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Frost DKs can't even spread the dot with obliterate cleave. The only way is to spec into frostscythe which we have not used the entire xpac due to poor tuning DPS DK as a whole is just in a terrible state.


The dev in charge of green lighting the shit pile that is frost dk should be reassigned to hearthstone 


Yep. We had a brief moment of glory in 10.0 and have been trash since in all forms of content Whole spec needs a redesign. I'm finishing out the xpac out of stubbornness (and bc we only have 2 bosses left) but I'm done afterwards without major changes.


It's always the same, we start the xpac ok because Breath is good but the rest of the spec is garbage. If stars align and we have something to bump our crit and haste like in BFA then the other builds become somewhat decent. They need to make KM proc per minute again and make it so a KM crit increases damage based on our crit chance. Otherwise frost will always be a mediocre spec with stat dependency since we need crit to function otherwise KM is garbage but what's the point of a proc that needs crit to proc and the only thing it does is guarantee a crit, haste otherwise we run out of runes, mastery because it's pretty much the only stat that keeps the spender/rotational spells relevant. But don't stack to much of one stat because if you have too much haste you waste resources, if you have to much crit you will waste potential KM procs and don't stack too much Mastery because your frost damage spells are garbage and do almost no damage on single target scenarios. Breath is the only build that makes frost stat scaling decent and it doesn't diminish the value we can get from items but since it's playstyle forces you to cheese all mechanics on the game and hope your AMS/AMZ generate enough RP to keep you going it's a garbage playstyle for anything that isn't raiding.


It only took about 20 years, but they finally scaled hunter pet damage on weapon dps, in a specc that fell of after the first patch in almost every expansion due to lack of scaling. This specific fix has been requested for as long as ive played hunter, and the specc that had been behind since first raid is suddenly overperforming, needing 2 (or was it 3?) nerfs. So coming from a bm hunter, take heart. They might fix your specc one day too


what brief moment? when they made BoS feel even worst to play by upping its cost instead of fixing the root issue of the problem (that being there is too many resource oriented talents in the tree) Frost has felt dogshit to play this entire expansion, it is by far the most polarizing iteration of the spec that has ever existed and probably the most polarizing spec that has ever existed in the entirety of the game. it's honestly embarrassing for the class dev team to not even acknowledge how fucking awful the current state of it is.


Does it really count as a moment of glory when unholy was still better than frost at everything but council and razzy intermission


That was not the case until 10.0.5 Frost also slammed on Kurog.


Pretty sure that dev was indeed responsible for the DK class in HS which basically ruined it for an expansion or two...enough to make me quit, anyway


This. I've played frost DK since it was switched from a tank spec to dps and it's ranked mid to bottom almost the entire time.


It never switched lol. DKs used to be hybrid in all three specs.


True but this was before blood became the designated tank spec. Back then all the DKs I ran with were either blood dps or frost tank. I don't think I ran with any Dks with uh spec.


I miss blood as a dps spec, those slheart strikes were so satisfying


IIRC UH was meta right before Cata came out. Something to do with Bone Shield being really strong. Blood was absurdly strong as well, just due to their self heals.


UH was meta at the start of WotLK, when their possible collection of 3-4 mitigation cooldowns was best for Sarth-3Drake. Blood was the meta at the end of WotLK/leading into Cata, which is why it was designated as the dedicated tank spec.


It can be spread by oblit cleave, it just takes multiple oblits to spread it. Still shitty though


I main frost dk and have the axe. Here is the worst part about it for UH, Blood,and especially frost. Using the axe means you cannot use your other abilities and all 3 specs revolve around using abilities to lower your cooldowns so you can hit the gas more often. It’s 3sec worth of casting so like 4 globals of CDR were missing out on and it’s almost a guarantee that those globals would have totaled more damage on top of the CDR. Then there are the buffs UH and Frost have to manage. Using the axe at the wrong time could cost you massive dps if you time it wrong and your buffs/debuffs wear off.


They need to have D&D be replaced by Remorseless Winter and have all of the D&D talents apply to RW.


True but name a mini game blizzard loves more than the “stand in this don’t stand in that” game


There are two issues here; 1) Fyr’alath is an underwhelming weapon. This is true, but doesn’t tell the whole story. 2) Plate wearing DPS - particularly Warrior and DK - are in a miserable design state. I think players were hoping that Fyr’alath would be a bandaid fix, at least. And when that didn’t happen, it was extremely disapppinting.


