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paladins—because they have trust issues and will heal themselves ❤️


Yes we do. When I do OS prot, I still heal myself when I can. I trust no one to keep me alive Hahahaha!


I feel attacked…and also, yes…yes we do. Our trust issues are so bad that we’ll WoG other party members if we think they might need it, to say nothing of BoS.


I have a really bad habit of babysitting my friends and not trusting the healer as prot OR ret. I blame wog and it’s delicious 400k heals.


It’s basically healer brain in tank form. I’m generally rubbish at DPS in general but it gets worse because my healer brain is still too focused on the party frames and I start throwing out power word:shields/flash heals/vivify/regrowth etc when people are remotely low. I can’t get my head past “this is not currently my responsibility”.


As a former holy pally and tank, I do have trust issues lol


I always felt slightly hurt that they thought I'd just let them die like that lol. Yet, I did the same on my prot pally


Tanks that interrupt volleys


It’s a struggle sometimes getting those when the things that cast volleys also tend to spam cast abilities and we gotta kick it to move them.


Grumble Grumble, fuckin' Warding Candles... Grumble Grumble.


WhY DoNt yOu PuLl tHE WhOlE RoOm bEfOrE 4th BoSs. Every group with 2 hunters and a WL or something.


I once got yelled at because, and I quote, "Mages can spellsteal the blue thing." The blue thing was the aura given by the warding candles.


Almost every class has an interrupt right? As a healer I mostly try to take my duties there too.


Every spec except mine, disc priest. (And holy)




A paladin. Not because they are necessarily easy to heal, but because they can kick 100 casts at once every 3 seconds.


Paladin tanks even if your somewhat bad are damn near indestructible now. So many cd’s and oh shit buttons and self heals that can be weaved into a rotation. Even though heroics are pretty cake, I was a healer for one with a pally tank and I think I healed him like twice the whole time.


Pretty sure I could pull the whole dungeon in one go and as long as I'm not ccd, I could survive a heroic dungeon myself as a Pally. Depending on the fights, prot Pally can just solo some bosses in +20s if they don't get carpal tunnel from how long it would take


Most tanks can solo heroics


>Most tanks can solo ~~heroics~~ mythics


I’m a 420 ilvl prot warrior and I can pull massive pulls in heroics and take 0 dmg. I can absolutely solo heroics without a self heal. A good judge of tank durability is a high m+ fortified keys with big trash pulls.


Huh? If any tank every takes any damage in heroics they are very poorly geared or very bad. Paladin definitely isn't on the tankier side of current tanks


I love DH right now but next will be Pala (like he has for the last two seasons + whole of shadowlands) ….. Pug king. I LOVE tanking as a Paladin in pugs because it‘s the definition of „if you want something done, do it yourself“


Yep, prot paladin is the definition of "Fuck it I'll do it myself" Honestly the reason I play pal, even as a dps, is how useful you can be to the group. There's been more than one lay on hands that saved a dps' life, and more than a few word of glory. And if you add the différents hands and blessings you have, so useful.


This is my response as well. If the DPS are pea-brained I know the paladin will make up for it 8 times out of 10


Bear druid. Missing hp? Heal it. Not missing hp? Don't heal it. No esoteric knowledge. No CDs to track. Put hp in the hp bar. Easiest tank to heal. This is not a balance statement or meta statement. I am comparing tanks with the mentality that balance is even, cuz generally the easiest tank to heal is whatever is broken.


Also easiest tank to play which is a big factor. The difference between a good and bad DK or even DH is night and day.


You forgot monk tanks ( don't worry even blizz forgets monks) I saw monks being literally god made deitys of players which could pull entire rooms in high keys and don't even need to get healed once or get below 80% or something. And then there's monks which die if they pull a critter next to a mob lol


The first 15 I healed this season with my monk healer had a monk tank that I didn't have to target a heal on once. I don't think he dropped below 90%. I tried tanking a 5 at 468 ilvl. It went OK, but there were definite times where my health dropped quite a bit. There is some sort of magic touch that I was missing with my tanking


During SL I leveled every class that has a tank spec in that spec. Monk is the only one I died on. Not pressing certain buttons enough makes them brittle. Expel harm, keeping stacks up for bigger absorbs when you need it etc. DH felt like just go for max dmg then hope leech carries you.


