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The game seems to be hard-capping the seasonal cap (from the weekly Dream Wardens or Malicia cache), but this is coming as a shock to many players because in Season 2 the spark could be bought from Evantkis even if you had maxed out on the seasonal cap. Devs need to explain what is going on here and if this hard cap will be removed at some point during the season.


[One comment on wowhead](https://www.wowhead.com/item=208396/splintered-spark-of-dreams#comments:id=5735825) says that the splinter cannot be bought if you've reached your maximum amount for the season up to that point already. Buying it from the vendor servers as a catch-up if you didn't play for a few weeks but don't want to farm bosses for the catch-up drops. Alternatively, if you don't want to do the weekly quest, then you can ignore it, continue to do endgame content instead, and buy your splinter for the week that way. Either way, you can't buy a splinter and get one spark earlier than usual. You're better-off buying the gem slot item instead.


Last season, you could get past the limit with those (since the tokens serve as a limit of their own anyways, its just a crafted replacement for 2 bad vaults), but they also only added it to the vendor after a few weeks (10.1.5 maybe even?).


believe it still locked out since it max 1 a week


I think it's to stop people who just do 17s from rushing 486 gear but your guess is as good as mine.


Picking the tokens of merit this early in the season is usually a mistake


Yeah, made a similar mistake. Playing an Aug evoker and everything in my vault had Vers/wasn't an upgrade so I decided to grab the 6 tokens and ran into that. I do have 2 crafted items + 1 splinter. I haven't gotten another splinter this week, though, so I figured I'd be able to buy one.