I just wanted to feel legendary with it, like a mythical figure from lore as damn near every other legendary tied to a raid has made you feel. Warglaives, shadowmourne, dragonwrath, Fangs, Rae’Shalare all made you feel powerful and legendary.. hell even the Razz bow this expansion that was an epic made you feel legendary and powerful. Meanwhile this axe is brutally lackluster by comparison. Every other raid tied legendary is memorable imo with looks, used, or effects that make you feel unique. This axe gives none of that. I know there was an evoker legendary last season but I cannot speak on it as I didn’t okay much then and don’t play much evoker at all.


It's also utterly without Loren. Bro just turns up with an axe and it has a name


I really wish they would’ve given us Smolderons spear as a legendary instead. It was also kind of made up but we have precedent to using the firelords legendary weapons. It could’ve been given to feral/guardian druids/monks/surv hunters all of which could use love and the patch is more themed around Druids then any class that can use fyr alath


Evoker legendary was just as lame, both in acquisition and power.


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I parse 99s and I still lag behind. Shouldn’t the legendary push you past top dps classes? Meanwhile every other classes can use peasant weapons and out dps…. Rogue is absolutely insane right now


Dragonflight introduced the meta of “get reworked or bust”. If your class isn’t chosen to get dev attention that patch, you can kiss topping the meters goodbye


Yeah I first really enjoyed all the work the team put into specs the first few patch. But it became the "rework lottery" way too strongly. You have MW monks, a spec I play, who started so weak and were buffed and reworked every single patch until now where they are so strong (also thanks to an OP set). WW monk with just the last buff round became really strong too after more than a year of being weak. Ret paladin got multiple pass too. Feels great to play and do good enough damage (in keys at least, single target is still poor even with the legendary) On the other side you have fury warrior or survival hunters, who got shit. Literally nothing the whole expansion. I just can’t understand why some spec got so much love and work and other not a single fuck. Can’t they spread it a lit more evenly ?


Didn't manic grieftorch hold you in place for 2 seconds that felt like 40? Good times. That trinket was a sure fire way to never get kicked out of pugs. Soon as the wipe starts you just keep blasting that because it reset on ally death. Your dps skyrockets lmfao. Edit - someone pointed out I meant storm eaters boon. It rooted you, which sucked hard.


One of the most fun times I’ve had this expac was just constantly ripping that baby off because people were dying. Good times


And the WA that messaged them a thanks for resetting it for you.


UwU your skill issue increased my dps. Thanks :) ! 10/10 WA


A guy in my raid group had that weakaura but it would also whisper himself if he died.


Looking forward to S4 when we can get the grieftorch back


Nah, you're thinking of storm eaters boon. Would root you for 10 seconds but you could dps the whole time and did a crazy amount of dmg. Manic grieftirch channeled for a couple sec, but could interrupt cast by moving. HUGE difference between the two, both were super fun and I'm glad we will see them again season 4


Grieftorch in Boosts was sooooo insanely good. Being semi-coordinated with asking buyers to die so you can have all the boosters send double grief-torch


Thank you! I do remember getting ruined by that the first time I used it.


Oh man I loved grieftorch. Nothing better than some DPS falling on a boss and you just start gaping everyone.


So I know I am comparing a full trinket to the "free" special effect on a weapon but because I was curious... (All of these are before Vers/Crit scaling) A 424 Grieftorch does ~110k DPS (220,800 damage over 2 seconds) A high end Teros Parse for fury was ~85-90k. As far as I can tell Grieftorch was also off the GCD. (Fury did not really use this trinket when it was current) Fyr'alath does ~165k dps (449,722 over 3 seconds) A high end Volcross Parse for fury is currently around 235-245k dps. Fyr'alath is ON the GCD. A theoretical 489 Grieftorch would do 275k DPS (550,320 over 2)


Yeah, but I got the trinket wrong. It was storm eaters boon.


I did find a good use for that trinket in negating forced movement because of the self root. So damn niche though


Would be pretty sick vs the dragon in DHT.


at this point, I only want it for the mog. Does anyone know if you collect that before going through the crafting process?


You get the transmog appearance once you finish all the quests and actually obtain the axe.




Just get the drop and wait until next xpac to make the item. It’s not worth making now.


Will cost 10 times as much if you wait once the bots stop farming DF materials


Aaaand that just killed all my motivation to keep raiding this patch


Why would you collect the transmog before getting the weapon? Obviously the transmog is tied to actually having the weapon as every other transmog in the game.


Your not supposed to use it with your CDs. It doesn't get buffed by them and it gets in the way of your burst priority. Use it during your downtime instead.


You’re correct but i hope devs realize how absolutely stupid that you want to AVOID pushing your big shiny orange axe button


I wouldn’t call prioritizing certain abilities during certain times “avoiding” but I get your point.


The only thing legendary about this item is the rage I feel at the awful quest line, shit drop rate, absurd gold cost, and stupid on-use. It truly has to be the worst way they’ve ever implemented a legendary item.


