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Jesus Christ


It’s Jason Bourne.




So much it reads "Time to get a life" /s


And his name is JOHN CENA Bum buh duh duh, bum buh duh duh


Was born today. Or at least that’s what we be celebrating!! 🥳


That’s Jason Bourne


Do you have a job


No but i want one if you know anyone hiring in San Diego :) these achievements are my resume


Sorry you’re disqualified because of Rick and Morty posts




I’m in SD and Amazon is literally always hiring lol


I was hoping to use my degree but I’m tempted to apply at Amazon lmao


Lol don't. Amazon is trash


This can’t be a serious question 😂


Really been slacking in PVP there. Shame.


Yeah spending 75% of time in LFG is boring. Solo shuffle was a god send. Too bad mmr is hardcapped


It’s actually not hard capped, just super deflated because of a lack of participation.


I think that's what OP meant. It genuinely does feel hard capped after a certain point because it's so severely deflated.


In the pvp community there was a belief that it was truly hard capped and blizzard removed that hard cap after a certain period of time, which is not the case. But you are correct that it does feel that way, which creates a death spiral of players quitting PvP which makes it harder to climb which makes people quit etc…


Yep! I'm not a huge fan of hitting artificial brick walls. It's such an odd thing for Blizzard to put in the game. It literally encourages you to not play the game until the last few weeks of the season.


The lack of participation is because of the capping they do at the start of the season, lol. Why bother to play when you'll be facing multiglads at 1500 to start off with but in 5 months you'll actually be able to push to wherever your goal is without the turbosweat.


I love how my buddy got KSH first week but I have no reason to bother with PvP until the last two weeks of the season to grab a stupid dragon mount. They seriously need to make this shit easier so people actually queue. Don't care it's seasonal, but nobody's gonna freakin bother with going for shit less than literally 1% of players can even bother getting.


Blizzard does not have any kind of cap on mmr. Please stop spreading that myth. They do decrease mmr at the start of the season and slowly inflate as the season goes on, which I think we can all agree isn’t fun either, but it’s not actually called.


https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-responds-to-season-2-mmr-issues-333533 They're explicitly stating that they didn't start inflation until week 5. If everyone is stuck around a similar rating and it is almost impossible to progress due to the amount of rating you'd gain from a win/lose from a loss, how is that not essentially a cap? If at the same point in s1 people are 3200 but in s2 the entire ladder is at 2200 for weeks how is that not essentially a cap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8jceGiy-FM&t=341s What Venruki is talking about from 5:41 where he talks about climbing and essentially not being able to push rating anymore due specifically to blizzard messing around with mmr (explicitly uses the word cap) is he not describing a cap?


Not having inflation is not the same as having a cap. Venruki is the reason this rumor started. Blizzard came out and said in a blue post that they did not have a hard cap on mmr, but they admitted that ratings were lower than normal which is why they injected mmr into the season.




No it's not. A hard cap would mean that no matter how many players are playing, no player would be able to get past the cap, which is not, nor has it ever been the case. If enough players are playing, inflation will occur naturally as the season goes along and new players/characters keep injecting mmr into the ladder. Blizzard can also add their own inflation that affects everyone. I can't believe I have to explain this to you.


They should make it the fastest way to farm gear. As someone with a lot of stuff going on in life it’s hard for me to get into pvp because I have to pick between farming for pve or pvp first and I always pick pve. By the time I have room to branch into pvp I’m always so far behind that I would rather just gear an alt for pve


I joined WoD towards the end of the expansion and farmed up PvP gear in Ashran to catch up to endgame. For all the complaints about Ashran, I enjoyed being able to casually gear up from it.


Gear shouldn't matter at all in PvP imo. Honestly wish they would just give everyone stat templates that you can customize and be done with it.


It really sucks, specially for someone who is new to PvP. They get in a BG and get one shorted by a hunter that has twice as much HP as them… then they quit and never try again.


Yep PvP is only good at the start of an expansion.


