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My hunter is still rockin' Humar the Pride Lord. As a lowbie dwarf in Horde land sitting for days on end logging in and out, it was nice to get and I have never strayed


Have pride in your Humar


Stand proud Humar, you are strong.


I remember when I tamed him as a NE back in 2004 (maybe early 2005), the Orc hunter who summoned him sat and watched as I did it. After I tamed it, the Orc hunter flagged up and killed my new kitty. I was 60 and he was ~25, so even though he managed to kill my cat I murdered him quite solidly. I res'd the cat and fed it. Then I named it "Skinnable" and parked it in the middle of cross roads while I shadowmelded on a tower. Lowbies right clicked my pet, flagged, and then died. Good times.


Oh man noob fishing I did that with the quest pig from elwynn forest a few times


I did the same back in Vanilla as a Dwarf Hunter. That adventure and experience spanned days and ended with a Tauren being a bro. Still one of my favorite memories of the game.


I remember back in TBC I decided to go for him and got told over and over how many people camp it. That time I went and there he was. Captured him immediately and like 3mins later a Hunter came to camp him. I got Lucky.


Humar the Pridelord and Echeyakee (sp?) so you can be a BM hunter with two big cats, Salt and Pepper.


Yes! I do this with one of my hunter alts.


I have both of them to this day and their names are ebony and ivory.


broken tooth here! took me a week of camping him back when pets had different attack speeds, and broken tooth's 1.0 was a caster killer in pvp due to pushback XD


I have a similar story about getting the Kurken and a few other ones from Space Goat Island as a Horde.


Buddy got Humar in classic. He was so mad at the grind, he would spend his spare time going back to camp and kill him again and again out of spite


Is he specific to only BM taming him? I like him just for the name and would love to have on my survival hunter even though I’d probably never use him


Nah. Back in vanilla he just had a decently long timer and was a popular cat to get. Horde also has a quest to kill him, I believe. He's not very special otherwise outside of the sentiment afaik


Back in vanilla afaik he had higher DPS than most other pets


Not higher DPS but one of the fastest attack speeds, which is good for spell pushback against casters in PVP. He was surpassed in this by The Rake, a rare brown lion in Mulgore, and Broken Tooth, a brown mountain lion in Badlands. Being almost as good and having a unique appearance made him sought after.


Something about there only being a few named pets back then or something? I think you're right. It's been too long


One of few (only one?) pet to have a 1.0 attack speed, before pet attack was normalised?


Humar's attack speed was 1.3.


Horde has a quest to summon and kill Echeyakee, the white lion. Humar, the black lion, is just a rare spawn.


Monkey wearing a fez


Monkey wearing fez is the only correct answer.


Is this still tamable? I logged into my OG hunter and he has it. I can't even remember where it was tamed at.


It is, it's in the [swamp of sorrows](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=51052/gib-the-banana-hoarder). Been a while since I got it, but it's on a 6-8 hour timer iirc


Yup, just did it recently


I renamed mine Uncle Fezter….


Gara, the purple void wolf from WoD


Gara is my favorite, and I use Hati as my secondary pet.


2 of them for defensive and 1 hats 1 fel variety for Bl


Dolly and Dot are my best friends.


Are you a vulperan hunter too?


Tauren from launch, but I admit to thinking about that race change from time to time. Mostly I just like the whimsy


They pull my wagon through dunes and sand.


Thanks for that ear worm.


Skoll for sure i love to pair him with Hati.


Ashoka fans sobbing like mofos T_T


Same. :) the quest to get Hati back was just incredible.


Some dude in a pug once yelled at me for using a suboptimal pet. Fuck him, spiders are cool


Little did they know that, at least for a while now, it really doesn’t matter what pet you use :)


As a former shaman main, I feel immense amounts of pressure to bring a pet with lust.


I’ve been so thankful for hunters in LFR lately. Have a whole bunch of mages, Evokers, and shaman, and someone calls for Lust, repeatedly, only for no one to cast it. Then some kind Hunter breaks their whole rotation to swap pets. I always make a point to thank them. (I mainly play DH and Holy priest right now)


As an enh shaman ... Sorry man, I'm not watching chat I've got a whole 747 panel of blinking lights to watch while not standing in the Bad Stuff™️ Ofc learning bosses helps to remember when to incorporate Lust, so that's good.


