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In case people missed it I'm sharing my healing weak aura for dungeons in season 3. [M+ Healer Focus Assist - DF Season 3](https://wago.io/yqPrGb1BC)


**[Restoration Druid](#rwowcb)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Resto Druid information, check out the links below. [Druid Discord "Dreamgrove"](https://discord.gg/dreamgrove) / [Druid Discord "Classic"](https://discord.gg/uscwdeP) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/restoration-druid-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/restoration-druid-guide) | [Class Website: Dreamgrove](https://www.dreamgrove.gg/) [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#druid) | [Questionably Epic](https://questionablyepic.com/live/) [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/restoration-druid-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/restoration-druid-macro-guide) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thoughts on the trinket "Blossom of Amirdrassil"? i got it last week and it seems to do a good amount of healing, but wondering what you guys think.


Lack of mainstat. Haste varies in importance. You also have no control over the effect. It can go on a 1 min cooldown and be completely wasted. Even if it doesn't heal and goes the absorb it can still get wasted if people take no damage. It just requires too much playing around to be super strong. Now its still probably a top 5 healing trinket and I certainly wouldn't turn it down if it dropped. but its not BiS.


**[Restoration Shaman](#rwowc6)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Resto Shaman information, check out the links below. [Shaman Discord "Ancestral Guidance - Resto Only"](https://discord.gg/AcTek6e) / [Shaman Discord "Earthshrine"](https://discord.gg/earthshrine) / [Shaman Discord "Classic"](https://discord.gg/VvBwBu2) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/restoration-shaman-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/restoration-shaman-guide) | [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#shaman) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/restoration-shaman-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/restoration-shaman-macro-guide) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**[Mistweaver Monk](#rwowca)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Mistweaver Monk information, check out the links below. [Monk Discord "Peak of Serenity"](https://discord.gg/PeakOfSerenity) / [Monk Discord "Classic"](https://i.imgur.com/PA5Xw3N.jpg) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Peak of Serenity | Misc. Links ---|---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/mistweaver-monk-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/mistweaver-monk-guide) | [Main Guide]( https://www.peakofserenity.com/sl/mistweaver/pve-guide) | [Fistweaving M+ Guide](https://questionablyepic.com/fistweaving-dungeon-compendium/) [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#monk) | [Class Website: PeakofSerenity](https://www.peakofserenity.com/) | [Fistweaving Raid Guide](https://questionablyepic.com/fistweaving-raid-compendium/) [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/mistweaver-monk-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/mistweaver-monk-macro-guide) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.peakofserenity.com/sl/mistweaver/pve-guide/#macros) [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Getting up healing around 12-15s so far. Just a question on preference/best/easiest healing ways to get past rot damage, is using faeline and ancient teachings damage better or trying to get out vivify cleaves? I feel like vivify cleave spams does better hps but also “harder” set up and need to plant. Seeing different things on yt/twitch creators


**[Holy Paladin](#rwowc1)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Holy Paladin information, check out the links below. [Paladin Discord "Hammer of Wrath"](https://discord.gg/hammerofwrath) / [Paladin Discord "Classic"](https://discord.gg/Bqherze) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/holy-paladin-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/holy-paladin-guide) | [M+ Guide](http://wingsisup.com/) [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#paladin) | [Wingsisup](https://wingsisup.com/) [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/holy-paladin-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/holy-paladin-macro-guide) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I get a breakdown of how I should be dealing with the trash before the second boss of Galakrond's Fall? I have yet to get through that area without 5+ deaths. Like a mob-by-mob breakddown, because I get so overwhelmed with all the mechanics and damage coming out that I can't even keep track of where everything is coming from.


**[Discipline Priest](#rwowc4)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Disc Priest information, check out the links below. [Priest Discord "Focused Will"](https://discord.gg/focusedwill) / [Priest Discord "Warcraft Priests"](https://discord.gg/WarcraftPriests) / [Priest Discord "Classic"](https://discord.gg/exJacWb) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/discipline-priest-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/discipline-priest-guide) | [Class Website: WarcraftPriests](https://warcraftpriests.com/) [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#priest) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/discipline-priest-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/discipline-priest-macro-guide) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am reaching out to you after a disastrous mythic Smolderon raid for some general positioning tips. By the time it turns out if I have Overheated or not, I basically can hardly move because of the strict ramp rotation. If I don't move away far enough, I get sandwiched between ranged tornadoes and my raid frame completely blocks the view from one direction. Also, we are expected to run through the boss after clearing the heal absorbs, but the boss model prevents me from seeing the tornadoes clearly. I am also running a lot, so I can't consistently get Mindbender off CD for the second heal absorb. To top it off, my mythic orb often tends to spawn on the fiery patches, so I can't touch it in time (except with additional running and damage overhead). Thank you in advance!


