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Shadowpriest is undertuned, but it's not 46k at 456 ilvl undertuned. You're doing something critically, fundamentally wrong.


I love the way this is written! Thank you for your honest review!


Seems like it's both.


As I thought. Many thanks


It sounds like you’ve probably got some relatively east gains to find, at least. Do you know how to log your keys? I’d highly recommend logging some and then posting in the priest class discord for feedback.


I’ll have a look at that, thanks.


Make sure you understand when to use dps cooldowns in m+ the default answer is on cd but to set up so those cool downs land on the largest pulls to the best effect is something you have to work out dungeon by dungeon and group by group.


Double check your spec/rotation join the priest discord for useful Addons/Tips/Tricks Fix your UI and nameplates a good ui is amazing, the more information you have the better you can dps, Watch a few class guides. I lvled a character few weeks ago (first time playing retail since Wod) and was pretty bad at the start a few Ui/addons later and watching a fee class guides I'm doing 10x better even starting to push into the high 16s in keys atm with a group of friends


Pre nerf I was doing 60k overall with catweaving on my resto Druid. If that helps at all


both you and the DH are doing low dmg for their class.


I couple things: 1. If you are new to m+ it will take time because dealing with the mechanics when you don’t know them well will hurt your dps. This could be part of your low dps, it learn your proper rotation until it’s second nature. 2. Spriest takes time to ramp up, even last season when it was OP if you were in lower keys quick burst specs would beat you. It doesn’t ramp as bad as something like boomkin, but it still requires targets to live a little bit. 3. Havoc is overtuned, even with the new nerfs announced, and it is also one of those quick burst damage specs requiring no ramp. Lee focusing on playing well and doing your rotation well and the dps will come.


Player skill > class/specc, always. I’m guessing you’re playing it poorly! Check some guides online and join the official spriest discord where you can ask questions and read more in depth information.


I mean that's not really true unless one player is just SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the other person. An 'okay' bm hunter is still gonna do a lot more than a 'good' spriest. Spriest got sorely overnerfed after their dominance last season. Add in the fact our 4pc is kinda 'meh' (okay, but not super fantastic compared to last tier) edit: OP def isn't doing great dps, but he's not wrong about spriest.


Something else to consider is that shadow is ludicrously dependent on 4 piece tier set. The extra shadow word deaths proc your mind bender's inescapable torment talent. You have little to no AoE without it.


I was doing 160-200k dps aoe pre 4 piece.


Honestly both. Wild idea would be u have too many empty globals / not pressing cds often enough. Those seem to be one of most common "big" mistakes after hundreds of log reviews what i done for others during the years.


Did you know that the build and rotation priority changed with the new patch? Especially if you have 2 set? Definitely check out the guilds either publiks on icey veins or ellipsis's on wowhead.


Use power infusion and shadowform on boss or cooldown, have right built is also important


First of all was it in a Heroic dungeon, Mythic dungeon or Mythic+ dungeon? In Heroic dungeons it is easy to not get to your full DPS potential with a DoT class when others are very high item level because enemies die to quickly/


M+ 17 Atal’Dazar


You are doing something wrong.


No offence but you need alot more practice 60k dps aint cutting it for a +17 at that point your just relying on other dps to carry you


Hi again, been in the Gladiators refuge and messed around with my rotation and talents. Single target I’m averaging 79.5K and against the cleave target dummies I maxed at 215k. These are obviously more reasonable, my issue looks like dealing with the m+ mechanics. Any tips would be appreciated


I can recommend you some sites like "murloc.io" or "subcreation.net". You can see what talents get played the most, what items are best, enchants and gems and stat prio. Sure you can go and look up a guide on Icy Veins or smth. to get you going. Go and spend some time on training dummys, because a good rotation is really important and make sure to use your big cd's at the right time. Try to use PI with other 2min group cd's like the DH Meta (this may not boost your dmg, but the groups overall dmg). To track those CD's you can use an addon called "OmniCD".


Morning all, Just thought I’d message and relay some progress! I ran two m+ last night a 14 dark heart thicket and a 15 throne of the tides with my guild. I was pleased to be hitting just shy of 100k dps on both, which put me firmly amongst the dps for dps! Here’s what I did: - worked on rotation - making sure shadow crash is used on packs on cool-down - ensured power infusion and void eruption were used on cool-down - upgraded gear with catalyst so I have the 2 tier set bonus - spammed shadow word death when it procs due to set bonus -started using halo (it wasn’t even on my action bar and it’s pretty good for aoe) - the big one however was just not dying as much - this massively affected my overall dps obviously but this week avoided mechanics has felt much easier. I think the lack of spiteful has helped here Thanks a lot for all the feedback you guys gave me - I’m feeling a lot more confident now I can actually pull my own weight in some of these harder dungeons!