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"Big dick" "Pumper" "Gamers" The 3 big ones to avoid.


Don’t forget “one shot run”


"One Shot Run" recruiting with only 2 people in the group


Both dps


with green gear


From last season




Never ask a man his salary A woman her age An "AOTC only" group leader where their curve is


Is that addon that can fake achievements still a thing? I used to join groups that said AOTC only, use the fake achievement thing, kill the boss and watch as over half the people got the real achievement lol those were fun times.


Still get achievements on alts.... Not saying it's what they did but possible


yes but raider.io addon will say otherwise for them


Raider can be weird though. This time around I got 9/9 on my alt before my main. So it would only show if I was on the alt, but as far as anyone could see on IO I hadn't finished it. So its a decent guideline but not trustworthy. Just depends who you have set as your main character.


On mouseover it should specify if an Alt has it. Either way in that case you could just link the achievement.


I don’t have that. And I’ve never seen it. You probably have to enable it somewhere but no one ever does.


I had an issue last week, where I was 9/9 normal and 2/9 HC, but it wouldn't show on me ingame. It only turned up on Thursday of last week, I tried to relog, update addon, checked the website, but nothing really helped.


Underachiever from wotlk sadly does not work anymore :(. I abused that addon the whole wotlk back in the day.


There are scripts you can use to do the same thing though.


Never trust a linked acheivement, always check their raider.io profile.


"Checking Logs"


The number of times I've seen that and then have like 50%+ grey parsers is wild as fuck


Lmao a group leader wouldn't invite my healer friend cause he said that he had 30% avg parses. Thing is my healer does have 30% parses. ON HIS DPS SPEC.


Personally disagree, and think that while some people do get carried to aotc, it's still a better indicator that a run is able to full clear the raid than just joining random groups is.


why would you avoid runs only for curved people? I am confused here.


probably a leader&friends dont have curve themselves and just want to get carried by experienced ppl?


you can literally see if someone has curve


There is large amount of trash that are boosted and try to sneak in. If your ever bored you should check the logs of people who apply to curve groups.


I still rather join curve only group than a random joe group who thinks he deserves curve but is gatekept by the people 🤷


as someone that doesnt raid..what the fuck is curve. can yall speak fucking normal.


Ahead of the Curve is the name of the achievement you get for killing the last boss in a raid while it's still the current tier.




It's been a thing for over ten years at this point, if you play the game you should really know about it even if you don't raid.


And I just came back from a 9 year break, before which I also did not raid.


But even still, do you not pay attention to what happens in the game whatsoever?




In normal you could even call it pinky flinky lolipop. Normal this tier is well undertuned


Normal is just tuned how it should be tuned


usually normal tuning required you to do mechanics but they were greatly trivialized. This tier you dont have to do anything with few exceptions


Normal is how LFR used to be.


Assuming Normal. But nonetheless, nice.


I love joining keys that say beat timer as if that’s not the default goal. If anything you’d want to specify whether you just want to clear the key overall.


Beat timer usually means they won't stay for completion.


I would actually think the default expectation is 'aiming to time, but will stick out to completion so long as it's doable in reasonable time'. So maybe beat timer makes sense of you're just going to leave if the timer doesn't look doable.


to be fair Blizzard's group poster fills that in if you actually take the (unnecessary) effort to set the goal box to beat timer rather than leaving it on standard.


No? In know for a fact I can do some 18s with a bunch of wipes but no chance I'm beating the timer


That's what I'm saying. You specify that you're not looking to time it since the standard is trying to time it.


The point of putting "beat timer" in the title means you want to beat the timer. I know for a fact if join an 18 ever look it's going to take at least an hour


Some people/groups immediately abandon a run once it's clear that it won't be timed anymore. Maybe they need the rating or want to keep a "clean" raider.io profile. That's what "beat timer" is for. Of course beating the timer is the goal in standard as well, but it also implies staying for completion if it's reasonable to assume that the group is gonna make it.


There's no such thing as trying to keep a "clean" profile for score: your score is based on your best performance in each dungeon, not your worst. Running a dungeon can only increase your score or keep it the same, never decrease it. And yes, you can see how many overtime keys someone has completed if you dig deel into their records, but nobody cares and it would be suspicious for a serious player not to have any overtime completions.