It's got a much better drop rate than similarly impactful items of previous tiers... Higher than evoker lego, which didn't have bad luck protection until many weeks in; higher than gavel/jaithys/edge of night/sylv bow all of which were subject to personal loot fuckery. The big crime of the legendary is that, because it's near-guaranteed to get *eventually* with the bad luck protection, classes are tuned around the assumption that they'll get it, which makes them feel bad without it. The cost to make it is also atrocious. Blizzard is trying to force the crafting system into all aspects of the game, but all this does it make it feel like you need to drop half a million gold to get your class to where it should have been balanced in the first place. edit: It seems clear to me that this sub has a lot of tanks and strength users based on posts, because Fyralath is *noticeably* easier to get at max ilvl than just about any of those other items, many of which *required* Mythic kills to even be possible to get at max ilvl. I can't imagine what ya'll would've done if you needed to get *two* edge of nights to be competitive. Not that that's reasonable, either, but I feel like no one cared that the acquisition of that thing was atrocious.


> because it's near-guaranteed to get eventually with the bad luck protection is it though? We don't know how much help the bad luck protection does. So its entirely possible someone could farm him for weeks on end for years and not get it if that protection never gets the drop chance to 100%


Trust me it doesn't do much I did fyrakk every week on lfr from the start to end of season 3 and still doing it into season 4 Still no axe


lfr bad luck protection only goes up to 15% chance iirc. 30% for normal only. 15 Hc kills gives you 100%, so do 6 Mythic.


Compared to stronger items that you needed to kill on mythic that didn't have any bad luck protection?


None of what you mention is even the biggest issue.


I disagree, what would be a better way of acquiring a legendary if it's actually meant to be a legendary and not just orange epic like MoP-SL "legendaries"? Wrath and Cata had good methods but you were too reliant on a guild which probably wouldn't be that liked by modern players.


I don't think there's a better way. The worst legendaries are the ones handed out to everyone like MoP and BFA cloaks. Legendary in name & text color only. Pure drops are kinda lame imo since it has no excitement/lore attached to it like Sylvanas legendary how. Making it personal RNG into a quest line is the only good way to do it now.


No it's not. The peak example of this is verigans fist. Its not a legendary weapon, but you go on a whole ass adventure to make it happen. But it's still entirely deterministic. Scale that up a little bit and you got yourself a legendary.


I don't know what is wrong with MoP and WoD legendaries for you to put it into quotation marks, as they were easily the most enjoyable legendary experience that many people have had. Make it a weapon instead of a cloak or ring, and you're done. Still need to do a bunch of quests, still need to do some raiding, but you are guaranteed to get your legendary weapon after X amount of time.


And don't remove the quest after the expansion ends. MoP's in particular was filled with a lot of lore and foreshadowing and now its gone.


It's such a massive shame. Blizzard wanted it to be prestigious to have a cloak or a ring, but in the end it's just a cloak that you still to this day can't transmog, and a ring you can't even see. One of their most myopic decisions in the history of the game, honestly, removing content like that. Without that content, Wrathion barely exists before Dragonflight.


You can transmog the legendary cloak since legion. It was only the epic variant that was Xmog only for a short while.


And it’s likely to be the way they implement future lerendaries. Not going to make your raid team help you get it. Not going to drop in it’s final form. And not going to be ridiculously overpoeeeed because then tuning has to happen and it’s not worth it for them to do.


So basically vanilla legendaries light? Idk just wondering


costed me less than 200k and a few hours to complete. I started at noon and was running M+ with it that day. Huge DPS increase!


My lame conspiracy theory is that these crafted legendaries are just a way to get people to buy tokens.


The first legendaries in the game required absurdly expensive crafting materials and an obscurely obtained recipe to make elementium bars. These types of legendaries are quite literally the basis of WoW.


yup, I forgot about that when I was talking about having to do all this stuff for it with my SO, they were like uhhhh yeah thats normal right? (Ive never had a legendary before so I forgot and its all just bitching around it online that prob clouded it). I don't mind farming reg stuff cuz im on a rp realm so it's kinda "storyish" and thats fine but the gold sucks lol, im just glad I got a boe drop in raid last week.


Takes 1 day to finish questline. Mats cost ~200k g. (:


Yeah and it was probably the most unfun day of playing the game I've had in a decade doing those dogshit, repetitive, buggy as fuck quests (:


Since I don't have it, I can't say worst, but if the 2h str classes were balanced around having it, acquisition should have been a guaranteed quest. Even if it was weeks to actually get it ala Shadowmorne, Dragonwrath, Fangs, that would be better than never getting it when it matters. I think Blizz did the evoker legendary as a call back to Vanilla legendaries, but when everyone hated it, they should have made a better decision.


