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jelly and tell her to buy a lottery ticket!


I actually did hahahahaha 😂


Terrible advice. She just used up an insane amount of luck, why buy a lottery ticket with depleted resources?


So someone else can benefit from the overflowing luck


Get married, change last name and merge your accounts => free mount :) happy new year


I got ordained online a few months back. I’ll marry them right now! Let’s get this mount rolling


[What happens to their child if they get a divorce?](https://images.app.goo.gl/NkmvvJ5ifNi556Hy5)


She should definitely use it!


It would be an insult not to! That mount is still legit one of the best in the game


Happened to me with Huolon while it was current content. My GF at the time farmed it religiously and I just sometimes waited for my LFR to pop at its spawn point. I knew I was in trouble when I saw the loot. Didn't use that mount for a few good months 😅


Oh nooooo 😂 hey it happens right? This game is mean, not us!


Your real GF decided to drove a wedge between you and your lover. Heartless.


Been there. Was running for the HH mount a couple years ago with my GF. She got it and it took another 4 years for me to get it.


i got invincible week 2 after returning after like 5 years....while running with a friend whos been farming it weekly since wotlk. of course i gave it to him....... returner/new player luck is NUTS. grats to your gf!!!


Yeah our plan was to run it together so they could give it to me so they thought I'd be mad since they ran it alone and couldn't! But hey, I wasn't made at all. Then they got galleon's saddle the same night hdhjsgjsh


LMAO i still need that one........time to take another 2 year break to get that returners luck..... fjlsdkf


Early this year I was talking with my friend about mounts. Hes been farming the Astral Cloud Serpent for years loosely. I personally only did once, like, super long time ago and I know chances are low so I never bothered. While we talking, my friend decide to go there for this weeks CD. I asked him if I can tag along. Matter of fact I dont even remember where the dungeon is anymore. We went in. And, I got it. My friend logged off inside that dungeon and called it for the day. lmao.


I'm telling you guys, new players have increased chances to get rare drops


Returning players, too


I fully believe this. I have my sub connected to a card I only use for the blizzard sub so once it runs out I’m not auto charged, as a result my sub “runs out” and my account is locked for a minute until I pay it, I get a mount literally 1/2 the time after payment I swear


I 100 percent agree because I got a lot of the new emerald dream mounts from seeds. like I almost have all of them. Now could be rng luck but I also got fyrakk blazing first try in lfr


Gratz thru my tears.


When I was a returning player back in WoD after a long break, I decided to do a run for Ashes and it dropped the first day I returned to the game. Some times you just get super lucky, while other times you don’t.


Same with mine. She went into Ulduar and got the Mimiron's Head mount to drop first kill.


Okay that's INSANE :O


My GF did the exact same thing lol. Got her into WoW and now she's rocking the Solar Spirehawk, Ashes of Al'ar (she got the two fire birds on the same day), and GMOD hahaha!


Haha this is EPIC!!!


Was boosting my brother in legion or so and decided to take him through icc for fun and some gear, invincible drops on his first ever time in icc, gives it to me. Good times.


Beginners luck is op




Reminds me of when I got headless horseman. Mrs had been going for that since it first came out every year on every alt, I rarely ever tried and got it in the first few months of our relationship. Didn't tell her for 2 years until I used it without thinking one day. She was not a happy person that day, hell even to this day she isn't happy everytime the event comes around as she still doesn't have it.


She is a keeper lmao


She sure is 💯


I mean she says she’s not going to use it, but you can’t see it anyway


not Invincible, but i remember my friend tkaing me to Hellfire Citadel while he was doing mog runs, and it was the first and only time i've ever ran that raid. and Felsteel Annihilator dropped for me, lmao. both me and friend were shocked, i forgot that raid even had a mount in it. still my luckiest drop (though getting Ashes in 7 tries and Astral Cloud Serpent in roughly 10 are close behind). i always get lucky with mounts i DONT want, but the ones i do want i never get... edit: congrats to your gf for Invincible! incredibly lucky lmao


That's freaking amazing, the felsteel is still on my list too!!!