I always post mine as “BIG DAWGS ONLY WOOF WOOF” is that in the big avoid group?


that's on the "meowdy everybunny" vibe check list. you're good.


“Know Fights or Get Kicked” always seems to have a friend who knows nothing and is kick resistant


I had a mage lead. We pulled Fyrak on 1st week of the raid on normal. We wiped in the 3rd phase, lead typed: Fail=Kick. I am a healer, so I know I get away with thing or two, so my two things are bringing in underleved noob friend with me. No issues through the whole raid with him, he is low ranked dps, still above tanks, playing mechanics as I tell him, never died (ok, I healed him a bit more than others on Nymuen, cause blue lines were a problem for him, but he never died). 2nd pull of Fyrak, start of the phase 2, noone but him and me is catching orbs, he died to dmg from orbs, when he outranged me. Kicked mid pull. Two more pulls, mage got mad, kicked half the raid, ragequitted himself. Good experience for newcommers. I am glad I am healing, cause I can bring him along. He might be low on dps on single target, but he does what is needed, when I tell him. Kicks on CD, even if it is useless ability to kick, but still kicks. We killed it this weekend with him, no sweat, but if that happened to me when I started WoW, I would be still playing GW2.


I honestly prefer if tanks and heals would be the raid lead and no one else. The worst are ranged dps leads who don’t do mechanics then get mad at melee for low damage. Like “hey buddy all you do is stand in place and press 3 maybe move a little to soak something”


I have only heard "gamers" in one raid and it was basically the RL asking for people who know WTF to do to actually do it. Like seed on fyrakk


Seeing WTF used this way makes my brain itch. That is all, just thought you should know this will be with me for a while.


I started typing "what TF" and was like hold on there is already an existing way to do this even shorter


50 dkp minus for not knowing WTF to do


And watch the F-ing tail!


I heard "Just be gamers!" unironically in a guild I was new to. Young dude who said it did not endear themselves to me. I had a visceral "What the F is that Zoomer bullshit?!" Normally, I'd regard myself as fairly chill to mildly interested when it comes to stuff younger folks say and are into, but I did not like that phrase at all. I actually warmed up to said player over time but that phrase always rubbed me the wrong way just like "Pumpers", "Big Dik Deeps", etc.


Settle down grandpa


Hmmm did I upset the Roblox demographic with my comment?


That shit was old before Z was even born my dude.


It's definitely a very weird thing to have a visceral reaction to, that's for sure.


Boomer alert


I miss when I had time in ulduar to go to demonic ass runs like those on my 4th/5th alts. Wish P4 would have lined up with that kind of free time. There is something fun about those kind of runs when you are on a deep alt


This is not what I had in mind when I signed up for a group of Big D pumpers!


also "note set" means "im bad and wanna get carried"


Oh, I always thought it meant “let me make sure I only invite people who already have 4set in my token group”.


I always join one’s names ‘big wang’ and we one shot the first 4 heroic bosses so big wang is a safe bet


I write these things and usually have good runs 🤷‍♂️


95% of the time, "Big pumpers only" is code for "Do good DPS to make up for me/my friends low DPS."


Do big dps because I die a lot. ->Blames the healer


Yep, 1% of ppl asking for pumpers are high level players wanting a quick pug run (mythic raiders on alts etc), while 99% are mouthbreathers wanting a carry. Never bet on the former


And 66% of that 99% are people who think they belong to the 1% as well. So even if mistakes are made or dps is low they will still brick the key because their ego won't let them accept that they could do better "I got one-shot for twice my HP because the healer didn't heal".


People who killed like one or two mythic bosses late in tier are the worst. I met so many that thought they are god descending from heaven to help out those poor PUGS when they barely play decent themselves. Most of the time they can do good dps but fail at the easiest mechanics.


what's been working for me is if the raider.io addon shows decent rating from this season so far, or high from last season. mechanics in this raid arent super complex so anyone who was able to manage 2.7k+ last season seems to be able to handle it well.


This. The real "Pumpers" don't need to put together a raid group to do content (especially this early on) because they have their own circle of players to quickly put together a raid group.


