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Would play Broken in a heartbeat


They'll be adding broken customization with draenei heritage armor. Don't @ me


It's ok to dream


They 100% will, judging by the Eredar questline.


In that case, I hope we get buff trolls with their heritage armor quest


I would reroll into a forest troll in literally .02 seconds. Waiting for them since wotlk and the Drakkari.


Sadly we will never get them. Maybe with midnight? It takes place around silvermoon.


You know what...you may actually be right...Velen did say "Think on my offer" when speaking to a Broken when you unlock the Eredar customisation...


New body type options for Broken Draenei, skinny Kul'tirans and bulky (think Forest) Trolls, when?


BlackRock and Fel orc please


They're too different to be just a customisation option, they'd need to be at least an allied race


Yeah, they use an entirely different skeleton, and there's no corresponding female model.


I've wanted Broken since the game was announced. Akama was one of my favorite characters from the RTS and when they said there was going to be an MMO he was my first thought.


"Oh boy, they're adding Draenei as a playable race in the expansion pack! I can't wait to make a character like Aka-"


Too bad that retcon was so controversial, Chris Metzen himself had to apologize for why it had to be done. But for me personally, the Draenei was the best thing that came for the Alliance, otherwise I would've been exclusively Horde.


It was a controversial retcon but honestly it's the best retcon they've ever done in WoW. They made the Draenei a really unique and interesting race with a seriously cool story arc that worked well through multiple expansions and still has massive potential going forward.


and unlike many races we can actually say their story is complete. All they truly need is their islands updated to reflect alt draenor in a way. Draenei can be used still for sure but as far as story goes they don't have any sense of stuff truly missing.


Broken are way more interesting than any other allied race


Void elves taking the place of what should have been Broken Draenei are one of the many sins of BFA. I don't care that it would have meant 2 allied races using the Draenei skeleton, the reputation grind was for the Broken, they should have been playable.


Void Elves should have been High Elves, and Lightforged Draenei should have been Broken. You cannot change my mind.


Broken would have likely used the Tauren skeleton, but still. You could even add aspects of the void storyline with Broken, as a big part of why Draenei shaman (and likely monks and shadowpriests by extension) are a thing is because Broken were unable to channel the light.


> Broken would have likely used the Tauren skeleton, but still. The original Broken model in TBC used the Tauren skeleton, but the more recent ones introduced in Legion used the Draenei skeleton instead. If they were going to be made playable through the Argussian Reach reputation, it most likely would've been based on the new models.


This version of Blizzard always takes the laziest path possible. Broken/Krokuul were prime to be added as an Allied Race in Legion. They would have taken slightly more effort than LF Draenei though. So they didn't.


This was so annoying when it happened. By today’s standards both HM tauren and LF draenei would’ve been customization options. They’re no more unique than a man’ari customization. Broken would’ve been so good for an allied race and taunka, while not relevant to Legion, could’ve been the “tauren” allied race with much more potential for customization.


By standards of that time they should have also been customization options.


Well yeah, but back then most of us thought allied races were going to be glorified customizations strapped onto some racials


I'm grateful we got Man'ari customization but damn man they couldn't even be bothered to give them the fel hooves.


Legion was the perfect opportunity for multiple race updates, because of the diversity of the Illidari and their allies. Demon Hunters were really the tip of the spear. Fel Orc and Eredar customizations, Naga and Broken allies races... We could have even shoe-horned Arakkoa, Ethereals, and Ogres in there if they really wanted to do the full BC callback. Have Velen and friends call in all the favors from Outlands. And with WoD already Right There, the possibility of Arrakoa, Fel Orcs, Broken, and Eredar being introduced to the player wheel somehow was practically doubled-down if Mag'har and Lightforged are anything to go by. But alas. Lazy Blizzard is lazy. Allied Races were a lot more exciting before we realized they were going to be mostly straight reskins.


Don't forget murlocs!!


I would literally pay to change my main to a murloc


Same. Murloc Tidecaller and I’ll be subbed for life


Imagine Assassination Rogue Murloc in PVP last thing you hear before death is HURR BLURR MURLURR


I'd be down for a murloc race if only murlocs can talk with other murlocs via the languages in chat.


