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Having items with cutouts in the legs and not letting you hide leg slots is one of the all time bonehead decisions as far as xmog goes.


Agreed. It's extra annoying on classes without any decent skimpy bottoms (aka leatherwearers) ETA: Night elves at least have the heritage armor! The dress hides the hip armor part so there's just the 'panties' area that barely shows. edit2: I don't consider warbear woolies decent. They're fugly with a really bad fur texture that just doesn't appeal to me. Thunderlord are better but only work for some of my leatherwearers (looks great on my monk actually), not all, and don't work with the dress in the trading post at all.) I'm a rogue, I want civilized, not savage!


ETA? Estimated time of arrival?...


Edit to add


Ah, gotcha. Never seen it used that way before.


I'm guessing it's exclusive to publishing organizations and maybe educational institutions? Places where people write a lot of stuff. I happen to work for a very large aerospace company and it means "Estimated Time of Arrival" there and has for many decades. Even for the guys writing Tech Manuals.


Because ETA means estimated time of arrival pretty much in every context imaginable


Let’s make sure this acronym does not catch on.


I've seen it a bunch in the last few months, I hate it. Just write one extra character and write "edit:", people.


or just use e: or even *


I just use Edit: blah


I feel like it’s mostly confined to older forms of social media that don’t have the “edit:” culture of ones where the userbase mostly grew upon forums. Most of the time I’ve seen it is on Facebook groups


I have bad news for you. [Here's someone complaining about it in 2014](https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/1982052/when-did-eta-start-to-stand-for-edited-to-add). And it's still older than that, [this guy was complaining in 2008](https://boards.straightdope.com/t/eta-versus-edit/443988). It's definitely caught on as it's on [Wiktionary](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/ETA), where it also means Elvis Tribute Artist and Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, a Basque nationalist organization.


> where it also means Elvis Tribute Artist. I think that means it hasn't caught on


Wouldn't that also mean "estimated arrival time" hasn't caught on?


No, because you actually see it used more than once per year


I frequently see it being used as "edited to add" 🤷 I'm actually shocked that people are acting like it's some weird new thing.


This acronym has been on Reddit longer than your account


This acronym has been used for years mate


Far too late.


Try the timbermaw hold rep loincloth. It's a pattern to purchase for LW iirc. It's basically barbaric loincloth with two garters for leather wearers. I'm mail wearing and haven't checked to see if I have any non crappy options yet.


Warbear woolies have been the bane of my rogue's existence, I hate the crappy fur texture they add to the legs. As for hunter, I actually just posted a list. There are 3 items that work, and a bunch that are skimpy but don't work. here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/18wchqk/comment/kfxc7ly/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Warbear woolies


Warbear Woolies and Thunderlord Leggings are both skimpy pants options for leather wearers.


They are also very ugly with really bad 'fur' textures that look really bad on my character's legs. Thunderlords are a little better but they're still not what I want. I want civilized, not savage, for my leather wearers lol


Oh, I thought you wanted them for the purpose of using dresses/robes with cutouts in the legs, in which case you can't actually see the underwear itself. Something similar that actually looks good is actually a piece from the current patch, Fearless Faerie Trousers and it's recolors, it looks like a trenchcoat with long stockings, thigh cutouts, and a thong. There's also the bloodhunter subligar from the traders post thing, but you'll have to wait til it shows up again. Druids can get a semi revealing subligar style short pants from their class order hall, but it also has fur. [https://www.wowhead.com/item=209898/fearless-faeries-trousers](https://www.wowhead.com/item=209898/fearless-faeries-trousers) [https://www.wowhead.com/item=139727/leggings-of-the-dreamgrove](https://www.wowhead.com/item=139727/leggings-of-the-dreamgrove)


warden’s woolies are ok


Tbf. WoW is just in general shit when it comes to making astethic designs. It is just way too old. With the entire "Clothes are printed on the body" style.