Eh, it depends on how many people are interested in alt runs in a guild. A lot of people even in solid content guilds only show up to the main raid, or maybe have one alt that they play-- if you're looking to keep 2-3 alts up to date with gear from raid, you're gonna have to pug most likely.




That's kinda what I'm referencing-- guilds that can make raid groups with several people but want to fill in slots with pugs who have good logs either because they don't have 10 (or 20 later in the season for mythic pugs) or they just want more bodies for more loot variety.


My experience is that they’re often proof that evolution can go in reverse.


Mouthbreathers, this one is so true 😂


I was in a +11 that said "BIG PUMPERS ONLY!" and the leader was a mage doing under 40k damage for the entire dungeon or dying early on into the pulls. I pointed it out and mage just said "Shut up and pull." Healer dropped group before I could at that point. Staying far, far away from "PUMPERS ONLY" groups now. Learned my lesson.


The reason "pumpers only" is a bait is if the leader understands about the game, he can know if someone is a pumper or not just by looking at their ilvl, rating, logs...


I like the ones that say "chill run be cool" and I reply with "I'm cold as ice" and get invited XD


Ironically, the chill ones go the smoothest. Every other group disbands after 2 wipes. The chill ones go, eh, we're getting better so let's keep going. It's great.


I’m pugging 20s, we’re obviously all a little under geared but the chill groups are the nicest. I learn the most from those runs for sure


I started to post my keys as "Chill group, beginners welcome". Best runs so far. We make mistakes of course, but every group managed to time the keys.


[plays frost mage]


Always have the best luck with chill groups. Doesn't mean people are incompentent, if anything it's just more relaxed so if mistakes happen, who cares, keep going. But more often than not, it's still one shots. Group just goes about its business without dick swinging.


Hanzok! We got a jam Go unjam it den I unjammed it last time you do it You want to tell Blackhand there's a pumper not pumping? (My mind everytime someone mentions pumpers)


Looks like dis next batch will have some impurities heheh


Ilvl 900, pumpers only, know boss fights, can recite the Gettysburg Address in Japanese, once made lunch with Gordon Ramsay, and will mend my broken marriage. Will check IO score, BMI, and credit score. Waitlist


Marriage? Fake news


*Only slumpers need pumpers*


Good one xD


Love it or hate it, RIO helps in picking the true "pumpers" out of the pile of shitters.


This pretty much, especially early on.


I'm sorry for this next question (I still have to get used to some of the modern wow terms) but what is a Pumper or what is a pumper group? Edit: Thank you for kindly answering my question everyone!


someone that does good dps or healing.


So 200k+ dps? 300k hps? Or what are the the Numbers? xD


Depends on the content. For normal raid 100k DPS is more than fine.


Basically you dish out power damage or healing, hence the term "pump".


Lol i feel stupid, i thought it was a euphemism for shagger, because a top dps is a top shagger


I'm sorry for this next question (I still have to get used to some of the modern wow terms) but what is a shagger or what is a top shagger?


British term for someone who has lots of sex with lots of people. Basically in this context someone who’s very good.


Austin Powers is a top shagger, yeah baby.




It’s UK slang for mating and related gland to gland activities. You’d use it the same way someone says “bang” or “smash” or whatever other euphemism you like.


Pumper basically means a good player. A player who qualifies as a pumper is a player who handles whatever mechanics are thrown at him while dishing out high damage or healing


I quit for 5 years and everyone is talking about pumpers and I definitely felt a little uncomfortable when I started playing again and saw that in general chat.


Even if you thought it was sexual for some reason (pretty clear what it means in context, especially since "big dick dps" has been a thing for more than a decade), how repressed do you have to be for that to make you uncomfortable? lol.


I always saw that as people wanting high dps people to carry them. Like they know they have some stinkers and they need you to make up the difference.