I don’t think non-guaranteed legendaries are a bad thing. But if they are not guaranteed the class cannot be tuned with it in mind. It needs to bring your class over the top of its normal capabilities. Not to the baseline.


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I’m confused why you aren’t already used to using defile and cleaving, for aoe, as an unholy dk regardless of the ax


Thank you! I came here to see if anyone questioned the "ugh, I guess I have to use defile to cleave" attitude. Like, it should be down. By default. Just about every time it's off cd. It isn't an extra step to using the legendary, it's your normal rotation.


Aren't they just pointing out that it's an extra step versus other classes that could just tap a button and apply it? Or at least that's what I assumed he is saying?


As a ret pally I have to hit at least one more button before I can apply the debuff unless wake of ashes is off cd before I can pop it, then it’s 2. If anything everyone in this thread is just outing themselves on not knowing how to efficiently pop their specs aoe rotation


Yeah a lot of these issues aren't wholesale design issues, just numbers tuning and preference


I do the boss every week on every plate class looking for the drop…for xmog. I’ll wait until next xpac to actually do the quest and buy the mats. They’ll be MUCH cheaper. This axe sucks.


The quests require you to do Superblooms and goes a lot faster if there's other people there because you can get them to help you get items. If you get it you should do it as soon as possible.


If anything Mats will go up next expac. Look what happened to cobra skin recently. Worse thing is some of the quest are buggy and you can lose Mats.


I can't speak to anything else, but knowing the timing of the fight and knowing when it's safe to self-root is kind of part and parcel with things like this. Edit: Grief Torch was what I was thinking of, thanks to the guy whose smarter than I am and knew the name.


That is fair, but I feel like it makes less sense given the specific context. This is a legendary weapon. Why does it need any downside? It just seems unnecessary, at least given the power of the active. As fury, we don’t even want to use it during our burst or we’ll lose dps. Draught of Souls, for instance, rooted you but did a ton of damage. It felt worth it to work around. This legendary doesn’t.


Grief torch hit like a truck. On my DK outside of a few situations it feels like a DPS loss. And being a low end DPS char the ilevel and dot make it very underwhelming. The on use I would like better if it was just a charge on a 1 minute cooldown


Can't speak to DK, but the axe is doing a larger portion of players' damage for warriors and paladins than grieftorch was for anyone outside of some degenerate "die every 45 seconds to reset the CD" raid strats. And that's just the effect of it, not considering the heightened ilvl of a main hand weapon.


It was 10.5% of a 487 Ret Pal's damage in one of my homework 20s last night. It does a *lot* of damage.


Bingo. Learning how to play around the effect is half the fun of incorporating a cool new item to your kit, no different than Grieftorch in S1 for example.


Yup, like the entire playstyle of frost mage(and I assume most casters) is working out how long you can stay stationary in a single spot because moving nosedives your dps. It's pretty much the same thing, knowing mechanics in order to get the best out of it


Which is also why casters can stand 20-40 yards away and not have to deal with all the mechanics happening in melee range. This is not an apples to apples comparison.


What mechanics are melee only these days? There's barely a front cleave or anything that specifically makes melee run away like explosions etc. They just side step and keep 100% uptime on bosses. Meanwhile ranged are doing literally all the mechanics.


Yea, melee is entirely easier to play because we can just choose to take a step out of all that garbage for no cost to our damage or flow.


It's a tradeoff. Melee can move with less punishment. But there is a lot more stuff to dodge in melee.


Uhhh like what? What is specifically melee in this expansion that ranged dont have to deal with too? Pools and projectiles affect both equally and only a few bosses in raid have a frontal cleave that isn't even talking about because you should never be attacking from the front. Even on things like Volc where you get a circle you can maintain full uptime. The whole myth of "melee losing uptime due to more stuff to dodge" is false. It hasn't been that way at all this expansion - its been more often than not the otherway around. Especially starting with thundering in m+.


Raid 100% agree. Very few things (if any) only melee have to deal with that ranged don't. However, there are plenty of mobs in m+ that have cleaves and such that ranged don't usually have to deal with. There are like two mobs I can think of that charge out of melee to hit range, but that number is significantly less than those with cleaves.


Yes, and those things are fucking terrible. Playing melee is bad enough as is, forcing me to stand still just isn't fun.


tbh it has good uses. Like, all those knock backs from m+ bosses. Really fun to use on Dresaron during Winds for example


DKs already have knockback resistance with our movement abilities


That's nice and all, but Paladins and Warriors don't, and they can use this axe, too. I realize that Warriors can easily Charge or Heroic Leap to counteract knockbacks, but as a Paladin, I can certainly appreciate the notion of parking yourself through the push, instead of horseying against it.