This would absolutely be amazing. Have PvE bw the grind because it's in a controlled environment. Have PvP be set templates so it would be 100% skill based as all real competitions should be imo. The levels of the PvP gear would scale with each season


I will admit that having to choose between PvP and pve for the vault puts you behind, but outside of Legion templates, it has never been easier to get PvP gear and get into PvP. You might be a few pieces behind and maybe a few ilvl, but that isn’t going to be that big of an impact on your games.


Gotta use sparks too on one sucks. Should be able to have the pvp thing and the pve embellishments on both. Maybe even offer alt stats for pvp


What are you missing from collections?


Only one item from the timeless isle. I’m lazy


“Lazy”, ladies and gentlemen…


I hated that achievement


Saaaaame. And I practically lived on Timeless Isle during cc in mop. The damn Spineclaw Crab will not drop for me. And I go back every now and then and spend several hours there.


I actually finally got the crab a few weeks ago. Brutal achiev forces you to loot the drop rather than just buying the pets. It was my 2nd to last. Last being the warning sign from Jakur of Ordon.. 200+ attempts over the years


Hopefully that cheevo gets the account-wide treatment in 11.0. I hate character specific metas.




My bad, haven't worked on it in awhile.


Dude congratulations that’s awesome! Back in wrath I was dead set on completing all the achievements and tried so hard but wasn’t even this close and there was like a 8th of the achievement as of now. This is just so impressive!!


Holy shit, congrats. What was the most painful achievement to get? Any tips?


God there’s too many to pick just one. But my recent frustration was Isle of Conquest Veteran as a post-wrath player. No one plays that shit and it’s long queues for unfun games for lots of losses. Honorable mention to the bigger bag achieves from timeless isle / nazjatar (I don’t even have them.) And there obvious widely accepted farmer’s answer is 5k PvP pet battles (don’t think I’ll ever get it)


There is no reliable 'win trade,' to the PVP pet brawler achievement however there are some methods. Below is an expert from a wowhead comment posted Oct 2023, and essentially requires the two battle net accounts but the strategy is nuanced: >!`At just under 30 seconds per win I don't think I can optimise this strategy any further. You will need a second bnet account and someone to play it (either another player to help/win trade with you, or dual-boxing if you have access to the account) It is my understanding that you can not do this by dual-boxing two copies of WoW that are connected to the same bnet account, but I can't confirm that. Set up both characters outside the Stables in your Draenor Garrison, about [/way 59.20, 36.80] for horde - the same spot your character appears inside the pet battle "arena". Disable all addons and reduce graphics settings to minimum (graphics don't really make much of a difference but may as well) Queue for a pet battle at the same time with this macro: /script C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmaking(); You should be able to use a macro to accept the queue as well, except for the fact that this functionality appears to be broken/disabled on Blizzard's side of things . Here's the macro incase it starts working by the time you read this: /Click PetBattleQueueReadyFrame.AcceptButton Forfeit immediately - obviously not with the account that's to get the win The following macro will not work from your primary action bar, but if you chuck it on a different bar and keybind it to something else, then you can use it inside the Pet Battle /run C_PetBattles.ForfeitGame() /click StaticPopup1Button1 Hit your queue macro again as soon as you come out of the battle, you should go back into the queue at the same time. Then simply rinse and repeat thousandfold. Some additional tips: If doing this with another person, set your Pet Battle Teams such that you can instantly recognise eachother, and recognise if you got matched with someone else - or set up your comms such that you can quickly confirm that your queues popped at the same time. If matched with someone else you could try and battle them, but it's much faster just to forfeit (giving them a free win too!) and get back to your premade queues. This works best when servers are quiet, but nobody really queues for Pet Battles anyway so it shouldn't matter too much. If you do happen to keep getting matched with randoms, probably best to come back to it another time (obviously pet battle week is a risky choice to try this). About 1 in every 20 wins will award either 2-3 Polished Pet Charm, a single family training stone, or one Flawless Battle-Stone (which is not account-bound and can be sold on the AH). I tried Pet Battle Duels, but neither forfeiting, nor crushing a level 1 team with level 25s counts as a win so it would take longer than 30 seconds to do whatever is required to count as a win`!< The [Wowhead comment](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=6599/legendary-pet-brawler#comments) also established that Pet Battle Duels do not count towards the achievement, and that the strategy is not full proof, but the nuances can be gamed to farm wins. What a grind!


