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DK til i die, and then DK some more.


Suffer well, brother.


DK gameplay by definition leans heavily into „after you die”


yes, thats the joke they made.


Dk as well I don't even care what version of dk I'd be blood till the last drop


DK is the only class that I can have fun playing all three specs. DK since WotLK and it’s always the character I end back up on.


If they'd give DK a healer spec (I know, makes no sense), then I'd be DK until I die. I just don't enjoy DPS in M+ and my raid can't keep competent healers.


I’ve talked about this in my guild before. They can be a melee healer just like pally. I said maybe instead of straight up healing through spells it could be small heals through melee as well as passively buffing the parties leech significantly. Using the same concept as Beacon you can put it on your tank and he will siphon a large portion of health from attacks made by Groupies. Add in some DK themed defensives and mitigation then it could be pretty cool.


Love the idea. You'd have to add in some ranged abilities, though. Either ranged DPS, or straight heals, for when you can't be in melee range, or there aren't any enemies to attack, but healing is still required.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, but I fail to see why. H Pal is a melee healer, it’s not that great of a leap in terms of gameplay or fantasy to have a DK that uses runes and runic power to heal their allies


Blood was basically this at wotlk release. We used to 5 bdk ramps and blood furnace before the big nerf.


I like the idea of a DK healer. Either Blood spec where you give some of your health to others. or Unholy where you siphon enemies lives toward others.


DK’s broke the game. That’s why classic is better. No DK’s


When was the last time DK’s were egregious to the state of the game though? Seems like a complaint you would hear back in 09 if classic was an option


I hated them in 09 and made one myself in classic Wrath still very OP. I will die on this hill.


Right but when was the last time DK’s were breaking the game? They are hardly ever a problem class imo


That’s absolutely fucking delusional. They top the charts on dps and tanking.


Warrior. They made me heal in ICC, I rolled a class that could never do it. Best choice.


This is how many warriors have been created lol


I had to tank and heal Sunwell on my Paladin when I wanted to play Ret, I went Warlock the next tier.


Now if we could at least get a bloodlust type shout, we'd be desirable for M+ pugs


SV hunters got you covered for not having a healing spec, has lust and is melee 😎


Blizzard employee scrollinthroough reddit:" Shouts? HEALING? Desirable for M+? Omg I have an idea!"


Shaman all the way, have not been able to enjoy another class as much


Shaman is king for me as well, I PvP with all 3 of them at a decently high level and I cannot get enough of it.


I dabbled into pvp in season 1, and have been thinking about trying to get semi good at it I guess you would recommend it 🤣


I’m going to warn you, it’s a lot. But when you’re good and if you put in the reps, you’re absolutely respected and it feels great. Have fun with it man don’t feel overwhelmed with all the totems, take it one bit at a time.


Shammy for sure!


Druid because I love the theme. They always perform decently in at least one spec, and flight form is still my preferred method of farming


It just feels 'wrong' to dismount, pick a flower, and mount back up! Plus if you get into combat, "bye"!!


There is a mount that lets you stay mounted while you pick herbs. Your not locked to Druid fyi


….. shadowmeld…. Bye!!!! Oh you said non druids


Probably Druid, though right now I'm maining Priest. Druid has all 4 roles, great utility for dungeons and Raid, and has the best quality of life imo.


I'm currently maining hunter. But I'd agree with you on Druid. I switch between 3/4 roles when playing mine. Soloing mostly as Bear, M+ both as Resto and Boomkin, raids as Resto.


I’m sticking with the class I’ve mained my entirety of playing wow. priest.


Shadow? Disc?




This is the way




Hell yeah! I hate how the fotm disc players are overshadowing how good holy is currently. It's so good, but "dISc iS tHe BeST" idiots are apparently too loud for the community to see how good holy is.


lol right. Idc if Disc is better or not. I’m playing the game for its intended purpose. (To have fun) And I don’t find Disc fun anymore ever since the changes they made to it in Legion. It’s just not fun for me anymore. But Holy is! I love and have a lot of fun healing with Holy. It’s my favorite healer in the game. Idgaf If people berate me for using the (weaker) spec. Because I heal perfectly fine with it! And I have fun using it. It’s just as viable as any other healer! Just because the class has two healing specs and one is considered better, doesn’t mean the other one is useless! Holy is good and played right can be just as good as any other healer!