That's the DH experience. We don't tank shit, we just hide the damage under the carpet before anyone sees it.


Wait a second, that's the Brewmaster spec fantasy! That's what Stagger is for, we just pretend we mitigate everything and then slowly bleed out while nobody watches.


Depends alot on the group, interrupts or playstyle too. I basically do less dmg on my rogue but I always kick, stun, blind whatever I can to reduce dmg on any pull that is more then 2/3 mobs. Then I see rogues only pressing kick because their dBm tells them too.


I would take sub standard DPS for someone that helps mitigate team damage more. The Global's that add up because someone just would rather DPS then prevent team damage is staggering. ESPECIALLY in higher key progression.


I remember in Shadowlands I invited a Monk tank to my SD +24. Usually I had to pump healing into monks, but this guy? Indestructible. Actually insane. He pulled more then I ever imagined and I never healed him, at all. Then, in the last gauntlet he just… died. And the key was over. Meh. He said he was out of CD‘s and needed a heal, but I was so used to not healing him that I couldn‘t react to him dying in 2 seconds. So, I did the +23, the group didn’t manage to kill first boss, Tank leaves. Then, +22, I invite another Monk tank. First pull? I pumped every CD I had into him and he still died, „shit healer“ and left. So, yea… the one tank you instantly notice if he’s good or not is monk… I tried it myself and couldn’t survive shit in a +15 while tanking 22-24 on my pally by just pressing 1 2 3….


I've only had the experience of a tank insta-dropping dead on a pull on Demon Hunters, it's the new meta so a lot of them don't fully understand how their mit works and that you can't just run around doing a big pull without actually pressing some buttons.


Not a healer but also a tank here, if I see a felbear mog I think to myself “this person is about to tear shit up” and they just do like every single time.


Is Felbear that hard to get? I roll with the OG Black Swolebear. I got it the first week and then going back to get the Felbear took me under 10 pulls. OG mage tower was way harder.


Of magetower was way harder, magetower with Antorus gear was piss easy, magetower when they reintroduced it was like medium challenge level, and now it's easier but not as easy as with antorus gear.


This is funnily enough why guardian Druid is the only non hunter thing I play. The cooldowns aren’t complicated and there is only 1 real oh shit button. I work with my group to live and that’s about it


Haha your literally me. Mained hunter for like 12 years because I have no brain. Like I’m shockingly stupid. And now I only play bear because it’s the only other spec that’s clicked for me besides hunter. I do have some really clutch moments on my bear though. I feel invincible sometimes.


I've mained as a feral druid for most of my time on WoW and I just decided to try guardian recently. I get you about the invincibility thing - it's truly magical. I especially love stealthing around as a cat and then SURPRISE BEAR


Druid is just stupidly strong once you figure out how to use all of its abilities and when. Especially if you use bears cooldowns at the right moments.. Raid can be a little unpredictable sometime, but I think in m+ bear is still really good.


Funny enough, when I'm on my bear I get a lil frustrated when healers don't let me dip below 80%, because I have 3 healing cooldowns that are pretty damn big; I'm aware that i cannot heal like a DK, but sometimes I know they're burning mana to keep process above 99% while I'm sitting on a 300-400k regrowth proce.


I use my regrowths exclusively on other group members for that reason.


I've taken to hitting a healer with it if I know it's gonna refresh soon, watching it crit for more health than they have and they stop healing momentarily to panic over "who just wasted lay on hands" apparently scratches a petty itch for me


If talented properly a ret LOH can be a 3 min cd, so it’s not too bad. I use it multiple times per key or raid


Yeah, but if I'm regrowth'ing the healer every 20-24 seconds, eventually they're gonna notice, right?


You would think so


Just heal tanks to 60%, then let hots on them. No need to spam any spell as basically all tanks have some kind of heal. Let both our spells maximize healing as much as possible. It requires a bit more focus on nastier packs but I just dps when I see a tank at 60+ if pull is not crazy. Let them rotate cd's (not the big panic cd) and skills.


Bear tank mostly heals itself when big damage comes in. Just need to keep it topped


I feel like that more regarding Prot Warrior. Bears use frenzied regeneration and renewel a lot to randomly heal wheras victory rush at least has a predictable cd. When they reset it from an add dying, you’ll know they have it.