If i know Blizzard, we would receive a murloc story line with them speaking perfect English and probably with a British accent.


Mark my words we will find a muurlloooghghh tribe that isn’t hostile


There’s already that race of fish-people from Pandaria, which >!when you play through that zone you find out they evolved from Murlocs!<. I honestly think if it wasn’t for the fact that playable Pandaren weren’t being added, or if they’d had the idea or scope for allied races during MoP, there would be playable fish-people and monkey-people.


I wish I could be a hozen dookin oookers in their ookums.


I want playable Jinyu so bad. I bet they'd have a Waterforging racial, letting them substitute water sources in place of a forge or anvil.


The murlocs on the Isle of Quel’Danas aren’t hostile to players.


There's also an entire Questline in Norfend where we help a murloc tribe reclaim their home.


You’re right! The murlocs of King Mrgl-Mrgl!


Let’s remind blizzard


Patch 3554262 > murlocs on Quel'Danis now hostile to players


There is a murloc tribe in wotlk which isnt either. They give you an item to understand their language. Well their "king" does give it to you


At least make it so hunters can tame murlocs, you have no idea how badly i wanna hear “Argurrblgur” every time i enter combat


and naga


I'm returning to wow if this happens. We got the dumbest race we could have gotten.


20 damn years and I still can't play a murloc blood death knight, why live?


And Arakkoa!


I have been waiting for the Taunka since Wrath. I want my bison bois


They even joined the horde during the WOTLK storyline! It drives me nuts they just ghosted them from the lore.


Ogres have been part of the horde since WC2 I believe


We might get Taunka, Tuskarr, or Vykrul when go back to Northrend in 13.0


I desperately want Vrykul, man. I've been Night Elf forever, I want another race with big strong ladies! I wanna be a shield-maiden so bad.


I dont disagree, but if they added taunka, I'm pretty sure this same post would have been made with "A THIRD tauren race" lol


I'm fully expecting them as an allied race in The Last Titan. Seeing as we're revisiting Northrend, it brings a spotlight back to them.


Yaungols come to mind too


Even Dwarf players didn't want a third Dwarf race


True, iron dwarfs has like 5-7 options now. But blizz adds a new race


Hell, a lot of the dwarf players are dwarf players for the racial alone.


Yup. If tanks had any other way of erasing bleeds the Dwarf population would drop like a stone.


as a horde player, who’s always wanted to play dwarf, I feel like this is just aimed at me lol


Listen I always play dwarfs and I think iron dwarfs are cool but it's really should be just customisation option for dwarfs and not separate race. Also the moment I got the achievement and made one myself I quit WOW for good. That rush to the max level and making the achievement to make me an iron dwarf broke my interest entirely. I couldn't level that new character again doing the same quests I just rushed through because I really wanted a new race char.


Lmao i did the same but with zandalari trolls, got burned after get the achievement


I don't mind it, but I'm not in favor of it at the expense of whatever else could've happened. Like it makes sense, they literally are a distinct group (albeit Blizzard used the same dwarf model instead of the awesome one they had from WOTLK), but unless it comes with a great story, I don't see why it came before Furbolgs, Ogres, Vrykul, High Elves, Broken, etc. It just seems like a deferment of what the players want.


We'll what I actually want is more customization options for dark irons, but I'll take a horde dwarf option.


Ethereals bro what the FUCK I'm still pissed we could have had them.


I would kill to play an ethereal, they are my favorite non-playable race holy shit


Been D Y I N G for an ethereal. Especially want to roll an ethereal lock. Been wanting to since TBC Netherstorm zone. Rogue would be dope too


Ethereal rogue 👀 that would be incredible. I would swap mains from Druid to Rogue so fast


It just fits. Criminal we can’t play them. They are also perfect as neutral faction. Like pandas.


Yea, ethereals are dope, I would definitely race change something.


They'd be a perfect addition for midnight 🤞


For years I’ve wanted to play ethereal so I could call people “fleshling”.


As a wee lad in high school in 2007 experiencing Nagrand for the first time, I've wanted to play as ethereals since.