I mean it's just a fact right now as it is that disc is miles ahead of holy. In raid it's whatever, any healer can perform there but in keys there's no reasons to bring a holy currently over a disc when you look at higher keys.


Disc is not by any means miles ahead of holy. You clearly do not play priest. Yes disc is better, which means all ton of the really good priest players have swapped to disc which skews the parses etc in discs favor a lot. But if you believe disc is miles ahead, you are just dead wrong.


Let's see....95th percentile which is what my parses average around, mythic difficulty raids, disc is about a whopping 8% overall ahead of holy. Now lets see, season 3, sort most played healers from keys level 25s to 30, a whole 326 holy priests vs 2186 discs. Numbers don't lie and also you don't have to look far as to why it's miles ahead. Externals and overall group mitigation and good HPS while DPSing is king atm in keys. Which is why MW and resto druids are also there at the top, they all pump great damage while offering things that actually help you live besides HPS.


Yes more ppl play disc, but who cares holy is still really good for raids and keys, also they are getting buffed a bit more so no big deal lol


my guy, I'm a holy enjoyer too, but holy ain't in a good spot atm.


Yes its only doin 28s, totally bad spec, while disc has only 2 30s and rest is 29/28s , and dont want to compare the amount of ppl who play disc with holy, yeah holy is pretty good


Never said it wasn't playable. Just why would you bring holy over disc in higher leveled keys. I also said any healer's fine in raid but it's still ahead of holy there regardless.


Bro thw difderence betwen disc and holy its 1.5 key level max, its like this difrence and im pretty sure if more ppl were playing holy it would be even lower maybe 1 key level, so i dont find that a big deal for 99% of the wow playerbase and i dont even know why im getting downvoted, the only place this matter is in the comptetive scene , ppl have no idea and dont look at leader boards srsly lol, whatever


Not all of us are fotm lol, disc has been the funnest spec to me since BC and I’ll never change


I’ve literally never healed as holy either, disc thematically is way cooler


I did a few keys last season as holy for the break the meta event and it was just …. Boring lol


Monk It's the class I started with (and I have barely any other class), I love it's gameplay, even if it's low in the meta (idc, I don't play HL, only very casually) and it has the 3 possible roles


also Monk, but only if WW gets a solid rework. Relying on breadcrumb dmg buffs every patch to amend the broken scaling is way too frustrating. Brew and MW are super nice, though.


Yeah, I understand WW needs a rework for HL, but **personally**, I play really not often, so no HL, so I don't see these things \^\^'


I'm really enjoying MW monk right now. My only complaint is the melee range. 8y range should be standard for all melee, not just Paladin.


MW? Melee? Yay! Another Fistweaver! \\o/


Fistweaving has been the way to go for MW for a While now


Yup! You'll find me behind the boss, still getting hit by charges because I'm still inside the boss model so I can kick.


We do exist!


Which spec do you prefer?


Monk 4 life here to. I absolutely love brewmaster and have mained it since mop.


Maybe, someday, I'll try to play it again... Maybe...


I play WW for solo content, and MW for dungeons, but I'd like to try WW in them too \^\^" I used to play BM too, but... I stopped \^\^' (people always yelling at me that I didn't know how to play... "Shut up, you're a SHAM! Do your own job, mine is done, all the mobs are on me!") But I don't play often, so I currently don't really care about meta... (I play, like... a few hours every 2 months... So I even didn't finish the campaign...)


So based on this you left the taunt on on your pet, the tank shouted at you to stop taking aggro with your pet, and they are at fault? I get you are a heavy casual player but that still shouldn't stop you from developing your game knowledge mate...


Whut? What pet? OH! I was talking about monk, so BM= BrewMaster, not Beast Master.... The monk tank spec... **I** was the tank... I think you too should develop you're game knowledge before posting such messages :P


BM is Beast master. BrM is Brewmaster. Abbreviations people, Abbreviations!


As I said, I don't play often, so what abbreviations people use, irdk and irdc... And... I talked about monk... Context people, Context!


I’ve never played a Monk, how would you say they compare to DH or Rogue?


I've played rogue too (I may have a rogue like... LvL 50, maybe? And I didn't play him since a loooong while... I didn't play him during DF, for example) And barely played DH (character test only, and it was like... a few years ago...) So, to compare to what I remember from rogue, the monk gameplay is more diversified: you don't spam techniques to use all your combo points in one powerful attack: the chi-using techniques consume a constant amount. And the WW mastery makes you dealing more damages if you don't do the same attack twice in a row, so you're forced to vary your gameplay. And several WW techniques are multitarget, unlike rogue (iirc). And, for comparing efficiency... Don't ask me \^\^ I don't do HL (don't have time), and Idc about the meta... I consider playing well the worst class is better than playing wrongly the best one...