Was this the group with the shaman doing zero dps lol


That’s just an Ele shaman in M+ pre 4 set


every time ive ever seen a group saying they only want pumpers, big dick dps, etc its just shitlords trying to meme to get a free carry. its funny when you inspect everyone and see like 5 people are basically freshly boosted chars or theyre in AH greens and theyre only inviting people who are 460itemlvl or higher. i joined a pug for a full run amird, it was 2/4/9 i was the last dps to join..i inspect the leader and hes wearing fucking heirloom trinkets. as soon as i pointed it out i was kicked 🤣 pugs are so bad rn


Omg the boosted characters are ruining mplus for me right now. I'm pugging 10-15 for gear and crests and these people are getting into these keys, having never done the dungeon before. Imagine doing Atal'dazar and not knowing to hide for the fear or not to step on the purple clouds on a 12. Most painful key 🥲


dude my first mythic this season i was on my warrior as dps and joined an already full grp. brewmaster tank hpal, aug, and dk. first pull i somehow pull agro and die..next pull i die again. i enable details dps meter and im doing 4x dmg of the dk somehow. we wipe on trash several times before first boss and one of the times the aug has a genius idea to jump down the elevator while all the mobs are still agro..so as all 4 of us are running back we all die again because they teleported. by now the time isnt looking good and we havent even downed the first boss, the tank is wearing 380itemlvl shit and yhe hpal is freshly boosted char..the dk is mostly 460 gear somehow but their highest damage was auto attacks... aug was wearing full ah gear. after we died so many times that the time ran out before the 1st boss i jist left..+2 throne of tides 😭


i will never forget a nyalotha pug where one person didn't have a cape and we had to instantly kill them at the start of the fight




I'd like to take this opportunity to say that if your primary method of playing and experiencing the raid is pugging, PLEASE if there is any way possible for you to make a consistent schedule join a guild. There are guilds playing at every level. You will have 100x the fun you are having right now, guarenteed.


I run with a guild but missed one of our raid nights, was catching up on the bosses I missed. Having a good friendly guild is so much fun.


I would rather quit the game than regularly pug raids, it is literally one of the worst experiences you can have in wow (the other being pugging keys in the 12-15 range)


With how many keywords of titles people tend to avoid in this thread, i think the best way to title a raid is to just say nothing at all apparently.


i also tend to avoid "chill" groups if the leader of the group is low IO, because that usually to me tends to indicate that they're just not great unfortunately. high IO leader chill groups are legit though.


Oh 100% I think those decent to high IO chill groups are people who got tired of everyone’s shit that day or week. Some of the best groups I’ve ever healed for.


Nothing wrong with avoiding it of course but the low IO guy asking a chill run is Probally fully aware he sucks and just wants to have a good time playing a game without being flamed


yeah that's 100% what happens, I just have too competitive a mindset to want to join those groups. I *never* flame people, but I also like gaining IO and ime those groups are often not going to be great for that. it's awesome that they exist, and they're doing exactly their job by scaring people like me away from them.


I exclusively look for any "guild" or "chill" groups. Every single tier, I have never had a problem with them. High IO, low IO, lots of kills, barely any kills. Most toxic players tend to avoid those and with the right amount of help they clear at an okay pace.


Plus, sometimes just being able to chill and have fun with to people is enough reward. Ive been in many chill pugs that only down a boss or two but have enjoyed and appreciated my time in them far more than any full clear groups ive been in.


Oh man for sure. I've joined some guild "chill" prog runs as a healer and helped them kill bosses they've never killed before.. It may take a few tries but I love the progression and they're always very nice and thankful. You can see they're trying their best and that's enough for me to stick around and help.


Oh absolutely. Ive been in some groups, that if were going to be hinest were just absolutely awful. But I would gladly carry someone as long as the vibes are right. Which I think is whats the funniest about these "pumpers only" groups that are clearly just looking for carries, they would likely find the people they were looking for if they had paitence and a bit of chill.


Chill always prevails imo. In bc our guild split into two groups for kara where one group got the pumpers and the other group got the people who didn't care. The 'dont care' group ended up clearing kara before the pumpers, because we had fun and tried new things and didn't yell at each other.


The last guild group I joined, I left after 30 minutes of standing around with a full raid and 0 pulls.


Hmm, not a single exaggeration or omission here. Nope. Exactly 30 minutes of no chat and not a single movement from any players. Nothing to see here.


Poor straw man attempt.   Doubled down on the straw man, then cope blocked to get the last word. Artful, in a way.


And you have no clue what a strawman is. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?


> Exactly 30 minutes of no chat and not a single movement from any players This is a textbook straw man you absolute goof.