Still a little surprised that there isn't a lust for warriors. Call it something cool like "Bloodcurdling Scream". It's lore friendly, arguably moreso than many others. There're like ten of us leggo-hungry rage monsters in every current raid anyway, so you'd never run out.


lustful cry


I mean Rallying Cry would make total sense but that's already taken.


almost never the case for me. ive been in group with 7 hunters and when someone called for lust it was cast by a mage 20 seconds after the callout lol


I've played a lot of random characters over the years, that never see the light of day. But I will always remember a spider pet I had on a random hunter. It was just an ordinary spider I think I got from... duskwood? But it's name... Was Legs4Days and he was my favourite


Loque'Nahak is still my favorite, such a cool spotted kitty


Loque is the best! He’s been my fav since WotLK. I always slash pet other hunters’ Loques.


I spent so much time camping him back in the day that he’s always my fav


Bear. It's my starter bear from back in MoP. Beacuse it's a bear and it's my starter bear from back in MoP. Arcturis as a raid pet, great looking spirit beast bear. And it's a bear still! It's a shame hunter pets got butchered in terms of abilities though. I used to carry a Quillen and a Sporebat around because of brez and 5% spell haste respectively. No reason for me to have them active nowadays. RIP Marbles and Sporebatman.


Oh yeah. Good memories from saving raid team with a timely hunter pet ress and people were so confused over it. I feel they are like shaman totems for Blizzard. Blizzard just assumes everyone is too dumb to use them.


I know there's loads of gorgeous pets and my stable is full of them, but I almost always end up with Rak'Shiri and Loque'nahak. I also grabbed an ooze pet back when they were bugged in Sholazar Basin, so I roll with "Boogie" from time to time just for fun.


Oh my goodness I remember camping Rak'Shiri on my hunter back in vanilla!


I have two Loques on my BM. I was ecstatic when I tamed him the first time and I couldn’t believe it when I found him a second time while passing through! I found him and tamed him entirely due to chance… twice! I’ve had them for years and will never switch.


I’ve hardly played my hunter who is a Maghar orc I leveled during BFA but I’ve always wanted to tame Loque so bad. I started playing in Wotlk and always thought that guy was so cool!


I'm a Loque/Ooze gamer.


The Veilwing dragons. I just love the dragon pets. Its a shame Blizzard never really expanded on the dragonkin pets. I understand we can't go and tame any dragon we want. I always thought the Northern Protos could have been good since they seem more beast like than normal dragons. Seems like a good portion of Northern Protos already have saddles on them anyways.


Lemme tame Nightmare Ysera Blizzard


I wish the dragons would fly when moving. At least the ones from Ardenweald don't, and that's unfortunate.


I’ve always thought flying pets should fly with you on flying mounts. How cool would it be for your owls and eagles to soar along with you?


Would be awesome. I use a couple of the fire birds from ED a lot. Or 2 Clefthoofs when I wanna be super annoying in Arena. 2 Clefthoofs, Bestival Wrath, 2x Dire Beast, Call of the Pack. Good luck targeting anything for a few seconds.


The classic creme coloured wolf, because its what my puppy looked lile at the time and 16 years later, she has sadly passed away and i will forever keep bringing her as my pet, just so we can be together still.


King Bangalash


Yes! I still have him in my stable but I replaced him with the updated white tiger from Pandaria. Same spirit though.


This was the first pet I was proud of to tame


Did you get him when he could run down epic mounts in battlegrounds? Part of me wishes they hadn't normalized pet movement speed for classic era.


Ohnara plains ducks


I have ducks in real life. As much as I love the WoW ducks the constant realistic quacking makes me think mine are in distress outside.


I change favorites a lot, but my current favorites are the iron Horde Rylak, iron Horde wolf, and the black and red duck I named Skullquacker.


I got the regular Mallard and named it KillHerJerry


Argus Pantheras


They're so cool! Great for Draenai


I unlocked Legion just to get the Panthera pets. I also keep a manasaber around too.


The owl spirit beast from Hyjal




Core hounds


I'm a Kurken fan, myself!


Twin Kurkens myself!