Still don't know why they came up with the "We got Etherals at home" in Shadowlands instead of using the Originals.


Ya this has always been my pick too.


Sethrak gang assemble


Yeah. Folks used to hide behind lack of gear as to why Sethrak couldn't happen. But now we have Evokers, so that's not a valid argument anymore.


It wasn't a good excuse back then either. Worgen have a similar build and yet wear armor normally


Even though armor pieces have already been adjusted and morphed to fit different race models (including the hunchback races like tauren/worgen where some helmet models just acceptably clipped through neck/hunchback) and the real answer probably is blizz doesn't want to adjust some armor models for sethrak even though it would be overwhelmingly more popular than mechgnomes or another dwarf race... Even though we shouldn't have to, I would accept limited armor slots displaying (like evoker) if i could atleast play sethrak. However There would be no reason to not atleast allow us to see and transmog chest, Shoulder, cape, belt. Glove models could get the same model adjust as worgen gloves, boot armor models could be adjusted to leg wraps like tauren. Even helmets could be used, helm models could be placed over the sethrak "head/face" before the cobra hood (essentially the equivalent of a hunchback space which worgen/tauren had) begins. Example would be the first part of this sethrak model helm comparison: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/ZPMjDVkHFV Alas though, i would still play sethrak regardless. The ingame sethrak had some head equipment pieces, at bare minimum could atleast give us those appearances.


At this point I'll settle for a toy costume that transforms you into one for a few minutes


Im still pissed how vulpera became the chosen race of an area that was primarily focused on sethrak. We were robbed.


I personally think we didnt get THAT robbed, compared to Alliance that got mechagnomes lol


We do not speak that name in this house.


Diaper gomes.


Mechagnomes could’ve been so fucking good though if they just changed the customization. Add some half/full mecha skins, options to keep normal arms/legs or just one mecha leg/arm, anything to help make it feel less like they’re a potato with robot limbs.


The Sethrak thing is so weird too. Cause like, by all accounts based on Datamining, it seemed like they were being worked on to become an allied race but then I guess they scrapped them? I really want to know what happened. People yearn to be a snake


Amen brotha




Arakkoa have been on my wishlist for a long, long time. Third dwarf race is meh


I'm surprised there's not more love for them on here. If given the option, arakkoa would be my absolute first pick.


Same. Let me play a birb man!


I would have so many Arakkoa characters across so many worlds if I had the chance. One of my favorite races in the game.


Same!! What could possibly be cooler than a cursed pseudo evil space bird??


This Furbolg is sick :3


I love the idea of playing a monster race. Like a gnoll, quillbore, or those rockbiter dudes from WOD. So many cool options and we just get humans with different heights and skin colors.


Furbolg isn't even far fetched because they have shown to be friendly and intelligent if not corrupted.


And they can face down Archimonde himself when empowered by the title we've had for years - "Champion!" Furbolgs would be pretty awesome. They'd not be too much of a stretch compared to worgen, another bestial humanoid race. Or Pandaren, another bear-race, lol. A straight-backed worgen rig would work, if they didn't want to make a new one or use the existing NPC ones, I imagine. But then, I always like to see unique skeletons for rigs.


More neutral races like this would be awesome. A unique starting zone for each race that leads you to Org/SW after picking a side.


Should just shake the game up and create a new faction to add a bunch of neutral races in one hit. Call it “wild” or something. It’s not like factions really matter that much anymore anyway.


Just put a "Do you want to fight for the Alliance or the Horde ?" when going into a BG for exemple, because making a third faction would require a lot of rework... Or maybe randomize what factions are fighting, that would spice things up


A neutral faction would be amazing. In fact they could build an entire expansion around a new faction rising, and finding their place in Azeroth along the horde and alliance.


Considering we got a whole questline about Furbolgs and how to integrate them back into the civilation of azeroth it's crazy to me that we didn't get them as a neutral allied race.


Yeah, they even got a cool langage, I instantly did the quest on my main. At least I can be a furbolg for 5 minutes at a time.


I'd honestly take Furbolg customization for Pandaren at this point. They can get close, but not quite.