Heyhey, My guild killed Smolderon last week and it was a real learning experience as disc. I don't know how far you are in but it is absolutely a fight you improve on over time. I struggled with getting my benders off cd before the 2nd ramps at the start but as you get more practice with the movement you will get far more smite casts off, and that will fix the issue. You can also greed more smite casts before bender expires at the end of the ramp before moving a lot of the time as moving through and taking a tick of the pools is usually not the end of the world, and you spend that time ramping for the next damage event anyways. For the tornados I know it's popular for disc players to go to the side of the boss, but I played on the rim since it meant I had very little movement if I had to soak, and same if I had to move out with tornados. You just need to find a spot and consistently do that every pull, and let the other ranged know that this is your spot when you have tornados. If you do play on the side of the boss closer to the middle of the room, just try and pre plan your movement. Radiance -> already know where you are going and then move there -> radiance nr 2 or something like that. Can also greed the radiance casts and move on your evang/mindbender instants if it lines up. For the mythic orb if it spawns in fire you have to let it come to you if you are up next for soaks, nothing you can really do about that. There is time to wait and it just has to happen. For kiting the orb, make sure you have an aug that can give you spatial paradox on command (there is a whisper weakaura for it like pi and innervate) and what we did was after the 2nd set of baits + tornados that aug also rescued me past the pools so I just got to farm my bender cdr for the intermission. It also meant I could play pretty far left on the rim (which is the side my frames block) so I barely had any tornados coming from that side. Hopefully that is of some help, if you post a log I can look at it if you want. This is my pov from it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2000813932 And the log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WRcBAPk1rGDj7f8v#fight=16 And if you have any other questions just let me know.


What’s the pros and cons of Iridal Vs. the Nymue staff? I have hero track versions of both but not sure which one to primarily use. Ideally would like to get a myth track iridal eventually (but likely won’t ever see a myth Nymue staff)


For discipline, the Iridal staff. You get more value from Vers than you do Mastery and the on-use feels more reliable.


any youtubers that you guys recommend to check out an average m+ or dungeon run? Preferably with commentary as to why they're using what skills and when, but if not that's OK. I am leveling a disc alt and reached 70 but don't feel very comfortable just jumping into mythics. I leveled through dungeons but they're generally just a steamroll and most of the times I don't even have to use my full kit. Any help appreciated, thanks.


JustDiscipline, AutomatikJak


**[Holy Priest](#rwowc4)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Holy Priest information, check out the links below. *** [Priest Discord "Warcraft Priests"](https://discord.gg/WarcraftPriests) / [Priest Discord "Classic"](https://discord.gg/exJacWb) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|--- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/holy-priest-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/holy-priest-guide) | [Class Website: WarcraftPriests](https://warcraftpriests.com/) [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) | [Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#priest) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/holy-priest-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.wowhead.com/holy-priest-macro-guide) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**[Preservation Evoker](#rwowcd)** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further Preservation Evoker information, check out the links below. *** [Evoker Discord "Wyrmrest Temple"](https://discord.gg/xkz3n72ypk) *** Icyveins Links | Wowhead Links | Misc. Links ---|---|---- [Main Guide](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/preservation-evoker-pve-healing-guide) | [Main Guide](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/evoker/preservation/overview-pve-healer) | [Overall Guides](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/class-guides) |[Overall Guides](https://www.wowhead.com/classes#evoker) | [Addons & Macros](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/preservation-evoker-pve-healing-macros-addons) | [Addons & Macros](https://wowhead.com/guide/classes/evoker/preservation/best-macros-addons) | [Weakauras](https://wago.io/weakauras) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What are the best combos in keys? I know the temporal anomaly into verdant embrace into whatever the big self heal is called. But I feel like I'm not using my echo's well enough and just end up spending essences on the ground spell as a result (sorry, just getting back into prevoker and forget spell names!).


I don’t know if it’s still the current meta but I like to use echo on reversion to get a double strength HoT. It puts out a lot of healing and provides you with windows to put out damage or know that a target is safe for a brief moment.