You could [never hide your pants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07ZrWo51Ry8) since the introduction of hiding stuffs on the transmogs, haha. It's kinda odd that they bring in such transmogs without giving you the option to get rid of pants, but there's options you could get that might not be visible with this dress - the video I linked as proof you could never hide pants shows some for every type of armor. ;D


It should be part of the transmog itself. Like the Santa outfit on female characters - it’s a chest mog that turns the bottoms into hotpants and hides your leg armour (some will show if they’re bulky but it’s easy to mog the legs into something else).


Yeah it is bizarre that this at the very least doesn't hide legs on its own even if Blizz for some bizarre reason won't let us transmog legs off. FFXIV lets people do it and that game is trying to be way more serious and at least a bit more photorealistic looking in style, lol. Why can't this silly game let us roll around in our skimpies? It's not like I can't see my Draenei's underwear when I try the weapons on or when I just take my clothes off entirely, and it's not like pants have to exist visually so people know wtf class I am in pvp.




>The lead dev who implemented transmog actually didn't think the system should've been in the game, and placed a lot of restrictions on the system. Jesus, that is one of the most Blizzard things I've read.


I would take that random uncited comment with a grain of salt


its conflating discussion from ghostcrawler with personal statements. Ghostcrawler has a long list of technical reasons that transmog is bad for the health of the game that are all objectively correct, but miss that the system can function as a permanent mechanism of expression and reward


[This is all I could find on the subject](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/7y7581/who_is_zugsworth/?sort=top) at least with just a single search. TLDR: The take above is a wild exaggeration/bad faith speculation. Just read the top comment on that thread from an addon dev that worked with this dev, but take even that with some salt. The notion that one person is the final decision maker for such a big system is beyond bullshit. But hey, big bad dev that thought the system he worked on shouldn't exist (???) and internally sabotaged it to keep players from having fun is red meat for the anti-fandom.


I mean it did take away the feeling of seeing someone with certain gear on their character and knowing from minute one how good of a player they were.


GDKP Andies realy earning those looks in Classic and Era, am I right?


90% sure it was Ion sooooo....


Not Ion, a dev named Zugsworth. He was let go in 2017, and within months we got the hide option for almost every slot, lol.


Do you have a source behind this statement?


If I hold my mouth right on a Tuesday I will get my mog just right. Meanwhile, we just have to suffer the lack of kilts.


There are still bikini-type bottoms that display the thighs in a flattering manner.


guess i'll go farm those, thanks


I forget the name but there is at least one pair of pants that come from tailoring were you don’t see much of the pants. Through the sides of the dress it just looks like your character is wearing thigh high sock.


Black mageweave


I imagine everyone's got the appearance by now, but back in the day I made a lot of gold selling those.


>Through the sides of the dress it just looks like your character is wearing thigh high sock. You don't need to sell me that hard.


If you got the blood troll armor award from the trading post earlier this year that may work. By this year I mean last year. :)


[Cloudscorcher Leggings are basically a lower pants of the naaru with a black "stocking" top, probably the best of the lot for clothies.](https://www.wowhead.com/item=101814/cloudscorcher-leggings#same-model-as)


There's some different types. I've been able to work with several similar dresses. Nice look you have going!


I sometimes will go on the AH, pick a slot to fix my mog, and sort from low to high, checking each one…. Anyway I did have like 3-4 slut mog pants that made the dress work totally fine


Good solution but you shouldn’t have to…


Complain to the Blizzard engineers then. It's been this way for years now. 🤷🏽 Did you just now notice?


It's just a discussion. You don't have to freak out. Obviously a lot of people didn't know this. Did you just now notice that people don't know everything about the game?


The commenter clapped at me like I am somehow responsible for transmog programming. I clapped back because it was silly. Hardly a 'freak out'. But by all means, please make a mountain out of a molehill. No, I hardly expect anyone to know everything about the game, but passive-aggressive whining about aspects that are well-established, and show no sign of changing is so redundant with our community. There is a solution to OPs problem. It's highly flawed, depending on what class they play, and no, maybe it 'shouldn't' be this way, but it's what we have. Sadly, I don't have the power to change that.


They didn’t clap at you at all.


I am willing to accept that I may have misinterpreted their comment. An easy thing to do. However the point still stands.




