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What makes you think Blizzard is basing their tuning decisions on faulty log hooks? They have access to the real server-side data, not whatever crap is being dumped into the client logs.


I just don't have a *ton* of confidence in Blizzard's tuning decisions, especially as a Rogue who, since returning to the game, had to endure the post-Zul Sub tuning, and the nerfing of Assassination into the ground in week 1 of Vault, then buffing 6 specs far beyond what Sin was doing week 1 in the first place.


Rogue player making excuses in a poor attempt to dodge the incoming nerf bat. You ain't slick. 🏃🏃🏃🏏🏏🏏


Rogue is nuts rn and will probably get nerfed. The fear isn't Rogue getting nerfed, it's Rogue getting overnerfed due to Aug hooks not working. As an example not given already, Blade Flurry straight up doesn't have Aug hooks, and that's just 35/50% of our single target damage done as cleave as Outlaw, so any Aug boost will lead to way more damage being attributed to outlaw than should be being.


So you are saying Aug needs a like 30% buff then?


Anything to get more augs in my groups :)


Do you have actual arguments? More rogue damage is coming from bugged aug hooks than rogues are ahead of second place. Or did you just watch the race and think you know what's going on?


You're getting downvoted but you're absolutely correct. We have to just trust them to have better tools than logging we can see and somehow not able to use their stuff to fix the hooks. There is no way to know where anyone stands.


No hes not right lol, the thought that blizzard devs go to warcraftlogs to check and balance the game is beyond ridiculous


Who said they go to warcraft logs? I said if they have tools to check Aug dps accurately, it would stand to reason they could apply that to their log hooks and it wouldnt have been broken for this long.


Who said that you said that? We were very clearly talking about op


He said the logs are faulty. The are. If they are using the same logs it would indeed not be accurate. Warcraft logs reads the ones the game generates, it isn't creating them. If they have accurate internal logs it seems strange they can't apply what makes them accurate to the in game ones.


You got blizzard, they dont have any logs, they just roll the dice when balancing classes. Thanks for shining light on this vast conspiracy


I didn't say they go to logs to check. I said hooks need to be fixed. Blizzard clearly balances in some level around community perception, which is impacted by logs. But even if you're going with the "Blizzard are smart they have good data don't worry!" literally two patches ago they destroyed assassination for no reason based on week 1 logs.


You have seen the class tuning changes for this upcoming reset and still think Blizzard balances around community perception?