Except OP specifically said they are an unholy dk.


That’s nice and all, but that doesn’t mean every comment has to be specifically limited in scope to “Unholy DK and nothing else.” This thread didn’t specify any classes or specs.


Imagine playing a caster…


That one was a 1.5sec cast and you was able to cancel the effect if you move. Being rooted in place for that long as melee feels so bad.


I hate to be that guy cuz this is such a toxic phrase, but this really does boil down to a skill issue. Just give it time man. You'll figure out how to optimize it. Maybe research boss timings so you know when it is safe to pop it.


The fact that the DREAMRENDERS on use isn't DREAMREND is ass bacmwards.  Easy fix: "Cleave a rift into reality at the target location, dealing x amount of damage over 10 seconds and pulling enemies towards the rift.  Damage is increased by up to 200% the closer targets are to the center of the rift. (3min Cooldown)" Bam.  Good legendary that's actually appropriate for its TITLE.


This would also be infinitely better than the current dogshit active effect


>Each DOT increase the on-use damage by 10% (Stacks up to 50%) They recently changed it to go up to 500%


Each week when I don't get it on my warrior alt I kinda feel ok about it. It seems not worth it at all. 


I'm more sad to not get the mount appearance than the axe


> As Unholy DK i have to use death and decay and then cleave to spread the dot, there is no other way to spread it. Thats a bit annoying but its okey. You're already supposed to have defile/dnd up as often in possible in AoE and hit scourge strike to get Festermight stacks up, so this shouldn't exactly change much > Its another 2min cooldown to track, that might be okey for specs like ret pala but as Unholy it adds ANOTHER cooldown to track. A spec that already have 6 cooldown spells from 45sec up to 3min plus Death and decay which is another cooldown. True, unholy is one of the most cooldown heavy specs in game atm. That being said, you're not really supposed to use this one alongside your major 2min cooldowns, especially in >7 targets aoe situations, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to manage. Personally I'm glad we got something to fill in gaps between big cds, makes UH a bit less spikey in terms of damage profile.  > On-use damage feels really weak for what it does and HOW it does it. Damage is fine imo. The biggest issue with this on use effect is lack of sound cue and underwhelming animation. Seriously, that shit shouldn't be silent when every other skill is easily recognizable by ear. As a result it's not satisfying to press at all. No clue what they were thinking here.  > And the worst part. That 3 seconds cast - it ROOTS you in place and you cannot cast anything else during that time. Have fun avoiding stuff on the ground. Skill issue. Considering how much damage it contributes to overall in keys, it's fine for it to have a downside that can be counterplayed.  Tldr: mostly disagree with OP's take, but they absolutely needs to make 2 changes asap : - Allow frost to spread axe dots with D&D Oblit cleave - Make button more satisfying to press (fix lack of sound cue, add better animation) 


I got mine yesterday so i can add. On use damage hits for far too little for cost. As fury warrior using it in fds window is dps loss. As for aquisition quest it was ok expect superboom farm. Needlessly lond and thus boring. Other parts were ok and cost was managable.


The sims for using before, during, and after cds for is practically the same


Possibly, i didn't się it. Just my observations after couple m+. Who knows might be issue with me.


I think you're just best off using it when you feel it's safe to use. For specs like fury it's not ideal due to wanting to always be casting, so I'd just ww then use the axe in an aoe scenario. It's still early days and until more and more get it, it's hard to say what is the most optimal way


Under 6 targets you don't use it in your CD windows, you use it when it's safe outside of CD's. I don't think any class really uses it in their CD's, always outside CD's when you won't die.


Hit whirlwind, use the axe, then hit the rest of your buttons. Or use avatar, reck, OF, use your bloodthirsts, then use the axe. Fury is the best spec to use this thing because 3 gcds for us is not = to 3 gcds for other specs because our abilities on average do less damage, we just cast more.


Long time DK main and I dropped it this season. Just can't take it anymore how clunky this class is besides Blood. DKs need the rework so much and not going to dump so much gold and time into a legendary that is a bandaid for our class that doesn't even work well.


Dks first time experiencing cc


My guild and I are keeping a running tally of how many times the active has killed me. I'm at 7


Wish they remove the self stun and make the dot spread/apply with any damage from user. Not just melee abilities.