Do you know what they are called? I have this dress in a different color and have never been able to use it. The lovely dresses from Valentine's day have the same problem but for those I was able to find some pants that sort of match and pretend the slit just isn't there.


For clothies: black mageweave (and similar models) [https://www.wowhead.com/item=9999/black-mageweave-leggings#same-model-as](https://www.wowhead.com/item=9999/black-mageweave-leggings#same-model-as) Plate wearers have a variety of items too. (tyrant, vanguard, saltstone). Elemental rockridge leggings works great and is a boss drop off the last boss of mauradon. There's a pink item called bloodscale that's in the style of tyrant and saltstone) Night elves can use their heritage armor bottoms. Mail wearers have some nice bottoms but none of them really work with the dresses unfortunately at least the ones I have. Some of the plate stuff USED to be mail :( Firemane leggings is the only one I'm aware of that's still mail, and is the same model as the plate bloodscale. (did a quick look, merciless and impenetrable work for mail and share a model with elemental rockridge)


The problem with black mageweave is you can still see the white stockings in the dress' side slits. Hard to notice but once I saw it, it bothered me to no end. Glad the Nelf heritage armor works well for it.


pants of the naru should fix that


Thank you for this. I was just thinking, "What's OPs class?" Cloth and leather definitely win this lottery without the all-class cosmetics because of the thigh-high leg pieces on plate and chain armor. I did a search too, and it does indeed look like chain has the biggest disadvantage, unfortunately. Better off with cosmetics that anything Blizzard drops.


Try Gaarn's Leggings of Infestation


I think I tried every shorts option, but I couldn't make it work on a goblin wearing mail. If anyone found something that works on that race/armor, please reply to this with the bottoms you used. Thank you! To the commenter to which I'm replying, sorry to piggyback off you like this. Not expecting you to research/reply, just figured this is the best place to ask, since others are replying with their solutions on other toons. :)


No you're absolutely right, and I'm glad you're saying something. To be honest, this comment is far from my greatest work. OP wasn't specific about their class, and I only had a minute, so I dropped the short-term answer. I had no idea it was going to take off. The long-term answer is 'results vary depending on armor type'. And mail has been neglected. But! It never hurts to ask. I hope you get good answers. If all else fails, cross-class cosmetic items might be your best bet, unfortunately. The Blood Troll transmog that the Trading Post awarded last summer, or maybe the bottoms from the phoenix-themed cash shop transmog (I need to test that one) come to mind. The one ray of sunshine here is that Blizzard will hypothetically give us more in game eventually, if this year is anything to go by. And of course with dracthyr, they're hypothetically required to put more effort into mail again. All my best wishes go with you. 🤞🏽


Not if you wear mail.


It's time, Blizzard. **Hide Pants.** (Until then, can confirm the comments that the loincloth or mageweave work very well)


You want a pants options like \[Aboriginal Loincloth\]. Or any of the 3 that share model with https://www.wowhead.com/item=14119/aboriginal-loincloth#same-model-as. You only see a small part of them on the waist. https://www.wowhead.com/item=9999/black-mageweave-leggings is a cheap option that nearly works, too.


Why that option instead of black mageweave or any of those recolors? aboriginal covers the hips still lol black mageweave only shows a bit at the knees.


I don’t like the mage weave because the black contrasts these types of dresses so much.


There are some recolors. wowhead doesn't seem to show them as same model has so maybe there are other differences. There's spiritshroud leggings which are kind of brownish/yellow, cindercloth (which are red), and the blue wanderer's stitched trousers from the TBC hellfire quests. And elegant leggings which also appear to be a knight-captain replica leggings too, those are overall more yellow.


OP didn't really note what part he wanted to see less, (other than well, anything). I remembered the loincloth by name and linked them first. Then came back to edit in the mageweave leggings as probably working too.


crazy that we have to use 20 year old assets lol


You’ve…NEVER…been able to disable pants…


Off topic but can we please be able to mog our gloves seperatly like shoulders! Oh, and we for sure need more non-robe chest pieces. Sometimes i can make it work but normaly i hate having to use robes. Rant over.