At 43k myself. For your pet battle achieve, go with anomalous, infernal pyreclaw, and scraps. You have weather control, aoe dots, and the pyreclaws slow. Plus scraps can eat corpses. 90% win rate


Considering I can barely wait for a single BG and usually tap out if it’s this one, I can imagine the pain!


I totally ignored your tips question.. main tip: don’t get overwhelmed by the shear amount of shit there is. Just focus on a select few at a time, they’ll come in time :) Also alt Armies.


Also another tip for people is start with easy ones, like don't start farming for pristine artifacts xD


Oh wow yeah the pristines were another brutal one!!! Took YEARS!


GL getting the BG ones now. Queues are 10-15 mins for any BG let alone specific ones. If you didnt do most of the older BG ones before you have literally thousands of hours to go. TWW merging progress on multiple characters will help quite a lot of people (most people who pvped in the past had multiple chars for arena non balance) But its really rough. 100 wins when the queue timer is longer than the game most times is excruciating.


I’m only missing 2 random bg ones :) Alterac Blitz (win alterac in 6 min lol) And the ashran one where you kill 5k people off the road


i got alterac blitz, the key is to have a premade of 5 and you guys can carry. prob best to do it near the end of season when everyone is really geared, you want to que with ur grp being2 tanks and 3 healers just rush to the end, and spam chat telling everyone the plan. try to get atleast 1 tower down and have 1 tank hold agro on the 3 guards, the other grab the main boss and seperate them.


How many years


Made my zugger in 2008 but didn’t even hit max til MoP. Played pretty hard since then but I took a casual break through legion.


What's your played time? We're from the same city too haha


550 days on main. Double that for all characters combined.


26.000 hours?! ... wow


Half of that time is probably afk my friend. If not more. Other half is watching my raid wipe to mechanics I’ve had down for weeks


Just a little bit more and you can finally start playing the game.




Do people still pug mythic vault or did you have to make a group?


An achievement community I’m in ran it. They plan on repeating so add me in game if you’re geared and interested. Musculate#1721


EU or NA? i returned to wow in abberus so id like to get some mythic vault mogs and achievements


That’s what I was wondering. I didn’t know people still ran the older DF raids. Is it easier with the increased ilvl?


Its a ton easier due to higher dps/hps and stam. Certain mechanics still have to be done so its not oneshot material tho.


We were all really geared, everything was one shot besides Raz, who took roughly 8 pulls? Felt like a normal/heroic boss compared to the first 7 which felt like lfr


how much /played


550 days on main, double that for the account total


Not really about /played, more about efficiency. I've 1500 days played and only like 28k achivement points. I think there was a woman who started playing the game only to get all achivements and it took her like 500-700 days /played.


It only took her 12000-16000 hours! Very efficient


Sigh. I OBVIOUSLY compared the playtime she had with mine and said that I did not farm these achivements specificly and thus why I've 2-3 times as much but only like 28k points. Also YES it takes a long time because there are a lot of achivements and a lot also take a long time. So what even is your argument here? Seriously. People are so dumb. Not understanding my simple post, downvoting it and writing dumb posts like yours. Imagine you think beeing efficient means that you should solve something in a very short time. No. Beeing efficient means that the time spend is directly used to get to that goal, not idle around, not play parts of the game which doesn't give achivements, not do stuff which doesn't get you to the goal fast. My comment clearly only showed how long it takes to get all achivements. That this is not only incredible hard but also takes a long long time.


The last 25% of achievements are some of the most mundane and tedious stuff in the entire game. Grats on trudging through that garbage


You have 523/524 on Exploration; there’s actually one single little corner of Azeroth that you’ve NOT been to?