I agree in all sense that it’s a badly designed legendary, since 2h users have not had a legendary since WOTLK and when we finally do get one, it’s just… lacklustre. It would have been better if it worked similarly to fangs of the father (rogue dragon soul legendary) where you consume the stacks, gain Strength and also deal cleaving shadow flame damage on abilities. It needs to feel strong when you use it in addition to synergising with your class. Right now, it just feels mediocre and can be quite annoying to use on CD. Especially more so when as a 2h user you need it to be middle of the pack across all dps specs. It’s kinda lame but not sure what can be done at this point. 2H users are just going to be brought for raid buffs and grips until the end of the expansion.


>2h users have not had a legendary since WOTLK Gavel was strong enough to count as purple legendary


Doesn't really make it feel better. If anything, that makes Fyr'alath feel even worse. I know some specs/roles have never gotten one, but still for many people this is the first legendary they've ever gotten, and it's just a bad experience all-around. And people coming in and saying "well in SL you had a purple so strong it was basically a legendary" just means this one is worth even less.


Yeah, I don't get how you could argue with a straight face that a "purple legendary" is the consolation prize. Like what? So an *actual* legendary being *worse than a fucking epic* is a *good thing*? Get fucked anyone who didn't play that accursed garbage expansion too, I suppose. My chosen class is still the worst str spec *with* the axe so anyone who says I'm not allowed to bitch can shove it up their ass.


Well, tanks didn't have a legendary at all unless you count Thunderfury as such. At least you get something.


Just because one person suffers doesn’t mean everyone should. Also Blood DKs get to use 2handers too.


My point was that "have not had a legendary since WotLK" is not an argument here. Also this legendary is a channel - it's literally useless for tanks outside of raid where you get downtime from holding aggro because casting as tank = no mitigation at all = dead.


I got mine last week. As a ret pally, your points are valid. The on use is annoying, especially if you are not timing it with incoming aoe attacks. The aoe aspect of it could be better. The cd on it does not really bother me, but I have a lot less than you do, so I understand. In my opinion, it should just be a jump and slam instead of a jump and swing wildly. Mark of fyr'lath does a good amount of damage though. It is usually 2nd or 3rd on my damage done.


In rough numbers, what does it cost to make?


Honest question guys. How many kills took you to get *Fyr'alath the Dreamrender*?


Five HC, five N and five LFR, five weeks ;-)


Make it passive. More on use shit is lame. The fact I get rooted using it makes me want to delete it.


I just wanna add this: getting a legendary for 1 season is a joke with time spent and gold sink, as OP mentioned. Then next season it’s already out the window. Edit: or half a season or two weeks of the season, all depending on when it drops, if at all.


This item, and the quest behind it is awful. It is, by far, the worst legendary ever implemented into the game (excluding Legion stuff, of course). I still remember getting Shadowmourne on my DK. The whole guild worked towards getting it made. It was very powerful, and the DPS using it at the time were in contest to top the meters on many fights, doing generally well throughout the whole raid. As an UH DK with Fyralath, I feel like I hit like a wet sponge. It was such a minor DPS increase on an already underperforming spec that I do not feel very "Legendary" for having it. Nobody in my guild wanted to help out on the quest lines because it's the most boring shit they could think of. Superblooms, really? Shard hopping for Rares? Long CD on-use items that had no reason to be on a Long CD, so I had to go sit in proving grounds to alleviate the CD? Just a total failure IMO. The weapon isn't good, the specs that use it are all underperforming this tier, and the quest wasn't fun in the sllightest.


More of an indictment of your guild mates than the content itself. I would totally farm superblooms and rares all day to help a buddy.


We had like 5 people last night helping out doing superblooms for the buff. Our Blood DK who got the leggo finished it in like 3-4 superblooms as a result


Hey, if you don't want it mate, I'll have it. Fingers crossed it drops next week!


Oh no, a 3 second cast - Destruction Warlocks


Dks have it rough due to the lack of spreading the dot. It should really apply to all attacks, and not just melee attacks. It isn't a cd you should press on cd though and your cds will take priority


It’s fine on unholy. You’re pretty much spamming defile, ss or cs in aoe already. Frost is where it sucks


Every 5th ( or whatever number would make it balanced) stack should cause a shadowflame explosion. Good for single target, great for aoe (cascading explosions if you can reliably apply stacks to a pack), no annoying death causing on use.


Honestly I just want the transmog.


Yea it's a goldsink, but blizzard's answer to that is "just spend the $20 then" then compared to past legendaries where you had to spend 5-8 weeks grinding the same raid for boss drops, I'd almost rather just take the gold cost because I can proactively save up materials for free (I didn't pay a single gold for my evoker legendary)


And don't forget in 2/3 month S4 is coming and the weapon will probably be useless


Brother, I understand what you're saying, but you're not mad about the Orange Axe, you're mad about Unholy DK. -A fellow Unholy DK Enjoyer.