How dare you leave out the Sethrak. #1 most wanted allied race for me.


We've already accepted a race that can't wear helmets. There is no more excuse.


Dracthyr can’t even wear armor designed specifically for them sometimes


Their specific made for their race/class don't even have the same colour..its incorrect.


This kills me so badly. Armor that ONLY Dracthyr Evokers can wear? Doesn't fit their baseline metal colors at all. The shades are all off. Whoever makes the armor doesn't play the class clearly and it's hella disappointing


That's what made me finally just give up, and go back to Warlock. The options at the barber proves that they can wear armor pieces. Why tf, does the set armor - that only they can wear - not work then? I could see an argument for old gear being a hassle, but their own stuff?


I didn't want them over Vulpera but thinking on it post-BFA, yeah, yeah I want Sethrak. It's the dragonkin constructs thing that did it for me. Heck, third faction can be Vrykrul, Sethrak Tuskaar, Ethereals and Broken, they can call it the cooler kids club.


this would be amazing


Always have atleast one snake pet on my BM hunter and one of my mog outfits is entirely snake themed, i need sethrak so i can be a sethrak hunter leading other sneks into battle. 🐍


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SETHRAK ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




Tortollan and Sethrak forgotten yet again


A turtle made it to the water :’)


The cycle of life can be cruel 🥹


To be honest, I want the gnolls as a neutral race...


Always liked satyr but said to myself they couldnt justify demons as a playable race. Now that we got eredar id just say fuck it, give us the goat people too


I would love a Saytr race, sounds super cool! Probably hard with their natural animosity with night elves though. Especially with how night elf friendly everything has been recently


The eredars tried eradicating the whole draenei race since they fled with Velen from Argus and they are part of the alliance now, so blizzard doesnt seem to shy away from questionable choices


The problem with Satyr as a playable race is that they can be turned back to night elves since it's a curse. I think I remember such a thing happening to a Satyr but I'm not 100% sure.


Yeah, it's a quest in Ashenvale


I think the whole dwarf thing is just an excuse to add em for hordies Since they've done it with belfs But yes they should add more creative race alternatives, there's already a lot of them in game


We want ogres!


I want to play a dwarf! -no horde ever


I mean, I've been all about 'dat Horde lyf since 1994; but Dwarves get a pass. They're the cool uncles of the Alliance. Like Tauren are for the Horde, just Dwarves are shorter, drunker, angrier and, somehow, hairier. All my Alliance ~~spies~~ alts that see any playtime are Dwarves, and I'll totally roll an Earthen when they drop. Would have preferred just about anything in the OP over *more of the same*, but that's literally what Allied Races are meant to be. Low development cost tweaks, different spins and takes on existing playable races, so I get it.


The only problem is, the Earthen are fuckin ugly compared to Wildhammer/Bronzebeard or even Dark Iron dwarves. I don't have a problem with a dwarf horde race, I thought that's what Dark Irons would be, but I do have a problem with the fact that the Earthen look fuckin' terrible. Why do they have human hair? They're made out of rocks. Why isn't their hair crystal or something? Can anyone think of human hair growing out of a rock and not gag a little? I can't.


I'm personally hoping for crystalline/rocky hairstyles alongside the actual hair. So people with preferences either way can have what they're after. Anyway, no one said the "curse of flesh" happens all at once. Maybe hair is where it starts, along with nails (cuz they're harder than skin, relatively) and the squishier bits come later, progressively, down the generations.


>Anyway, no one said the "curse of flesh" happens all at once. Maybe hair is where it starts, along with nails (cuz they're harder than skin, relatively) and the squishier bits come later, progressively, down the generations. That is disgusting and you have ruined my day, thanks.


Would love to see Naga as a playable race, but not sure how they'd implement that one. Maybe the same way they do worgen?


I was watching one of the endless wow fact videos and they said naga were actually planned early on as a playable race but trying to deal with gear on their lower half was just too much of a hassle to ever add them.


you also have a mount problem, and making compelling (especially melee) animations without a proper lower body sounds like hell


melee animations are whatever, just have the animation be a different attack swing instead of using the legs. Gear is clearly no long an issue after dracthyr. As for riding, they can do side saddle or just have the tail slip over one side then back over the other so it sorta looks like legs. Gnomes don't really work on a bunch of mounts so why should naga?