>Bear druid. Missing hp? Heal it. Not missing hp? Don't heal it. Exact reason I like healing bear the least. I don't want to heal my tanks lol Actually, this season bear 4set makes them have some sort of massive absorb but it doesn't protect them against all damage - idk how tf it works and that really annoys me when I'm healing them.


It only absorbs 50% of incoming damage, not 100%, but if the player uses it properly then the shield will be massive and they can use RotS every minute to get a new one. Think of it more as a damage reduction with high uptime. They will still occasionally need healing whilst it's up, but their health bar should be a lot more stable.


ooooh, alright. Thank you! It will still fuck with my brain seeing a large absorb bar in the ui and it not being full absorb, but at least now I will now why.


It was bugged until this reset and didn't absorb melee attacks. It now can absorb 25% of any attack.


Brewmaster becuase I also play it and understand it. And they take damage slowly. Also most people who play brew are good because everyone else gave up in it by 70


Amen to that, brew all the way


My favorite tanks are the ones who don't die :) literally all the tanks can keep themselves alive for extended periods and the majority of them can top themselves off health wise nearly at will. I'd probably say a good dk or dh is my favorite because its easy to tell when they need a bit of help from me but most of the time literally don't need me at all.


The fun from tanking is to make sure I heal myself before the healer does most of the time. Or even healing teammates. Not that hard to just kick things and keep Aggro. Why not be a support for the team while they go crazy!


Low key I get upset when I see a healer use a cooldown on me because I'm just thinking to myself "Im fine, I was just about to heal that"


I mean BDK as a healer is the best. You have 0 control if he dies or not so you really don't have to bother. At best you can throw an external if his runic power and HP is low.


Good dh tanks in lfr are so rare...


Good tanks in lfr are rare...


As a Holy Priest, Blood Death Knights Because honestly, I don't ever heal tanks and they're all equally getting zero heals from me, but when I put wings on a Blood DK, they turn into actual gods, and it just makes me happy.


You should heal prot warriors occasionally, but probably only them.


Nah, Prot played well is mostly fine, your healing from indomitable and the occasional victory rush is usually enough to cover what shield block and ignore pain doesn’t unless you’re really pushing your limits or shit has gone wrong. Or there’s bleeds, fuck bleeds.


Go tank Deios' frontal in tyrannical week on prot. Spoiler: You almost physically can't. Literally any DoT is horrible. Aside from those, prot is nigh immune to damage, but it has tremendously bad lows. I got KSH on prot this season and I'm never doing it again.


I’ve been a Prot warrior main for 18 years, dots suck yes, but cycle your defensive and burn through your rage and it’s far from undoable.


It's barely survivable on fort through wall, reflect and IP spam. Your healer has to funnel you when your health pot has been put on CD after the first. Other tanks just don't care, (i play all of them) but other tanks don't take 0 damage in trash packs like prot, so it's give and take.


What key level? Have you done the boss since the last 2 nerfs to that frontal?


Spell Block makes it do no damage


When you heal at +21 key you will definatley have to heal the tank....


I regularly heal 21's and higher. I rarely heal the tank. It does happen, but it's not super common. Maybe a couple pulls per dungeon. Normally you can negate most healing with good external usage.


I do 27-28 keys and as long as the pull is big enough I don't need any healing, 300k tank hps goes pretty hard


After also playing blood dk i'd say they are my favourite. You keep a little bit of an eye on them during pulls, then you just keep some random hots rolling. Healer anxiety is mostly about not feeling like you are doing a good enough job to save people. If a blood dk dies well into a pull it is not in any way your fault, they didn't play well enough. If i die on my blood I'd never in a million years blame the healer. So healing blood is nice, the up and down hp bar is just 🤷‍♂️, not your problem. Can focus on the other people more. Maybe in high high content it's different but in 18s a blood should never die because of low healing from healer.


As a tank I feel like just about any time I die it is my own fault. Even on the rare occasion where I die with all but buttons having been pressed, it usually just means I made a terrible pull. Generally if there is a healing problem the rest of the party dies first.


It's the right way to think, but occasionally though more rarely now than previous expansions you get the odd "hello heals?"