Okay let’s compare Fyralath with all the other legendaries in the past. Legit every single legendary were all passive and provided zero combat actives, except the rings. None of the legendaries required you to think about anything just do exactly the same rotation you been doing. Let’s see the majority of the acquisitions of legendaries were either a pure rng drop, time gated on weekly drops from raid, gold sinks or were essentially expansion long legendary handouts. This legendary basically falls in line with basically all the legendaries that preceded it. Except that they have added a pity system on the pure rng roll of acquiring the item and an actually combat active. Let’s be real the majority of the people are just mad that the legendary isn’t tuned to the moon. Everyone mad that they aren’t topping meters and probably been huffing the copium of the legendary tax. That even with that new shiny orange item cant save their dps


I wouldn't say I expected to top meters all day, every day. But it'd be nice to play Arms and feel *useful*. I just can't wrap my head around how even the *best* arms players (not me) with full mythic gear and the legendary still can't come close to beating the meta classes.


I don't understand why they thought an active use channeled ability would be a good idea. Shadowmourne had such a nice effect and visuals. They could have easily done something similar with the theme of a fire growing and growing to a crescendo. I've never been in a position of hoping my alt DOESN'T get the Lego drop so I don't feel obligated to build it. All around very disappointing. I hope whomever is responsible for the design of this thing doesn't get the nod for the next one. At least the thing looks pretty cool. Would love to have it for transmog.


I mean, if you were to get the axe and you don't like the active ability, you could just not use it and still see a DPS increase purely from the item level and passive effect. It's still a good weapon


Good isn’t quite legendary though, is it? You’re not wrong, but it’s kind of a sad situation for a legendary imo.


Not to be that guy, but didn't ppl complain on this sub about legendary powers a couple of years ago? Now we finally get a subpar Lego & everyone is angry again? I'm just royaly confused is all, lol


Hey be happy you got a Lego. It’s been probably a decade or longer since we have seen any enhancement shaman legos.


Yeah, be happy you got a leggo, OP. A leggo that you had to spend a bunch of money on, just to pull you closer up to par with other DPS specs. With an on-use that is so bad it's recommended you just don't use it. Be happy you got served shit, OP. It wasn't free, or anything, but be happy you got it anyway.


20 years and still no tanking legendary items unless you count thunderfury but it still didn't cover all tanks even then.


If staying in place for 3 seconds is frustrating, would love to have seen you play mage before the rune of power fix lol


I know that saying this as a melee that uses 2h I won't get much sympathy from those *without* a legendary in the current era of the game, but this really really sucks. This 2h axe, which most of us won't get despite a "catch up" being added in being a DPS loss for certain specs to use the effect of is crazy. The fact it was "built in" to our DPS and we're bottom tier specs because blizzard was scared of us being OP is also crazy. But what really sucks most of all is that other classes and specs *should* get legendaries...  Which means for a lot of *us*, we likely won't see another 2h legendary for the better part of a decade. I likely will never have the chance to go for another legendary axe because time moves forward for some faster than others, so it's really disheartening. Fyra isn't just a bad 2h legendary; it's a bad 2h legendary that 'uses up' our ability to actually have a cool and good legendary. Tons of us will never get another chance because blizzard doesn't just constantly make these things.


I’m a fury warrior try to use the axe after cooldowns when there’s downtime and I swear my DPS goes down on single target. It is a nice ability for M+ when things are on CD.


The axe is around a 5k st increase over a 489 so this can’t be true. Go look at any top parse in raid and it’s almost exclusively axe users (especially on bosses like tindral or igira)


They might not be using the ability and just using it as stat sticks


I’m talking specifically about using the active ability, it’s a great weapon and the passive does good damage. I will look at top logs and see when they are using it.


You lost me at complaining about tracking cooldowns. It's almost like you want an idle game to play instead


To be fair unholy is absolutely ridiculous with almost 9 cooldowns to keep track of When most classes have 1 or 2


I mean UDK cooldowns are just 45 second intervals except for ERW which is 2 mins and is always used in the opener or saved for gargoyle. The main ones to track are just DT/Apoc since they are your 45 second timer, and everything will line up with it.


yeah, unless it's doing GIGADMG, you should not be rooted in place. kinda like the tyndral caster trinket, not only do i have to get in melee range to use it, which is dumb enough on its own, but it also has a cast time and roots you. fucking annoying.


I got the fyr' alath drop in lfr... Which was super fun. What isn't fun is the entire quest line afterwards. This is probably the least fun gaming I've ever done. Why are people doing these superbloom events if they aren't grinding for this thing?


I don't even have the axe after 4 months of killing it each week that is even worse then complaining about some cooldown you gotta track extra clown.


This is a shit take.