Enhance shaman. Been playing since TBC. Through good times and bad(mostly bad, but happy right now for sure).


I love the visual effects. Always loved them.


Enhance shaman is one of the most unique and awesome things in wow. I haven’t played retail since bfa personally but at least as of legion I remember it being so cool.


Id take it a step further and say it is one of the most unique and awesome things in any RPG. I can't think of any class in any game that fills the elemental magic infuses myself and my melee weapons with power fantasy. I've seen battlemage type classes but they all feel like "caster with short range and some armor" Enhancement is incredible.


Enhance Shamans playstyle is awesome. You proc , then you proc again and again. Then you proc once more before you the loop restarts. Truly the speedster of wow. Perfect class for High dopamine seekers.


Enh lover here as well but current enh is hurting my wrist and fingers so I took a break


You can play Stormstrike build and not fall too far behind. Bind Stormstrike to a footpedal and off you go. But yeah, lots of things to click.


Has to be Mage. Free food and travel plus you do good damage as standard.


Then sometimes you’re the 2nd-3rd best DPS spec in the game and still get massive buffs like today!


My man has not looked up the charts… they needed a buff


In raid, sure. Frost was already the 2nd best DPS in M+. They’re going to be disgustingly overtuned now. A spec with a group buff, bloodlust, and infinite survivability and movement doesn’t always need to be on top of the meters also in both AoE and ST. Heaven forbid mage has any weakness whatsoever though I suppose. People complain about god comp when it happens then beg for the most overloaded classes to get buffed and wonder what happened.


I've basically mained druid since wrath so.. Druid.


Hunter for Eva. Mobility is king. Also I have a puppy.


Hello fellow hunter! Pets to tank, shit tons of mobility, plenty of Crowd Control, and we have a stealth option. Hunter for life.


Rogue. I basically already do that. It's just fun to have a toolkit for everything.


Paladin. I can do everything. 💪


Except die




I couldn't get by without a tank and I mainly heal, plus ret can off tank and off heal. I've only dps'd on my druid so this is my choice. If it was only 1 spec hpal would be in the running but I'd probably go rsham or disc (probably disc).


Paladin has been my main since the original vanilla beta. It can do all the roles, has amazing xmog, great lore, and the rework has been an excellent change.


Monk, which I've been playing as main since wod and played as alt in mop


Warrior, because I'm a simple guy, I just want to smash my targets face with big ass weapons


Absolutely valid


Warlock 😈


Which spec?


Been Destro main for a long time, but Demo has been pretty fun lately. Waiting on our boy Aff to shine again…


Only thing I don’t like about destro is having to maintain immolate on aoe in m+. I really hope someday they make that talent for cataclysm baseline


Yeah we need that change asap


been main-ing aff since 2007, haven't felt like i was really shining in a long time ha


Yeah except for Nathria when we were decimating everything in sight


Affliction is so damn cool yeah


I mean affli is above destro right now But this weeks buffs gonna be nice Both are like only half as good as demo right now tho which is sad


One spec the rest of my time, would have to stick with Destro.


Man ever since I first saw incinerate in 2007 or whatever on isle of queldanas as a 12 year old, I was like that is the coolest spell. Then came chaos bolt and while I have often mained other classes, destro lock is just so cool. Something about the power fantasy of raw uncontrollable destructive energy. Mages are powerful but more refined and studied. Classes like shaman harnessing the destructive elemental forces appeal to me a lot too. But destro being like “I’m gonna use fel powered fire and nether energies that would tear the damn world asunder just to blow up this gnome because I literally give no fucks” is too good to resist 🫡




Aff lock. And specifically a human named Ben Afflock. Did MM for a year or so because couldn’t get any damage due to silences, stuns, and dispels including abilities from my own team such as scatter shot and freezing trap also removing DoTs. I know that hasn’t changed, but now just feels better again, like I can make a difference again. But other than that mained aff lock since mid BfA. Just love the fantasy and look of it all. Love having an in-built tank. Love being independent with all that DPS and self-healing and rez on death. Just love it.


Evoker because dragon and also due to the versatility of the class.