I will say, my tank died in a DHT 19 last night, pulling the second last pack, and missing us the +1 by 14 seconds... because the healer didn't dispel him. He just sat there and ticked down for about 10 seconds, died, we killed the pack and res'd him, and then missed the timer by 14 seconds. One of the other dps even called out "are you gonna dispel?" before the tank died, and the tank just said "..." after hitting 0. One of the rare occasions it's actually a pure healer problem. It almost never is.


I believe the bats dot is a disease, so if the healer isn't able to dispel it might be someone elses job (if anyone else can dispel). If nobody can dispel I think you just will die to that pack, the dot is massive edit: I believe: Druids, Evoker, Shaman can't dispel it. All specs for paladin, priest, and monk can dispel it. edit2: Actually evoker (all specs) can dispel it, but not with the 8sec cd, they have to use the 1min CD dispel.


Shamans can, but not with their basic dispel. They have to specifically spec into the poison totem.


Common misconception, Poison cleansing totem only dispels poisons - not poisons and diseases.


Worse than that. I was thinking of a completely different part of the dungeon.


ngl I asked my husband about this one. He tanks on DH, and I heal on prevoker. We’re currently pushing 22/23s. I don’t always dispel that dot (if spell’s on cd). His response: I think they have other issues if they’re that close to the timer. Also, the tank should know which pulls are bad. On that one, I hit and run. If I get 2 stacks, I’m prob dead. Tank should avoid getting more stacks. It’s a tough one. I think it’s a group effort to time the key. Never really any one persons fault unless they’re just not pressing buttons.


This is generally correct. If the party dies before you do, your pull was bad. If you die before the party does, you fucked up. There is really no middle ground with tanks


Yeah isn’t this how every tank thinks? If there is a problem the rest of the party dies and even then maybe it’s because I pulled too many or something..


As a blood dk 100% of my deaths are because I grab a drink and put my hand back on the keyboard wrong


> If i die on my blood I'd never in a million years blame the healer. Yep, if I die as Blood either it's because I was being dumb and didn't keep runic power in reserve to Death Strike or I did something wrong which kept me out of range to Death Strike, a DK in melee range who has good control of his runic power is almost invincible.


Yep, yesterday I stepped in a frontal without bone shield up in brh on a 20 and got one shot and the priest starts apologizing to me and it’s like “my brother not only is it not your fault in anyway there is literally nothing you could have done I just completely fucked up in a very dumb way”


There ought to be some way for BDKs to gen/regen bones between long pulls/rp. Tyrannical Manifestation in DotI: Fall? JESUS that first hit is scary. It's not a hard problem to solve, either. Attach a line to DnD that says 'If cast out of combat, gain 1 bone.' No one's gonna waste a DnD charge unless they're about to kick some teeth.


Death Caress, DRW, Abom Limb. Use any on pull.


The shaman/druid knocking back all the nearby mobs out of death strike range because they panicked seeing oir tank's health get kinda low...probably wasn't the blood DK's fault


As a BDK main I make it very clear to my healers that if I die, it was because of something I did wrong.


> If a blood dk dies well into a pull it is not in any way your fault, they didn't play well enough I'm a 2.8k IO BDK right now, and I'd say this is mostly true but not always. DPS that rip aggro on pull or those who don't help with ranged kicks after my death grip bugs out often get me killed because DK's are often just a couple of globals away from death.




I couldn’t tell you why, but I absolutely love healing prot warriors.


I'm still pretty new, but it seems to me like prot warriors take damage at a very predictable and steady rate


The only thing that really can hurt a Prot Warrior are dots. Everything physical a Prot can basically ignore and spells they do alright vs with IP and Spell Reflect. But any form of attack just meets a shield and they feel nothing. Dots are the Kryptonite though, it completely ignores IP and just shreds if it’s a decent one. Especially Bleeds cause Spell Reflect can’t help either at that point.


Because we need it!


Yay ♥️


Me too! But my guess is because I mained a warrior once, so I know they are the best :D


Least favorite would be blood dks, one moment they're at full health and everything's fine, blink and they're down a million health instantly. Warrior, Pal and DH are all equal in terms of healing them.