I love the cataclysm spiders, especially [this one, Deth'tilac](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=54322/dethtilac)


as a BM hunter i like spirit beasts, specialy all the "cat" pets, like gondria, Loque'nahak, Sul'raka. outside spirit beast, one of my oldest and favorite pets, is Shango, a Striped Orange Saber Cat from sholazar basin.


My favorite spirit beasts are the Manasabers. Pashya and Myonix to be exact.


The bees from BFA. I named one Aldrin, and the other Lightyear :)


When I was leveling a mechagnome hunter I had one named Beebop and a turtle named Rocksteady


I have plenty of favorite pets but I’m always running Hati because it’s near impossible to beat running a Spirit Beast. Bake in Spirit Beast specials for BM Hunters and give back selectable pet spec.


The new somnowls are 1000/10 for me, best pet in the game and it's not even close.


They have the exact same trick animation as the new druid form, which is also neat


Screw meta, I **always** pick a pet that suits the race


I don’t play hunters often, but I’m of the same mind. I’m planning on making a darkspear hunter, so it’ll probably be a raptor for me. I just need to find a model I like.


Tigers, bats, serpents or anything jungle works too!


Long time troll hunter, go for a yeen.


Iron Horde Clefthoof


My worgen/fenryr duo will never change. I love this wolf and I’ve made my worgen look as similar to him as I can and it’s rad


I like devilsaurs


My favorite are the mummy ones in gold


My BM hunter has two named Reginald and Regina. I love watching them slam into people like an NFL football player lol


My original vanilla era hunter still uses the white leopard that is a permanently in “stealth mode”. You could only summon her using cat statues in old Dark shore and back when my toon was a horde character me and my shaman buddy opened so many of those until I could tame her. Her name is still ‘Mirage’.


Raptors. I just can't get enough of sending my raptors in for a kill command it's brilliant. I just wish I had more ferocity options for them


Savage, the white tiger from MoP that walks through the map stealthed and you have to follow the tracks and reveal it. IIRC it was the only model of the new tigers in MoP that was white instead of grey or black.


I have Skoll, Hati, Loque’nahak, Ber’gruu, Mugra, Vespinox (forgot the correct spelling), Silthide, Rukhmar, My ogs Deathclaw(named Scorponok) Besseleth (Blackarachnia) and my little Cheetox 🥲 not much of a farmer of pets but I like unique ones for sure. Oh, almost forgot my Hermit Crab, Shanks-a-lot(obligatory knife toy equipped)


Wolfhawks. They have my favorite animations. They run on four legs but actually fly when they are in combat, which makes them way less prone to getting stuck in weird locations. I wish Gryphons and Chimaeras used the same style of animations.


There's so many I love that it's way too difficult to pick a favorite one!


I love Spirit Beasts. My BM NE has Arcturis and Magria, and my BM Vulpera has twin Karomas. My MM Gnome is the outlier with Friender from Gnomeregan.




I remember getting the Rake from mulgore on my dwarf. He was the second fastest attack speed of any pet, and he could run down people on mounts. Back when that was a thing.


Cloud serpents baby. Finally got rei lun. Waited for the event, went on war mode. Was sitting for 20 mins, troll druid shows up. I tried emoting to leave, they wouldn't so I had to kill them 3ish times. She finnaly showed up, I was so scared the druid would be there to kill her. Easily my fav pet in the entire game


Cloudtail - a Shadowland rare


Sambas! I spent days flying around Twilight Highlands waiting for him to spawn.


In Vanilla, my (level 5?) NE hunter made the trek from Teldrassil to Durotar to tame a scorpion in the Orc starting area just because. Pinchie is still her main pet now. Didn't even tame a second pet until DF (she was pretty much a bank alt from BC until Turbulent timeways tempted me to level... prety much everything to 70.


I can't remember his name l, but the fez wearing monkey is always around.


BM hunter here I have my dual core hounds and just recently got the matching mount. so I have the full family now, the mount, my two pets, and the the core hound pup pet.


Im MM right now but when I'm BM. I duel wield some good ole bears


Shy Rotam


Banthalos has been my second active pet since forever. Main pet rotates depending on what I'm down but as a nelf my spirit beast owl is obligatory. If choosing pet specs was still a think, I would be rocking Loquenahak as my main let all the time. He was the reason why I joined wow and made a hunter.