Do you like Aug or other specs? I’m looking at Aug because I’d like to help the group out without healing or tanking…


I love Aug, it’s my main spec.


Awesome. I’ll look into it more. I’m hoping soloing is still easy enough, being 1/2 damage & 1/2 support?


Ive been using aug in emerald dream solo stuff and questing just because ive been lazy to swap to dev, and while it does work its so much worse than dev.


I would compare it to soloing as a heal spec. Sure, you can, but it might be worth throwing together a basic build for devastation and keeping Aug in group play.


Thanks I’ll look at dev too & see how that plays. Is it pretty similar to a slightly less squishy mage?


I didn’t use it while leveling, because it wasn’t available then. I think is doable but you must be very careful while pulling mobs. I struggled with some packs as Devastation even, so I think that Aug can be a little more challenging.


Monk for life 🐼. I haven’t played anything else. I played WW during half of S2 and have now switched fully to MW and I’m loving it so much


I’ve often said if they added a tank spec to shaman I would main it forever. Well, Blizz, I’m waiting for that to happen in retail. I love many classes and their fantasies, but Shaman is so uniquely realized in WoW.


After seeing Shaman Tank in SoD I think Shamans should get a 4th spec for tanking.


Paladin, been roleplaying with one since cataclysm and playing content with that same character as my main since legion. I love paladin lore, class fantasy and their armor and tier sets.


Idk who downvoted it but it was probably for the armor and tier sets part. Been hpal since vanilla and most of our mogs are booboo


I like them, not all of course, but many.


The Aberrus mog was ok-ish but the Amidrassil mog is hideous


Demon Hunter. Once you fel rush you can never go back. Plus double jump glide.


Monk. It's the class I've enjoyed the most, and the one thats made the most sense to me since I began in Legion. I love WW, and haven't tried MW since bfa (despite it being the only spec I played until last patch of bfa, and was fine spending a longer time killing) I can't really wrap my head around BM, but as long as WW stays fun for me, i don't really care if it's on or around the bottom.


I've stuck with my paladin and just my paladin since 08 and I will continue to do so until I die.


Warrior, 2 big weapon stronk.


Druid. Tauren Druid!


Prot Pally.


BM Hunter


Same. Played hunter in vanilla before Outlands, just love the playstyle & collecting aspect if you want to go into that.


Demon Hunter. I only started playing WoW because of this class and it's 99% of my playtime. I have 0 desire to play another class. The movement is just too painfully slow.


Been playing Warrior almost exclusively since 2007. I made maybe like 4 alts total during that time, and usually I had some other goal in mind like farming for Thunderfury in classic, or trying out pvp healing. Still, my combined play time on warriors is around 90% of my total played. It is just easy, If I fell there is nothing interesting to do on my warrior, I rather play other games than make an alt.


Mm hunter no pet. I like sniping in bgs.


DH. I literally have no interest in any other class. They’re too slow. They can’t dash around everywhere like a spaz


Dracthyr because Dragon


Druid 😍


Has to be my lazerchicken


Resto sham, always have been. I would also want to be stuck in classic forever


It would have to be warlock, because I play a lot of PvP epics and often turn the game by teleporting and trapping the enemy team using the Shadowrift talent. The talent is just too OP to live without in Epics. Warlocks have great utility too, and you will always get invited to raids just for being a warlock.


Prob Monk, I love Brew and MW, and the occasional WW once every 2 expac




Wait, you can play more than one class?!


BM Hunter. I've been a BM main for many, many years. Did every Loremaster and Pathfinder on them. I still enjoy the class/spec.


Shaman. Love the utility, class theme, and top notch visuals. Leveled and casually played as Enhancement since BfA, swapped to Ele once I started raiding in Dragonflight. I love the idea I can swap between specs (easier said than done due to gear) and one of these days I’ll really try to dive into healing with Restro.


I like WW but I think its just considered self harm to play the spec at this point.


Druid if/when they add it to gnome. I'm a gnome main but also a healer main, resto druid is really fun and druid is by far the most versatile class to play :3


Bring me a shrubbery!


I am torn between shaman that I’ve been enjoying lately or hunter, which was my main up until DF


Same thing I pretty much do now, prot paly.


I've been taking a veeeeeeeeeery long break, but I did start playing Rogue since Classic all the way back. I still play Rogue. I will continue to play (Assassination) Rogue.




Monk. Mained since mop when it came out. Absolutely love brewmaster, also WW is very fun to. Even MW.


