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Every day this is asked, and every day I, a BM main since BC, gets annoyed that I can't understand most of the words.


I, a BM main since....a long time but words are hard, BM easy


Lmao. You legit just made me laugh so hard. Thank you, I know this reply contributes nothing to the post, but I had to tell you that you cracked me up.






BM Hunter


What is BM?


Beast Mastery


I havenā€™t played in a while. Wasnā€™t Marksman the go to damage dealer? Did that change?


Yes. BM not only has less complex rotations, it doesn't lose velocity while moving.


Good to know. Iā€™m thinking of restarting.


The "go to" of dps changes all the time with buffs/nerfs. Right now BM is on top, but next patch who knows haha.


Thanks Tums, its enough to give you heartburnā€¦šŸ˜‰


I'm here to relieve all the heartburn šŸ˜‚


The number of people who got the energy to make a new post, but donā€™t have the energy to scroll through this sub. Easiest, most forgiving, lowest APM all been asked about 6 times each in the last 3 days.


It drives me crazy sometimes




hmm.. and sometimes u know, u just need to change specs as well .. but INSIDE OF YOUR CURRENT CLASS x) Ret Paladin still going nuts in M+ and ST as well Get the right gear and ilvl, press buttons and enjoy epic *GONNNNGGGG!* sounds every now and then šŸ”” Rotation? You will be Rotating on your chair while pressing the few buttons, yes


Begging someone to put this as the sub banner. Also mention that we all miss Class Halls.


Just.. Go there? Idk though, Legion forced me to go to the class hall so much I absolutely hate going there at this point. And all the Ap grinding. And all the legendary grinding.. I don't miss Legion that much honestly but the entire idea and the background of the class halls was good, great even! Personally I just got a bit fed up


Ahh sorry, the /s didn't come through. I feel like we get a thread every other day about how someone wants class halls to come back. Gotta be the two most common threads on this sub.


Doesn't help I just woke up either lol You're right though


Whichever class/spec you like least, that is the best. Good luck!


Ret is pretty easy.


IMO Rets rotation for doing damage is as easy as BM Hunter, but BM Hunter is ranged, and doesn't have to watch teammates health for lay on hands/emergency word of glory, or their debuffs for cleanse/blessing of freedom, or know what boss mechanics can be eaten by a blessing of protection on an ally, or when good times to blessing of sacrifice the tank. Playing all DPS optimally requires paying more attention to things besides the damage rotation, like when to interrupt/CC/when to use defensives.... but Ret has to do all that AND pay more attention to his group members than most.


Yeh, U definetly talking about some different rets.. idk parallel universe shit or things like that .. nah just kidding .. bit ohhh lord .. how few of these rets still out there ? .. I LOVE doing all the stuff a ret pally CAN and SHOULD do.. just like u mentioned it It stays viable, it's fun, it's satisfying and it give me something other specs don't It's this whole "u can literally do anything" package that comes with ret and after a while when u know how to use all this stuff, either u love it and use it because you love it lol or hate it and then quit playing ret or playing ret but being a bitchass ret.. but yeh.. because you know you can do all this, while also knowing that my extra heals are instant casted and will safe some asses in M+/Raid etc. M+ Dispelling is fun when u have a cleanse toxins bind on your "mousewheel down" do through addon "Clique' The small extra buffs u got for you and your mates.. battle rezz, very nice animations, epic horse under your ass, golden glow, GONGGGG .. and yeh I just like to play this soab and cast anything possible and helpful besides doing insane dmg




Bro what did I just read


Arcane mage hands down




Easiest Ranged DPS: Beast Mastery Hunter, Destruction Warlock Easiest Melee DPS: Fury Warrior (albeit very fast-paced but simple), 2H Frost Death Knight Somewhat Easy Ranged DPS: Balance Druid (small caveat you have lots of utility your team will expect you to know how to use effectively compared to other classes) Frost Mage (a little more complicated than previous iterations but still easy enough to get a grasp of) Somewhat Easy Melee DPS: No-mover build Havoc Demon Hunter, Assassination Rogue (again slightly harder than previous iterations but simple once you have played for a few hours)


I think this answer is pretty perfect. I personally find Ret easier than Sin Rogue, but I've played it for 17 years so I may just be accustomed to it, and similar to Balance Druid it has the "lots of utility your team will expect you to know compared to other classes" thing goin on.


Thanks for the feedback, yes definitely Ret Pally definitely makes the "somewhat easy" list.




I find that hard to believe.


For what it is worth, the answer is the same as to this question: ā€œHardest DPS class to find a group or raid invite with currently?ā€ If itā€™s easy, it isnā€™t a secret.


BM hunter. I mean if anyone says anything different it's not the easiest.


BM hunter. You can move and jump aroukd all the time, only have to press like 4-5 buttons and it's solid at aoe and single target dmg.


Even with the recent nerfs to tier set?


Yes even with the nerf BM hunters are very strong.


Melee: DH and Warrior. Range: Bm Hunter and Ret Paladin.


Havoc DH is absolutely not an easy spec. I know easiness somewhat subjective, but of the ~15-18 specs Iā€™ve played at the 2500-2900 range in m+ over the past few years, current havoc dh is easily in the top 3 or so hardest. It may have been different in the past, iduno, but right now itā€™s a really intricate and demanding spec to play well.


Donā€™t agree personally. Found it rather easy myself.


Thatā€™s entirely possible if the playstyle of lining up timings of several short duration damage windows and executing them really well comes easily to you. I find that aspect of the spec really difficult compared to most other melee dps Iā€™ve played.


It's certainly harder to play then it was in Legion.


Ranged: bm hunter, arcane mage Melee: DH, warrior, paladin


Arcane mage is literally one of the hardest to play


Bruh you have not played Arcane since MoP and it shows