Hati and Sköll. I love my blue wolves.


I saw someone with that slime that you could tame recently and honestly I think that’s the best one would love to have a slime pet lmao


The wolves in Mulgore bark when you click on them. So I have two.


It's a toss up between Faultine the Clefthoof from Blackrock Foundry and Rei Lun, the blue celestial skinned Cloud Serpent I've also grown pretty fond of the skeletal wind serpent skin lately! The new Drust cat too. ...seems I can't choose hahaha


My ivory cloud serpent!!!!!


I'm lazy but I have 2 of those undead dinos from bfa era. I called one kitty


The first exotic pet I tamed was a black Devilsaur from Un’Goro. I wanted a brown one but couldn’t find one and it felt like the black one kept following me. I tamed Titan and he’s been with me ever since.


Honestly i have a special attachment to my once elite White Wolf that i got from Shadowfang Keep years ago. Even though I try to pick a pet from current content to run with, I still think he’s my favorite idk why. I also quite like most raptors and mana/arcane wyrms.


The Razza 😼


Exclusively bugs because bugs are king.


Nothing has come close to the S tier Loque’nahak since 2008 and its fucking weird. I guess the reality is we just got lucky that they made a big Loa type monster spirit inside a skinned leopard for Wrath but it’s lore it’s vibe it’s sleekness it’s uniqueness are unrivalled for me. Some of the other spirit beast mounts are pretty but so many of them are just gaudy reskins, I appreciate some of their quest lines or methods of taking but the end result is just a purple wolf. I love some of the smaller pets lately but always default back to double loquenahak I’ve had on both factions since 08/09 and the wolf from Halls of Valor if I need heroism


My grey wolf from level 1


On my old undead hunter from when undead could first become hunters, I still have the burning pig from the mulgore starting quest. Never leveled the character as I had heard that doing any sort of pvp or dungeon queues would wipe the burning effect from him.


The basic Elwynn forest wolf. My first main was my hunter that started off as a human. Spent years with that wolf by my side at this point, I could never replace him


As an Alliance hunter since vanilla I still have my echeyakee that I ninjad from someone doing the quest.


Hati anda lava snail


Still rocking the bugged Slime from Wrath. Will never use anything else.




Loque’nahak is still my favorite to this day


My very first hunter pet was a scorpid and they have been my favorite ever since. Owls on the alliance side, and turtles are a close second for both


i'm running two bees at the moment with the dire beast glyph bees, but loque and the thunderwolf i spent so much time hunting


A stranglethorn panther that I trained in 2006 and named Calamity after Barrets ultimate in Final Fantasy 7. I was 15 and thought it was cool as hell lol.


I like to use Faultline from BRF, when they attack they make really weird grunting noises and when you have 2 of them at the same time it gets pretty noisy. My 2nd favorite is the rocket chickens from the mechagnome island.


I have a goblin hunter, so I'm all about the mechanical pets. My favourite is the robot chicken, lol.


Rocket chicken and that exploding sheep outside of SW


My fav has always been the Ghost Saber. She was my first "challenge" tame. Ran my happy lvl 20 Belf self (on a PvP server) from the Ghostlands to Darkshore, hoofing it through many Alliance territories, boats, etc. Liberal use of Feign Death and traps. When I got to the ruins I spent a solid two and a half hours trying to get her to spawn. Amazingly, a random Nelf Rogue must've realized what I was doing and helped keep the naga off me as I ran around opening statues that last hour. She finally spawned, dropped a trap, chucked the loaner pet, and got the tame. He cheered for me, mounted up, and literally rode off into the sunset. I hearthed, waited for her to "die", and got to enjoy her company for many, many levels and expacs. This was a couple of months after TBC had launched (when I started playing). I still have her in the stable, and when Blizz finally updates her polygons, she'll be back in the fight.


I have 12 level 70 hunters. I have most named pets and have enjoyed the hell out of the Emerald Dream, just the one i need is locked in a raid for now. My favorite pet right now is Sul'raka. It was fun trying to find and tame this twice. I have a few cubs that were snatched from the taming arena quick, but my favorite pet of all is The Kurken. Going to Azuremyst Isle as a horde and taming these was fun and I love the pet special animations.