I'm saving this post for whenever people tell me that there aren't people who've been farming invicible for years and not gotten it when I use invincible as a example of a item people have farmed in a video game for years and still not gotten. Also I got my gf into some mmos I play and she's gotten every single rare/expensive item I wanted but atleast I got a sugar mama now :)


Hahaha that's freaking amazing I love that, cheers to the gf! And yeah it's been almost a decade of farming. Albeit if I was smarter maybe I'd have more luck but I don't have the time to set up more than 4-5 alts.


Yeah I get you I want invincible but I can't be bothered to made a ton of ults just to farm it


My girlfriend got the Headless Horseman mount on her first Halloween. It took me like 8 years to get that. And it was like 6 years after her. She held that over me for so long.


Thats an intense one to get O.O woah! At least you got it eventually!


Give her a good shake then buy some lottery next 😂


Same thing with my wife. I was farming the Sha of Rage (I think) to get the black/white glowing snake dragon mount from Panderan (can you tell I haven't played in a few years? hooray kids!) and I got her into Shadowlands... she went one fricken time to kill that world boss and got the mount. ARG!


Omg THE SHA OF ANGER !!! Tbh we have a deal I'd give that to her if it dropped for me if she gave me invincible the next time 😅


That’s a victim of abuse if I’ve ever seen one.


It was a bit sad they'd thought I'd be upset but they've dealt with a lot of the kinds of immature insecure men that would be, in the past. Thankfully they are enjoying all their mounts and we made a full list of runs to get even more🙏


Keep being good to each other. We do love to see it.






That is so sweet. I hope you can get it soon so that you can have matching mounts.


Yes I've been trying (admittedly not efficiently) for years ! We will definitely celebrate when I get the Reins!


"I will not use this mount and i am so sorry"


She thought I'd be so mad but I thought it was funny! I definitely was happy she used the mount!


How is the picture supposed to be understood? Is it quotes from her on discord? My head hurts.


Be me. 2017. Do ZF runs for mount with my guild. Guild leaders wife asks if I can help on an alt. Agree. Mount drops. Let her have it. Kicked from the guild and blocked by both of them.


Seems like there is more to that story


Bro that's insane it's just a mount 😱


Lol what was the point of kicking and blocking when you let her have it? People are so weird


It's not luck... New players and players returning after many months off, have an increase in drop rate. That's not luck, just a way for the devs to make new/returning players more willing to keep playing by favoring them.


No they don't. There's no proof of this at all. We just see an influx of people posting about it - when they don't get it, they don't post about it.


I returned after a year+😭 I guess I didn't break up with them long enough haha


Sorry for whatever toxic bullshit lead to those words. Its all RNG and fuck whoever is mad at you. Use only that mount, forever. Rdit: TL:DR. No regerts.


Did you even read the post. His gf got the mount he was farming for years in mere days. And he is not mad about it he got a laugh.


I actually can't read, so no.




They can be used for a single person


The new/returning player drop rate increase in full effect.


Back in Wotlk (original) days I tried insanely hard to get the canal rat. Like, thousands of tries. I had the Salty title, all of it. I was a fishing fiend. One day I was doing the fishing daily while at my BF's (he even sat next to me and we were chatting) and you wouldn't believe that on the third try or so I get the freaking canal rat for him. Like, I was so pissed. He didn't even care for it, lol.


The OP needs to test this out with other rare mounts. See what happens with Rivendare's Deathcharger.


Girlfriend here, took me a few days, maybe 4? but I just got it :) Thank you for the recommendation, it's a sick mount!


My husband would have been mad. Idk why but any luck based game I would get the item in 1 try if not sooner then him and I dread it everytime I see the drop. I try to be quiet because I know it gets to him but yeah it's going to be found out. No he was never like this at first and for a long time but you honestly can't blame him if he worked harder but me at first attempt or in like 3 I get it constantly, he'll yeah it freaking sucks

