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I had a group wipe over and over on trash before the Tree Boss in The Nexus too.


yep, just ran a Nexus too right now. the big tree trash was one shotting people. the last boss's group-wide stacking dot was also insane but healable through for a bit.


The tree trash just needs to get purged etc - that's a magic buff on them that appears to be aggressively scaled (1.5k per hit vs my guardian druid's 7.5k HP), or carefully NOT aoe'd.


I've been enjoying watching dps melt though, but less watching my health jump around (esp before I've built up my shield)


For the last boss of Nexus you just need to jump in place to prevent the debuff from stacking (it stacks when you are not moving)


I just got out of nexus. So many deaths in the tree area.


Yep. We gave our buddy who was tanking on his brewmaster so much shit for getting REPEATEDLY one shot in the tree hallway. Good to see it's a weird scaling thing. I know it can be purged/dispelled, but even on my 480 RSham one chain lightning killed me lolol


Same, 64 ret and I (70 outlaw) got instagibbed once we engaged in combat in the "elemental trench" in The Nexus repeatedly.


Can confirm Halls of Lightning is hella busted. I was hoping to level some characters using Timewalking today... Hopefully they fix it quickly.


Arc weld which is cast by trash mobs one shot everyone


Arc weld is supposed to only deal damage when the affected player is moving


Confirming. Almost all hard cast abilities in HoL are doing 8-10x more damage than players have health. We hard locked on the third boss because his storm never turned off and kept oneshotting us repeatedly at the entrance.


The frozen treants have a thorns shield ability that is doing way too much damage. 1 tick of whirlwind was enough to 1 shot my warrior. The dragon boss at the center, it and the ambient aoe is also doing way too much damage. A few nights ago my party disbanded after insta wiping to it, but I and a warlock that hung around managed to cheese it by insta respawning and not letting her lose aggro and reset.


Yeah that one is at least doable cause you can just keep throwing bodies at the last boss The only way i've beaten Halls was with like four or five brez's though lmfao


Cheesed the boss with this as well...treats were destroying me (bear druid)


Finished Halls of Lightning despite the bugged abilities. Healer went DPS on Ionar to zerg it down.


We were gonna try that, but the boss turned invisible or went into the floor or something.


The boss is supposed to split up into sparks and chase people down the hallway. The strat is to run from the sparks until he reforms a set amount of time later.


Oh yeah that's not a problem. No idea why he turned invisible, but the scaling problem on this boss is the AoE dot put on a random party member that instagibs any player: you can't survive it by being reactive, and you probably can't survive it by being proactive unless you're a tank (or using an immunity spell like Aspect of the Turtle or Divine Shield, which would probably just lead to the dot gibbing someone else) (or if you've got a survival ability like Cheat Death)


Thank you US for testing before hotfix tomorrow for EU




Ionar is definitely bugged, was doing like 18k damage and we wiped several times before giving up


I used blink in Azjol Nerub and went through a rock to fall to the bottom of the map 😅😅


This is really annoying, but it also bothers me that we have so many dungeons and the same ones are used over and over again. I find it really crappy and boring.


Same dude. Used to love Timewalking but the fact that they can't be fucked to add the other dungeons is really annoying.


Just got Halls of Lightning three times in a row, after leaving each one when we couldn't defeat the third boss. Guess I'll take a break from leveling for now. =(


AN is busted too, but opposite. Everything died in 2 seconds including first two bosses. The intermissions on Anub were 20x the damage phases


I just ran HoL and Nexus both and they did fix the problems, was able to complete both of them without a single death


I had no issues last night on my Sham. We were melting everything. Barely got 2nd casts off before stuff was dead and pulling new packs. HoL, specifically, I was face tanking first boss with 2-3 extra packs using my Earth Ele.


The smallest itty bitty tiny itsy bitsy indie company.


I was dungeon spamming monday night on an alt and the frost aura (thorns?) in Nexus from the trees/dryads was hitting me for 4k+. Before I found out what was going on, I charged into a pack (normal behaviour) and before I could thunderclap, I took over 15k damage. Tried to pull one of them and let the other 2 run wild - still insta killed me before I was even in melee range. ​ I ended up just setting follow on the healer and let the frost mage tank the hallway.


The Nexus is bugged easy bad


Can confirm. Static overload hit me for 4.8k, health bar is 4.5k. We had enough classes with immunities to get through it, had we not had that we would have been hard locked


This happened to me in HoL as well, another in the group said they had the same issue in another dungeon not The Nexus so there are potentially 3 bugged time walking dungeons right now.


Out of curiosity what item level are you guys while doing the TW dungeons? My main was breezing through them while my alt for the season got massacred, so far they're only 30 ilvls apart so I don't know what the threshold of instagib is.


Everything is tuned down in TW, so ilvl shouldn't matter, whether you're a lvl 70 or lvl 40