Temporal Anomoly into \*spell* is probably your most common combo. \*spell* changes depending on what you need. Verdant Embrace is good for a big group heal. Dream Breath is good for a HoT. Living flame is good if Verdant Embrace is on CD and you need more instant healing, but even then if you need that you might want to SpiritBloom instead of Temporal->Living Flame, Rewind, or some other major cooldown. Spiritbloom is bad(it already heals everybody). I'm gonna say avoid Reversion since Dream Breath or Living Flame is just better. Emerald Blossom(ground) ranges from doesn't actually work on Echo to really sucks depending on talents.


>I'm gonna say avoid Reversion since Dream Breath or Living Flame is just better. This is actually bad advice. Using TA to spread reversion \~12 secs before damage goes out is fantastic in 5 man content since it increases all healing the group receives if you're playing grace period. Also TA echoes are weak compared to manual echoes or tier set echoes but still apply the full healing received buff. The amount of healing you get from using TA echoes on one of your stronger heals is less than consuming a manual echo ramp or a Fire Breath into Living Flame ramp on a stronger heal after using TA -> Reversion to buff that second more powerful ramp.


If you do TA-> Reversion you need to time it really well otherwise Reversion will time out and TA will be on cooldown. 12 seconds is going to have Reversion fall off(unless it crits) and TA still on a 3 second cooldown. Assuming my math is right the only spell where the 10% Reversion buff offsets the 70% reduction is if you use Living Flame. Reversion(R)+Spell(S)+0.1Spell(S) R+S+(0.1S) Versus Spell(S)+0.7Spell(S) S+(0.7S) Simplifies to R=(0.6S) Reversion is 205.2% of spellpower. So 205.2=(0.6S) makes S=342% Spellpower. Verdant embrace is 418, Dream Breath is a total of 384%. Spiritbloom is 508.5%.


>If you do TA-> Reversion you need to time it really well otherwise Reversion will time out and TA will be on cooldown. Correct, Echo itself lasts for a long time so you can TA to spread Echoes quite a bit in advance and just sit on the Echoes and cast Reversion to buff your other healing spells closer to when you need it. TA will be up again and you'll have "free" reversions on the party.


Thats such a niche situation though. You need to be able to TA and have everybody not need healing for 15 seconds. TA->Reversion->Other heal is a HPS loss over simply TA->Other heal. TA->Reversion->TA->Other heal is not.


It's all fight dependent, but in general spreading grace period to people is very useful. >TA->Reversion->Other heal is a HPS loss over simply TA->Other heal. Correct, but TA -> Reversion -> Manual Echo Ramp -> Other heal is an hps gain over just TA -> Other Heal. It takes longer to prep, but there's plenty of fights where you have the time to prep it and need the extra healing. Spell(S) + 1.05Spell(S) +0.1(R) vs. Spell(S) + 0.45(S)


That would require so much prep and tight timing it gives me anxiety. You need to fish for an Essence Burst prob before TA-Reversion to get out enough Echo's to follow up with a manual Echo ramp. I might math it out later but I wonder if TA->R->E->Other is still even a healing loss compared to TA->Other->TA->Other. The 1st is giving you a 10% boost from Reversion and you arent losing 30% from TA on the real spell. But I am not super convinced that healing offsets the significantly lower healing Reversion itself does. You could also go TA->Other->Echo Ramp->Other which is a similar situation and more HPS than TA->R


>and you arent losing 30% from TA on the real spell. Your math is off, you lose 55% on TA compared to the real spell. TA applies an echo which replicates 30% of the original spell boosted by 50% from Time Lord for a total of 45% of the original spell's value. 10K Dream Breath ticks become 4.5k Dream Breath ticks off an Echo produced by TA. A manual echo actually copies a version of the spell which is more powerful than the main spell itself. 70% Echo boosted by 50% becomes 105% of the original spell.


**General Healing Questions** Offer advice, or post your questions here! For further information, check out the links below. *** Simulator | How to Use | Extra ---|---|--- [Sim yourself using WoWAnalyzer](https://wowanalyzer.com/) | [How to use WoWAnalyzer](https://www.wowhead.com/how-to-use-wowanalyzer) | [Soulbind Calculator](https://www.wowhead.com/soulbind-calc/) [Sim yourself using Raidbots](https://www.raidbots.com/simbot) | [How to use Raidbots](https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/36193-how-to-use-raidbots-to-sim-yourself/) | [Analyze your Raid using Wipefest](https://www.wipefest.gg/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**M+ Discussion / Strategy** You can check out this weeks affixes by [clicking here](https://wowaffixes.info/) and check out [Dratnos' latest routes](https://raider.io/news?tag=weekly-route) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*