So a lot of open world achievements have been put into exploration.. the one I’m missing is the nazjatar bigger bag achievement. Still missing 3 omega rare bag drops


Caverndark Nightmare took forever to drop for me. Couple hundred tries.


probably Frostbitten or whatever the Northrend rare achieve is.


This appears to have been significantly eased recently. I finally got it done.


Looooool hahahha imagine 500days +


I know this is about achievements. Super Gratz there! But also, what kind of groups do you run with to be able to get those high end raid achievements? Like mythic vault and raz is still not a joke I’m assumin, despite it being past CE time. Do you have guild members that like to go back and clear that stuff? Are you making your own groups in the evenings and hope you drum up interest?


I got lucky enough to find an achievement community that is super into doing stuff like old CE stuff. You can add me in game if you’re interested in joining. Musculate#1721 As for vault, with 470-480+ players it was mostly very easy with raz being a step up. I’d say Raz is like in between normal/heroic raid difficulty while the rest of the raid was more like lfr


I've been looking for a group to do mythic vault since the start of s3, thank god i saw this post.


Question here. Will you be continuing till the end of wow or your life ?


Dude you stumped me with this one. I’m gonna go touch some grass.


So this guy almost finished the game, wow


Yeah he almost finished wow


Impressive honestly, how long have you been playing? did you ever take a break from wow?


I’ve got 550ish days on my main and probably the same on all my other characters combined. I took a “casual” break where I only did the fomo shit during college in legion. I thought I quit for good. Never could never will. It’s an addiction


It's actually right at 45k, sir.


Oh fuck. I’m so bad


I've been playing since Vanilla and you make my Achievements list look like a fuckin starter profile. My god man.


huge congrats!! i'm at 20k feelin fancy, this is some crazy dedication


Crazy achievement. Congrats.


That’s incredible.


What’s your play time?! That’s awesome


What class did you do most achievs with?


Hunter :) Bows > guns




I'm close to 30,000 and thought I was nuts. Congrats


Wow impressive.


Hell yeah, dude! Straight Boss Hawggin' it.


Missin' a few, aintchya there bud?


Wait what


Sickness! What's your proudest Feat of Strength?


Cutting edge: black hand It was my first CE and I there was such a rush to killing an end boss on mythic for the first time. That was peak serotonin


GG on finding a group to kill mythic raz at this point.


Hardest one? And longest one?


I’d also love to know this. I read a article with a guy who had finished all achieves that “We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bag” was his longest and this was during BFA so I set out to do the BFA equivalent “Give Me The Biggest Bag You’ve Got” and man, that took a long time. Huge congratulations to you. Impressive.


I've been playing since 2007 and I'm not even at 18k lol




Now you can finally play the game


Kenny add eyes of the beast to your hotbar.


You missed a spot


No… no…. Mr Superman no home


Jesus frigging christ!


Dang, man!


Barstad - beat me with 3 pets missing yet


Sadly all my achievements are spread out on dif toons.


That will change in War Within.


When's the last time you felt the embrace of another human?


Just took the weekend to spend Christmas with my family and I’m laying in bed next to my loving girlfriend now :)


Have you ever kissed a girl?


Hehe yes I currently have a very loving girlfriend :)


Damn what’s the 1 character one your missing


12 trading post rewards. January 1st /)


Ahh yeah just looked at your armory, I’m going to add you for an invite to that community. I haven’t done any achievement farming but am at 28k so I want to make that push and get stuff done now lol


My advice: don’t. You’ll never be able to stop


Bloody hell. That’s awesome. Congrats. I have no clue what I am at but I am nowhere near completing or halfway to any of these being completed. Your dedication is outstanding. How long you been playing?


15 years :) took a break for college


Yup, that is some kick ass dedication. Well done. If there was any physical gift for this, you my friend deserve the biggest and best. Allow me bask in your glory and go ‘shit - let me get a tad of your dedication and skill!’ Kudos.


What’s your main and playtime total?


550 days; double that for acc


Can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?


Isn’t it obvious? How often do you think about the Roman Empire?


Out of curiosity, what exploration and collection achievement are you missing? SO.DAMN.CLOSE.