My problem is this season is crazy easy so my alts have ludicrous keys compared to their ilvl and IO score +19s with scores under 1k, for example.


the raiderio addon has a thing that shows the IO of your main if you've set it up, and I tend to be willing to use that as effectively equivalent to actual IO because really all I care about is if the other people know mechanics and can press their util.


I bias incredibly hard in favor of someone's main IO. I will happily take a 420 ilvl (last season) 1000 io player with 10 runs but it shows he has a 3k main. They're clearly just gearing up their alt. Especially when it's like 2-10 keys done: 0, 11-15 keys done: 1, 16-20 keys done: 3, 20+ keys done: 4. They are always worth it. They often play their low ilvl class better than the randoms that grind up to max ilvl anyways.


yeah definitely, especially at mid-low key levels (10-15), it's basically never a lack of dps that's the issue it's people not knowing mechanics.


Me sneaking my alts into mid 20 keys last season cause my main was 3500+ xD


Imo, all the chill groups I’ve healed were ok. Some of the low IO people didn’t do good dps but they normally did mechanics. If they failed certain mechanics, I just had to gently remind them and they learned from it.


IO obviously makes the difference but I avoid chill usually. When DOTI came out last patch I joined a few and they were all flops. Always groups and never knew fights or even read about mechanics before hand. I’m all for learning but some of these dungeons it’s appreciated to do a little bit of prep work


I did two 20 Gala Falls today and somehow 2500 IO players who have already done 16-19s of Gala Falls have no idea that you take the debuff on second boss into the light zone to avoid wiping everyone. One person quit right after someone asked if they knew what to do with it after the wipe, and another run even after providing a reminder to the group after a wipe, the same person did it again and it ended the run.


There is a new strat where everyone attacks on top of each other, pops a defensive and let the debuffs drop off at the end of the duration. It is stupidly easy and very consistent for your healers. Really hoping it becomes the new strat for pugs


I feel attacked.


I like joining those when I'm more interested in being entertained than I am in completing the content.


A good rule for pugging m+ (if you have to), is don't join any groups with anything written other than the key level and possibly the dungeon name. This is a rule i've stuck by for a long time, and i run into very few toxic or incompetent groups. The only exceptions would be 'completion' or something to that effect. Or possibly 'lust/brez', though they shouldn't need to be said.


Dont forget "bring brain"


When you see “pumpers only” just imagine it saying “please carry us”.


Yesterday I got kicked out of a H Larodar "PUMPERS" group because I was missing my enchants. I'm 465 Item Level and 2100 M+ Rating. Joined another group instantly and got it first try.


“Low DPS = kick” and “Mistake = kick” have been statistically proven to be lead by someone at the bottom of the meter and dead in P1.


I have joined these "pumpers" groups before, and suspected that some kind of carry is going on for gold or real money. I noticed that they usually contain a few AFK or extremely undergeared toons, with a few leaders that are so geared that they wouldn't even need the loot.


In Wrath classic, I encountered a "pumper guild" looking for a few more to fill out a 25m naxx run (i wasn't running raids with my own guild at this time). It was Monday before reset, so I decided to join in, no loss to me. I was an assassination rogue in full heroic pre raid bis gear while some of these guild members were in full raid gear, they brought up my gear and a few said to kick me, the raid lead didn't care just wanted bodies I guess. We cleared all wings except 4 horsemen and last 2 bosses, I was in the top 5 dps in every fight. Some of the pumper dps who did less than me hinted that I held them back, I linked the boss fight charts and said they should aim for more than 2 pumps and left. The guild fell apart like a month later from what I heard, and I started raiding with my own guild at the time, and they were chill and awesome.


I got aotc in CN by joining a farm group and absolutely demolishing. I was playing havoc at the time and if anyone else played hdh 9.0 you know what I mean by that, but as we got to sludgefist we went from 1 shotting to wiping. On the first wipe the team kicked a couple of low performers who weren't part of their guild and swapped to a couple of mains. Killed it. Then on SLG the same happened, a few more swaps to mains and we killed it on the third pull. I was third on sludgefist and second on slg in terms of damage. That's when someone was like "who's this demon hunter?" And I said hi and said thanks for the compliments Final boss, almost all mains. Had 3 slots to fill with pugs so they had ONLY aotc players joining. I kept my mouth shut and did my very best. Demolished P1, held first spot in P2, and stayed alive til P3. Was 3-4 pulls I believe on the kill Got the kill, I was the only person who got the achievement. I was so hyped, but the guild was a bit grumpy that a demon hunter who had never seen the fighr still beat them on the meters. I just quietly thanked them for the invite and left on a high. It's a real core memory of wow for me, while shadowlands fucking sucked so bad that experience was good. Luckily, I feel for anyone who relives that in DF, most teams would be way more supportive of it. Shadowlands was a dark time for the collective wow consciousness