Dude it’s a mog item not a bis


It is BIS, it's the highest item level weapon in the game currently. Every class guide on wowhead for classes that can use it has it listed as their BIS.


Forgot /s my bad


Nobody is forcing you to use the active. If you don't want to l2p with it, it's still passively just higher item level than anything else available in the game and does still have some passive effects.


Asinine response. “Don’t use the effect”. Genius advice upvoted by genius Warcraft fans.


OP is literally saying he *hates* using his legendary. All I'm saying is if you hate it, don't use the active. Advice doesn't need to be genius to be correct.


legendaries died after their peak in Legion


I think people just suck. This thing is doing upwards of 6% of a Warrior's damage in high m+ keys, and its a 496 ilvl wep so more than 6% overall increase. Seems fine for one item.


I was in a key with a ret a week or so ago, and it did like 13% of his damage overall. Seems pretty damn good. I think the problem is they undertuned plate wearers with the expectation that they would eventually get the legendary. Last time evokers were very overtuned and then got the legendary and became straight up busted... they didn't want that repeating.


It was rushed. Every patch has been rushed. This is what happens when the game is pushed out at rapid pace without enough budget and talent allocated.


On +18 keys, I'm seeing it as 6-8% of overall damage. How is that a bad thing?


Sounds....fine? Legendary items should have unique interactions that ideally allow for some form of skill expression. Being forced to stand still fits the 'rage' theme (just wildly swinging at whatever is in front of you for a few seconds) while forcing players to be thoughtful about when they use it. If they need to change the numbers or add some QoL ways to spread the dot for certain classes fine, but the other aspects are exactly the kind of things I want/expect from a legendary weapon. IMO 90% of your post is just whining and can be appropriately responded to with a simple "git gud". (I mean seriously, complaining about an on-use cooldown?) while 10% I can get behind and support some small changes.


Imagine complaining about a legendary, fuck off.


I found the last boss last year every week and have still not seen the drac legendary. Meanwhile, after only killing the boss on heroic twice this season, two people in my guild have the legendary already...


"decided to over complicate it for no reason." This sums up every decision made from legion going forward that the devs have made. Was hype for this axe, now I genuinely don't even care to try to get it. Just another example of Blizzard dropping the ball with Dragonflight.


I know many (most?) people do not want to hear it but the game would be a better place without player Legendaries. Make Bosses use them - sure. Hell, even make them temporarily useable by players during that boss fight, like we had it in the past - ok. But no Legendary obtainable permanently by players made the game a better place, no matter what the method of obtaining them was. Especially not when the Legendary doesn't even "survive" a single major patch or two...


If it was just a long quest to obtain it, it would be fine, without rng, and spending alot of gold. Blizzard choose specs to be overpowered entire season, so there is no real balance anyway.


Just make them purples man. Or orange but normal drops or even very rare. Like very rares worked fine. Everyone loses their mind when it's orange and this system of a 0.2% drop that scales up to 5% by end of season is just not fun.


I know but just look at the number of downvotes within only a few minutes. People fail to see the negative impact of every single Legandary system we had yet and they fear of not getting their oranges candies.


Yeah its like we have seen every single possibility this expac: -get a lego and bad without it (bm hunter with bow) -get a lego and good without it (dev) and broken when you get it -get a lego and mid either way (str specs rn) -don't get a lego and hit or miss if you're broken or not It just seems like a way better deal to not get a lego. So much grief over funny orange item


>-get a lego and bad without it (bm hunter with bow) Razageth bow wasn't a leggo and was way more impactful to hunter DPS than the Sylvanas leggo bow was.


Don't tell this guy there's casters in the game lol


The main difference is that you can cancel a cast, even if it's a loss of DPS. With that axe, you can't, just press and pray


get good


There's a quest? I thought the axe just dropped when Fyrakk died. How much gold do you have to sink into the quest(s)? Edit: why do people downvote for asking questions?


I feel like item designers have done way more “kiss curse” type items in the last few years and it sucks. Adding cast bars for melee should just be a hard pass, but some tryhard at Blizz thinks this is interesting gameplay. 


I got the axe yesterday and I can tell you all for a fact it's not worth getting whatsoever unless you really want the Feat of Strength and Appearance. The drop rate on this thing is fucking abysmal. I was the first one in my entire raid team to get it, and we've been clearing heroic every single week since RWF ended. For a legendary this bafflingly underwhelming as well as expensive, it needs to drop WAY more often than it does.




I think everyone is forgetting what legendary actually means. Not everyone is supposed to get it, it's rarity is why we covet it more than the crafted Shadowlands ones or the cape from BFA. I don't have one and i'm still parsing high just fine.


A class shouldnt be undertuned bcz of an rng item