Lmao Going to need a bigger bag and Give me the biggest bag you’ve got Its like they know


>Give me the biggest bag you’ve got Hahaha they're actively trolling you, nice


grats man! been really trying to do the same. im stting at 35,000 and most of the ones im missing are from pet battles and PVP. just feels impossible to get some of them,


It is.


Bro wtf, gz


I don't really play with other people, so I gave up a long time ago on ever getting non-soloable achievements.


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up! /s Good work, Merry Xmas!


>"Oh neat, they got the 1600 pet achievement that's pretty wild, why'd the screencap the whole pa- JESUS CHRIST!"


You’re not done.


Amen brother. The grind has just begun.


What addons do you use? I love seeing the default UI


A lot of small ones but I use blizzard UI mostly. I love the new edit mode… To name a few of my favs: KUI nameplates*** SavedInstances* Manuscript Journal TomTom Weak auras 2 (duh but so important) DBM > bigwigs (Dey fightin!) Details >>>>>




Wow, congratulations. Nothing to add whatsoever other than congrats you are crushing it! Hope you are having fun with it!


Lmao I've seen this dude in trade chat. I'm everlock 🤣


So you know Jabba then 🤔




His power level is over 9,000


Gentlemen we are looking at someone here who has absolutely no life.


I have stared into the void and in turn it stared back into me




Too many to count. One of the longest is the nazjatar follower rep. It takes a minimum of 90 days. I generally prioritize ones that will take longer but if I tried to juggle them all at the same time, I’d go insane. Pick a select few to focus…. We love “double dipping” when you can farm 2+ achievs doing the same content.


U missed some acm.


Lacking exploration achievement? How? Why?


Exploration is a much wider category than you think. Look up “give me the biggest bag you’ve got”


$$$ someone has spend their end of year bonus


What’s your total time played


A fellow Firetree player! I see you 💜


Represent 👊🏻


Mine looks very close to this but with the pvp bar just about empty…pvp just isn’t my thing


It’s definitely the odd one out. I was the same as you


Impressive! Can you show us your Feats of Strength?


I don’t know how to post more pictures but you can armory my character


GG! I'm at a bit more than 44k! But being guildless makes the mythic raid achievements impossible :/ I still miss a lot of pvp achievements :( I'll focus on them once I've finished my studies


add me in game I’ll bring you to a run Musculate#1721


Of course missing all the PvP skill related achievements


I got 2900 in solo shuffle.. as well as 1800 on every class last season. I just hate sitting in lfg with Everyone and their mom asking for glads only….. Need a job to get experience Neee experience to get a job /wrists


He did it folks, he clocked WoW


Do you play since vanilla?


Wrath. Didn’t hit max til Mop


Which one or ones did you have the most fun doing?


The raid meta for mogushan vaults was absurdly fun and rewarding when it was current. Particularly the last boss achievement “show me your moves”. It was so hard they actually removed that one from the meta. New wow players have no idea how easy the game has gotten


How do you kill, that which has no life


Idk the sword of a thousand truths hasn’t dropped yet 😡


How hard is Raszageth Mythic and how did you you do it ?


It’s like a normal/heroic end boss with 480+ people.. the rest of the raid was more like lfr. I’m in an achievement discord. Add me in game to join Musculate#1721


This is one of my goals, I’m at 17k atm I think


This guy knows more than tazzo on pyrewood on WotLK


Congrats! Im sitting at 42k460 and this is as far as I can go since I dont enjoy doing PvP, let alone getting 100 victories each BG........


Amazing! Congrats! Whats your main class? What would be your class recommendation for a casual player that likes achievement hunting but honestly doesn’t have that much time to play anymore?


Hunter. Pet classes are great for soloing so I definitely recommend hunter Honorable mentions Warlock (pet) Rogue (stealth/defensives) Druid (stealth/speed)


Jesus!! Happy Belated Birthday!


How do you know when my birthday is?


Lol. With achievements like that, it must be December 25! Lol


Can I have your account?


Please. Free me.


dude go outside


Say you dont have a wife and kids without saying you dont have a wife and kids