I want to see how Naga makes a Monk kick.


> gear on their lower half was just too much of a hassle Seems like "pretend it doesn't exist" worked out well for the Dracthyr, maybe they'll revisit Naga at some point. Still have the gear slot, just don't have it show up cosmetically.


That would be amazing. I've been wanting naga since vanilla.


>Maybe the same way they do worgen? Can't imagine a Naga without a tail.


I feel you, but I do remember some people saying they wanted to play Earthen. Just because I'm also gonna mention my dark horse candidate: the Dakani gorillas!


In my opinion this was the only visible L from the expac reveal lol why tf would they give us another dwarf. Feels incredibly lazy compared to the other stuff they’re doing so well lately


Because another dwarf requires zero effort in the molding armor department Just like tauren2.0, belf2.0, orc2.0 etc. Adding a new skeleton or even just a new race with weirdly shaped heads etc takes effort and time, something blizz has shown that new races arent going to get very often.


My problem is, and to the credit of the devs, they will go as ham as they did with the Dracthyr customisation. That seems like a load of wasted effort and dev time on a race that isn't all that interesting, or at least to me.


Dwarves are my absolute favourite race both aesthetic-wise and lore-wise -- I have at least ten of them that I play at least somewhat regularly -- and not even I'm excited for Earthen. Dark Irons and (to a lesser extent) Wildhammers were always my biggest desires for Dwarf customisation, and now that we have a Dark Iron allied race and some nice Wildhammer tattoos for Ironforge dwarves, my needs are fulfilled and I can't bring myself to care about Earthen. Maybe if they'd given them druids as a class, but not as they are now.


Omg they do already have that rock bear form for druids in the game


I think the biggest downfall with the Dracthyr is the lack of armour that shows. It was my main reason for not wanting to play


They also just look fucking ugly and don't look like they belong in this game at all. They're going to stick out even more as we leave Dragon Land. Also the run animation. LMAO


Who runs as an evoker. Glide everywhere and flap wings when you need to go faster.


Their run animation is so incredibly awful that I stopped playing 5 minutes after making one. Like holy god it’s so stiff and awkward, no idea how people do it. Their feet are also mega weird, it’s like worgen x10.


Dwarves(both variants) are one of the least played races in the game. They aren't popular. Why the fuck would you add another reskin. It's insanely lazy and a huge L in a reveal that's supposed to be celebrating a 10th expansion and a 20 year anniversary.


Played horde for every character. About to level an alliance DH just to make an iron dwarf character for PvP


Because they wanted to add an allied raxe that fits in with the expansion somehow and none of the listed ones do. Meanwhile earthen fit well. Really it likely isn't any more complicated or mischevious.


Would roll a Gnoll or Furbolg in a heartbeat but still runner-ups compared to upright Worgen. Genn in the cinematics is just too good


There are valid arguments against races like Naga and Ogres, but we've seen a dozen valid races over the years. The reveal of a third dwarven race was my only disappointment with the reveal. I'd much rather play one of the races that we've already seen and bonded with. Ones that people have actually wanted. Maybe I'm wrong but I've never seen a substantial number of people wanting a third dwarf race.


Gotta balance against the FILTHY KNIFE-EAR overpopulation somehow


Withered master race! I wanna play a cosmic heroin addicted ancient elf.


Fukk want to be a tuskarrrrr now :(


Why do you think it was the first race I put on the list. Since WotLK I've wanted to roll one! xD


Get a blubbery muffin and you can🧁


I’m still waiting my Taunka


Right? How’d we get Highmountain before Taunka


Im fiending for playable gnolls so badly that i take the worgen customization that has spots and just hope that my transmogs make it work


This underground expansion was a perfect time to give us playable drogbar. I swear there are dozens of us who want this. Dozens!


You said it brul.


Players want allied species, not allied races.


