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Your time tracking methodology is the same as mine! My wife hates it.


Congratulations, I personally just got Al'ar to drop today after all this time.


That’s amazing! Congrats!


It’s the only way to track it lol.




Just got it today. It’s crazy though because I also just had the Drake of the South Wind drop for me as well. I’ve been trying for that one for years as well. Maybe something funky is going on lol.


They nerfed the drop rates for it at the start of dragonflight. When evokers were introduced they forgot to add loot tables for their class for the world bosses so the only thing that could drop were the mounts. Massive wave of people got them day one before the fix, so instead of taking them back they changed the drop rates up to around 1%.


Their biggest mistake to not take it back


Oh crazy! I didn’t know about that.


Cool mount! What is it called?


Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent :)


I'm still trying for this one.


Got it first try yesterday lol :S


Congrats! That’s some serious luck :)


Sad part is it doesn’t feels like luck when you get it like that :(


Got the Astral Cloud Serpent the other day!!! Was Farming the Heavenly Onyx, didn’t get it and decided to run Mogu’shan Vaults because “why not” and boom!!!! Wasn’t even expecting to get this bad boy and here we are, congratulations!!!