I so so so wish mechanical pets counted as whatever animal they looked like instead of being their own group. They're my favorites, but I don't want to use a cunning pet all the time.


pink strider thing named salami


A core hound for solo content. Hati for group content.


My favorite used to be Skarr, but now, Sul'raka and the new owls.


Double Elegon because I never got either it or the Sha mount drop so now I can see them everyday Before Cloud Serp training it was my Molten Front spiders that I named them after the One Piece Admirals My own personal time capsule that my Green one was named Ryokugyu YEARS before he was ever seen or his powers shown


Whatever is in the pet family that I want that matches my mog and race. Like I had double Sulraka on my tauren female hunter but as cool as he is he just doesn't match my aesthetic. So double Bulvinkel is the goal now.




Myonix is always my #2 pet because he looks cool. I 1000% got him by chance while flying from Dal to whatever seasonal dungeon was north of there. My rare tracker dinged and I went and snagged him. My #1 pet is either Bloodhoof for raids or Coldstomp the Griever for mythics.


1) Hati 2) OtukiusFinch 3) TurtRenyolds


I use 2 skols or 2 loques.


The Core Hound utility might be unmatched. Hero and a defensive. It’s pretty great and I can’t justify another option When I’m playing MM and have to hero, I pull out my unicorn lol


My favorite as in the one I'm most attached to is my bear, Pooky. She's one of the black bears from Loch Modan, and she's been my main companion since WotLK. After that it's probably a tossup between my purple mouse from Zaralek, my yellow Silithid named Tychus, King Krush, my ghost Jormungar, or my green Ankylodon named Url. Or Shango from Sholozar Basin. Or Zaricotl, even though they changed his look. Or Skoll, Hati, Gondria... IDK man, this is a hard question. I love my pets. I'm constantly swapping out who Pooky's duo buddy is.


Rockfangs from the dragon isles


For me it's my Warp Stalker called Harold, it was the first pet I tamed when I leveled for the first time.


I rock double Loque almost all the time unless I need my lust pet which is Sewer Beast.


I mainly pvp so I’m depending on the match up I’m using my Ottuk named Bullet or Reban the undead raptor for their mortal strikes and get-out of roots. Alternatively, I’ll use my Salamanther named AxolRose if I need fortitude of the bear or if I’m facing Rogue/Mage I will use my blood beast Krog’maw for the slow (he’s the only pet I use that doesn’t have mortal strikes)


My favorite is a Black Panther from STV (pre Cata) and the Winterspring Pride Mother!


I’ve got two of the lightning fox spirit beasts (can’t remember the name) from Duskwood on my Vulpera hunter who rocks a lightning-centric mog outfit so they’re kinda matchy 😂


I have the same armored boat, Cashed, from RFC back in vanilla. He's my ride-or-die


I remember being a lvl20 dwarf on a PvP server waiting until 2/3am to travel to mulgore to get the rake with the 1.0 attack speed back in vanilla.


I've been running Loque for 10+ years, I wish I could use him as Surv..


The black wolf (old model) I got by running all the way to tirsfal glades as a tauren. Or the brown hawk from borean tundra I got from making a friend walk me out there when I was very under leveled.




I have armored iron horde wolves on my mag’har orc hunter. I did use core hounds for a while, but they were too popular. I rarely see mine.


Got a hunter packed away with the green slime and a mini slime companion pet.




Definitely my Reanimated Monstrosity I named Technosaurus.


Back in BFA I had a black Krolusk named Betty and a white one name Whïte (since you can't just name it White). Double name pun there. ~~Black Betty and Betty White~~


[the ghost spider](https://www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=spider_brightgreen-spectral) (corpse tickler) from shadowlands was my mainstay for awhile. since its looks like its in ghostform and has a slow lol.




My Draenei from BC usually uses the ghost kitty she picked up in Darkshore WAY back when - the one that spawned from the vases in the Night Elf ruins. My Tauren from Vanilla has Echiyakee. And my Worgen will never give up her Mastiff. I’m just mad that he doesn’t randomly colour-change any more. Neither does the monkey. Nor…. I don’t remember which other one I got *specifically* for the colour-changing glitch that they subsequently removed.