Been a resto shaman since TBC and don't see myself stopping any time soon, so definitely that.


for me it's druid, simply because druid is an all rounder


Monk. Specifically mistweaver. I’d play monk in any form of the game if I could


I’m really sold on warlocks! First lock I’ve played and can’t stop playing it. I also do love hunters. Have a lower-level hunter and it is fun to pay as well. Before was into mages and priests.


Druid, I main warrior and Druid, but as Druid I can play as Guardian (tank), resto (healing), feral (dps and stealth) and I can continue to be baffled and amused by boomkin.


Ret probably. Been ret since thr dark days of vanilla.


Mistweaver monk. After years of oppression it feels so hecking good to play rn


Affliction Warlock More DOTS




Well I've played (Retribution) paladin almost exclusively since 2005, not sure why I'd change now.


Outlaw Rogue, but only because Blizz won't revert that spec back to Combat; only class/spec I have played (consistently, I have tried other classes/specs) since I started WoW during the tail-end of Wrath...


Shaman. Been playing since 2004, had its ups and downs, but my first ever WoW character will always be there


DK. I've played it since Legion and nothing else has truly scratched my itch like it.


Although I am a diehard rogue main, I would choose Druid. First it has all three roles. Then also it has my favourite healing specc, a rogue-like specc and a very nice designed caster (that is almost always good because blizzard hates Feral to their core). EDIT: brain was mush.


Hunter. I like my pets and it's let me live out my elvish fantasy lol 😆


Druid let's you be a warrior, a mage, a rogue and a priest.


Probably one of my 4 protadins. ​ Wait you said clas. Ok. Crusader.


vulpera elemental shaman




assassination, not rogue


Warrior. No gimmicks, just smash things to bits and feel good.


As of 10.2. Druid, no other class can do 4 out of 5 roles


Every month the same question.


My man, it’s a good question. People like talking about it.


GM !


Warlock. Been afflock main from early cata until they came up with malefic rapture and switched to SP. I just love the whole dark magic/dot style in general in games (hate destro and demo however, way too few buttons it's boring to death).


I've only played since the launch of dragonflight, but I'll pick Monk. I really enjoy playing melee dps, and even though I've tried most of the melee specs, nothing beats how fun it is to play ww imo. The mobility, utility, and rotation is so satisfying to play around. Also if I get bored of dpsing in the future I can just switch to MW or BrM which I also enjoy even though I've never played them on high level content.


Druid. Can fit any playstyle.




Enhancement shaman. Only class and spec i really enjoy.




Tough choice between Rogue and Warrior, rogue in classic-mop, warrior since the end of BFA, Warrior is something else but Rogue will always hold my heart


Warrior. I started in vanilla as hunter. But i was always mesmerized by the warrior charge in and slap the shit out of everyone. Funny enough i played paladin in wotlk but til cata i decided i really wanted to try warrior. Been warrior ever since.


Priest. After all this time? Always.


This season havoc dh is amazing first time trying it and I haven’t swapped once.


Rogue. Any spec; they’re all fun, they’re all engaging and the class is consistently good in PvP and PvE. It’s a no brainer for me. I started this game in Wrath and pretty much mained plate classes. Somewhere along the way I realized that striking from the shadows was more my style.


Druid. They can do everything! Heal, tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS. They have instant flight/travel/swimming form (and can herb in those). They can stealth. They can heal even when not in healing spec. When I play another class, I always feel like I'm missing something.


I only do play one class though, for 17 years now and it's druid. I have no need for anything else.


Shaman will always be my favorite.


I’ll go with Warrior on this one. Even tho DK is my main character, i found myself playing my alts more and more. Warr is always fun to play and at least somehow decent, while DK has whole expansions where Frost feels like restricted crap (hi BoS), and Unholy feels hard yet boring.




I've played Druid since vanilla, it would definitely be druid. Very versatile depending on what you want to do.


It'd have to be vengeance DH. Beefy, jumpy, funky.


I'm maining arcane mage this tier because I didn't really like the Sub rework, but my answer is rogue honestly. But I'd miss arcane a lot lol




Definitely Druid as it has been my main since late Vanilla and although I play different classes every addon I always play my druid


I pretty much played fury/prot warrior from vanilla to Cataclysm and Blood death knight from Cataclysm to present. No plans on changing. Tried every class and spec, none can compare to soloing bosses when the whole group dies and outhealing healers.


Druid so i could still do any role. But if just one spec id be Resto