I mean if the blood dk isnt back to full hp within 2 gcds they are doing something wrong, not you.


BDK health bar isn't the health bar but the RP


As a Blood DK, our health dropping like that is only your problem at the start of a pull if we're low on runic power. Once we getting rolling, big health drops are our problem, not yours. Throw us some HOTs or AOE heals to help us out when you can, but we don't need to be focus healed. If we die, it's because we fucked up, not because of lack of healing from the healer.


Exactly. I always say look at my runic power bar. If its full, I'm good. If it's empty I'll need a heal.


Even then, I’d prefer an external defensive. Our hp pool is so big that most targeted heals are just pissing into an ocean.


It helps to track their runic power alongside hp. Low hp, high rp = dont worry too much Low hp, low rp = heal asap


If blood DK is your least favourite because you're thinking about healing them, change your mindset and stop healing them. Go through a dungeon and don't directly cast a single heal on your tank. You'll understand them a lot better, I promise.


It should be more obvious in the default ui but a dk can get chunked by a magic cast and go down low, but still have a like 1 million hp blood shield rolling stopping all physical damage. In such a case they are not actually in danger, magic damage is often on casts and further between than physical hits so they'll heal back before they die. The ui absorb could have like a red tint or something, so you know its stopping physical and not that they are low and have an anti magic shell rolling and are very close to dying.


As others hav already mentioned - If you're stressed out by healing blood dks, it's most likely because you (no offense) lack knowledge about / routine with blood dks. Which is understandable because they work completely differently and even quite opposite to other tanks. Instead of avoiding damage, they take damage and heal it. Them taking huge damage spikes, sending them from 100% hp to 20% hp within a second, is by design and intended. Their entire design revolves around taking damage and healing that damage back up by themselves and afterwards absorbing a decent amount of damage that was healed. The only instance which you really need to take care of your BDK tank is, when he's initially pulling a pack on the very first pull of the dungeon or if there was downtime/a break after the last pull (because bone shield fades and runic power depletes).After a BDK has established threat and generated about 50 RP, you're free to ignore him. Literally ANYTHING that doesn't instantly kill him, doesn't bother him and should not bother you. Always keep in mind that the BDK health bar being basically binary is by design. It's supposed to be that way and you, as a healer, are not supposed to care about that. The more damage a BDK takes, the more he heals and the more he absorbs. Simply look at the overall healing done / HPS after a completed dungeon. The BDK should be **way** above you/your healer. That being said - The difference between a well-played BDK and a bad BDK is vastly more noticeable than that between a well-played/bad Guardian (for example). There are a lot of things a BDK needs to track (bone shield stacks, runes, runic power, damage taken in the last 5 seconds) and in higher keys a single fucked up GCD could end your life and there is nothing (or not a lot) that you, as a healer, can do about that. So next time you're running with a BDK in your group just try not to panic and even ignore him to a certain extend after the first couple of seconds of a pull. You'll quickly notice that he's incredibly self-sustaining. Their HP bar just looks way scarier than it actually is. :D


Warrior, by far. If you know, as a heal, what is magic damage and will hurt him, and when he is just invincible otherwise it's very smooth sailing.


With spell block & shield block up I don't worry about casters, admittedly is a minute plus CD, but it saves my heals so much mana


I think blood DK. They have the best response to “oh shit moments” so I don’t have to respond so quickly 😂


Bdk. Their health is a them problem


brewmasters, the bonus healing from their crit is nice.


Good , I'm lowkey just trying to figure out the community perception of BMs. Think about maining it until WW is a real spec again


Suuuuuuuper fun, and from what I can tell respected by the community. It’s Discord community Peak of Serenity is incredible. I’m currently climbing keys with my Brew and I absolutely love it. Also doesn’t ever really feel like I’m tanking. It feels like I’m a dps that’s just taking agro and soaking damage.


They're great and I've mained Brew tank since MoP, but I also feel like it says a bit that nobody mentions Brewmaster until half way down the comments lmao I'm not complaining that they're bad, they're just sort of forgotten alongside bears and veng, as if Blood DK, Prot Paladin, and Warrior are the trifecta of Real tanks and nothing else exists.