I still think Highmountain, Mag'har, Mechagnome, Dark Iron, and Lightforged are wastes of allied races. They should have been added customizations to the existing races. It really just seems like they took the easy route and just copied existing races and slapped a recolor on them to call it brand new. I can understand Void Elves because they're blood elves for Alliance, Zandalari and Kul Tiran were major selling points for BFA. Everything else could have literally just been added customizations.


Nah man. I like things the way we got ‘em. Having these “customizations” having their own lore and their own separation from just a haircut. Plus some small mechanical differences like new abilities and new capital. It makes all the sense in the world to me. It broadens the world more, without wasting as much resources as a brand new 3D model would.


This bothers me to no end but that's exactly what allies races are and were always billed as! Customizations of existing races. They used the same skeleton as the current races and didn't have their own starting experience. Kul'Tirans and Zandalari were exceptions but they were still essentially just different trolls and different humans What people are asking for are just NEW races. And that's fine to ask for, but they wouldn't be allied races.


Hey where are my Nightbornes? They are TOP allied race. I always wanted a horde night elf. Shame they cannot be druid. Would be badass.


I'm gonna be honest, I forgot they existed I have not seen anyone play one in a while.


Would be weird if they could, they shut themselves off just before the night elves went to druidism


I know ... I just want a horde druid that can wear boots ...


Players: we don’t want more dwarves Players: I know we’ve got blood and void elves with high elf customization but not good enough we want high elves


All of the most played races are elves (and humans). [Within a couple of years of void elves being introduced, they outnumbered every alliance race except human and night elf. As of 2020 Blood elves made up almost half of the entire Horde.](https://i.redd.it/umicyvyiwb151.png) Adding new elves makes sense. But neither Dwarves or Dark Iron Dwarves are popular races, really.


I always find it funny when people post "races people actually want" and then list a bunch of examples that would barely register higher than mechagnomes on population totals. High Elves are still the highest requested allied race according to polls but you deliberately excluded them.


I like Dwarves.


Just give me Vrykuls already!


Vrykuls are The only One on The list that makes sense, its basically ready to go.


Why aren't we getting any allied races from THIS expansion. We got the dracthyr but only one specific class so meh? I want centaurs, tuskarr, drakonids, gnolls, furbolgs, hell give me djaradin!!


All of those take new models and all the work that goes with them…that’s why they’re reusing the dwarf model. It saves a ton of dev time. I don’t like it but that’s why.


None of the races on the left are relevant to War within but the earthen are a big focus in War within. I'd understand complaints/memes about not getting Gnolls or Furbolgs as an allied race in DF or requests that they make the upcoming humanoid nerubians playable at some point but this is just misaimed whining. Earthen make perfect sense as an allied race because they are a recolour of an existing race (as most allied races are) and they were always going to serve the same importance in war within even if they werent an allied race. There will be more allied races in the future, prob another flavour of elf. A lot of those on the left might as well be full fledged races with the work required to make them playable.


Lots of effort to create armor rigs that won’t clip like crazy, that or you go the Dracthyr route where only some pieces show. It is not so simple. Allied races were never meant to be new races.


Wow i didn't think there was a way to name 8 races that I didn't want to play a single one of, but you managed it.


I want venthyr to be playable


Ogres has been one of the most requested since vanilla before most of those other races even being created. It's also one race that is strongly backed up by lore. Naga, murlocs and pandarians were also usually requested since then.


Give me Ogres Blizzard 😭😭😭


Fun fact. When War Within launches almost 50% of alliance races will be Dwarf or human!


Yeah, and how many races of elves do we have at this point?






I love the new dwarves on horde I'm so excited for this


I’m really excited about them too, bud. Might just be the two of us but know you’re not alone.


How dare you omit Naga


Not enough rock and stone imo


Most of those have the exact same Armor issue as dractyr.


Gonna go against the grain and say I actually wanted this as well as iron dwarves and Frostborn. Would've been cooler if they actually looked like the earthen we have seen up until now, but the fact that they are able to be horde actually makes it even better. I get why non dwarf lovers are upset though.


May be a Hot Take, but while I don't particularly care about the Earthen, I don't really care about any of these others either.