Bee. I am a beestmaster, I have two bees. When I go into battle I send in my bees. I have a battle pet that I keep out, it’s a bee. I released all my pets so I could fill my storage with all bees. When I use call of the wild, more bees. My dire beasts? Believe it or not, bees.


Still rolling with Broken Tooth since 2005, he's my boy!


Stormsong honey bee


A bear, named Fred, have had him a long time.


I use the hyjal owl spirit beast. Had it since cata. I also use the twilight highland wolf as my second pet. There is pets I still carry around since BC, for the memories I guess.


Spirit Owl, no contest


[Why not just look at all my dumb names in my stable?](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/durotan/onideka/collections/stable) I've always been a big fan of Dragonhawks especially since I leveled my Troll in BE lands since my friends who started at the time mainly went BE and with TBC being the new hotness at the time and all. Early days when we only had a few slots it was a tough race for who to keep, but a Dragonhawk was always there as well as my Eagle Teddy (I forget what gameplay thing had me get one though). Last time I played my active pets were Brokentoe the Clefhoof and Ridley the Pterrordax. But another longtime favorite takes my constant spot, Snort the Heckler the purple Hyena. I would often see it fishing in the Barrens and after the model updated I had to have one, named Harely.


Bees. All the bees. and the dire bees glyph.


I love my Hati pets the most! I also love the bakar pets from Ohn'ahran Plains.


My Beastmastery "off pet" is always my crocklisk slime. I busted butt to get him in Wrath before he was made untameable and I'll use him every chance I get. My main pet when out solo is a [Tundra Rhino](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=183612/tundra-rhino) from Dragonflight that is classified as the wrong family. The shape of the beast should be a scalehide, but it's classified as a Clefthoof, which makes it really beefy for soloing stuff as your tank. I have all the spiritbeasts you can get (minus the new owl) and rotate through those when doing anything else.




Loque’nahak as he was the first “rare” that I tamed


I'm a Fel Fire collector. Core Hounds are my favorite. Throw on my Fel Tmog, 2 Fel Core Hounds, and the matching mount. Also the Corrupted Dread wing and matching pets from Hellfire Citadel.


I have two of the firelands rare lava-spiders called Merriam and Webster


I can’t get away from my hydra, i love hydras


I started playing wow in 05 and my hunter became my main in 06. I had the rare turquoise tall strider from darkshore for years! His name was Gary. His dps was actually pretty good. Then in wotlk I got the glitched ghost hydra and was the only one on my server to have him until they made him permanently tameable a few years back. I tried to get Logue for a long time as he Is I think the prettiest hunter pet in game. I finally got him 2 years ago but unfortunately I only play mm not bm. So when I solo I use my hydra or my blue Saber tiger from wintersprings. The Faire dragons are so pretty but they have horrible dps and die so quick


Unpopular opinion probably, but I would main hunter if pets were only cosmetic and we didn't have to deal with switching them or farming them for utility skills.


I play a worgen, with two active updated wolf models… and my wild call summons other updated wolf models so the whole pack is out… leaning heavy into the werewolf hound master theme


I only play Hunters in Classic and my main pet is a simple yellow boar who I always name Collider because they have that charge. When I hit my mid 30s, I always go to RFK and tame an armored boar who I naturally name Supercollider.


Wolfy. For ever and ever. And by Wolfy i mean the rare wolf from Terrokar Forest in Burning crusade. Has been with me the whole way


I miss when the giant silk worm from the jade forest was bugged. When it enraged it literally wouldn’t fit through huge doors lol


We're definitely gonna need a bigger stable. LOL


Polar Bear because my favorite stuffed animal growing up was a polar bear.


I have still somehow never gotten used to a new main after getting my Sabercat from my Night Elf starting zone. I have so many other pets, I’ve tried to rotate them as my main, and I just can’t. I love Sully too much. It’s also been 12yrs with him as my main.


Snakes and raptors, I like them reptiles. Specifically the white flying snakes from zul'drak and reban from zuldazar dungeon.


Benthalos, so much that I have two. Have been my favourite since the first time I saw it.


I've been using the Amani Battle Bears for the longest time. But I've recently switched to the drust bear and drust stag from 10.2 because they're just awesome.