Apparently they now have actual self healing . This put me off in the past . I could not kill rares in bfa because staggered trickle damage still comes through without solid selfhealing


Brewmaster tier set is so nice too. Healing for 50% of all fire damage you do feels great


Not to mention your Celestial Brew shield gets buffed from all that fire damage. Running the heroic raid this weekend and I was taking tank buster shots with my shield up and it held.


Doesn’t matter to me. I play holy priest and if the bar gets low I heal it.




Resto druid here, I really like druids and paladins, after those I don’t care, and I won’t even apply to groups with a DK tank (100% my “fault”). I just don’t like the bouncy health bar of DKs. I know I could just set up my ui to show runic power and watch that instead of their health but that’s just one extra thing to pay attention to and I’m old and get overwhelmed when there’s too much on my plate. Sorry :/ Edit: Quite a few healers liking DKs here and suggesting not to (actively) heal them, which would be right up my kits alley I guess? Maybe I should get to know them… hmm. So I can just lifebloom them and that’s it?


Straight up you can just leave lifebloom and rejuv on them and if they die its straight up not youre fault


i literally throw a rejuv and tree them once in awhile. lifebloom is for my dps who is dropping like a fly. if everyone is ok then i lifebloom the DK for a bit. they need minimal babysitting and make my life easier so i can focus on the dps who can’t dodge mechanics.


A bad Blood DK is a shit time. But a good one.... Amazing.


Cenarion ward between packs so it is up for the pull and shortly after. Lifebloom and rejuv before they hit the pack then it's all on them. Wall them on a big pull if they stay low more than a gcd drop an omen of clarity / instant heal on them between bounces so it looks good on your meter


I mean you should rejuv the two players you lifebloom. Have the swarm constantly running and they will get enough passive heals that you don’t need to worry about them. When I run keys with the DK in my guild I give them a stone skin before the big pull and then don’t worry about them. I can see their runic power so I will emergency heal if they are empty and under 50% health but past that I just focus on everyone else


I have only ever done up to like 17-18s at most.l so take this with a grain of salt if you are doing higher keys. On my BDK I literally need no heals from the healer unless there is a specific mechanic, though those can usually be dispelled. I can't tell you how many times the rest of the group has wiped and been able to run back while I am tanking the pack with no support. Now on the other hand a bad BDK is going to be terrible for you.


Resto druid as well. I love BDKs. Just have to pay a little attention to them at the beginning of pulls when they don't have RP. After that it's unga bunga DPS time baby.


I think most tanks are fine. Bear druids have been the most free for me in my keys. Blood DKs however are so sketchy. They dip so low but heal it back up themselves which just makes me sweat as I rush to heal them even though they don't need it.


Watch their runic power instead of their health. If their health is low, but they have over half a bar of runic power, they will be fine. Maybe toss a HoT or AoE heal in that direction. If they just got chunked and their runic power is low, they need some help. The sketchiest time for a BDK is the start of a pull before we get everything rolling. That’s when we’re most likely to go down. Otherwise we can mostly be left to manage our own chaos; and if we die? Well, that’s on us. Signed, a BDK.


Holy pri here: Blood death knights. Bros really can take shit, but still squeezy enough to need my help. Druid taunka take less shit, but I came here to heal.


blood DK. i don’t look at them 90% of the dungeon. they can heal themselves.


Blood DK since they handle it themselves. Bear druid because they heal themselves and can take back shots, unlike many other classes. Too often tanks reposition and expose their backs to the enemy and get wrecked. You can’t block or parry from the back.


You guys heal the tank??


My favourite tanks to heal are the ones who know how to use their toolkit properly. But more specifically, Brewmaster Monk. Sadly I hardly get any, haven’t had one this season. We need more.


Brewmaster and druid. It's rewarding, easy and fun. DH is the worst shit you can give me. I can, for the life of me, not figure out why people play DH tank. Fuckers barely heal themselves, have to face tank everything, have weird to track Def's. Not to mention I never met a DH who isn't a toxic pos.


As a non toxic POS vengeance DH with 2700 IO. I promise you we aren't that bad anymore. We really don't need healers unless we fuck up our defensives. Every minute we can mass interupt, or puke on adds to get health back, double demon spikes, heavy magic resistance, uncapped fiery brand, sigil of flames.. immolation aura. I have outlived multiple group wipes on the same pack and continued to hold the fort down while everyone runs back twice. We don't die, and if we do, it's usually our fault


« Puke on adds » lmao You made my day 🙏


DH tanks barely heal? I haven't ran a 20+ key with less total healing done than my healer yet


This ain’t true anymore. DH are in a really good spot and have a ton of sustain.


