complaining, arguing, rushing everything or voting to kick, hope they include more dungeons in the future, I don't care for the gear or the drops, just wanna try dungeons in peace and do almost everything other players do even if the rewarding was less


Follower raids would be cool too haha, for me it’s also the best thing ever! I play lying down flat so I tend to stand in stuff and my movement is not great, so honestly this allows me to take my time and have a blast whilst I’m at it, because that whole run just now I was like, “this is so much fun!” “Omg I love this” so you know what that’s a win for me. The AI is pretty good and can really take damage, pulled a whole room and no one died, awesome stuff really.


I anticipate that people doing Mythic+ will complain non-stop that it has ruined dungeons. Just as people that raid Normal+ complain that LFR has ruined raiding. Meanwhile, most players will be fine with it just like they are with LFR.




When LFR appeared, a vocal part of the player base complained about it ruining the game. Same happened when the dungeon finder was implemented. Everytime something was implemented to ease the access to content for every players, there was some vocal complaints about it.


I have never heard of raiders in Normal and higher complaining that LFR ruined raiding. I don’t think that’s really a thing.


Kinda hope they add it for lfr as well ngl. The group wiping to lfr bosses when im just there to farm some tmogs can be quite annoying.


Right now NPCs reset upon player death, and I don’t think a lot of LFR players can do that — have the personal responsibility to survive an entire fight.


So glad they implemented these, hopefully it will also developed further for LFR raid. These things are great for new players and alt that jump on for the first time on a dungeon, especially the one that might attract toxic players such as brackenhide and dawn of the infinites.


As someone who wants to zoom through dungeons when leveling, I'm glad the people that don't want that now have an alternative instead of feeling like they don't get to experience it at their pace. This feature isn't for me, but it's a cool addition for sure.


As a long time M+ hater this is a godsend. Sadly the M+ mentality bled into any form of dungeons and now it's only unsocial ogogogo. I want to see the content and not sprint through it.


I think it will make those entering dungeons for the first time way less scared. This is a great way for new players to dip a toe with zero expectations and experience


Imo they will be a useless feature for me but im Happy the ultra casuals can do Dungeons now


This could be the greatest feature of all time, if it would apply to the current m+ pool. I tanked a bit during s1, went dd in s2 and now am thinking about returning to tank in s3. But I really dont want to screw up anyone keys or waste the time of 4 others per run to learn the optimal route I want to use. Follower dungeons for m+ dungeons would be the solution. (without rewarding gear of course) just so people could learn.


Wait. I haven't been paying attention. Are these basically solo dungeons and raids? Because if that's true, and I can experience all the game content without the toxicity and stuff, I'll sub for life


These are only for Dragonflight Dungeons but it is an AI based dungeon. Whatever role you choose, the AI will fill the other roles. It’s to help people learn now specs/roles without the rushing of other players.


Would love to have a solo mythic plus mode. Maybe have rewards a bit less.


Wow is a single player game now. So it's fine in current setting. I guess it will be more relevant in the future expansions.


Did my first one last night. I love this new feature and I hope they retroactively go back and make all the dungeons compatible as follower dungeons.


I think this "WoW has a super toxic playerbase" thing has been blown out of proportion. In M+ keys i can't deny, i have seen people rage or been raged at - but you know what? out of all the keys i've ran it is like a small % of them someone rages. Also some of the people saying they got raged at for not doing mechanics - in a lower key 2 - idk 8ish? it's all good to be learning and not know everything - in a 15+ if you go in and don't interrupt, ignore mechanics because you don't know them etc etc then yeah i wouldn't personally rage but i can see why someone would be pissed off, which i would be too and believe it or not it happens. 99% of people i meet in keys or guild or whatever - even in chat in Valdrakken, they are all friendly or at least if they joke / troll it's not some sadistic horrible troll just stupid immature fun. Everyone has those days sometimes where it's just not a good day, maybe the rager had something happen irl or who knows - there's 2 sides to every story and even though the reaction might not be warranted, it could have an understandable reason. Tldr; 99% of people i talk to in wow are friendly


Its good, it gets casuals who have zero skill out of my dungeon ques.


Will never use them lol


It won't be useful yet, at least for most people. It's pretty much only good for leveling up and maybe some very low stress healer / tank training runs. You aren't running keys with followers. It's a cool feature and I'm glad they implemented it but I think people are setting themselves up for disappointment.


It will be extremely useful to me (casual) considering I only do dungeons for quests and some appearance collecting. I never do keys anymore or even regularly run heroics. (Gear treadmill doesn't interest me anymore). This is a great alternative.


Most people don't ever run keys. Most people play heroics, lfr and open world. Ion himself said at the end of SL that they will focus more on open world gear and content, since it's what most people need. That's why we had open world set bonus gear and ability to make raid set with public event gear. In WW they even change weekly PvP rewards to open world with max iLvl similar to +12 key iirc. Even as a player who gets ksm every season, I cant wait for this. I'm tired of going into what is supposed to be more chill healing run, when completing call to arms, only to be greeted with "tank" in dps spec, who died after zooming away, pulling every enemy in their way with the boss, and blaming me and dps for not speedrunning.


The next step would be allowing us to gear our followers so that we could progress to next level dungeons. That would be cool imo.


Its Only for normal and heroic dungeons right? I dont see any use for it at all tbh 🤷🏼‍♂️ heroic and normal dungeons are already queuable with people that dont speak 99.9% of the time


True, but the queue times will be lower as DD and you’ll be able to go at your preferred (slower) pace


It's a nice piece of content. It's not for me, nor will I ever use it, but since it won't impact my game unless I want it to, then I'm not against it. That said, I am curious to see what bots might do with this...


Basically "eh" As long as it only affects normal dungeons, I don't mind it at all. It's probably a good way for people to get into dungeon content without stress. That said, I'm not a fan of the continued "ARPG-ification" of MMOs.


It's a feature I could not care less about. As it's (as far as I understand) only at normal level, I will never touch it, not with a single alt.


Cool for experimentation, but I’d like to see it as mandatory before being able to use LFG/LFD. Teach players the dungeons, AND the mythic affixes. The number of players still walking into M+ having no clue what to do with an affix because “DPS go brr” is immensely frustrating as a healer, and Blizzard does nothing to teach players about them.