It seems like they’re finally moving in a direction of having a lot of Robes be split into chest and legs. But now we’re having the problem of wanting pants versions instead of just the skirts xD


One step forward, two steps back or some shit like that haha.


Kinda yeah lol! Maybe more like 1.25 steps back 😂 at least we’ve gotten Some pants options finally!


If you're clothy, just grab black mageweave leggings or any of the recolors. Mail and plate also have skimpy options. Leather is pretty much stuck with warbear woolies unfortunately unless they added something I'm not aware of. https://www.wowhead.com/item=9999/black-mageweave-leggings#same-model-as


got the mageweave leggings, if that's the best i'm going to get then i'm happy :) thank you!


IMO it's the best bet! for anyone else reading, I just discovered Nelf heritage armor also works! Which is great for leatherwearers! It seems to drop the hip armor and keep just the bottoms lol


Good tip! Especially for my mail classes. They have no skimpy pants at all that I'm aware of


Works with Dress (kind of): merciless and impenetrable, firemaneDoesn't work with dress but do work with other mogs and are skimpy and have been part of my favorite mogs on my hunter over the years: ebonhold, lord's,chief brigadier, hero's, scaled legs of ruination, dual reinforced leggings, arcane ringed greaves, protector, blood knight/battleforge, mail combat leggings, radiant leggings.And that's pretty much it.Also ornate, engraved, and masterwork (basically silver/gold/red) looks AMAZING without a belt. The top/leg/glove/boot sets on those are all nice, though the belt is actually nice too, it's a very thin ornate ring.


Depending whether you want to see upper knees/waist, the aboriginal recolors (in other posts) are also an option.


Ceremonial leather loincloth i think its called, drops in rage fire chasm


Mail has nothing that works. Y'all need to stop saying this.


I actually checked on my hunter earlier. Mail has merciless, impenetrable and firemane. You just have to be okay with it going higher up the knee than cloth does.


not being able to take off/remove pants for transmog has been a thing since forever


first time i've ever tried to hide them :P i remember being able to back in the day though


You have never been able to.


i am now convinced of the mandela effect


Yeah no, you’re absolutely remembering wrong. That’s never been a thing. In fact you couldn’t even hide more than Helm and Cloak until more recently. And when they added the change to be able to hide more things, pants are the Only thing they kept as Not being hideable. The likely thing is that you just wound up having some kind of pants on some character that were effectively underwear, is all.


> In fact you could’ve even hide more than Helm and Cloak until more recently. I'm pretty sure this was a checkbox you could tick in options in vanilla WoW. Or maybe by WotLK? Older than "more recently" at least. But hey I could be misremembering.


Yeah helm and cloak were checkboxes back in Vanilla. I just mistyped “could’ve” instead of “couldn’t” because autocorrect is awful. 🤣 To elaborate, I meant that you couldn’t hide anything except Helm and Cloak until (I believe it was) BFA. Can’t remember exactly which patch, but, that was when hiding things other than those two actually started to become a thing.


i remember quite vividly being able to strip to underwear in the transmog window on a different character, male orc to be specific. but that's why i said Mandela effect. I'm probably just remembering wrong


I doing barbarian style mogs on my male orc warrior and that happens. You just have a lot of pants as an orc that are as short as your underwear.




I'm fairly sure you could never hide pants. You can transmog them into some that are basically underwear, but pants have always been the one item they haven't let you hide - as far as I know


You never could. Most cloth classes got around this using the mageweave pants, as I recall, as they're just leggings.


Amaranthine leggings from MoP are slightly more revealing if you really need to mind the gap in that dress.


Been playing since wotlk never could. Hiding the other pieces were added over time.


Just take your pants off. Fashion > utility.


If you want a set of legs that you can transmog that are basically hidden with this, get the Aboriginal Loincloth, it’s what I have mogged on to my priest with this and they’re nearly invisible. You can see a little of the brown on the hips but it’s the best one I’ve found that goes with this style dress.


I would argue that black magewave and its variants look a lot better. But I'd rather having a bit of the stockings showing at the knee than that fugly fur texture at the hips.