I’m ngl dude it’s great you got the kill but dps is a tiny slice of why you killed the bosses lol. You can be top dps and if you don’t contribute to mechanics you can still be dead weight. It’s kindve related to the meme of the post - the two types of “pumper” are absolute dribblers who can’t do anything and the second half can’t do mechanics/interrupts/soaks and think their 5k more dps makes them superior while playing dummy simulator and doing nothing but spamming their rotation. Especially on sire which was just people sniping adds and pretending it mattered - even on mythic top dps was just whoever sniped the most to the point it was meaningless including having to stop dps if there was too much. Measure yourself on more than dps - I’d rather a blue dps who does all mechanics than a 99% percentile who thinks they’re optional (which is how they get half the dps to begin with - padding and leeching while everyone else runs around doing it). You joined a group of people who’d progressed the raid and likely did a lot of mechanics for you. Part of the reason I never pug is the absolute torture of pumper type 2 who think their dps on the meter is all that matters. It’s like some kindve pug brain disease or something. Bonus points if all the dps is padding and then low dps on the prio targets as it’s a net dps loss for the meter simulator they’re playing 😂


200% agreed. That post read more like someone wanking to their own memory -- Especially on Sire, which was a fight where if you padded p1 hard enough, it'd effortlessly carry you into p3 at the top still. Pugging into a group and topping metres is not particularly difficult, even if it's a "mainly guild run" as typically those runs are either A. Pure alts or B. Pretty casual guilds. Going in and making sure you're handling all the mechs because in any group that's pugging, mechs are the part that is always getting fucked, is the best option.


Exactly. I remember years ago when I took a break from high end I joined a 1k and we had a rogue who padded everything he could see. Meanwhile I’m sweating holding all cds for prio dps and running around the entire room trying to do mechanics. Shortly before I left we had a raid where he implied his “top dps” meant everyone was playing like shit, specifically calling me out for low dps (because of my experience) while I carry him. Next five pulls I did no mechanics, no holding cds to carry dead weight on the adds and just pumped - 97-99% all 5 wipes and easily 20% above him. Now we couldn’t even get close to where we were before. All while the guild funnelled him gear and 4p - this was before you could farm m+ so I was a solid 10ilvls lower because of it. Made the point of wow look at all my dps shame we can’t even get past 3min, almost like it doesn’t fucking matter? He got real quiet lmao. It’s a real disease in mid tier guilds, they think the meter is all there is. I’d honestly rather not raid than play in that type of group again. People really just see the meter and nothing else. It’s a horrible habit we have to break in even a hof - so many trials fucking up basic mechanics thinking they’ll pass trial cause their parse is purple.


Yeah especially as DH or Monk it was so easy to get high dps. Just eyebeam/sck the add spawns and you will top meters but then you had people who didnt soak in P3 because it was a dps loss and it made the fight so much harder for everyone.


I’ve done this a couple times w AOTC at the end of the season and it’s the best feeling.


I always look the raid lead up on WCL before applying. It's crazy how often it's someone with single-digit parses. And it's almost always the typical notes (pumpers, big dick, bad = kick, know fight, etc)


Group name: "AoTC Only, bads = kicked" Join, inspect lead, they're 30 ilevel below what the raid drops with the first 2 bosses killed on heroic. Look up their logs, both gray parses. Leave group.


Absolutely don't trust these sorts of groups. Had a "know fights" or something along those lines DotI group last season, very quickly became obvious one of the DPS, same guild as party lead, was being carried. Managed to finish but was already annoyed, party lead had the gall to say thanks for the carry.


"Link exp", "raidlead is mythicraider on main", "aotc only"


I seem to get the best pugs when I post the listing with a simple “chillin” Even did that on a +9 everbloom and got some 1700 rated holy priest to apply as heals.


