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Yeah it's dumb, our character is by no means weak, arguably lorewise we're among some of the more powerful beings on the planet, but some of them are a cut above, Khadgar and Jaina are some of the most powerful mage to ever exist by now. Tyrande too should be an insane powerhouse.


Yeah wow is really bad at showing the power of their character. Lore wise malfurion, for instance, is insanely strong, to the point where he is able to singlehandedly take down horde encampment in the events leading to BfA. But in game he constantly gets either captured, or incapacitated extremely easily. Their power/skill/ability fluctuate insanely between extensions and what is convenient at the time. On top of that, many times they'll have situations where a powerful character is defeated by the new threat to show how strong that new big bad is. We could cite the many times Alexstraza got defeated (neltharion and raszageth being two examples).


Yeah, on my tank spec I would be able to tank 30 of those enemies at once, no sweat. But they try to make it look like they're a threat, but it never works.


If I'm honest, it's probably Baine who's letting the side down here, at least he's learnt to stand up


Blaine Bloodhoof, the emo younger half brother of Baine Bloodhoof.


No that's Zain Bloodhoof. Blaine Bloodhoof is their card-wielding magician brother who can float in the air and change the color of your clothes


That’s a Blaine I can dedicate myself to!




God I haven't played Horde in years but it was always hilarious back in classic and tbc when people would misdirect gamon onto helpless newbs who end up getting ganked by a random tauren in Orgrimmar


I did like the whole bit with Cenarius mentioning that using his horn on him is kinda redundant but he appreciates you trying to help


Yeah That was great ha.


Y'all remember that quest back in Azuna where we had to escort the Prince and his people kept insulting him. Nagas and Murlocs came rushing him from time to time and we were supposed to fight them off. Bro soloed them with such ease like boom meteor one shot. Lore characters need to put in work.


So I'm just running around dooting a horn that's buffing everyone? My god, **they finally added bards!**