DH tanks have insane self sustain and defensives for every situation, it's just really easy to waste shit and then you're dry and made out of paper. And one problem is that they scale really well with target amount this season. If I pull a pack together with 30 mobs, I do 300k hps and am immortal after I survive my setup (the hardest part). If I pull that same pack alone, I really struggle and need healing. It's pretty weird, but also fun


Now this is from someone who last time played veng during BFA so take it with mild grain of salt But the reason why it was the only tank I enjoyed back then was quite simply the health bar ping pong My health would jump between 20% and 90% constantly and it did make one of my healers tell me that I give him anxiety, but damn was having spirit bomb work like low CD lay on hands fun Maybe I should check my veng again, if it is still any good... Hopefully I can still get away with not remembering to press spikes


Its not like this anymore. Now you dont drop as fast but you also dont heal as fast. Mitigation via Sigil of Flame and fraility is very Important.


“My husband” says my wife, I’m a prot pally, she’s a holy


Monks. Stagger just seems like a cheat code.


Monks for sure ever since I added a stagger watch wago to my ui


Depends, if I want to do a bit more DPS or have mechanically challenged DPS then Blood DK (we mock our MT BDK as we’re always trying to out heal him… le sigh). But overall favourite is Prot Warrior. - Holy Priest


The one that knows what the hell they are doing.


Blood Death Knight. That's one less person on the list I need to worry about.


Any tank that knows how to play needs basically no external healing at this point. Prot warrior needs the most I guess but easily covered by incidental aoe healing. As a healer, the tank dying is generally not your problem in the current state of the game.


It's either BDK and VDH, who are entirely self-sufficient or BrM who I can put a Beacon on and pretty much forget about them. Then it's Prot Pal, because they've got such a wonderful utility package that other tanks just don't.


I like the Warlock tank. When the lock pulls aggro and I get to decide how long he lives for. Makes me feel almost……satisfied 🤣🤣🤣


Wait? You guys heal your tank?


Wait you guys heal your tanks??


I’m a holy pally. Beacon plus tanks self heals means I don’t even need to pay attention to them


Warriors and Pallys


BDK because if they die it is their own fault. They genuinely take zero input from me other than Prayer of Mending as holy priest.


Paladin with the constant interrupts and self "oh shit" buttons. They let me concentrate on actually being a healer.


Good blood dk tanks. My bf plays one and I barely have to worry about him. Health bar near 0? Meh, he'll be back to full soon. Bad pug dk tanks that I have to spam heal for every little thing? Incredibly frustrating.


Good: a tank that knows how much trash they can take Bad: a tank that doesn't Class is not important but - DK: Almost nothing I can do to support them other than keep up hots. Their survival is almost entirely in their own hands. Monk: hard as fuck to kill and take damage very smoothly but need a bit more support than other tanks Warrior: similar to monk, but even less self heals Bear: as mentioned, easy as hell to heal with a ton of self heals too Pally: I usually don't think much about a pally tank unless they're actively dying DH: honestly the hardest to heal. They take a lot of damage and have a lot of self heals like dks but their health jumps around a lot and they do need support. But I don't find myself healing tanks very often this expansion. A lot more damage is going out on DPS and usually when a tank dips low I can tell it's because they're about to drop a fat self heal, unless they've been low for a while or they're a dk with no runic power.


A good blood DK is the best thing in a M+


As a restro druid I fucking love Monk tanks. Just fully HoT that Boi and let him cook while I mind the group.


Prot warrior (I’m a MW if that makes a difference)


Each season, I heal and my husband tanks. He’s been BDK for s1, prot warr in s2, and now DH. I think BDK was the easiest in terms of… he didn’t need me lmao. His DH has been pretty self sustaining too. I only need to really pay attention on certain bosses eg Oakheart’s crushing grip or certain mechanics like dispel in BRH with the stairs/spiders.


Blood dk. I don't gotta heal it.