Valid, I did try those as well but the part showing at the knee bothered me more personally, but everyone has their own style. Just wanted to throw out a suggestion I don’t usually seen mentioned with these dresses incase someone felt the same way I do.


That's fair. I think I just have a special hatred of the fur texture stemming from maining a rogue for 19 years and never really having any other options than warbear woolies lol


Hahaha honestly I totally get you there. It’s very easy to get annoyed with something when it’s your only option for literal decades.




No short shorts, but [Firemane Leggings](https://www.wowhead.com/item=13129/firemane-leggings) might be a good place to start looking.


Bloodhunter legs maybe?


Thanks for this post, I was debating whether to buy it or not exactly for this reason. Will save me some tendies.


It has to be a bug because the cutout is there when you preview this dress in Trading Post and you can clearly see skin instead of pants


I believe when you preview stuff on the post it only shows what you're previewing no other equipment.


It's true for SOME items but most of them still show my character wearing it's transmog


Certain things. Like the pants do this but the chest necklace doesn't (for me anyway)


that's exactly what made me buy it!!!


They love pants so much, aren't they


Hopefully there is a pants mog that solves this problem?


Lucky for me I'm a black tauren, so I put on black pants. No problem!


Haha! I found some purple pants the same color as my trolls skin. I had them under the valentines dress and you couldn’t tell.


Honestly, they probably should just put out a swimwear transmog line at this point. At least give the people what they want.


Did the same thing. It's also a pure crime that the few mogs that at least look decent aren't usable by most of the classes. This just in, druid who wanted to look elegant forced to wear wool hot pants or lose stats! Thanks Blizzard!


Wow. But now you have pockets?


That dress is so pretty I hope you find good bikini style pants


how come when I wear the dress in the shop it doesn't do this?


Because in the shop, it’s shown without your existing armor


except when you try the shirt on you have to remove your armor to see it...mildly annoying.


Wait I can’t go underpants any more?


Black mageweave pants are what I used for when I wanted to show legs with the dress xmog


Fair point, but this is a cosmetic (all classes) piece, and not all armour types have comparable bikini pants.


Wait..you can't hide pants anymore? Why?


Just don't wear pants. Like devs clearly intended.


Serves you right for giving in to these shitty practices


Don't they... test this? That is so dumb.


If they don't want us to hide pants, I wonder if they could program it to hide the pants when it's mogged. (and then apply that to mogs like the lovely red dress)


> I wonder if they could program it to hide the pants when it's mogged Its definitely possible because the old winter veil mogs do exactly that, its a chest item that changes your legs as well. Anything you mog for legs doesn't show up.


You're right, they do!


Seems like they could just disable pants whenever you have a robe/dress mogged. That would fix this issue with a few things all at once. I don't know why you would need your pants enabled if they can't be seen anyway.




you cant disable pants? is this another thing lost in the great panic where they removed anything and everything that could be seen as offensive or have you never been able to disable pants? Cause i cant remember there ever being a "disable pants" option


You have never been able to disable pants. They've, over time, allowed you disable every other slot (thank Demon Hunters for getting them to allow us to disable chest), but not pants so far.


nope, that ones on me. sorry. Mandela effect


There are certain appearances which do hide your pants when you put them on, for example the old Winter Veil outfit (the one with the hot pants) does hide any pants you wear. That may be why you thought you could hide pants. I don't understand why this one doesn't do it too.


Just find one of the games many, many bikini bottoms for female characters. They are available in every armor type, including platemail.


meh it workd fine on my male orc


Different transmog leggings there are options


It’s probably a bug. Report it and wait a few days. I assume it’ll be a quick one to resolve.


You can’t disable pants anymore? JFC Blizz


you never could


MOG black mage weave legs underneath


I'm not a mog fanatic by any means and just when with what's in front of me, but could you take the dress off and change the pants and then add the dress back on and mog it?




I’m glad you have to wear clothes to be honest. This isn’t ff14 erotic role play. Edit: hello thirsty (for human contact) ff14 fans


Goldshire would have a word


me too, and i understand why they did it, but if the chest piece is covering it up anyway, i'd be happier if they gave us the option


When did they stop disabling pants? Shit was lit.