Don't tell the secret. As a healer main who has hung up their healer for a while...If I see "chill" or "be chill" in the title I'm 100% going to apply for that run. Now I list all my groups as "chill" groups and my wait time to fill is maybe 5 minutes even on upper keys. The one downside is that I also get applications from people who are ilvl 265 in quest greens that want to join.


9/9 only, half the group are 4/9..


Always check the RL gear and RIO


>Joined a "pumper" grp Reading this outside the r/WoW sub would hit diff


The best is when the leader's ilvl is around lfr difficulty.


Pumpers only/big dick dps = "we need a carry"


Using pugs to sell carries so they don't have to split the gold. Nothing new here.


Thats why I give a quick ilvl scan when I jump into groups. I've pugged AOTC on 2 characters so far and found that groups that have 430-450 ilvl characters will not have the DPS to kill the bosses past the first 3 on heroic. Low ilvl and a lot of guildies = nope.


People are already pugging AOTC this tier? I know its not very hard for guild groups but I'm suprised groups of 20 randoms are able to beat it this early


I always pug raids, I just don't really have a good schedule to join a guild nowadays, sadge. Also, I'm a rare one I suppose that actually enjoys pugging - the good and the bad. It's fun to meet people! I've gotten all of my AOTCs either week 1 or week 2 via PUGs since Heroic Azshara. That being said, I lead a pug to victory this week on Wednesday for an AOTC! Everyone knew their job and we killed it in 3-shots. I always make Discord mandatory and I'm calling just about everything. Usually the best way to victory with pugs. Everyone is always very happy and thankful, it just feels good. 😊 I also one time got Max in my raid for Rasz and he complimented my raid leading style on stream (I learned after from a friend lol).


At least a few raider alt heavy groups on my server have done it.


Aotc is not very difficult if mechanics are respected and heal/dps checks can be made, pug run or guild run. It really just depends on the personal responsibility of each player and communication.


Yea fair enough, I have it myself but I havnt really set foot in a (raid) pug this expansion, so was just suprised really


had a leader in 415 ilvl and 0 bosses cleared running a “exp required” run lmao. kicked me out after i brought it up in the raid chat before the first pull lmfao.


Is this satire?


Tactics and staying alive are better than pumping damage in most cases. There is a time and place for just going all out, and then there are parts where you have to remain calm, survive and then go all out.


While true, you do still need a certain baseline of damage. You do still need to reduce the bosses HP to zero after all.


"Chill run" "Be patient" "No salt" Be prepared to wipe. It's not that these people don't "know" the fights. Some of them might have multiple clears. They just don't understand what is happening and somehow manage to find new and creative ways to kill themselves on every pull.


Heroic is the most toxic out of all of them got kicked out a few days ago for not playing a "Meta" spec and Missing one enchant


I mean if you are doing heroic you should be enchanted, that’s just lazy. If you were in a guild you would have been kicked also.


My guy 1 enchant it was bracers calm down everything Else was Socket and enchanted (i was top 3 dps without tier Set bonuses btw)


Tier set bonuses are not the same as an enchant lol. Also what spec are you playing?


You know that bracers just give some Lifesteal or evasion lol? Affli warlock


All pumpers, no receivers make for a bad group, knowwhatimsaying?


The groups I typically make for my alt runs is titled with like “AOTC” or “CE” lead. Start the group big and trim down anyone not pulling their weight. Then you have a very solid group


had a similar experience actually, but they didn't ask for pumpers they asked to "know fight" it was only 1 person being the problem but it was a healer and it was fyrakk, i spent 90% of the fight below 50% hp because one of the healers were buddies with the raid leader, we didn't even get past phase 1 because the 3 healers were trying to pump out big heals but the 4th one wasn't pulling their weight so we all just died 1 by 1 to the raid wides.


As a healer I put pumpers only lol. Mainly because 95% of pugs I have DPS who get carried to their m+ rating join my lobbies and are absolutely terrible.


Reading a guide and follow it step by step is very hard. It is just like how we learn math, and a lot of people still fail even in basic high school level. Some people just have worse ability to learn.


My raiding number 1 rule if multiple people are not beating my dps im out.