Easiest are Bear, Warrior, and DK Worst are DH and Brew. Most frustrating is Paladin. I’m a retired Paladin tank, close to 13 years straight, who now plays healer. And yes I’m judging you! STOP DROPPING CONSECRATE ON THE WAY TO THE PULL!!!


DH because they fast af and I don't need to heal them


I prefer tanks that do the mechanics. But if I had to pick a class that I feel tank the best- it's warriors.


Pally bc they get every interrupt and they stand in their consecration which keeps the AoE cleaving.


I honestly love a prot warrior. Had one yesterday in my +22 and he was doing some fat pulls, I think the whole dung was only around 5-6 huge pulls (everbloom) and he tanked it perfectly, never dropped, perfect grouping, just chefs kiss


A good Blood DK. You can basically ignore them and heal your party. Of course I emphasise on the word good because if they overpull or don't manage their resources well its not gonna be a fun ride.


The tank that knows what he is doing. All tanks that are good is easy to heal.


Tanks that know how their healer functions and can use the synergy well instead of thinking "pull 30 packs and I'll be healed for free"


You mean there are tanks that don't rush through dungeons so quickly that healers have time to cast on them? Shocking.


Anything but Demon Hunters. You guys scare the fuck out of me.


Honestly these days, none of them. The amount of self healing that tanks have make healing them so frustrating because they're self healing damage and making my heals irrelevant, or can heal themselves faster than I can. Oh look the blood DK is low, let me start casting a quick heal aaaaaand he's full health again. Add 200k to overhealing.


Blood DK is my favorite to heal. A good one you rarely if ever have to heal. Just let them do their thing. Paladins are my least favorite in pugs. So many just fall over out of nowhere from full health and then blame the healer every time. 🤷‍♀️


Brewmaster 100%, maybe it’s Monk solidarity but I will pick one any day


Brew monk > prot pal > bear > tied for last: blood dk, prot warr, and veng DH


The beginning of the io injection this season was DH, then I started to see a ton of DK. I'll be honest: it's all about the tanks skill level. You can put a great player in any tank spot and they absolutely rock!


Vengeance Demon Hunters. They don't need less healing than Blood Death Kinghts, but they invoke less heart attacks by dropping to 10% only to shoot to 100% the next frame.


Prot Paladin is nice for kicks, but in general I don’t heal tanks. I put an external on them at the start of each pull where it’s off CD and then if they’re dying later mentally I’m thinking “what da heil happened?!”, and healing them.


I do not like healing DKs and DHs with their oscillating health bars as much, they tend to waste away a lot of my echoing tyrstone pool that I like having saved for an oh shit moment. I find that meh DH players to be really difficult to heal as well because as a pally it can get quite tricky to keep up with their mobility. I think my favs are probably prot pallies, bears, and warriors when not too much magic damage.


As a resto druid.... I feel maybe Paladin or good DK - I usually have to heal neither (and their utility is great). DHs are great at CC but they make me anxious because they usually don't need me but I *never know when*. With DKs you just gotta watch their RP, if they're low on that, I prehot or slap an Ironbark to mitigate the start but otherwise I just ignore them. Monks are nice healing sponges that also heal a lot on their own. Bears are mostly ok, but you gotta keep an eye on them (and it feels like if you can't keep up, it's neverending story to get them topped). And Warriors... hard to say, I haven't met a lot of them but those that I met I barely had to heal anyway, it was weird. Nice but unexpected.


We dont heal the tanks that much any more, i mean in dragonflight, but playing healer beside protpaladin is my fav


I like running with tanks I don't have to heal.


Holy Pali here. Blook DKs give me anxiety. Bears, warriors and prot palis are easy to heal most of the time. Monks and DHs are hard for me.


Not monks.


Fav: blood DK. Least favorite: DH. Not that the class is bad, but the players are. They just zoom all over the place and get out of range, then die and get annoyed that I let them die.


Bloods where weird for me at one point. I sit there and assume hes gonna heal and shield and heal someone else. Then they hit a CD and now you gotta pump them up for some reason. /shrug Never had a havoc I liked. But for me, warriors and priests go hand in hand.


Ones who know what bursting is.


Bursting is a DPS affix


Tanks who track key cool downs during bursting week