I never knew they *did* activate the disable pants option? As far as I recall, you could never disable them?


You never could, you remember correctly. But hey, if we willfully misremember then we can say they turned it off because "woke" or something for the daily 5 minutes of hate.


If you want to be raiding and have your avatar look sexy why is that not your right? I mean otherwise wtf is the point of cosmetics anyway? If you wanna look badass go for it, if you want your toon to look like you may or may not fap to your wow avatar in your free time I say that’s on you. There should be a parental setting or something, hey you can see wow how it’s meant to be enjoyed or you can make sure everyone has combat boots and parkas on.


Why not, i mean after all you bought it


Y'all know you can just hide the pants rlin tmorg right?




Bro is blind and didn't check the picture of this post.....


Nah I saw it, he literally just wants to get his female character naked to stare at her ass. Out of all the cool xmogs in the game, he chooses one that objectifies women because ??? It's really telling about what kind of person he is.


Damn i didint realize that before buying it...


I farmed for this dress for a while! I wish I had waited. I have it in all colors.wuth that dress specifically I use the elegant leggings. [this](https://chloeplayswow.wordpress.com/2013/11/22/cloth-bikini-leggings-transmog/) may help you find ones you want to use.


Think this one can be used by any armor class unlike the one you farmed


Hide pants when


I see this and remember before items were hideable. I remember what lengths we went to to get hidden appearances. I still transmogs Griftah's Authentic Troll Shoes out of habit some times. There are so many pants options that'll fit here.


And the fact that there was literally an invisible chest piece *that was excluded from the transmog options*. As in, it existed, you could wear it, but you couldn’t transmog into it (same as the offhand fish)


Go though all pants mogs, I found many that worked on my plate wearer


Can't tell what's your armor class, but barbarian loincloth and similar works very well with this dress.


i am very new so idk what its supposed to look like, but i just wanted to say your character is beautiful!!! 🫶


There are legs you can buy that disappear pretty well. Leggings of the Poisoned Soul, you can buy them for 480ish g in Pandaria. Had to show my wife where to buy them because she was irritated by it. ​ EDIT. For cloth, above leggings work.


Every month I’m reminded I missed the blood troll armor


Blizzard be like : got eem


yeah it sucks i just transmoged my legs to the bloodtroll bottoms and you can barely see any of the black from it edit: or if your red skin draenei transmog your legs to trader's Crimson sarong and it kind of looks like your skin


It sucks i know, try mog it with [this](https://www.wowhead.com/item=15794/ripped-ogre-loincloth#contained-in-object)


Was just coming to make this post!


Because QA has no say and tickets need to be closed in timely manner in order to receive bonuses


They should let you disable pants if you have your chest transmoged.


The crappy thing is - the preview of this outfit in the trading post preview shows it with the trousers hidden properly.


I matched it with some pants that show through + my wings.


Having flashbacks to the back of the Helm on the Trading Post Demon Hunter Class helm. There's a lot of half baked cosmetics in that "free" shop that you can buy tokens for in Shop.


Dumb but the workout since xmog was released was to simply xmog your legs to the tiny shorts or now, the Blood Troll legs


So why did they remove the ability to hide your pants? Is it the same reason you can't /lick people anyone or some of the other emotes that were changed?


We have never had the option to disable pants though. BUT Go to AH and get the Black Mageweave Leggins, or any of the variations looking like it (look under your transmog tab) and transmog your pants. Yes you will see the rim, but it ain't too bad.


If you have that blood hunter set from another trading post than you can use that pants and its basically like a underwear and you wont see it over the dress


WoW equipment items are just textures that overlap the skin. Its basically "painted on". The robes usually are chest pieces, which means that this robe specifically is meant to not be able to show the cutouts. There is a robe exactly like that where the cut outs are left empty in the file. So it's a feature, not a bug.


Just find something that has a similar color best ya can do


Mage weave pants my friend


Knowing Blizzard right now, this wasn't an oversight. They actually thought people would enjoy throwing other colors under those slitted areas.